Automated workstation of neurologist doctor program. Automated workstation for a doctor and a nurse in a polyclinic

Program intended for conducting medical records in an outpatient setting.

Year: 2011
Version: 4.2.02
Developer: Leybasoft
Platform: Windows XP SP2 or higher
Vista Compatibility: complete
System requirements:
- processor: P-III (Celeron 1.5 GHz) or higher
- RAM: 512 MB (min 256 MB) and higher (recommended)
- HDD space: 100 MB or more (depending on the growth rate of the database file size)
- administrator rights (only for installing software and server settings)
Interface language: only Russian
Tablet: Not required
The size: 172 Mb

It was written to help fellow doctors who are obliged to do the impossible in the shortest possible time: draw up an outpatient card according to all the rules, listen carefully to the patient, comprehend what has been said and prescribe an adequate examination and treatment.

The program is technically a two-tier client-server ("thick" client). Firebird RDBMS is used as a server, which allows multi-user access to data and use of the application in the local network. Access to data is strictly regulated depending on the group under which the user logs into the database (in a word, everyone will "see" only the data that he is allowed to "look" at).

Add. Information: Previous release of the program (version 4.1.08)

What's new in this version:

1. Along with the multi-user version (using a full-fledged server, which requires separate installation and configuration) added the so-called. portable version (single-user, containing a built-in server that does not require configuration). The portable version allows the doctor to keep the program + server + his database on an ordinary flash drive or usb-shnom HDD. It is very convenient if you want to work with the database at work and at home, moreover, if there is absolutely no desire to delve into the intricacies of database administration.

2. Added the ability to enter some data in the Latin alphabet (at the request of colleagues from abroad)

3. In some places the interface has been improved (the connection window in the multiplayer version now has three display modes) + implemented numerous "goodies" and "convenience", obvious bugs are fixed

4. Added HTML help format in addition to the existing chm format

For details, see the help and website ...

Since this version is only for work urologist-andrologist, the author invites colleagues of gynecologists, dermatovenerologists, therapists, neuropathologists and others to cooperate. to expand similar functionality in the program. Constructive comments on the content and usability of this version are also welcome.

How to contribute to further development softwares
1. We look at the program interface
2. We catch the logic of work and the relationship between the marked interface elements and the generated data
3. We send in a personal or on the author's soap the complaints / symptoms combined by the same logic and the corresponding "typical" description of complaints / symptoms found in domestic (or "near-foreign") medical documentation (naturally, in the specialty that you want to see in program). Here you can add what other templates (stat. Stamps and other products of the life of bureaucrats from medicine) you can add.

AWP polyclinic for Altai Territory is an information system for doctors. It has a wide functionality, and it is designed to facilitate the work of entering and processing patient data. The abbreviation translates as Automated workplace doctor.

AWP "Polyclinic" 1.0 - The program "Polyclinic" is designed to maintain a database of the population attached to the polyclinic with the ability to select and edit the list of patients at the address of residence, the possibility of dispensary registration of patients and registration of vaccinations of patients, etc.

See also information about. Is this a substitute for paper documentation?

This program is used by almost all healthcare institutions in the Altai Territory. In connection with optimization, to date, medical extras are being cut, whose duties included the maintenance of medical computer records and statistics. Their function and responsibilities were shifted to doctors, in connection with which the latter are hastily mastering the basics of computer literacy. Considering that most of the medical personnel in clinics and hospitals are people of pre-retirement and retirement age, you can imagine that this process is far from painless.

Below is an instruction "How to use the AWP polyclinic program" specifically for doctors and nurses. Compiled on the example of a dental appointment.

Learn how to enter a ticket into the computer, how to score a stat ticket.

Arm polyclinic - working with the program

Entering statistics coupons

  1. Login - user "User",
  2. Double click on the icon "Workstation polyclinic"
  3. AWPs -\u003e Medical facilities
  4. Authorization. We translate the keyboard to english by simultaneously pressing the SHIFT and ALT keys. We enter the password "dentistry". Ok button or Enter key.
  5. Reception -\u003e Reception of patients:
  6. We change the date of entering coupons and look for our surname in the list of "Staff units":

  7. We translate into Russian - again SHIFT + ALT and in the window that opens, put the cursor on any surname and start typing your surname. Select (marked in blue) -\u003e "Save" button
  8. Double-click on the last name of the patient whose coupon they decided to drive:

  9. Press the button "Enter stats in the coupon":
  10. Double click under "Diagnosis"

  11. Enter the diagnosis code in the "Diagnosis" column,
    - code medical services - "visit",
    - the nature of the disease - acute, for the first time hron or known. earlier chron.,
    - medical examination, if any,
    - visit status - "primary" or "repeated" (if in doubt, view the help CTRL + F3),
    click the "Save" button.

