I somehow determine that the person has tuberculosis. How to determine tuberculosis at home according to symptoms? Further development of the disease

Any flower descendant, appreciated the whole luxury of the blooming hibiscus, will certainly want to grow up such an unusual plant. Despite the fact that the birthplace of this flower are the tropics and subtropics, it is not considered an excessive attracted to the conditions of its content. One of the most simple ways The reproduction of this exot is shilling. What nuances should be considered, intending to grow a wonderful hibiscus from the cutter?

When is it better to breed?

The drawing is considered the only method of reproducing hibiscus, which can be used at any time of the year. Even if the plant stays in the rest phase, its cuttings are perfectly rooted, when creating favorable conditions.

At the same time, experienced flowers recommend using this method from April to August, when the flower is actively developing and grows. The best month for drawing in this regard is May. At this time, the resources of the plants are maximally mobilized, and exchange processes proceed most intensively. In the aggregate, all these factors determine the good survival and rooting of cuttings.

If you carry out shifting in the winter, the rooting process will occur slightly slower.This is primarily due to the fact that for this period a short light day is characterized, as a result of which the planting material will not be able to obtain a sufficient number of lighting.

To compensate for the shortage of light, rooting cuttings are shoved by phytolampa or fluorescent lamps.

In addition, rooting the cuttings in winter, it is necessary to provide them with suitable temperature conditions. If the room is cool, the rooting process will slow down significantly.

Not every room hibiscus comes to get cuttings. To get a healthy and viable planting material, the donor plant must comply with such requirements:

  • suitable age;
  • well-developed crown;
  • lack of diseases and traces of damage to pests.

Hibiscuses with a poorly developed crown are also considered not the most suitable donors. If the plant to a certain age failed to increase sufficient green mass, it can talk about its weakness and insufficient reproduction potential.

The mandatory requirement that the Hibiscus protrudes must necessarily correspond to the donor - absolute health. Sick plants and plants, recently transferred any disease, not use to obtain cuttings. It is also not allowed to use as donors and hibiscus victims of pest invasions. In these cases, plants first need to treat carefully and provide them with the opportunity to fully recover.

One of the indisputable advantages of the reproduction of hibiscus cuttings is that this method allows you to preserve all the varietal properties of the plant. This means that if, for example, the flower desires will decide to multiply a vaporly voynlar hibiscus with terry flowers, it will get young plants from the landing material with the same characteristics as the source.

Among other advantages of the design of the flower design, the fact that, with this method, plants are obtained with a well-developed root system. This result is rarely possible to achieve, for example, growing hibiscus from seeds.


The results of the gibission breeding method are largely dependent on how correctly preparation was carried out. At the preparatory stage, increased attention is paid to both the landing material and so as a subsidiary component: the choice of tanks, cooking or buying a soil.

Planting material

To obtain cuttings with high sensitive potential, a strong and healthy donor plant with a well-developed crown is chosen. It is desirable that at this time hibiscus did not bloom. Experienced rabbing recommended cutting cuttings after the plant completely blends.

For cutting, you must prepare sharp and clean scissors, a secateur or scalpel. Then, on the plant, it is necessary to find a young and strong escape from a slightly apparent stem. The shoot length should be about 15-18 centimeters, while it should be at least three intersals. Intetosses call intervals on the stems located between the fastening of the leaves.

The selected escape is cut off by the defect, after which the bottom leaves are removed from it. The upper leaves are cut half to reduce the loss of evaporated moisture. The tip of the escape is shortened by cutting it at right angles. Thus, the stalk will have a slant cut from below and straight cut from above.

After trimming, the cuttings are placed low part In a glass with a solution of root growth stimulator. The most popular flower breeding drug used in these purposes is "corneser".


The container in which it is planned to root the planting material should be transparent. As such a container, you can use plastic containers. Very comfortable are containers with a lid.

Dummy dimensions depend on the size and number of cuttings.It is best to use spacious containers suitable for both length and width and depth. It should be borne in mind that the presence of free space is very important for Chinese roses - both for the aboveground part and for the roots. So that the root system of the exotion can be able to fully develop, the cuttings after rooting must be transplanted into a separate pot.

