Kl hour on a healthy lifestyle. Class hour "Healthy lifestyle

Open class hour on the topic "Healthy lifestyle"

Objectives : expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle;

promote the formation of a positive attitude towards health as the greatest value; encourage children to follow healthy lifestyle habits; to promote the education in children of a sense of responsibility for their own health, health of the family and society.


  1. Mini-lecture "What is health?"
  2. Drawing up a table "Healthy lifestyle"
  3. Performance of students on the topic "Bad habits"
  4. Game "Happy Accident"
  5. Final word.
  6. Summarizing.

The course of the class hour.

  1. Interactive conversation "What we have, we do not store, when we lose, we cry"

The topic of our class hour is a healthy lifestyle.

Every adult will tell you that health is the greatest value, but for some reason modern youth names money, career, love, fame among the main values, and puts health only in 7-8th place.

A wise proverb says: "What we have, we do not keep, having lost, we cry." What do you think this proverb has to do with the topic of our conversation?

We know how to keep money, how to keep things. Do you know how to keep your health?

Today we will talk about what needs to be done in order not to regret the lost health.

2.Mini-lecture "What is health?"

So today we are talking about health. For many years, health was understood as the absence of diseases and physical disabilities. But in our time, a different point of view has been established. According to this point of view, health is physical, mental and social.

Physical health - this is a state of correct functioning of the whole organism. If a person is physically healthy, then he can do all his current duties without unnecessary fatigue. He has enough energy to be successful in school and to do all the necessary things at home.

Mental health manifests itself in the fact that a person is pleased with himself, likes himself as he is, he is satisfied with his achievements and can draw conclusions from his mistakes. To maintain mental health, you need to rest, get new experiences, communicate with friends.

Social health manifests itself in relationships with other people. Socially healthy people know how to get along with others. They respect other people's rights and can defend theirs. They maintain good relations with relatives, know how to find new friends, and know how to express their needs and wants so that they become understandable to others.

Healthy can only be called a person who has all three types of health.

  1. Drawing up a table "Healthy image of a person"

So, health is a great value, but many begin to understand this when they get sick. Scientists claim that the human body is designed for 150-200 years of life. And now people live in our country 2-3 times less. What prevents people from living long?

The main thing for health is the ability of a person to work on himself, on his health. All scientists agree on one thing: to be healthy, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

But what constitutes a healthy lifestyle, we learn when compiling a table. I will ask 5 riddles, each of which is a health factor.

1. Uniform alternation of work and rest during the day. (Daily regime)

2. Constant training of their physical endurance, resistance to cold, to diseases. (Tempering)

3. Activities aimed at maintaining cleanliness, health. (Hygiene)

4. The order of food intake, its nature and quantity (Proper nutrition)

5. Active actions involving different muscle groups. (Movement, sports)

So, what did we get. What constitutes a healthy lifestyle that gives a person health and longevity?

I suggest adding one more item to this list - the absence bad habits... You agree with me?

Indeed, a person can fulfill all the points of a healthy lifestyle, but one bad habit, for example, smoking or alcoholism, will nullify all his efforts. What other bad habits does a person have? Let's listen to our classmates.

4. Performance of students on the topic "Bad habits"

Smoking, Alcoholism, Drug addiction, gambling addiction, foul language.

These are bad habits that can ruin human health, cause colossal harm to the body.

5. Game "Happy Accident"

I have prepared a game for you. We have 2 teams in the game.

1 round. “Yes, no, I don’t know»

1.Do you agree that exercise is a source of vitality and health? Yes

1. Is it true that lack of sun causes depression in people? Yes

2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? Not

2. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for a whole year? not

3) Is it true that chocolate bars are among the top 5 most harmful foods? Yes

3. Is it true that you have to drink 2 glasses of milk every day? Yes

4 Is it true that bananas cheer you up? Yes

4Is it true that sugary drinks are among the 5 most harmful foods? Yes

5. Is it true that over 10,000 people die from smoking every year? Yes

5. Is it true that a minute of laughter equals 45 minutes of passive rest? Yes

6. Is it possible that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? Yes

6. Do you agree that stress is good for your health? Not

7. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? Not

7. Do you agree that potato chips are good for your health? Not

8. is it easy to quit smoking? Not.

8 Is it true that one injection can become a drug addict? Yes

9. is it true that most people don't smoke? Yes

9. Is it true that a young growing body needs 30 different types of food every week? Yes

10. Is it true that owls like to work in the morning? not

10. Is it true that sausages are good for your health? not

2nd round. "Troubles from a barrel»

1.Name indoor plant, which: firstly, it is edible - you can put 1-2 leaves in a salad or eat it just like that, without seasonings; secondly, it heals the throat, vocal cords, heals wounds, and its juice improves digestion (Kalanchoe)

2. What medicinal animal was promoted by Duremar - the character in the tale of Alexei Tolstoy? (A medicinal leech. They suck blood, lower blood pressure, produce hirudin, which prevents blood from clotting)

3.Why can not you pick berries, mushrooms and medicinal plants along the roads? (They accumulate harmful substances)

4.In the Arctic and Antarctica, despite the cold, people get little sick colds, and in the middle lane - often. Why? (The air there is practically sterile, since pathogenic bacteria and viruses die. In the middle lane there are many viruses in the air that cause disease)

6. Closing remarks.

Guys, today we talked about the fact that health is the greatest value for a person. Many factors affect our health: climate, politics, economy, and much more. Something we cannot change. But a lot also depends on us. To be healthy, to live happily ever after, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle. And every person can do it


Tobacco smoking dates back to ancient times. Having landed on the shores of America, Columbus and his companions saw the natives holding bundles of steaming grass in their mouths.
Tobacco came to France from Spain, it was brought by Ambassador Jean Nico as a gift to Queen Catherine de Medici. From the surname "Niko" comes the word "nicotine".


  • In China, a student who is seen smoking will face a debilitating punishment - training on an exercise bike;
  • At the end of the 16th century in England, people were executed for smoking, and the heads of those executed with a pipe in their mouths were exposed in the square;
  • In Turkey, smokers were impaled;
  • During the reign of Mikhail Romanov, smoking was punishable by death. Everyone who has found tobacco, "should be tortured and beaten on a goat with a whip until it is recognized where he got it from ..."

In our humane society there are no such punishments, but tobacco smoking is equated with drug addiction. Thanks to nicotine, a person experiences a kind of euphoric state and a decline in hunger. In any case, this is an anomaly. Let us think about such a terrible figure: smoking and the diseases caused by it annually cause the death of at least one million citizens of our country.

According to the WHO, in the world 90% of deaths from lung cancer, 75% of chronic bronchitis and 25% of ischemic disease hearts are caused by smoking. Smoking negatively affects:

On the nervous system

Adrenal medulla

Arterial pressure

Respiratory center


Malnutrition of the subcutaneous vessels leads to premature aging and yellowing of the facial skin. The mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi becomes inflamed. Stagnation of mucus in the lungs forms, leading to persistent coughing. The immunity of smokers is weakened.

Since the lungs of adolescents have not yet formed, they are particularly affected by smoking. Young smokers have impaired memory and attention. Working capacity, vision, hearing, sense of smell are impaired.


A chronic disease caused by the systematic use of alcoholic beverages. It is manifested by physical and mental dependence on alcohol, mental and social degradation, pathology of internal organs, metabolism, central and peripheral nervous system... Alcoholic psychosis often occurs.

There is a myth thatmoderate use the amount of alcoholic beverages does not cause serious physical and psychological problems and is even beneficial to health. But often even moderate drinking ends with the development of alcoholism.

Drinking alcohol is extremely dangerous for children and adolescents. Childhood alcoholism develops much faster than adults. The liver of a teenager decomposes faster than that of an adult. The development of the organism stops, memory, vision, and the state of the whole organism as a whole deteriorate. Rice of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension is increasing.

How is alcoholism treated?

The first step to treatment for an alcoholic is to acknowledge that they have an alcohol dependence problem. The next step is to get help from a public or private institution that specializes in the treatment of alcoholism.


