How antidepressants act on the nervous system. Antidepressants: what is it? Classification, properties and action

The ideological basis of the work of doctors and psychologists is the principle "Do no harm!". The ambiguous effect of antidepressants on the human body and possible side effects are known and are always taken into account by the attending physician when prescribing a particular drug to a patient.

The doctor’s goal is to eliminate the disease, therefore, in any case, an antidepressant is prescribed if there are indications for its use, while the doctor is repelled by the idea that the benefit of the drug will undoubtedly be greater than the possible damage to the body.

The problem is that it is impossible to know for sure how the human body will react to one or another antidepressant in advance. It sometimes takes several months to choose the right remedy for the patient and not a single attempt to replace the medicine.

However, to date, antidepressant drugs remain main means of struggle with diseases such as:

  • depression,
  • bipolar disorder,
  • dysthymia,
  • anxiety disorder
  • panic attacks,
  • post-traumatic syndrome
  • phobias
  • bulimia and anorexia,
  • severe pains of an unexplained nature and other diseases.

The harder the psychological problem and the more it is “launched”, the more likely it is that the help of a psychologist alone will not be enough. The problem will turn into a disease, and the client will become a patient who already psychiatrist will prescribe a course of taking antidepressants.

Maybe if our society were culturally developed to such an extent that people strive to solve their psychological problems as soon as they arise, and not reaching the pen, antidepressants would not be needed. Indeed, most serious mental problems are the result of the growth or accumulation of a huge number of smaller and seemingly frivolous psychological problems, as well as an elementary absence psychological culture personality!

According to statistics 10% people in developed countries buy antidepressants just to improve their mood. But low mood is not such a big problem, so as not to cope with it yourself! To solve it, you do not need to run for pills, it is better to try to understand yourself, help yourself. But to people easier drink a “magic pill” rather than look for the cause of low mood, eliminate it and resort to a more natural and useful way uplifting.

Someone will say: “I don’t have time to understand myself and have fun! A lot of work, children, debts, worries and so on! ” Without denying the negative impact of the accelerated rhythm of life, poor ecology, negative labor factors and other negative phenomena of life in the modern world, I still want to note that work on yourself (mainly consisting in timely solving internal problems) - the key to psychological well-being and health, and therefore happiness! And what could be more important than that ?!

Everyone wants to be happy, therefore, seeks to bring as many “attributes” of happiness into her life as possible (to get married, get a high post, get rich, make the body perfect, and so on). But while practicing form, many forget about content: getting married does not mean becoming a happy wife, getting the desired position - being realized in a profession, losing weight - loving yourself and so on. The content of life consists of thoughts, desires, intentions, actions of a person, his worldview, attitude to the world and to himself. The external world of man, by and large, is determined by the internal.

Taking antidepressants is last resort. You need to do everything possible, that is, help yourself independently (change thoughts, habits, worldview) and seek help from specialists(psychologists, psychotherapists) to reduce the likelihood of an extreme condition ( mental disorder or pathology), when it is impossible to help yourself otherwise than with pills.

Moreover, held relatively recently, in 2012, research showed that even the most advanced, related to the new, fourth generation, antidepressants are not as effective as previously thought. Moreover, scientists have come to the conclusion that side effects when taking these drugs can exceed the potential benefits!

Unfortunately, many modern standards of treatment do more harm than good to a person and contradict the principle of "Do no harm!"

As Ilf and Petrov wrote in their novel The Twelve Chairs: "The salvation of drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves!" This principle applies to the treatment of depression, and not only because modern medicine far from perfect, but because no one can help a person if he does not want to help yourself!

The principle of action of antidepressants

To understand how antidepressants affect the body, you need to study the principles of the brain. For a person who is not familiar with the anatomy and physiology of higher nervous activity, this will not be easy. But main postulates you can understand:

Most often, the “culprit” of depression is precisely insufficient serotonin. It is interesting that scientists found this substance as ancient as the world not only in the human body, but also in plants, mushrooms, fruits, and in animals.

In particular, studies conducted on laboratory animals have shown that only 5% of serotonin is found in the brain, a little more in the blood, and the main part in the intestines! This explains why people get pleasure from food (especially from products containing a large "dose" of serotonin, such as bananas and chocolate), and some develop a dependence on a certain kind of product!

In general, the production of serotonin is determined by the central nervous system.

The important thing is that when the "neurotransmitters" carrying happiness in the brain for some reason become smaller than expected, that is not enough, the work of the nervous system is disrupted. Hence the bad mood, apathy, depression, unfounded fears and other problems.

Antidepressants - These are chemical drugs that prevent the breakdown of neurotransmitters in the human brain. In simple terms, antidepressants do the work that the brain normally needs to do on its own. They do this in order to restore balance and harmony to the body.

Here lies the main problem. If you accustom your brain to the fact that there is an artificial alternative to natural neurotransmitters, you can develop a dependence on antidepressants. Helping antidepressants can be a disservice if taken incorrectly.

Modern antidepressants successfully eliminate the symptoms of depression and related mental disorders. If the medicine is chosen correctly, balance, energy, and the ability to enjoy life both during and after taking the medicine return to the person.

But it often happens that after discontinuation of the drug, relapse, that is, the return of all the symptoms of the disease and even the deterioration of the patient’s well-being.

Symptoms of withdrawal of antidepressants are similar to withdrawal symptoms in a drug addict. Their totality was called withdrawal antidepressant syndrome.This is drowsiness, and aches throughout the body, and a headache, and all the same feeling of hopelessness and terrifying anxiety.

It is very important that the doctor selects not only the right antidepressant, but also accurately determines the dose and the duration of its use!

Today, doctors are trying to prescribe only a short and sparing course of treatment with antidepressants (including a single dose), and they are canceled gradually within six months after the main course of treatment, so that the body gradually weaned from outside help and got used to working on its own.

If you take antidepressants for too long, addiction can occur. Antidepressant Dependence similar to narcotic. The body gets used to antidepressants and becomes unable to maintain homeostasis without them. Getting rid of this addiction is very difficult.

In pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, of course, not a single strong antidepressant is released, but some mild antidepressants are sold, mainly on a plant basis. It is these drugs that are most often resorted to by people who want to quickly get rid of a heavy mood, anxiety and just excitement, while not consulting a doctor.

