Signs compatible with Taurus. Taurus woman's love horoscope, or "Swan Song"

According to the horoscope of compatibility, the Taurus woman has great fortitude and is certainly a strong personality, but she has enough sense not to show this to a man .. She will forgive her friend for any shortcomings and will never refuse help. With compatibility, a Taurus woman will become a reliable support for her spouse, creating a unique atmosphere of comfort at home.

Taurus woman - Taurus man compatibility

About Taurus-Taurus compatibility is often said: "they live in perfect harmony", because the similarity of their interests, goals and aspirations is so obvious that it catches the eye. A solid and reliable Taurus finds his "soul mate" in such a marriage. And in twenty years, this couple may not be bored of being together, discussing their plans together, rejoicing together or solving problems that have arisen. The union of two Taurus is double strength, energy and perseverance. Together they are comfortable and good, and they are able to move mountains!

By compatibility, a Taurus woman and a Taurus man are both very economic people. They are like "self-propelled savings banks" with one desire to provide for themselves in old age, because they can easily afford both a prosperous life and its special style. Both Taurus are well aware of what a love and marriage partner wants and wants. And their love increases with the accumulation of material goods and an increase in the cash account in the bank ...

Taurus woman - Gemini man compatibility

They say you can't order your heart. Therefore, the compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Gemini man is such that they can become interested in each other, and even experience strong feelings, but such a union has little chance of happiness and longevity.

In this controversial marriage, many will see the quirks of fate - an active Gemini man and a leisurely, solid Taurus woman seem so unsuitable to each other from the outside. But love has its own laws, including the law of attraction of opposites. Unfortunately, it is difficult to expect stability from these relations - too different characters and temperaments converge under one roof, conflicting with each other.

It is difficult for a Taurus woman to come to terms with the fact that the Gemini man is in no hurry to return home from work in the evenings. Unlike him, she does not like noisy parties and does not share many of his other hobbies. That's too much different people, and not only their character differs, but also their life goals ...

Taurus woman - Cancer man compatibility

Compatibility between Taurus woman and Cancer man- both economic and solid, practically made for each other. Both, as a rule, strive for money and are ready to accumulate it by hard work, both value the comfort of the hearth above all else, both love and value carnal pleasures, which makes them wonderful lovers.

True, the Taurus woman is sometimes not satisfied with the slowness of the cautious Cancer, and she is able to express it directly to him. Cancer in such cases hides in its "shell" and gradually accumulates grievances. However, these grievances are insignificant and rarely pass the critical level when he is ready to break up. Most often, the positive aspects in their relationship far outweigh the negative ones, and this union has every chance of happily lasting a lifetime ...

Taurus woman - Leo man compatibility

Such pairs are rare. The Taurus woman and the Leo man do not have the best compatibility and they usually look for more suitable partners.

Lead your union to family life"Like everyone else" they will not succeed, therefore, those Taurus and Leo, who are satisfied with an unusual and bright relationship, remain together. Most often they are talented, spiritually developed and strong people.

Leo leads an active social life, while the Taurus woman guarantees him a reliable rear, devoting herself to home and family. By compatibility, both the Taurus woman and the Leo man value any carnal pleasures, be it food, sleep or sex, and therefore in bed they suit each other well ...

Taurus woman - Virgo man compatibility

According to the compatibility of Taurus women and Virgo men, this union has every chance of being long and lasting. They have a lot in common: they both do not expect favors from fate, and are used to achieving everything with their own work, both are set for a serious relationship, value the comfort of the family hearth and strive for prosperity.

This is one of the most durable pairs. Their good compatibility is obvious even to ill-wishers, do not forget to note that "they found each other." The fact is that Taurus and Virgo are considered by many to be boring, miserly, couch potatoes.

No surprises are expected from Virgo and Taurus, they are predictable and calm. To some, this union may seem boring, there are no bright passions and experiences in it. This is not a romantic relationship full of adventures and twists and turns, but a partnership for a long and happy life together ...

Taurus woman - Libra man compatibility

According to the compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Libra man, this pair is one of the most common. Taurus and Libra are attracted to each other and they have good compatibility. In this union, partners are united by love for the little joys and pleasures of life. The Libra man is a more subtle and creative nature than the Taurus woman, however, both he and she know how to appreciate delicious food, beautiful things, good sex. Thanks to this, their relationship is often very strong - nothing brings people together like the ability to enjoy the little things together.