Before laying drainage and soil, the container should be treated with a solution of manganese or boiling water if the material of the dishes allows it to be carried out. It is also required to control the drainage holes for removing water at the bottom of the tank.


For the normal development of the root system with hibiscus cuttings, loose and light soil, rich in micro and macroelements, are required. These requirements are quite consistent with the soils prepared from the garden land, peat and coarse river sand. Also, flower products often use a simple mixture of peat ground and sphagnum. Often, rooting is carried out in ordinary pure sand.

It is possible to use and sufficiently loose fertile soils cooked from a turf and leaf land, coarse sand and humus. The proportions of the components in this mixture are 4: 3: 1: 1, respectively.

How to root?

To root the hibiscus cuttings at home can be in several ways. In one case, the planting material is planting in containers with soil, in the other - just put in a glass with water. If in the period of rooting period to provide cuttings optimal conditions (the required temperature, air humidity, light, protection against drafts), then in a very soon of time they will begin to actively form the root system.

Another way provides for rooting cuttings in special pills from pressed peat.These tablets contain a complex of important nutrientsnecessary to a young plant at the initial stages of development.

In primer

To roighten the planting material in the ground, it is necessary to put on the bottom of the landing container of the drainage layer. Further, the capacity is filled with the prepared soil, which is recommended in advance to be treated with a solution of manganese or simply shed boiling water.

The stalk, which before that was in the solution of the root growth stimulator, are plugged into soil for a couple of centimeters. It is allowed to have cuttings at a low angle. After landing, watering produce and closed the capacitance with a lid, which will prevent the evaporation of moisture.

Instead of the lid, you can put a plastic bag on the container, following it, so that it does not fit the cuttings. In most cases, flower products use banks and cropped plastic bottles that cover the planting material.

Regularly the cuttings should be tired and water. On the need for another irrigation can be guessing on the dried surface of the soil. It is important that in the period of rooting indoors and improvised greenhouses, the temperature was maintained at + 23-24 °.

You can not allow condensate condensation on the inner walls of cans, bottles or packages.If this happened, moisture should be shaken or wiped out with a dry clean cloth. Otherwise, condensate can lead to reinforcement of planting material.

The formation of roots with this breeding method usually occurs within one and a half months. Next, the rooted cuttings can be searched on separate pots.

In water

This method allows you to grow a full-fledged plant from the process with a minimum of labor costs. To do this, a drug that stimulates the formation of the roots ("corneser") is breeding in an opaque glass with estate water ("corneser"), and a chopped pill is added activated coal. Exterminated coal will displaced water and protect the lower cutting cut from rotting.

From above the glass is covered plastic bottlewhich will prevent the evaporation of moisture and provide permanent temperature air. Regularly the cap is removed and rooted roofing cuttings. As you evaporate into the glass, the freshly resistant water is fed.

In the period of rooting, the cuttings should receive a sufficient amount of lighting. For this, a glass with landing material is placed on the windowsill, pre-defending the plant from direct sunlight.

For light shading, they use a newspaper, a curtain or a special film.

The formation of roots in this method of reproduction occurs within a month. When the root length reaches 5-6 centimeters, the plant is transplanted into a separate pot with a nutritious and loose soil.

In peat tablets

In order to root the cuttings in a peat tablet, you will need a small glass. A little drainage falls asleep on its bottom, put the tablet on top and fill with water. When the tablet is spinning, the cuttings are gently put in it, blocking its lower end to a couple of centimeters. Pre-boarding material is kept in the solution of the stimulator of the root formation.

From above, a glass with a cutken is covered with a transparent cap made of a plastic bottle. As the tablet drying, water is regularly poured into a glass.

Selecting one or another method of reproduction of hibiscuses with stalling should be taken into account that the least reliable is the method providing for the root germination in water. According to flowers, in plants, whose rooting occurred in the substrate or peat, the root system is characterized by higher strength and endurance. When rooting in water, the lengthened young roots do not meet any obstacles on their way, as a result of which they become fragile and vulnerable.


After rooting, young hibiscus is placed in a well-lit place (on the windowsill, heated balcony), while eliminating the hitting on its leaves of direct sunlight. Moderate scattered light is most comfortable for these gentle expects.