OTC antidepressants seem harmless, but even such drugs should be used with caution, they can also be addictive! Always before use, you must carefully read the instructions and do not exceed the permissible rate of medication!

Self-medication and taking too long antidepressants (including those prescribed by a doctor) can cause irreparable harm to human health.

Side effects

When a person begins to take an antidepressant appropriate for him, he feels much better, anxiety, panic, apathy, insomnia, suicidal thoughts and other symptoms of depression or other mental disorders go away.

But at the same time, such antidepressant side effectsas:

Even such an effective, natural, time-tested and experimentally dispensed drug in a pharmacy as hypericum tincturehas a number of side effects, such as:

  • fullness of the stomach
  • constipation,
  • nausea,
  • flatulence,
  • dizziness,
  • headache,
  • fatigue,
  • photosensitization ( hypersensitivity to the light).

You can imagine what the consequences will be if you use an antidepressant longer and more than necessary!

For example, it was found that if normally, when taking an antidepressant in a person, only a decrease in libido can be observed, then in case of an overdose, damage and death of reproductive cells begins.

In addition to side effects, natural, over-the-counter and doctor-prescribed antidepressants have a number of contraindications and are incompatible with some other drugs. These points are also important to consider.

A pill or a dummy?

Side effects and the risk factor for dependence on antidepressants have worried scientists ever since these drugs began to be used in the middle of the last century.

American and British scientists conducted many experiments and experiments in order to find a solution to the problem "how to treat people from depression without harm to their own health?"

The following conclusion is most interesting: the effectiveness of antidepressant and placebo almost the same!

This information also “surfaced” and was confirmed several years ago when in the USA a group of scientists demanded that the organization controlling the production of licensed drugs provide access to all published and unpublished (!) Studies of the effectiveness of antidepressants.

Analysis of published materials showed that antidepressants are 94% more effective than placebo. When unpublished materials were added to published ones, this indicator decreased only in half of the cases ( 50% ) the antidepressant was more effective than a placebo.

Today in the UK, the difference between a placebo and a real medicine is considered so insignificant that in most cases people are given a “dummy”! Antidepressants are prescribed only in very severe cases.

Placebo from Latin it is translated as “I will be pleased - I will like it”. This substance is without healing properties (most often lactose) used as a medicine. Therapeutic effect such a “dummy” is due by faith the patient's effectiveness of the drug.

The conclusion is simple: main component any medicine must be a person’s faith in their recovery!

An alternative drug treatment Depressions and other similar diseases are psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, as well as simple joys and life values: walks in the fresh air, sports, good nutrition, healthy sleep, travel, study, hobby, friendship, love, altruism.

Myosin protein molecules walk along the actin filament, dragging an endorphin ball into the inner part of the parietal cortex (precuneus), which is responsible for happiness.

Have you ever taken antidepressants (including over-the-counter drugs like Novo-Passit or Negrustin)?

It has long been known that antidepressants are far from safe. The treatment of depression still happens by trial and error, and it is the patients who pay for the progress of science. As is often the case with drugs, a lot depends on the individual sensitivity of the patient.

In some people, a certain type of antidepressant causes serious side effects, while for others, these drugs are almost completely harmless. Worst of all, when antidepressants not only do not treat depression, but also exacerbate it.

Scientists have well studied various antidepressants. Side effects, according to statistics, occur in about 40% of people taking this type of drug. The two most unpleasant of them - weight gain and libido disorder - are experienced by people hard and often cause refusal of treatment.

Other common negative side effects of antidepressants include:

  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth
  • muscle weakness;
  • tremor of limbs;
  • headaches;
  • daytime sleepiness.

The mechanism of action on the body

It is generally accepted that antidepressants work by increasing levels in the brain of a special group of chemicals called neurotransmitters. According to modern science, depression is caused precisely by a lack of these substances. Some neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, may improve emotional condition human, although this process is still not fully understood. Increased levels of neutron transmitters can also prevent pain signals from reaching the brain. Therefore, some antidepressants are quite effective painkillers.

Do not help how to be

To treat depression, the doctor may first prescribe the lowest possible dosage. Usually, the beneficial effect of the drugs is felt two to three weeks after the start of administration. It is important not to stop taking antidepressants, even if the patient has not yet received relief; each person has his own "antidepressant" threshold.

But if after using the medicine for four weeks there is no improvement, it is recommended to consult your doctor. He will either offer to increase the dose, or try alternative drugs. The course of treatment usually lasts about six months, although if the depression is chronic, it can reach two years.

Not all patients are helped by antidepressants. According to the professor of the University of Groningen V. Nolen, in order to have one case of a real cure, seven patients should be treated.

Although properly selected antidepressants can often reduce symptoms of depression, they themselves do not affect the causes of depression. Therefore, they are usually used in combination with therapy to treat severe depression or other conditions caused by emotional disorders.

Is it worth buying cheap drugs

The cheapest drugs for depression are tricyclic antidepressants (e.g. amitriptyline). This is the oldest type of antidepressant, they have accumulated a good practical base, and their effect on the body is more or less studied. However, tricyclic antidepressants are rarely prescribed because of the abundance of side effects on the body, usually if a person with severe depression does not respond to other types of drugs or to treat other conditions, for example, bipolar disorder.

Side effects may include:

  • constipation;
  • nausea
  • muscle weakness;
  • edema, etc.

If any of these negative consequences of taking medication occurs, it is not necessary to completely abandon antidepressants. Side effects arise from a particular drug, from another medicine they may not be. It is important to select the correct treatment option under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effect of antidepressants: how to deal with it

The reason for the large number of side effects from taking antidepressants is due to the fact that doctors themselves still poorly understand how exactly antidepressants and depression itself affect the brain. At times, antidepressant treatment can be compared to firing sparrows from a cannon, especially if the patient has mild or moderate depression. A prolonged exposure to an incredibly complex, well-balanced system of potent chemicals will inevitably lead to side effects of varying severity. Usually, antidepressant side effects are fairly mild and tend to decrease as treatment continues, as the body gets used to the effects of the drug.

With minimal side effects

The most common type of antidepressant is selective inhibitors. re-capture serotonin. The reason is that they cause the least side effects. In addition, their overdose very rarely leads to serious consequences.

