Cesarean section during pregnancy pros and cons. Choosing a generic activity

It is no secret that almost all women, especially those who are going to make a child for the first time, have fear of childbirth. Each second my patient appeals to me with a request to hold a browser surgicallywithout taking into account the fact that in any minus operation is much more than positive moments.

On the one hand, the COP seems like a simple event - fell asleep under the action of anesthesia, woke up, and Kroch is already near. In fact, minuses with cesarean sections for a child and abuse. Therefore, gynecologists almost unanimously insist on natural childbirth, if there is no indication for the operation. But not everyone listens to such a reasonable opinion, and many women go to give birth to private clinics, where the COP can be made without any testimony for a specific fee. Whether this decision is reasonable - we'll figure it out further, finding out in detail than dangerous for mom cesarean section, pros and cons for the child.

Than for baby dangerous cesarean section

The most important harm lies in the difficulties of adapting the child to atmospheric pressure. When passing through the birth rod paths, it is gradually ready to prepare for a meeting with the world, and its body produces the hormones necessary for this process. The dangerously caesarean section in this question is that the baby has a sharply jumping pressure, which can cause fine cerebral hemorrhage.

Affects the newborn also anesthesia. If there is a risk of zero, while the general can penetrate the walls of the placenta, because of which the child can be sluggish and weak first after appearing on the light.

Kid born naturally, it is easier to begin to breathe, because amniotic fluid He leaves him alone. "Caesareans" this liquid sucks neonatologists. Therefore, such kids are more prone to bronchial diseases and lungs.

In a newborn, whom Mom made on the light through the COP, the intestine microflora settles more slowly, which may cause dysbiosis . But if an emergency caesarean cross section was carried out, after the water was moved, the crumble receives a certain dose of the desired bacteria. With the planned, i.e., in fact, the "sterile" operation the fruit of such bacteria from the mother does not receive. Therefore, in such situations, a woman is very important to establish as soon as possible, so that together with milk compensate for their disadvantage.

From the foregoing we can judge whether the caesarean section is dangerous for the baby. But on this effect of surgical intervention on children's organism It is not exhausted.

How affects the child Cesarean

Before I tell how the operation is reflected on the health of the baby in the future, consider the influence of the cesarean section into the children's body.

It is important to understand that in the presence of testimony of a caesarean section for a child less dangerous than natural childbirth. Despite the fact that for the doctor it is much easier to spend an operation for half an hour, than to survive along with the guinea, the entire process of the appearance of crumbs into light, which can even delay for a day, no specialist will resort to surgical interference without necessity.

Consequences of Cesarean section for a child

So, what can be and what caused the consequences after the operation of the cesarean section for a child? In fact, allocate any common inevitable complications difficult. It all depends on how giving birth to which way of life was led by mom during pregnancy, and, of course, from the professionalism of doctors.

The most common consequence for the child is the risk of damage to its skin during the cutting of the uterus. According to statistics, 2% "Caesaryat" get lightweight in childbirth. But with the right and timely care of the wound, they quickly heal without, of anything, complications.

Above I also mentioned possible difficulties with the breath of children, their susceptibility to infections, the shortage of the necessary bacteria. In general, the global and serious consequences of Cesarean is not boring.

It is also worth noting that some consequences of cesarean section are manifested in children even through years. But in more detail for this issue, I will return a little later.

Consequences of Cesarean Section for Mother

If the percentage of the likelihood of complications in a child with a cesarean section is very low, then for mom's consequences are practically inevitable. A woman has to survive quite complicated, during which it is necessary to restrict itself.

Another minus COP for the mother, although very unlikely, is possible infertility. But sometimes the doctors themselves prohibit re-pregnancy, if the seam, which remained on the woman's uterus, insolvent and high risk of his discrepancy.

Does caesarean affect the development of a child

Young mothers often ask me how the intervention is influenced by the child's process in the future. I can say with one hundred percent confidence that "Caesaryat" do not differ from the rest of the children. There is only a psychological aspect, which, however, is not fully confirmed.

According to Western psychologists, a child after cesarean section:

  • it is afraid of change;
  • touching;
  • hot-tempered;
  • scattered;
  • alarmed;
  • heavowless;
  • hyperactive.

It is also considered that "Caesareans" is difficult to plan anything independently and control, they often have a deficit of attention, do not tend to seek high results in their favorite business. But, I repeat, all this is only assumptions, unaffected by anything. Relying on many years of experience, as well as on the point of view of most of my colleagues, I am ready to say that the development of the child Cesarean does not affect.