  12. Add a second diagnosis. In the window for entering the patient's statistics, press the F2 key and repeat step 11.
  13. To enter a methodology, double-click under the item "Completed methods"
  14. We mark the list of services. The amount must match the statistic. Close button
  15. If the technique is performed several times (eg, fillings of 3 channels). We mark the method, highlight it in blue and right-click -\u003e select "assign 3 services"

  16. Save! Save button.We close the windows.
  17. We enter the following coupon. See item 8.


  1. When entering the diagnosis Z01.2, we mark only the visit status. He is always Primary. In the patient's card, we mark the purpose of the visit - “target professional examination”.
  2. Entering a new ticket - F2 key. Select the "Insurance" tab - enter SNILS -\u003e go to the patient's card. Further actions from point 10.
  3. Report - how many UETs per day: Reports -\u003e Report on the work of doctors -\u003e Work of dentists:

- We put the number from 08/09/2016 to 08/09/2016,
- a check mark opposite “include. patients with health insurance policy per Acre "

How to add a new coupon to the AWP polyclinic

If the patient came without a coupon, and medical assistance was provided to him, for example, by acute pain or an inspection was carried out, then you can add a new coupon, bypassing the registry, as follows:

You can also print the instructions using the "Print" button under this article, but it is even more convenient to use the cheat sheet in Word format and when printed it looks better. (docx)

This document is a user's guide software regional segment of the unified state information system in the field of health care (hereinafter RMIS), designed to automate the work of medical personnel of medical institutions. The user manual is intended for the automated work of the doctor general practice.

Application area

The module "Events" is used to automate activities medical organizationsproviding preventive care in outpatient setting... The module is designed to manage patient flows and personalized accounting of the provided medical care.

Brief description of features

The workstation of a general practitioner is designed to perform the following functions:

  • providing services to the patient;

User training level

To work in the system, the user must have basic skills in working with a personal computer and an Internet browser (Internet browser).

Purpose and conditions of use

Automated functions

The module is designed to automate the clinical examination of the adult population. Allows you to provide services to patients, form a conclusion

Hardware and software system requirements

The workplace must meet the requirements presented in Table 1.
Table 1 - Software and hardware system requirements

Preparation for work

System startup

  • start your Internet browser;
  • enter the application URL into the address bar of your browser. Wait for the login page to load.

After establishing a connection to the system, the user authorization page opens in accordance with Figure 1.

Figure 1 - User authorization page
To log in, follow these steps:

  • in the "Username" field, enter the username (login);
  • enter the password in the "Password" field;
  • click the "Login" button.

If you are not registered in the system, contact your administrator. After registration, your login and password will be sent to your email address.
In case of successful authorization, the main window of the system opens in accordance with Figure 2. Otherwise, an authorization error message appears in accordance with Figure 3.
In case of an authorization error, re-enter the authorization data, taking into account the case and keyboard layout.

Figure 2 - The main window of the system

Figure 3 - Authorization error message

System health check

The software is operational if, as a result of the user's actions described in section 3, the page of the main window of the system is loaded without displaying error messages to the user.

Description of operations


In the module "Clinical examination of the adult population" the functions of a doctor are:

  • providing services to the patient;
  • viewing a list of patient services;
  • the formation of the final results of clinical examination.

Conditions for performing operations

To successfully complete operations, you must launch the application and log in in accordance with section 3 of this manual.

Basic actions

To get started, you need to log in to RMIS. In the navigation menu for the modules, select "Clinical examination of the adult population":

Figure 4 - Module "Clinical examination of the adult population"
After logging in, the main page of the module will open, where the list of events available in the system is displayed on the left side of the window in accordance with Figure 5, and on the right side - the list of patients of the selected event in accordance with section 4.3.2.

