Why does a stranger cat sit down on me. Interpretation of signs why a strange cat comes into the house

Signs of many peoples of the world say that stray cats bring only good things to the house. Therefore, you should not drive the guest who has come. If you do this, you break the link between cause and effect. It cannot be seen with the eyes, as it represents energy flows, which can only be "spotted" by special devices. But it is on this subtle sacred connection that everything in our Universe rests. By driving the cat away, you can bring trouble on yourself, as the course of events planned by Her Majesty Life will be disrupted. In the people it is called "to anger the higher powers." The sign "the cat came to the house" says that this creature can bring a variety of events, but they are all favorable. Drive the cat away - tell the higher powers that you don’t need anything good.

unexpected guest

The old sign "the cat came into the house" speaks of the upcoming joy. It is believed that these animals come to those who need help. Old people say that this is how spirits communicate with people using cats. After all, they are not as simple animals as it seems. It was cats who always served magicians and sorcerers. It is cats, no matter how much they live with a person, that always remain on their own, as if they are hiding something secret and unknown from people. Therefore, it is better to at least feed a cat that suddenly appeared, appease, so to speak, higher powers.

There is a magical connection between brownies and cats. It is believed that he loves cats and it is through them that he communicates with people. If you offend a cat, the brownie may get angry. Then he will begin to harm the people living in the house. It is these reasons that underlie the tradition of letting the first cat into the house. She will propitiate the brownie, and people will be able to live in peace.

Why do cats come?

In some nations, the sign "the cat came into the house" means protecting people from damage and the evil eye. In a moment of danger or when communicating with a person who can harm on an energy level (spoilage), you need to pick up a cat. At the same time, the animal is held at the scruff of the neck with the left hand, and the tail is stroked with the right hand. It is believed that this creates full contact with the animal, closes the energy fields into a single circuit and helps to keep even the strongest blows of sorcerers and witches.

Cat Energy

Now not everyone believes in omens. Why do cats come to the house, very few people think. And in vain. After all, it has long been known that chances are regularities that we still do not know. That is, if a strange cat suddenly came into the house, it means that someone or something needed it.

These fluffy tailed creatures are special conductors of cosmic energy, therefore they react to it more strongly than any other animal. Watching cats, you can see that they love places of strong accumulation of energy and always sleep in such places with pleasure. When an animal rubs against its legs, it does not just caress, but shares its energy and strength. The one who pushes the cat away at such moments, renounces the forces that the cat wanted to transfer to the person.

According to some signs, cats came to the house to cure diseases. Simply stroking an animal can relieve stress, relieve nervous tension, improve eyesight, treat backs, and more. There is even a hospital in England where such "cat therapy" is successfully practiced.

Cat color and meaning

According to the sign, a strange cat that came into the house brings with it a certain power. What exactly she brought is indicated by her color.

Red cats are able to protect against the negative effects of other people. The spirits that sent such a creature into the house see that protection is needed here. According to scientists, red quadrupeds are endowed with a very powerful energy, which applies to the owners of the house, and to the housing itself. If a red-haired cat has green eyes, then all troubles will be bypassed.

The sign "a black cat came into the house" means that protection from the negative effects of magic is needed. Do not be afraid of the black color of the animal. It is they who are able to take away negative energy and ward off troubles.

The blue cat is considered the most mysterious. To this day, animals of this color are given to brides. It is believed that gray cats are able to bring good luck, happiness, love into the house. The house in which such a creature lives has emotional stability, peace and sensuality.

According to the sign, if someone else's white cat comes to the house, then this is a very good sign. White cats are considered sorcerers, owners of healing powers. They give beauty, relieve stress, charge with positive energy.

Four-legged creatures of the Siamese color are able to bring success, fame, help to save energy.

Tricolor cats combine several shades at once. A similar color is associated with a three-faced goddess. It is believed that such animals are able to bring good luck, keep the family hearth, bring prosperity and happiness.

Bicolor cats are very friendly creatures and excellent mousers. They are able to give the energy of wisdom, common sense, understanding.

Esoteric experts call cats of tortoiseshell color magical. It is inherited only by girls, so such four-legged creatures transmit female magic, clairvoyance, and the ability to heal.

