Diseases characteristic of the skin of the elderly. Senile itching of the skin: causes, developmental features, treatment in the elderly

Dry skin occurs as a result of excessive dryness, especially older people are prone to it.

The skin protects us from the effects of wind, sun, and is involved in thermoregulation.

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The site provides background information. Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible under the supervision of a conscientious doctor. Any drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required, as well as a detailed study of the instructions! ...

Causes and treatment

Causes of dryness

Women 40-50 years old often complain of excessive dryness of the skin, they are especially worried about dry feet and palms, this is due to hormonal changes that occur before - or during menopause.

The upper cells are constantly being renewed. From the lower layer, new young cells make their way to the upper ones, which die off and peel off.

With age, cell renewal slows down, new cells move upward much more slowly.

Causes for diseases:

  • Follicular keratosis;
  • Ichthyosis;
  • Xerotic eczema;
  • Psoriasis.

With follicular keratosis, rashes in the form of acne are observed, due to which it takes on an unhealthy rough appearance, the rashes do not differ in color, but sometimes they become inflamed, acquiring a red color. She is rough, dry, irritated.

With ichthyosis, the cells form scales of various shades, from light to brown. The disease leads to dryness, cracking.

Xerotic eczema is characterized by the appearance of dryness, redness, itching in the patient. Psoriasis also causes dryness, flaking, and itching.

Effective remedies

Those who have ever experienced the sensation of skin tightening know how unpleasant it is.

You need to contact a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

When prescribing treatment, the doctor seeks to restore the protective functions of the body. Pay attention to the influence of factors from the outside.

One of the most effective methods of treatment, doctors call etiotropic treatment, it directly affects the cause of the disease.

In the presence of a concomitant disease, the best way out is to remove the cause of the underlying disease.

Often, based on the nature of the disease, a specialized doctor takes over its treatment: leukemia is treated by a hematologist, obstructive jaundice- a surgeon, and kidney disease - a urologist.

With senile itching, drugs that hide the symptoms of the disease are prescribed in strictly limited quantities. The reason for the limitation is that the patient has several types of pathologies of different organs.

Continuous use of drugs and mixing them can have a negative effect. More often, patients are prescribed antihistamines like Tavegil, Suprastin. Sedatives (Valerian, Motherwort) may be prescribed.

While taking medications, you must completely exclude from your diet foods with various biological additives, choose the right care product.

Ointment "Advantan" is prescribed locally. Avoid dryness in winter with a conventional humidifier, while in summer it is best to wear lightweight, breathable fabrics.

Severe dryness in age

The person feels tightness, the skin itches, outwardly looks reddened.

This problem of dryness worries the elderly. Over time, our skin loses its protective layer of subcutaneous fat, it becomes dry - a network of wrinkles appears on it.

It is necessary to correctly select care and hygiene products.

Her condition is influenced by:

  • Human lifestyle;
  • Addictions;
  • Hereditary factors;
  • Environment.

In the sun, a person exposes himself to ultraviolet radiation. The elastic layer of the skin - elastin - is destroyed. From sunlight, wrinkles, age spots appear on it, ultraviolet rays cause cancer.

Senile changes are caused by a disruption in the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, changes in the functioning of water and lipid metabolism. With age, it lacks moisture in its upper layer - the epidermis, from this it acquires a dry, dull appearance.

Itching in the elderly

Natural aging processes involve changes in many layers of the skin. Closer to old age, a person already accumulates a whole bunch of different diseases, a symptom of which may be itchy dryness.

These symptoms, of course, are not life-threatening, but they make a person suffer.

Sometimes itchy skin may occur due to illness:

  • Allergy;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • Fungal skin lesions.

It happens that diseases are not detected, then they talk about senile, or blueness, itching. This is a symptom of age-related changes.

It is caused by changes in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, the fatty layer becomes thinner here, which helps to reduce skin turgor, its premature stretching, and the formation of wrinkles.

The reasons will be:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Lost tissue healing ability;
  • Pathological changes in the central nervous system.

Attention should be paid to the nervous system, with changes in the work of which the patient complains of the onset of itching for no reason.

The male population is more susceptible to this problem, it is noted that it manifests itself more strongly at night, by localization it can occur in any part of the body. Dangerous consequences itching are considered scratches. They will cause infection, which leads to pustules, boils.


The best vitamins and their effects

The skin is deficient in moisture due to a lack of certain vitamins.

Scientists explain itching in the elderly by the influence of several factors, each of which can be expressed to a lesser or greater extent in different people... Most important are age features skin: usually it is dry and thinned, with reduced turgor, the healing and renewal processes of the skin are slow.

What matters is not only insufficient moisture retention by the skin, but also a decrease in the amount of secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands... All this is largely due to atrophic changes, both in the dermis itself and in the small blood vessels and nerve fibers that are suitable for it.

The following factors are the main reasons for the development of senile itching.

In many cases, itchy skin is just a natural reaction. human body on the aging process, which, however, can be effectively dealt with.

But sometimes such itching indicates the presence of certain diseases, and this means that skin itching can be eliminated if its cause is eliminated.

A timely diagnosis, of course, increases the elderly patient's chances of a quick recovery, so you should not postpone a visit to a dermatologist indefinitely.

As practice shows, the most likely causes of itchy skin in older people include:

  • Endocrine Disorders.
  • Digestive system disorders.
  • Diseases of the joints or back.
  • Dehydration (when the body's fluid content is significantly reduced).
  • Pathology nervous system.
  • Atrophy of sweat and sebaceous glands.
  • Menopause (in women).

Skin lesions are divided into hereditary and non-hereditary. Hereditary ones are associated with defects in chromosomes or genes and are passed from parents to their offspring along with genetic material. Hereditary dermatoses do not necessarily manifest in offspring, but the damaged gene still persists from generation to generation.


Can be inherited autosomal dominantly (the sick parent almost always has a sick child), autosomal recessive (the sick parent is likely to have healthy child is about 50%), also distinguish sex-linked inheritance.

Autosomal dominant inherited diseases - partial albinism, atopic dermatitis, Randu-Osler disease, neurofibromatosis, psoriasis, ichthyosis vulgaris, Marfan syndrome and other more rare diseases. Complete albinism, dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, xeroderma pigmentosa, congenital ichthyosis and others are transmitted autosomally recessively.

Dermatitis classification

Dermatitis is divided into two large groups- exogenous and endogenous. Exogenous is associated with well-defined external factors, although hereditary predisposition may also be involved in the manifestation of the disease. Endogenous is not the result external factors environment, that is, it is mediated by the processes taking place in the body.

Exogenous dermatitis includes:

  • irritant and allergic contact;
  • photoallergic;
  • infectious;
  • dermatophytosis;
  • post-traumatic eczema;
  • toxicoderma.

Endogenous types of dermatitis:

  • atopic;
  • seborrheic;
  • lichenoid;
  • stagnant;
  • asteatous eczema;
  • discal eczema;
  • simple chronic lichen;
  • dermatitis associated with systemic diseases.

The most common types are contact dermatitis, atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, the frequency of some forms of the disease varies depending on the age group, for example, atopy is typical for young children, discoid and asteatous eczema - for the elderly.

For most dermatitis, it is fair to divide their course into three stages:

  1. Acute form. General characteristics - spongiosis with vesicle formation, acanthosis, activation of epidermal lymphocytes.
  2. Subacute form. Spongiosis decreases, increasing acanthosis. The process of keratinization is disrupted, the amount of infiltration in the epidermis decreases.
  3. Chronic form. There is hyperkeratosis with areas of parakeratosis (violation of horn formation), the skin coarsens and thickens.

The general pathogenesis of dermatitis involves an interaction between three elements:

  • provoking factor;
  • epithelial cells - keratinocytes;
  • T-lymphocytes, which are directly involved in the inflammatory process.

For example, in case of contact allergy due to exposure to allergens, an inflammatory reaction mediated by T-helpers of type 1 (Th1) occurs, which causes damage to the epidermis - vesicles, papules, edema, oozing.

In atopic dermatitis, caused by a violation of the barrier function of epidermal cells, inflammatory mediators and cytokines are released, which cause morphological changes in the skin.

In addition, dermatitis is classified according to other symptoms:

  • the main symptoms are itchy, dry, bullous and others;
  • localization of the inflammatory reaction - contact, atopic;
  • the size of the rash is a nodular or miliary rash;
  • the nature of the skin reaction is fungal, inflammatory, infectious, allergic.

Sign of age or symptom of illness

In most cases, itchy skin in older people (also called senile) is a common sign of their age. Gradual vascular atrophy, thinning of the subcutaneous tissue, which occur over the years, leads to the fact that skin covering very weakly retains moisture. And dry skin and its excessive sensitivity, just, and cause the desire to scratch.

Senile itching manifests itself differently in each person, but it is usually characterized by:

  • seizure swings: from mild to severe;
  • exacerbations and recessions replacing one to one;
  • absence of rashes or suppuration on the skin;
  • the fact that even after very frequent scratching, no marks remain on the skin, and the nails, on the contrary, acquire a polishing effect;
  • at night, the skin itches especially strongly.