These include drugs with active substances:

  • fluoxetine (Prozac, Fontex, Sarafem);
  • paroxetine (Rexetin, Aropax);
  • citalopram (Tsipramil, Sepram, Cythexal);
  • escitalopram (Selectra, Lexapro);
  • sertraline (Zoloft, Serlift, Asentra);
  • fluvoxamine (Fevarin, Luvox, Deprevox).

Another group of antidepressants that are well tolerated by patients are selective norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors. So far, scientists know only one active substance in this group - bupropion (drugs: Velbutrin, Zyban).

The frequency and severity of side effects of antidepressants depends on the individual sensitivity of the patient - the same medicine can be tolerated by one extremely difficult, while the other can cause no problems. Many side effects disappear after the first week of treatment, while others may cause the doctor to prescribe another drug.

Possible side effects when taking antidepressants may include the following:

  • Drowsiness.
  • Nausea.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Insomnia.
  • Anxiety, excitement, anxiety.
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders, constipation or diarrhea.
  • Dizziness.
  • Decreased libido.
  • Headache.
  • Blurred vision.


It is a direct consequence of the start of taking the medicine and, as the patient’s body gets used to the antidepressant, passes by itself.

If the state causes increased inconvenience, you can use the following methods:

  • Take an antidepressant on a full stomach, while eating in smaller quantities, but more often than usual.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, but try to avoid sodas.

If none of the above helps and constantly vomits, you can try to take some medicine that relieves nausea (you should consult your doctor).

Weight gain when taking antidepressants can occur for a variety of reasons. This may be a fluid retention in the body, lack of physical activity or a consequence of good appetite if the antidepressant has begun to act.

If the patient is concerned about weight gain, the following measures can be taken:

  • There is less sweet (drinks with great content Sahara).
  • It is preferable to eat low-calorie foods, such as vegetables and fruits, try to avoid foods with saturated fats.
  • It is advisable to keep a food diary in which to record the amount and composition of the food eaten.

To the extent possible, as much as depression allows, it is recommended that physical exercises - Even 10 minutes a day will help you feel better.

Fatigue, drowsiness

Most often occurs in the first week after prescribing a medicine.

You can fight it using the following methods:

  • Allocate time to sleep in the middle of the day.
  • Increase physical activity, such as walking.
  • Take an antidepressant at night.
  • It is recommended to refrain from driving a car or performing work that requires an increased concentration of attention.


With insomnia, you can try the following:

  • Take an antidepressant in the morning.
  • Avoid caffeinated foods, especially at night.
  • It is recommended to increase physical activity, but to postpone the time for doing exercises or walking / running a few hours before bedtime.

If insomnia continues, you can ask the doctor about a dose reduction, the appointment of a sedative or sleeping pill.

Dry mouth

A frequent side effect when taking antidepressants. You can deal with it in the following ways:

  • Drink water often or suck on ice cubes.
  • Avoid products that cause dehydration, such as caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and smoking.
  • Try to breathe through the nose, not through the mouth.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day and visit your dentist regularly - a dry mouth can trigger hole formation.
  • Use a moisturizing spray for the mouth.


It happens that antidepressants disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive tract and cause constipation.

To alleviate this condition, you can try the following methods:

  • To drink a lot of water.
  • There are foods that are high in fiber, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, bran, whole grain bread.
  • Use supplements containing dietary fiber.
  • Increase physical activity.

Sex life

Antidepressants negatively affect a person’s sexual life - they cause a decrease in desire and make orgasm difficult. Others can cause problems with getting or maintaining an erection.

If the patient is in constant sexual relations, it is recommended to plan sexual activity based on the time of taking the medicine, shifting it by the time before taking the dose.

You can also consult with a partner and increase the time of foreplay before actually starting sexual intercourse.

Finally, you can simply ask your doctor to prescribe another medicine.

Imipramine is the first pharmaceutical product to be used as part of complex treatment depressive syndrome. His unique action aimed at improving mood was revealed as a result of studies conducted in the mid-fifties, the twentieth century. Studying the effects of this drug has created a unique drug group called tricyclic antidepressants. Medicines in this group are often indicated by the term “tricyclics” or the abbreviation “TCA”. In this article, we propose to discuss what antidepressants are and why they are needed.

With depression, a person loses all interest in life, feels himself broken and tired all the time, cannot make any decisions

Tricyclic antidepressants got their name due to the fact that their structure is based on a triple carbon ring. Today, in this category medicines includes more than three dozen different medicines. Their positive effect on the patient’s emotional state is explained by the fact that the main components of the drugs increase the synthesis of serotonin and norepinephrine in the body. Also, the use of antidepressants helps stop the capture of neurotransmitters, and has a positive effect on many internal systems, including cholinergic and muscarinic.

In the first years, after its mass distribution, drugs from the AD category (antidepressants) were used to treat the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the central nervous system, complicated by mental disorders;
  • somatic diseases;
  • endogenous disorders;
  • psychogenic pathologies.

In addition to the treatment of depressive disorders, panic attacks and anxiety ailments, medicines from this group were used as part of the complex treatment of chronic depressive syndrome. Often, antidepressants were prescribed as prophylactic agents that prevented the relapse of the disorder.

According to many Western researchers, tricyclic antidepressants are one of the best remedies for eliminating a severe form of depressive disorder, which is accompanied by a suicidal tendency.

In the nineties of the last century, scientists believed that the use of TCAs as part of the complex treatment of endogenous depression can achieve a lasting result. According to statistics from that time, the effectiveness of the use of Amitriptyline was about sixty percent. The choice of a specific drug that was used in the treatment of pathology depended on clinical manifestations depressive disorder. According to experts of that time, intellectual inhibition and impaired motor functions, provoked by psychological pathologies and neurological disorders, were easily eliminated with the help of Melipramin. In the case of anxiety disorder, Amitriptyline was used.

Depression is dangerous in that it can affect the entire body, causing irreversible changes in its individual organs.

Why are antidepressants dangerous and why are they so rarely used today? In about thirty percent of first-generation tricyclics, severe side effects occurred. In comparison with them, newer medicines cause negative effects in only fifteen percent of cases.

Tricyclics are used in the treatment of suppressed conditions caused by depressive disorder. Today they are used for the following purposes:

  • treatment of depressive and anxious personality disorders;
  • elimination of panic attacks;
  • a decrease in the severity of involutional melancholy;
  • organic depressive disorder therapy.