In everyday life, a Taurus woman, as a rule, gladly takes on homework: prepares delicious food, takes care of children. True, she is not always happy with the success of the Libra man at work and sometimes she can reproach him for indecision ...

Taurus woman - Scorpio man compatibility

By compatibility of Taurus women and Scorpio men- these are directly opposite signs of the zodiac. At first glance, it seems that they have different values ​​and character traits: the Taurus woman is benevolent and calm - the Scorpio man is emotional and quick-tempered, the Taurus woman loves home comfort - Scorpio loves power and her job. However, they have a lot in common: both are serious about marriage, have a similar temperament, are jealous, and Scorpio, despite the firmly entrenched fame of heartthrob and womanizer, knows how to be truly loyal to his beloved woman, just as Taurus is loyal to his beloved.

In the Taurus-Scorpio union, partners have excellent sexual compatibility. A sensual Scorpio man and a Taurus woman are great for each other sexually, and in everyday life, a Taurus woman, who has an indestructible calmness, is great at not responding to Scorpio's sarcastic remarks ...

Taurus woman - Sagittarius man compatibility

Compatibility of Taurus women and Sagittarius men- their characters are almost completely opposite. They live in completely different rhythms of life, strive for different goals - and, despite this, they are able to find their happiness in union with each other.

A homely and practical Taurus woman who loves stability and confidence in the future, it is not easy to come to terms with the constant changes in the life of the Sagittarius man, with his desire for freedom and a somewhat frivolous attitude towards money. In addition, Sagittarius runs away from marriage, like the devil from incense, which, of course, does not like a serious Taurus woman.

The most difficult thing in their relationship is not to disperse in different directions, shrugging their shoulders in bewilderment, after the very first meeting. If this did not happen, and they felt a mutual attraction, their dissimilar characters have every chance to merge together, perfectly complementing each other, like pieces of a complex puzzle. And this, perhaps, for many, many years ...

Taurus woman - Capricorn man compatibility

According to the compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man, this is the most difficult, but also the most creative union of the three pairs of the Earth element. He can bring more problems than any other, and it is especially bad that it immediately beckons with excellent compatibility, and only then difficulties appear. But, on the other hand, this union has a lot of internal energy, many opportunities for self-improvement of each partner and many chances for success in life and material well-being.

For the melancholic heart of the Capricorn man, the Taurus woman is already a real find. In both one and the other, feelings are permanent and long-lasting. Both in love and in marriage, this couple is loyal and devoted to each other. Between them, as a rule, love does not arise "at first sight" or in the form of a "forest fire", but over the years, mutual understanding and harmony deepens, the feeling of affection grows stronger ...

Taurus woman - Aquarius man compatibility

According to the compatibility of Taurus women and Aquarius menis one of the most complex alliances... He does not give his partners anything either in everyday life or in the spiritual sense: they do not very harmoniously organize their life and achieve common goals, and communication with each other develops in them completely the traits that are needed for internal growth.

However, such pairs are not uncommon. The secret is that in the Taurus-Aquarius union, both receive emotional storms, shakes and a life full of feelings, which they are not capable of with other partners due to their strong craving for stability.

It is especially difficult for a Taurus woman in this marriage union. She will have neither rest nor rest here, since the sins of her partner - Aquarius - will constantly agitate her. Taurus will constantly have to cope with both Aquarius himself and his friends or girlfriends ...

Aries woman - Pisces man compatibility

By compatibility, a Taurus woman and a Pisces man are an amazing couple. They are both similar and not alike at the same time. They look at how different they are and notice similarities.

This couple has several fundamentally important issues, on which they have different opinions. If in everyday communication they do not argue about them, then they have every chance to live a happy life together. Oddly enough, more often the fate of a couple depends not on a constant and firm Taurus woman standing on her feet, but on fluid and changeable Pisces.

Such a union is especially good for a Pisces man: in a Taurus woman, he usually finds the necessary mutual understanding and support. She willingly takes over the housekeeping, is able to make decisions and take on an organizational role in the family (which the Pisces man does not like and do not know how to do) and even, if necessary, can earn more than him in order to support the family ...

