Will the hospital list of ITU open. Will the day of examination in the ITU Bureau

Miscelled days or hours should be marked in the statement of accounting time, as skipping to complete clarification of the circumstances or for unknown reasons. After passing the commission in the table, the special code of absence in the workplace for good reasons is affixed, but still the specified days will not be paid. Passage of ITU Period Responsible and difficult. Each person has many questions about the timing and directions, payment information during the examination period and the permissible time for the hospital for disability recognition. There were difficulties with the passage of ITU? Learn about how to go through ITU without difficulties. In addition, information on how to challenge the ITU decision will be useful. This article is written to help at the stage of the ITU passage and helps to respond to all uncertainties, based on legislation Russian Federation.

Medical and social expertise

How to spend special fees at the expense of the FSss of the Russian Federation Special price: the possibilities of saving three confusing cases of destination children's benefits Five errors in calculating benefits 10 examples of calculating a temporary disability benefit how much to pay for hospital sheets if the employee is sick for a long time allowance for the examination of Tatyana Mitafanovna, whether we understand correctly What is the allowance for temporary disability to the employee who has a disability group is established in the days of his survey at the ITU Bureau? Yes. After all, the period of examination in the ITU institution is not included in the "Exemption from work" table of disability.

This fully complies with paragraph 11 of the Rules of Recognition of Persons with disabilities approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.02.2006 No. 95.

How is the day paid when the employee passed the examination of MCEC?

Sample 2 (fragment of the filling of the hospital sheet, if the disability of the employee lasted less than 15 days, he was assigned a disability group, after examining the treatment continued) a commentary on sample 2. As you can see, the days of examination of the patient at the ITU Bureau did not include in the table "Exemption from work" Disability sheet.

Since the hospital sheet has a mark on the establishment of a group of disability citizen, the doctor closed this hospital on April 1, 2012. But if the patient needs to continue treatment, the doctor will write him a new sheet of disability from April 5, 2012.
If the citizen's disability continues, for example, until April 11, 2012, the doctor will indicate the period of disability in the first line of the table "Exemption from work" of the hospital sheet - from 04/05/2012 to 11.04.2012. From April 12, 2012, the employee will be discharged.

Employee held a medical and social expertise

In accordance with paragraph 28 of the procedure for issuing disability leaves, approved. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 29.06.2011 No. 624n, when determining disability, temporary disability is completed by the date, directly preceding the day of registration of documents in the institution medical and Social Examination. In other words, the period of the passage of medical and social expertise (hereinafter - ITU) is not a period of temporary disability and allowance for these days is not paid.
Passage of ITU cannot be attributed to both mandatory medical examinations, during which the employee persists middle earnings. ITU is appointed at the initiative of the citizen himself. This follows from the provisions of P.
11 Rules for recognizing persons with disabilities, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.02.2006 No. 95, p.

Redemption of disability. Medical and social expertise

For unemployed persons, the period of direction by law is non-elected. When transferring a package of documents by a citizen in the ITU FB, within 5 calendar days, the specialists of FB MedExpertizus, a citizen is sent to an invitation to the selected way, to pass the commission, which shows the date, time, address of the venue of the expertise.


The term of finding on a hospital to examination employed a citizen who has suffered by suffering acute disease or confirmed exacerbation chronic diseaseat the time of appeal for a special medical help and recognition by a doctor's doctor to compulsory temporary suspension labor activity, gets a sick leave. ATTENTION! In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the highest period of time for the sick leave is 10 months (12 months in individual private moments).

Payment of the ITU Examination Period.

Consequently, in this case, the time of the passage of medical and social expertise will enter into a period of disability on the hospital sheet and will be paid as part of temporary disability benefits. In the operating time accounting table, this period reflect the letter code "b" or a digital "19".

Popular questions If, according to the results of the medical and social expertise, a disability is established, the term of temporary disability is completed by the date directly preceding the day of registration of documents in the institution of medical and social expertise (paragraph 28 of the Procedure, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia on June 29, 2011 No. 624n) . And the day of receipt of a citizen's statement of a citizen on conducting medical and social expertise is recognized as a disability determination date (paragraph 11 of the Rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95).

Urgently from the editor! Subscribe to the magazine "Salary" with the advantage of 4698 rubles! An additional bonus - the e-book "The ideal statements of employees for salary, benefits, vacation, travel"! Phone: 8 800 550-15-57 download no account, incorrectly. Since the leaflet of temporary disability when directions on ITU is closed by the date directly preceding the Document Registration Day in the ITU Institution, the doctor must close the disability leaves on April 1, 2012, because March 31 and April 1, 2012 are weekends and the ITU bureau does not work.

