A guide to the Cancer female zodiac sign: how to get the heart of a Cancer girl. Cancer woman: gentle, graceful, feminine The most feminine zodiac sign Cancer

They themselves know very well what they want and why they do it this way and not otherwise. These are very emotional women, with a rich inner world, but often they hide their feelings even from loved ones. A man who has chosen a Cancer Woman should know that she is very jealous, vulnerable enough and does not forget the insult for a long time. But, precisely, the insult inflicted on purpose, she does not focus her attention on minor troubles and quarrels. Mood swings sometimes make it difficult for a Cancer woman to objectively look at certain events or relationships. When she has good mood, she is welcoming, responsive and generous. In a bad mood, Cancer women are withdrawn, uncommunicative and can even offend with a word.

Libra women behave quite the opposite.

And yet, they are rarely alone. Men are attracted to a Cancer woman, her uniqueness, emotionality, dissimilarity to others. But she chooses a man for life carefully and carefully, since a strong-willed, authoritarian man does not suit her, he can simply suppress her morally, not understanding her originality, and not taking into account her vulnerability. Cancer woman is a faithful wife, love for her husband (if she married for love) she will keep for life, she is a good mother, she loves her children very much.

But, educating, he does not lisp with them and does not pamper them. The Cancer woman is a good housewife, and, in addition, her eccentricity is perfectly manifested in family life: she can surprise her family, either with a new original dish, or with an unusual family entertainment.

Cancer woman does not like quarrels, disputes, lengthy showdowns and will never "wash dirty linen in public." But if, nevertheless, there was a quarrel, unpleasant thoughts or just a bad mood, she has the right way deal with it all. Simple and familiar household chores will serve as an excellent counterbalance to stress and create order and harmony in the soul.

In any non-standard situations that arise in the personal world of a Cancer woman, when the arguments of reason turn out to be useless, she relies on her intuition, which helps her navigate the sea of ​​life and saves her from many mistakes.

Cancer woman in love

The Cancer woman is a water sign, so outwardly she seems cold and impassive. But love for her is the most important thing in life. She never fusses, does not look for her, just waits and chooses, knowing that fate will definitely bring her to her beloved. The Cancer woman unmistakably guesses her man, the one with whom they will become an inseparable couple. Her love is deep and long, can last a lifetime.

From a loved one, she expects reciprocal love and complete trust. She seeks close relationships and hates separation. She is rarely the initiator of parting, it is difficult for her to leave, even if love has already lost its novelty. Can forgive light flirting, but never forgive betrayal. Even the hottest love will not make her stay close to the man who seriously cheated on her.

What kind of interior suits a Cancer woman.
The Cancer woman is a very homely person, most of all she values ​​comfort and solitude. She will carefully choose wallpaper, furniture, curtains. Gives preference to calm, dark shades (brick, gray, purple). Or cheerful light tones (blue, green, peach), but never - bright, flashy tones. Cancer women love antique things, fluffy carpets, figurines, frames with family photos. The style in the setting of a Cancer woman is retro style.

What scent does a Cancer woman prefer?

For a sensitive and gentle Cancer woman, a state of calm and harmony is very important. Cancer Woman is a water sign, so she feels best when resting near water: sea, river, lake. The humid atmosphere of the water, the delicate scent of flowers soothes and at the same time inspires her. Her favorite scents are floral-fruity. The more conservative Cancer woman loves classic perfume compositions. She prefers everything that is time-tested and does not pursue a changeable fashion. She loves to choose a perfume for herself, but if you want to make a gift for a Cancer woman, give a gentle flower perfume in a round bottle with a dark yellow or white packaging.
Recommended for Cancer women: Aqua Digio, Escape, L "Eua, D'Issey, Magnetic. Despondency and sadness will help dispel the optimistic Flower by Kenzo fragrance from Kenzo.