Official statistics on drug addiction are very alarming. Over the past 6 years, the prevalence of drug addiction among adolescents has increased 10 times. The term "drug addiction" itself is associated with the concept of "drug" (from the Greek narkotikos - soporific).

According to the internationally accepted definition, drug addiction is a mental disorder consisting in a strong desire to take a certain substance to the detriment of other activities and persistent continued use of the substance despite the harmful consequences. A synonym for the term drug addiction is the concept of "addiction".

Speaking of drug addiction, we mean substances that form a mental dependence on their consumption. Thus, at present, the term "narcotic substance" (narcotic) is used in relation to those poisons or substances that are capable of causing euphorizing, hypnotic, analgesic or stimulating effects.

The novice addict simply does not have a thought about harm, but there is an idea that he can use all his effort, gather all his will into a fist and quit this addiction when he wants to. However, this is the biggest mistake.

The harm of drug addiction does not reveal itself spontaneously. Initially, in the early stages, it seems to a person that all the "tales" about danger are too hypertrophied, while in fact the brain is in a pleasant prostration, and the body is as if in zero gravity. Such a belief is so firmly entrenched in the mind of the addict that he does not listen to all the reasonable arguments of close people and doctors.


the form psychological dependence manifested in obsessive infatuation

Computer games are often criticized. A number of scientists believe that they cause addiction, along with alcohol and drugs, although such claims are largely controversial. Many people are addicted to computer games, but not all become gambling addicts.

Causes and symptoms of gambling addiction

Among the main reasons for the development of gambling addiction are:

  • lack of bright moments in real life;
  • unformed psyche (fixation in childhood or adolescence);

The following symptoms indicate the presence of gambling addiction:

  • the reluctance of the dependent person to be distracted from a computer game, the appearance of pronounced irritation when forced to withdraw from the game, when a computer game is resumed, an emotional upsurge is observed;
  • inability to predict the end of a computer session, postponing this moment for a long time;
  • constant conversations of an addict about his favorite computer game;
  • lack of interest in food (eating any food without leaving the computer);
  • irrational daily routine, reducing sleep time in order to lengthen a computer session;
  • forgetting about office, household chores, lack of interest in them;
  • neglect of personal hygiene.


Foul language is speech filled with indecent expressions, obscene words, abuse. This phenomenon has many definitions: foul language, unprintable expressions, obscene language, etc.

In adolescence, the problem of obscene language becomes especially acute, because in the eyes of a teenager, foul language is a manifestation of independence, the ability to disobey prohibitions, that is, a symbol of adulthood. In addition, it is a sign of linguistic belonging to a peer group, speech fashion. Sometimes this is an imitation of youth idols, for example, popular TV presenters, actors, singers.

But few of the guys realize that foul language, like rudeness, is a weapon of insecure people. Rudeness allows them to hide their own vulnerability and protects them, because discovering weakness and insecurity at this age is tantamount to complete defeat. In addition, adolescents try to hurt their parents with swear words, shock them, and piss them off in order to measure their power over them and confirm their own emotional independence from them.

Swearing is not only a set of obscenities. Such vocabulary indicates a person's spiritual illness. After all, a word is not just a set of sounds that express a thought. It can tell a lot about our state of mind. Socrates said: "What a person is, such is his speech"


  • find out what “health” is;
  • make students think about the need to be healthy, introduction to a healthy lifestyle;
  • to achieve the formation of an active position among students on this issue;
  • identify factors influencing health and derive a “health formula”;
  • create conditions for the development of students' communication skills in the process of group work.

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease and injury."
"Health is the only precious thing."

  1. Introduction (topic, purpose, epigraph)
  2. Determination of the state of your health (practical work)
  3. Health factors (conversation, research activities)
  4. Conclusion, (compilation of syncwine)

Equipment: presentation (Appendix 1)


"Hello!" we say when we meet each other, wishing, first of all, health, and only then everything else. We can change our costumes, hairstyles, but we cannot change ourselves. One organism is given to us for life. It is very important to remember and take care of him. Human health is the foundation of his entire life. When a person is healthy, he is active, efficient, self-sufficient and happy, finally.

Today we have a class hour on the topic “Health is the only jewel”. We will not only find out what health is, but also learn how to determine the parameters of our health, learn the rules for maintaining health and the factors that affect it. We have to independently derive the formula for health.

The work will be carried out in 4 groups.

Let's do a little warm-up.

Game “Collect a proverb”.

You need to collect proverbs within 1 minute:

  1. IN healthy body, (healthy mind)
  2. Keep your head cold (and your feet warm)
  3. Fast and dexterous (the disease will not catch up)
  4. Heat dries the earth, man (disease)
  5. To the weak and the disease (sticks)
  6. Loving purity - (will be healthy)
  7. You will ruin your health - (you cannot buy a new one).
  8. There would be health (and there will be happiness).
  9. Not happy with the patient and (golden bed).
  10. You will be healthy - (you will get everything).
  11. Where is health (there is beauty)
  12. Take care of the dress again, but (health from a young age).

Q: What proverbs or sayings do you know about health

- You see that people thought about health in antiquity, because proverbs are folk wisdom.

Q: So what is health? And what is the meaning of the concept of "health" you mean?

(Student responses.)

- health is the absence of diseases;

- health - the ability of a person to be aware of their needs and satisfy them.

Thanks for the interesting definitions, it is felt that the health problem is in your field of attention. Back in 1946, the World Health Organization wrote in its Charter that "... health should be understood as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just as the absence of disease or physical defects."

Determining your health status.

IN modern world people are more concerned with financial wealth, the availability of expensive things, computers and cars. But health is the most precious thing a person possesses. There are many methods for determining the state of your health. Let's take two of the simplest ones.

Method 1 (comic quiz).


  1. Exercise is a source of vitality and health (Yes).
  2. Chewing gum preserves teeth (not).
  3. Cacti remove radiation from a computer (not).
  4. More than 10 thousand people die from smoking every year (Yes).
  5. Bananas cheer up (Yes).
  6. Carrots slow down the aging process (Yes).
  7. There are harmless drugs (not).
  8. Quitting smoking is easy (not).
  9. Milk is healthier than yogurt (not).
  10. Adults are more likely than children to break their legs and arms (Yes).
  11. Lack of sun causes depression (Yes).
  12. In the summer you can stock up on vitamins for a whole year (not).
  13. Drink two glasses of milk daily (Yes).
  14. Children under 15 are not allowed to do weightlifting (Yes).
  15. It is enough for the child to sleep 8 hours at night (not).

Results: If you answered YES 8 times - a great result. The rest, who did not get the required number of correct answers, do not be discouraged, you have everything ahead.

Method 2 (scientific)

Russian doctor N.M. Amosov proposed determining the size of health - this is a conditional parameter that does not give an answer about the state of health, but allows you to think about it: You have tokens of three colors on your tables: red, yellow, blue.

- If you have not been sick during the whole school year - you have the highest health level (red token).
- If the disease occurred during an epidemic, the average health level (yellow token).
- If you are sick during normal training activities, your health level is the lowest (blue token).

Output: analyze your health, hand over the token of the corresponding color to the group leader, who will draw conclusions. (The class teacher makes a conclusion about the size of the health of the class as a whole.)

Health factors.

Health is formed under the influence of a complex set of internal factors and external influences. Scientists conducted a study and concluded: what our health depends on. We will try to summarize these data in the form of a health formula.

Q: What components do you think the health formula will consist of? what affects human health?

Student responses:

Quality of medical services

Health formula (100%) \u003d (10%) medicine + (20%) heredity + (20%) environment + (50%) lifestyle.

Q: Which of the components of this formula do you think depend on the person himself?


We will not discuss factors beyond our control with you. Let's talk about lifestyle.

Q: What do you understand as a healthy lifestyle? What lifestyle factors affect health?

Lifestyle factors (to be completed with students):

Now I invite you to listen to the rubric "It is interesting".