Figure 5 - Working panel of GP

Section "Patients"

The "Patients" section is represented by a filter for searching for patients and a list of medical examination cards for the selected event.
The list displays the patient's code, the patient's full name, year of birth, start and end dates of the clinical examination, the percentage of services provided to the patient from among those assigned when selecting or adding a patient.
The block of functional buttons contains the following buttons:

  • more button according to Figure 6:

Figure 6 - Me buttons "More"

  • button "Add patient" - when you click on the button, a modal window will open for searching by the entered full name from the database in accordance with Figure 7:

Figure 7 - Form for adding a patient
After selection, the patient is added to the list of events and a patient's medical examination card is created. You cannot add a patient to the same appointment again; the system displays a corresponding message.

  • button "Change appointments" - when you click on the button, a window will open with the ability to change the assigned services to the patient:

Figure 8 - Form of change of assignments
By default, services are assigned according to the patient's model, but before receiving consent to undergo medical examination, their list can be changed. This applies, for example, for cases when a patient with benefits is added to an event, and the list of services must be assigned based on the closest age specified in a regulatory order, etc. After obtaining consent, changing the list of services will not be available;

  • button "EHC" - switch to the "EHC" module in RMIS in case of patient service. The button is available if a case has been generated for the patient (after the first service has been provided):

Figure 9 - Service case in EHC

  • "Scheduling" button - pressing the button opens a list for choosing manual or automatic scheduling. With automatic scheduling, the selected patients are distributed evenly within the duration of the event.

Important! For clinical examination of the adult population, the selected patients are distributed evenly over 12 months .
For manual scheduling, enter the planned date for the selected patient;

  • button "Consent" - calls a modal window, in which the date of the patient's consent to undergo medical examination is recorded in accordance with Figure 14. After saving the consent, the patient is assigned services and it is no longer possible to change their list (on the "Change appointments" form);

Figure 10 - Form "Consent"

  • "Refuse" button - calls a modal window, in which full or partial refusal of services is recorded:

Figure 11 - Form "Refusal"
Important! Removing the checkbox from the "Partially refuse" field does not remove the selection from the list of services (checkbox);

  • button "Questionnaire" - calls the form for the provision of questioning services in accordance with Figure 12:

Figure 12 - Form "Questionnaire"
Not available until consent is obtained;

  • button "Anthropometry" - calls up the form of rendering anthropometry service in accordance with Figure 13:

Figure 13 - "Anthropometry" service form
Not available until consent is obtained and a survey service is provided;

  • button "Go to CP" - go to the module "Patients" in the patient's card;
  • "Card" button - the button opens the patient's clinical examination card. Available if the patient's consent is obtained and the services of questioning and anthropometry are provided. Description of the form in section 4.3.2;
  • "Reports" button - clicking on the button opens a list of reports:

Figure 14 - Menu of the button "Reports"

Clinical examination card

The form "Card of medical examination" in accordance with Figure 15 can be conditionally divided into several parts:

Figure 15 - Form "Card of medical examination"

  • block "Patient card" - contains basic data on the patient. Non-editable information, inherited from the "Patient card" in RMIS;
  • tab "Diagnoses" - a tab for entering the patient's diagnoses, established during clinical examination;
  • block "Service results" - contains a list of services assigned to the patient as part of the clinical examination. Detailed description block see section;
  • block "Summary of diagnoses" - in the summary of diagnoses the diagnoses set on the “Appointment of the therapist” tab are displayed;
  • “Appointment of a therapist” tab - a tab for recording the results of the event;
  • tab "Risk factors" - tabs for fixing the parameters of the patient's health status;
  • "Conclusion" tab - the main final data on the patient's clinical examination are recorded;
  • tab "Reports" -
  • the "Directions" tab -

Tab "Diagnoses"

The form is presented in the form of a table for creating, deleting and editing patient diagnoses in accordance with Figure 16:

Figure 16 - Tab "Diagnoses"
When filling out the parameters of the diagnosis, you should indicate the service for which the diagnosis was made, the ICD-10 diagnosis code, indicate the nature of the disease and the type of diagnosis:

Figure 17 - Form for adding a diagnosis
After saving the form, the diagnosis will appear in the list on the "Diagnoses" tab, as well as in the "Summary of diagnoses" block.