I will add that hospital sheets in case of a survey by an employee of the survey in the ITU Bureau will be filled in different ways, depending on whether (p.

Will the day of examination in the ITU Bureau


In organizations applying a unified form of working time accounting table (form No. T-12, No. T-13), approved by the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 05, 2004 No. 1, this is to / 16, in organizations where their codes approved, The mark may be different. But even if the employee did not add to the employer with such a statement, the unchecode of the employee to work in connection with the passage of ITU is unlikely to be recognized as a lack of at work for a disrespectful reason.

In order to be able to celebrate the non-worker's careman on the specified days, as a lack of a valid reason, an additional code must be entered the employer. Organizations that use independently developed accounts can do this when approving these forms.
At the same time, the days of examination in the table "Exemption from work" a sheet of disability will not be included. It turns out that the employee is no longer on the hospital, but he does not go to work, as he is waiting for a survey. Will the employee issued for these days any exclusive document? Should the employee issue a vacation at his own expense at his own expense, or during the expectation period, he is obliged to go to work, despite bad state of health? For the period of passing examination (that is, for the period from the date of registration of documents at the ITU Bureau, until the day of the disability), a disability leave is not issued. But no vacation at your own expense do not need to issue. So that these days are not considered a boss, the ITU Bureau should issue a certificate to the employee confirming the period of survey.

Labor retirement pension is appointed if the appeal for obtaining it followed no later than 12 months from the date of the recognition of a citizen with disabilities (sub. 2 of paragraph 4 of Art. 19 of Law No. 173-FZ). The procedure for filling the rows of the hospital Specialist of the ITU Bureau when directed by ITU in a sheet of disability, the corresponding dates are specified in the "Date of Direction Date to the ITU Bureau", "Date of registration of documents at the ITU Bureau", "Surveyed at the ITU Bureau".

In the line "Installed / changed a disability group" Arabic figures indicate a group of disability, established or modified as a result of the examination of a citizen in an ITU institution. In the "Signature of the Head of the ITU Bureau" a signature of the ITU Bureau (p.

59 orders).
Is the passage of medical and social expertise? Based on the current legislation, when confirming and assigning a disability, the sick leave is closed by the date of transfer and register documents to the FB of Medical and Social Expertise. Otherwise, to say, the interval of finding at ITU does not relate to restriction in the work and saving payments these days does not occur. Based on paragraph 24 "Rules of Recognition of Persons with Disabilities", approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.02.2006 No. 95, the period of passing the commission is unacceptable to classify to mandatory medical examinations, since ITU is carried out at the request of the patient. Paragraph 24 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 20.02.2006 N 95 (Ed. From 10.08.2016) "On the procedure and conditions of recognition of persons with disabilities", medical and social expertise is held according to a citizen (his legitimate or authorized representative).

Dear Svetlana. The hospital sheet is issued for a period of up to 10-12 months or up to 4 months. Terms depend on clinical and labor forecast (whether the forecast of the course of the disease is obviously unfavorable or favorable). This is regulated by the following legislative acts:. - Section number 2 of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 N 624N "On approval of the procedure for issuing disability sheets" is indicated that outpatient treatment Diseases Medical Worker solely gives disability leaves at a time for up to 10 calendar days and solely prolongs it for up to 30 calendar days. In time of temporary disability exceeding 30 calendar days, a disability sheet is issued to solve the medical commission of which approved by order Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of 24.09.08 N 513N.

Hospital and disability commission

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Foundation of Social Insurance of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2000 N 2510 / 9362-34, 02-08 / 10-1977P), according to which the estimated time limits are established on the hospital with different diseases, in particular, malignant neoplasm Breasts 1, 2, 3 stages The period of finding on the hospital, respectively, is 50, 80, 115 days. The estimated periods of temporary disability is the duration of the liberation of patients from work, which is necessary for conducting diagnostic, medical and rehabilitation measures to compensate for the violated functions of the body and creating the possibility of returning to labor activity or, with unfavorable labor and clinical projections, directions for medical and social expertise. To consider the recognition of the person with disabilities.

Medical and social expertise


As with all oncological diseases, the prospects for the establishment of disability depend on the following key points: from the exact diagnosis, on the size of the tumor, histology, the presence or absence of metastases, the degree of malignancy of tumor cells, from the volume operational intervention And in general from general results Conducted treatment. However, in your case, the predictions are uncertain, since treatment is not completed, even operational and are not known what they will be in the future. Therefore, so that you are not sent to ITU, and if you are sent, ITU has not assigned a group of disability, you need to initially convince the attending physician that you have a good health and ability to work.