Considering that hibiscus is always drawn towards the Sun, the pot with a plant should be regularly turned. This will allow Krone to develop evenly and proportionally.

Temperature mode

Tropical origin determines the increased requirements of hibiscus to the temperature regime. Best of all, these exotes feel at a stable air temperature around 21 ° in summer and 15 ° in winter. Temperature drops, cooling and drafts are destructive for these plants, as they cause a sharp decline in their immunity and, as a result, the development of diseases.

Sufficient humidity

Tropics and subtropics - zones in which increased humidity constantly reigns. It is necessary and rooting cuttings, and young, and adult plants. In order for Hibiscus to feel comfortable, it requires regular spraying. When carrying out this procedure, it is important to ensure that the water does not hit the forming buds and flowers. Provide a permanent air humidity will allow household humidifiers, as well as wide water tanks installed near the pots.

Hibiscus (Chinese Rose) is a high beautiful plant with large bright blossoms of different colors. Beautiful flower is loved among experienced gardeners and just lovers. It is not worse in care and cultivation, and these are the main qualities of the rapid and unimpeded growth of the plant.

How blooms Chinese rose

The Chinese rose (room) is quite popular among the flower water, not only due to easy maintenance, but also because of beautiful flowers. They please their inflorescence short time, just two to three days. But on the bush constantly appear new drop-down buds, one by one. Therefore, it seems that hibiscus blooms long. But this is provided that this bush is full and healthy. Photo of chinese rose, made during flowering period, amazing spectacle.

The color gamut plants can be red and white, purple and orange, also one bud is capable of combining two palettes. Nowadays, specialized stores offer low grades of hibiscus (hybrids of Dutch species).

Growing Chinese Roses at Home - Transplant Stage

The main rules of growing Chinese roses at home is its transplant and reproduction. The young plant is transplanted in the spring in the prepared ground. Flower loves fertilizer.

What is mixed for nutritional land:

  • turf soil (4 kg);
  • deciduous soil (3 kg);
  • humid soil (1 kg);
  • sand (1 kg).

In the container in which Hibiscus will be planted, laid the drainage layer. Flower fast-growing, therefore a plant transplantation may be required several times a year. Young shoots cut off. Already the "adult" Chinese rose is not disturbed by transplants, but simply remove the top layer of the soil and replace it into nutritious.

The process of growing is the reproduction of the Chinese rose with cuttings

All plants have several breeding methods.

How can you diligence hibiscus:

  • with the help of seeds;
  • by dividing the bush;
  • grains;

Most often, cuttings are used as a planting material. They are able to quickly produce roots and grow. The reproduction of the Chinese rose with cuttings is not difficult process.

On any summer you need to cut the top of a young escape. It is important that at least two interstices be on the landing material.

The cuttings need to be treated with a stimulant of growth and roof into a container with prepared soil. In the soil you can add peat and humus.

It is better if the transplanted cuttings will grow in a warm temperature mode (minimum 22 degrees, maximum - 25). Thirty days later, the young escape is completely rooted.

Podrelka for the Chinese rose

Chinese rose (room) is very responsive to fertilizers. Feed the plant only in the warm season: in spring or summer. In the cold time, Hibiscus easily costs without additional nutrients. Fertilizers are made once every two weeks.

For feeding of indoor flowers there is a mass of complex "powers". They are better acquired in flower shops.

The composition of fertilizers should include elements:

  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen.

For the full growth of Chinese roses, you need to feed her horse system, with a frequency once a month. All fertilizers are better breeding in warm water. Also, substances containing nitrogen are worth spraying the green plants. It is impossible to make the solution to fall on the flowers of hibiscus, it can lead to the appearance of spots on them.

It is not worth "throwing" or "unprumber" fertilizer flower, as the plant can perish. It is because of this that the leaves are yellowing from the Chinese rose. Gradually, the whole greens will fall.

What to do when yellow casting from chinese roses

If yellow specks began to be seen on the leaves of hibiscus - this means that the plant has undergone disease. Over time, the whole greens will begin to spin and dry, as a result it will fall and flower will die.

Experienced flowers know that the best struggle against flower diseases is prevention. For this it costs once a month to treat Chinese rose to disinfecting agents.