If you are looking for a serious relationship that smoothly flows into a strong marriage, then a Taurus man is what you need. Homely, economic, caring, he is one of those men with whom "like a stone wall." In such a house, everything is nailed down, and the taps are repaired, and even socks are not scattered on the floor. A fairy tale, not a man.

He is solid, calm, a little slow. And it's very hard to climb. Therefore, if you offer him in the middle of the evening to take and break with you to a nightclub, take a walk, have fun, and get plenty of tequila to drink, most likely he will refuse. Not ready, not in the mood, my side hurts, to get up early tomorrow - he will find thousands of reasons not to change the usual and calm flow of the evening.

But he is always glad to friends. He knows how to be friends, knows how to help, even knows how to be the soul of the company, despite his phlegmatic nature. Friends, relatives and family are his support in life.

The perfect woman for a Taurus man

If your man is a Taurus, then you probably know that he does not save on you. A Taurus man is very fond of having a well-groomed, gorgeous woman next to him. And she is not afraid to spend money on a new outfit for her chosen one or on salon procedures. Everything for you, rejoice, lucky woman! But God forbid you to give him a reason for jealousy. Calm Taurus will turn into a furious bull, which is very difficult to pacify. Such men are very smart and perceptive, and, being faithful and loyal to their chosen one, they expect the same constancy from their second half.

How to Conquer a Taurus?

Falling in love with yourself, winning the heart of a Taurus man can be difficult. He behaves passively, carefully, he rarely makes the first step, keeps silent more and more and looks mysteriously. Therefore, to understand whether he really likes you or he just looks "where his eyes are looking" can only be learned empirically. At first, take the initiative into your own hands, just do not overdo it, make it clear that you are interested in it and no more. Further - it's up to him. If the interest is mutual, he will look after for a long time, patiently and beautifully. He will show himself to be a real romantic, walking with you under the moon, reading poetry and giving flowers. He will be gentle and attentive, patient and persistent, until he achieves his goal, or rather his own.

Taurus and career, work, money

In professional life, Taurus are workaholics, which is positively reflected in the payroll. They are appreciated by their superiors and respected by their colleagues. They do everything according to their character - slowly and surely. They have amazing self-control, calm disposition, measured pace of life, some call them "impenetrable".
But this does not prevent male Taurus from going up the career ladder and earning decent, and more often than not, indecent money.

Taurus man - compatibility

Aries woman

Without a doubt, the Aries woman for the Taurus man will be the most reliable, decisive and strong partner from all over the zodiac. A man paired with such a woman will never disappear, he will always find her support, and often will receive serious enough help in almost any matter. But, it must be remembered that the Aries woman is an active volcano, with which the Taurus man will often have to argue and defend his opinion. But the more Aries boils, the calmer Taurus will be - this is precisely the guarantee of their joint happiness.

Taurus woman

Being in alliance with a Taurus woman, the couple will have the same desire: to provide themselves with a decent old age. This couple - like a good reliable bank, will save and accumulate everything, collect and pile up material wealth. It is on this basis that love will develop in them - the more profit and savings, the stronger the family ties.

Gemini woman

The initial stage of a relationship with a Gemini woman promises to be pleasant and based on real feelings, but the marriage will not be strong. The fact is that the Gemini woman is the wind that loves freedom, she cannot sit at home, and the Taurus man will constantly come from jealousy and suspicion. Constant quarrels and scandals are frequent guests of this family, and that is why such marriages often end in divorce.

Cancer woman

An alliance with a Cancer woman promises to be strong, the main thing here is for both parties to learn to control their negative qualities. Complete understanding is the foundation of a happy marriage with a Cancer woman. This couple has a lot in common - both love the family light and are ready to improve and put in order their family life every day. Also, the Taurus man is ready to materialize all the ideas of the Cancer woman - both practical and crazy.

Leo woman

If the Taurus man is caution and frugality itself, a great hard worker, then the Leo woman is a wasteful and generous soul, ready to give expensive gifts and give generous alms, but, of course, not at her own expense. If a Taurus man is ready to put up with this, the union will be strong, because Leo woman really loves, and besides, she is a passionate lover. Otherwise, such a union should be avoided, because the war for material goods will last forever.

Virgo woman

This union is one of the strongest in the zodiacal circle. Even if in such a couple there is no flame of crazy love, there will be sympathy, affection and strong friendships. In this union there will always be calmness and peace, and outlooks on life will constantly coincide. Realism and practicality are the qualities inherent in this pair.

