Which briquettes are better. What braces are best for an adult - the effectiveness of different systems

Definitely, the best braces are those that help you achieve results in the fastest and most gentle way. If you didn't have to spend extra nerves, fabulous money and precious time on treatment, then this was the very ideal option.

Currently, braces are distinguished by materials of manufacture, location on the teeth, and the presence of ligatures. Today it is possible to put various braces systems, in contrast to those times, 20 years ago, when there were only braces made of metal. You can now choose from metal, ceramic or sapphire systems. To understand which braces are better to put, we will consider the devices from different angles, based on the following criteria:

  • price;
  • efficiency;
  • aesthetics;
  • ease of wearing;
  • limitations.

These are the main points worthy of attentionif you have to undergo treatment with braces. There are other criteria, but they are less essential.

What braces are best for the price

For most patients, the most important thing is how much the entire course of treatment will cost. This is, of course, essential. Moreover, the price often rises like a snowball. It all starts with the cost of the braces themselves, installation, inspections, removal and so on are added to it. As a result, you can't save money, but you have to overpay. Therefore, it is worth considering the installation of "turnkey" braces - let the amount be announced in advance. If you need to save money and not lose in aesthetics, the best option is plastic braces. These are the most budgetary due to the cheapness of the material of the bracket system. The best manufacturers are Silkon, Spirit and Elan. The average cost in Moscow will be about 50,000 rubles, including installation and examinations at the dentist. True, the price may increase due to the fragility of the structure. Such systems often break down, and some elements will have to be replaced, and this is additional funds.

Another relatively budget option is the installation of metal braces. The orthodontist will tell you which metal braces it is better. These are usually Damon, Alexander and Ormco. The average turnkey cost will be 80,000 - 100,000 rubles, but in this case you will receive an almost one hundred percent guarantee that the treatment will be completed within the originally set time frame.

Which braces are better to put - metal or ceramic

Installation of ceramic braces is quite popular - in appearance they are as close as possible to the natural shade of tooth enamel. Among the advantages of ceramics are strength, aesthetics, ease of wearing, and efficiency. However, in comparison, for example, with metal systems, ceramic ones have one drawback - difficulties in removal are possible. As for the cost, it is higher than that of metal braces. On average, this is an amount of 150,000 - 200,000 rubles for the entire course of treatment. What are the best ceramic braces? Reflections from Ortho Technology and Clarity from 3M Unitek are considered good.

Aesthetics and beauty of braces

The most beautiful braces are sapphire. But for beauty you will have to pay at least 150,000 rubles. But such systems are almost invisible and even decorate teeth, especially braces with a white arch. For public people, this is a great choice. Another aesthetic option is lingual braces installed on the inner side of the dentition. However, the price of the lingual braces is higher than the traditional vestibular braces.

The best braces for efficiency

It's believed that better effect can be achieved by treatment with ligature-free braces. The fact is that when using them, tooth correction occurs with less use of force. In addition, ligature-free or self-ligating braces take up less space in oral cavity, which means they do not injure the mucous membrane. But the price of this unique system is also appropriate: 20 - 30% more compared to ligatures.

Traditionally, the most effective braces are metal vestibular braces. They do not break, which means that the period of treatment cannot be increased due to an unexpected breakdown. However, with the development of technology, the best braces today are not necessarily metal. All types of braces solve dental problems of patients.

How to choose the best braces?

Which bracket is the best? There are quite a few selection criteria. Above Startsmile has given the most important ones. However, for some, others may also matter - for example, the number of visits to the orthodontist during the course or the minimum treatment time. It all depends on the specific situation.

Price Efficiency Aesthetics Ease of wearing Serious disadvantages
Plastic + - + - + + + - - -
Metal + + + + - - - - + +
Ceramic + - + + + + + - + +
Sapphire - - + + + + + + - -
Lingual - - + + + + + + - -

Where is the best place to put braces?