Service Results Form

The "Service Results" form includes a table with a list of services grouped by statuses: "Refused", "Provided", "Assigned" (if the case is not closed), "Provided earlier":

Figure 18 - Form "Results of services"
The following functional buttons are available for all services:

Figure 19 - Result of services provided

  • "Expand" button - opens services and their values;
  • "Minimize" button - minimizes all services;
  • "Search" button - when you click on the service, a hint appears in accordance with Figure 20. "Search" button when you press the "Enter" button on the keyboard.

Figure 20 - Tooltips for function buttons
The service search window opens. If the service is not found, it can be created by setting the "Create such service" flag:

Figure 21 - Service search
Service search (create) form fields:

Figure 22 - Service editing form

Figure 23 - Deleting a service
If, when rendering a service, a parameter is entered that goes beyond the limits of the norm for this service, then the service or the corresponding parameter is colored red:

Figure 24 - Highlighting a parameter that is outside the norm

Block "Summary of diagnoses"

In a set of diagnoses both the diagnoses set in the “Appointment of the therapist” tab and the diagnoses are displayed, entered on the "Diagnoses" tab.
When a diagnosis is made through the "Diagnoses" tab or at the reception of a therapist, the diagnosis enters the arch, depending on the specified nature of the disease, and the date of its establishment is also displayed. If several diagnoses are entered that are included in the same period of the set and their dates differ, then the first date is set.

Figure 25 - Summary of diagnoses
Important! The set of diagnoses is associated with the parameters of the services provided. When the service parameters go beyond the normative boundaries (configured in "Settings"\u003e "Service parameters"), the corresponding line of the summary is highlighted in red. When you hover over a line, a message is displayed containing the name of the service and the normative boundaries of the parameter that is out of the norm:

Figure 26 - Diagnosis highlight and justification conclusion
Diagnoses in the summary can be edited using the "Edit" button:

Figure 27 - Diagnosis editing form

Therapist appointment tab

Figure 28 - Entering the examination service of a therapist
On the tab, you must fill in the required fields:

  • field "Resource" - a directory of resources for organizing the event. Limited by the resources providing the selected service;
  • field "Date of provision" - calendar for entering the date of service provision;
  • field "Main diagnosis";
  • field "Nature of the disease".

After the inspection in the group of fields below the flags indicate the necessary data. After filling in the fields, the form must be saved.
The data entered on the form can be edited in the block "Service results"\u003e "Provided"\u003e "Appointment (examination) of a general practitioner", press the "Insert" button on the keyboard:

Figure 29 - Editing the "Appointment of a therapist" service
This will open a form in accordance with Figure 22.

Risk Factors Tab

The patient's risk factors are recorded on the form, some of which are filled in automatically based on the results of the services provided, including questionnaires:

Figure 30 - Tab "Risk factors"
Fill in the required fields and specify the values \u200b\u200bfrom the drop-down list. Click on the "Save" button. If necessary, you can make changes using the "Change" button.

Conclusion Tab

The form records the main final data on the patient's clinical examination:

Figure 31 - Making an opinion
Here you can assign a health group to the patient and, if necessary, indicate the directions, or D-registration. The form is presented as a set of fields for filling:

  • field "Date of opening" - not editable field, generated automatically by the date of the survey service;
  • the "Closing date" field is a non-editable field, set automatically by the date of the therapist's service. To save, you need to open the form in edit mode and confirm the set value;
  • the field "Health group" - is indicated according to the results of the medical examination.

Reports tab

By going to the "Reports" tab, you can generate reports on the event. There are two buttons on the tab: "Therapist's examination" and "Service results", when you click on the button, a corresponding report is generated.

Figure 32 - Form of generating reports
The report "Examination by a physician" includes the definition of a group of health conditions, a group dispensary observation, conducting a brief preventive counseling:

Figure 33 - Report "Examination by a general practitioner"
The report "Results of services rendered" displays only the patient's rendered services:

Figure 34 - Report "Results of services rendered"
The reports generated in this way can be printed and signed.