Required Care for the Chinese Rose

Care for the Chinese rose is required at a young age and during flowering. These two stages will provide a healthy growth of a beautiful plant.

Care of the transplanted cutlets is the formation of the crown. As soon as the planting material is completely rooted and began to intensively gain a height of it to be quenched. Only in this case, the Chinese rose will grow lush and blooming.

Care for hibiscus during flowering period:

  • ensuring a sufficient amount of sunlight (but not direct rays on the leaves of the plant);
  • tillage tillage;
  • watering with warm water;
  • spraying.

As a fertilizer, you can use a weak sweet syrup of your own cooking. This requires one teaspoon of sugar and 250 grams of warm fluid. Ingredients mix to complete solubility.

In the summer, when there comes a strong heat, Hibiscus (Chinese Rose) is desirable to bring to the balcony. Place it in such angle, where there is no direct sunlight, but there is a good daylight. These conditions will provide abundant flowering.

Chinese rose is a "Vankorleb plant". Watering in the summer should be carried out often. You can every day - in the morning and evening. Also the flower is worth exposing spraying.

Beneficially on the growth and flowering of Chinese rose affects the trimming of shoots. It is necessary to inspect the bush and determine the weak branches. They are cut first, to leave only the shoot of a long two centimeter from the kidneys with leaves. Also construct the crown, for the decorativeness of the flower. If it is properly trimmed, the plant will be lush and formed.

Diseases of the Chinese rose

Not correct care The Chinese rose may entail the appearance of diseases.

The most common diseases of the Chinese rose:

  • fungal infection;
  • web tick;
  • filter.

Symptoms of fungal infection: the blackening of the leaves and the foaming of buds. To avoid this disease, you do not need to moisten the soil, also prevent drafts and a sharp temperature drop.

The wave and felt are spread during dry air and irregular watering.

Signals about chinese rose

Each flower dealer heard many will take about Chinese rose. Many of them are negative, although there are also positive.

Signs of Chinese Rose:

  • the cultivation of a flower in the house where the family lives, will bring quarrels between husband and wife;
  • if the unplanned plant pleased with bloom, the troubles are coming soon;
  • without explicit reasons, the leaves fell - it is worth waiting for the disease of one of the family members;
  • abundant bloom of hibiscus in the dwelling of the unmarried girl, promises about the emergency meeting with the cavalier.

Chinese Hibiscus (Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis), another Chinese Rose, is the most popular in the following flower species of the kind of gibiscus of the Malvian family. The genus of hibiscus combines about 200 species, but the rose is most popular in culture in culture. The birthplace of such a plant is the northern part of Indochina and South China. It was from there that the flower spread over the tropical and subtropical regions of the planet Earth. Such a plant was so fond of flowerfish and gardeners, which for example, in Malaysia it is considered one of the symbols of the country, and it is also depicted there on coins. By the way, it is called Bungaray there. In those places where climatic conditions are not suitable for cultivating such a flower in the garden, it is grown in room conditions or in greenhouses.

  1. Bloom. It begins in the spring time and ends with the onset of autumn.
  2. Light. May grow in a shaded place, as well as with bright, but scattered light.
  3. Temperature mode. In the summer, from 18 to 20 degrees, and in the winter months - not colder than 15 degrees.
  4. . It should be carried out after the upper layer of the soil in a depth of 20 to 30 mm is dry.
  5. . It should be high. Specialists advise, in the spring-summer period systematically moisturize the flower from the spray gun.
  6. Fertilizer. Regular feeders are carried out in April-September with a periodicity of 1 time in a half months, while it is recommended to alternate the organic with complex mineral fertilizer. If in winter the bush continues to bloom, it is fed by potash-phosphoric fertilizer, while taking a part of the recommended dosage.
  7. . In the spring time before the start of the bootonization.
  8. Period of rest. He is not expressed brightly.
  9. Transfer. While the bush is young to transplanted it regularly once a year. More adult plants (starting from five years) transplanted less often, or rather, 1 time in 3 or 4 years.
  10. Reproduction. Seed method and shilling out.
  12. Diseases. Chlorosis, root rot, bacterial spottedness, bright rot, viruses of bronze leaves and ring spot.