In most cases, itchy skin in older people (also called senile) is a common sign of their age. Gradual vascular atrophy, thinning of the subcutaneous tissue, which occur over the years, leads to the fact that the skin retains moisture very weakly.

And dry skin and its excessive sensitivity, just, and cause the desire to scratch.

If a person has already stepped over the 65-year-old age limit, there is nothing pathological here, although the sensations, of course, are unpleasant and sometimes they do not even allow you to fall asleep.

Senile itching symptoms

Itching can be of different strengths, but more often it affects the stronger sex. Often its intensity is such that the patient cannot tolerate.

The duration of the disease can be counted for months. But the patient's body is not always covered with scratches.

In some patients, from continuous scratching, the nails on the hands are polished, and the skin becomes dry, covered with boils, age spots, eczematous foci. This unpleasant phenomenon is explained by metabolic disorders, dermis dehydration, atherosclerotic processes.

It is most pronounced in the dark and can spread to any part of the body. In some patients, the disease develops during menopause.

Because senile pruritus in the elderly has a variety of causes, other manifestations may accompany this disorder. The character and severity of the symptoms are influenced by the individual characteristics of the patient, the general condition of the body and skin, and previous diseases.

Nevertheless, there are general symptoms inherent in this pathology. One of them is an undulating current.

The intensity of itching varies widely, but almost always it appears at regular intervals, intensifying and subsiding throughout the day.

Exacerbations are noted in the evening and at night. In this case, the itching becomes unbearable and painful.

It can also disappear for extended periods of time. In general, an episode of the disease lasts up to several months, after which a period of remission begins.

An equally common symptom is the absence of scratching, scuffs, scratches and irritated areas on the body. In the elderly, such symptoms are less pronounced, since the elasticity and turgor of the epidermis are significantly reduced due to age.

In addition to itching, older people have other skin problems, such as increased dryness and flaking. As a result, eczematous and age spots, redness, edema appear on its surface.

In the absence of proper treatment and care, the situation deteriorates dramatically. Purulent complications in the form of folliculitis practically do not occur.

Itching is the most common skin complaint in patients over the age of 65. It is often neglected by many people, although itchy skin can have a serious impact on quality of life in old age, especially through sleep deprivation.

Given the many changes that accompany old age, managing pruritus in old age presents a particular clinical challenge.

Principles of diagnosis and therapy

Severe itching in the elderly is a systemic manifestation; it is difficult to diagnose and differentiate it from the symptoms of chronic pathologies, but the availability of modern laboratory techniques allows this to be done.

First of all, the doctor carefully examines the patient and collects an anamnesis. He must understand when the first signs of malaise appeared and whether there are peaks in their manifestation. After the interview, a visual examination of the patient is carried out. Each area of ​​the skin from the back to the legs is examined.

In order to distinguish senile itching from contact dermatitis, psoriasis, scabies and urticaria, an analysis is required for latent allergens, scraping from the affected areas. To assess the functioning of internal organs, biochemical analysis blood.

Itching in people of advanced age can cause helminthic invasions, so a study of feces for helminth eggs may be prescribed.

The resulting material allows you to confirm or exclude fungal or viral infection... Causes and treatment are closely related to each other.

Diagnosis of skin diseases is based primarily on the examination and questioning of the patient. Outwardly, they are manifested by redness, swelling of the skin, its scratching with itching, the formation of spots, rashes, blisters, abscesses and other morphological elements.

The doctor assesses the nature of the rash, its polymorphism, prevalence, limitation, localization and other characteristics. For additional diagnostics dermoscopy is used, in difficult cases - biopsy of the affected area, consultation of other specialists (rheumatologist, allergist, mycologist).


Treatment of dermatosis includes non-drug and drug methods of exposure. The patient should eat well, rest more, not expose himself to any extreme environmental factors. Mental peace, auto-training, the use of relaxation techniques and other psychosomatic treatment of dermatoses are very important.

In some cases, systemic treatment is indispensable. So, any chronic dermatosis requires a thorough examination to identify the cause of the disease. Depending on it, antibiotics, immunostimulants, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and other drugs for oral administration can be prescribed.

For the treatment of skin lesions at home, decoctions and infusions are used medicinal plants with drying, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory effect. Oak bark, birch leaf, and aloe juice are very popular for the treatment of skin diseases.

V complex therapy chronic skin diseases include treatment in sanatoriums, physiotherapy and balneological procedures, medical nutrition.

How many days does dermatosis take place? It depends on the cause and form of the disease, as well as on the timeliness of the treatment started. V favorable conditions resolution of the disease and healing of elements occurs within 7-10 days.

However, the illness often lasts for months or years, causing significant inconvenience to the patient and reducing the quality of life. Therefore, the prevention of skin diseases is important, aimed at eliminating the causes of dermatoses discussed at the beginning of our article.


A diagnosis such as senile itching, which is a fairly common problem, must be established by a specialist without fail. Moreover, the doctor must first exclude other possible prerequisites for the development of this pathological condition of the skin.

Often to identify internal reason itching requires dynamic monitoring of patients aged for a sufficiently long time.

Treatment of senile itching is prescribed for each specific patient on an individual basis, which is associated with the presence of certain social and physical limitations in people of age. When choosing a therapeutic course, a specialist must take into account the severity of symptoms and the general health of an elderly person.

In addition, the doctor considers such an alarming factor as the aggressiveness of the course of the disease, since it can signal the presence of liver pathology in the patient's body, diabetes mellitus or oncology.

A single therapeutic method according to which it is customary to treat senile itching has not been developed. Everything therapeutic measures are associated with a large number of factors and, first of all, the choice is influenced by the etiological mechanism of the disease.

But still, by and large, doctors do not strive to eliminate the disease, which has become the root cause of the disease and is often irreversible, but to remove negative symptoms. For this purpose, local therapy is used:

  • An emollient cream individually selected by the doctor reduces the effect of dry skin.
  • A calming effect on the affected skin areas is provided by drugs, the active component of which is menthol.
  • The antipruritic effect gives salicylic acid, which acts as a cyclooxygenase inhibitor.
  • Topical corticosteroids are used to provide anti-inflammatory action, but they should be used with great care and only as directed by a physician.
  • Systemic therapy drugs, which are taken orally by patients and absorbed into the blood, are also recommended by specialists. For the treatment of pruritus in the elderly, antidepressants are prescribed to reduce the neurogenic influence factor, and antihistamines.

After the diagnosis of senile itching is established, the treatment is selected individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the organism of a particular patient. The use of medications for senile itching is limited for a number of reasons:

  • With age, the functional activity of the liver and kidneys decreases. Therefore, the half-life of drugs increases, and their use in therapeutic doses can lead to significant side effects.
  • Local treatment is safer, but in some patients it is difficult due to physical and cognitive impairment.
  • The multitude of reasons leading to the development of senile itching makes it difficult to choose a drug that will be effective in each case.

To get rid of senile itching will only help A complex approach... The goal of pharmacological correction is to eliminate the main cause of the disease.

It is built on the following principles: restoration of the structure and functioning of liver cells (hepatocytes), increasing the protective properties of epithelial cells, reducing the destructive autoimmune process in the skin.

Depending on the nature of the pathology, local or systemic drugs are prescribed. Local treatment is based on external agents.

  • Creams and hypoallergenic cosmetic products (for example, La-Cree) cleanse and soothe the skin, enrich it nutrients, restore and strengthen damaged areas, restore protective properties and natural water balance.
  • External corticosteroids (Advantin, Celestoderm) provide anti-inflammatory effects. Such drugs are used with great care and only as directed by a physician.
  • Anesthetics (Pramoxin) are used as a local anesthetic. Most effective in combination with Polidocanol and urea.
  • Salicylic acid is used as an inhibitor of cyclooxygenase (analgesic), which significantly reduces itching.
  • Capsaicin quickly treats localized lesions.

Identifying and addressing aggravating factors are often the first steps towards successful treatment... Patients should be informed of the increased potential for skin inflammation after scratching, and simple measures such as clipping nails can break the cycle of itching-scratching-itching.

Local treatment of senile itching

A persistently itchy skin area can drive anyone crazy. Is it possible to deal with this phenomenon at home? This is quite possible, but in order to significantly enhance the effect, it is better to combine folk remedies with traditional therapy prescribed by the attending physician.

A good antipruritic result is provided by decoctions of burdock, nettle, licorice. These herbs can be used individually or as a mixture.

The affected area can also be gently lubricated with a soft sponge, after soaking it in a solution of water and apple cider vinegar. This remedy will significantly reduce itching and help to quickly restore damaged areas of the epidermis.

To keep the skin always elastic and elastic, it is recommended to regularly eat pumpkin seeds - preferably at least 100 grams daily.

Itchy skin in the elderly is an extremely unpleasant and even painful condition that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. Since age-related changes in the body cannot be slowed down or stopped, it is not easy to fight this phenomenon.

The doctor examining the patient must take into account the nature of the symptom itself, which can be either pathological or physiological in nature. Based on the diagnosis, therapy is prescribed, the effectiveness of which will depend on the timeliness of contacting a specialist.

