The year of the yellow earthen monkey is a feature. Monkey: description and characteristics

Years of the Monkey: 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1954, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.

We all know that symbolic animals also have their own element.

And the characters of people born in different years of Monkeys can vary significantly.

On February 8, 2016, the year of the Red or Fiery Monkey came - active, temperamental, emotional.

Many know that they are a Monkey by Eastern horoscopebut they have no idea about the elements of their animal in the year of which they were born.

Metal Monkey: 1920, 1980

The Metal or White Monkey has a very strong will. Whatever she undertakes, she does everything purposefully and, basically, prefers to work independently, and not in a team.

White primates often prefer to work independently and enjoy the fruits of their work alone.

She is conceited, wise and self-confident and is not afraid of hard work; can be considered an expert in financial matters and, as a rule, wisely invests his money.

Monkey self-confidence is further exacerbated by the element of Metal. These people are sure that their calling is to shine in society.

Metal sometimes inclines companionable Monkeys to individualism. But, despite its independent nature, Metal Monkey loves society, attending parties and participating in all kinds of events.

The family of these people occupies one of the highest places in the value system. In relation to relatives, she is caring and kind.

Water Monkey: 1932, 1992

The Water or Black Monkey has a sensitive, receptive nature. She is more disciplined than other types of Monkeys, and more inclined to work for any one purpose than to be distracted and scattered over trifles.

The Black Monkey is the most sensitive, especially to criticism, and secretive. She has good insight and intuition, which helps her adapt to any environment.

However, despite the secrecy, the Water Monkey is very sociable. Without communication, the Black Monkeys languish and are sad. And they also perfectly understand the needs and weaknesses of people, have good abilities to convince and incline interlocutors to their side, and even manipulate them.

Those few who can earn her trust will find in her a good-natured and affectionate person who loves peace and harmony. These are kind, not aggressive people, leading a very eventful emotional life.

She is not characteristic of frankness in relation to her plans, and in conversation she tries to avoid this topic.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the indecision, which sometimes prevents the Black Monkeys from choosing the right path.

They are quite eccentric and original. Their wit and eloquence attract the attention of others., She, thanks to the ability to convince, is relatively easy to gain supporters.

She understands human weaknesses, which helps to get along well with people.

Wooden Monkey: 1944, 2004

The Wooden Green Monkey is rational, organized and pedantic. She does everything well and conscientiously, and annoys her when others do not want to follow her example.

This is a skilled and responsible worker. He has a rich imagination and tries his best to acquire new knowledge, is progressive in his ideas.

A man born in the year of the Green Wooden Monkey is known as a cheerful optimist who is always cheerful and courageously looking forward. He stands firmly on his feet and is not inclined to worry too long about some life troubles there.

Like other animals of the Wood Element, the Green Monkeys have a true passion for development. New skills, knowledge, worldly experience - all this for them is of the highest value.

Continuous self-improvement, study and renewal - this is their lifestyle and even habit, they do not think themselves without it.

Wooden Monkeys, as a rule, have a noticeable ideology. Therefore, politics is likely to be a field for them. They are true to their ideals to the very end and strive to uphold the interests of society, even forgetting their personal ones.

However, her enthusiasm may quickly fade away; she easily loses her patience and drops her hands if things go wrong.

She is not alien to the spirit of adventurism and the desire for risk. Wooden Monkey loves travel.

Among colleagues and friends is trusted and respected.

Fire Monkey: 1956, 2016

The Fiery or Red Monkey is a bright, active swinger, with an incredible supply of energy. She can rush to any extremes, relying solely on her intuition and luck.

The Fiery Monkey is smart, full of vitality and easily gain the respect of others. He is a typical adventurer and incorrigible adventurer. The scope of her interests is very wide.

She has a rich imagination, versatile interests, however, they sometimes distract her from more useful and profitable things.

She is curious and always up to date with all the events taking place.