In order to choose a brace system, you will have to carefully study all the pros and cons of braces made of this or that material, but you will surely find the best option for creating the perfect smile.

Braces for adults are presented in a wide range, as a result of which the patient cannot always choose the system suitable for himself. To resolve the issue of which braces are best for an adult, you should consult a doctor. He will help you choose the best braces that will meet all the patient's requirements in terms of cost, duration of treatment, and aesthetic parameters.

Systems are classified into many types. The main criteria are the method of fixation (vestibular, lingual, ligature and ligature-free), as well as the material of manufacture (metal, plastic, ceramics, sapphire, etc.).

Varieties of dental braces, their advantages and disadvantages

Crooked teeth are a problem that affects not only children, but also adults. For children, curvature can be corrected using braces or trainers. If they were delivered to the baby out of time, then there may be rapid tooth decay, chronic ENT diseases, and caries.

Mature people often ignore this problem, despite the fact that an adult can also have braces. Their assortment is diverse, which makes it very difficult to choose a system yourself. To do this, you need to consult with your dentist.

By mounting method

Systems are classified into ligature and self-ligating (non-ligature), as well as vestibular and lingual. The doctor decides which braces are best to put on on an individual basis, since each design has its pluses and minuses.

Type of braces Mounting method pros Minuses
Ligature The archwire is fixed with elastics or wires (we recommend reading: how are braces elastics used?)
  • a budget option;
  • variability of colors.
  • thorough care;
  • monthly correction;
  • unsatisfactory aesthetic appearance;
  • bulkiness and immobility of the structure.
Ligature-free The arch is fastened thanks to a sliding latch in the form of a latch or clip.
  • 1 correction every 2 months;
  • good mobility of the system;
  • pleasant aesthetic appearance;
  • ease of care;
  • high efficiency.
  • high price.
Vestibular Fixation is performed on the outer surface of the dentition
  • versatility (suitable for all age categories);
  • relatively short treatment period;
  • favorable cost.
  • imperfect aesthetic appearance.
Lingual Attachment is carried out on the inner surface of the teeth
  • perfect aesthetic appearance;
  • invisibility of lingual structures;
  • the ability to regularly monitor the result.
  • long-term treatment;
  • long adaptation period;
  • high price.

By material of manufacture

An important selection criterion is what the bracket systems consist of. For a patient who cannot decide which braces are suitable for him, it is better to pay attention to the material of manufacture:

To determine which braces are best, the patient should examine their pros and cons. For example, a person with an average income level can opt for metal braces, while sapphire designs are ideal for a public person.

Manufacturing material pros Minuses Top manufacturers
  • low price;
  • versatility (suitable for different age categories);
  • reliability;
  • minimum adaptation period.
  • imperfection of the aesthetic appearance;
  • sometimes cause an allergic reaction.
Damon, Alexander
  • strength;
  • stealth;
  • ease of care;
  • good aesthetics;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • wearing comfort.
  • long wearing period;
  • demineralization of enamel.
Reflections, Aspire, Clarity
  • convenience;
  • impeccable appearance;
  • short addiction period;
  • high degree of comfort while wearing.
  • lack of functionality;
  • high price;
  • duration of treatment.
Ormco, American Orthodontics, Ortho Technology
  • low price;
  • aesthetic appeal.
  • fragility;
  • coloring with food pigments.
Spirit Alexander, Spirit MB

Features of the choice of effective braces for adult patients

Criteria for choosing braces for adult patients:

Which are the best manufacturers of adult braces?

Adult patients are usually very selective when choosing braces. To date, the most popular metal structures are braces from the American manufacturer Ormco, including:

Ceramic systems for the greatest aesthetics:

Sapphire designs are an innovation in modern orthodontics. The most popular manufacturers of these braces include the American companies ORMCO and Ortho Technology.