Printout of the medical examination report

After the doctor has entered all the necessary data about the patient, you need to return to the list of patients using the "Esc" button on the keyboard, or the "Back" button in the patient's card, or by clicking on the "List of events" link.
Next, you need to call the report "131 / o. Information about the prophylactic medical examination of certain groups of the adult population (36AN) ”. This can be done by clicking the "Reports" button above the list of patients, or by clicking the button in the upper right corner:

Figure 35 - Calling reports
A window will open in which all the fields are already automatically filled in, but are available for editing if changes are required:

Figure 36 - Form for generating the report “131 / o. Information on clinical examination of certain groups of the adult population (36AN) "
After filling in all the fields, click on the "Generate report" button. The generated report is displayed in a separate browser tab, which can then be printed and signed.

Final steps

After finishing work in the system, click the “Exit” button in the upper right corner of the screen in accordance with Figure 37. Close the Internet browser window and turn off the computer.

Figure 37 - Logout button

Emergency situations

In the event of a hardware failure, the restoration of the normal operation of the system should be carried out after rebooting the operating system.
In case of incorrect user actions, incorrect formats or invalid values \u200b\u200bof the input data, the system displays the corresponding messages to the user, after which it returns to the operating state preceding the invalid (invalid) command or incorrect data entry.

To successfully master it, you must have PC skills, and also study this user manual.
Before starting work, you must launch the application and go through authorization.

List of designations

Table 2 - List of designations



List of abbreviations

Table 3 - List of abbreviations



medical institution

medical diagnostic complex

international classifier of diseases

mobile medical teams

medical organization

all-Russian classifier of medical services

regional medical information system

personal Computer

full Name

data processing center

List of terms

Table 4 - List of terms


URL (Universal Resource Locator)

A standardized way to record the address of a resource on the Internet

Granting a certain person or group of persons the rights to perform certain actions, as well as the process of checking (confirming) these rights when trying to perform these actions


Software and Hardware Maintenance Specialist

A graphical user interface element that allows switching between several predefined sets of interface elements in one application window, when there are several available, and only one of them can be shown in the window space allocated for them

Internet browser, Internet browser

Software for querying, processing, rendering web pages and moving from one page to another

Name (identifier) \u200b\u200bof the user account in the computer system

Functionally completed fragment of the program (system)

A graphical interface element into which you can enter text. The field can be active (text input function is available) and inactive (text input function is not available)


Computer programs, procedures and possibly related documentation and data related to the operation of the computer system

Service prototype

Service from the OKMU directory

An object that takes part in the provision of a certain service

The type of relationship for the provision of medical care, regulated by an agreement (contract for the provision of medical services), created on the basis of services from the OKMU


Technology and services provided by it for sending and receiving electronic mail messages over a computer network

  • No tags

Fig. 60. Form "Call a doctor at home"

To save a new call, press the button "width \u003d" 72 "height \u003d" 24 "\u003e.

After saving, the newly created call will be added to the table of records "Household calls".

3. AWP "Polyclinic doctor"

The automated workstation of the doctor of the polyclinic of a medical and preventive institution allows you to keep a personalized record of visits and services rendered. Provides quick access to medical records of patients registered in the document management system, and makes it possible to write a prescription, referral, work with updated medical reference books.

Main functions Workstation "Polyclinic Doctor":

· Viewing the lists of patients who have made an appointment, making an appointment and receiving information about the patient from the registration database;

· Access to medical records of outpatient patients and outpatient visit tickets;

· An extract of prescriptions (DLO, on forms of strict reporting and ordinary);

· Formation of directions;

· An extract of directions, printing of directions (form No. 000 / u-04 by Order 255);

· Access to medical reference books (MBK-10, Medicines, INN, etc.);

· Access to dispensary observation cards. "width \u003d" 304 height \u003d 287 "height \u003d" 287 "\u003e

Fig. 62. "Doctor's Choice" form

A quick search for a doctor in the database is carried out when filling out the field "Doctor's code", it is also possible to search by field "Surname"... Clicking the button will bring up the table of records window "Doctors" to select a doctor from the entry table (Fig. 63):

Fig. 63. Table of records "Doctors"

To select a specific doctor, just double-click on the required entry, or by highlighting the right doctor to push Ctrl+ Enter... Working with the record table window (filter on / off, search, and so on) is described in more detail in paragraphs 1.4–1.10.

The choice of a doctor is saved in this session of the program, allowing the program to select data from the database for the selected doctor.

Working with the record table windows (filter on / off, search, creating a new record, etc.) is described in more detail in the sections of this Guide.