In addition, this category of medicines is used as part of the complex treatment of diseases caused by somatogen-related factors and the use of potent antipsychotic drugs. It is allowed to use TCAs for the manic-depressive form of psychosis, as well as for the prevention of depressive syndrome.

Most of the drugs in this group, in addition to antidepressant effects, are endowed with sedative effect. Such drugs are used as part of a comprehensive treatment of disorders of the nervous system. Azafen is one of the most effective means in this group, it is often used for pathologies in cardiac activity that occur against the background of depressive disorder. It is allowed to use this medication in the case of an alcoholic form of depression, which is accompanied by increased inhibition and anxiety.

It is important to note that antidepressants are not allowed to be used in combination with MAO inhibitors. The latter can be used only a few days after the end of the TCA course. Among the contraindications to tricyclic antidepressants, individual intolerance to their composition should be highlighted.

TCAs can increase and facilitate the transmission of norepinephrine and serotonin

Side effect of drugs

The principle of action of tricyclic antidepressants is based on the inhibition of the capture of serotonin and norepinephrine. Despite the fact that these drugs show high efficiency in the treatment of depression, they have a negative effect on the work. internal organs and systems. Let's look at the most common types of side effects.

First of all, it should be said that the antihistamine effect helps to reduce blood pressure, which leads to drowsiness. In addition, many patients experience a rapid increase in body weight. Inhibition of the capture of norepinephrine provokes the development of tachycardia, and also negatively affects ejaculation and erection. It is important to note that most drugs from the blood pressure category negatively affect the state of libido.

The anticholinergic effect can lead to flatulence and delay urine output. In isolated cases, this process leads to a violation of the heart rhythm and provokes loss of consciousness. The seizure of dopamine and serotonin contributes to the excitation of the nervous system, loss of appetite and the appearance of attacks of nausea. A negative effect on the central nervous system can manifest itself in the form of convulsive attacks. It should be noted that prolonged use of drugs included in the TCA group has a negative effect on the heart muscle, which is expressed by a violation of conduction.

In a situation where the human body has an increased instability to this category of medicines, patients have liver dysfunction, metabolic disturbances and the development of other dangerous pathologies. It is important to note that antidepressants without side effects and addiction, today do not exist.

The best drugs in the TCA category

In the Russian pharmaceutical market, more than several dozen different drugs from the category of tricyclic antidepressants are available. In the list below, we have collected the most common pharmacological products with high efficacy and low probability of side effects.

Tricyclics inhibit the uptake of norepinephrine, serotonin, and the manifestation of anticholinergic and antihistamine effects

Tricyclic antidepressants, list of drugs:

Asafen - a medicine from the group of tricyclic antidepressants, which is used as part of complex therapy various forms depressive disorder. This medication is highly effective in the treatment of depressive conditions that are combined with chronic diseases somatic etiology.

Sarotin Retard - A unique medication used to eliminate signs of depression, sleep problems, and anxiety disorders. Specialists prescribe this medication for diseases such as dysphoria, alcoholic, endogenous or reactive forms of depressive syndrome.

Amitriptyline - a derivative medicine manufactured on the basis of Imipramin. This tool can be attributed to the first representatives of the TCA. Used as part of a comprehensive treatment for depression and anxiety disorders.

"Ftoracizin" - a drug that has, in addition to antidepressant effects, a sedative effect. Despite the increased central and holonolytic activity, this medication reduces the excitation of the nervous system.

Zoloft - a medicine from the tricyclic category, which is used for severe depressive disorder. Sertraline, which is one of the most powerful antidepressants, is used as an active ingredient in this product. Due to the accelerated rate of serotonin uptake, this drug is one of the best in this category of drugs.

"Lyudiomil" - a medication with a wide range of therapeutic effects, used to reduce anxiety, relieve lethargy and improve mood. In addition, this drug has the ability to eliminate many somatic symptoms characteristic of depressive syndrome.

Lerivon - the effect of this medication is aimed at blocking alpha-adrenergic receptors. In addition, this medication is endowed with a pronounced sedative effect. It is allowed to use Lerivon in both mild and severe forms of depressive syndrome.

Anafranil - the uniqueness of this tool lies in a wide range of therapeutic effects. This medication is used as part of complex therapy for masked, neurotic, endogenous, organic and reactive forms of depressive disorder.

Clomiprimin - a drug from the TCA category, used in the treatment of reactive, camouflage and neurotic forms of depressive disorder. It is allowed to use Clomiprimin as part of the complex therapy of personality disorders and schizophrenia.

Tricyclic antidepressants cause quite a few side effects.

Melipramin - It is used in the treatment of various forms of depressive disorder, which are accompanied by the appearance of anxiety. The use of this drug in the case of bipolar and monopolar personality pathologies is allowed.

Imizin - a tricyclic with antipanic, antidiuretic and antidepressant effects.

Dokspepin - a drug that is part of the TCA group, used as part of a complex effect on depressive syndrome. This drug, in addition to analgesic and antidepressant effects, eliminates itching, prevents the development of panic attacks and the appearance of ulcers on the skin.

Also worth mentioning are antidepressants such as Elavel, Saroten, and Klofranil, which, in addition to antidepressant effects, have a sedative effect.

Where can I buy

You can buy tricyclic antidepressants only in pharmacies, if you have a prescription from your doctor. The need for a medical prescription is explained by the fact that drugs from the TCA category are harmful to the body. Their prolonged use leads to the development of glaucoma and tachycardia, as well as provoke disturbances in accommodation and the process of urination. One of the main side effects of such drugs is the drying of the mucous membranes.

Many patients taking antidepressants have heart rhythm disturbances and low blood pressure. It is these negative factors that became the reason for selling drugs only with a prescription.


The approximate price of medicines included in the group of tricyclic antidepressants varies from three hundred to one thousand rubles. It should be noted that the independent use of such drugs can lead to the development of negative side effects. In the case of depression, it is more advisable to replace antidepressants with drugs that belong to the category of sedatives.

The course of treatment with antidepressants is recommended to start with a minimum dosage. A similar approach to taking medications significantly reduces the risk of side effects. Experts recommend regularly taking a blood test throughout the course of treatment in order to be able to take control of the percentage of active components of the drug in the body. In the case when this indicator rapidly increases, there is a high probability of the development of negative side effects.