Libra woman

Despite the fact that there are a lot of common interests and hobbies in such a couple, strong marital ties are almost impossible here. The problem is that the Libra woman is in constant search - today for her the main value is one value, tomorrow - another. It is too difficult for a Taurus man to understand and accept. If at first this is tolerated, then after a while the man will simply leave the family.

Scorpio woman

A Taurus man will always have a relationship with a Scorpio woman, but it can be both great love and the worst enmity. But if the couple nevertheless decided to create an alliance, it will be a volcano with two craters, and, moreover, constantly smoking. In such a pair, both are jealous. But the stock of feelings will still be enough for them for a lifetime. In addition, the main thing in such a pair will be the sexual-erotic component, which will keep both in a pair for the whole life.

Sagittarius woman

Between a Taurus man and a Sagittarius woman there will be such a whirlpool of emotions and such a passion that many will be envious. But they cannot see family happiness - you cannot build happiness on sexual relations alone, and, unfortunately, such a couple has nothing in common.

Capricorn woman

Basically, such a union promises to be strong and durable. Both in this couple are faithful to each other and their relationship can be called stable. Over the years, such a union only grows stronger, friendship comes to replace love. And if the Capricorn woman brings the basic material benefits to the family, the Taurus man will become an excellent householder and a practical manager of family life.

Aquarius woman

Such a union for a Taurus man will be the least beneficial, because he will have neither tranquility nor rest. Aquarius needs to constantly realize their plans, be in perpetual motion and make their dreams and ideas come true, despite the fact that the Taurus man is a couch potato, the very calmness and serenity. In addition, a down-to-earth Taurus man will never understand the sublime soul of an Aquarius woman, and you cannot build happiness on such a relationship.

Peaceful and calm Taurus needs love and comfortable privacy. One of the main priorities for Taurus is the stability of relationships, however, quite often they are associated with such fickle signs as Aquarius, Scorpio,Gemini, but the strength of such unions is relatively low.

♉ Taurus and Aries♈

The union of Taurus and Aries can often prove to be lasting due to the strong temperament and sexual compatibility of both signs. If their feelings do not fade away within a month, they can develop into a strong and strong union. Despite the fact that these signs have too few interests in common,Taurus woman is able to conquer Aries with her thrift, stability and concern for the family hearth. Their marriage has every chance of lasting a lifetime.

♉ Taurus and Taurus♉

The union of Taurus and Taurus is very good in terms of love relationship, romantic adventures, similarity of goals and interests can create a stable and strong relationship. Thorough and economic Taurus finds his soul mate and the union of two Taurus, this is doubled strength and energy.

♉ Taurus and Gemini♊

If a Taurus woman wants to link her fate with a Gemini man, then this union is completely inappropriate for both signs. Too different characters and temperaments converge under one roof and stability cannot be expected from these relations. Even if Gemini and Taurus find common interests that can unite them, still such a marriage cannot last long.

♉ Taurus and Cancer♋

Relationships in a Taurus and Cancer pair are usually very harmonious. Economic and solid Cancer and Taurus are practically made for each other. Both are united by the desire for financial well-being, comfort and homeliness.Both representatives of the zodiac are couch potatoes who appreciate good food, luxury and high quality of life. Such a couple can hold on very happily ever after.

♉ Taurus and Leo♌

Taurus and Leo, a fairly strong union in which each of the partners can be fully realized. If Leo leads an active lifestyle, then the Taurus woman will provide him with a reliable rear.In general, the ideal of a woman for Leo is a wife who willingly yields to him the palm in the house, while she is an excellent hostess and has an agreeable disposition. All this is in the Taurus woman, who in this sense is a real treasure for Leo. In other words, this is an almost perfect union, in which there is everything - love, care, and mutual understanding, and even a clear distribution of family roles.

This alliance has every chance of being long and lasting.

♉ Taurus and Virgo♍

A Virgo man and a Taurus woman have a lot in common: they both do not expect favors from fate, but are used to achieving everything with their own work, both are set for a serious relationship, value the comfort of the family hearth and strive for well-being. True, in everyday life, a Taurus woman may not be satisfied with the excessive frugality and meticulousness of the Virgo, but she is fully able to appreciate his hard work, dedication and honesty.