It will be impossible if your analyzes and conclusions of the mono-center doctors about the treatment with your treatment testify to the opposite.

Hospital after the establishment of disability

Is the Hospital Sheet after ITU all issues relating to the procedure and deadlines for issuing sheets of disability or otherwise hospital sheets, deadlines for ITU, issuing hospital care for adult family members, children are indicated in the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 . N 624n "On approval of the procedure for issuing disability leaves." Based on the order, the sick leave can be issued for a period of up to 10-12 months. The term of the hospital after the operation on the testimony of doctors, the employee can be made operation, which is carried out in the hospital. After surgical intervention The employee takes time to restore forces and rehabilitation. After some time after the operation, the patient is discharged home.
It continues treatment at the place of residence.

Hospital sheet and VTEK

For example, disabled benefits are paid no more than four months in a row or five months in the calendar year. In case of disabilities with a disabled tuberculosis, temporary disability allowance is paid to him before the day of restoration of workability or until the day of increasing the degree of restriction of the ability to work due to tuberculosis. Payment of hospital disabled person who received disability has the right to work if he has no strict restrictions on the work of the work specified in individual program Rehabilitation (IPR).
And he allows the condition of the body. Citizens from the category of working disabled are provided for rights and benefits. An employee with disabilities has benefits and when calculating the payment of the hospital sheet. It is known that there are legally established some restrictions on maternity payments to all working citizens.

Hospital and disability (absolutely brains are touched)

For unemployed persons, the period of direction by law is non-elected. When transferring a package of documents by a citizen in the ITU FB, within 5 calendar days, the specialists of FB MedExpertizus, a citizen is sent to an invitation to the selected way, to pass the commission, which shows the date, time, address of the venue of the expertise. The term of finding an employed citizen who has suffered an acute disease or a confirmed exacerbation of chronic illness, at the time of applying for special medical care and recognition of the fact to the mandatory temporary suspension of work, receives a hospital list at a hospital.

ATTENTION! In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the highest period of time for the sick leave is 10 months (12 months in individual private moments).

Miscelled days or hours should be marked in the statement of accounting time, as skipping to complete clarification of the circumstances or for unknown reasons. After passing the commission in the table, the special code of absence in the workplace for good reasons is affixed, but still the specified days will not be paid. Passage of ITU Period Responsible and difficult. Each person has many questions about the timing and directions, payment information during the examination period and the permissible time for the hospital for disability recognition.

There were difficulties with the passage of ITU? Learn about how to go through ITU without difficulties. In addition, information on how to challenge the ITU decision will be useful. This article is written to help at the ITU Passage Stage and helps to answer all uncertainties, based on the legislation of the Russian Federation.

An organization providing medical and preventive assistance sends a citizen to medical and social expertise after the necessary diagnostic, medical and rehabilitation measures in the presence of data confirming persistent violation of the body's functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects. 2. Clause 13 of the order of the MZSR of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 N 624N. "By decision of the medical commission, with a favorable clinical and labor forecast, a disability sheet may be issued in the prescribed manner until the day of disability, but for a period of no more than 10 months, and in Individual cases (injuries, states after reconstructive operations, tuberculosis) - for a period of no more than 12 months, with the frequency of extension to solve the medical commission at least after 30 calendar days.

Is it possible to open a sick leave after ITU

  • Decorated with patrol disorders: pay or not?
    • The most frequently asked questions about filling and issuing disability leaves
  • All about disability leaves
  • The deadline for which hospital sheet can be issued
  • There is no mutual understanding about the pressing of disabilities.
  • Is hospital leaf issued after ITU
  • Hospital term after surgery
  • What is the maximum term of the hospital and under what conditions?

Decorated with patrol disorders: pay or not? Commentary of the expert of the journal "Regulatory acts" to the letter of the Social Insurance Fund for a long-term "sick", issued directly to the direction of ITU. The disability sheet needs to be paid, even if there is an assumption that it was issued with a violation of order.

Quote How to convince me the commission to continue my treatment on a sheet of disability and not to assign me disability. Immediately I want to make a reservation that directly the ITU Bureau - Hospital Sheets - does not extend. Bureau of ITU - can make a decision to refuse to establish disability - in the case of an incomplete stage of honey. Rehabilitation (if ITU experts find the direction of the patient on ITU - too early, premature). In this case, the hospital extends VK Polyclinics - according to the provisions of paragraph 29 of the order of the MZSR of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011

N 624n: 29. Temporarily disabled persons who have no disability, disability leaves may be issued to solve the medical commission until disability recovery with the frequency of renewal of disability to solve the medical commission at least 30 days or before the re-directions on ITU.