Opinion doctors

The topic of the danger of the COP for the child is one of the most discussed on medical forums. This is what the gynecologist is talking about this. higher category, Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Elena Mishchenko: "Naturally, surgical labor has its own characteristics and carry certain consequences. The baby, born in such a way, is more difficult to adapt to the environment, all systems of its body function slower, problems with breathing, peristaltics, etc., can arise. But if the mother has led during pregnancy healthy image Life, observed all the instructions of the attending physician, the risk that the operation somehow affects the fruit, is minimal. Therefore, everything is in the hands of a woman, and in particular - the state of her future child. "

Every year, Cesarean section is gaining increasing popularity. In Brazil, for example, to give birth with cesarean consider the rule of good tone. In private clinics, 80% of women are clinic. But no one has not yet invented Panacea. Cesarean section has its drawbacks and dignity.

First of all, this is an operation, and the operation is always a risk. Despite the fact that cesarean technique and pain relief are becoming more perfect and safer.

If the cesarean section is performed according to the indications, then in many cases the health and life of the future mother and child saves the health and life. Indications are planned, i.e. They arise during pregnancy.

The woman and doctors have time to prepare for the operation. And emergency when the operation must be done immediately to save the health of the mother and the life of the child.

Thanks to the widespread use of cesarean section, the childbirth today has become more secure.

Already practically not used obstetric nippers and vacuum - extractor (medical instruments that were imposed on the head of the fetus, if difficulties have arisen with the birth of a child).

This often led to the injury of a child and serious ruptures of the generic pathways. The birth of more than a day went down.

Today, thanks to Cesarean section, they themselves give birth only those women who have a high chance to give birth independently and at the same time do without serious complications.

Let's consider cases when cesarean section has undoubted advantages:

  1. Obstacles overlapping generic paths. For example, a placenta, the tumor of the vagina, the bladder, the bones of the pelvis, the mioma of the uterus.
  2. After the operation on the cervix births can lead to her ruptures, Here, too, it is worth choosing Cesarean.
  3. Incorrect position of the fetus. If the child lies in the uterus head and the head is bent, then such labor is better to lead through the natural generic paths. But there are cases when the fruit is laid down by the buttocks or head, but the head is dispersed. Such kinds are possible, but have a risk to end a child injury. Therefore, Cesarean cross section here is worth a preference. Birth with the transverse position of the fetus in the uterus is not possible, only Cesarean.
  4. When woman's pelvis dimensions are much less than the fetal head. It is better to perform Cesarean, so as not to injure the child and mother.
  5. Some diseases of the mother Do not allow it to give birth yourself, because This will determine the state of the woman's health. For example, myopia high degree, diseases of the nervous system, hearts, bones - symphysit - the discrepancy between the bones of the pelvis during pregnancy under the influence of hormones. After childbirth with a symphitis, a woman for several months can be chained to the bed. and etc.
  6. Multiple pregnancy. Single twins are operated on before the battles began. They have one placent on two and alone vessels for which the twins get oxygen and nutrition. With the beginning of the fights of the vessels are spasched and one child gets food in excess, placing the second. Both are extremely dangerous for children. If you are waiting for twins, then they look at the situation and evaluate all the risks.
  7. Pregnancy after Eco or if a woman has long suffered infertility. Such women during pregnancy took hormones, because The body could not independently ensure the development of pregnancy. The likelihood is great that childbirth will be bad. And who will agree to risk the health of such a long-awaited baby.
  8. Repeated cesarean after cesarean section. There is a risk of rupture of the uterus on the header with strong bleeding. But natural childbirth is possible and can pass easily under the supervision of doctors, especially if the previous Cesarean was performed during childbirth.

Caesarean section is indispensable if a rapid child extraction is required, because Deletion will lead to his death. First of all, it is bleeding when the placenta, the uterus break. Pup view.

When water moves ahead of time, the loop of the umbilical cords, for which the child gets food, descend into the vagina and turn out to be clamped between the bones of the pelvis and the preserving part of the child. If the opening of the uterus is not complete, then only Cesarean can save the child's life.

Fetal hypoxia - when a child is not enough oxygen for various reasons. Thanks to Cesarean section and constant control by the physicians for the state of the fetus, it became possible to save the child at the first signs of his sufferings in her mother's tummy.

What advation pluses are difficult to call pluses?