♉ Taurus and Libra♎

The union of Taurus and Libra unites the love of worldly joys and pleasures.The Libra man is a very subtle and creative person, they can appreciate delicious food, beautiful things, good sex. Thanks to this, their relationship is often very strong - nothing brings people together like the ability to enjoy the little things together.

♉ Taurus and Scorpio♏

In the everyday life of a Taurus woman and a Scorpio man, the stability of the relationship ensures the calmness of Taurus, and Scorpio, with his heavy character, is immensely grateful to her for this and is able to move mountains for her sake.
Usually a Taurus woman is happy to do housework, provides perfect comfort in the house and takes care of children. At the same time, both partners are tuned in to a serious relationship and are ready to solve problems together, so their marriage has every chance of being very strong and happily lasting a lifetime.

♉ Taurus and Sagittarius♐

Taurus and Sagittarius: To meet all the requirements of a Sagittarius, Taurus leads a too measured and structured lifestyle. Such a connection is highly questionable, Taurus sees Sagittarius as a wanderer without obvious guidance.

♉ Taurus and Capricorn♑

An example of a perfect couple is the union of a Taurus woman and a Capricorn man. The strong and harmonious union of the wise Capricorn and the economic Taurus woman holds together not only sexual compatibility, but also the practicality, loyalty, purposefulness of both signs.

♉ Taurus and Aquarius♒

Not a bad option for an Aquarius man, an alliance with a Taurus woman. A gentle, thrifty and understanding Taurus woman is great for a creative and freedom-loving Aquarius. Sometimes a Taurus woman may not be satisfied with some economic troubles, but Aquarius rarely thinks about convenience - there may be a thousand reasons for him to close any, even the most beautiful, page of his life and start writing a new one from scratch.

♉ Taurus and Pisces♓

Pisces men find mutual understanding and support in alliance with the Taurus woman. A patient Taurus woman takes care of all the household chores and organizational role in the family. In Pisces, she is satisfied with his talent and kindness, besides, in addition to excellent sexual compatibility, they have many similarities, and their relationship can become strong and long.

Taurus Zodiac Sign Compatibility:general characteristics, sexuality,which sign of the zodiac suits Taurus,relationship.

Taurus: characteristics of sex life

Taurus is charming, has a subtle sense of beauty, knows how to create both an exquisite interior and harmonious relationships. He looks at life realistically, assessing his abilities adequately.

Taurus rarely has many novels, especially at the same time. They honor traditions, often keeping their virginity until marriage, then - are irreproachably faithful. Matters of marriage are taken extremely seriously, choosing a companion slowly and thoroughly.

Heart wounds heal for a long time, especially if the break happened due to the betrayal of the chosen one. They can take his easy flirting calmly, but when they cheat, they go crazy. Therefore, they are in no hurry to fall in love, they study for a long time a potential companion, his character, habits. They expect constancy from the chosen one, the ability to be content with little, clarity of the head.

In sex, Taurus do not like to experiment, they are rather tender, not passionate. They know the value of their sexual capabilities, have intuition and always feel pretense. If they are in love, they can succumb to persuasion, but they rarely admit that they liked the innovation. Taurus is faithful to tradition, and this also manifests itself in their sex life.

Taurus men give a lot of energy to satisfy the desires of their beloved, but they do not allow her to dominate and are even frightened by her excessive activity.

Taurus women love refined caresses, willingly accept them, but they will never be allowed to do what is unpleasant for them.

Which zodiac sign suits Taurus

In the first samples of love relationships, Taurus is most suitable for representatives of the Earth element, to which Taurus himself belongs. A vivid romance with Capricorn, quite successfully - with Taurus, and on occasion - Virgo.

What zodiac sign is perfect for Taurus? For a lasting family union, Taurus must look at the Water Signs, because it is water that nourishes the earth, instills life, makes it fertile. The ideal planetary betrothal for Taurus is: they give each other the influence of those planets that everyone lacks. But Scorpio should be less selfish, and Taurus should be less receptive. Pisces is also suitable.

Zodiac signs are less suitable for Taurus

A marriage with representatives of Fire can be dangerous, but very beneficial if successful. The most promising union is with - a lot of passion, an explosion of dust from the fire. can be the Fiery patron of Taurus, looking down on the efforts of the one from above. Leo is the most dangerous and difficult for Taurus.