Any self-medication, without prior consultation with a doctor and examination, can only harm a person, without relieving him of the hated itch. The patient can help himself with a positive attitude, which, in combination with therapy, will lead to an early relief from itching.

Those who have at least once experienced the unpleasant sensations of skin tightening during dryness know how unpleasant this discomfort is.

In order to cope with the disease, you need to consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.

When prescribing a treatment for dry skin of the body, the doctor first of all seeks to restore the protective functions of the skin. In this case, it is necessary to pay special attention to the effect of external factors on the skin.

Doctors call etiotropic treatment one of the most effective methods of treatment, since it is this that directly affects the cause of the disease.

In the presence of one or another concomitant disease, the best way out in this case is to first remove their cause of the underlying disease, and after that the unpleasant itching itself will pass.

Usually, based on the nature of the disease, a specialized doctor takes care of it: leukemia is treated by a hematologist, obstructive jaundice by a surgeon, and kidney disease - by a urologist.

It should be noted that with senile itching, drugs that hide the symptoms of the disease are prescribed in strictly limited quantities. The main reason for this kind of limitation is the presence of several types of pathologies of various organs in the patient.

In principle, there is no single method for treating senile itching. Treatment of this phenomenon depends on many factors, and above all, on the etiological mechanism.

The doctor develops a treatment regimen based on the characteristics and condition of the body of an elderly person, taking into account the presence of chronic and systemic pathologies.

With senile itching, therapy is not aimed at eliminating diseases that are irreversible, but at eliminating the symptom itself, which should improve the quality of life. Depending on the nature of the phenomenon, local or systemic effects are assigned.

Local therapy is based on external agents. The following areas of treatment are applied:

  1. 1. Creams of protective, emollient and moisturizing action. These products help reduce the effects of dry skin.
  2. 2. External corticosteroids provide anti-inflammatory action (Celestoderm, Advantin). Such funds are used strictly according to the doctor's prescription and with great care.
  3. 3. Immunomodulators. Calcineuritis inhibitors, Tacrolimus and Pimecrolimus, are used as topical agents.
  4. 4. Means based on menthol have a calming and refreshing effect.
  5. 5. The drug Capsaicin copes well with localized lesions.
  6. 6. Anesthetics. The most effective is Pramoxin. A combination of Polidocanol and urea is used.
  7. 7. Salicylic acid acts as a cyclooxygenase inhibitor to reduce itching.

Systemic therapy drugs are taken orally and absorbed into the bloodstream. For the treatment of senile itching, antihistamines are prescribed to reduce sensitization of the body; antidepressants (Mirtazapine, Paroxetine, Fluvoxamine) to reduce the influence of a neurogenic factor; antipsychotics (Gabapentin, Pregablin).

Popular remedies are also used in the fight against itching. A positive result is especially noted when taking nettle decoctions; licorice root; burdock roots. Helps relieve unpleasant symptoms and daily consumption of pumpkin seeds.

Senile itching affects many elderly people, but this phenomenon should not be taken as a necessary evil. This annoying and unpleasant pathology can be successfully dealt with by different methods.

Management of pruritus in old age is of particular concern. Physical and cognitive impairment can make use of local treatment impossible, and concomitant diseases, especially those that relate to the liver and kidneys in this age group gives more risk adverse reactions.

Currently, there is no generally accepted therapy for itching of senile skin. Instead, managing pruritus, especially in old age, requires the most individualized general condition the patient's health, the severity of the symptoms and the adverse effects of the wellness procedure.

There are a number of general measures that can be helpful in managing pruritus in older adults, regardless of the underlying cause. Patient education is central to the management of pruritus.

Identifying and eliminating aggravating factors are often the first steps towards successful treatment. Patients should be informed of the increased potential for skin inflammation after scratching, and simple measures such as clipping nails can break the cycle of itching-scratching-itching.

The itching sensation is often exacerbated by heat, so if necessary, you can take measures such as a cool shower, wear light clothing, and use an air conditioner to keep your skin cool.

Wherever possible, simple home-based regimens are preferred in order to limit itching of the skin as much as possible and to avoid possible adverse reactions to the treatment of senile itching of the skin.

Moisturizers, emollients and protection creams

Lotions, ointments and decoctions for dermatitis

The appearance in pharmacies of all kinds of collections of herbs and plant leaves eliminates the need to independently procure the components necessary for high-quality treatment. However, dermatitis and its symptoms often help to eliminate plants that actually grow everywhere, one has only to go to the park, forest.

A prerequisite for self-preparation of lotions, ointments and decoctions is that the raw materials should be collected only in places where cars do not drive. That is, in a relatively clean environment in terms of the area.

Tincture of cornflower leaves helps against all known types of dermatitis, relieves severe itching. It is taken orally in the form of regular green tea at least 3 times every 24 hours. Used in a glass of boiling water about a spoonful of flowers.

A decoction of birch buds is also prepared, but it is filtered and used externally, daily wiping the bright red areas. Similarly, the preparation of grape leaves for daily drinking and lotions, oak bark for washing.

The use of traditional medicine

Dermatitis - what it is - the ancestors knew. Dermatitis different types and forms they treated with lotions, broths, compresses prepared on their own. The recipes were passed down from great-grandmothers, today they are very popular. It should not be forgotten that dermatitis should be treated according to the folk method under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Dermatitis in a child during therapy with folk remedies disappears after 5-7 days. The main task is to eliminate the itching so that the baby does not scratch the wounds, which then heal poorly, provoking an infectious infection, which should not be allowed.

Before using lotions, ointments, creams, you need to check the funds for an allergic reaction. The appearance of redness signals an allergic reaction to the agent, which will complicate treatment.

When dermatitis occurs in adults, complex treatment is recommended. A decoction of chamomile, string can be added while taking a bath. Decoctions relieve itching, burning of the skin. They are prepared using the classical method. Two tablespoons of raw materials are poured with boiling water (250 ml), insisted for five, six hours and added when bathing in water.

The disease dermatitis is treated effectively with propolis oil, especially if the disease manifests itself along with an infectious disease. It is better to treat seborrhea with a decoction of herbs from St. John's wort, wood and burdock. The prepared broth is rubbed into the scalp after washing with the classical method, without rinsing off after that with running water. The result makes itself felt after three or four sessions.

Garlic gruel recipes with nettle or onion gruel have several options. It doesn't matter which one the patient uses, the main thing is that the itching will become bearable, and the wounds will heal after a few sessions.

More than 70% of people who have crossed the 60-year threshold are faced with senile itching. This unpleasant condition contributes to a significant deterioration in the quality of life. In this article, we will look at the causes and best methods of treating senile itching of the skin in older people with medicines and folk remedies.

General information

It is part of the excretory system. Excretion of metabolic products outside is carried out in this way.

The itching sensation can be triggered by toxic metabolic products. This occurs against the background of serious problems with the liver, kidneys, or pancreas.

Features of senile itching

Senile or senile itching in older people manifests itself in the form of burning sensation, specific tingling sensations and other discomfort that occurs in the following areas of the body:

  • small of the back;
  • arms;
  • legs;
  • face;

Itching in the intimate area in 80% of women complain.

Common causes of itching

The main cause of itching of the skin of the body in the elderly is a decrease in the activity of the production of elastin by the epidermis.

The skin becomes dry. Turgor and smoothness are lost, peeling appears.

Note! Very often, discomfort is a protective reaction of the body in response to external stimuli.

Natural causes

Discomfort is not always provoked by pathology. The main natural causes are shown in the diagram.

Pathological causes

The diagram shows the% of the occurrence of factors that provoke the appearance of itchy skin.

Specific reasons

Some provocative factors cannot be attributed to either natural causes or serious illnesses.

Features of discomfort

Discomfort may be present:

  • constantly;
  • periodically;
  • only at night;
  • only in the evening;
  • after taking a shower.

Specific symptoms

The characteristic features are presented in the plate.

Table 1. Clinical presentation.

Sign Description

Symptoms grow and subside. Nighttime itching is most troubling. It disrupts the sleep of an elderly person. The duration of regression and remission is approximately the same.

There are only smooth areas on the nails. They form against the background of constant scratching of the body.

Outwardly, the rash resembles eczema. Erythema is sometimes formed.

This symptom indicates a serious disorder in the body of an elderly person.

Additional symptoms

In 90% of cases, senile itching is accompanied by additional symptoms.

Establishing a diagnosis

Finding specific symptoms, you need to seek the help of a dermatologist. First of all, the doctor interviews the patient, establishes the presence of concomitant and additional symptoms.

After examining the skin, the specialist can refer the patient for a more thorough examination.

Laboratory research methods

The plate lists laboratory research methods.

Table 2. Laboratory methods research.

Research method What is being paid attention to? What is revealed?

ESR, hemoglobin The presence of an inflammatory process, anemia.

The efficiency of internal organs.

Worm eggs, hidden blood Helminthic invasions, internal bleeding.

Chest organs Heart disease.

Assessment of the functionality of the gland.

Differential diagnosis

The study allows to differentiate senile pruritus from:

  • hives;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • scabies;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • allergies.