  1. Pain. Many consider the lack of generic battles plus Cesarean. This is a deep delusion. To remove pain during surgery perform anesthesia: common anesthesia or spinal anesthesia. But these methods are not very harmless and have a consequence for a woman and a child. After childbirth, the cut stomach hurts stronger than generic contractions. In the maternity hospital, anesthesia will be prescribed, and at home will have to cope on their own and at the same time still to care for the child. In addition, getting rid of bouts, you can get chronic pelvic pain due to the formation of adhesions or endometriosis in a small pelvis. Pain during childbirth largely depends on emotional state and psychological attitude. If positive emotions prevail, then it will be smaller. And if you are so afraid, then in childbirth you can make spinal anesthesia. As you can see pain, this is not a reason to do Cesarean.
  2. Make Cesarean section faster than give birth yourself.
  3. Cesarean section lasts on average 40 minutes, and the first birth of 10-14 hours, the second 7-9 hours. Third even faster. But after the birth after 6 hours you are restored and you can care for your child. After Cesarev, you will have to lie at least 12 hours, and then the day will be hard. It turns out that you go quiet, the farther you will. By the way, at the time of childbirth, the fights are initially rare, short and not intense, and closer to the end becomes painful. Therefore, no one says that all 14 hours you will be exhausted from pain.
  4. Hemorrhoids. Many mothers think that by making Cesarean, they get rid of hemorrhoids. I want to upset you. Speakers are only one of the causes of the ailment. Hemorrhoids often occurs during pregnancy, in the third trimester. This is promoted by an enlarged uterus, which presses on the rectum, hormonal background, constipation, improper nutrition. After cesarean, another factor is added - hypodynamia - insufficient physical activity. Therefore B. postpartum period Many suffer from hemorrhoids, no matter how they gave birth.
  5. Cerval breaks vagina, crotch. Yes indeed, Cesarean will save you from the ruptures of the tricks, but you will get a scar on the uterus and on the front abdominal wall. Today, Cesarean section is done above the pubic section in the bikini zone, but if the operation is emergency, if you have excess weight Or skin disease in the zone of the planned cut, then can cut the belly from the navel to the pubic. Many women give birth without breaking. More often they are if there is a disproportion between the size of the pelvis of a woman and the head of the fetus, weak contractions, infection in the vagina, swelling. In the first two cases, doctors can offer Cesarean. For the prevention of infection a week before delivery, searcate the vagina with the help of candles. By the way, if in previous births you had serious problems, damage to the rectum, then there will be an indication for the operation.
  6. Urine incontinence, omit pelvic organs. The shelter is reduced after childbirth, but it is recovering in a few months. To speed up the process, make Kegel exercises - compressing and squeezing the muscles of the perineum. After 50 years, the incontinence of urine and the omission of pelvic organs occurs equally often as those who gave birth by Cesarean and those who gave birth independently. Cause here in hereditary predisposition - dysplasia connective tissue. If you can get a big finger to the inner surface of the forearm, then the likelihood of listed problems with age is great.

Corsarean cross sections

  1. After cesarean, 5 times often Endometritis occurs. The uterus is barely reduced due to the scar. Blood, bunches accumulate in its cavity, which contributes to the reproduction of microorganisms there.
  2. After cesarean almost always antibiotics are prescribed, and after childbirth only in rare cases. Only drugs are prescribed with breastfeeding, but whether your child needs to be contacted with antibiotics from infancy.
  3. Recovery after cesarean goes slower. We will have to work hard to remove the stomach.
  4. During Cesarean the blood loss is 2-3 times higher than in childbirth. And if there is a complication during the operation, then blood transfusion may be needed.

Thanks to Cesarean, the children's cross section are born without injuries and damage. You can save those children who could not survive if childbirth was conducted through natural generic paths.

Hello, dear readers and guests of the site. I think today will cause a lot of disputes and discussions. My acquaintance of 20 from a small years, Premenhenev, firmly decided: it is not ready to give birth. "This is hellish pain, and the sex life after natural giving birth becomes worse," there "because everything will be wider," she explained to me.

As a result, I agreed on the shore about the planned Cesarean and "gave birth" to a healthy boy. Now he is a year and a half, and he suffers from strong headaches, does not sleep at night, and with him parents. This is how the whim of the future mother turned against her.

Like any operation, caesarean section, pros and cons for the child of which we will consider today, should be carried out strictly under medical testimony. Alas, recently, this is not a forced measure, but Fall. We must know what she can threaten the baby before you decide on such birth.

Caesarean section: spread myths

The myth of the security of Cesarean and, moreover, its painlessness does not have grounds for them! This is a complete, very dangerous operation at which the doctor first neatly cuts the peritoneum, then the uterus and takes out a newborn. Then the uterus is then cleaned, the child's place and the fabric is sewn. Antiseptic processing at the final stage is required.

Reviews of mammies survived by Cesarean, they say that pain after surgery happen terrible. Soo Net, the abdomen seems to be squeezed from the inside. But at the same time you also need to wear the crumb on your hands! So you cost "low blood."

And even well, if natural childbirth was impossible for medical reasons. And when moms themselves choose this alleged pathway?

When the operation is inevitable

The decision on Cesarean section should take only a doctor, on the basis of the state of future mommy and testimony, absolute or relative.

Absolute include:

· Pulling placenta;

· Complications of gestosis;

· Presumably large fruit (more than 4.5 kg);

· Anatomical narrow pelvis or his deformation;

· Operations in the uterus in the past, scars;

· The weight of the fetus is more than 3.5 kg with a pelvic preview;

· Baby cross position;

· Pelvic presence of one of the fruits at double;

· Multi-core;

· Myoma uterus and other neoplasms.

If you have at least one of these testimony, then you are almost 100% probability to have a cesarean section.