Zodiac signs suitable for Taurus on rare occasions

Air does not affect the Earth in any way, nor does the Earth affect Air. Therefore, the union of Taurus with a representative of the Air element is completely futile. The only exception can be Gemini: if desired, Taurus will take care of them and lead them through life very skillfully (always the previous zodiac sign patronizes the next).

But these recommendations are, rather, a generalization. To find out the real compatibility in a couple, you need to know the names, eye color, time of birth, date, hair color, nose shape, and even the features of the figure of both. It is believed that knowing the necessary parameters, you can find the perfect companion.

Taurus zodiac sign compatibility: solving problems

Taurus' social circle is very wide, but it is incredibly difficult for him to find a "suitable" person: Taurus is very serious in choosing even a potential partner, often noticing only shortcomings. And yet, having a special sensitivity to beauty as he understands it, Taurus does not feel sexual interest, albeit in wonderful people, but not corresponding to his aesthetic needs. Has the right to. But it's worth adjusting the approaches.

Taurus must remember: people change, relationships will just help his chosen one to achieve success. Goals are easier to achieve together. It is worth connecting your intuition, looking ahead, focusing only on the merits of your partner. It is not necessary to bring intelligibility to the point of absurdity. It would be nice to expand the "aesthetic horizons" in order to notice more attractive in people. After all, ideas about the beautiful can turn out to be ossified stereotypes.

"Is the choice right?"

So, Taurus met the ideal betrothed, but as the novel develops, doubts overwhelm him more and more: is the choice the right one? It seems that the chosen one did not live up to expectations. Taurus is scrupulous when choosing, he was hardly mistaken at first, torment yourself in vain and you do not need to blame your partner.

Taurus loves to dominate relationships, therefore, he is unhappy with seeming insubordination. Taurus needs to give a partner more air - independence. You must also allow your relationship to be out of sync with the pattern that Taurus has had for a long time. After all, his chosen one has his own habits, his own scheme. Wishes should be expressed correctly, and criticism should not be met with hostility, perhaps it is constructive. If desired, Taurus, in fact, can get along with an impossibly difficult person.

"What's wrong?"

Excellent intuition immediately tells Taurus that the beloved is out of sorts. But why, Taurus is difficult to understand. Instead of enjoying the company of his beloved, he begins to "dig out" his mistakes.

Taurus are practical, they devote a lot of energy to financial matters, but they often do not even remember about mental comfort. Feeling that the beloved is not very happy, Taurus immediately remembers material benefits. Taurus should, being interested in his partner, find out exactly his mood, dreams, plans, this is important. It is also worth weakening the control of the situation: sometimes it is enough to relax to reduce tension. Leave some freedom and understatement.

"All wrong!"

Reasonableness, prudence of Taurus sometimes does not help them in building relationships. Even if the chosen one is ready to give in, Taurus's actions seem inappropriate, annoying. The reason is that Taurus has overestimated requirements, an expectation that is not characteristic of a partner.

Important: correctly and on time to communicate your wishes to your loved one; be able to take care of yourself on your own; to give the chosen one more attention and time so that he does not have the feeling of his insignificance in the life of Taurus; to share the concepts of "love" / "possession": the beloved is not property, he must have personal space, dreams and aspirations; to have a heart-to-heart talk about mutual expectations, search for a compromise.

"We are going for rapprochement"

Taurus is a strategist who knows many ways to start a romance. He quickly abandons a hopeless struggle, but if there is something mutual, but the transition to close relationships is slowed down, Taurus is lost. It is worth trying to act easier - where hints are powerless, recognition or unexpected invitation is irresistible.

Carried away by their maneuvers, Taurus may not notice the response actions that do not fit into the intended scheme. It is worth relaxing, "rebooting" and not missing the most pleasant moments, and even if not according to plan.

Taurus sometimes try to subdue someone who should be avoided. Therefore, it slows down, does not give suitable words, protecting against unnecessary communication. The situation should be analyzed again.

"Unhappy love ruined life"

When breaking up and shallow relationships, Taurus experiences severe mental pain. But when feelings were serious and strong, it comes to depression, complete distrust of others and loss of hope. Taurus reproaches himself, is afraid to make a mistake again, he becomes too careful, pushing away and those with whom he could be carried away, does not enjoy life.

It is important: not to dwell on the past, to maintain confidence, not to look for an ideal, not to make the search for an absolutely perfect betrothed as the main goal, to live actively, to be open, to enjoy communication, to give a chance to the future; remember - you can't insure yourself from your experiences, the development of a novel requires even more work than the beginning.