Ormco is also the creator of the best plastic braces - Spirit MB, Spirit Alexander. Such systems have a reliable metal groove, thanks to which a better arc glide can be achieved. The quality of mechanical fixation of Ormco plastic braces is comparable to that of metal models, and their aesthetic properties are in no way inferior to ceramic structures.

Braces are a system that is placed on the teeth and corrects the bite. When choosing bracket systems, not only the characteristics of the design itself are important, but also the individual characteristics of the organism. Appearance is also important, since bite correction is a long-term procedure lasting up to three years. Braces

Which braces are better

Modern medicine offers wide range braces differing in structure, materials and fastening methods. It is easy for a layman to get lost in this variety and make a mistake in choosing. Often there are times when a person realizes his mistake after installation, when it is too late to change something. This can spoil the impression of the procedure and the corrected bite.

Before installing the bracket system, it is imperative to undergo an examination by a dentist. Qualified specialist assess the condition of the bite, identify defects and outline the strategy of the procedure. In addition, the doctor selects several of the most suitable systems and invites the patient to make a choice, advising him on all the issues that arise.

The opinion of the patient is also important, because it is he who will wear the system for a long time. The appearance of braces, their cost and time for adaptation and occlusion correction are taken into account.

Installation of braces

Installing braces should be a balanced and deliberate decision, because this is what will allow you to take into account all the nuances and make right choiceyou will not have to regret.

What you should pay attention to when choosing braces

When the question arises about the need to install braces, it is quite easy to get confused, because there are so many of them and they are so different. An ignorant person does not understand what characteristics to focus on and what is right for him. When choosing a system, consider such parameters as the material of construction, its method of fixation and position on the teeth. They are the key ones when choosing brackets.


According to the type of material, metal, ceramic, sapphire and plastic braces are distinguished.


Metal braces are the strongest and most durable, less likely to break and get damaged. They also have the lowest price and do not stain themselves and do not change the color of the enamel. All this makes this design very popular. In addition, it is the metal bracket system that is able to cope with serious malocclusion in the shortest possible time.

However, even they have disadvantages. These include the impossibility of making a system taking into account all the individual characteristics of a person, as well as possible allergic reactions. Another significant disadvantage is the unaestheticness of the model, since they are quite noticeable on the teeth. For people who are embarrassed to wear braces, this can be a key reason for choosing a system from a different material.


Perfect for those who care about their own appearance... The dentist will select the material for the plates in the color of the enamel, which will make the braces less visible to others. The advantages of ceramic systems are also that they are comfortable to wear, do not cause allergies and have a high margin of safety. Moreover, due to the design and material features, such systems reduce the risk of injury to the gums.

Ceramic braces

The disadvantages of the model include a long period of bite correction and unpleasant sensations during removal. It is also important to remember that ceramics lend themselves to staining, so you will have to refuse products with dyes.


Just like ceramic braces, sapphire braces are ideal for those who do not want to draw attention to their teeth and the bite correction process. Due to the properties of the material, such systems are almost invisible to others, which does not cause self-doubt and fear of smiling. People who used given view braces, mark their convenience, easy installation and removal. Moreover, the risk of injury to the mucous membrane by the sapphire system is extremely low.

Weight positive sides causes the high cost of the model (one of the most expensive braces). The disadvantage is also the fragility of the structure and its high damageability.

IMPORTANT! In the event of a breakdown, contact your dentist immediately to replace the structural part. Failure to do so will result in trauma to the oral mucosa and reorientation of the traction system.

Such staples require careful maintenance and careful handling. Unfortunately, another disadvantage is that this model is not able to cope with serious malocclusion, which means that it is not suitable for everyone.


This type of system has a low price. Due to the cheapness of the material, such braces are suitable for those who do not want to invest a lot of money in the procedure. The advantages also include the ability to choose the color of the plates, which has a positive effect on the aesthetics and invisibility of the structure. For the child, there is an opportunity to choose funny braces with colored plates to make the bite correction procedure more pleasant.