Relative indicators are some signs that may cause complications and a negative outcome in natural genus. The doctor will recommend Cesarean section, if you have:

· Significant pregnancy;

· Featuring infections;

· Age more than 35 years (especially at first birth);

· Pathology of vessels and hearts, diabetes, herpes genital;

· Varicosis of the walls of the vagina and the uterus;

· Writes, stilling in the past.

The doctor decides on the planned caesarean, if there is 1 absolute and at least 2 relative indicators. Doctors are required to evaluate all possible outcomes and risks of operation so that everything passed with minimal losses.

According to plan or emergency

In addition to the planned, there is also the concept of emergency caesarean, when complications, threatening life and health of the baby and moms arise in the process of natural delivery.

By the way, the name of the operation is the cesarean section, it came to us from Ancient Rome. Mother Julia Caesar (Caesar) was angry, burning the future commander and emperor. The fights exhausted it, and the signs decided to open the womb and take out the baby.

The gynecologist is negotiated about the planned operation of the gynecologist in advance as soon as he detects the testimony to it. Date is appointed approximately 1-2 weeks before the DA (presumptive date of birth). At this time, the fruit is already completely donas and is ready to appear, and the generic paths are closed while.

Cesarean section, pros and cons for a child

Like any surgery, Cesarean section is carried out under anesthesia. 20 years ago, women had fallen completely, and they could see the baby, only when they were departed from general anesthesia. Now the anesthesia epidural (the dorsal) appeared, which "turns off" the sensitivity of the body of the mumble below the belt. That is, the whole process of childbirth, she is in consciousness and sees his crumb immediately.

Kesarevo has its advantages for mom, and for a child.

In women, the sexual organs, no inclination and gaps that arise with the natural process, do not threaten them. Although seam after cut abdominal cavity delivers no less trouble. Yes, and, according to psychologists, the natural childbirth is needed to a woman to fully realize their new role. As many moms say, "you need to go through it."

Another minus for the girlfriend - problems with breastfeeding. So that it was full, the pregnancy should end the natural way, so "Caesaryat" often become artificials, and from birth is forced to eat a dairy mixture.

In addition, mom after delivery is usually prescribed a course of antibiotics to prevent inflammation in the seam area. It is necessary to join, so as not to rush the child with medicines, and many moms do not stand. And as a result, in no lack of a baby.

About cuts and dislocations from kids

So we approached the pros and cons of the operation for the krochi itself.

First of good.

· Hypoxia that occurs in the process of protracted battles and fence, "Caesareans" does not threaten. Doctors remove the baby pretty quickly and gently. Some moms tell the "horror strokes" about the rugged Toddler's body, but this is far from the truth. The whole process is carefully monitored and the child, as a rule, does not suffer.

· Do not be afraid of other damage (dislocations and other injuries), which are so frequent with natural childbirth and sometimes lead to irreparable consequences.

About minuses:

· From the point of view of neurology, nothing good "forced" childbirth do not bear. Doctors believe that the baby must go through the birth's ways to develop normally. Some children after Cesareans are lagging behind in development.

· Artificial feeding, about which we talked above, is also undoubted a minus. The baby is deprived of nutritious breast milk, together with him and the Mom antibodies, and therefore the lion's share of immunity. From here again a lag in development, and physical, among other things.

· Ply normal kind According to the scheme "Fight-sweep-delivery", the crumbs are slightly shifted by the skull bones. This process is correct and even necessary. Caesarean section does not allow the baby's head to contact with mother's pelvic bones, as a result of which the baby is already in early age Increased intracranial pressure and headache may occur.

And Momchka, and her daughter or son after surgery, a long recovery period, psychological and physiological. Postpartum depressionProblems with GW, the scarring of the seam will require a significant forces from a woman. Therefore, I apologize again, do not choose Cesarean only because of the unwillingness and fear to give birth on their own. Birth, you can say our direct duty, and you need to fulfill it.

If the doctor prescribed the operation to you, then get ready for difficulties, including in subsequent pregnancies (if there are plans). After how much you can be pregnant after Cesarean, many moms are interested in. I answer: no need to hurry!

Sheos makes no one earlier than 3 months after childbirth. Until that time, you can not wear a tiny on your arms, to expose yourself to a physical burden, having sex. What to say about the tooling of the child!

Gynecologists recommend planning the following conception no earlier than in a year. The optimal gap - from year to three years, but no later than in 10 years. Then the scar fabric will lose their elasticity, and there will be no opportunity to carry a kid. In any case, the state of the seam doctor will carefully control the whole pregnancy, especially its last months.

In many cases, even after the cesarean section, natural childbirth is possible if the state of the future mother is allowed, and there are no contraindications.

And I have a hurry to say goodbye to the ambulance, do not get sick and do not miss!

Whether caesarean cross-section is dangerous for a child will help identify a specialist. Modern women Increasingly began to resort to surgical order. It happens because of the fear of pain in the process of natural generic activity. Also, the operation allows you to preserve the initial form of genital organs. But all these positive facts for a woman are not always well affected by the child. To make a final decision, what kind of childbirth will be, all sides of the process should be considered.