If the doctor points out in the messenger sheet that the forecast of the cancer is favorable, then the patient may not be assigned a group of disability, and recommend the LPU to extend the hospital sheet. The legislation below provides, in what cases the person is recognized as disabled and how the degree of life limit is determined. The law "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation" establishes that the disabled person is recognized as a person who has a violation of health with a resistant disorder of the body functions, due to diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to the restriction of vital activity and the necessity of its social protection.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006
The criterion for determining the third group of disability is a violation of human health with a persistent moderately pronounced disorder of the body functions, due to diseases, the effects of injuries or defects, leading to the restriction of the ability to work in the first degree or restriction of the following categories of life in their various combinations and the necessity of its social protection : The ability to self-service the first degree; ability to move the first degree; the ability to orientation of the first degree; ability to communicate first degree; ability to control their first degree behavior; Ability to learn the first degree. You need to get acquainted with this order and convince doctors that you still have no testimony to any 3 group of disability, i.e.

Employee has a hospital sheet from 10.09. on 09/21/2014 Date of direction to the ITU Bureau: 09/22/2014 Date of registration of documents at the ITU Bureau: 09/29/2014 Surveyed at the ITU Bureau: 09/30/2014 Tell me, hospital for how many days I have to pay?

Hospital lending to the foundation of the charge of hospital payment. If an employee fell ill without disabled, a disability sheet pay for the entire period of the disease before establishing a group employee. At the same time, the allowance charges to the date directly by the preceding day of registration of documents in the institution of medical and social expertise (ITU). This is said in paragraph 28 of the Procedure approved.

If, according to the results of the medical and social examination, the employee will determine a disability, the period of temporary disability is completed by the date directly preceding the day of registration of documents in the institution of medical and social expertise (p. 28 of the Procedure, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of June 29, 2011 No. 624n).

In this case, the doctor must extend the hospital sheet of 28. 09. Since the date of registration of documents in ITU 29.09.2014g.

And a hospital leaf that an employee provided you from 10.09 to 21.09. Therefore, if an employee does not provide a prolonged hospital list, then the manual from 22.09 do not pay.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbuch system.

The answer to this question depends on which employer has encountered:

  • at the time of opening a sheet of disability, the employee was not disabled, the disability was assigned after a disease (an employee was a permanent employment contract or an employment contract for at least six months); *
  • at the time of opening a hospital employee, there was a disabled person (a permanent employment contract was concluded with an employee or an employment contract for at least six months);
  • the manual is charged a disabled employee, with whom the urgent employment contract concluded for a period of less than six months .

If an employee fell ill without disabled, a disability sheet pay for the entire period of the disease before establishing a group employee. At the same time, the allowance charges to the date directly by the preceding day of registration of documents in the institution of medical and social expertise (ITU). This is stated in paragraph 28 of the Procedure approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of June 29, 2011 No. 624n.

Payment of hospital benefit.

At the time of the occurrence of the insured event, an employee was not disabled. Disability assigned after illness

Worker I.A. Ivanov was hired to the organization "Alpha" on an indefinite labor contract.

The employee was sick from September 11 to October 9. Date of referral to ITU Establishment - October 9, Date of registration of documents and examination - October 10. The employee is assigned to the III group of disability. The disability sheet was closed on October 9.

An accountant of the organization accrued Ivanov a hospital allowance for the period from September 11 to October 9 inclusive.

Situation:How the time of passing by a medical and social expertise is paid

The procedure for payment depends on the results of medical and social expertise: the employee will be recognized as a disabled person or not.

If, according to the results of the medical and social examination, the personnel disability is not established, the hospital leaf can be extended to full recovery working capacity with the frequency of its extension to solve the medical commission at least after 15 days or before re-directions to the medical and social expertise (paragraph 29 of the Procedure approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of June 29, 2011 No. 624n). Consequently, in this case, the time of the passage of medical and social expertise will enter into a period of disability on the hospital sheet and will be paid as part of temporary disability benefits.

Thus, in the second case, during the days of the passage of the medical and social examination, the employee will receive a disability retirement. The employer duties additionally pay such days does not occur. In the operating time accounting table, this period reflect the letter code "T" or a number "20". In addition, the organization has the right to introduce its own letter (digital) designation of the period of passage of examination, for example, the letter code - EC and digital - 37. The provisions of the instructions approved by the Resolution of the Russian State Statistics Committee of January 5, 2004 No. 1, allow such an opportunity.