However, it is very stubborn, if not everything goes according to its plan, and sometimes suppresses those who do not have such a strong will.

They also have a strong competitive spirit: the Red Monkey always strives to be the first and the best.

It is also worth noting that the Fire Monkey is very irritable and quick-tempered.

Stormy emotional life and sincerity unusual for other Monkeys often become the causes of conflicts with others. Such people are often selfish, rude and tactless, which is completely uncharacteristic of other primates.

The character is very lively, the opposite sex is very popular, very devoted to his partner.

Earth Monkey: 1908, 1968

The Yellow Monkey is the most calm and balanced. Unlike her sisters, she has a strong relationship with family and friends.

Monkey adventurism is to some extent reduced in the element of the Earth - here prudence, prudence and common sense are often manifested. Such people are sometimes even known as conservatives and do not welcome reforms.

She is not as sociable as other Monkeys, and prefers calmer and more solid classes.

The Earth Monkey is inquisitive, well-read and usually achieves much in the chosen profession.

She has high principles, a caring nature, great generosity in relation to the unfortunate.

A person born in the year of the Earth Monkey often helps outcasts and disadvantaged people, not considering charity a waste of time.

She is successful in business and finance and, by old age, may have significant wealth.

Having a calming influence on others, she, as a rule, is loved and respected by all.

She is especially attentive to those whom she trusts.

True Monkey Passion for Competition Falls - Earth Monkeys are generally indifferent to medals and other attributes of success.

She does not seek to gain the recognition of the crowd, instead gathering together a close circle of people who are pretty to her.

General qualities of Monkeys

A monkey was born under the sign of imagination. She is curious, extremely curious and always up to date with the events around her.

The monkey is smart, well-read, loves to learn, has an excellent memory. Among the Monkeys there are many scholars and linguists.

She has a very convincing manner of speaking, a love of participating in discussions and debates.

Her friendliness and confident manners make it easy to win fans and admirers.

It is thanks to these qualities that there are many politicians and diplomats among the Monkeys.

They usually do a good job requiring communication with people, for example, teaching, trading.

The monkey, however, is rather clever and cunning, and even often not very neat in actions.

She will never miss the opportunity to get her in any way, can circle anyone around her finger, but the victim realizes this too late. She even runs the risk of outwitting herself.

Moreover, she is so self-confident that she rarely accepts someone's advice.

The monkey likes to advise others, and she prefers to rely only on her own judgments.

The monkey knows how to get out of the most difficult situations. And she is able to pull not only herself, but also others from the most hopeless situation.

She has a very developed instinct for self-survival.

Possessing a variety of talents and abilities, the Monkey is good at making money, but loves a chic life too much to be able to deny himself something.

Sometimes she is very envious if someone has what she dreams of.

The Monkey has an original mindset and, despite sociability, the desire for independence.

She must have freedom of action, and any Monkey, by the will of fate bound by a rigid framework, very quickly begins to feel miserable.

If her life becomes too monotonous and boring, she soon loses all interest and begins to strive for diversity.

The monkey clearly lacks perseverance and perseverance, and this often spoils her career. If the Monkey will be able to concentrate his attention on one thing, then, of course, he will be able to achieve much.

A monkey is an excellent organizer, and although it sometimes makes a mistake, it always has some kind of plan or idea. In those rare cases when the plan doesn’t work, she simply shrugs and starts the experiment.

She never repeats twice one mistake and tries her hand at many activities throughout her life.

The monkey loves to impress, and, as a rule, she does it well.

Many are attracted to her appearance, wit, and the fact that she certainly inspires confidence.

Monkeys usually get married young, and for their union to be successful, partners need to give the Monkeys some freedom of action and the ability to satisfy their thirst for adventure.

A monkey must have some kind of variety in life.

The most successful union of the Monkey with the Rat, Dragon, Pig and Goat.

An eager, lively Monkey can also get along with the Bull, Rabbit, Snake and Dog, but will probably annoy the Rooster and the Horse, and the Tiger simply will not tolerate its antics.