1st student.Russian doctors have developed a test "Will you live to 70?", Which makes it possible to assess the risk factors for various types of human lifestyles. Scientists have collected a large amount of factual material and made conclusions regarding the influence of some features of a person's lifestyle on his longevity. It turned out that physical labor, in contrast to mental labor, adds several years to life. Sport also increases its duration. It has been found that people who go in for sports 5 times a week live 4 years longer than those who ignore physical activity or turn to sports only sporadically.

2nd student. Prolonged sleep (over 10 hours a day) has a negative effect on life expectancy, shortening it by 4 years compared to 7-8 hours of sleep, which is explained by a decrease in physical activity, and hence a deterioration in blood circulation. It has been proven that aggressive people with outbursts of anger shorten their eyelids, while calm people lengthen it due to their own poise. The difference in life expectancy of these two categories of persons is six years. Life expectancy is negatively affected by smoking, drug use, alcohol, and education has a positive effect: secondary education lengthens it by one year, higher education - by two. Education develops intelligence and culture that affect the entire organization of human life.

Generalization of answers and conclusions.

1. A clear and correct daily routine. Thanks to a clear regime, the body experiences less stress, the expended forces are restored faster and more completely.

The inability of a person to force himself to adhere to a certain and precise regime is a sign of lack of will, disorganization, weak character.

2. High physical activity, sufficient physical activity. The body cannot develop without sufficient physical activity (this was fixed in the process of evolution)... Physical inactivity - what is it? Why do we move so little?

3. Constant stay in nature, the use of its beneficial factors - fresh air, water, sun.

4. Correct. Balanced diet.

5. Refusal from bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs).

Learning to be healthy is our task.

Teacher:Proper nutrition is the first step to health.

Now you are invited to play the role of nutritionists. In recent years, this profession has become fashionable and highly paid. And who knows, maybe some of you will choose this profession in the future and become famous as a famous nutritionist.

Each group has an envelope on the table, which contains images of different products (meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, mushrooms, honey, chocolate, baked goods, milk, cheese, berries, apples, bananas, oranges, lemons, and others). (Appendix 2)

Tasks for 1st group: Select the foods your preschool and primary school child needs.

2nd group- essential products for a middle and senior schoolchild.

3rd group- makes a selection for the elderly.

4th group- foods that must be included in the diet with care, and the presence of which must be mandatory.

Time for completing the task: 5-7 minutes.

Students of one of the groups, after completing the assignment, express their opinion and justify their choice. Other groups complement the answer.


Indeed, a person's diet different ages different.

Be sure to include dairy products, lean meats, fish, vegetables and fruits, natural juices in the diet.

Until the age of three, it is better not to give the child chocolate and chocolates at all.

School-age children are prohibited from spicy, fatty, carbonated lemonades, chips, hamburgers. Cocoa should be used with caution. The diet should have enough vegetables and fruits, natural juices.

In adults, depending on the type of activity, the daily requirement for caloric content of foods is different. It depends on whether a person is physically or mentally working, whether he has chronic diseases.

In the absence of allergies and contraindications, all foods in moderation can and should be consumed.

Elderly people need calcium to strengthen their bones, the source of which is dairy products, fish, meat. Better to limit the intake of sweets. Eat more vegetables and fruits, natural juices.

Thus, the food ration should correspond to the energy needs of the body at a particular age, contain a sufficient amount of nutrients with a certain - balanced - ratio between them.

Q: What do you think, does the color of food matter for maintaining and strengthening our health?

Teacher: The color of food can not only create a good mood, but also keep you healthy.

The task: find out how the color of products affects the state of the human body.

1st group - orange color.
2nd group - green.
3rd group - red.
4th group - yellow.

Students in each group complete the task.

To complete the task: 5 minutes

Teacher: Now I invite you to exchange the information you have received. In my opinion, interesting and little-known facts sounded.

If today we are talking about proper nutrition, then we cannot ignore the topic of vitamins. As your homework, you had to prepare a speech on the topic “ Vitamins. What is the reason for their lack? Harm and benefit "

1st group - Vitamin A
2nd group - Vitamin D
3rd group - Vitamin B1, B2
4th group - Vitamin C, E

Name What the disadvantage leads to What contains
Vitamin C Decreased immunity, inflammation of the gums, skin lesions Cabbage, black currant, new potatoes, bell peppers, oranges, unripe walnuts
B 1 (thiamine) Fatigue, loss of appetite and weight, absent-mindedness, pain in the legs, shortness of breath Wheat bran, strawberry, liver, kidney
B 2 (riboflavin) Weakness, pain in the eyes, damage to the oral mucosa Milk, green vegetables, liver, mushrooms, cheeses
B 2 (pyridoxine) Violation of protein metabolism and synthesis of fats, fatigue Rice bran, wheat germ, meat, milk, cod, cheese, mushrooms
AT 12 Anemia Liver, kidneys
PP ( a nicotinic acid) Skin lesions, digestive disorders, mental disorders Bran, wheat germ, liver, kidneys
Vitamin A Immunity disorders, growth, deterioration of vision Lettuce, spinach, green onions, carrots, butter, fish oil
Vitamin E Accumulation of cholesterol, blood clots, heart failure Greens, cereal germ, cabbage, beans

Teacher:Do you think that only the above knowledge is enough for a person to eat properly?

Maybe we missed something important in the conversation?

The students make their assumptions.

Teacher: It is very important not only what a person eats, but also at what time, what portions and how many times he takes food.

Assignment: Each group needs to develop a short cheat sheet containing dietary advice.

You are offered 5-7 minutes to work.

Students in each group complete the task. After completion, the draft memo is discussed and the teacher summarizes.

Teacher: I also want to offer you one of the options for such a memo.

  1. Eat regularly, 3-4 times a day and at the same time.
  2. Do not eat food at night.
  3. Take your time, eating should take at least 15 minutes.
  4. If you are overweight, eat low-calorie foods and arrange fasting days (always after consulting your doctor).
  5. Be sure to have breakfast.
  6. Eat a variety of plant and animal foods.

Diet means a certain time of food intake, its distribution throughout the day by calorie content, a set of foods and volume.

An old Indian parable says: “At the birth of each person, God measures out to him the amount of food that he should eat. The one who does it too quickly will die faster, the one who eats slowly and slowly will live a long time ”. Each of us is recommended 4 meals a day in calories - 30% for breakfast, 40% for lunch, 10% for an afternoon snack, 20% for dinner.

Assignment: There is a white circle on the table for each group Imagine that the circle symbolizes the daily diet of calories, write down what foods you suggest to include in the diet of a teenager on:

1st group - breakfast.
2nd group - lunch.
3rd group - afternoon tea.
4th group - dinner.

To complete the task: 5–6 minutes.

Students of each group perform the task, offer their own options for breaking the circle.

Teacher: posts an option on the board and invites students to make a conclusion about the correctness of the assumptions made.

Scientists of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, having studied the effect of food on brain performance, made a number of important conclusions. The activity of brain cells can be stimulated with the help of food, and the most common! The main thing is to know WHAT IS and in which set. To human brain, this complex mechanism, functioned normally, its cells, which number over a hundred billion!) need to receive a large amount of energy. The brain, as you know, takes 20% of all energy received from food.

For dinner, 2 hours before bedtime, dairy, fruit and vegetable, cereal and other dishes are recommended that do not overload the work of the digestive system. Spicy seasonings, coffee, cocoa, tea, chocolate and other products that excite the nervous system are excluded. Overeating and hunger impairs sleep.

It is better to start your meal with appetizers (salad, vinaigrette, cheese, smoked sausages, etc.) that whet your appetite. Food needs to be chewed well. Poorly chewed food increases the production of mucus in the stomach, reduces acidity and the digestive properties of gastric juice. Unpleasant conversations, reading newspapers, and other distractions also inhibit digestive secretions and impair appetite.

Eat at the same time. Irregular and irregular food intake disrupts the work of the glands of the digestive system, impairs the absorption of food and contributes to the development of various diseases.

Overeating causes a feeling of heaviness, drowsiness, and decreased ability to work. Prolonged overeating leads to obesity and early aging.