In order to exclude mental pathologies, an additional examination is carried out by a psychotherapist and a neuropathologist.

Treatment features

Treatment for pruritus in the elderly focuses on:

  • restoration of the protective properties of the skin;
  • decrease in the autoimmune process in the cells of the epidermis;
  • restoration of the structure and performance of hepatocytes.

For treatment, local creams and ointments, tablets and folk remedies are used.

Application of local remedies

The most effective local remedies to help get rid of senile itching are presented in the tablet.

A drug Description Price

Helps suppress sweat and sebaceous glands. It has keratoplastic, keratolytic and slight antimicrobial effects. From 22 rubles

Suppresses the function of leukocytes and tissue macrophages. Has a catabolic effect. 348 rubles.

It has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects. 398 rubles.

Has a moisturizing effect. 128 rubles.

It has antiseptic, analgesic, wound healing and antipruritic effects. From 40 rubles.

Non-hormonal preparation intended for daily skin care. Recommended for people suffering from dermatitis or dermatoses with severe dry skin.

Used for monotherapy. It is allowed to combine the remedy with external hormonal drugs.

730 rubles.

Note! Local remedies are used only for symptomatic therapy. They usually do not affect the cause of senile itching.

Features of drug therapy

For drug treatment itching of the body in old age, the use is prescribed:

  • antihistamines;
  • immunomodulators;
  • antidepressants;
  • antipsychotics.

In case of disorders of the nervous system, the patient is prescribed bromine preparations. They are injected into a vein or muscle. The effect is enhanced by the simultaneous administration of calcium chloride.

The use of antihistamines

Drugs in this group have an effect when chronic urticaria... A small effect is observed with attacks of senile itching at night.

Note! These medicines have easy sedative effect cause drowsiness. You need to take them only after consulting your doctor.

The use of immunomodulators

Medicines are beneficial if the discomfort is seborrheic or chronic.

Medication Description Price

Highly active immunosuppressant. It is prescribed in the absence of effect after treatment with other drugs. From 700 rubles.

Powerful immunomodulator. Helps with severe itching caused by dermatitis. From 678 rubles.

Antidepressant use

Medicines of this group are prescribed for the psychogenic form of senile itching.

Antidepressants cause side effects. You need to start taking these medicines with small doses.

The use of antipsychotics

The drugs of this group have a beneficial effect against the background of itching, provoked by postherpetic neuralgia.

Medicine Description Price
Has analgesic and anxiolytic effect, is analogous to GABA. 478 rubles.

An anticonvulsant drug similar in structure to the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid. 341 rubles.

Features of aquatherapy

This type of therapy is an alternative to physiotherapy.

  1. Avoid soaps and alkaline products. They have a degreasing effect and greatly dry the skin.
  2. Take a shower, not a bath. The water temperature should be optimal - you cannot stand under cold and hot water.
  3. We recommend using baby soap to wash your underarms, genitals and feet. It has a hypoallergenic, antibacterial effect.
  4. Before water treatments, you need to lubricate the skin with peach or olive oil.
  5. After taking a shower, gently pat dry your skin with a cotton towel. Then a moisturizing milk or cream with a hypoallergenic effect is applied.
  6. In case of severe itching, it is recommended to douche with water and sea salt. This has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system. To prepare the solution, you need to mix 20 grams of the product with 5000 ml of water. It is impossible to replace sea salt with aromatized bath products, since the components in their composition can provoke allergies.
  7. Senile itching, provoked by stress, is treated with a contrast shower. The duration of 1 session is 2-5 minutes. This procedure is contraindicated for elderly people with heart disease.

Note! Rubdown helps to eliminate an unpleasant symptom. cosmetic ice with calendula, sage and string. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is strictly required, since the procedure can provoke an exacerbation of somatic pathologies.

Nutrition affects the skin condition of an elderly person.

The patient's diet should contain foods saturated with the vitamins and microelements he needs:

  • iodine;
  • omega-3 fatty acid;
  • omega-6.

Iodine-rich foods

This mineral is an essential component thyroid gland and is part of her hormones. The daily requirement for iodine is 100-150 mcg.

It is also allowed to fill food with iodized salt. It can be used no more than 3 times in 7 days.

Omega-3 rich foods

This polyunsaturated fatty acid normalizes the work of the cardiac and vascular systems, improves the general condition. The daily norm is 1 - 2.5 g.

Table 6. Foods rich in omega-3.

Product Daily serving size (g)








Omega-6 rich foods

This polyunsaturated fatty acid helps to create an optimal balance of prostaglandins in the body.

They are helping:

The daily requirement for omega-6 is 4.5-8 g.

The use of folk remedies

The most effective folk remedies for relieving symptoms are presented in the tablet.

Table 8. The best folk remedies.

Means What's cooking? How is it prepared? How is it taken (24 h)?

Infusion for internal use. 20 grams of nettle is mixed with the same amount of pharmacy burdock, burdock roots, 3-colored violets, licorice, elecampane, valerian. 30 grams of the mixture is poured into ¼ h of a boiling liquid, settled for 35 minutes, and filtered. 2-3 times, 20 ml each.

Tea. It has a sedative effect, relieves skin irritation and relieves itching. 20 grams of herb is combined with 160 ml of the coolest boiling water. The present product is thoroughly filtered for 30-40 minutes. 2 times, 1 glass each.

Oil solution. Finely chop 20 grams of raw materials, mix with 100 ml of oil.

The product is heated in a steam bath for half an hour, then filtered using a sieve.

2. The solution is used to lubricate itchy areas.

Ointment. 60 grams of the product is combined with 40 g of petroleum jelly and 100 ml of alcoholic infusion of Japanese sophora (50%). The mixture is kept in a dark place for 14 days. 1-2. It is advisable to treat itchy areas before bedtime.

Ointment. 40 grams of dry herb is mixed with 120-150 g of lard. 1-2. Itchy areas should be treated before releasing.

Preventive actions

The instruction looks like this:

  1. Follow the diet prescribed by your doctor. If a person is not registered with a therapist, he is shown general dietary recommendations for the elderly.
  2. Refuse from alcohol and tobacco products. It is not recommended to drink even low-alcohol drinks, including beer and "harmless" kvass.
  3. Refuse to use detergents containing synthetic fillers. This applies to both soap, shower gel and shampoos, as well as cleaning products, laundry and dishwashing detergents.
  4. Use moisturizing cosmetics. It is also necessary to regularly moisturize the skin from the inside. Drink at least 2000 ml of pure water per day.
  5. Refuse to stay in the sun for a long time, stop visiting the solarium. For additional protection in hot seasons, it is recommended to use special creams, when going outside, wear a hat and sunglasses.
  6. Wear underwear made of high quality materials that have a hypoallergenic effect. Wearing tight underwear should be avoided.
  7. In order to prevent anogenital senile itching, it is recommended to empty the bowels daily. It is advisable to do this at the same time - after waking up or having breakfast. If an elderly person has constipation, you can use senna leaves in sachets. The recommended dosage is 3 sachets for 150-200 ml of the coolest boiling water. Toilet paper should also be free of any dyes or fragrances.


An elderly person should carefully monitor the condition of their skin. When the first alarming symptoms you need to immediately seek medical help.

For more information on the causes and treatment of itchy skin, the video in this article will tell you.

In contact with

Itching of the skin in old age (over 60 years) is a fairly common complaint. It occurs unexpectedly, causing serious discomfort. There is nothing dangerous in the very problem of senile itching, but you should still consult a doctor to determine the cause of the symptom that has appeared and prescribe treatment.

What is senile itching of the skin

The skin of an elderly person is prone to excessive dryness, which affects the development of severe itching, which can disturb during the day and intensify in the evening. A significant role in the formation of this process is played by a person's lifestyle, his habits and concomitant pathologies. More often the ailment manifests itself in men, but it does not bypass women either.

Senile itching is a rather painful condition, the cause of which is a whole complex of changes in the body.

The whole body is constantly itching and as a result, the patient scratches the wounds on the skin, which are the entrance gate for infection and contribute to infection with pathogenic microorganisms. That is why it is worth paying attention to the problem at the first signs of its occurrence.

Why do people itch - video with Elena Malysheva

Causes and factors of development

The main reason for the development of itching is an advanced age of a person. The epidermis no longer produces enough elastin, which affects the condition of the skin. They become dry, lose turgor and smoothness, and strong peeling appears. In addition, itching can be a protective reaction of the body to external stimuli.

Natural causes of itching:

  • decrease in the amount of fluid in the body;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • use of bed and underwear made of artificial materials;
  • lack of thorough hygiene due to weakness;
  • the use of aggressive soap;
  • the reaction of the skin of an elderly person to hard water.

If these reasons have influenced the development of itching, they should be eliminated, and the disease, most likely, will not bother you anymore. But there are pathological conditions that can cause this symptom:

  • hormonal diseases or restructuring of the body (in women - menopause, in men - a decrease in testosterone);
  • diabetes;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • heart disease and blood vessels, including atherosclerosis;
  • insufficient work of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

There are other conditions that can trigger itching. That is why it is necessary to be examined by a specialist who will exclude or confirm the pathology and prescribe symptomatic treatment.