Cesarean section has a number of reasons. It is assigned due to availability a variety of pathologies In the health of a woman or child. But many patients require operation without reason.

Such a phenomenon is indisputable with the alarm of doctors. The number of operations in the process of generic activity should not exceed 10-14% of the total number of labor. This leads to a decrease in toddler health. For this reason, it should be resorted to the operation only in the following cases:

  • uterus diseases;
  • child position;
  • problems with vessels;
  • myopia.

Many women cause the operation is the presence of myoma or oncological neoplasm. These diseases are accompanied by a violation of the structure of the cells. The core of the cell contains RNA. Under the influence of these parables, a change in RNA and cell membranes occurs. The fabric consisting of these cells begins to reproduce actively. A tumor is formed on the site of healthy cells. Any interference in the body can lead to strengthening the process. For this reason, such women are not recommended natural childbirth.

Agree to Cesarevo, the cross section follows when the child is improperly located in the uterus. In the process of intrauterine development, the fetus gradually changes its position. By the end of pregnancy, it should set up down the head. But sometimes it does not happen. The fruit takes cross position. Natural generic activity can damage the child. Also surgical intervention It is recommended to women with a low placenta. Fruit getting into the lower generic paths can lead to a dense cord. If a woman with such a placenta will give birth independently, the risk of suffering a child in the tribal ways.

Operation is recommended for problems with vessels. Dangerous pathologies include second type hypertension, vegetative dystonia, varicose extension veins. All these diseases are accompanied by a change in the structure of vascular tissue. The walls of healthy vessels have elasticity and flexibility. Under the influence of pathologies, these properties are lost. The strong tension of the muscles during the natural generic process can harm the vessels. The rupture of the vessel walls is accompanied by bleeding. To reduce the development of complications, doctors use a cesarean section.

Surgical intervention is carried out by women with rapidly developing myopathy. Myopia is considered to be a direct indication for the operation. Few and contractions can harm the nerve endings of the eye day. Woman will lose sight.

The section has relative reasons. Such indications include a great weight of the child, the lack of generic activities, the infection of the urogenital system. A large fruit is not able to descend into a small pelvis. Natural childbirth In this case, lead to the injury of the mother. They can also affect the death of a child.

The cross section of mothers, whose bones of which cannot fully disperse. The pelvis diverges towards the end of pregnancy. This is needed for proper position Child in the process of childbirth. If the mother's body for any reason is not prepared important processThe doctors advise Cesarean.

The presence of various infections of the urogenital system should also be taken into account. Bacteria amaze microflora. When passing by a child, the paths infection can easily pass the baby.

But all these conditions do not always accompany the cesarean section. Many mothers are asked to conduct an operation on own willing. In order for Mom to know that she was waiting for, the postoperative period should be disassembled.

Recovery period of women

You should know the positive effect of the operation on the state of the mother. Women resort to this method for the following reasons:

  • lack of labor;
  • preservation of the urogenital system;
  • reduced stress.

The greatest concerns before childbirth causes pain. To avoid pain, patients insist on operations. Hope is assigned to the fact that after a woman goes away from anesthesia, pain will not. But this is not so, it should be borne in mind that the pain accompanies and restore.

Many patients believe that after childbirth, problems arise with urogenital system. This is true. Strong sweat can cause crotch breaks. After childbirth, the seams are superimposed. Also negative processes and bladder. He shifts B. low part pelvis. There are problems with sexual life. The cervix and vagina are stretched. Feelings in the process of sexual intercourse are changed. Such changes arise for a while. The uterus after childbirth is actively shrinking, the fabric is restored. Feelings are returned.

Stress is considered the main reason for the abandonment of natural labor. Experience, fright imposes a load of responsibility on a woman. To avoid unwanted stress, the patient refuses independent generic activity.

But it should be understood that there is a lot of negative moments. The main problems occur immediately after the operation. Cesarean section is carried out in most clinics under general anesthesia. Anesthetic drug has a negative impact on the work of the central nervous system. For this reason, more than 5 full agencies are not recommended during life. Also hard and discharge from anesthesia. In the first hours after cesarean section, a woman is experiencing strong dizziness And nausea. Vomiting is absent due to empty stomach. Before the operation cancels drinking and food. The average duration of the reducing period after anesthesia can be 4-5 hours.

There is another unpleasant moment. There is no pain from generic activity. But accompanies the incision on the stomach.

Like any surgical impact, caesarean is carried out by cutting several layers of tissue. The seams in this case are superimposed on each cloth separately. After the cessation of anesthetic drugs, pain appears in the lower part of the peritoneum. Reduced an unpleasant symptom help strong analgesic substances. Analgesics are prohibited by K. long use. For this reason, the woman is canceled by painkillers from 6 days after the cesarean section.