Each of us has health flaws. We must learn to see them and get rid of them. You need to learn to hear yourself, comprehending yourself is not only an interesting process, but also giving happiness.


Compilation of syncwine on the topic "Health".

Syncwine writing rules

Sinkwine is a five-line "poem" in which the author expresses his attitude to the problem:

1st line - one keyword that defines the content of the syncwine;
2nd line - two adjectives characterizing the keyword;
3rd line - three verbs showing the actions of the concept;
4th line - a short sentence, which reflects the author's attitude to the concept;
5th line - summary: one word, usually a noun, through which a person expresses his feelings and associations associated with the concept.

At the end of the class hour, I want to draw your attention to the drawing "healthy lifestyle".

The leaves of this tree are the days of a person's life. Each leaf will be fresh and green if there are equivalent branches to support the crown: “I can, I want, I must”. These branches support the "healthy lifestyle" trunk, nourished by the roots that form the basis of a healthy lifestyle:

  • correct breathing;
  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • physical activity;
  • positive emotions;
  • hardening;
  • love for nature and its preservation;
  • prevention of the formation of addictions.

I really want you to take a fresh look at yourself, your body, which is so perfect and unique, that you would appreciate the precious gift of life even more and lead a healthy lifestyle.

(At the end of the class hour, each student is handed an apple on a leaf, which contains the rules of proper nutrition.)

Class hour on the topic "Healthy lifestyle »

Classroom teacher

The purpose of the lesson is to form the students' need to lead a healthy lifestyle and take a responsible attitude to their health.


1. Actualization of the problem of maintaining health from school age.

2. Formation of a negative attitude towards bad habits.

3. Development of the main aspects of healthy lifestyle.

4. Expanding the horizons of students on health issues.

5. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Setting the goal of the lesson.

3. Determination of the relevance of the goal.

4. Travel to the country of health.

a) Fees. Introduction of the concepts of hygiene, vaccination, hardening, daily routine; folk wisdom about healthy lifestyle.

b) Work in groups by area. Creation of articles for the newspaper "Be Always Healthy";

c) Medical lecture;

d) Bon Appetit Cafe. Exercises to consolidate the topic of balanced nutrition;

e) Victims of bad habits.

5. Laws of healthy lifestyle.

6. Summing up the class hour. Layout of the newspaper "Be Always Healthy"

Preliminary work

1. Questioning among 6-b grade students on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”.

2. Release of information sheets "We are for a healthy lifestyle!" and "Fight bad habits!"

3. Prepare a handout for each group.

I want to start our meeting with greetings and wishes: "Be always healthy" dear guys and guests!

Today in our lesson we will develop a layout of the newspaper "Be always healthy", where we will place important information to maintain health.

And our hour, which we will have a great time, will be in the form of a journey.

1. Organizing time... Setting the goal of the lesson.

When there is no health, wisdom is silent, not

art may blossom, forces do not play,

useless wealth and powerless mind. /Ancient Greek historian, "father of history" Herodotus /

Teacher: Dear guys, guests! Close your eyes and listen

Imagine that we are with you on an island where dreams come true. Each of you can choose from the list only one dream: Love, Friendship, Health, Wealth, Glory, Family, Happiness. The choice is yours! (the guys take turns saying what they choose). It summarizes what and how many guys have chosen.

Most of you have not chosen Health. And without health there can be no fame, no love, no wealth, no happiness.

When we meet, we say hello to each other. This means that we wish everyone health! Have you ever wondered why in greeting people there is a wish for each other health? Probably because health is the most important value for a person. But, unfortunately, we start talking about health only when we lose it.

The main thing in life is health!

Try to understand this from childhood!

The main value is health!

You can't buy it, but it's easy to lose

The teacher reads a poem:

Once upon a time there was a man

Restless man

He traveled all over the planet

I was looking for everything around the world

A country without mistakes.

But alas; shaky hopes,

Everywhere he met mistakes ...

J. Rodari

The troubled man was unlucky - he did not find a country without mistakes. Guys, would you like to try to find such a country? ( Yes, we want) What country do you think can be called a "country without mistakes"? (This is a country where laws are respected, everyone is cheerful and happy).Who lives in this country? ( happy, cheerful people who never get sick)

Would you like to live in such a country? ( Yes of course)

In that case, I suggest you take a trip to such a country. A country called Health

2. The urgency of the problem. Testing. Statistics.

When entering any country, you must fill out an entry form. Our country is unusual, our profile was also unusual. We filled it out in advance and now let's see its results. And let's try to answer the question: what mistakes do we make in relation to our health?

1. How many hours a day do you sleep?

2. How many hours a day do you spend outdoors?

3. Are you getting hardened? How?

4. Do you have breakfast?

5. What does your breakfast consist of?

6. How many times a day do you eat?

7. How many times a day do you brush your teeth?

8. Do you go in for sports?

9. Do you have bad habits? What kind?

10. How many times have you had colds this year?

You see, guys, the results of our entry questionnaire show that you and I, too, make mistakes, and are not quite ready to become residents of this wonderful country called Health.

Russian doctor Nikolai Mikhailovich Amosov proposed to determine the size of health as follows:

If you have not been ill during the whole school year, you have the most high level health

If the disease occurred during an epidemic or exams - the average level of health

If you get sick during normal training activities - the health level is the lowest


1. I often have a poor appetite.

2. After several hours of work, my head starts to hurt.

3. I often look tired and depressed, sometimes irritated and gloomy.

4. From time to time I have serious illnesses when I have to stay in bed for several days.

5. I hardly do sports.

6. Recently I have gained some weight.

7. I often feel dizzy.

8. I currently smoke.

9. As a child, I suffered several serious illnesses.

10. I have bad dream and discomfort in the morning after waking up.

For each “yes” answer, give yourself 1 point and calculate the amount.


1-2 points. Despite some signs of deteriorating health, you are in good shape. In no case do not give up the efforts to maintain your well-being.

3-6 points. It is difficult to call your attitude to your health normal, it is already felt that you have upset him quite thoroughly.

7-10 points. How did you manage to bring yourself to this degree? It's amazing that you are still able to walk and work. You have to go to your habits immediately, otherwise ...

What do you see? Consequently, what is the task before us? (improve your health)

What do we need to do for this? (fix the mistakes of the daily routine, get rid of bad habits ...)

Well, let's get ready to go!

Please tell me what we need to do before going on a trip? (from turn things around, find out about the place where we will go, take a phrasebook)

We were divided into 3 tourist groups and each group will receive an assignment to prepare for the trip (preparatory stage - 2-3 minutes). We need to pack our things, learn a few words from the language of the country we are going to and get to know its culture. Remember that I am your tour operator for this trip and therefore you can contact me with any problems you may have during your trip.

Group 1 will collect things for the trip.

Your task is to collect things that may be required in order to preserve our health (children receive different items on the tray: toothbrush and paste, soap, vitamins, a pack of cigarettes, fruits, pepsi-cola, skipping rope, crisps, juice…) .

Their task is to choose useful things and products to make collages "Necessary things" and "Harmful things".

Group 2 - these are our linguists... Their task is to compile a dictionary of useful words.

Children get different words and definitions for them. Their task is to find the correct definition for concepts. (the words: personal hygiene, vaccination, hardening, daily regimen, balanced nutrition). Read definitions for everyone.

Daily regime - the order of alternation of various activities and rest during the day.

Landgood hygieneeon the(from the Greek. hygieinos - healthy) - a set of rules for maintaining the body, mouth, and use clothes, shoes, contributing to the preservation and strengthening of human health

Vaccinesandtion, the use of vaccines to prevent infectious diseases - immunization.

Hardening - a system of measures that allow using the natural forces of nature (sun, air and water) to increase the body's resistance.

Balanced diet - varied, nutritious food, characterized by the required amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats.

Group 3: Will explore the cultural heritage of this country... Make up proverbs from scattered words - cards, explain their meaning.

Health is more expensive ...

Sleep with a stone ...

Get up with a feather

Cleanliness - ...

Half health

You can't buy health - ...