Itchy skin in diabetes mellitus - video

The clinical picture in the elderly

The disease in each person has a different severity. Some are sometimes scratched, others have a deteriorating quality of life. You should pay attention if the following signs appear:

  • constant itching, intensifying towards evening;
  • soreness of the skin in several places;
  • burning sensation;
  • the formation of red spots;
  • dry skin, its increased peeling;
  • increased irritability
  • decreased appetite;
  • insomnia.

If the disease bothers and interferes with the conduct full life, do not postpone a visit to a dermatologist. He will prescribe a diet and treatment to help improve the situation. As a rule, with the use of special ointments and light lifestyle correction, the ailment disappears without a trace.


First of all, the doctor interviews the patient. This is necessary to collect anamnesis of the patient and make an accurate diagnosis. The dermatologist should know when the itching appeared (the period of its greatest severity), what kind of life an elderly person leads.

After the interview, the patient's skin is examined. During this stage, the specialist will be able to identify the disease. In addition, the doctor will advise you to take:

  1. Scraping to exclude fungal infections or the addition of a bacterial infection.
  2. Analysis for hidden allergens.

Differential diagnosis helps not to confuse senile pruritus with serious illnesses skin with similar symptoms:

  • contact dermatitis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • scabies;
  • hives.


Depending on the severity of the disease, appropriate treatment is selected. If the cause of the itching is not a serious pathology, the use of local drugs in the form of ointments, creams or gels, as well as adherence to a certain diet. If the situation raises concerns, medications and physiotherapy treatments for the underlying itching disorder.

In addition, with the permission and under the supervision of a dermatologist, it is allowed to use traditional medicine recipes that help no worse than drugs. Self-medication is not recommended.

Medicines: tablets, ointments and other drugs

Medicines are necessary to restore the skin, moisturize it and protect it from external irritants. Symptomatic remedies are also prescribed. Therapeutic measures are selected strictly on an individual basis.

Approximate treatment regimen:

Additionally, tablet forms of hormonal drugs can be prescribed, which will help relieve symptoms, and are corrected with an illness in a few days.


The diet should include a complex of essential vitamins and minerals, because the condition of his skin directly depends on the nutrition of an elderly person.

Forbidden to use:

  • caffeine;
  • spicy, spicy, pickled dishes;
  • heavy meat broths and fried foods;
  • fruits and vegetables with an allergic factor (citrus fruits and all red, orange fruits);
  • chocolate;
  • wheat flour products (fresh baked goods);
  • products with various artificial flavors and additives (soda, chips, crackers).

The daily diet should consist of 6-7 small portions, which will not overload the stomach and cause a feeling of heaviness after eating.

It is worth noting that iodine deficiency leads to disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland and other hormone-producing organs, which inevitably affects the condition of the skin. In this case, it is recommended to season the food with special iodized salt, which compensates for the lack of the element.

Iodine-rich foods:

  • seaweed;
  • fish and offal (hake, cod liver);
  • seafood.

They need to be consumed no more than three times a week, since an excess of iodine is no less dangerous than a lack of it.

Omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential for the proper functioning of all organs and systems. They affect the condition of the skin of the elderly, nourish it from the inside, and protect it from adverse external factors. Lack of fatty acids provokes senile itching and other unpleasant symptoms.

Foods rich in healthy fats:

  • unrefined vegetable oil;
  • walnuts;
  • sunflower, flax, pumpkin seeds;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • seafood.

Daily consumption of 10 ml of vegetable oil on an empty stomach has a beneficial effect on the health of the gastrointestinal tract, circulatory system as well as the skin.

How to get rid of itching with physical therapy

Physiotherapy is known for its anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and restorative effects.

Ultraviolet therapy is often used after repeated unsuccessful attempts to treat itching with other means.

In the treatment of skin diseases, the most common ultraviolet therapy (UFO). It has a beneficial effect on the epidermis:

In older people, sometimes there is a side effect in the form of the formation of age spots, so the procedure should be approached with caution.

How to treat with folk remedies

There are several common recipes that reduce itching and provide visible relief at night:

  1. Aloe based ointment. To make it, you need to take the squeezed juice of freshly picked stems of aloe (without peel), mix with medical petroleum jelly in a 1: 2 ratio and process the skin several times a day until the condition improves. Store the composition in the refrigerator.
  2. Vegetable oil. If you don't have any medicines, to alleviate the condition, you can use any vegetable oil(for example, sunflower, olive, corn, soybean, flaxseed). They need to lubricate their bodies twice a day.
  3. Mixtures of herbs. Baths with herbs can eliminate the unpleasant symptom. You can use celandine, oak bark, chamomile, birch buds together or separately. To make the infusion, you need to take 100 grams of a mixture of herbs, pour two liters of boiling water and leave in a warm place for 2 hours. Next, strain and add the infusion to the bath. Such bathing is recommended to be carried out daily.

Moreover, for restful sleep it is necessary to brew a soothing tea based on mint leaves. During severe insomnia, with the permission of a doctor, Corvalol (30 drops) diluted with water (100 ml) is allowed.

If folk remedies do not give positive results within a week, you should seek help from a specialist.


If you get an appointment with a doctor in a timely manner, the prognosis is usually favorable. Ointments and tablets quickly eliminate itching without leaving a trace of it.

It is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, as well as regularly carry out preventive measures so that relapses do not make themselves felt in the future.

With adequate therapy, complications are extremely rare. Among them, the following are most often distinguished:

  1. Infectious skin lesions, manifested as a result of severe scratching of itchy areas.
  2. Neurotic disorders (indirect complications). A person is worried about insomnia, irritability and apathy appear. After treatment of itching, this condition goes away on its own.


Preventive measures must be approached rationally. It is necessary to normalize the lifestyle and make some adjustments to it. This will help avoid senile itching in old age and prevent relapses after suffering an illness.

Preventive measures:

  1. Change bedding and underwear made of artificial fabrics for cotton counterparts.
  2. Regularly moisturize and nourish the skin with oils or creams, avoid overdrying it with aggressive running water or soap (do not cleanse the skin "until it squeaks").
  3. Cover bare skin while walking under the scorching sun.
  4. Improve nutrition, include foods containing polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet.
  5. Do not comb or rub the itchy areas of the body.
  6. Timely cut nails to prevent skin infection.
  7. Annually undergo medical examination by all specialized doctors (endocrinologist, cardiologist, therapist, dermatologist).
  8. Do not drink alcohol or smoke.


As a rule, subject to all preventive measures and rational nutrition in many senile itching goes away without a trace. It is necessary to pay more attention to health, because it is the main human wealth.

Hello! My name is Alena. I am 35 years old. He is a physician by education.


Every person has more and more health problems with age. This is not surprising, because irreversible changes occur in the body associated with the natural aging process. One of the symptoms that causes a lot of trouble for the elderly is senile itching of the skin.

What it is?

Senile itching is a phenomenon that occurs in almost half of people over 60–70 years old. The skin can itch for various reasons: itching can be a symptom of an internal disease or occur in old age due to changes in the structure of the skin. Unpleasant sensations can be constant or intermittent, and intensify at night and after taking a bath or shower.

Itchy skin may get worse in the evening or after taking a bath

When a nuisance significantly reduces the quality of life, the patient goes to see a dermatologist. Having not found rashes on the skin, the doctor definitely recommends being examined by various specialists for internal diseases.

The skin is part of the excretory system: metabolic products are released through the skin, sebaceous, sweat ducts. If a person has an unhealthy pancreas, kidneys or liver, then toxic metabolic products, accumulating in the skin, cause an unpleasant itching sensation. Only after full examination the patient and the exclusion of internal pathologies (diseases of the digestive organs, diabetes mellitus, oncology), the doctor can conclude that in this case we are talking specifically about senile itching, which is caused age-related changes skin.

Senile itching of the skin in the elderly: causes and provoking factors

The skin of elderly people undergoes certain changes: the epidermis and the underlying layers (dermis, subcutaneous tissue) become significantly thinner, the skin becomes very dry and sensitive. The cells of the epidermis of older people are not able to effectively retain moisture, which is so necessary to maintain skin elasticity. The processes of restoration and normal functioning of the skin are disrupted.

With age, the skin becomes dry, unable to retain moisture and fully exercise the barrier function

In addition to xerosis (dry skin), unpleasant itching can be associated with a violation of the innervation of the skin due to senile changes nerve fibers.

In addition to these reasons, experts call the following:

  • changes in hormonal levels (decrease in the production of sex and other hormones);
  • atherosclerosis of small vessels;
  • violations of water-salt metabolism;
  • age-related atrophy of the skin glands, the absence of a thin lipid layer on the surface of the epidermis.

Itching in the elderly can be provoked by cold, heat, rubbing of clothes or bedding, detergents, hard water.

Videos - reasons


An unpleasant symptom can be localized or generalized. In the first case, the skin itches in places of friction - on the shoulders, back, waist, groin. In the generalized form, itching occurs throughout the body. It can manifest itself with varying intensity - from mild discomfort to excruciating sensations up to soreness.