Recently, the number of people suffering from depression has increased significantly. This is largely due to the frantic rhythm. modern lifeincreased stress level. Added to this are also economic and social problems. All this cannot affect the mental and mental health of people.

People feel changes in the psyche when they are reflected in their performance and social relationships. They turn to the doctor for advice, and often he diagnoses them with depression.

First of all, it should be noted that one should not be afraid of this diagnosis. The disease does not indicate that the person suffering from it is mentally or mentally disabled. It does not affect the cognitive functions of the brain, and in most cases it can be cured.

However, depression is not just a bad mood or sadness that can roll from time to time and on healthy people. With depression, a person loses all interest in life, feels himself overwhelmed and tired all the time, cannot make any decisions.

Depression is dangerous in that it can affect the entire body, causing irreversible changes in its individual organs. In addition, with depression, relations with others deteriorate, work becomes impossible, thoughts of suicide appear, which can sometimes be carried out.

Depression is not really the result of a person’s weak will, his insufficient efforts to correct the situation. In most cases, it is a biochemical disease caused by metabolic disorders and a decrease in the amount of certain hormones in the brain, primarily serotonin, norepinephrine, and endorphin, which act as neurotransmitters.

Therefore, as a rule, depression is not always possible to cure with non-medication. It is well known that in a depressed mood a person can be helped by a change of scenery, methods of relaxation and auto-training, etc. but all these methods require considerable effort on the part of the patient, his will, desire and energy. And with depression they just do not exist. It turns out a vicious circle. And breaking it without the help of drugs that change the biochemical processes in the brain is often impossible.

Classification of antidepressants according to the principle of action on the body

There are several options for classifying antidepressants. One of them is based on what kind of clinical effect the drugs have on nervous system. There are three types of such actions:

  • Sedative
  • Balanced
  • Activating

Sedative antidepressants have a calming effect on the psyche, alleviating anxiety and increasing the activity of nervous processes. Activating drugs fight well with such manifestations of depression as apathy and lethargy. Balanced drugs have a universal effect. As a rule, the sedative or stimulating effect of drugs begins to be felt already from the very beginning of administration.

Classification of antidepressants according to the principle of biochemical action

This classification is considered traditional. It is based on which chemical substances included in the drug, and how they affect biochemical processes in the nervous system.

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)

A large and diverse group of drugs. TCAs have long been used in the treatment of depression and have a solid evidence base. The effectiveness of some drugs in the group allows us to consider them the standard for antidepressants.

Tricyclic drugs can increase the activity of neurotransmitters - norepinephrine and serotonin, thereby reducing the causes of depression. The name of the group was given to biochemists. It is associated with the appearance of the molecules of substances of this group, which consists of three carbon rings joined together.

TCA - effective drugsbut have many side effects. They are observed in approximately 30% of patients.

The main drugs of the group include:

  • Amitriptyline
  • Imipramine
  • Maprotiline
  • Clomipramine
  • Mianserin


Tricyclic antidepressant. It has both antidepressant and mild analgesic effects.

Composition: 10 or 25 mg of amitriptyline hydrochloride

Dosage form: tablets or tablets

Indications: depression, sleep disturbances, behavioral disorders, mixed emotional disorders, chronic pain syndrome, migraine, enuresis.

Side effects: agitation, hallucinations, visual disturbances, tachycardia, pressure fluctuations, tachycardia, indigestion

Contraindications: heart attack, individual intolerance, lactation, intoxication with alcohol and psychotropic drugs, conduction disturbances of the heart muscle.

Application: immediately after a meal. The initial dose is 25-50 mg at night. Gradually, the daily dose increases to 200 mg in three doses.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors)

These are the first generation antidepressants.

Monoamine oxidase is an enzyme that breaks down various hormones, including neurotransmitters. MAO inhibitors interfere with this process, due to which the number of neurotransmitters in the nervous system increases, which in turn leads to the activation of mental processes.

MAO inhibitors are quite effective and cheap antidepressants, but have a lot of side effects. These include:

  • Hypotension
  • Hallucinations
  • Insomnia
  • Agitation
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Visual impairment

When taking certain drugs, you should also follow a special diet to avoid the ingestion of potentially dangerous enzymes that are metabolized by MAO.

The most modern antidepressants of this class have the ability to inhibit only one of two varieties of the enzyme - MAO-A or MAO-B. Such antidepressants have fewer side effects and are called selective inhibitors. Non-selective inhibitors are currently rarely used. Their main advantage is the low price.

The main selective MAO inhibitors:

  • Moclobemide
  • Pirlindole (pyrazidol)
  • Behol
  • Metralindole
  • Garmalin
  • Selegiline
  • Razagilin

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)

These drugs belong to the third generation of antidepressants. They are relatively easily tolerated by patients and have fewer contraindications and side effects compared with TCAs and MAO inhibitors. Not so dangerous is their overdose compared with other groups of drugs. The main indication for drug treatment is major depressive disorder.

The principle of the drug’s operation is based on the fact that the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is used to transfer impulses between neuron contacts, does not return to the cell transmitting the nerve impulse when exposed to SSRIs, but is transmitted to another cell. Thus, antidepressants such as SSRIs increase the activity of serotonin in the nerve chain, which has a beneficial effect on brain cells affected by depression.

As a rule, drugs of this group are especially effective for severe depression. In depressive disorders of minor and moderate severity, the effect of the drugs is not so noticeable. However, a number of doctors adhere to a different opinion, namely that in severe forms of depression it is preferable to use proven TCAs.

The therapeutic effect of SSRIs does not appear immediately, usually after 2-5 weeks of administration.

This class includes substances such as:

  • Fluoxetine
  • Paroxetine
  • Citalopram
  • Sertraline
  • Fluvoxamine
  • Escitalopram


Antidepressant, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. It has an antidepressant effect, relieves feelings of depression

Release form: 10 mg tablets

Indications: depression of various origins, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa

Contraindications: epilepsy, tendency to convulsions, severe renal or liver failure, glaucoma, adenoma, suicidal tendency, intake of MAO inhibitors

Side effects: hyperhidrosis, chills, serotonin intoxication, indigestion

Application: regardless of food intake. The usual regimen is once a day, in the morning, at 20 mg. After three weeks, the dose can be doubled.