The recovery period should be held in compliance with a number of rules. Patient is prohibited severe physical activity. A woman can not wear a baby in her arms, make inclined movements. In the first time it is forbidden to sit. Such a ban requires additional assistance from loved ones. It aggravates the psycho-emotional state of the mother.

In the process of natural labor, a psychological relationship arises between mom and baby. The mother has a restructuring of the nervous and psychological system. This is what affects the state of a woman. After cesarean section, this connection is formed slower. The feeling of incompleteness affects the patient's psyche. Such women often diagnosed postpartum depressive state. Depression can accompany the patient during the year and more.

Also negative consequences of the section is postoperative seam. In its place, scar tissue is gradually formed. The scar completes its formation 9 months after surgical intervention. Until this time, various procedures are prohibited upon removal.

But there is a clear plus. Many natural labor flows slowly. This is fraught with the first birth. They can last a few days. Caesarean section is carried out for 20-30 minutes. A woman is placed in the hospital two days before the operation. Stay in the clinic is reduced.

There is something dangerous cesarean section for a woman. Not always wound healing is correct. Sometimes there are fistulas or the discrepancy of the seam. The fistula appears due to improper postoperative care. This education requires additional intervention of doctors. The discrepancy between the seam also harms the patient. In this case, the rules for the transfer of weights are not followed. The wound is revealed, the risk of infection with pathogenic microorganisms appears. It is necessary to process the wound again and impose new seams. Re-imposition of seams affects appearance scar tissue. It will be more rude.

Positive impact on the fruit

Children are also subjected to various processes during the operation. Kesarean cross sections for a child should be known. The positive effect of the operation is not great. The fruit in the natural generic process should independently move along the way. At the same time, it makes squeezing head movements. The skull bones are compressed and stretched. Many children after childbirth head has an egg shape. Gradually, it acquires normal outlines. With the cesareous section, the operation from the fetus is not required. The fruit is removed from the uterus in normal form.

The minus in this case is the lack of this process. The pulmonary bags of the fetus in the uterine cavity are filled with a special liquid. It leaves the lungs in small portions in the process of promoting a child in paths. When crossing, the fluid remains in full. It is pumped up by a special apparatus. Sometimes observed residual phenomena fluids in the lungs. They are the cause of postpartum pneumonia. Such complications are common enough.

There are other disadvantages of cesarean sections for a child. After the natural genera, the fetus has an independent disclosure of the lungs. Sometimes the doctor contributes to this process with a slight slap on the jagged area. Cesarean, the same section does not allow it to do. Lightweight can be disclosed not completely. It causes problems with immune system. Such kids are often attached to a variety of viruses. Immunity recovery occurs 3-4 years after birth.

Negatively affects the condition of the child and anesthesia, the introduced mother before the operation. The substance comes to the fetus through the umbilical rope. After childbirth, such kids do not take the chest. Often, many Caesareans feed on the mixtures. Lactation in this case is not needed. Anesthesia causes a change in the nervous system. A few days after the cesarean section, the child becomes drowned and sluggish. It will not work it. Only after complete blood purification from medicinal substance The baby begins to behave actively.

How does cesarean cross-section affect the fruit differently? Positive impact is the absence of generic stress. The child is not exposed to the pressure of the uterine wall. It helps to maintain the integrity of the bone frame. In natural babies, injuries may arise. Often there is such a diagnosis as dysplasia. This is a peculiar dislocation of the sinus. The restoration of the child is carried out by wearing a special bandage to three months. It is this positive side that is taken into account if there is a chance for injury in a natural process.

To make a choice in the nature of the upcoming birth, it is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of the cesarean section. It is worth considering not only the wishes of the mother, but also the health of the future child. If a natural process can adversely affect the child, then preference must be given to surgical intervention. If the fetus will harm the operation, it is necessary to endure the entire process of generic activity. When choosing, the presence is also taken into account various diseases Mother and fetus. The main decision remains for the operating physician.

Many families wonder what to choose - natural childbirth or cesarean section. Choosing character operational intervention Fully depends on the decision of the doctor. Like all operations, this impact has certain indications. Modern doctors noted that many women resort to Cesarean on their own. This is an alarming sign. Normally, the number of operations should not be performed more than 10% of patients. Today, this figure is growing. To understand how the operation affects the organism of the mother and the child, it is necessary to figure it out in its characteristic.

The operation is carried out through access in the abdominal cavity. Get a child through different kinds cuts. The main impact is carried out by laparoscopic intervention through a small incision above the pubic bone.

The technique allows you to minimize the injury of several layers of fabrics. On the plot of the pubic bone of the fabric tightly contact. This allows you to avoid coarse scars and the injuries of the child.

This form of the seam does not cause the problems to a woman. The development of complications at the same time method of operating is minimized. The recovery period has no longer duration.