Striped cats give good luck, fun, lightness. They are able to energize with enthusiasm and fun.

pregnant cat

If a pregnant cat came to the house, then this may indicate replenishment in the family of people. In order for the birth of a pregnant woman to go well, you should take care of the comfortable lambing of the tailed guest. There are cases when pregnant cats came to families where there were no children. long years. After their visit, the women became pregnant.

dead cat

Often people see in a dream how their dead pets come to them. If you suddenly had such a dream, this means a warning of imminent danger. To avoid trouble, you should be careful, attentive. And be sure to feed any homeless cat. This action is similar to how we commemorate our dead relatives. A cat is also a living being, and it also has a soul.

cat in the house

It is believed that guardian angels send cats to the house when help is needed. Four-legged creatures are able to avert misfortune, illness and adversity. They can even take away death from a person, taking it upon themselves.

If suddenly a cat came into the house, lived for several days, and then left, it means that he took away all the misfortunes. In such cases, it is believed that the purr took away all the bad luck and took them with him. Peace and prosperity should reign in such a house. According to other signs, if the cat did not stay in the house (despite the fact that he was fed and not offended), then the energy did not suit him. The owners of such a house should reconsider their relationship to each other, remove all negativity from their souls.

Notes by month

To more accurately determine what marks the appearance of the animal, you should focus on signs by month. "The cat came to the house" from March 21 to April 20 (the time of "Aries", according to the zodiacal gradation) - this means that you need energy support. Such cats are restless, scratch, run away at night, require attention at any time of the day.

From April 21 to May 20 (the month of "Taurus"), the cat comes to where protection of material values ​​​​from all kinds of losses is needed. At this time, cats appear only if someone decides to rob or damage property.

From May 21 to June 20 (the month of "Gemini") cats help to get rid of unnecessary people in the house. Such animals are able to relieve headaches, improve memory, and intellectual abilities.

From June 22 to July 22 (the month of "Rakov"), the cats who came help to cope with stagnant energy. The arrival of this animal may indicate the accumulation a large number things that are long overdue.

From July 22 to August 22 (the month of "Lions"), cats come to those houses where you need to save the owners from unnecessary expenses, protect them from dark forces.

From August 23 to September 22, in the month of "Dev", cats come to those who are seriously ill or where major repairs are needed. Such cats do not stay in the house for a long time, but immediately leave after they complete their mission.

From September 23 to October 22 (the month of "Libra"), cats come to where the collapse of the family is planned. These animals help to normalize personal life, protect property.

From October 23 to November 22 (the month of "Scorpions") cats come to fight black magic. Usually, if animals appear in the house during this time period, then this may indicate someone's strong magical effect on spouses or on the whole house.

From November 23 to December 21 (the month of "Sagittarius") cats rarely visit houses. If such a thing happened during this period, then this is a serious warning about the evil directed at the family and housing.

From December 22 to January 20 (the month of "Capricorns"), cats talk about the isolation of the residents. If a single woman becomes the mistress of a cat, then she is guaranteed loneliness for life.

From January 21 to February 19 (the month of Aquarius), cats bring change, freedom. If a cat comes into the house this month, then seclusion will stop. The owners may have a child, expand the circle of friends.

From February 20 to March 20 (the month of "Pisces"), cats bring peace and rest from all worries and hard troubles.

Instead of an epilogue

To believe in signs or not is a personal matter for everyone. But under any circumstances, you need to remain human and show mercy, even to a small stray cat who accidentally wandered into your house.

Cats have been with humans for centuries. People believed that they had a special connection with the other world, so they could warn of impending danger, natural disasters, failures, or bring happiness. This applies not only to pets that have already become family members. The case when a strange cat came into the house, signs and superstitions are also interpreted as an important event.

Cats are surrounded by superstitions

Deciphering signs

Often people meet a stray cat on their doorstep and do not know how to understand this sign of fate. According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the appearance of a cat on the threshold of a dwelling means the following:

  • positive changes that will bring good luck: you can’t drive the cat away, so you can scare away luck;
  • if a cat accidentally ran into your apartment, in the near future we should expect an improvement in the financial situation or replenishment in the family;
  • There is another interpretation, which says that the mission of a cat is to save a person from impending disaster or even death: according to legend, cats have the ability to avert death from a person by sacrificing their lives.

The meaning of signs depending on the color

To more accurately interpret the reason for the arrival of a cat, it is important to pay attention to the color of her coat. It has long been believed that each color has a certain energy: positive or negative.