3.2. Operation "View Schedule"

Operation "View Schedule" is intended for viewing and adjusting the doctor's clock grid. To view the schedule, click on the name of the operation "View Schedule" in the area of \u200b\u200boperations (Fig. 64).

Fig. 64. Selecting the operation "Scheduling"

A window appears in the workspace of the Program Schedule View.

In this window, the Program provides you with the ability to view and edit the schedule of the current doctor (Fig. 65).

Fig. 65. General form the "Schedule View" window

This form provides a standard set of actions for scheduling.

In addition, this window allows you to change the current recording status. Double-click the right mouse button on the entry with the status “ Primary reception"(Lilac highlight)," Repeated reception "(pink highlight) or" Initial reception "(red), a context menu will appear (Fig. 66):

Fig. 66. Context menu of recording with the status "Primary reception"

By selecting the item "Call the patient", you will change the recording status to “The patient is called” (dark green), which will be reflected in the schedule grid (Fig. 67).

Fig. 67. Record status "The patient is called"

By re-referring to the context menu (Fig. 66) and selecting the "Start reception" item (Fig. 68), you can switch the recording to the "Patient at reception" state (white color) (Fig. 69).

Fig. 68. Context menu of the recording with the status "The patient is called"

Fig. 69. Status of the record "Patient on the premise"

Finally, by calling the context menu of the “white” record, we can end the reception by selecting the “End reception” item (Fig. 70).

Fig. 70. Context menu of the appointment with the status "Patient at appointment"

In this case, the entry will assume the status “Patient appointment is over” and will be highlighted in blue (Fig. 71).

Fig. 71. Record status "Patient admission ended"

Using the context menu of the appointment (Fig. 66), namely, the context menu item "Make an appointment", you can register the patient for next take, the context menu items "MCAB" and "TAP" respectively allow you to view the patient's MCAB and TAP.

3.3. Operation "Appointment appointments"

Operation "Appointments to the doctor" is intended for recording and viewing registered patients for a specific date and time. To view the appointments, click on the name of the operation "Appointments to the doctor" in the area of \u200b\u200boperations (Fig. 72).

Fig. 72. Selecting the operation "Appointment with the doctor"

The form appears in the workspace of the Program "Quick Record" (Fig. 73): "width \u003d" 223 "height \u003d" 348 src \u003d "\u003e

Fig. 74. Selecting the operation "Statement of directions"

a table of records appears in the workspace of the Program "Direction"(Fig. 75).

Fig. 75. Table of records "Direction"

In this table you can find the required direction, view it or edit it..gif "width \u003d" 23 "height \u003d" 22 src \u003d "\u003e ( "Add new entry").

The form will appear on the screen "Direction"(Fig. 76): "width \u003d" 532 "height \u003d" 394 "\u003e

Fig. 77. "Report" window of print direction preview

Working with the record table windows (filter on / off, search, creating a new record, etc.) is described in more detail in the sections of this Guide.

3.5. Research referral

To form research directions, you need to use the operation "Study"... When selecting this operation by clicking on the name of the operation "Study" in the area of \u200b\u200boperations (Fig. 78): "width \u003d" 374 height \u003d 151 "height \u003d" 151 "\u003e

Fig. 79. Table of records "Research"

In this table you can find the required direction for research, view it or edit it. To view the direction for research, select the required direction in the table and click the icon ) on the icon bar of the table of records window. To create a new direction for research, select the icon ( "Add new entry").

The form will appear on the screen "Referral for research"(Fig. 84): "width \u003d" 608 "height \u003d" 448 "\u003e

Fig. 81. Window "Report" of print preview of the direction for research

Working with the record table windows (filter on / off, search, creating a new record, etc.) is described in more detail in the sections of this Guide.

3.6. Working with medical records

To get started with medical records patients choose surgery "Medical card"(Fig. 82) .

Fig. 82. Selecting the operation "Medical card"

As a result, the table of records "MKAB" will open (Fig. 83).

Fig. 83. Table of records "Medical card of an outpatient patient"

You can read more about working with medical records in section 2.1. - 2.2, working with windows of tables of records (filter on / off, search, creation of a new record, and so on) is discussed in the sections of this Manual.

3.7. Working with coupons for outpatient patients

To start working with coupons for outpatient patients, select an operation "Outpatient coupon" (Fig. 84).

Fig. 84. Selecting the operation "Outpatient coupon"

A window will appear with a list of TAPs related to the current (selected) doctor (Fig. 85).