Cancer woman mascots

The mascots of the Cancer woman, in addition to crayfish and crabs, are also small fluffy animals, including in the form of soft toys. The hare will attract success in love, the ermine will protect the Cancer woman from the harassment of dangerous men, the rabbit protects from all dangers, and the cat will save her from bad mood and will draw peace and good luck into life. The jewelry-talismans of the Cancer woman are jewelry made of silver in the shape of a heart, a circle or a crescent. The mascot picture depicts nature and always water: a river, a sea, a stream, a pond overgrown with water lilies.

Cancer woman and alcohol

For a Cancer woman, as they say, it is enough to smell the cork to feel drunk. These are women with a sensitive and emotional nature. Their stomach reacts very negatively to alcohol. After drinking even a little, they fall into a lyrical mood and can open up to a completely inappropriate person.

And in the morning they feel bad both mentally and physically. The alcohol horoscope warns the Cancer woman - this sign is more susceptible to alcohol addiction than others. Best of all, at any party or celebration, limit yourself to one glass of martini or champagne.

Cancer woman daughter-in-law

With her mother-in-law, the Cancer daughter-in-law is secretive, cautious, does not express obvious hostility, but does not openly either, in one word, "a thing in itself." She will never conflict with her mother-in-law, even if she doesn't like something in the behavior or words of her mother-in-law, she just keeps silent. A Cancer woman as a daughter-in-law in a new family will maintain an even but neutral relationship. She will never become a daughter to her husband's parents. But she will not try to turn her husband against his parents. But if the mother-in-law tries to open "military actions" against the Cancer woman, she will receive a worthy rebuff from the latter.

Cancer mother-in-law woman

Cancer woman is a very caring mother, she tries to take care of even an adult son. She will apply the same policy to her daughter-in-law: to patronize and teach. A daughter-in-law can only win her favor by endlessly praising her son, admiring him. But, this must be done subtly and unobtrusively, it is important to observe the measure. Cancer mother-in-law is a smart woman and will immediately feel false if she sounds. Cancer mother-in-law is a kind of barometer of the young family of her son. When the young people quarrel, sulk, the mother-in-law immediately has a lot of important and urgent matters against each other, which do not allow her to visit her son's family. After all the "thunderstorms have died down and the storms subside," the mother-in-law is right there. But we must pay tribute to her, the Cancer woman is a wonderful grandmother, she loves her grandchildren equally, both the children of her daughter and the children of her daughter-in-law. She enjoys nursing and taking care of them.

The sign of the water element is under the auspices of the night luminary. The control of the moon affects the character of the representatives of this sign, making them vulnerable and sensitive people... The moon and the water element of the sign give Cancer the ability to empathy, the ability to instantly guess the thoughts and aspirations of other people. They are resolute and noble people, often patriots. But if Cancer's life was full of hardships and injustice from childhood, then they have the cunning and charisma of a gangster.

They influence other people, they can subjugate them for the sake of achieving a common goal or survival. Tough and discerning leaders.

The nature of the sign

Cancer is the most emotional sign among the entire zodiac. But he himself does not like to share personal emotions. Cancer understands the feelings and moods of others instantly, but is rarely frank. The problem with expressing your feelings is associated with protective mental mechanisms. WITH early years Cancer builds a personal system of protection against accidental penetration into the soul, overgrown with stereotypes and prejudices. Very attached to the family, especially to the mother.

Cancer absorbs the feelings and emotions of others, but tries to keep his own to himself. Likes to show initiative both in work and in personal relationships, unmistakably choosing companions and useful people... Cancer is a born psychologist, with a deep understanding of the causes of phenomena, a strong desire to get to the bottom of the problem. It is difficult to deceive them, but it is easy to offend. This is a sign of the accumulation, conservation and skillful use of all resources, primarily family resources.

He surrounds himself with completely diverse people, whom he loves to take care of. Needs consistency of relationships and long-term connections.

An excellent strategist, has excellent analytical skills, is rarely poor, on the contrary, he often pledges substantial capital for the heirs, is at the head of family dynasties. For a long time they retain their childish vitality and naivety, are sentimental, attached to past connections, places and objects. Cancer exhibits both caution and curiosity when faced with a new phenomenon or person. Cancer needs caution and foresight to avoid failure and maintain self-esteem.