Fluoxetine analogues: Deprex, Prodep, Prozac

Other types of drugs

There are also other groups of drugs, for example, noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors, selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, noradrenergic and specific serotonergic drugs, melatonergic antidepressants. Among these drugs, Bupropion (Zyban), Maprotiline, Reboxetine, Mirtazapine, Trazadon, Agomelatine can be noted. All these are good antidepressants, proven remedies.

Bupropion (Zyban)

Antidepressant, selective noradrenaline and dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Nicotinic receptor antagonist, due to which it is widely used in the treatment of nicotine addiction.

Release form: Tablets 150 and 300 mg.

Indications: depression, sociophobia, nicotine addiction, seasonal affective disorders.

Contraindications: allergy to components, up to 18 years of age, simultaneous administration with MAO inhibitors, anorexia nervosa, convulsive disorders.

Side effects: an overdose of an agent that can cause epileptic seizures (2% of patients at a dose of 600 mg) is extremely dangerous. Hives, anorexia, or lack of appetite, tremors, and tachycardia are also observed.

Application: the medicine should be taken once a day, in the morning. A typical dose is 150 mg; the maximum daily dose is 300 mg.

Next Generation Antidepressants

These are new drugs, which mainly include SSRI class antidepressants. Among the drugs synthesized relatively recently, the drugs showed themselves well:

  • Sertraline
  • Fluoxetine
  • Fluvoxamine
  • Mirtazalin
  • Escitalopram

The difference between antidepressants and tranquilizers

Many believe that good remedy tranquilizers are used to fight depression. But in fact, this is not the case, although tranquilizers are often used to treat depression.

What is the difference between these classes of drugs? Antidepressants are drugs that, as a rule, have a stimulating effect, normalize mood and alleviate mental problems associated with a lack of certain neurotransmitters. This class of drugs acts for a long time, and does not affect people with a healthy nervous system.

Tranquilizers, as a rule, are means of quick action. They can be used to combat depression, but mainly as adjuvants. The essence of their impact on the human psyche is not in the correction of their emotional background in the long term, as in drugs for depression, but in the suppression of the manifestations of negative emotions. They can be used as a means to reduce fear, anxiety, agitation, panic attacks, etc. Thus, they are more likely anti-anxiety and sedatives than antidepressants. In addition, with course treatment, most tranquilizers, especially diazepine drugs, are addictive and addictive.

Can I buy antidepressants without a prescription?

According to the rules for dispensing drugs in force in Russia, a doctor’s prescription is required to obtain psychotropic drugs in pharmacies, that is, a prescription. And antidepressants are no exception. Therefore, theoretically strong antidepressants cannot be bought without prescriptions. In practice, of course, pharmacists can sometimes turn a blind eye to the rules in the pursuit of profit, but this phenomenon cannot be taken for granted. And if you are given medicine without a prescription in one pharmacy, this does not mean that in another there will be the same situation.

You can buy without a doctor’s prescription only drugs for the treatment of mild depressive disorders such as Afobazole, “daytime” tranquilizers and herbal preparations. But in most cases, they are difficult to attribute to real antidepressants. It would be more correct to attribute them to the class of sedatives.


Anti-anxiety, anxiolytic and mild antidepressant drug produced in Russia without side effects. OTC drug.

Release form: Tablets 5 and 10 mg

Indications: anxiety disorders and conditions of various origins, sleep disturbances, neurocirculatory dystonia, alcohol withdrawal.

Side effects: side effects while taking the drug are extremely rare. It can be allergic reactions, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, headaches.

Application: it is advisable to take the drug after a meal. A single dose is 10 mg, daily - 30 mg. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the tablets, the age of 18 years, pregnancy and lactation

The danger of self-treatment for depression

There are many factors to consider when treating depression. This is the patient’s state of health, physiological parameters of his body, a type of disease, and other drugs he takes. Not every patient will be able to independently analyze all factors and choose a medicine and its dosage in such a way that it would be useful and not bring harm. Only specialists - psychotherapists and neuropathologists with extensive practical experience, will be able to solve this problem and say which antidepressants are better for a particular patient. After all, the same medicine used by different people will lead in one case to a complete cure, in another - it will not have any effect, in the third - it can even aggravate the situation.

Almost all drugs for depression, even the mildest and safest, can cause side effects. And strong drugs without side effects simply do not exist. Especially dangerous is the prolonged uncontrolled use of drugs or excess dosage. In this case, intoxication of the body with serotonin (serotonin syndrome) may occur, which can lead to death.

How to get a prescription for the drug?

If you think you are depressed, it is recommended that you consult a psychotherapist or neurologist. Only he can carefully study your symptoms and prescribe a suitable drug in your case.

Herbal remedies for depression

Most Popular Today herbal preparations to elevate mood, they contain extracts of mint, chamomile, valerian, motherwort. But the greatest effectiveness in depression was demonstrated by preparations containing St. John's wort.

Mechanism therapeutic effect St. John's wort has not yet been clarified, but scientists believe that the hypericin enzyme contained in it can accelerate the synthesis of norepinephrine from dopamine. St. John's wort also contains other substances that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and other body systems - flavonoids, tannins, essential oils.

Hypericum preparations are mild antidepressants. They will help far from any depression, especially with its severe forms. However, St. John's wort has been shown to be effective in treating mild to moderate depression. clinical researchin which he showed himself to be no worse, and in some respects even better than the popular tricyclic drugs for depression and SSRIs. In addition, St. John's wort preparations have a relatively small number of side effects. They can be taken by children from the age of 12. Among the negative effects of taking St. John's wort preparations, the phenomenon of photosensitization, which consists in the fact that when exposed to the skin of the sun during the course of treatment with the drug, rashes and burns can appear on it.

Hypericum-based medicines are sold over the counter. Therefore, if you are looking for a remedy for depression that can be taken without prescription from doctors, then this class of drugs may be the best choice.

Some drugs based on St. John's wort:

  • Negrustin
  • Deprim
  • Gelarium Hypericum
  • Neuroplant


Antidepressant and anti-anxiety agent based on St. John's wort extract

Release form: there are two release forms - capsules containing 425 mg of St. John's wort extract and a solution for internal administration, poured into 50 and 100 ml bottles.

Indications: mild and moderate depression, hypochondriac type depression, anxiety, manic-depressive states, chronic fatigue syndrome.

Contraindications: photodermatitis, endogenous depression, pregnancy and lactation, concomitant use of MAO inhibitors, cyclosporine, digoxin and some other drugs.