In rare cases, a more severe section is carried out. It is carried out in the event of a threat of fetal or mothers in the process of generic activity. This technique is carried out by cut from the pubic to the navel. A longitudinal incision gives a doctor access to all organs of the abdominal area. The doctor instantly takes out the child. This technique reduces the access time in the uterus to 10 minutes. This makes it possible to reduce the time of the lack of oxygen in the fetus. Minus this operation is for a long time Healing and the presence of a gross noticeable scar. In this case, the scar does not allow a woman to wear open underwear.

As after other interventions, the cesarean section requires a woman to perform a number of rules. They allow a woman to recover.

Positive sides for the patient

To understand that better Cesarean or natural childbirth, it is necessary to consider their positive parties. Cesarean section has a number positive effects. The following advantages are allocated:

  • short temporary effect;
  • elimination of generic activities;
  • preservation of genital organs.

Caesarean section has an average duration of 30 minutes. During the operation, the patient is under the influence of anesthesia. The child is removed from the abdominal cavity and is given to postoperative processing of doctors. Pupovina with a pocent is also eliminated by a doctor. On the peritoneum superimposed seams.

2 days before surgical intervention, a woman falls into the hospital for training. It gives a variety of analyzes. The doctor examines blood condition, urine. Also carry out a staging from the vagina for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms. During the day before intervention, a dietary table is appointed, which allows the intestines to cleanse themselves. Before the operation, the patient stops drinking. This reduces the pressure of the vessels.

The operation avoids the main fears - the impact of generic activity on the body. All patients before childbirth feel fear strong pain from the process. For this reason, the bulk of women believes that it is better to do Cesarean, as the process goes under anesthesia. Increased anxiety is observed in patients who need to give birth for the first time. The first generic activity can develop within a few days. The operation allows you to reduce intervention time.

It is believed that after the natural genera, the vagina is strongly stretched and cannot restore its forms. Surgical intervention eliminates the disclosure of the cervix and passing by a child's path. This avoids the gap of the vagina and the external genital organs. Also, the vagina is not required for recovery and healing. After childbirth, the woman retains the familiar shape of the genitals.

If you need to choose, give birth or Cesarean, then the advantages of natural activities should be considered. Natural childbirth have the following positive sides:

  • timely hormonal restructuring;
  • proper preparation of the body;
  • fast milk arrival;
  • lack of healing period;
  • ambulance from the hospital.

An important aspect during the natural genera is the hormonal restructuring of the body. During the entire pregnancy, the body is managed by progesterone. This substance is involved in the development of the embryo and controls the power of the fetus. If it is missing, then the embryo does not take root. At the end of the tooling period, the progesterone content is reduced. Brazdes of the Board intercepts oxytocin. Hormone enhances the contractile function of the uterine body. The fruit begins to fall into the labor paths. Also oxytocin contributes to the fact that the child will be born head down.

After the end of the process, oxytocin does not stop its action. Hormone helps the uterus gradually take initial sizes. Also, oxytocin causes the mouth of prolactin. It serves as an activator lactation. For this reason, against the background of natural labor, milk comes 2-3 days. Hormonal perestroika is the reason that it is better to give birth to the most.

The undoubted advantage is the absence of a healing period. Minor breaks arise not all women. For this reason, the patient takes a short time to relax after natural genera. After a few hours, a woman can commit familiar movements. Also allowed meals.

If a woman did not have any problems during childbirth, it is quickly restored. Lack of problems gives a chance to quickly discharge. In most perinatal centers, the guinea is discharged home after 3 days.

Negative sides for a woman

To decide what to choose - natural childbirth or caesarean cross section, you should study them negative sides. Cesarean section has such minuses as:

  • postoperative period;
  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • anesthesia;

The main difficulty in the cesarean section is postoperative period. Seam requires a woman compliance with some rules. The wound does not allow the patient to perform sharp movements. Exercise stress After the operation is prohibited. It should also be carefully monitoring the healing of the seam. Initial processing is carried out by a specialist.

Soo need to wipe antiseptic solutions and treat driving medicines. The surface of the wound closes with a sterile bandage, which does not allow penetrating microorganisms to penetrate. Further processing is carried out independently.

There is a risk and development of various postoperative complications. It often arises such a problem as the discrepancy of the postpartum seam. Pathology is diagnosed on 5-7 days after cesarean section. The guilt of its manifestation is non-compliance with physical peace. In this case, the time of stay of a woman in the hospital is increasing.

There is also a risk of developing a fistula channel. The fistula is formed due to the incomplete dissolution of the medical filament imposed on muscle fibers. The process begins with the appearance of a small seal on the surface of the seam. After some time, the seal is revealed, purulent liquid appears from it. When cleaning the fistulous channel, the doctor detects the remains of the threads. So that the channel healed, it is necessary to remove the necrosted tissues and impose a new seam.

Operation is harmful and status internal organs Abdominal cavity. The wound healing process is accompanied by the formation of scar tissue. It can penetrate deep layers and affect organs. A spike is formed on the affected area. The adhesion process is often the cause of further infertility of a woman.