Cancers are often hurt by their pride, they long experience failure in business, resentment, separation or the collapse of love.

Sign compatibility

Typical Cancer intuitively selects the best of the possible, instantly establishes contact with the person he likes, but then withdraws, frightened of someone else's influence. In love, Cancers are devoted, but do not forget about themselves and their desires. They can flirt with many, but they always love one. They prefer to take the first step towards rapprochement, but then choose to passively wait for the manifestations of feelings from the partner. Very sensitive to beauty, love sex, but shy and looking for real feelings.

Without true love, they quickly become disillusioned with relationships and continue to search for real feelings. Toughness, resentment, rancor, and a tendency to exaggerate problems make them difficult partners. If they live in an uncomfortable aggressive environment, they are prone to adultery, but divorce is difficult. Best compatibility with the signs Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio. With Aries, Libra and Capricorn, they can form a very viable business alliance, much depends on the personal horoscope.

Cancer Man

He has a powerful analytical mind, but allows his feelings to break any logic and sequence. They often occupy leadership positions, are well versed in people, are able to calculate and intuitively guess the shortest path to the goal. Read full description.

Cancer Woman

This is the Mother of the World, she is caring and prudent. In love, she is very demanding, sensitive to the intimate side of relationships, loves sex, but she will always notice falsity and deception in feelings. He does not forgive either his partner or himself for his disappointments, he remembers insults and failures for a long time. Read full description.

Cancer Child

If your child is Cancer, then it is important to take care of his personal space, to protect him from unnecessary aggression. Such a baby does not tolerate a change of residence, divorce. Read full description.

Health sign

Withholding emotions and suppressing aggression often leads to nervous disorders, exhaustion, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Overeating, a love of sweets, a sedentary lifestyle are the main enemies of Cancer's health, along with nervous tension. Often workaholics, Cancers forget about rest, and lack of sleep leads them to chronic fatigue... They need a diet and sleep regimen, a positive charge of communication with a select circle of people, meditation to calm the mind.

Changes in activities, frequent travel and growing income from activities will help keep you healthy for long years.

Interesting countries: India, Nepal, Uzbekistan, partly Central Asia, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Canada, Paraguay, New Zealand

Significant cities: Amsterdam, Bern, Cadiz, Deptford, Gerlitz, Lubeck (12 °), Janov, Magdeburg, Manchester, Milan, New York, Saint Andrew (Scottish city), Istanbul, Stockholm, Trier, Tunisia, York

Celebrities born under the Cancer sign: Meryl Streep, Valery Meladze, Zinedine Zidane, Timur Bekmambetov, Alsou, Laysan Utyasheva, Ralph Schumacher, Mike Tyson, Pamela Anderson, Princess Diana, Liv Tyler, Natalia Rudova, Lindsay Mikhaylovskaya, Tomorrow , Tutta Larsen, Sylvester Stallone, Zhanna Aguzarova, Zhanna Friske, Dmitry Pevtsov, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Pelageya, Alexander Vasiliev, Leonid Agutin, Grigory Leps, Vitali Klitschko, Sergey Zverev, Nonna Grishaeva, Robin Williams, Egorny Lazrid

The Cancer woman is a sensitive nature. She is subject to frequent mood swings, sensitively reacts to the words of others, and if indifference or irritation slips into them, Cancer experiences this painfully. She easily changes her perception of the situation under the influence of others. Inclination to exaggerate difficulties, problems in life.

June 22 - July 22

zodiac sign Cancer

Cancer women have hypersensitivity, romance, sentimentality. They are very touchy because of their excessive impressionability: an unfriendly look, a gesture, not to mention verbal attacks, can hurt them painfully. Rich imagination throws them plots and pictures, which often have nothing to do with reality. In other people's words, they see some hidden meaning, intent, and therefore they can be very upset because of them.