Fig. 85. Table of records "Outpatient coupon"

To display full list coupons, click the button on the records control panel (for more details on how filters work, see section 1.10)

Working with coupons for outpatient visits is described in detail in Section 2.3, working with the windows of tables of records (filter on / off, search, creating a new record, and so on) is discussed in the sections of this Guide.

3.8. Operation "House call"

To issue a doctor's home call, select the “Home doctor's call” operation (Fig. 86).

Fig. 86. Selecting the operation "Calls at home"

The Doctor's Home Call records table appears, containing the records of the home calls made by the current doctor.

Fig. 87. Table of records "Doctor's home call"

Working with calls is described in detail in Section 2.5, working with windows of tables of records (filter on / off, search, creation of a new record, etc.) is discussed in the sections of this Guide.

3.9. Operation "Dispensary observation"

To generate dispensary registration cards, as well as to see the accounting of dispensary visits, you need to use the operation "Dispensary observation"(Fig. 88). "width \u003d" 325 height \u003d 274 "height \u003d" 274 "\u003e

Fig. 89. Table of records "Direction"

In this table you can find the required dispensary registration card, view it or edit it. To view the dispensary registration card, select the required dispensary registration card in the table and click the icon ("Edit Current Entry") on the icon bar of the table of records window. To create a new card of dispensary accounting, select the icon ( "Add new entry"), after you click on the "Add new entry" button, the "Add a dispensary patient" window will appear on the screen (Fig. 90):

Fig. 90. Window "Adding a dispensary patient"

The "Adding a dispensary patient" window has two tabs (Fig. 90) "Dispensary registration card" and "Dispensary visits". Fields of the tab "Card of dispensary registration" (Fig. 90) are filled in general information about the patient, the tab "Dispensary visits" stores information about the patient's dispensary visits (Fig. 91).

Fig. 91. Tab "Dispensary visits"

After filling in the form fields to save the dispensary registration card, you need to press the button at the bottom of the form.

Working with the record table windows (filter on / off, search, creating a new record, etc.) is described in more detail in the sections of this Guide.

4. AWS "OrgMethodKabinet"

Automated workplace "OrgMethodKabinet" designed to automate the organizational activities of the head of the department of the polyclinic.

Main functions of AWP "OrgMethodKabinet":

· Scheduling of doctors' work;

· Maintenance and registration of medical personnel;

· Maintenance of doctors' sites;

· Maintenance of offices and departments of the polyclinic.

Fig. 92. General view of AWS "OrgMethodKabinet"

As you can see in the figure of the operations panel located in the left part of the program window, the following operations are available: "Scheduling doctors", "Site", " Medical staff"," Branch "," Cabinet ".

4.1. Scheduling doctors

In order to start working with the doctors' schedule, you need to click on the operation "Scheduling doctors" (Fig. 93) in the operation area. "alt \u003d" (! LANG: Callout 3: 4" width="541" height="228 src=">!}
.gif "width \u003d" 130 height \u003d 105 "height \u003d" 105 "\u003e

Fig. 95. Criteria for the selection of doctors

There are four criteria available:

· Departments;

· Offices;

· Plots;

· Without a filter

By selecting one of the criteria in the table below, a list of departments, offices, sections will be displayed. (Fig. 96).

Fig. 96. List of branches

After selecting a department, office or area, on the right in the list of doctors (2) (Fig. 94), the doctors assigned to it will be displayed. The Doctors List allows you to select one or more doctors to view the schedule. To do this, you need to check or uncheck the box next to the corresponding surname (Fig. 97).

Fig. 97. Viewing the schedule of two doctors at the same time

The schedule area is used to view and create a schedule of doctor's appointments.

To create a grid, first select a date in the calendar (3) (Fig..gif "width \u003d" 139 height \u003d 40 "height \u003d" 40 "\u003e on the doctor's panel and in the list that opens, select" Generator "(then the schedule will be created only for this doctor) (Fig. 98).

Fig. 98. Drop-down menu of the "Create schedule" button

After that, the "New schedule" window will open (Fig. 99). "width \u003d" 76 "height \u003d" 23 src \u003d "\u003e. In the schedule grid (4) (Fig. 94) the created schedule is displayed green (Fig. 100).