"Initiative in relationships"

Taurus is picky. Giving a lot, being strong and emotional, he wants to receive a lot. He believes: the partner will always be very attentive. Trying to always please the chosen one sexually and materially, Taurus may not feel a response.

Taurus needs to: make the partner feel interested in emotional contact, reduce the level of material needs - dating is good both in high-class restaurants, and in the park, and in general hobbies; do not try to turn reality into an ideal picture from your head, do not put pressure on your loved ones, forcing them to meet expectations; reduce activity, allow a loved one to behave according to needs, naturally; learn to listen to the advice of your soul mate, perceive her (his) "passive" behavior as a concern for the peace of the common and good.

Starry happiness to you!

These are just general characteristics of Taurus, and not something specific for the people of this sign, everything is individual.

The Taurus woman stands firmly on her feet, largely thanks to her sign element - the Earth. Practical, prudent, patient - she achieves everything with her mind and endurance. The Taurus woman has a very rich inner world, but she does not show it to everyone.

Who definitely does not have to complain about the lack of attention from the opposite sex is the charming woman, which is the Taurus woman.

If she were not so picky, men would line up in long lines to subdue this lady. She can be safely called a "real woman".

She will be meek and obedient, not claiming a leading role in an alliance with a man.

The calm and gentle look that the Zodiac has endowed her with will be able to captivate any gentleman. And she rarely denies herself the opportunity to diversify her personal life.

Such polygamy is possible only until the moment when Taurus decides to marry, since the compatibility of diversity in bed and a lasting family union, in her opinion, is impossible.

The gracefulness and attractiveness that the Taurus woman received from nature makes her noticeable among many others. This pleasant companion and charming companion are also distinguished by smooth movements and a soft voice. She is able to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, which is so much lacking in modern men.

In relation to others, she is always friendly, and a pleasant manner of communication makes her a desirable companion, who is able to listen to everything calmly and will never allow herself to be harsh or rude. Her lively mind also makes communication with her interesting.

It is about such a woman that every man dreams. Good compatibility with her is possible due to her ability to understand her role. That is, she knows well what a man is needed for, and what a woman should do. She will not want to take on the male role, but she will perform her female role with an “excellent” grade.

It is very difficult to piss off this confident person. But there are things that the Taurus sign will not tolerate. For example, objections. Such opposition can generate negative reactions from her, especially if it is reinforced by the presence of the audience. Well, something, but public insult and humiliation, this woman will not tolerate and will show not the best side of her nature.

If there are any claims, then they need to be expressed in private and with weighty argumentation. She will accept unfounded suspicions and teasing as insults and turn into a vindictive person.

In communication, a Taurus woman may seem narrow-minded. But you will make a gross mistake by underestimating her intelligence.

Yes, she often relies on her feelings and emotions, but this does not prevent her from seeing the truth. In addition, the representatives of this sign are very practical, the idealist is completely absent in them. They prefer to "have a tit in their hands", which is especially applicable to the choice of a man.

The zodiac has endowed her with good taste, which she follows when choosing clothes. That said, you don't have to go beyond budget. She has a good sense of smell, which makes it easy for her to pick up perfumes.

Also, this sign is inherent in the compatibility of good taste and luxury goods, to which such a lady is not indifferent. Expensive furs and beautiful jewelry are always present in her look.

Particular emphasis is placed on the neckline and neckline, because nature rarely endows them with a gorgeous bust.

Among the many fans around her, the Taurus woman will choose her partner herself. She really doesn’t like being forced upon her and is unlikely to be supportive of someone who will press. She needs to be interested so that she herself comes up and chooses you.

If you decide to conquer this impregnable fortress, then first assess your capabilities. If beauty, brilliance, perfection and impressive financial support are not present in you, then you may not approach a lady born under the sign of Taurus, who is included in the Zodiac. She will likely weed you out as unworthy of her attention.

You can win her heart with beautiful and expensive gifts that she will appreciate. At the same time, there should be no luridness and "gypsy" in such presentations. Only exquisite taste can conquer her. Moreover, aristocracy should be present in everything: from the choice of wines to sex. She loves and enjoys making love. Therefore, poor compatibility in bed will not give such a would-be gentleman a single chance.