The union of two Monkeys can also be good - they can easily understand each other and can help each other in different situations.

The monkey is a smart lady, very observant and insightful. Her opinions and assessments are highly valued, and her confident manner of behavior helps to achieve the goal.

She has many diverse interests, the desire to participate in several projects at once.

She pays great attention to her appearance, dresses elegantly and loves to care for her hair.

She is a beautiful, caring mother, and during her life she makes many friends.

Provided that the Monkey manages to moderate his ardor and not be distracted by what is happening around, she, of course, will be able to achieve her goal in life.

Faced with life failures, she must stop and think about their causes.

The monkey is an optimist, and her life is rich in events and adventures.

Famous personalities born in the year of the Monkey:

Julius Caesar, Charles Dickens, Scott Fitzgerald, Paul Gauguin, Edward Kennedy, Jonathan King, Martina Navratilova, Elizabeth Taylor, Harry Truman, Leonardo da Vinci.

Determine, 1968 - the year of which animal eastern calendar, can be in accordance with twelve and sixty year cycles. In the twelve-year cycle of the Chinese horoscope, this is the ninth year - Monkeys. You can clarify by belonging to the main elements, and there are five of them in the eastern calendar - Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, Fire. According to the horoscope, 1968 is the Yellow Earth Monkey. Such a year is repeated once every sixty years. It began on January 30, 1968, and ended on February 16, 1969.

In the eastern calendar you can see two years of which animal fell on one century, and which were only once:

  • Yellow Earth Monkey - 1908, 1968
  • White Metal Monkey - 1920, 1980
  • Black Water Monkey - 1932, 1992
  • Green Wooden Monkey -1944
  • Red Fire Monkey - 1951

Finding out what animal in 1968 according to the horoscope, they are primarily interested in the personality characteristics of people born under this sign. The coincidence of the sign of the person’s birth year with the sign of the current year does not automatically determine its success.

People born under the auspices of the Monkey are distinguished by curiosity and high self-esteem. Yellow color symbolizes calm. Earth is a sign of judgment.

The Chinese believe that the curiosity of this animal is reflected in erudition, intelligence in those born under this sign. The opportunity to receive a serious education, the ability to solve complex problems throughout life - such good inclinations are given by the year of the Yellow Earth Monkey.

In a career, these people achieve the greatest success in finance and commerce. Business is for them. With age, they can make significant capital. Their strong quality is planning, strategic thinking. They gradually but surely achieve results.

But not only intellectual merits, prudence and rationality are inherent in them. They also have artistry - even to the point of shocking, a passion for the game and a great sense of humor.

Features of the year

Unlike other Monkeys, Yellow Earth by the additional property of its sign is more down to earth. Thus, in 1968, people were born with less dependence on information stuffing, with a more systematic approach to education, with less enthusiasm for everything and everything - they clearly build the vector of the knowledge they need, they get it more pragmatically.

The love of communication is largely based on common sense. Patrons and rescuers born during this period are happy to help, but always very meaningfully, with benefit not only for others, but also for themselves. They have an interest in competition, but they are not attracted to purely external attributes of success - medals, cups, diplomas, and thanks. More essential things are needed: bonuses, deposits, valuables, an impressive fortune - everything that will have a worthy cash equivalent.

Character weaknesses

Overpriced self-esteem is not the only weakness of people this year . Moodiness, incredulity and even secrecy can manifest themselves in their nature. They are not trying to retire. However, among people with whom they have a close relationship, even in the midst of fun and celebration, they deeply conceal their true thoughts, not revealing them to anyone.

This is not to say that Monkeys are not emotional enough. They may seem eccentric and unpredictable. But the sincere emotions that they show in communication, their mischief and sense of humor are one thing, and their real plans are completely different. Because of this, Monkeys are often suspected of cunning, cunning and vindictiveness.