  1. Black. All dark colors, and especially black, are directly related to occult powers, protection. Putting aside various superstitions, it is worth noting that black cats protect their owners from negativity, endow them with wisdom and attentiveness to important details. The British are sure that the presence of such an animal in the house is an honor and a luxury. If a black pregnant cat has nailed to your doorstep, leave one kitten of the same color, and give the rest to good hands.
  2. Red cats carry male energy, so a chance acquaintance with a red cat can bring you well-being and material wealth. The color of the four-legged symbolizes imminent changes for the better.
  3. Gray fur symbolizes joy, good luck, harmony with your inner world. In Thailand, there is an ancient tradition according to which such a kitten is given to a young bride as a sign of sincere love and tenderness.
  4. According to the sign, white cats symbolize purity and health, so if an uninvited guest comes during an illness, this is a direct sign of a speedy recovery. The owners of white cats note that they fill them with vital energy, help to part with moral stress after prolonged stress.
  5. Cats with coats of three or more colors are recognized as hunters, so they will catch your happiness and hold it tightly in their paws.

Interpretation by month

In addition to the color of the cat, you need to pay attention to the time of year, as well as the month when an uninvited guest visited you. The meaning of the visit of the quadruped is broken down by month.

  1. January: at this time they come to lonely people who need warmth and care, but do not notice this, immersed in themselves. If a strange cat came to you in a cold January, it's time to call old friends and make an appointment. Do not forget to save the traveler from the cold by sheltering her at home.
  2. February: the visit portends imminent changes. Cats, and especially kittens, bring them into your life as early as possible at this time. Soon you will change your image, make a rearrangement, or go on an unplanned trip.
  3. March: In this month, March cats come along with stormy romances to all single people. If the four-legged visits you in the first spring month, the relationship cannot be avoided. Such a guest can bring passion and new colors to an existing relationship.
  4. April: the cat that came in April is full of strength and energy, so it will feed you with its vitality, inspire you to new achievements and successes. Despite the possible difficulties, vigorous activity will certainly bring good luck.
  5. May: This month, cats act as guardians of your material wealth. Their appearance indicates the loss of money, theft, an unsuccessful contract, a scam.
  6. June: the appearance of a strange cat at this time indicates the need for rest after a difficult academic, working year. Fluffy will help restore physical and moral strength, and in addition to this, it will save you from troubling acquaintances.
  7. July: according to the sign, July cats are medicine for the soul. Depression, diseases will disappear with the advent of the quadruped. Kittens that came to you in July will favorably affect the energy of your things, create comfort in your home.
  8. August: a cat that came to you at the end of summer will protect you from evil spirits, save your family from possible bad weather, and maintain an atmosphere of comfort and well-being.
  9. September: the cat that came at the beginning of autumn will be your protector not only from the negative environment, but also from yourself (fluffy will help drive away bad thoughts, self-doubt, stiffness, add courage). The arrival of such a guest speaks of the need to cleanse your home of unnecessary things, and your consciousness from thoughts that burden you.
  10. October: a kitten or a cat that came with the onset of the first cold weather wants to protect your family from danger. The appearance of a stranger speaks of the need to reconsider your immediate environment, to determine who values ​​you and who uses you for personal, selfish purposes. Acceptance of important financial solutions(signing a contract, applying for a loan, changing jobs) it is better to reschedule for another month.
  11. November: pay attention to your significant other. The appearance of a cat indicates possible difficulties in your personal life, try to devote more time to your partner in order to secure your relationship.
  12. December: pay attention to your relatives. They are in danger from the authorities or various groups.

In January, cats come to lonely people


The signs associated with cats originate in antiquity, the interpretation of their meanings depends on certain factors, therefore, if a cat has come to you, pay attention to what time the four-legged came, because the meaning of the signs is determined by months.

Don't forget to keep your attention on the coat color.

A situation that many people face is a cat came into the house. The sign associated with this event is of interest not only to owners of private buildings, but also to those who live in apartments. To believe in it or ignore it is a decision that each person makes independently. So, what does a stray animal promise to homeowners, if you rely on the opinion of our ancestors?

If the cat came to the house: a sign

It's no secret that the inhabitants ancient egypt deified these furry animals. The Egyptians believed that a four-legged pet was able to bring good luck and prosperity to the house. Of course, for this it is necessary to provide him with careful care, to ensure that all the needs of the cat are met in a timely manner.