Unfortunately, despite its cumbersomeness, such a model is very fragile, which leads to frequent breakdowns and forced system changes, which increases the initial low cost. In addition, the plastic plates are easily stained with food coloring, making them more visible. To avoid breakage and staining, doctors advise you to follow a strict diet that excludes solid and dyed foods.

Fixation methods

Depending on the method of fixation, braces are divided into ligature and non-ligature.

Ligature systems

It is assumed that the metal arc is rigidly fixed in the grooves of the plates using rings and wire. In this design, you can use colored rubber bands, which will make the bite correction process more interesting for children. In addition, this model copes well with serious malocclusion.

Ligature-free braces (left) and regular braces (right)

Ligature-free system

Fastened with special sliding clamps, without blocking the arch of the braces. This design assumes high plasticity, which makes it relevant for children and adolescents during the period of tooth growth, and also allows you to quickly replace the archwire without painful sensations.

Positioning on the teeth

By location on the teeth, vestibular and lingual structures are distinguished. The first is attached to the outer surface of the tooth, does not break diction and is more unpretentious in care. Also, vestibular braces have a low price. the disadvantage of this system is visibility to outsiders.

If you are embarrassed to wear braces, it is better to give preference to the lingual system. It is placed on the inside of the dentition and will keep the bite correction procedure a secret. Also, this model allows you to evaluate changes in the position of the teeth without removing the structure. However, it has disadvantages in the form of a high price, possible diction disorders and prolongation of the procedure.

Lingual braces are not visible from the outside

Dependence on the patient's age

When choosing braces, the age of the patient will be an important factor at the time of installation of the system. Depending on the age, different types of staples are suitable.

Which braces are best for an adult

In adults, bones lose their plasticity, and then it becomes more difficult to change the position of the teeth, and therefore the bite. This increases the duration of the procedure up to three years. Doctors recommend using metal and ceramic systems due to their greater strength and ability to correct even serious malocclusion.

Despite this, the selection of the system is carried out under the supervision of a dentist, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person and the degree of malocclusion.

When installing braces after 30 years, it is possible to change the position of the teeth only in the form of a tooth-alveolar movement. Dentists call this procedure camouflage. There are often cases when, in addition to braces, the installation of additional devices or an operation to correct the occlusion is required.

Adult braces

For patients over 40, the situation is complicated by the fact that there is simply no room to move the teeth in the jaw. This leads to the forced extraction of healthy teeth in order to ensure that the teeth can be placed in the correct, even row.

Moreover, the duration of the procedure is increased to the maximum, and it is also mandatory to wear retainers after removing the braces. The duration of their wearing is usually equal to the period of wearing braces multiplied by two. This procedure cannot be neglected, as the teeth can return to their previous position.

What braces are best for a teenager or child

In childhood and adolescence, it is much easier and faster to correct a bite than in an adult. However, there are some nuances here.

  • The child's teeth and jawbone grow;
  • Reducing potential inconveniences;
  • Short term of the procedure;
  • Simplicity in care and maintenance;
  • High strength;
  • Atraumatic;
  • Nice appearance.

According to dentists, vestibular metal braces are most suitable for this age. Despite their visibility to others, they will look beautiful and interesting after installing colored ligatures or elastics, which will help the child not only not be ashamed of the system, but also be proud of it. This will make the procedure pleasant and psychologically comfortable.

When choosing a bracket system, competent consultation of a specialist is important, who will take into account all the individual characteristics of the patient, the degree of malocclusion and select the best option for the system. Do not forget about your own preferences and wishes, because it is you who will have this long procedure. The secret of the correct selection of braces in combining the recommendations of the dentist and own desires.

There is hardly a person who is completely satisfied with the condition of his teeth. Previously, it was problematic to deal with imperfections - it took a lot of time, the procedures were painful, and it could be done early. childhood... But a lot has changed - today patients dental clinics receive qualified assistance in eliminating bite irregularities and defects. Perhaps this was due to modern bracket systems, suitable for patients with the most serious and complex pathologies of the dentition.