His mind gives

End these proverbs

1 health (more expensive than money).
2. You will be healthy - (you will get everything).
3. To the weak (and the disease sticks).
4. In a healthy body - (healthy mind).
5. Healthy - (everything is great).
6. Fast and agile (the disease will not catch up).

The first articles for our newspaper are already ready. Articles are posted on the board.

So, we enter the country of Health.

We offer you excursions to the following cities: "Temper", "Daily routine" and "Hygiene". Be sure to visit our Bon Appetit cafe, relax in the Movement is Life Park, and do not forget to visit the Victims of Bad Habits Museum-Theater.

Teacher: Unfortunately, we do not always have the opportunity to visit all the sights that we would like. Therefore, in order to have time to visit as many interesting places as possible, each group goes along its own route.

Now each tourist group will receive a waybill, which will describe its route and travel goals.

1st group will go to the city "Tempered".

Children receive a hint card. Their task is to draw up rules for hardening.

First, guess all the riddles

Through the nose it passes into the chest and the return one keeps its way.
He is invisible, and yet we cannot live without him. (Air)

I am a cloud and a fog
Both the stream and the ocean
I fly and I run
And I can be glass!

With the help of the sun, water and air, a person strengthens his health.

Halt "Air"

Outdoor hardening requires compliance with the rules.

What rules do you know?

1. Outdoor walks are held at any time of the year, regardless of the weather.

2. The duration of walks is set individually for each person, depending on the state of his health and age.

3. The increase in walking time should be carried out gradually

It is advisable to combine being in the air with active movements: in winter - skating, skiing, and in summer - playing ball and other outdoor games.

Halt "Sun"

The sun is a source of energy and strength. We all receive energy and strength from the sun. The sun's rays bring us health.

With an overabundance of getting the sun human body, contributes to skin aging and many diseases. Therefore, you must follow the rules of behavior in the sun.

What rules do you know?

1. you need to sunbathe from eight to eleven in the morning.

2. You need to start basking in the sun from a few minutes, gradually bringing the time of sunbathing to two hours.

3. Do not sunbathe on an empty stomach or after a heavy meal.

4. If the sun is used correctly, you can be more prettier.

5. Walking in the sun, be sure to have a headdress.

6. Wear sunscreen and do not remove your hat.

Halt "Water"

2. As for the temperature of water hardening procedures, they should be started at an air temperature of at least 17-20 oC and only later at a lower temperature.

3. The duration of the procedures is the shorter, the colder the water.

4. After water treatments it is required to dry thoroughly, rubbing the body vigorously until the skin reddens.

"Hardening rules"

1. You need to temper gradually.

2. It is impossible to start hardening during illness.

3. Started hardening - do not drop or take breaks.

4. Use different means of hardening: sun, air and water.

2nd group- to the city "Mode of the day". Children are invited to compose correct mode day. You can give a hint in the form of a table of hours. We compare the compiled daily routine with the daily routine followed by citizens in the country of "Health"

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Coca Cola

Baked fish with sauce

Potato chips

Boiled potatoes

Green tea with sugar

Vegetable salad

Vegetable soup

The teacher provokes the children and offers to order Coca Cola, because it is sweet, tasty and harmless. Children must be convinced of the fallacy of this opinion.

Teacher: Yes, you are right, you cannot eat chips, drink carbonated water, since these are all products containing various chemical compounds that destroy our body. To be healthy, you need to eat right, eat foods containing vitamins, minerals, calcium, iodine, etc.

Well done. You did a good job. And our newspaper is gradually being filled with valuable articles.

And there is also a wonderful theater museum. There are collected exhibits that will tell you about something that has never been in this country, but is often found in other places.

Tobacco seller (praising his product at the fair): “Buy tobacco, wonderful tobacco! My tobacco is not simple, but with a secret. My tobacco won't make you an old man, the dog won't bite, the thief won't get into the house.

The guy buys some tobacco and asks the seller:

- Why won't I be an old man?

- Because you won't live to be old.

- Why doesn't the dog bite?

- So you will walk with a stick.

- Why won't the thief get into the house?

"Because you're going to cough all night."


Whoever smokes tobacco is his own enemy.

Tobacco is not a friend to the mind.

Let's discuss what we saw together. Why does the seller say that the buyer will not live to old age? Why will she cough all night? and. etc. Let's summarize. We listen to the medical certificate.

medical certificate.

1 cigarette shortens life by 15 minutes.

1 pack - 5 hours

1 year of smoking takes 3 months of life

4 years of smoking - 1 year of life

20 years of smoking - 5 years of life

40 years of smoking - 10 years of life

Now let's go to the art gallery of our museum and see what happens to people who become victims of the worst human habits: smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Presentation "Victims of Bad Habits".

Lungs of a smoker and non-smoker; What is the difference? Why is this happening?

Nicotine is a substance found in tobacco. It is a very strong poison for humans. Lethal dose for it ranges from 0.01 to 0.08 grams.

When one cigarette is smoked, 0.008 g of nicotine passes into the smoke, of which a quarter enters the smoker's lungs, the rest remains in the air breathed by others.

Each cigarette smoked cuts life by 6-10 minutes.

In a room where 6 cigarettes were smoked in two hours, a non-smoker will receive a dose of nicotine and other tobacco poisons, as if he had smoked 1 cigarette.

In families of smokers, non-smoking family members are 20% more likely to develop lung and stomach cancer.

Up to 1 million cases are recorded annually bronchial asthma in children whose parents smoke.

In France, executives of some companies are raising salaries for non-smoking employees.

In Russia, smoking is prohibited in in public places... There is a fine for violation. Alas ... This is only on paper.

Alcoholism. Take a look. Guys, how unattractive men, women and children look when intoxicated. Guys, tell me, what else is negative about drinking alcohol?

Drinking a little wine or vodka, a person introduces alcohol into his body, which affects people in the following way: first it excites a person, and then destroys his body.

Drunkenness in Russia has never been encouraged. Even the order "For drunkenness" was introduced - a plate with a collar weighing about 4 kg. The drinker had to wear this award for a long time.

Why is drunkenness harmful?

Ethanol, or ethanol, used in medicine as a disinfectant, in industry as a solvent, for the production of enamel, etc., and people drink and get poisoned.

Drinking alcohol in adolescence causes particularly dangerous consequences for the brain, heart disease, muscle degeneration, and liver disease: first inflammation, then hepatitis, and then cirrhosis. And the death of a person comes.

Beer is also harmful to human health. It is especially dangerous for 10-14 years, they very quickly develop alcohol dependence, and this disease is especially difficult. Beer removes all vitamins from the body, especially B1; the heart is damaged, because we are varicose veins veins and expansion of the boundaries of the heart, which leads to dysfunction of the heart muscles. People who often drink beer live 20 years less. They are more likely to have liver disease, hepatitis, brain cells are affected, and intelligence decreases.

There is evidence that microdoses of narcotic drugs are found in beer, which gives a person an addiction to this drink, as well as poisonous monoamines and even cadaveric poison - cadaverine.

We can conclude: beer is not lemonade, it is alcoholic beverage and has a negative effect on the human body.

Children suffer. Their lives are being destroyed.

Addiction. The plague of our time. It leads to personality degradation and imminent death. See what a person who starts using drugs looks like. How much more time does he have for life? How are you

think what is his life? Is there a way out of published situations? Who can help these people?

You can't buy health - the mind gives it. Medicine is also powerless if we start killing ourselves.

We are the masters of our life and it is in our hands to make it happy. Let's say no to suicide.

Probably, each of the guys has already understood that anyone can become a resident of this country, and for this it is enough to know and observe its basic laws.

Guys, what do you think these laws are?

1. Lead an active lifestyle;

2. Observe personal hygiene;

3. Get tempered;

4. Eat right;

5. Observe the daily routine;

6. To be in good mood.

Now let's try to answer the question that we asked at the very beginning of our journey:

where is the country without mistakes Health?

How far do we have to travel to get there?