Senile itching usually gets worse in the evening and can be annoying at night. In cold weather, when the heating is turned on in the room, the skin becomes even drier and you want to itch even more. An unpleasant sensation can occur periodically after water hygiene procedures.

With senile itching, the skin remains clean, small-lamellar peeling may occur, scratching is usually absent, which is associated with low turgor (firmness, elasticity) of the skin of the elderly.

Itching of the elderly may occur in certain areas or throughout the body.

Chronic pruritus can significantly reduce the quality of life of an older person, causing accompanying symptoms: sleep disturbance, irritability, loss of appetite.


A dermatologist is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of the patient. Diagnostic measures begin with a survey of the patient: when the itching appeared for the first time, what is the reason for its exacerbation, accompanying symptoms. An examination of the skin is carried out.

To determine the exact cause of itching, laboratory tests are prescribed:

  • clinical blood and urine tests: in a blood test, they pay attention to ESR (whether there is an inflammatory process in the body), eosinophils (an increased amount indicates allergy), hemoglobin level (whether there is anemia);
  • biochemical blood test to assess the functioning of internal organs;
  • examination of feces for eggs of worms (helminthic invasions can cause itching) and occult blood (whether there is internal bleeding).

The patient can also undergo an X-ray of the chest organs in order to identify pathological processes, examination of the thyroid gland with an assessment of its functionality.

If the patient does not have any somatic diseases that can provoke the appearance of itchy skin, then the dermatologist diagnoses senile itching of the skin.

First of all, the dermatologist examines the skin and interviews the patient.

In some cases, it is necessary to consult a psychiatrist, since the symptom may be associated with mental disorders of the patient.

Senile itching is differentiated from itching of the skin in dermatological and allergic diseases:

  • atopic or contact dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • hay fever, urticaria;
  • scabies.

What means can you get rid of trouble

The principles of treating senile itching are proper skin care and diet.

Human skin care

Since the main cause of senile itching is excessive dryness of the skin, it is necessary to deal with it. An elderly person should have at hand the right body skin care products - creams and milk.

Sometimes dermatologists recommend using baby cosmetics, however, before buying such products, you need to carefully study their composition, since very often baby creams and lotions contain mineral oils that can clog pores.

From pharmacy products for itchy skin care, bath oil or cream Balneum of German production, body milk Dardia (Italy), anti-xerotic shower gel and body cream Losterin, La Cree cream made from natural ingredients against itching, dryness and irritation are suitable.

Losterin cream effectively relieves itching and dry skin

Water procedures often bring older people not relief, but real trials, provoking increased itching and skin irritation. To avoid this, doctors recommend abandoning soap and alkaline detergents, which degrease and dry out the skin even more. It is recommended to take a shower, not a bath, and the water should be warm, not hot. Only the armpits, feet and genitals should be washed with a mild detergent without a sponge. Before showering, you can lubricate your skin with cold-pressed peach or olive oil. After washing, damp skin should not be wiped off, but blotted with a cotton towel and immediately apply body milk or a hypoallergenic moisturizer.

An escape from itching and a good tonic can be cold and hot shower and rubbing the skin with cosmetic ice with an infusion of string, sage or calendula. However, such procedures can negatively affect the general condition of an elderly person and cause an exacerbation of somatic diseases, therefore, before using the method, you need to consult a therapist.

With senile itching good effect give douches with water and sea salt. The solution should be weak - 1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water. Commercially available perfumed bath salts should not be used for this purpose, as additional components (dyes and fragrances) may cause an allergic reaction. It is advisable to purchase sea salt at a pharmacy. It is possible to carry out douches constantly, such procedures have a good effect not only on the condition of the skin, but also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Effectively relieve itching and tone the skin by pouring with a weak solution of sea salt

The elderly person is advised to avoid clothing made of woolen and synthetic fabrics, it is best to wear clothing made of cotton. The skin should not be overheated, baths and saunas should be prohibited, as well as warming physiotherapy.

The use of medicines

Topical corticosteroids have been found to be the most effective external remedy for itchy skin. However, with senile itching, their use is far from always justified. Outdoor hormonal agents prescribed for severe itching, which is combined with inflammatory skin diseases. The course of use should be as limited as possible, since the elderly have a high risk of complications (skin atrophy). Prescribe the weakest drugs - 1% Hydrocortisone ointment, less often - stronger drugs - Akriderm, Sinaflan, Ftorocort. To relieve itching, use cooling compresses, creams and ointments with menthol (Boromenthol ointment), camphor oil.

From systemic drugs for itching, antihistamines of the first generation with a sedative effect are prescribed:

  • Pipolfen;
  • Diazolin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Suprastin.

From sedatives, Glycine, tincture of valerian and motherwort are recommended, in some cases mild antidepressants are shown - Mirtazapine (Calixta), Paroxetine (Reksetin, Paxil), anticonvulsants - Gabapentin (Neurontin). Twice a year with senile itching, it is useful to take courses of Aevit, Retinol, Omega-3.

Photo gallery - drugs for the treatment of senile itching


In the patient's diet, it is necessary to limit spicy, seasoned dishes, salty, smoked products, marinades, coffee, strong tea, sweets, chocolate, citrus fruits, alcoholic beverages. Each patient should pay attention to what foods the itching intensifies, and exclude such foods from the diet.

Fresh vegetables, cereals, foods rich in iodine (seaweed, fish), polyunsaturated fatty acids (nuts, unrefined vegetable oil, seafood) are useful.


From physiotherapeutic procedures for the treatment of senile itching, treatment with ultraviolet rays (UFO) is used. The course is selected by the doctor individually. Ultraviolet treatment stimulates metabolic processes, enhances the protective properties of the skin, normalizes work immune system.

Ultraviolet irradiation is one of the main physiotherapy treatments for senile pruritus.

Folk recipes

To combat itching ethnoscience recommends a variety of remedies. When washing in the bath, you can add a small amount of fresh milk to the water - 1-2 glasses. After a shower, you can also rinse with water with added milk or non-acidic whey. After such a dousing, you do not need to wipe the skin, you just have to blot the moisture with a towel.

Instead of milk, you can use herbs - infusions of mint, string, oregano, elecampane, bay leaf decoction. Preparation of herbal infusion: pour 2 large tablespoons of herbs with a liter of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, add to the bath.

  • diluted 1: 1 Apple vinegar use as an antipruritic lotion for the skin;
  • propolis in oil (1 teaspoon of raw materials per 100 ml of olive oil, keep in a water bath for half an hour) is used to lubricate problem areas;
  • ointment with birch tar: 3 tablespoons of tar, 2 tablespoons of vaseline oil, mix 100 ml of Sophora tincture, let it stand in a dark place for a week, use to lubricate the skin;
  • lotions from mumiyo solution: 2 gr. Dissolve raw materials in 100 ml of water, apply the product on itchy areas.

Inside, it is recommended to take an antipruritic infusion of licorice, valerian, elecampane, violet and white cinquefoil. Herbs are taken in equal proportions, mixed, a large spoonful of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted and drunk 1 large spoon three times a day before meals.

Senile itching is successfully treated with the help of herbs: infusions for baths and for oral administration are made from them.

Herbal teas from mint, lemon balm, which have a calming effect, will be beneficial.

Treatment prognosis and possible complications

In general, the prognosis of treatment, provided that all medical recommendations are followed, is favorable. At proper care behind the skin, the symptoms of xerosis causing itching are eliminated and the patient experiences significant relief.

Of the complications of senile itching, the most likely are:

  • scratching infection;
  • manifestations from the nervous system:
    • irritability;
    • insomnia;
    • decreased appetite;
    • violation of general well-being.

Preventive actions

Prevention of senile itching consists in proper skin care and diet. Preventive measures include:

  • moisturizing the skin with special cosmetics;
  • rejection of aggressive detergents, synthetic fabrics;
  • avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun in open clothing;
  • proper nutrition, quitting alcohol and smoking;
  • prevention of scratching itchy skin;
  • regular preventive examinations by doctors in order to identify somatic pathology.

Reviews on the treatment of senile itching

Senile itching is a problem that needs to be treated individually. The use of a complex of therapeutic and hygienic measures can significantly facilitate the physical and emotional condition an elderly person. By accurately determining the cause of the itching, you can get rid of the discomfort forever.

I have a secondary medical education. I have been doing freelance for about five years.


  • Content

Senile itching - causes and treatment

In old age, the skin requires special care. We can say that it becomes more fragile - it becomes thinner, dehydrated, and loses elasticity. Its sensitivity to external influences increases, and its protective functions, on the contrary, decrease.

This happens due to the physiological reasons for the aging of the body, when metabolic processes slow down, the renewal of skin cells, the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands is disrupted, and water and lipid metabolism slows down.

The skin receives less and less resources it needs to successfully perform its main functions - to be a barrier to infections, regulate body temperature, participate in oxygen metabolism, and others.

As a result, we have what is popularly called "senile itching" - the body's response to age-related changes in the skin.


These unpleasant sensations of irritation, burning and tingling, caused precisely by the above physiological reasons, Is a common complaint in patients over 65 years of age.