The indoor Chinese rose, which is still referred to as room hibiscus is a small evergreen tree or a shrub, whose height in greenhouse conditions can reach about 300 cm, and at home - up to 200 cm. Externally foliage is similar to birch leaves, it is a glossy smooth dark green color, An extended oval form, corrugated, and on the edge of the gear. During flowering, the bush decorate spectacular single flowers. First, narrow boutons are formed, which, after disclosure, become terry or simple flowers in shape similar to the wide cups reaching 8-14 centimeters in the diameter. The color of flowers depending on the variety can be yellow, pink, white or red. After disclosure, the flower fades 1-2 days later, but if the plant ensure good care, then its flowering can last from the beginning of spring and to deep autumn. Room hibiscus At home, if desired, you can cultivate as a strambed tree.

This culture is not only a decorative plant. In those countries where it is found in wild conditions, its flowers are used to make paint for food products and hair, from her young shoots are prepared salads, and its dry fruits are part of famous medicinal teas, for example: Sudanese rose, carcade, hibiscus tea, etc.

In inexperienced flower flowers, a seed method of reproduction of perennial flowers is not very popular, they are more likely to multiply such plants vegetatively, as it is faster and effective method. However, the Chinese rose refers to those plants that are easily multiplied with seed, and stinginess. The fact is that hibiscus seeds are distinguished by a very high germination, and crops do not need special care, so growing such a rose from the seed really very simple. It should also be considered that the seed material of such a plant remains chassis for 6 years.

Sewing seeds spend in last days February. Shortly before sowing, the seed material is immersed in a solution of manganese potassium of pink color, after which it is rinsed well under the jet of water. After that, it is placed in a solution to a solution that stimulates growth (zircon, epina or fumara), while watching it just slightly covered seeds, otherwise, due to the lack of oxygen, the embryos may die. Next, the seed material is folded into the moisturized gauze for germination, do not forget to provide him with systematic ventilation. So that the seeds are proceeded, they will need a large amount of heat and moisture. In this regard, after they are placed in a wet gauze, they are put in a package of polyethylene, in which there are several holes, through them the air will flow to seeds. After the sprouts seem, and as a rule, this happens about the third day, the seeds are planted into separate plastic cups with a volume of 0.5-1 liter. They are filled with a substrate consisting of peat, sand and wood ash. Make sure that the main root of the seedlings during growth was not wriggled and not bend. The seeds falling asleep with a thin layer of soil, and the tanks are covered with paper (film).

In order to prevent the black leg, shoots shed a weak solution of Fundazola. As of the same goals, providing a temperate watering rapidians. So that they grow well and develop, they will need a large number of scattered light, be sure to protect seedlings from the direct rays of the Sun.


Chinese hibiscus must be put in a well-lit place near the window, but at the same time make sure that the straight rays of the sun do not fall. If the bush will feel the shortage of sunlight, then it may not bloom. In the spring-summer period, when warm on the street, the flower is advised to transfer to fresh air, do not forget to provide it to protect against drafts and scorching sunlight.

Temperature mode

In the summer, Hibiscus grows perfectly at a temperature of from 18 to 25 degrees and above. In the winter months, make sure that the room is not colder than 15 degrees, if the air temperature drops to 10 degrees, then the bush can reset the whole foliage.

This flower requires high humidity. In this regard, in the warm season, it must be systematically and quite often moisturize from the spray gun. Also spray the bush follows and during warm wintering. In some cases, it is recommended and a warm shower, which will help to wash off all the dust and dirt from the foliage, and even get rid of pawless ticks. However, make sure that the moisture does not hit the boutons and flowers, since because of this, spots are formed on their surface, and they fly away. In order to constantly maintain high air humidity, it is necessary to pour a clamzite or pebble into the pallet and pour out some water, make sure that the bottom of the tank does not come into contact with the liquid.

To rose grew well and bloom, it needs to be right. For watering, use well-defined room temperature water. This procedure is carried out only after the upper layer of the substrate will dry by 20-30 mm.


The feeders are held in April-September 2 times a month. This is recommended to use fertilizer for blooming. indoor plants Either you can alternately enter the body and complex mineral fertilizer. In winter, it is performed only when there are flowers on a bush, for this use potash-phosphoric fertilizer (1/4 of the dose recommended by the manufacturer).