Cesarean section eliminates the timely restructuring of the hormonal background. A woman is operated on before the start of the generic activity. The section must be made no later than the end of 38 weeks. In this case, the hormonal background of women is preserved as during pregnancy.

Oxytocin in the body begins to be produced only at the beginning of breast feeding. In rare cases, lactation after the operation is impossible. Since the hormones are rebuilt for a long time, the beginning menstrual cycle The patient is postponed. The first monthly after surgery can begin in a few months. If they do not begin, the wines can be in hormonal violation. A woman will need long therapy.

Another unpleasant moment of the cesarean section is anesthesia. Women believe that the lack of childbirth is good. In fact, the anesthesia has a negative influence. The pathological effects of anesthesia extends to nervous system and the work of the brain. No more than 5 deep anesthesia is allowed throughout life. Also, the anesthesia has another unpleasant consequence. The first hours after surgery, a woman is experiencing strong headaches, dizziness. There is nausea and vomiting. Such a state can persist no more than a day. At this time, the patient cannot take food. Difficult digestion.

Patients are experiencing strong stress. It is associated with the lack of body preparation for motherhood. In natural genus, the interaction of mom and child is established. This allows you to quickly establish the process of feeding and departing. During the operation, this preparation for motherhood does not occur. The incompleteness of the process causes postpartum depression.

There are also negative sides of natural childbirth. The main minus is the duration and soreness of the generic activity. Givenly woman knows this feature. But the paths of such patients were already prepared. Repeated childbirth will be faster. If the first is the first, they can have a duration of up to several days. The disclosure of the cervix is \u200b\u200baccompanied by pain. The syndrome is enhanced with the attack of kits. There is a peak of pain. It scares many foreheadots.

The second negative point is the appearance of breaks. Stormy generic activity is accompanied by a rapid passage of the child in paths. Expand the paths to the required size do not have time. For this reason, the fruit paves the path with the head sharply. Against the background of this, cervix breaks, small sexy lips and the walls of the vagina. Such injuries may entail the development of further complications of sex life.

Retributively affect and rapid natural labor. Such activities may cause fast hormonal restructuring. Due to this, a violation of the background may occur. The restoration of the system is carried out by medication therapy.

Pros and cons for a child

When choosing between birth or make an operation, the child's condition should be taken into account. The choice should be in how it will be better for a child. Cesarean section has such advantages for the baby, like:

  • application for any sizes;
  • fast appearance on light;
  • no stress.

If a large cesarean fruit or natural childbirth choose? Preference should be given operations. Large fruit is considered from 4.5 kg. With this weight, the child can be stuck in the lower birth paths. The problem is aggravated by the development of hypoxia. There is a intrauterine suffocation of the child. Cesarean section avoids an unpleasant complication.

Also, the operation allows you to give birth to a kid having an improper location in the uterine cavity. Caesarean section is prescribed during the transverse localization of the child or attaching the placenta to the front wall of the uterus. Natural childbirth will not allow this.

During surgical intervention, the child does not need to put the way. It retains a normal form. The skull bones are not exposed to deformation. The fruit is removed from the uterus in a few seconds. It does not get tired in the process of childbirth.

Natural generic activity also has a number of positive effects. During the intrauterine development, light kids are filled with liquid. When passing paths, it is derived from the lungs. The child is born with a fully prepared respiratory system. This avoids the development of postpartum pneumonia.

In natural activities, the kid is experiencing psychological communications with mom. It helps the child to avoid stress when the light occurs.

Considers Cesarean sections. A anesthetic substance has a negative effect on the state of the fetus. It penetrates the organism of the fetus through the placenta. After the operation, the child stays under the action of anesthesia for a long time. Medicine The failure of the baby from taking the chest. Child sleeps for a long time. Physical activity is restored only after removing the drug from the body.

The minus surgical intervention is the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. After the operation, the lungs are cleaned by a special machine. Fluid residues are saved. After a while they cause inflammation. Liquid again accumulates in the lungs. Pneumonia develops.

Natural generic activity may affect the child. If the fruit has improper localization or large size, the risk of hypoxia appears. The fruit can not move along the way. There is a decrease in oxygen. The child begins to choke. Hypoxia adversely affects further development Child.

The risk of intracranial pressure appears. It appears with incorrect passage of the fetus by generic paths. In this process, there is a narrowing of the bones of the skull for the simplest passage of the child. Bones are putting pressure on the brain. With a strong pressure between the bones and the brain, liquid accumulates. Pathology requires medical treatment. If it does not help, surgical intervention is appointed. AT last years This problem occurs often. This is due to the bad conditions of the surrounding world.

Before childbirth, a woman must choose how they will pass. To facilitate the choice, you should carefully examine all the positive and negative sides of both kinds of birth. It is also necessary to consult a doctor. Only after that you can make a decision.

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