Woman personality - Cancer zodiac sign

A characteristic trait of a Cancer woman is that she can keep secrets, and also has great patience if this is associated with relatives or a loved one. She desperately needs a personal space where she can retire with herself for a while, ponder this or another situation, in order to make the right decision later. A feature of the character of women, the Cancer zodiac sign, is also the fact that they have a rather rich imagination, often tearing them away from the real world... This is expressed in the fact that they perceive other people's words in a completely different aspect, which can greatly affect their mood, and sometimes lead to deep depression. In addition, this sign of the zodiac gives women a certain aura of mystery, so that it is very difficult for outsiders and unfamiliar people to draw a conclusion about their moral and ethical qualities. This characteristic is characteristic mainly of those women who have not decided on their partner, but are in an active search.

Advantages of the Cancer Woman

Cancers have a gentle disposition, a sharp mind, and a rich imagination. They are friendly, sensitive, sympathetic and compassionate, love to travel and daydream. They are very attached to home, family, children, but at the same time they love variety and change. Cancers are in dire need of love, affection and tenderness.

Weakness of a Cancer woman

Cancers are characterized by excessive suspiciousness, skepticism, caution, shyness. Because of their overly emotional nature, they easily succumb to a momentary impulse and temptation, which is why they can make annoying mistakes. They are characterized by a tendency to money-grubbing, inconsistency in actions, superficial thinking. Their actions and thoughts are often contradictory. If your relationship with a Cancer woman is dear to you, the worst thing you can do is start resenting and criticizing her. In the end, everyone has a lot of shortcomings, but only Cancer is capable of falling into dull melancholy, if they are voiced to her openly. And this is only half the trouble: in the end, the longing of the Cancer woman will end sooner or later, but the relationship with you is unlikely to remain the same. Most likely, she will simply shut herself in, hiding from you not only her grievances, but also her tenderness and her love.

Cancer woman in love

Female Cancers are extremely afraid of appearing approachable - in many different senses of the word. They are afraid to seem vulnerable, they want to give the impression of independent, strong natures. These ladies are charming, modest, they will always listen sympathetically, delve into problems, and men are extremely impressed by this, so they quickly become imbued with the warmest feelings for them. This woman is designed in such a way that it is difficult for her to give herself completely to love. But, at the same time, if she is lucky to find true love, her chosen one will see a willingness to do literally everything for him. But on his part, she needs a constant demonstration of feelings and care. She will not tolerate an aggressive or indifferent person next to her. She is not attracted by resort romances, because in a relationship she is looking not for a fleeting riot of feelings, but for real values: love, loyalty, care, attention. Betrayal and betrayal of a loved one can break her tender heart, for her part, she is simply not capable of them. In love, Cancer is very faithful, and sometimes her faithfulness becomes even obsessive.

Cancer woman in marriage and family

Women of this zodiac sign marry quite late because of their strong attachment to their parents and home. Having received the beloved man at the disposal of the Cancer woman, she considers him her property, while she is panicky afraid of losing him. She needs a feeling of warmth, security and protection. At the same time, Cancers are patient with their loved one. If the husband has problems, the wife will not escalate the situation, will not commit betrayal, in a difficult situation she will always defend family happiness. The character of a Cancer woman will not allow her to commit adultery - such entertainments as, for example, flirting with men on the verge of a foul, does not attract her at all. Most wives of this sign are not inclined to break the oath of marital fidelity.

Cancer woman zodiac sign

Date of birth is an indisputable factor that affects the similarity of thousands of people in character traits, destinies and motives of behavior. At the moment a person is born, the Sun is in one constellation or another. It depends on the date of birth what character and temperament the baby will have. No science can neither confirm nor deny the influence of the signs of the zodiac. To understand the characteristics of a Cancer girl, you need to look at her as a separate person.

Character traits

Characteristics of the zodiac sign for a Cancer woman begins with an understanding of the characteristics of her character and temperament. Cancer is a moon sign. The Cancer girl herself is the same. The beautiful representatives of this sign have a complex mental organization. Such a statement as "someone else's soul - darkness" perfectly fits them. They believe in the transmigration of souls and respect the past. And they consider themselves to be a kind of link in the chain that connects the past and the future.