Braces are practical, aesthetic (they can be installed on the inside of the teeth, and no one will guess about them). Opportunities also depend on the patient's financial situation. In the article, we want to dwell in more detail on what bracket systems exist in modern dentistry, their pros and cons, prices. Additionally, we will present patient feedback on the systems.

Types and materials

Among the types of bracket systems that differ from each other in the material of manufacture, there are:

  • metal;
  • ceramic;
  • plastic;
  • sapphire;
  • titanium;
  • combined.

According to the location on the teeth, braces are also different:

  • vestibular - external, do not affect the diction of the carrier;
  • lingual - internal braces. During adaptation, they can greatly influence diction.

TOP 7 best bracket systems

Understanding the types of braces, we have compiled a rating of the TOP-7 best systems that combine comfort, but differ in characteristic features and price. The rating includes:

  • damon bracket system (DAMON 3MX) from ORMKO;
  • braces ALEXANDER from ORMKO;
  • fORESTADENT 2D braces;
  • ligature-free braces Innovacion;
  • bracket system STB;
  • oRTHOS braces from ORMKO;
  • metal braces Gemini.

Let's dwell on each model in more detail, on its characteristic features. We hope you find it interesting to read the article, and you will find maximum useful information in it.

Damon (DAMON 3MX) from ORMKO

One of the systems is self-ligating braces. They are considered one of the best among metal braces, because they have the lowest friction, the movement of teeth is constantly monitored, and the fixation itself is safe, but it can cope with even the most severe and advanced cases of curvature and pathologies. The individual positioner has its own color - a guarantee that the placement will be highly accurate and the treatment will be effective.

Price: from 13,000 to 15,000 rubles per set for 1 tooth.


  • high manufacturability, modern design that reduces the risk of pain syndrome;
  • low friction, control over the displacement of the dentition;
  • removable positioners.


  • during the adaptive wearing of braces, the patient experiences discomfort.

Bite correction was my dream, and at 23 I turned to an orthodontist. Considering her age and neglect, the doctor advised the American Damon braces system. After numerous examinations, the braces were finally on the teeth. The first few weeks there was an adaptation, difficulty in eating food, a feeling as if the teeth were pulling together - a normal state. Then I got used to it, after a year and a half, the teeth were almost perfect, just as far as this situation was fixable. I am satisfied with the result and do not regret the choice of the system.

bracket system


Another bracket system from the American manufacturer ORMKO. Self-ligating type, resistant to mechanical and force influences. This fact provides the braces with reliability. The hypoallergenic components do not cause irritation, the patient quickly gets used to the braces, and soon ceases to experience discomfort and discomfort. The braces are performed separately, the manufacturer takes care of the accuracy of the device. In addition, they are tailor-made and tailor-made to the patient's requirements, so you can be sure of a customized system design.

Price: from 9,000 to 12,000 rubles per set.


  • the material from which the braces are made - strong medical steel, has increased strength;
  • thanks to the unique system, the specialist, when installing the system, achieves an even distribution of the load, and the patient feels comfortable.


  • not widespread use.

A good system, I went through with it for a little over two years, the result cannot but rejoice and surprise. The most important thing is a minimum of inconvenience and discomfort, although this was the first problem that I was so afraid of when I just thought about installing a bracket system. Let me emphasize - unlike many American systems, this one is not very expensive and accessible to almost anyone.

bracket system


The flat model of the bracket system does not create discomfort at first after installation. The patient quickly gets used to it, does not experience any discomfort or pain. The design is of the self-ligating type, effective and has an attractive price range. Suitable for any violations and pathologies. But before installation, you need to consult with several specialists at once, because there is a high probability that a particular system will not suit you because of individual characteristics.

Price: from 57,000 to 160,000 rubles.


  • thin braces, practically not felt in the oral cavity, and therefore comfortable;
  • installation does not require a laboratory stage - saving time when obtaining the desired result;
  • treatment times are reduced by 20%.