What do we need to do to be healthy and happy? ( It is within us, only the person himself is able to make himself healthy and happy).Ie. our health is in our hands... And let this be the motto for our newspaper .

We have finished working on the layout of our newspaper. And in the near future, all school students will be able to get acquainted with the rules that we have deduced today. We have tried to deduce the laws of a correct lifestyle. Our conversation about a healthy lifestyle does not end today. We will continue to work. I think everyone will try to correct their mistakes ..

Thank you all for your work.

And of course, be always healthy and happy!

I want to say thank you

For this meeting, for the conversation,

For what everyone could say

About what I did not know before:

About what they call - delirium,

When our neighbor counts

That, having smoked, it will not become weaker,

He will deceive himself in this.

But we remember one thing:

We are at the same time with health!

After all, how wonderful it is to simply Live,

Love, create, be healthy!

Wish you:

1. Never get sick;

2. Eat right;

3. Be cheerful;

4. Do good deeds.

State budgetary educational institution

secondary school number 461

Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Methodical development of a class hour

"Healthy lifestyle"

Kryukova Tatiana Vitalievna

primary school teacher

first qualification category

GBOU SOSH number 461

St. Petersburg

Class hour "Healthy lifestyle"
Explanatory note

Health is the main value in the life of any person. Recently, health-preserving technologies have been very widely introduced into the practice of schools, aimed at maintaining the health of children and directing them to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Leading a healthy lifestyle means self-improvement spiritually, psychologically, physically and improve the socio-economic conditions of life. One of the main tasks of the state in the field of education is recognized as comprehensive care for the safety of life and health, for the physical development and upbringing of children.


To give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat human health and a healthy lifestyle are; promote a healthy lifestyle.



Arouse interest in the health problem, a desire to reflect on the fact that health is the most valuable human asset.

To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of nutrition, physical culture, hardening in human life.

Try to form motivation for an intolerant attitude towards bad habits.


Develop the ability to reason, analyze, generalize the knowledge gained.

To develop the oral language of students.


Raise feelings of love and care for your own body.

To form communication skills in children.


Protecting the health of schoolchildren is a priority in the development of the education system. Children's health is the foundation of our future. Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle in the younger generation is impossible without preventive work, in the process of which the most important task of maintaining children's health is solved. This class hour promotes the formation of students' motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Class hour progress:
1. Organizational moment.


In the early morning someone strange

Looked in my window
In the palm appeared
Bright red spot.
This sun came in
As if a hand extended
A thin ray of gold.
And as with the first best friend,
Greeted me!

The sun greets each of us with warmth and a smile. Gives everyone a good mood. And I want to wish you that every day brings you only joy.

Guys, what does a person need to be always in a good mood, in good shape?

On the board the letters Z, D, O, P, O, B, L, E. (Alternating).

Make a word from these letters. Children make up the word "health".

2. Communication of the topic and purpose of the class hour.


Health is the greatest wealth and must be protected. If there is no health, there is no happiness, no mood, but not everyone remembers this. As long as you are healthy, it seems that this will always be so ...

Today we will talk about health, about the introduction to a healthy lifestyle, about the role of health in human life and activities. Let's talk about how to behave in order to stay healthy. Let us recall the rules that each of you must follow in order to maintain your health for long yearswhat bad habits should be avoided.

The topic of the class hour: "Healthy lifestyle".

Teacher: What does it mean to be healthy?

Children: Being healthy means living disease-free.

Teacher: Health depends more on ourselves. What can affect your health?

Children: Lifestyle, Environment, Nutrition.

Teacher: What does the concept of “healthy lifestyle” include? (Children's answers).

Teacher: Based on the presented picture, let's conclude:

A healthy lifestyle means adherence to the daily routine; proper nutrition; hardening, physical education, exercise; compliance with hygiene rules; no bad habits; kind attitude to nature, people; correct organization of work and rest.

3.Mode of the day

Teacher: Let's remember what a daily routine is? (children's answers).

The daily routine is a certain rhythm of life when alternating different kinds your activities: study, rest, work, food, sleep. He helps the student to become disciplined, strong-willed. The guys who prepared a message on this topic will tell you about what the daily routine should be.

Pupil:The daily routine is the daily routine (translated from french means the established routine of life, work, food, rest, sleep).

We offer our daily routine:

  • Getting up: 7.00 You need to get up early in order to have time to make the bed.

  • Charging. Remember to do exercises only in a well-ventilated room. After charging, you need to wash at 7.20. First you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap, then your face, ears, brush your teeth. Don't forget to comb your hair.

  • Breakfast: 7.30. For breakfast, you can eat cottage cheese or cheese, or yogurt. Bread with butter, jam. Tea or cocoa with milk. Fresh fruit (apple or banana).

  • Leaving the house. The drive from home to school is a morning walk in the fresh air.

  • We come to class 10-15 minutes before the call.

  • At school, we have breakfast and hot meals again. After classes at 13.20 we go home.

  • Lunch at 13.50. Every day for lunch you need to eat vegetable dishes, meat or fish. After lunch - rest at 14.15. 1.5h-2h You can sleep, read a book. You can also take a walk in the fresh air.

  • Then we start homework at 4.30 pm.

  • After completing your homework, do gymnastics.

  • At 17.50 you can start your favorite activities: modeling, drawing, reading, visit circles, sections. Help around the house.

  • Dinner at 19.00. Dinner doesn't have to be heavy. You can eat a vegetable salad, fish or eggs, or a piece of ham. After dinner you can watch TV. But no more than 30 - 40 minutes. Before going to bed, it is imperative to ventilate the room, wash, brush your teeth.

  • Sleep at 21.00-21.30. Children 9 - 10 years old are recommended to sleep 10 - 11 hours.
If a person gets up awake after sleep, then the duration of sleep is sufficient. Scientists have calculated that a person sleeps for a third of his life, for about 25 years. To study well, do many important and interesting things, relax and grow healthy - observe the daily routine!

4. Proper nutrition.

Teacher: Why does a person eat? (children's answers)

A person cannot live without food for a long time, food is necessary for a person throughout his life.

An Azerbaijani proverb says "A tree is kept by its roots, and a person is supported by food." How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? (Children's answers).

Teacher: Not all products that a person consumes are useful for him.

Now, each of you will receive a card that lists the names of the products ... (Fish, Pepsi colla, kefir, fanta, sour cream, chips, rolled oats, meat, sunflower oil, cakes, carrots, cabbage, sweets, butter, apples, pears, croutons, beets, bread, cottage cheese, yogurt, milk, eggs, rice, buckwheat)

Choose foods that are good for you and underline them with a green pencil. (check and discussion)


Teacher: How can a person temper his body? (children's answers)

Listen to the poem by I. Semyonov "To everyone who wants to be healthy"

Children read.

Strong guy:

I told them in winter:

Would be tempered with me.

In the morning, running and invigorating shower.

As for adults, real!

Open windows at night

Breathe fresh air.

Wash your feet with cold water,

And then the microbe is hungry

You will never be overcome.

If you don't obey - they get sick!


We realized too late, brothers,

How useful it is to temper.

Let's stop coughing and sneezing -

We will take a shower

From icy water.

Strong guy:

Wait! Oh oh oh!

You cannot become strong instantly

Temper gradually!

Teacher: Hardening is one of the forms of human health promotion. There are many ways to harden. Very simple and effective method hardening - walking barefoot. The fact is that the soles of the feet are an unusual area of \u200b\u200bour body's skin. There are points - projections of our internal organs. By clicking on them, you can relieve pain, have a healing effect on certain organs. Regularly in the morning, while washing your face, walk on the bumpy rug with bare feet. And you will be convinced. As soon as you feel refreshed after sleep, the body will be better prepared for mental and physical work. Contrasting hot and cold baths are useful.

6. Compliance with the rules of hygiene.

To live purely - to be healthy!

Teacher. How do you understand this proverb? What needs to be kept in order?

(hands, nails, ears, teeth, face)


I am water, water, water,

I invite everyone to wash

To make your eyes shine

To make your cheeks redden ...

You need to brush your teeth,

Let's take a brush in our hand,

Apply the toothpaste.