As a rule, these girls are gentle, weak and timid, who need the support of their relatives. He is very sensitive to criticism and ridicule. Cancer is thrifty, she will always have money set aside for a rainy day. But you can't call her a meaner. She can gladly spend a tidy sum on shopping. She is also used to shopping therapy for the treatment of mental illness. Cancers love to chat, but they will never give away someone else's secrets. With friends and with her soul mate, she is devoted.

In the soul of the fair sex of this sign, there is so much incomprehensible. But not everyone will be admitted to these secrets. In public, she is a confident and independent girl, and alone with her relatives she allows herself to be fragile, tender and a little fearful. To open the soul of Cancer, it is necessary to show her love and care. And this applies to both relatives and the second half.

Everyone, without exception, needs to overcome their shortcomings in order to be happy. The Cancer woman has more than enough of them. To change your own destiny for the better, she needs to get rid of such negative character traits as:

Communication and friends

The characteristic of the Cancer girl in communication with other signs is positive. He is a pleasant person to talk to. She can support any topic of conversation. She is a great storyteller. Even her most extraordinary stories are full of life and very interesting. But the interlocutors of this girl need to remember that she is very impressionable and any incorrectly spoken word or joke can completely turn her away from the person.

The mood of the representatives of this sign is very changeable, it can change up to several times a day. Often in the clouds. In her head she always has some thoughts and ideas about the future or longing for the past.

These girls are quite attractive. They have many friends and acquaintances. We are always ready to listen and help both in word and deed. There is always a committed relationship with friends. Cancers will never allow themselves to speak unflatteringly towards loved ones, no matter in what relationship they may be. Before speaking, this woman will analyze every word in order to prevent tactlessness in her expressions and actions. Because he understands firsthand how the words and actions of family and friends can hurt. Like everyone else, representatives of this sign have positive and negative qualities in communicating with people:

  • "pros"- care, attention, tolerance, gentleness, tenderness, indulgence, sensuality, loyalty, reliability, understanding and sympathy;
  • "minuses"- isolation, vulnerability, resentment and irascibility.

Love relationships and sex

To win the heart of a Cancer girl, you need to know about the "Three No" principle:

  • no criticism;
  • no ridicule;
  • no rejection.

Another of important principles is the respect of her parents. Representatives of this sign, just like others, need affection, care and love, then she will be able to completely give herself to her beloved.

With all her external and internal qualities, this woman will never take the first step. She expects this from a man, since for her this is a certain indicator of masculinity and leadership. Cancer in itself combines modesty and charm that make it desirable for many young people. In love, this woman gives herself completely, and demands the same from the other half. In relation to herself, she wants to feel love and respect from her partner. He must constantly speak and prove that she is the most beautiful, intelligent and there is no equal to her. Cancer will be loyal to such a person and will even forgive minor flaws.

It is best to feel the nature of your beloved Cancer while walking under the moon, somewhere on the seashore or on the river. This is her element. In the moonlight, she will appear mentally naked, show all her qualities. Perhaps it will be possible to catch her alien, magical charm, which is inherent only in this sign of the zodiac.

Cancer girls are of two types: some are modest and feminine, others are very clingy. If the couple has been in a relationship for a long time, then the second type of Cancer will not cause any particular inconvenience. But if the relationship is only at the stage of conception and development, then such behavior and persistence can push away from a person. Cancers of the second type strongly and do not bother with the fact that their persistence does not suit someone. They cling as if it is forever and it will be difficult to break out of these claws. Fortunately, this type of Cancer girl is quite rare.

In love, the representative of this sign is subject to fear and doubt. He is constantly looking for flaws in himself. Her loved one should get used to this and constantly persuade her otherwise. Cancer will never settle for lungs and free relationship... She needs seriousness, not simple flirting and sexual pleasures.