The games they play are simple and open-minded. In fact, the real rules of the game they play are known only to them. And Monkeys love and know how to play. They never let go of the initiative.

Independence is another striking characteristic of their character.

Life companions

Marriage helps the intellectually developed and artistic Monkey secure its worldly rear. That is why the union of two people of this sign is considered not quite successful. They are good together only when their plans completely coincide, and this is rare. Relations with the Rooster, Rat and Tiger do not add up. Ideally, their partners are under the sign of Rabbit, Boar, Dragon, Bull, and, under certain circumstances, Snakes:

Relationship in society

Peacefulness and a calm attitude towards people is the key to good relations with friends, colleagues, relatives. Even in an unfamiliar company, they are usually waiting for good welcome, because secular communication is their "horse": this is facilitated by artistry, a sense of humor, quick reaction, the ability to keep other people's secrets and not expose their problems. Scholarship and intelligence help find interesting topics for communication.

Secrecy does not prevent expecting compliments and praises, it naturally follows from their overvalued self-esteem.

Compensation mechanism

The eastern horoscope believes that the strong positive sides Yellow Earth Monkeys can compensate for the negative qualities of Monkeys. Secrecy combined with goodwill helps them not to disclose not only their own, but also other people's secrets.

Their pursuit of security and education always guard not only their own interests, but also those around them. Even if they hide something unpleasant, for example, their contempt for colleagues and relatives, then they are definitely not going to harm them. An extreme case when a strong resentment makes one take revenge: it will be done by the wrong hands.

The desire for material well-being, which was originally laid down by the sign, will not overshadow others. These people spend too much effort on their success. and almost never refuse sympathy to loved ones.

Attention, only TODAY!

Earth Monkey

Metal Monkey

Water Monkey

Wooden Monkey

Fiery monkey

Earth Monkey

Metal Monkey

Water Monkey

Wooden Monkey

Fiery monkey

Earth Monkey

The monkey represents the male principle of yang, the first triangle (Monkey, Rat and Dragon), the element of metal.

The Sign of the Monkey has the talent of a designer; he sees the essence of any system, a talented artisan. A great sense of humor and childish spontaneity make Monkey outgoing and popular. The ability to be surprised preserves youth until old age. Inventive in commerce and romantic relationships, Monkey is very curious, active in communicating with all kinds of people. Her quick wit and excellent response to external challenges contribute to success in society. Special mockery and some snobbery allow her to revolve in different circles of society, while maintaining the appearance of her superiority over her environment. He is erudite, with a good memory of facts, loves competition and often prevails over rivals because he knows how to use the circumstances and mistakes of a competitor. Resourcefulness and the ability to predict win-win options makes the Monkey financially sound. But she can outwit herself and remain out of work.

Positive qualities of the mark

Resourcefulness even in extreme situations, ingenuity, intellectual giftedness. The monkey is always a little ahead of the rest of the zodiac in terms of innovation, modernization and innovation. The big fashionista is aware of new style trends. Artistic giftedness can affect career choices. Acting data contributes to popularity in society. The monkey will always provide support, solve problems in an unusual way, thanks to its connections and the gift of predicting the development of events.

Negative qualities of a sign

Arrogance, selfishness and distrust of people push the Monkey to unpleasant acts. The trick does not always lead to the desired result. She is capable of cheating. In love manifests possessive instincts, is suspicious and jealous, which makes the partnership sometimes unbearable. Vanity is the flip side of ambition, making it difficult to realize real opportunities. He likes to manipulate, sees well the weaknesses of human nature and uses them for selfishness. Often they lose direction and waste their talents on the little things of life.

In the Year of the Monkeyyou can take risks and win, introduce new ideas and, in general, strive to renew your habits, meet new people, find a new hobby. The danger lies in the lack of thought and haste of decisions, in exchanging the main goal for small achievements. Local conflicts and force majeure during trips are possible. A good year for Monkey, Rat, Tiger, Sheep, Horse, Dog, Pig and Rooster. A difficult year for the Bull. Neutral year for Rabbit, Dragon and Snake.