Side effects: eczema, urticaria, increased allergic reactions, gastrointestinal tract disorders, headaches, iron deficiency anemia.

Application: three times a day is taken by Negrustin capsule or 1 ml of solution. Children up to 16 are prescribed 1-2 capsules per day. The maximum daily dose is 6 capsules or 6 ml of solution.

List of popular drugs alphabetically

Name Active substance A type Special properties
Amitriptyline TCA
Agomelatine melatonergic antidepressant
Ademethionine mild atypical antidepressant hepatoprotector
Adepress Paroxetine
Asafen Pipofesin
Azilekt Razagilin
Aleval Sertraline
Amizole Amitriptyline
Anafranil Clomipramine
Asentra Sertraline
Aurorix Moclobemide
Afobazole anxiolytic and anti-anxiety drug can be used for mild depression, over-the-counter
Bupropion atypical antidepressant used in the treatment of nicotine addiction
Valdoxan Agomelatine
Velbutrin Bupropion
Herbion Hypericum hypericin
Heptor Ademethionine
Hypericin atypical antidepressant a drug plant originover-the-counter
Deprex Fluoxetine
Depre default sertraline
Deprim hypericin
Doxepin TCA
Zyban Bupropion
Zoloft sertraline
Xel Milnacipran
Imipramine TCA
Calixta Mirtazapine
Clomipramine TCA
Coaxil Tianeptine
Lenuxin Escitalopram
Lerivon Mianserin
Maprotiline tetracyclic antidepressant, selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
Melipramine Imipramine
Metralindole type A reversible selective MAO inhibitor
Miansan Mianserin
Mianserin TCA
Miaser Mianserin
Milnacipran selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
Miracitol Escitalopram
Mirtazapine noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant new generation drug
Moclobemide selective type A MAO inhibitor
Negrustin hypericin
Neuroplant hypericin
Newwell Venflaxine
Paroxetine SSRIs
Paxil paroxetine
Pipofesin TCA
Pyrazidol Pirlindole
Pirlindole type A reversible selective MAO inhibitor
Licked paroxetine
Prodep fluoxetine
Prozac fluoxetine
Reboxetine selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
Rexetin Paroxetine
Remeron Mirtazapine
Selegiline selective MAO inhibitor type B
Selectra Escitalopram
Serenate Sertraline
Surflift Sertraline
Sertraline SSRIs new generation drug
Siozam Citalopram
Stimulus Sertraline
Tianeptine atypical TCA
Trazadone serotonin reuptake antagonist / inhibitor
Trittiko Trazadone
Thorin Sertraline
Fevarin Fluvoxamine
Fluvoxamine SSRIs new generation drug
Fluoxetine SSRIs
Tsipralex Escitalopram
Cypramil Citalopram
Citalon Citalopram
Citalopram SSRIs
Eisipi Escitalopram
Elicea Escitalopram
Escitalopram SSRIs

List of antidepressants produced in Russia and Ukraine:

Asafen MAKIZ Pharma
Adepress Veropharm
Amitriptyline ALSI Pharma, Moscow Endocrin Plant, Alvivles, Veropharm
Afobazole Pharmstandard
Heptor Veropharm
Clomipramine Vector Farm
Melipramine Egis Rus
Miaser Pharma Start
Xel Sotex
Paroxetine Berezovsky pharmaceutical factory, Alvils
Pyrazidol Pharmstandard, Lugansk HFZ
Siozam VeroPharm
Stimulus Egis Rus
Thorin Veropharm
Trittiko SSC Ltd
Fluoxetine Vector Medic, Medisorb, Production of Medicines, Valeant, Ozone, Biocom, Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex, Vector Farm
Citalopram ALSI Pharma
Eisipi VeroPharm
Escitalopram Berezovsky pharmaceutical factory

The approximate price of drugs

Name Price from
Adepress 595 rub
Asafen 25 rub
Amitriptyline 25 rub
Anafranil 331 rubles
Asentra 732 rub.
Afobazole 358 r
Valdoxan 925 rub
Heptor 979 rub
Deprim 226 r
Zoloft 489 rub
Xel 1623 rub.
Calixta 1102 rub.
Clomipramine 224 rub
Lenuxin 613 rub
Lerivon 1060 rub.
Melipramine 380 rub
Miratazapine 619 rub
Paxil 728 rub.
Paroxetine 347 rub
Pyrazidol 171 rub
Licked 397 r
Razagilin 5793 rub.
Rexetin 789 rub
Remeron 1364 rub.
Selectra 953 rub
Serenate 1127 rub.
Surflift 572 rub
Siozam 364 rub
Stimulus 422 rub
Thorin 597 rub
Trittiko 666 rub
Fevarin 761 rub
Fluoxetine 31 rub
Cypramil 1910 rub.
Tsipralex 1048 rub.
Citalopram 386 r
Eisipi 439 rub
Elicea 597 rub
Escitalopram 307 rub

Do over-the-counter pills help cope with the blues

There are many myths about antidepressants: they say that they cause addiction, it’s worth starting - and you’ll have to “sit on wheels” all your life, they almost turn a person into a vegetable. Is this really so, we asked specialists.

No pill makes a person neither happy nor healthy. It only helps eliminate the symptoms of depression. And gaining peace of mind requires focused willful efforts on the part of the person himself.
- Natalia Vyacheslavovna, in my close circle there are no people who have received negative experience from taking antidepressants. My friends, who got to a psychiatrist with their depressions and got a prescription for pills, regretted not doing it before, - I turn to a psychiatrist, a specialist at the Alter Mental Health Center, Ph.D. Natalia Zakharova.
- Your friends were lucky - they got to qualified specialists who picked up the exact dose of the drug they needed. This can be done the first time only by a person with great clinical experience, well versed in psychopharmacology.
- Yes, they just blossomed before our eyes! I described my feelings as “waking up after a nightmare”, “saw the light”, “wanted to live” ... I also have these periods when everything is bad. Maybe drink something for happiness?