This woman will let a man into bed if she has feelings for him. In sex, she loves tenderness, affection and showering with compliments. If the partner takes into account all the wishes of Cancer, he can get great pleasure.

Girls of this sign love comfort and romance. They will have sex slowly, enjoying the partner and the environment in general. Since Cancer is the lunar sign of the zodiac, then everything related to the night and the moon for them will be more important than ever. For example, sex at night on the beach is what you need.

Also, the Cancer woman will be tuned in an erotic mood by candles, an aromatic lamp with oils, relaxing music. Her favorite position is "man from behind", since then there is no need to worry about what her facial expression will be during orgasm. If the beloved person of this girl will always take into account her wishes, then the time spent together will be unforgettable.

Compatibility and marriage

In family relations, the representatives of this sign are maximalists. A long meeting period is not for them. After six months or at most a year of relationship, these girls put an ultimatum: marriage or separation. Cancer women are an example of those wives who are never abandoned, even if her companion in life is a womanizer. This is due to the fact that the representatives of this sign are endowed with all-forgiving love. She simply does not know how to live differently. She has a fear of being completely alone.

In the compatibility of the zodiac signs according to the horoscope, the characteristic of the Cancer woman has a number of positive and negative aspects. Good compatibility will be with such signs of the zodiac:

But not with all signs of the zodiac, a Cancer girl will develop strong and long-term relationships. Poor compatibility with men of such signs:

  1. Excessive sensitivity and tenderness in a relationship will irritate a spokesperson. Gemini... Cancer simply cannot get along with a person who treats everything with frivolity.
  2. The male Aquarius cannot meet the needs of the Cancer woman for stability. But these zodiac signs can coexist just fine as friends.
  3. scales can charm a woman, but they cannot give stability and security.
  4. Compatible with Capricorn below average, since with such a sign there is no confidence in the need for this person.
  5. Charmed a girl at first sight Sagittarius over time, it will become annoying and uncomfortable in life together.

The family for this woman is a world where rules and traditions reign. For her, parents will always come first, and then her own family. She is ready to stay up late and wait for her husband from work. During the day, he will call him and ask him how he is doing and whether he had lunch today. She will never dare to raise her voice to her husband first or start a scandal. She characterizes all this as a manifestation of weakness, which is completely unacceptable for her.

As for children, Cancer is a kind and caring mother who in every way cherishes and supports her child. Having become a mother, she does not forget about her husband either. Her love, warmth and care are enough for both. The downside of such mothers is that their immoderate love raises selfishness in the child. Having matured, such children bring difficulties to the family. They cannot decide anything on their own, it is hard for them to escape from under their mother's wing.

A house for such a hostess is a refuge where you can hide from the outside world and be alone with yourself. These women are very economic. This hostess always has a full refrigerator. Their home is a full bowl. Love, comfort and coziness always reign here.

Cancer health and talismans

The health of this sign can be called satisfactory. The weak link is the stomach and intestines. This sign needs to keep track of what it is for breakfast. It is also necessary to pay attention to the condition of the lungs, since this lady often catches a cold. The representative of this sign can be let down by such a character trait as suspiciousness. Because of her nervous system girls often fail. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but you should immediately contact a specialist. They don't joke with that!

The Cancer girl has magic helpers - talisman stones. According to long-standing beliefs, the most powerful and effective for her are:

  1. Moonstone (selenite)... This stone is a symbol of the magical power of the moon. Selenite is advised to be inserted into wedding rings to preserve love and care for many years. Also, this stone in a silver setting will help those who have nervous diseases.
  2. Emerald- the stone of the patroness of the hearth. According to legend, this bright green stone ensures a strong family life. It is also useful for those with vision problems.
  3. Cat's eye (chrysoberyl)... This stone brings good luck to those who love gambling... A good helper for colds and asthma. Chrysoberyl brings mental calm, peace and excellent sleep.