Celebrities of this sign

Julius Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, James Cook, Pope John Paul II, Charles Dickens, Alexander Dumas, Grigory Rasputin, John Milton, Paul Gauguin, Harry Truman, George Zhukov, Ray Bradbury, Vasily Aksenov, Nelson Rockefeller, Harry Goudini, Elizabeth , Mick Jagger. Actors: Tom Hanks, Nikolai Karachentsev, Eric Roberts, Mel Gibson, Daniel Craig, Eric Bana, Aaron Eckhard, Gillian Andersen, Ryan Gosling, Yuri Kolokolnikov, Anna Semenovich, Selena Gomez.

Elemental Character

Red Fire Monkey

It is characterized by ups and downs of activity. The fire element monkey can tolerate the conditions of the highest tension in order to achieve the goal, which alternate with a decrease in vitality to almost zero. He has a developed imagination, is extremely inquisitive and agile, loves traveling, studies all his life and teaches others. Very cunning and adventurous, achieves success in career and business. Needs forced rest and a change of scenery so as not to be exhausted. Living in constant stress will negatively affect your health.

White Metal Monkey

Thanks to the element of metal, the White Monkey is distinguished by its determination, willingness to sacrifice many for the sake of career success. Leadership helps to achieve authority among equals, to surpass the environment in efficiency and enterprise. Of the shortcomings, it is worth noting the passion to brag and non-punctuality. Changeability and moodiness disturb peace in the house. The unpredictability and selfishness of the Monkey compensates for the high status in society and good income.

Yellow Earth Monkey

Distinguished by the desire for peace, harmony. He likes to decorate the house, furnish it with the latest technology and style. The Earth Monkey is more prudent and economical, successfully applies wide erudition, helps his partner and close practical advice and money loans. In the field of love, he does not deny himself pleasures, in a partner he seeks loyalty and condescension to his freedom. It is pleasant and interesting to live with her, if not annoying everyday enthusiasm.

Black (Blue) Water Monkey

The Black Water Monkey is distinguished by emotionality, sociable, charmingly cunning. He will always be able to get what he wants, even in hopeless situations, remains profitably. She is capable of long-term affection and passionate feelings for her beloved. Water Monkey should devote himself to a lot of time, it is especially important to lead healthy way of life. Her well-being and success are directly dependent on her mood and comfortable environment. The most sensitive to the troubles of others among other elements of this sign.

Green Wooden Monkey

Unusual originality gives the element of wood to this sign. He likes to indulge his weaknesses, seeks to make a lasting impression on others, so he often behaves in society excessively eccentric. He seeks to improve his partner, his destiny, the planet as a whole. He works very energetically in this direction, it is good if he chooses a medical specialty. In another case, the Wooden Monkey is ready to join the animal rescue movement and become an activist in the environmental movement. Needs approval of their actions and their appreciation. Ambition borders on vanity. Unforgettable in love and fun.

  • 1908 February 2 - element of the year earth
  • 1920 February 20 - element of the year metal
  • 1932 February 6 - element of the year water
  • 1944 January 25 - element of the year tree
  • 1956 February 12 - element of the year fire
  • 1968 January 30 - element of the year earth
  • 1980 February 16 - element of the year metal
  • February 4, 1992 - element of the year water
  • 2004 January 22 - element of the year tree
  • February 8, 2016 - element of the year fire

People born under the sign of the Metal Monkey have a more masterful character than its other counterparts. These people have great ability to solve very difficult situations. In addition, they are frugal, pragmatic, know when and where it is profitable to invest money. They strive to occupy a high position in society. Metal monkeys are independent individuals, but they have some drawbacks: they are so concentrated on their own self that they often do not notice what is happening around them, which is why they often do not deserve the trust of others. These Monkeys are most cordial and express their feelings brighter than others.