  • the system is not widely used, it is suitable for correcting deep bite.

I am satisfied with the results of wearing the Forestadent bracket system. German quality affects many products, including those for the dental industry. The system cost me a lot cheaper, the result appeared in a few months. Of course, it was also important that the braces were not visible, and the lingual installation in this case is the most suitable option. I am grateful to the doctors and specialists who worked with me.

bracket system


The ligature-free bracket system is installed on the inside of the tooth, the braces are not visible to others. The system is made by experienced professionals, guarantees maximum effect and minimum discomfort when wearing. Due to the lack of impact on the tissues of the oral cavity, the risks of developing damage and inflammatory processes are reduced.

Braces are made of metal or ceramic, respectively, will differ in the price range. One way or another, this system remains one of the most popular and, at the same time, less expensive. The short treatment period attracts patients, and the presence of simplified oral care makes it less likely to face the problems that sometimes arise with wearing braces.

Price: from 45,000 to 125,000 rubles (depending on the availability of the preparatory stages of treatment and the materials from which the bracket system is made).


  • secure fixation of a separate bracket;
  • facilitated period of adaptation and addiction;
  • short treatment period;
  • individual blanks in accordance with the degree of pathology.


  • not suitable for all degrees of pathology, in difficult cases it is recommended to choose a different treatment system.

There were many advantages in the treatment: starting with the approach from a specialist and ending with the result obtained. The system chose a lingual one - it allowed the degree of curvature, and also just did not want everyone to look at me and think unpleasant things. Therefore, invisible braces turned out to be ideal. Initially, there was a preparation period, then the installation of the system. I felt great, did not experience any discomfort or discomfort. Every 3 months, the braces were tightened, and I was getting closer and closer to the ideal result. The Innovacion system is recommended to everyone.

bracket system


The system is intended for children and adults, has a self-ligating effect. The special design of the arc makes it pleasant and effective to wear. Installation is carried out on the inside of the jaw; the design is made of special strong materials, has a small size, it is practically not felt and does not give unpleasant sensations, as if there are unnecessary elements in the mouth.

Price: from 65,000 to 135,000 rubles (depending on the clinic).


  • aesthetic design, invisible system;
  • absence of hooks and other elements that negatively affect oral hygiene;
  • the treatment is comfortable, because at the initial stages of wearing the system, the pressure on the dentition is insignificant, they are gradually tightened;
  • short adaptation period.


  • not suitable for all patients according to individual characteristics.

Nice comfortable design, worn by itself and installed by the child. I am glad that at first you do not feel strong pressure on your teeth, you easily get used to the structure. We rarely visit the dentist, only to tighten the system and check the course of treatment. The price category is available to any patient, but before installation, consult with different clinics, as the cost can vary significantly. Another point - when installing braces, the material is individually selected for you. Ceramic or metal - it all depends on the characteristics of your bite.

bracket system


The ligature system is thinner than some of the presented models. Due to this, the braces are comfortable to wear, they do not provide comfort and are suitable for the smallest patients. Braces are made of different materials: nickel-titanium alloy, titanium and gold-plated steel.

Price: from 54,000 to 200,000 rubles (depending on the material from which the system is made).


  • comfortable use, guaranteed by a not very thick system;
  • precise occlusion eliminates the bending of the arc even under strong mechanical stress;
  • attachment to teeth that did not have time to cut through to the end (great for treating young children with obvious problems of the dentition).


  • the system is not intended to be customized.

Installation for the child was successful. At first he complained of pain and discomfort, but then he got used to it. We were worried: the baby is engaged in active sports, and this can lead to damage. But the system proved to be strong and reliable. The braces were removed after 2.5 years, when the treatment was completely completed. The result is perfectly straight teeth and no problems.

bracket system


The American system, which has become popular far outside the United States. Braces are made of heavy-duty stainless steel. Thanks to the engravings, the cells are tightly adhered, therefore, under strong mechanical stress, the braces do not break or deform, do not injure the oral cavity. The vertical axis located on the system provides unprecedented fixation precision on all teeth, no matter how advanced the pathology is.