Emphasized respect was enjoyed not only by animals permanently residing in the house, but also accidentally lost. Did the cat come to the house? A sign that has been preserved since ancient times commands a cordial welcome to the four-legged guest, as he brings good luck with him. The financial situation of the family will improve in the coming days, the household will forget about conflicts and swearing. In no case should you drive the beast away, since in this case luck will turn away from homeowners, troubles will fall on them.

The rescue

Did a random cat come into the house? The sign connects this not only with the joyful events that await homeowners. Every cat owner knows that if there are sick people in the house, the pet readily takes on the role of a “healer”, leans against the sore spot and “takes away” the discomfort. This is due to the ability of furry creatures to detect negative energy and fight it.

It is not surprising that popular rumor claims that not everything is in order in the family if a stray cat came into the house. The sign says that animals visit dwellings, the inhabitants of which are in dire need of help, salvation, are mired in problems. They absorb the negative energy that has settled in the room, as a result of which they “save” the people living in it. If a four-legged friend comes for a few days and then disappears, you can breathe a sigh of relief. This means that the cat has successfully averted future troubles.

Various signs

Why does a cat come to the house? The sign that connects this event with the birth of a new life has also existed for many centuries. It is great if the animal visits the home of people who have recently married. This indicates that there will be many healthy children in the family. If a four-legged friend visits a childless couple dreaming of an heir, you can also soon count on an addition to the family.

There is another ability that has been attributed to cats for centuries. Popular rumor claims that our furry friends know how to ward off death. It is strongly not recommended to drive away an animal if it enters a house where a seriously ill person lives. It is possible that the fluffy animal appeared only to avert trouble from him.

White and gray cats

Our ancestors did not doubt that the color of the animal matters. Let's say you come to the house. The sign that refers to this event does not order to drive away a random guest. It is highly likely that a fluffy pet appeared on the doorstep in order to cure the owners of serious illnesses. It is the inhabitants ancient world seen in the role of home healers, taking away bad energy.

What if the owner of a gray coat looks into a house or apartment? Gray cats are traditionally associated with peace and tranquility. The expectant mother must definitely leave such a guest in the room, as the pet will protect her from the evil eye, damage, and the machinations of evil spirits.

If the cat is black

Should I be worried if I came into the house? The sign claims that an animal with a black color visits a dwelling whose inhabitants need help and protection. It is possible that family members have dangerous enemies that can poison their lives. The appearance of a black pet will help avert trouble.

It's great if a black cat with white paws accidentally turns up in an apartment or house. This event should be regarded as a sign that life began to improve. In the coming days, someone from the household is expected to be promoted, and one can also hope for an increase in wages.

Red guests

It's great if the uninvited visitor to the house turned out to be. Since ancient times, animals endowed with a similar color have been associated with the sun. The owners can be sure that in the near future their life will be easy and joyful.

Also, red pets are able to appear in a room in which negative energy reigned. Thanks to such a visit, the clouds over the heads of the inhabitants of the house will soon dissipate, bad people go out of their sight.

Several color colors

Did the cat come to the house? A sign explaining the appearance of the owners of a multi-colored fur coat also exists. It is wonderful if such guests appear on the threshold of a house belonging to a lonely person. In the near future, the landlord will meet a soul mate, and marriage should not be ruled out.

Well-being in the family promises a similar visit to married couples. If the owner of a triple color (white, red and black) looked into the house, you can safely hope for luck in business. Any undertaking will be successful, bring profit and satisfaction.

Run or not

Suppose a strange cat came into the house. A sign that has been preserved since ancient times advises property owners not to drive the animal away. However, it is obvious that the plans of homeowners may not include acquiring a four-legged friend in the near future. Of course, in this case, you should not leave an uninvited guest in the house, create inconvenience for its inhabitants.

In such a situation, it is important how exactly the cat will be accepted in the house, how it will leave its walls. Be sure to greet a running furry friend, offer him food. Only after the animal is satiated, you can carefully take it out of the threshold, do not harm it. In this case, the luck that it brought with it is not in danger.