Briefly about the main thing

Astrologers study the movement of celestial bodies every day, draw up horoscopes for each sign of the zodiac. These signs help to understand the essence of a person, his inherent character traits, what talents he has. Even a person himself can know himself better, choose the right profession, learn about his strengths and weaknesses. Such knowledge will help in life to take a step in the right direction in time. Understanding the signs of the zodiac will help a person define friendship and love. With the help of them, you can find out the compatibility of a character with another sign you like.

The Cancer woman is a very romantic, gentle, sentimental person who is written about in love stories. For the sake of loved ones, she is ready for anything, she will become a very faithful, caring, devoted wife. For those around her, a Cancer woman, thanks to her characteristics, remains a mysterious and attractive person. It's not easy to win her heart, a man will have to work hard, put a lot of effort and spend a lot of time, but the reciprocity of this girl is worth it. And the Cancer woman herself looks so attractive and desirable that many men stop at nothing to achieve her location.

general characteristics

Horoscope Cancer woman has a patron planet, the Moon, which endows her with mystery, sentimentality and the desire to create a family hearth. The water element of the Cancer woman makes her very sensitive and empathetic. She is able to instantly capture the mood of other people. If necessary, the girl is even ready for self-sacrifice and dedication for the sake of her loved ones. The Cancer woman is a non-standard person who is distinguished by her originality and originality.

The Cancer woman, whose characteristic in kindness, cordiality, sincerity, nobility, is distinguished by the incredible depth of her soul. This is the real keeper of the family hearth, who does everything for the good of the family. Communication with her always results in a pleasant pastime, she charges with optimism, self-confidence and motivates.

Despite her good nature and predisposition to any communication, the Cancer woman is a representative of a closed constellation. From the outside, she seems very charming, sociable, ready to give away all her secrets and secrets. But in reality, getting her to talk is not always easy. She is capable of skillfully avoiding sharp corners, smoothing out conflicts, avoiding unpleasant topics. If the situation is too tense, she does not hesitate to boldly declare that other people's questions are too intrusive or inappropriate.

The main disadvantage of a woman under the Cancer zodiac sign is that she gets used to living in the past. She is very attached to her first love and during her life she often remembers her. But the Cancer woman has an excellent ability to adapt to the mood of any person. By nature, a woman under the sign of Cancer is a good psychologist who, in any situation, can pick up even a few words that are most appropriate for a person.

The Cancer woman is a creative person who quickly finds an approach to both children and adults. She will be happy to work in the theater, kindergarten, school and teach in a circle, do handicrafts.

In love

A woman under the Cancer zodiac signs needs a strong man with a big heart. This lady is used to adhering to traditional views on life and believes that she needs the same man. A Cancer woman will definitely be happy in love and family life with a wealthy man. But at the same time, a Cancer woman in love and relationships should retain the right to make independent decisions. Even with an interest in a man, she does not dare to take the first step, she will wait for him from the chosen one. An ideal partner for a Cancer woman can be a kind, sentimental one in love, like herself. This girl does not accept aggression, feigned courage, rudeness.

The Cancer woman herself in marriage will always remain faithful. But he will expect the same from the spouse, even demand. It is physical betrayal that has no excuse or justification for this Cancer woman. Also, in a relationship with a man, a Cancer woman needs constant care and attention. Then the woman under the Cancer horoscope will be just happy.

A Cancer woman needs her chosen one to be not only the love of her life, but also her best friend. In a couple, respect and mutual understanding should reign, then the Cancer zodiac woman will receive satisfaction from this relationship.

In bed, a Cancer woman is very shy. In the beginning, the relationship of intimacy will always take place with the lights off under the covers and with the curtained windows. In fact, a woman according to the Cancer horoscope is very passionate, but skillfully hides it in herself. Therefore, it may seem to a partner that she is indifferent to love games. But over time, the partner begins to open up. This girl loves not only to have fun, but also to give it to her man. The representative of the July constellation is able to always keep her emotions and feelings under control. She does not agree to a fleeting romance, an affair. Selects a man thoroughly with whom he wants to create the future. If he goes to bed with him, he counts on a long-term relationship and already presents himself in a wedding dress.