Price: from 55,000 to 180,000 rubles.


  • effective elimination of anomalies in a short period of time;
  • lack of sharp edges, thereby reducing the risk of damage;
  • the design is reliable, guarantees the correction of the most complex curvature of the dentition;
  • metal parts are covered special meansprotecting them from corrosion.


  • once a month you need to visit an orthodontist to tighten the system;
  • patients have allergic reaction on steel;
  • braces look unaesthetic and bulky.

I chose the Gemini system after consulting a doctor and calculating my own funds. Yes, at first the sensation was extremely unusual, I just wanted to remove the braces. But at the same time, I was overwhelmed with the desire to have a beautiful smile. After a year and a half of wearing socks, I felt delighted with how I look and became more confident. But while wearing it, I did not want to smile with my mouth, the system is still quite large. In any case, I recommend to everyone the not very expensive and effective option.

bracket system

Comparative table of characteristics

Braces name View The country of manufacture Appointment
Braces Damon (DAMON 3MX) from ORMKO Metal USA
Braces ALEXANDER from ORMKO Metal USA Correction of bite at any age
FORESTADENT 2D Braces Lingual (invisible) Germany Uncomplicated pathologies and curvature of the bite, correction of a deep bite
Innovacion ligature-free braces Lingual (invisible) USA Alignment of teeth with varying degrees of pathology
Braces STB Self-ligating braces Italy-Japan Complex pathologies of the dentition
ORTHOS braces from ORMKO Ligature system USA Correction of bite in children, attachment to unerupted teeth
Gemini metal braces External ligature braces USA Elimination of serious anomalies in tooth growth

Best lists

The presented braces are the best in their categories. But we do not want to limit your choice to the specified models only. Therefore, we will single out several systems recognized as the best in the categories:

  • best price;
  • metal;
  • invisible.

Best price

In pursuit of beauty, you should be prepared for the costs. But there are braces from a fairly budgetary category. The most budgetary braces - Pilot from domestic developers. The cost starts from 12,000 rubles. Depends total price from the complexity of the curvature and from the need to pre-treat the teeth. The system is simple, it performs its functions perfectly, although there is a drawback - not the most aesthetic appearance.

But there are a few more metallic systems worth considering. Empower is an American system belonging to the category of self-ligating composite type. Cost - from 30,000 rubles. And Evolution is a development by Italian orthodontists. Relatively inexpensive (from 20,000 rubles), but reliable braces that perfectly perform their basic functions and protect teeth from damage and the development of pathologies.

bracket system


In-Ovation-L - perhaps the best invisible braces system worthy of attention. The system will not let anyone understand that the patient is undergoing quite serious treatment at this moment. The cost starts from 45,000 rubles, but it has many advantages: invisible treatment, no ligatures, comfortable wearing and sturdy construction.

bracket system

How to take care of your braces

After installing the brace system, the orthodontist will introduce you to some rules of oral care. Be sure to keep in mind: adherence to all the nuances will facilitate the wearing process and achieve results sooner. Key conditions include the following:

  • thorough brushing of your teeth, morning and evening and after every meal. There are many surfaces where bacteria can grow, there is a high probability of increased frequency of diseases of the oral cavity, if hygiene is not observed;
  • rinsing the mouth with medicinal tinctures and solutions;
  • using brushes to clean the surface of braces;
  • floss - dental floss, you should use it regularly;
  • eliminate solid foods from your diet.

When choosing braces, it is recommended to rely on the advice of orthodontists. Choose a doctor who is not interested in making you pay more, but who strives to achieve an effective and aesthetic result together with you. Therefore, first of all, consult with a specialist, assess the possibilities of your budget and take a step towards making your dream come true.

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