Fig. 100. Window "New schedule"

You can also create an individual breakdown for the doctor. Click the button in the "Schedule Wizard" window, an additional area will open (Fig. 101). It is necessary to set the intervals for the doctor's appointment.

Fig. 101. Window "Schedule wizard" with an open additional area

For example, you need to create the following schedule for a doctor: working hours from 9 to 18, one appointment lasts 20 minutes, a break from 13 to 14, and the right to record from 9 to 18 will be have a doctor, and from 14 to 18 - a registry, as well as patients using an infomat for recording. To do this, we need to create two intervals. Enter 09:00 in the beginning of the interval, the end of the interval is 13:00, the time of one appointment is 20, and give the doctor access rights to record by checking the box Doctor and click /image181.gif "width \u003d" 65 "height \u003d" 23 "\u003e. Two lines will be displayed in the table" Added schedule intervals "(Fig. 102).

Fig. 102. "Added schedule intervals" table

Click the button "width \u003d" 330 "height \u003d" 412 "\u003e

Fig. 103. Window "New schedule"

The program allows you to copy the schedule from one date to another date..jpg "width \u003d" 272 "height \u003d" 127 "\u003e

Fig. 104. Drop-down menus of the "Copy schedule" button

The "Schedule copy" window will open (Figure 105). "width \u003d" 196 "height \u003d" 36 "\u003e or for a period of time ... In the list below, select the doctors for whom the schedule will be copied. If you are copying from date to date, then it is enough to select the date from which we copy the schedule in the "Date - source" calendar, and the date on which the schedule is copied in the "Date - destination" calendar.

If you are copying a time period, you must select a time period in the "Period - source" calendar. To do this, select the start date of the period and, holding down the "Shift" key, the end date of the period. In the "Date - destination" calendar, only the date is indicated - the beginning of the period to which the copying is carried out.

After the dates or periods of copying are set, press the button

The program also allows you to copy the schedule between doctors. To do this, click the arrow located on the button and in the appeared list (Fig. 104) select "Copy from doctor to doctor".

The “Copying schedule from one doctor to another” window will open (Fig. 106). "width \u003d" 35 height \u003d 36 "height \u003d" 36 "\u003e to the left of it. The doctor will move to the" Whose copy "field. Now in the list “Selected doctors” mark one or several doctors for whom the copying will be performed, and click the button to the right of the list, after which the selected doctors will move to the “For whom we are copying” field (Fig. 107).

Fig. 107. Choosing a doctor

Now select the date or period you want to copy and the date to copy to and click the button.

To assign a vacation or a day off for the doctor, press the arrow on the button (Fig. 98). "width \u003d" 371 "height \u003d" 247 "\u003e

Fig. 109. Display of non-working days

The program allows you to delete the schedule for the date, as well as for the period for the specified doctor. To delete for a period, click the arrow on the button and in the appeared list select "Delete schedule for the period" (Fig. 110).

Fig. 110. Drop-down menu of the "Delete schedules" button

In the window that opens, specify the period for which you want to delete the schedule (Fig. 111).

Fig. 111. Window "Delete doctor's schedule"

If you need to delete a schedule for a date, then click the button without opening the drop-down menu, having previously selected the date in the calendar (3) (Fig. 94). Then a window will appear asking for confirmation of deleting the schedule for the specified date.

Fig. 112. Window with a request to confirm deletion of a schedule for a date

4.2. Working with polyclinic sites

The program allows you to process the table of polyclinic sites - create a new site, assign the territory, doctors, and so on. When choosing an operation "Plot" (Mistake! Reference source not found.)

in the workspace of the Program, a table of segment records appears (Fig. 113). "width \u003d" 23 "height \u003d" 22 "\u003e. A window will appear "Doctor's site"(Fig. 114). "width \u003d" 224 "height \u003d" 249 src \u003d "\u003e

Fig. 115. Selecting the operation "Doctors"

When you select an operation in the workspace of the Program, a table of records appears "Medical staff" (Fig. 116). "width \u003d" 23 "height \u003d" 22 "\u003e. A form for adding a new employee of the health care institution will appear (Fig. 117).

Fig. 117. Form for adding an employee of a medical facility

If this employee is a doctor, check the box "This employee is a doctor". To make an employee available in the schedule, you must check the box "Available in the schedule".

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