Having started a relationship, be prepared for the fact that the Taurus woman is a great possessive. If she was allowed, she pasted over her chosen one with deeds on property and wrote a warning in large letters:

"Don't go, or I'll kill you!"

Of course, one should not expect smooth and cloudless relations with representatives of this sign. And if you give her a reason for jealousy, then get ready. You won't see scenes like this in any Hollywood movie. The same applies to the situation when the Taurus girl feels forgotten or abandoned. The home service will easily end up on the floor, smashed to smithereens.

A lucky man can be called a man whose wife is a Taurus woman. It will allow the husband to feel what it is like to be the “head of the family”, without interfering with his important decisions. She will position herself as a support for her husband, who copes brilliantly with the house and children.

Ladies Taurus are distinguished by their thrift. Perfect order will always be put in her house, a cozy atmosphere will be created by the selection of interior items according to style.

Good taste and sophistication are the traits that are inherent in her home. In addition, you will always be greeted by well-groomed flowers and a pleasant scent.

Thrift and economy characterize her farming style. Friends and acquaintances are very fond of visiting here, because the pleasant atmosphere of the house and the wife, who is a role model, will always gladly welcome guests.

In such a spouse, compatibility is really possible:

  • a good housewife;
  • loving mother;
  • sensual mistress.

She simply adores children, tries to devote all her free time to them. They always feel her support and support and know who to go to with their troubles and joys.

The Taurus woman loves very much when there are many children and nature around. Therefore, a country house with a small garden and farm will become a place of happiness and self-realization for her. She is not afraid of hard work and is always ready to do it when needed.

The down-to-earth Taurus woman does not understand what platonic love is. How can you deny yourself such a pleasant pastime like sex? Her polygamy is often manifested in the presence of several partners at the same time. And in this she does not see anything shameful.

Such a partner is ready to start a relationship with a gradual rapprochement. A man's tenderness and patience will be rewarded royally afterwards. The foreplay and slowness of movement may give the impression that this woman is too conservative and does not like experiments in bed. But this opinion is wrong. After a period of "getting used to" you will be able to fully appreciate the temperament and passion that this zodiac sign has endowed.

Any action that a man takes in bed will have a meaning and a sensual response from his partner. And then she will demand more active action, for which, in fact, I was preparing.

Good compatibility in bed will be with the man who understands that romantic atmosphere and surroundings are important to her. Dinner by the fireplace, and then sex on a lying skin - this is a great option for an evening for the Taurus mistress. Sex for her is a stage in which she will happily play several roles. Transformation from a passionate seductress to a cold one Snow Queen it will be easy for her.

Convenient for a long-term relationship with a Taurus woman is the Pisces man. Calmness and silence will be present in their house, and she can show character, for example, by dislocating his jaw. And he will idolize her all the same.

The Cancer man is capricious and prone to mood swings, but the stability that the Zodiac bestowed on Taurus will be an excellent counterbalance to such behavior. The difficulties passed at the beginning of acquaintance promise a long and lasting union.

The Capricorn man will be an excellent spouse for the pragmatic lady, which is the Taurus woman. Of course, deep feelings are unlikely to be discussed here, but a marriage of convenience will be reliable and long-lasting.

Good compatibility for a Virgo man and a Taurus woman. She will fill the emotional emptiness in him, and he will smooth out possible conflicts and misunderstandings. And if necessary, he will be able to cheer her up.

For two Taurus, the union will be based on a strong sexual attraction, however, and they will "butt with horns" all the time.

The exact opposite is the Libra man and the Taurus woman. This union is doomed to disintegration.

The night of sex with a Gemini man will be amazing and unforgettable, because his compatibility with a Taurus woman in this regard is very good. But the strong pragmatism of the partner will be boring for the frivolous Gemini.

It will also be difficult to create an alliance with Sagittarius. As soon as he begins to insist that his lady Taurus change her lifestyle, she will immediately prefer to leave him and look for a more complaisant man.

The strong jealousy endowed with the zodiac of Taurus and Scorpio, with their union, will turn out to be an explosive mixture. Such a couple is doomed.

The lack of commonality between the beautiful ladies of Taurus with Aries and Aquarius makes their union almost impossible.

But the brutality of a Leo man will become for gentle woman Taurus is a stop sign for further relationships.

Zodiac sign Taurus - general characteristics of the sign

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