Crop Hibiscus follows in spring time shortly before the transplantation, while it should not be buds and flowers. Thanks to the trimming, it is possible to force the plant to bloom before the deadline, and it also forms a larger number of blooming shoots, and the Kostik himself will become very thick and spectacular. During trimming, cut those shoots that stretched out, dried or barred, while the remaining shortening on the ½ part. The sections of the sections should be missed by the Garden War, so that of them do not tek juice. Cut shoots can be good cuttings from which new bushes can be raised.

In order to rejuvenate an adult bush, all of his shoots must be cut off at an altitude of 15 centimeters, but make sure that there are at least one kidney on each segment. After young shoots begin to grow actively, it will be necessary to cut all the weaknesses, while only the strongest and fully healthy branches should remain. In the summer, the bush is cut off once again, as a result, flower kidneys will be formed on the disgraced shoots only in September. But the lush flowering of a rejuvenated bush will continue until the spring itself.

Properly selected landing capacity should be slightly close. If you choose an overly big pot, then the rose will begin to actively build up greens and shoots to the detriment of flowering. During the transplant, it should be borne in mind that the new capacity should be in the diameter only 20-30 mm more than the old one.

If the bush is still young, then he needs systematic transplants that are held 1 time per year. But after the plant will be 5 years old, it is started to transplan much less often, or rather, 1 time in 3 or 4 years. The old hibiscuses do not need to replant, but they will need to replace the upper layer of soil in a pot of 20-30 mm every year.

For landing and transplants, plugs are used, which includes sheet, ferry and humus, and also sand (2: 2: 1: 1). To transplanting young copies to the substrate, you still need to add 2 parts of peat soil. To prevent the liquid stagnation in the root system, at the bottom of the landing capacity it is necessary to make a good drainage layer, for this you can use pieces of bricks, ceramzite or cleaners of ceramics. In order to protect the root root system from damage, the transplant must be carried out by transshipment.

Chinese hibiscus has a pronounced rest period. However, if you need to break the bush to rest, it can be introduced into the state of rest, it is reduced by watering to the desired minimum, but do it gradually. After all the leafy plates break out from the plants, it is necessary to carry out a rejuvenating trimming, while each Escape is shortened to 15 centimeters. Then the bush for winter is cleaned into the shaded and cold (from 10 to 12 degrees). Watering should be rare, while the substrate surface must be closed with a paper bag or a mat, which will allow to remain humid more for a long time. With the onset of spring, the bush is transferred to a well-lit place (the light should be scattered), after which they begin to gradually increase the abundance and frequency of irrigation to the necessary norm, it contributes to the stimulation of the growth of new shoots.

It has already been said that the Chinese rose can be quite easy to propagate the seed method. It can also be done with stalling. For example, you can use those shoots that were cut off with a bush during spring trimming. Sections of sections are subjected to processing to a means that stimulates the growth of the roots (heteroacexin or Cornenenvin), then the cuttings for rooting are placed in a glass with water or planted in a soil consisting of peat and sand, and from above are covered with a transparent glass of glass. Roots should appear 20-30 days later. When this happens, the cuttings are planted into the soil, according to the composition suitable for Chinese hibiscus, and also spend their september, thanks to which bushes will grow more lush and branches. After about 2 months after landing, when the cuttings come true, flowers may appear.

Also, the rose can be propagated and the top cuttings, which must be 2 or 3 interstices. Their billet is carried out in July or August.

Pests and Diseases of Chinese Roses

Most often, the Chinese rose suffers from such harmful insects as aphids, trips and springs. As a rule, they settle on those bushes that were weakened by improper departure, and most frequent cause The appearance of pests is an overly low air humidity in the room.

The bush-affected by pests should be started to systematically moisturize from the sprayer, using well-spled room temperature for this. Also, do not forget to put a pot on a wet clay, fastened to the pallet. If there are not very many insects, then the bush spray 2 times with a break in a half-seater with the infusion of bitter pepper, which is mixed with a small amount of liquid soap. In the event that the pests on the flower are very much, it will have to make it a solution of the accuters (per 1 liter of water 15 drops of the drug) .. As a rule, foliage replaces its color to yellow when chlorosis appears, which develops due to the fact that in water For watering contains a lot of chlorine and calcium. To save the bush, watering should be carried out only well-standing water, while it will need to add iron chelate (the required dosage must be specified in the instructions for the drug).