Come to my reception. If depression is diagnosed, let's talk about the choice of treatment. Very often, a person believes that he is depressed, and during the examination it turns out that there is no depression. There is some neurotic state, which does not always require medical prescriptions. We are not robots. We rejoice, grieve, experience disappointment, frustration - a huge palette of different emotions that fill our life with colors. A negative emotional state can go away without any efforts on the part of a person, when circumstances change and the situation in life is leveled out. Another thing is the state of depression. This is not just sadness or spleen. The neurochemical processes of the brain are disrupted. So if a person is in prolonged despondency, if he has insomnia for more than two weeks, apathy, reduced working capacity, he loses strength, experiences painful sensations in his body, if, God forbid, he has thoughts of unwillingness to live - these are already alarming symptoms which the doctor considers. In such cases, you need to connect antidepressants. There is no need to be afraid of pills: there is no getting used to them, and after gradual cancellation a person returns to his usual life.

On the other hand, how not to be afraid? Either a German pilot taking antidepressants crashes a passenger plane in the mountains, or a Moscow lawyer fires at a store and kills six. I don’t want to become socially dangerous, it’s better to bend quietly at home under the covers.
- For several years I studied the problem of depressive states, including hereditary, endogenous ones. In addition to outpatient care, an analysis of more than 450 observations of patients who received treatment in psychiatric clinics was conducted. There was not a single case that antidepressants provoked criminal or socially dangerous acts. Concerning the cases you bring, to draw conclusions without data from relevant examinations is idle reasoning.
- Still, what about the side effects of antidepressants?
- In medicine, there is a problem of trust. The patient gives his health to the doctor and agrees to follow his instructions exactly. You must be aware that no one is immune from the side effects of drugs due to individual characteristics. What is it - anaphylactic shock can occur on elementary aspirin. It happens that a person taking antidepressants experiences side effects from drugs and develops a negative attitude towards the doctor. He instantly loses confidence in his appointments and stops therapy, without even informing the doctor about it. It should be remembered that antidepressants begin to act no earlier than a week after the start of administration, and are completely eliminated naturally in a day or two. Then it stops and side effect. Therefore, if, while taking antidepressants or other drugs, you feel that something has gone wrong, you need to urgently notify your doctor. He will develop a treatment strategy that eliminates undesirable effects.

Fig. Andrei Buzov

Do not believe in the evil eye!
“Clinical depression is very insidious,” explains Yevgenia Ananyeva, clinical psychologist and CEO of SNT Consulting. - There are hidden forms in which a person has no signs of depression on the part of the psyche, but his somatic, that is, bodily, illnesses are difficult to treat. Without antidepressants, somatized depression slowly kills a person, while others sometimes begin to broadcast about “damage”, “evil eye”, since no medications, procedures, magic rituals bring relief.
Overdiagnosis is no less common when clinical depression is found where it is not, but there is a depressive syndrome. The trick is that clinical depression must be treated with antidepressants, but depressive syndrome is strictly prohibited. In fact, this is a normal state that periodically “covers” everyone. Thanks to the depressive syndrome, the psyche recovers after serious shocks. At this moment, the person moves away from the outside world, immersed in their own experiences, analyzes what happened, sorting out options to return a sense of harmony. Yes, this is not a very rosy time, but this is what nature has given man for the natural restoration of balance. Normally, such depressive episodes occur at a time when a person has some major changes in life, and depressive syndrome is a way to adapt to new circumstances. I work with cancer patients. Adaptation to the fact of the disease is accompanied by depression, or rather, depressive syndrome. The outcome of the disease largely depends on how a person lives this phase. In essence, he decides whether to live or die. What happens if he is prescribed antidepressants at this time? The depressive syndrome will be eliminated, and the person will not make any decision. In this case, against the background of an improvement, he will suddenly become worse again. The doctor will naturally add a dose of antidepressants. They will work, but nature will again take its toll - and there will be a new deterioration. Sooner or later, a person will be “covered” with such a deep depression that he can get out of it only by dying.
All this applies equally to patients who do not have oncology, but have a depressive syndrome. The terrible stories about the destructive effect of antidepressants are just about such people.

Sleep is the best medicine
“As a rule, people who do not follow the doctor’s recommendations or prescribe medications themselves have difficulties,” complains Valentina Avanesova, a psychiatrist-narcologist at the Marshak Clinic. - Sometimes they are drunk by people dependent on alcohol if they want to increase the effect of a psychoactive substance. But it happens the other way around: the uncontrolled intake of antidepressants becomes the cause of alcoholism.
Chronic fatigue (“no strength, constant stress”) cannot be treated with pills without changing your lifestyle. You can’t sleep for four hours a day, work for 20 - the body quickly runs out of resources. In this case, any sedatives or antidepressants only mask the symptoms. burnout. The condition will be aggravated, and the person will “burn out”.

Genetics Against Depression
The cause of endogenous depression has not yet been established. Proven to be considered congenital at the biological and genetic level, a predisposition to depression. Why this failure occurs is not entirely clear. Now the forces of the world psychiatric community are aimed at identifying areas in the DNA molecule that are responsible for the tendency to depression. And someday, instead of taking antidepressants, you can just fix the “depressed” gene.

Grain of positive
Improving your mood without resorting to medication is simple: lean on foods containing tryptophan, an amino acid that is involved in the production of the “hormone of happiness” serotonin. Tryptophan is found in meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, legumes, seeds, and crops. Our body alone cannot produce tryptophan. Getting it from food is the only way to deal with the blues.

There is no panacea
“The psychiatrist immediately sees whether his patient is or not,” says the director of the Scientific and Diagnostic Center clinical psychiatry, Chairman of the Moscow Society of Psychiatrists Alexander Khaminsky. - Maybe the person had emotional injuries, he recently suffered a break with his beloved, death of loved ones, dismissal from work - a clinical psychologist will help him. But painful conditions that can be cured by psychotherapeutic methods constitute a minority compared to those in which drug therapy is necessary. However, often people are afraid to go to a psychiatrist and prescribe pills for themselves, using popular articles and reviews. Everyone heard that the Prozac Americans swallow bundles and are happy. But what do we read in the instructions for the drug? The three diseases Prozac treats are: a depressive episode, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and bulimia nervosa. These are three completely different diseases by classification, by nature, by treatment methods. Depression, anxiety, and mental eating disorder. What is this magic pill that helps with all sorrows?
In general, I have always been incomprehensible to people who run around the doctors complaining of a bad mood. I don’t drink, don’t smoke, I try to play sports three times a week. I work a lot, there are stray dogs that I help, there are people with whom I work because of charity. I just don’t have time for depression.

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