If a Cancer woman conceived of getting married, she will fulfill this goal by all means by the set deadline. She has a great affection for her family: parents, brothers or sisters. Therefore, it can be very difficult for her to decide to change the situation and life in general. When a Cancer woman has a husband, she turns into a possessive, begins to be jealous of him even to her mother-in-law. In his heart he is very afraid of losing him.

In Cancer women, other signs of the zodiac in family life can learn patience. This is a loving spouse who is ready to support her husband and help him in any way in difficult situations.

She will never dare to betray, she will always take the side of her husband. The Cancer woman is very domestic, in her heart she even hopes that her husband will force her to quit her job, she will be happy to lead household raising children.

As a hostess, a Cancer woman is very good. She loves to have everything in stock, so she saves money for food, puts everything aside. A very beautiful girl becomes a mother. The maternal instinct was laid down almost from childhood. She never gets tired of children, is ready to take care of them both day and night, gives all her great love and is attached to them with all her heart. Sometimes this excessive love and custody of a Cancer woman can make children suffer, as it simply turns into tight control of their life.


Cancer woman compatibility with other zodiac signs:

The Cancer woman has little in common with the Aries man. They live in almost parallel worlds, so such a pair can rarely be found. For Aries, there is no frame in life, while the Cancer woman is used to living according to certain traditions and principles. But it is in this combination of signs that you can find a lot of positive things. Since the ambitions of Aries will be fully satisfied in building a career and self-realization, but a woman under the sign of Cancer will calmly deal with the arrangement of the home and family.

A Cancer woman has a very high compatibility with a Taurus man in love. They have respect and understanding as a couple, a lot in common. They are united by their love for home, comfort and coziness. Together they dream and make dreams come true in the same way.

With a Gemini man, the compatibility of a Cancer woman is very bad. Despite this, such couples can be found quite often. They are formed because of great love or because of the benefits that keep partners. They have little in common, but they complement each other well.

In a pair where two Cancers, a woman and a man will perfectly understand each other. But their compatibility is low. The stubbornness of both will markedly poison this relationship. A long-term union is possible here only if both can become successful and self-actualize, choose a profession to their liking and find reliable friends.

The Cancer woman, whose compatibility with the Leo man is quite high, is the complete opposite of her chosen one. They are comfortable being together, but still both try to influence each other. None of them succeed in changing the partner. In this union, the energy of the Moon and the Sun converges, providing harmony in relationships.

In a Virgo man, a woman under the constellation of Cancer can find her love and soul mate. But this couple cannot be called passionate, energetic. It's just a union of two practical people with similar outlook on life, principles and characteristics.

Cancer women have a difficult relationship with Libra men, but in this pair it will be interesting for both. They both strive to learn to understand a partner, after which their relationship becomes harmonious.

The compatibility of the sign of the Cancer woman and the Scorpio man is sufficient to build an interesting and harmonious combination. There is a huge attraction between these signs, being together, they can truly relax, loosen up and open up.

Despite the fact that the compatibility of a Cancer woman is good with a Sagittarius man and they can interest each other at first sight, such couples are very rare in life. For the girl of this constellation, it is a serious relationship with an early marriage that is extremely important, and Sagittarius is not ready for this, he simply does not need it.

Almost ideal is the union of a Cancer woman and a Capricorn man. From the outside, they look like the simplest and most ordinary couple, in fact, they just perfectly fit together. They have a lot in common: dreams, goals, desires, outlook on life, solidity, reliability and many other characteristics. This is the most harmonious and natural couple.

But with Aquarius, the girl will succeed very complex union, and this is due to the difference in priorities or life goals... Although they really like each other, they are unlikely to be able to build something serious. The frivolity, unpredictability, frivolity of a man is something that does not suit a Cancer woman.

With a Pisces man, a Cancer woman will feel comfortable making friends, cooperating, dating and starting a family. With him it is easy for her as with no one else. Feelings at first sight are also possible here. Both will be comfortable, good and pleasant in this pair in the summer.

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