  • Foliage yellow due to overflow. If it is used for watering well-defined non-fat water, but the foliage on the rose becomes yellow, then this may be due to the fact that the substrate is constantly stirred by liquid. If the yellowed leaves are not very much, then it is possible to correct the situation with a cutting of irrigation, and it is better to replace it with moisturizing a bush from the spray. If there is a massive yellowing of foliage, then it is necessary to transplant a bush as soon as possible in a fresh substrate. During the transplant, carefully inspect the roots of the bush and cut all those on which there is a rot.
  • Foliage yellowing due to scarce lighting. If the Kushist lacks light for normal growth and development, it can also massively start yellowing and flipping the leaf plates. Sometimes there is a real leavefall. There are other reasons why leaves from hibiscus can become yellow.
  • Flipping foliage. Fit sheet plates can not only due to lack of light, but also due to sharp change of temperatures or from draft. To save the bush, it is enough to start to care for the plant correctly and provide him with all the necessary conditions for normal development and growth. However, if you sold only a few leaves, you don't need to worry about it because it is normal for deciduous trees.
  • Rose dries. If the bush receives a sufficient amount of fluid, but its foliage dry out, then it may be its reaction to the permutation to another place. Fall leaves can also have a bush that has undergone low temperatures. In this case, he will need time to warm up and come back.
  • Withering bush. As a rule, this is due to the fact that the chisture lacks water. It can also happen with a recently transplanted bush, which has not yet had time to take care. It still happens to rotting the roots. In this case, remove the flower from the pot, remove the residues of the soil from its root system and immerse it in a weak solution of manganese potassium for 30 minutes. The treated plant is planted into a new non-very large pot, which fill with a light soil (in the appropriate for hibiscus it is necessary to pour vermiculite). If everything is done correctly and in a timely manner, then maybe you will get to save the flower.
  • No blossom. The rose may not bloom for several reasons, but the most frequent of them is the reconstruction of the plant with nitrogen, especially if the bush is absolutely healthy and has fur lying. Blossom may also be absent due to scarce lighting, with an insufficiently abundant watering during intensive growth, and even due to wintering in an overly warm place. In order for the Chinese Rose to bloom, it is necessary to correct all the errors available in the care, and still eliminate all the listed causes.
  • Since the Chinese rose is of great popularity in flower water, there are many different rumors and incredible storieswho are more like fiction. Some of these nonplets are mutually exclusive, for example, in one source it is said that this flower is "clouded" and it can cause a speedy divorce of spouses, and in another source, on the contrary, they advise you to buy this plant with a lonely woman, because it attracts in House of men. There are those who call Hibiscus "Flower of Death", they claim that if the bush begins to bloom untouched, it is a harbinger of early death close man either a relative of the host plant. If the massade of foliage begins, then this is a sign that very soon someone from households will very much sick.

    Interesting the fact that all these superstitions and signs associated with the Chinese rose exist only in Russia, in the other countries it is considered simply a very spectacular decorative plant.

    Where you can keep a Chinese rose in the house

    According to Feng Shui, the Chinese rose can not be treated at home, because it is capable of absorbing energy. If you want to decorate your home hibiscus, then only you decide, believe it or not. As an option, the flower can be put in the living room, where it will look very attractive, and also be able to clean the air from harmful substances. And the least suitable for him is a bedroom and a children's room.

    There are many superstitions and legends that belong to the Chinese Rosana. It is believed that he is a symbol of health in the house where it grows. According to one version, he absorbs all evil and attracts men to a woman, and on the other - quite the opposite.

    The Chinese room rose is a high beautiful plant with large bright colors of a diverse shade. This beautiful flower love both professional flowerflowers, and lovers. To care for him is simply, the plant is undemanding to care and conditions, and these are the basic guarantees of the speedy and smooth growth of the flower.