It is important to distinguish senile itching from the reaction of the skin to other problems that have accumulated in the body with age - chronic diseases of internal organs, neurotic disorders, allergic reactions, skin diseases and infections, fungal infections skin.

Redness of the skin with itching

Although most often these manifestations are superimposed on each other. Therefore, diagnosing cases of pruritus is not straightforward.

The main differences between senile itching and other diseases:

  • the intensity of the itching changes, up to very painful;
  • has no complications in the form of purulent inflammation;
  • in the evening the itching intensifies;
  • itching can bother for months, then stop, then resume;
  • atypical places of combing;
  • nails polished by constant scratching.

Senile itch more often worries men than women!

The presence of this problem seriously affects the quality of human life.

To diagnose senile itching, it is necessary to exclude pathological causes of itching:

  1. systemic diseases - chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, endocrine disorders;
  2. cutaneous - dermatitis;
  3. infectious - scabies and head lice;
  4. allergies or drug itching;
  5. mental illness and neurosis;
  6. malignant diseases.

Causes of itching in the elderly

The irritation is caused by a layer of dead cells, which must be replaced by young cells. However, due to the fact that the skin is depleted, this natural regeneration process is disturbed, keratinized dead cells remain on the surface of the skin for a longer time and clog it - a reverse process occurs, a degenerative one.

It is also manifested by sclerotic changes in blood vessels, partial atrophy of nerve fibers, sweat and sebaceous glands. Outwardly, it looks like dry skin. Disorder often becomes a concomitant problem. endocrine functions and bowel movements. The situation is aggravated by poor nutrition.

There is no single generally accepted treatment regimen for senile itching. Treatment is always prescribed by the doctor individually, taking into account the aggravating factors, the severity of the itching itself, the patient's health status, the likelihood of adverse effects from treatment.

The doctor's consultation

As a rule, without medication does not do, it, in turn, happens topical application and systemic. The problem may be contraindications and, accordingly, the impossibility of using certain drugs.

In any case, it is important that the elderly patient is aware of the causes of this phenomenon and the consequences of one or another of his behavior in relation to the problem. Scratching should be avoided, which leads to a vicious circle, as scratching increases the itching and vice versa.

Because heat increases itching, cooling effects - cool showers, air conditioning, menthol cooling creams and ointments, light clothing - will ease the suffering.

Video: Effective folk remedies for itchy skin

also read with us - Prevention of pressure ulcers in a bed patient

Local treatment

Local treatment is designed to soften, moisturize dry skin, restore its protective properties as much as possible. For this, non-pharmacological agents are used - moisturizing, emollient and protective creams and ointments.

The therapeutic efficacy of topical corticosteroids is not due to the antipruritic effect, but to the anti-inflammatory effect.

Itching treatment with medication

In addition, in older people, the risk of complications from prolonged use of these drugs is much higher, therefore, use with caution, monitoring the duration of use.

Local preparations with menthol and local anesthetics reduce the sensation of itching without affecting its causes. In some cases, capsaicin is also effective as a distraction and pain reliever, with many side effects.

Systemic treatment

Systemic treatment includes the use of antihistamines, sedatives, antidepressants. Antihistamines have a minimal effect, mainly due to the hypnotic effect, and therefore must be prescribed carefully.

Combined sedative

Anxiety medications can help fight nighttime itching. Antidepressants are effective in advanced cancer and in patients with psychogenic causes of pruritus.


Physical treatment (phototherapy) - exposure to ultraviolet radiation (sunlight or bright light from artificial sources) with certain wavelengths for a certain time.

It has long been used in the treatment of itchy dermatoses and can be helpful in the fight against senile itching. Limitations in the use of this method of treatment are the likelihood of a phototoxicity reaction, as well as its low availability.

Treatment with folk remedies

To enrich the skin with vitamin E, it is useful to eat 100-200 grams of pumpkin seeds every day. Traditional healers are advised to take inside a decoction of nettle, burdock roots and licorice (you can in any combination), two tablespoons a day.

An apple bite is used as a local immunomodulator - they lubricate itchy areas with it.

Treatment of senile itching with folk remedies

There are also such means for external use: acidified water (3 tablespoons of table vinegar per 1 glass of water), lemon juice, chamomile infusion, a mixture of 2% novocaine with fir oil.

As a sedative folk remedy, it is recommended to drink lemon balm tea 2 times a day. You also need to be careful with folk remedies, they can have their side effects and contraindications.

Attention: Do not self-medicate - see your doctor at the first sign of illness!


In old age, the skin should be carefully cared for. Avoid exposing the skin to dryness. It is best not to take hot baths and avoid too frequent water treatments for body.

Try to use mild soap (baby, glycerin) or not at all. Refuse to wipe the skin with alcohol or cologne.

Use moisturizers after bath and shower. Correct nutrition by introducing into the diet more products rich in vitamin E.

Video: Itchy skin


The elderly in our country make up a rapidly growing part of the population. This category of citizens has one of the most frequent problems with the skin is senile itching. With age, a large number of different changes occur in the body. Elimination of senile itching of the skin is an urgent therapeutic problem of our time. The etiology of this disease is very diverse. This article will help you navigate the causes of senile itching of the skin and how to treat it.

At what age does senile itching of the skin occur?

Senile itching of the skin in medical circles is increasingly discussed as an independent, noteworthy pathology. The fact is that this is a common disease, and its effective ways there is still no treatment. Primarily this problem appears in people aged 50-70 years, and men suffer much more from it. Often, irritation overcomes an elderly person in the form of violent nocturnal attacks, although outbreaks of the disease are noted in the daytime.

The origin of senile itching of the skin is inextricably linked with age-related changes in the body. All life support systems undergo restructuring: hormonal, circulatory, peripheral nervous, gastrointestinal tract. The consequences of these changes often appear on the skin in the form of unbearable itching, various types of rashes. Man feels severe discomfort, his life habits are disrupted.

In patients with senile itching of the skin, insomnia and a decrease in the general emotional background are often noted. They have difficulties in communication, in labor and social activities. This disease may be a harbinger of developing psychosomatic disorders or mental disorders different kinds. This is more than a serious justification for attracting the attention of the medical community to the study of the causes, treatment and prevention of senile itching of the skin.

How does senile itching of the skin manifest?

Itchy skin in older people can have a variety of causes. It depends on the individual characteristics of each patient, on the condition of the skin, previous and existing diseases. At the same time, there are signs that are common to all patients:

1. Undulating current.

Itching attacks occur in periods during the day, then growing, then subsiding. Especially acute outbreaks often occur at night, when the itching becomes unbearable, bringing the patient to extreme excitement. A wave-like course can manifest itself in long periods of exacerbation and subsequent calm, that is, a complete absence of signs of illness, a state of remission.

2. Absence of scratches and scratches.

In other diseases with similar symptoms, scratching, scratching, and chafing wounds are common. In patients with senile itching of the skin, these signs are rare, only from constant scratching on the nails there are polished, very smooth areas.

3. Dryness and other skin imperfections.

Itching is usually accompanied by various symptoms manifested on the skin: dryness, flaking. The epidermis can be disturbed by rashes, related in origin to eczema or herpes. Erythema may form in the form of redness, swelling, irritation. Senile itching is often accompanied by boils and age spots. All these signs indicate an unsatisfactory skin condition and serious disorders in the body.

Read the material

In this article, you will learn:

    What is senile itching of the skin

    How does senile itching of the skin manifest?

    What are the causes of senile itching of the skin

    What is the treatment of senile itching of the skin

    What are the folk remedies for senile itching of the skin

The elderly in our country make up a rapidly growing part of the population. In this category of citizens, one of the most common skin problems is senile itching. With age, a large number of different changes occur in the body. Elimination of senile itching of the skin is an urgent therapeutic problem of our time. The etiology of this disease is very diverse. This article will help you navigate the causes of senile itching of the skin and how to treat it.

At what age does senile itching of the skin occur?

Senile itching of the skin in medical circles is increasingly discussed as an independent, noteworthy pathology. The fact is that this is a common disease, and there are still no effective treatments for it. Basically, this problem occurs in people aged 50-70 years, and men suffer from it much more. Often, irritation overcomes an elderly person in the form of violent nocturnal attacks, although outbreaks of the disease are noted in the daytime.

The origin of senile itching of the skin is inextricably linked with age-related changes in the body. All life support systems undergo restructuring: hormonal, circulatory, peripheral nervous, gastrointestinal tract. The consequences of these changes often appear on the skin in the form of unbearable itching, various types of rashes. The person feels severe discomfort, his life habits are violated.

In patients with senile itching of the skin, insomnia and a decrease in the general emotional background are often noted. They have difficulties in communication, in labor and social activities. This disease can be a harbinger of developing psychosomatic disorders or mental disorders of various kinds. This is more than a serious justification for attracting the attention of the medical community to the study of the causes, treatment and prevention of senile itching of the skin.

How does senile itching of the skin manifest?