Article:Employee passed Medico - Social Expertise

The worker had a long time, and then was directed to the medical and social expertise to establish disability. Accountants arise many questions about how a sick leave must be filled in such a situation. The editorial office of Zarlatal's magazine addressed their Tatiana Mitrofanovna Ilyukhina, head of the legal support department in case of temporary disability and in connection with the motherhood of the legal department of the FSS of the Russian Federation.

Question: How should the hospital sheet be decorated, how to calculate the amount of allowance for temporary disability during the period of surveying in the ITU Bureau?


What date should the hospital sheet be closed

  • langed disability of more than 15 calendar days or less than 15 calendar days;
  • a group of disability is assigned or not assigned.

Samples of filling in disability leaflets when directed to the medical and social expertise and comments are shown below (samples 1, 2 and 3).

Sample 1 (fragment of filling the hospital sheet, if disability lasted less than 15 days, a disability group was not assigned to him, after examining treatment continued)

The worker was on the hospital until 09/22/2014. 09/23/2014 medical institution He was sent to the ITU Bureau on the same day he was established a disability group. Should the employer pay for the day 09/23/2014? If so, then in what size?

When establishing disability with the degree of restriction of the ability to work, the period of temporary disability is completed by the date directly preceding the day of registration of documents in the ITU facilitation, in your case it is 22.09.14 (Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ). Consequently, the time of examination is not included in the period of temporary disability of the employee, and therefore temporary disability allowance for these days is not prescribed and is not paid.
The employer retains medium earnings only during medical examinations, which are mandatory for direct indication Labor Code RF (Art. 185, Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Medical and social expertise is optional for an employee. Thus, the time of the passage of medical and social expertise is not paid by the employer. In addition, starting from this date (from 09/23/2014), the employee will receive an appointed retirement retirement. And for the day 09/23/14, it was not considered a boss, the ITU bureau should issue a certificate to the employee confirming that he was examined.
In the absence of documents in the accounting table of working hours, the days per capita of the medical and social expertise are noted by the letter code "NN" or digital code "30" or you can make a vacation without salary salary.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh system.

Article: Ready solutions for VAT tasks, benefits, electronic wallet

No need to accrue hospital for those days when the employee was on MedExpertize

Irina Melnikova asks,

gL Accountant LLC "Actual Management"

The worker was on the hospital from November 23, 2013 to December 4, 2013. December 4, the sick leave was closed. From December 5 to 11, the employee was surveyed at the Medical and Social Expertise Bureau and the III group of disabilities was established. From December 12, he re-started work. We paid him hospital until December 4 inclusive. Was it necessary to pay more and the period from 5 to 11 December? And how do these days reflect the working time accounting table?

Tatyana Ilyukhina answers

head of Legal Support Department Insurance in case of temporary disability of the legal department of the FSS RF

The same conclusion can be made from paragraph 28 of the procedure for issuing disability leaves (approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of June 29, 2011 No. 624n). It says: if the employee has a disability with a restriction of labor activities, then the time of temporary disability ends in the afternoon, which precedes the date of registration of documents in the ITU facilitation. Starting from this date, the employee will receive a disability retired retirement.

Your employee was recognized as a disabled group III. His statement was made to the Medical and Social Expertise Bureau on December 5th.

Thus, you legally paid him for temporary disability only for the period from November 23 to December 4 inclusive.

And so that the days from December 5 to 11 were not considered a bunch, the ITU bureau should issue a certificate to the employee confirming that he was examined. These days you can make a vacation at your own expense. Then in the table. Slip the code "OZ". The code "T" (temporary disability without assigning a manual) in this case is not suitable.

Violet Morgun, expert

Medical and social expertise - the first and partly the main step for some people with health problems. In the direction and passage of ITU, questions appear, especially relevant in the primary circulation.

In this article, consider the timing of the expert commission, the timing of the direction. Also in detail will reveal the question of finding the hospital before and how the day of the passage of medical and social expertise is paid.

IMPORTANT! In situations where the statement was not provided, the failure to appear on workplace Can not be counted for disrespectful reasons.

Miscelled days or hours should be marked in the statement of accounting time, as skipping to complete clarification of the circumstances or for unknown reasons.

After passing the commission in the table, the special code of absence in the workplace for good reasons is affixed, but still the specified days will not be paid.

Passage of ITU Period Responsible and difficult. Each person has many questions about the timing and directions, payment information during the examination period and the permissible time for the hospital for disability recognition.

This article is written to help at the ITU Passage Stage and helps to answer all uncertainties, based on the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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