The metal monkey is sure that it was born to shine in society and never spares its strength to prove it. And since her artistry is on top, then she has every chance to become famous person. People born under the sign of the Metal Monkey are able to protect their interests and take care of themselves on their own, without resorting to the help of others.

The water monkey is the most sensitive and secretive of all its brethren, and it’s also very touchy. Her understanding and insight help her adapt well in any setting. She has the talent to crawl through the eye of the needle and still benefit from it. But deep down in my soul good man, good-natured and affectionate. If she sees that a person is worthy of trust, then she will easily open her plans.

This man is witty and unusual. Eccentric and sensitive, she is able to easily destroy any barriers only with her personal charm. Among its shortcomings may be only indecision, and the inability to choose the right direction.

Wooden Monkey is very organized, rational, pedantic. She does everything well and wants others to follow her example. And since she is inclined to command, she will impose her criteria wherever she can.

Greedy for fame, this Monkey will spare no effort to climb high. She has developed intuition, which allows one to predict certain events, which she does with great benefit for herself. She is interested in everything new and progressive. However, very rarely the Wooden Monkey is happy. She cares too much about the visible side, missing the point.

Wooden Monkey has a great flair for good opportunities. She can make a brilliant speaker, an excellent politician, deep down she wants to do good deeds and receive gratitude for this.

Sign of the Fire Monkey

A bright swinger, possessing the energy of a thermal power plant, this sign may turn out to be courageous, throwing its head into the abyss and counting solely on its intuition. The spirit of competition is strong in him: he always wants to be the first, to open new paths and to prove that his initiatives are the best. In this sense, he is an indisputable leader. Since he is very stubborn, he easily gets into an argument, especially if he is opposed. His irritability primarily affects those close to him.

Decisive, quite sincere for the Monkey and very emotional, the Fiery Monkey loves to flutter like a butterfly from flower to flower, having no idea of \u200b\u200bfidelity. This is a great smoothie who uses his eloquence and charm to conquer the opposite sex. But he is usually not able to maintain a long and lasting relationship.

The Earthen Monkey character is more calm and balanced. She usually gathers around herself a close circle of people she likes and does not seek to gain recognition from the crowd. This monkey is much more trustworthy than the rest of her sisters, because she has a strong relationship with loved ones.

Since the Earth, among other things, represents matter, it is logical to assume that the Monkey controlled by this element is to a large extent interested in earthly values. The Earth Monkey is very pedantic, in addition, it can be given to work as few.

People born between the dates of January 30, 1968 and February 16, 1969 belong to the sign of the Earth Monkey on the Eastern Calendar. This is the year of birth of successful businessmen. The year 1968 of the animal Earthen Monkey, which determines the main advantages and disadvantages of their nature. A monkey often symbolizes high self-esteem, yellow - calm and openness to people, and the earth - judiciousness, good understanding with other people.

Year of the Earth Monkey

These people are extremely inquisitive. They like to read, which makes them very erudite as a result. Those born under this sign are lucky in areas such as finance and commerce. At maturity, most of them already have decent capital. A set of positive qualities helps people of the Earth Monkey sign be successful in their chosen profession, no matter what they do.

One who was born in the year of the Yellow Earth Monkey is a calm and balanced person. He does not need the recognition of the crowd, he values \u200b\u200bhis loved ones. Typically, monkeys tend to be the first, but the Earth is a material element, slow and deep, therefore, usually the Earth Monkey prefers material values, but this is combined with high morality and altruism, helping disadvantaged people. These people are not too sociable, and not because they are unable to communicate, no, they just don’t need it, they don’t trust everyone with their secrets, but they value love and respect.

The year 1968 according to the Eastern calendar makes people born at that time respected and beloved. They are very caring and tend to be generous with the afflicted. Born in 1968 - people whom nature endowed with high morality are very attentive to people who have managed to enter into their trust. Not very sociable, they prefer serious and calm classes.

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