And they got down to business boldly,

We brush our teeth skillfully:

Top to bottom and right to left

Bottom up and left again.

Them outside, inside

Rub it hard.

So as not to suffer with teeth,

We drive the brush in circles.

We brush our teeth carefully

you can hurt your gums ...

And what's next? And then-

We will rinse our teeth.

Teacher: Of course, one must not only wash oneself. You need to wash your hands, brush your teeth, take a shower, wash yourself with soap and a washcloth, clean your shoes and clothes, ventilate the room, regularly clean your apartment, keep your yard clean, never throw garbage on the street past the trash can ...

A healthy lifestyle starts with cleanliness!

7. Do not develop bad habits.

« Brainstorming »Divide these words into 2 groups (sports, life, alcohol, smoking, books, drugs)

On the blackboard: Yes! Not!

sports alcohol

life smoking

drug books

Teacher: Today I would like to talk about bad habits. Typically, a person has many different habits. Habits can be beneficial to a person, preserve his health, therefore they are called useful. But there are those that are harmful to health - these are bad habits. The most bad habits are smoking, alcohol and drug use. We have already talked about the influence of these addictions many times, but today we will talk again.

Smoking is very harmful to the lungs and the whole body. A child who starts smoking grows worse, gets tired faster at any work, does not cope well with studies, and is more often sick. All this happens because tobacco smoke contains a dangerous poison - nicotine and many other harmful substances. In a non-smoker, the lungs are pink, and in those who smoke for a long time, they become gray from harmful substances. Scientists have calculated that every cigarette smoked reduces a person's life by 15 minutes. Alcohol (alcohol), which is contained in alcoholic beverages, when consumed excessively, causes diseases of the stomach and other organs, disrupts the work of the whole organism. Alcohol is especially dangerous for a growing organism. Even a few sips can cause severe poisoning in a child. Drugs are special substances that destroy the human body. Having tried the drug once or twice, a person gets used to it and can no longer do without it. He develops a serious disease, drug addiction, which is very difficult to cure. The drug disrupts the functioning of the brain and the whole body and ultimately kills the person. The distribution of drugs is a dangerous crime for which they are severely punished.

Now let's look at a few situations and find out what to say: yes or no (Appendix No. 1)

8. Game "Collect Proverbs"

Teacher: Now I will distribute to you the proverbs, which fell into two parts. You need to find the beginning and end of each proverb and explain their meaning ( work in pairs).

Health will be healthier more expensive

Human disease disease will not catch up

He who loves purity does not paint

Fast and healthy wealth

9. Memo to a healthy lifestyle.

Teacher: Now I will distribute to you the memos, which I hope will be your companions in life.

1. Observe cleanliness!

2. Eat right!

3. Combine work and rest!

4. Move more!

5. Do not get bad habits!

10. The result of the class hour.

Teacher: The main thing in maintaining health is the care of the person himself about his body. And you need to take care of him since childhood, follow all the necessary hygiene rules, engage in physical education and not commit acts that are harmful to health.

At the end of our class hour, I suggest listening to the poems that your classmates have prepared for you.

Children read:

Health is a treasure

You can't buy it.

Once lost

It cannot be returned.

Don't borrow from a friend

Don't win the lotto

After all, without health, happiness

Believe me, it's not that.

A sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness without health

Will not fill your soul.

Will not give a mood

Not you and not your friends.

Work will not please

And you can't save money.

In general, it's bad without health,

It's very bad for people to live.

Undoubtedly that health

From childhood you need to strengthen:

Do physical education,

Run, jump and play.

Eat as much fruit as possible


And walking after school

Do not forget about the lessons.

Appendix No. 1

Yaroslavna Kolesova
Summary of the class hour "Health is the head of everything!"

Class hour on the topic« Health is the head of everything» , 7 class


Help learners develop and develop ways of doing things that maximize their competence in questions healthy lifestyle.


Shape the culture healthy lifestyle;

Increase the level of competence in matters healthy lifestyle;

Forms of work: Diagnostic procedure; conversation; discussion; quiz

Working methods: verbal, practical.

Class hour

I. Interactive conversation "What we have, we do not store."

Classroom teacher... The theme of our class hour - a healthy lifestyle... Every adult will tell you that health - this is the greatest value, but for some reason modern youth names money, career, love, fame among the main values, and health puts in 7-8th places.

We wrote the proverb on the blackboard (is reading): "What we have, we do not store, having lost, we cry".

What do you think this proverb has to do with the topic of our conversation?

Examples of children's answers:

We do not store health, and when we get sick, we cry.

We not only do not store, but also deliberately spoil our health, then we regret.

We think we will healthy all my life, and in old age we remember how we scattered our health, did not take care of him.

We save money, we save clothes, and our we do not protect health, and when we start to get sick, we regret it.

Classroom teacher... We know how to save money, how to save things. Do you know how to keep health? (Children share their thoughts.)

Today we will talk about what to do in order not to regret the lost. health.

II. Mini lecture "What health

Classroom teacher... So today we are talking about health... How do you understand this word?

(The children answer that health - this is the absence of disease, good health, etc.)

But then drunkards and drug addicts, for whom nothing hurts yet, can also be called healthy?

(Children speak up.)

Indeed, for many years health and was understood as the absence of diseases and physical disabilities. But in our time, a different point of view has been established. According to this point of view, health is physical, mental and social.

Physical health - this is the correct work of the whole organism. If a person is physically healthy, then he can carry out all his current duties without undue fatigue. He has enough energy to be successful in school and to do all the necessary things at home.

Soulful health is manifested inthat a person is pleased with himself, likes himself as he is, he is satisfied with his achievements and can draw conclusions from his mistakes. To maintain the spiritual health needs rest, get new experiences, communicate with friends.

Social health manifests itself in relationships with other people. Socially healthy people know how to get along with others. They respect other people's rights and can defend theirs. They maintain good relations with relatives, know how to find new friends, and know how to express their needs and wants so that they become understandable to others.

Healthy can only be called a person who possesses all three types of health.

All scientists agree on one thing: to be healthy, you need to lead healthy lifestyle.

On the board we drew a table « Healthy lifestyle» ... But what it consists of healthy lifestyle, we haven't recorded it yet. To complete this table, I will ask you 5 riddles. Each riddle is one of the factors health... You will guess the riddle, and we will write down the answer in the table. Will help me with this (calls the student who will make entries in the table).

So, 5 factors health.

(The teacher reads the riddles, the children solve them, one of the students fills out the table on the blackboard.)

1. Uniform alternation of work and rest during the day. (Daily regime.)

2. Constant training of one's physical endurance, resistance to cold, to diseases. (Tempering.)

3. Activities aimed at maintaining cleanliness, health. {!LANG-f1e5ff46afb1e636f3613b8ce4891cc2!}

{!LANG-04f7f0b62824f31ee9ad9d653283a540!} {!LANG-2511df22f7aaf08b29bc1a7d5a3dce92!}

{!LANG-4e3ebd1f6119fa5ad604860a30914ce0!} {!LANG-f4075e36e08b5af55bee98989d094c18!}

{!LANG-017dd1edb0289405ea18bc2af7d98808!} healthy lifestyle{!LANG-22e03ee51b903c3830f78fefe11a13b2!} {!LANG-4ef26a8e2f51c48d299488c96b1d231b!}?









{!LANG-d9856bc02fb850146d5e1483a44ed9c7!} healthy lifestyle{!LANG-05ce773488ef085ba0b3b68ef3eef0ea!} {!LANG-456430b6316297f4c0e0e7c637d39031!}{!LANG-b7a54737b604919c58ef6b9cfea87fe7!} {!LANG-976c9d7afc7a431f9a5d19b01166c7e1!}.

({!LANG-ab74c39cadd1b65bdeb27c2f5952b5c4!}: {!LANG-0739b257f7728fc67a87edcef3482819!}.)