    Description and characteristics

    Hibiscus, or Chinese Rose - this shrub, more like a small tree. Despite the fact that no kinship with an ordinary rose Hibiscus does not have the external similarity with it, the leaves are determined in the form of a teeth, similar to a slightly enlarged rose leaflets, and beautiful flowers resembling a rosehip during flowering period.

    • Rose flowers are large, presented in different colorThey are distinguished by their surrounding pestle and stamens that are in the middle of large wide open petals, form one long rod that goes beyond the borders of the petals.
    • Bucket is decorative. Bright dark green leaflets cover the entire top of the plant, which looks like a small strabr.

    In natural conditions, the rose can grow to four meters in height, and at home this indicator is slightly lower. The highest height of the plant at home rarely exceeds one and a half meters.

    But wide branches and a well-developed root system require enough space, because of this, the plant is often grown in barrels by placing them on the floor.

    How to care for a plant at home

    For those who want to make a wonderful plant at home, but does not have experience in caring for domestic flowers, the Chinese rose is perfect. The flower is unpretentious, so the care of the Chinese rose at home will not be a lot of work.

    The plant can be planted in a half-door, where there are drops of temperature and draft. It will not perish, even if it does not water for some time.

    Lichnis: right landing on the open soilGrowing

    To rose not just lived, but also delivered joy with its bright colors, you need to follow a few simple rules:

    Hydrangea Miscellaneous Grandflower: landing and care

    You should not feed the hibiscus fertilizers containing nitrogen, he does not like it.

    Transplant and cropping

    Young specimens need to transplant annually. Before you need to prepare the soil in which the plant will be transplanted. To do this, mix in a pot of 2 parts of the earth from the garden, one part of the sand and as much peat.

    For transplanting already adult plants, the ground is used heavier. When Hibiscus is three years old, it can be resettled every two or three years, and you can not transplanted at all.

    A trimming forming flower is performed every year, only after that hibiscus will delight the owner with beautiful bloom.

    Immediately after flowering the end of the shoots, it is necessary to cut, then the side processes will develop on which new buds will be formed.

    It should be borne in mind that the flowers appear only on young processes, because of this, everyone does not cut off the Escape timely - minus one flower during flowering.

    Early spring is required to discharge all the processes and the young too. However, pruning is carried out throughout the year, it does not at all harm the plant.

    The processes growing in parallel to the main barrel, and shoots that appear from the branches and grow inside the plant, it is necessary to cut. Only subject to these conditions can be obtained abundant flowering.

    Reproduction of home hibiscus

    The Chinese rose reproduction occurs both seeds and process. But rose breeding seeds for beginner - pretty difficult process. This method is laborious and more suitable for professionals and breeders.

    Hibiscus breeding with the help of processes there are indisputable advantages:

    1. This technique allows you to maintain all the varietal characteristics of the parent plant.
    2. This is especially important for an amateur: while taking the breeding period of flowering occurs already in the year of planting.

    Breeding seeds

    Seeds are best sowing from the last decade of January to the second decade of March. Before planting seeds into the ground, they must be kept in a special solution. For landing it is necessary to prepare the soil consisting of peat and sand.

    Landing and proper care for hydrangea in open ground

    After landing, the container is required to cover with glass or transparent film for the formation of greenhouse conditions. It is necessary to maintain the temperature not lower than 25-27 degrees.

    It must be remembered that the greenhouse needs to regularly venture and spray the land with seeds.

    When the sprouts appear in 2-3 sheets, they must be transplanted into a separate container. Chinese rose grown from seeds will bloom only for the third year.

    Sensitive method

    Rose breeding can be multiple process. So that the cuttings give roots, they must be placed in water or land. For rooting in water, a separate water container will be required. It put an outflow and covered with a cap, a can or a plastic bottle. It is necessary to increase moisture.

    The roots of the processes will give about a month. How the roots will appear, the process is required to transplant to the ground containing a large amount of peat. You can pour a stalk with a special composition for rooting.

    In order for the process to root directly in the ground, a mixture will be required, which consists of large sand and peat. It is necessary to remove all leaflets from the process, except for the top pair.

    Because of not very good, the Chinese rose will not grow more often in apartments, but in offices of various institutions. Believe notes are not worth it, because the focus of foliage or unexpected bloom can be caused by improper flower leaving.

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