Itchy skin in older people can have a variety of causes. It depends on the individual characteristics of each patient, on the condition of the skin, previous and existing diseases. At the same time, there are signs that are common to all patients:

1. Undulating current.

Itching attacks occur in periods during the day, then growing, then subsiding. Especially acute outbreaks often occur at night, when the itching becomes unbearable, bringing the patient to extreme excitement. A wave-like course can manifest itself in long periods of exacerbation and subsequent calm, that is, a complete absence of signs of illness, a state of remission.

2. Absence of scratches and scratches.

In other diseases with similar symptoms, scratching, scratching, and chafing wounds are common. In patients with senile itching of the skin, these signs are rare, only from constant scratching on the nails there are polished, very smooth areas.

3. Dryness and other skin imperfections.

Itching is usually accompanied by various symptoms that appear on the skin: dryness, flaking. The epidermis can be disturbed by rashes, related in origin to eczema or herpes. Erythema may form in the form of redness, swelling, irritation. Senile itching is often accompanied by boils and age spots. All these signs indicate an unsatisfactory skin condition and serious disorders in the body.

Senile itching of the skin and its causes

There is no single cause of senile itching of the skin in older people. It develops against the background of violations in different systems organism and chronic diseases.

Can be distinguished the following reasons, the most often provoking ailment:

    Dysfunction of the sweat and sebaceous glands.

    Diseases of the joints and spine.

    Diseases of the digestive system or related disorders.

    Dystrophy and degeneration of the nervous system.

    Irritation of nerve fibers.

In old age, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are regular in the form of dysbiosis, impaired absorption of nutrients. Due to atrophy and other abnormalities in the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, the protective function of the epidermis is weakened, its general condition worsens. The skin is very dry.

Usually, the cause of senile pruritus is a combination of disorders in the work of internal organs, respectively, and the mechanism of the disease is complex. It is very difficult to identify the factors that provoked the pathology, but if the study reaches its goal, then the so-called etiotropic treatment is prescribed, which is aimed at eliminating the root cause.

Itchy skin is treated by a dermatologist. But before prescribing any medications, he must exclude all negative effects on the skin from systemic diseases, namely:

  • Hyperthyroidism;

    Liver disease;

    Kidney disease;

    Hormonal Disorders.

How is the treatment of senile itching of the skin

There is no single remedy for senile itching of the skin. Moreover, the process of choosing a treatment is complicated by many factors. Physical abnormalities often lead to abandonment of local therapies. Concomitant ailments, especially concerning the liver and kidneys, give a lot side effects.

The choice of methods and means of treating pruritus in the elderly takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body, based on the diseases of the internal organs identified in him, the general condition of the person and the possible negative consequences of the prescribed procedures.

However, general methods therapies of senile pruritus, regardless of the presence of other symptoms, still exist. The patient can take preventive measures to prevent disease. They should be given close attention.

It is important to identify and eliminate the factors that trigger disease outbreaks. These include scratching the skin due to scratching, which causes inflammation. A simple measure to prevent this is to trim your nails on time. Another factor provoking an outbreak of senile itching is overheating of the body. To avoid it, wearing light clothing, cool showers, and air conditioning are recommended.

Home prevention of senile pruritus should be carried out constantly. This will prevent many of the complications that arise with other treatments.

With senile itching of the skin, an integrated approach to therapy is required, mainly aimed at eliminating the main cause of the pathology. The principles of treatment with pharmacological agents should be as follows:

    Restoration of the protective properties of the skin.

    Reducing the autoimmune process in the cells of the epidermis (cells of the immune system attack normal cells, which leads to the destruction of organs and tissues).

    Restoration of liver cells (hepatocytes), their correct structure and functioning.

In the period of exacerbation of senile itching of the skin, it is possible to use hypoallergenic cosmetics, such as "La-Cree". They help relieve inflammation, cleanse the skin, enrich it with nutrients, and restore water balance.

How and how to treat senile itching of the skin

It should be remembered that it is unacceptable to use any means for the treatment of senile itching of the skin without consulting a specialist. The set of therapies listed below is provided in order to familiarize yourself with the general picture of the disease and the processes for its elimination.


For the treatment of various dermatoses, narrow-band or broad-band ultraviolet therapy has been carried out for more than thirty years. This method avoids many side effects that occur with the use of pharmacological drugs, and is preferable for the elderly. This therapy also addresses physical and cognitive disabilities that can interfere with the treatment plan. This increases the risk of phototoxicity.


These drugs have little effect on senile itching of the skin... Antihistamines have a certain positive effect only when chronic manifestations hives. Some effect can be observed with nighttime itching attacks if first-generation products are used, as they have a mild hypnotic effect. In this case, one should remember about the danger of using such drugs in old age due to the possibility of excessive drowsiness.


This group of drugs should be used with caution. In the treatment of senile itching of the skin, pregablin and gabapentin are used. Although the mechanism of their action is not fully understood, in some cases, positive results of this therapy are observed. Perhaps such a reaction of the body occurs due to the inhibition of the central pathways of itching by antipsychotics. A persistent positive effect is observed in patients with neuropathic pruritus associated with brachioradinal pruritus and postherpetic neuralgia.

The use of hebapentin can halt the course of the disease in kidney pathologies and lymphoma, but at the same time it has a negative effect on itching in people with cholestasis.


Menthol 1-3% has the same effect as low temperature through the TRPM8.12 receptor. It helps to cool the skin, which, as already mentioned, relieves the condition of the patient with senile itching. At the same time, menthol does not affect body temperature. For patients who notice a decrease in itching when the skin is cooled, it is recommended to prescribe drugs with this substance in the composition.


Capsiacin has a positive effect on chronic, localized itching diseases, especially when they are of neuropathic origin. These include conditions of postherpetic neuralgia and brachioradial pruritus. Capsitocin should be used with caution due to the large number of known side effects (over 15). The most common of these is a burning sensation, which can provoke a worsening of the condition, especially in an elderly person.

Local anesthetics

Patients using hemodialysis can relieve itching with the drug Pramoxin, which belongs to the group of local anesthetics. It improves the condition by transmitting impulses along sensitive nerve fibers. The combination of urea (5%) and polidocanol (3%) reduces senile pruritus in atopic and contact dermatitis and psoriasis.

Salicylic acid

This remedy can be used as a topical remedy for lichen skin lesions. This is most likely due to the inhibitory nature of its effect on prostanoids. It should be noted that oral preparations do not have an itch-reducing effect, except in cases of polycythemia vera.

Moisturizers, emollients and protection creams

Creams with a moisturizing, softening and protective effect are the basis for the treatment of senile itching of the skin. They eliminate the most common symptom of the disease - dryness. Is not medications, they act on the skin, restoring its protective function, helping to avoid transepidermal moisture loss and reduce the penetration of scabies pathogens and other irritating elements into the body. Low pH creams are very useful for rebuilding the skin barrier, as they have the ability to reduce the activity of serine proteases, such as mast cell tryptases, which stimulate the protease-activating receptor 2 (Par2) of skin nerve fibers.

Topical corticosteroids

These drugs do not have a direct antipruritic effect, but have an antiphlogistic effect. Therefore, it is worth prescribing corticosteroids in cases of inflammatory dermatoses, such as psoriasis and coin-like dermatitis. The group of selected corticosteroids cannot be used for long-term treatment, as well as for the treatment of generalized chronic itching, since the excessive use of these drugs has a negative effect on the health of the elderly.

Topical immunomodulators

Calcineurin, tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, which are topical inhibitors, are beneficial when senile itching of the skin has the nature of seborrheic or chronic dermatitis, scabies and anogenital itching. Despite the fact that these drugs cause a burning sensation, they are indicated for the elderly who do not have the risk of epidermal atrophy.


In patients with chronic renal disease, cholestasis, as well as advanced cancer such as lymphoma, cutaneous lymphoma, leukemia, inhibitors can reduce itching recapture serotonin and norepinephrine. These include mirtazapine. The drug has positive effect in the treatment of attacks of nocturnal itching. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors also have an antipruritic effect. At atopic dermatitis, systemic lymphoma and solid carcioma, SSRIs paroxetine and fluvoxamine are effective. For senile itching of the skin associated with chronic liver diseases, sertraline is indicated.

With the psychogenic nature of itching, antidepressants are also suitable. Elderly people are advised to start taking them with low doses, as these drugs can cause many side effects.

Folk remedies for senile itching of the skin

Together with medications when treating itching, it is permissible to use folk remedies to accelerate the effect.

The main ones that have a positive effect in the form of a decrease in the strength of the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease are decoctions:


  • Burdock roots.

Herbs can be used alone or in combination. To prepare an infusion for half a liter of water, two tablespoons of plants are required. Take a decoction for three months, two tablespoons a day.

Apple cider vinegar rebuilds the skin when it is rubbed over the affected area.

The processes of cell division and the improvement of the state of the epithelium are effectively influenced by vitamin E, which is found in large quantities in pumpkin seeds. Therefore, folk healers recommend eating from 100 to 200 grams of this product daily.

As you can see, senile pruritus causes a lot of inconvenience to the elderly. You need to start treating it with early stages, and it is imperative to monitor with a specialist, since the development of the disease is associated with age-related changes in the body, which can be both physiological and pathological in nature.

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