{!LANG-1d9e3f8a393f7a90849e43bf80e53ede!} {!LANG-1c8c2d42c8ddca10ead676428ded2be6!}{!LANG-74de434b283011d71d696360d6896cdf!} health»

Classroom teacher{!LANG-6c6b0895c0d9ad573765a8f1a8e13b3c!} {!LANG-fc54b45717da6735f2a4d62010a10a4c!}{!LANG-71a015636b4af07b1dcbd226673fe179!} {!LANG-74de434b283011d71d696360d6896cdf!} health» {!LANG-ffa09c8dcbd3e7ed0a27069cfe4a9313!} healthy lifestyle.



{!LANG-8df891d7553bb9654a69d35e7d0d06f7!} (is reading):

{!LANG-d1a03e9f25955801cfcab2ccd0ea94a0!} {!LANG-bc83c4c018dddbb5dda672a434c6dd3d!}{!LANG-54090adb7587b377fa34d1e57340c026!}






{!LANG-a04d0f248f5e7c96459a31e0393489ff!} {!LANG-7d5d8292a5091466e2e91691ad4585b4!}.

{!LANG-5c2bf257138f2c7cb3001c91c0c9b6a5!} {!LANG-994047ef82bcea73d04af615d129b342!}{!LANG-d0b6be7a62c830d1b5ac2e4d7793c306!} {!LANG-82893161b11809f750801be3074519b6!}{!LANG-8bd5c47a9e96b644c84dc3f2efa2ae07!} {!LANG-be4c05286dc99da6b4a7f79a0b3ead3f!}{!LANG-373511e5a76df50ee6ca1691bc64f3f0!} {!LANG-5432989a53a6c683a87d73f5d6867040!}{!LANG-6ee6ab1f9b2ae774b52aa4ec9991a30c!}

{!LANG-0ffa2a0f7c27a693b5e0f241fb4c7b99!} {!LANG-c2a8589d1d6d15759e46633d1e8b54a7!}{!LANG-73365e38bf2b65234d77914e34d9fae0!} {!LANG-36708134c8ae32ee1f9e676c4fe0e225!}.


{!LANG-841d477b9b779708e7378ec594e08e29!} (is reading):


2. {!LANG-44e142047d7f78247ad2aa6b882442ec!}{!LANG-1b0f8cf779099be7e4d8cde815448f45!} {!LANG-869787fe285a2057caaeac7b31d00ffe!}

{!LANG-1c093dd7475375a87657f9d66c6e07fb!} {!LANG-9cab1c155d5958f0d4bb203be6fc97d8!}

{!LANG-cfc8d77c4ff440829de5c0f9eb1f27ab!} health{!LANG-c0b497e29b930a1a16150f76e5534e2f!}

{!LANG-f2bc1d8e4f23932f3a798e03f8f60604!}: {!LANG-52051a2bd12c91bd315c4e0893779557!} {!LANG-1027d3b7f7cb9c5364e4d90abe889e5a!}» .

{!LANG-93832a942b7399aa5da5d4450eefcea4!} {!LANG-c6f2666d48fddd2c63cca7b69bc37bd0!}

Classroom teacher{!LANG-f111c69b4ec8bd4ec3be5d3d618259a6!} {!LANG-c6f2666d48fddd2c63cca7b69bc37bd0!}{!LANG-82e1d88818e280d3800b197d46f5e6ab!} {!LANG-449c682d2b0fbe4cfb16fb79a20b87fd!}{!LANG-c794fe320840f875be456d046bb348d9!} {!LANG-13f2ae008fcc4c385441f51ba74440fb!}{!LANG-2e1511114f4dffcd3524e86ab6599f68!}

{!LANG-9c1a8524b40ee77b802371e2e343de0b!} {!LANG-449c682d2b0fbe4cfb16fb79a20b87fd!}{!LANG-c794fe320840f875be456d046bb348d9!} {!LANG-13f2ae008fcc4c385441f51ba74440fb!}.)

{!LANG-728774508eb39f0fba426dac4db55c37!} health? {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-d9ce8ab689d57a431cc9cec702361ee4!} {!LANG-550bd6de7958a517363dd496d2193b11!}

{!LANG-6db9cb8022151de3493880a73237adaa!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-dcbaa11fcd0c248d5eef9ae536cfccdc!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-0bdc2b14f1908be16ea801bcc7e00d58!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-6f1b22cb89195ca1b6383f0a904ab282!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-173c974310f6cf442c67846bc0288e6c!} {!LANG-550bd6de7958a517363dd496d2193b11!}

{!LANG-880bb9d322cbecb32610f1e1f2c82e19!} {!LANG-550bd6de7958a517363dd496d2193b11!}

{!LANG-86c94d83979a060776fb397ade613241!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-aa6dbd6d7acf304460a9601625cc6fb4!} {!LANG-f61df4960a124888c58b6739e7e1b423!}{!LANG-725e4eaf64b3e38c1f16c72450dd2ed7!} {!LANG-550bd6de7958a517363dd496d2193b11!}

{!LANG-0a69c0f01d512c8f87afce95701569a7!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-d4591b747ed7a118f5c52721b32a7dc2!} {!LANG-550bd6de7958a517363dd496d2193b11!}

{!LANG-05fde4fd1dbaa1b2aac60ac938dc860e!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-9e982f963926e8c89088dd432b3a7608!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-493e5514b610334276b9de5f10522b80!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-b7d6ba00f6dae27ace5d15c9621c507b!} health? {!LANG-550bd6de7958a517363dd496d2193b11!}

{!LANG-4eba71f134fb15fe0fa340ea7ee95ecb!} health? {!LANG-550bd6de7958a517363dd496d2193b11!}

{!LANG-aa1ce1c71c434db12605c3d82ba53fe7!} health? {!LANG-550bd6de7958a517363dd496d2193b11!}

{!LANG-ee6997d549459c81841cb288733ed7c1!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-f25c6c53aaa6fd828720d0fa4cf7da78!} {!LANG-aaef7306d02d123cf8a2302e6c57e6a3!}

{!LANG-c42f8843837143fb94b2e76d5b3e5792!} {!LANG-914a221c156c4400f97c3a9bb330f788!}{!LANG-c84e70d0cbf44a12ef8ceea5c48155a6!} {!LANG-449c682d2b0fbe4cfb16fb79a20b87fd!}{!LANG-fe521620e24c15fb56519d20bb275eeb!} {!LANG-914a221c156c4400f97c3a9bb330f788!}{!LANG-c84e70d0cbf44a12ef8ceea5c48155a6!} {!LANG-13f2ae008fcc4c385441f51ba74440fb!}.)

Classroom teacher{!LANG-8c374427f4f0014442ba6a33593d94d4!} {!LANG-f2292dac6fa3c41e460c8f1230f98c41!}.





Classroom teacher{!LANG-ab06b9f899372017af9fba1de26e04ff!} health{!LANG-d384dfa69ca554a742ea52e6f41fa98e!} health{!LANG-85e350044f460dd0e19b0304c89cbf96!}{!LANG-b107593a1a90ca52d83df5829adea4a9!} healthy{!LANG-ada24eb16ef16073a93643693dc6ed50!} healthy lifestyle{!LANG-0facc3a22e67c0b09f557d11d88568f1!}

{!LANG-f73d6013c5a35bd93927e1809b323277!} {!LANG-3e5f2ffd6acbdf7bda444d7dadc6aae3!}

Classroom teacher{!LANG-5f61698bb92ae4005d417a9daba70eed!}

Examples of children's answers:


{!LANG-82241726d35d48a516197eb57cf58755!} {!LANG-7fa987032e7ad299f0653915984bb582!}{!LANG-73365e38bf2b65234d77914e34d9fae0!} {!LANG-cd267572ef4cfb8f0986014485429b0f!}{!LANG-9605fb625586fc21e255cd0bfe522938!} {!LANG-08ca5f582b9c3517c7196fb460626d0b!}.


{!LANG-6bf3bef1306fe501ed316d650506972e!} healthy lifestyle.


{!LANG-ef9a9e08b96aaf036126bd8a72dac9bb!} health,{!LANG-1d4ffcca747978d19a51acd3394b4aee!}!