SIGN AND INTERPRETATION: A STRANGE CAT COMES INTO THE HOUSE 1 What does an unfamiliar cat come to the house 2 Black, white, red or tricolor 3 Why did the cat come to the door in difficult period 4 What if it is not possible to take the animal home ========================================= ============= According to the signs of many peoples, a cat that nailed to a person's dwelling entails a lot of good events. Therefore, it is not recommended to drive a four-legged guest, but it’s worth thinking about taking him home. If a fluffy tramp has chosen your apartment - this is not just like that, and how your business will go in the near future may depend on your attitude towards it. By driving the cat away or offending it, you can anger higher powers and bring trouble on yourself. The arrival of a strange cat to the door can portend various events, it is important to pay attention to both the color of the animal and its behavior. ------------ Why does an unfamiliar cat come to the house Many people who have been in situations when a completely unfamiliar cat comes to them wondered why she came and what she brought with her. In fact, she may have many reasons for this. A cat can come to your house just like that, feel the energy danger and save your household from trouble or ask for help - in any case, it never appears by chance. The signs of many peoples of the world say that with her she brings peace, prosperity and joy. The sign says that very often purrs are nailed to the house, the inhabitants of which are in danger, in order to save them and cleanse the living space from negative energy and evil attacks of ill-wishers. The foundling must be taken home, fed and given a good rest. The animal that settled in the apartment will protect you from evil and negativity. PAY ATTENTION TO THE COLOR: Black, white, red or tricolor Leaving the house or vice versa returning from work, you suddenly saw that a black, white, red or tricolor cat came to the threshold of your apartment - know that this guest is not accidental and came to you not just like that. The black cat is a harbinger of good news and joy. Give him shelter and warmth, and soon your life will change for the better, a series of good luck is coming in all undertakings and a favorable end to all old affairs. The best protection from evil spirits. --The coming red cat, in addition to solving money problems, promises a promotion or growth up the career ladder. Found red cat attracts good people, and repels people who wish evil to the household. ---White cat. It is always good when an animal chooses someone as its owner. It is we who act by chance and mood, the snow-white handsome man knew where his unmistakable instinct led! If you happen to find a white tramp on your doorstep, take him into the house - you will not regret it! Signs say that the family in which such an animal settles finds harmony and love. Quarrels subside, health is getting stronger, households are prospering ... And if a dark streak has dragged on in your life, after this event it should immediately begin to turn white. It’s even better if it arbitrarily beats itself to the house white kitten. Couples who have been trying for a long time and unsuccessfully to have children are often advised to take a little tramp of any color from the street: “where there is a kitten, there is a child.” But the white fluffy, among other things, will also become a personal amulet for the future baby, diligently hiding him from the effects of evil forces and purring a happy fate.

Tricolor cat. But a three-colored four-legged animal that has nailed down will bring happiness into your life. A tricolor cat of white color with black and red spots is the most generous for bringing good luck to the house. White means purity, black - protection from negative energy, red - symbolizes prosperity in the house and protects from ailments.

Why the cat came to the door during a difficult period Kittens nailed to the door are the same children, only fluffy, and if you plan to have a healthy and strong child, then take the baby to you. The signs of the ancient Egyptians say that helping our smaller brothers, we call on the powers of the Ancient Gods to help us. In India, as in Egypt, people believe that a nailed cat is a harbinger of a wedding or an imminent replenishment in the family. An adult cat or kitten snuggled up to your door when someone was very sick, it is recommended to pick up the animal. An old omen says that he came to help. The healing gift of cats has long been known, they are able to alleviate illnesses or even heal a person from an illness. Cats are excellent healers - they feel what exactly hurts the owner and immediately begin to treat him, lying down on the sore spot. The purring of a cat has magical properties, it calms and normalizes nervous system person. The cat ran into the house after someone's death, then special attention should be paid to this. Psychics recommend picking up a tramp and say that the dead person can thus make itself felt, psychologists also advise picking up a four-legged animal, since taking care of a new family member, a person will be distracted from his loss for a while. A four-legged creature ran into your room, then most likely, it has chosen you as its owner. Together with her, she brought news for you about imminent changes in your life. But what they will be - it's up to you. According to the ancient sign of the Slavs, if you leave a four-legged friend, then he will help you in many ways on an energy level, but if you drive the animal out, offend or hit, then you can cause the wrath of higher powers, and a black streak will come in your life. What if not opportunity to take the animal home. It happens that you would gladly take the animal to yourself, but now you do not have the opportunity to leave it for good. In this case, you can shelter him temporarily, and during the time that he is staying with you, find loving owners for him. You must be sure that you give the animal in good hands! In this way, you will help the creature find a family and do not spoil your karma. For you, this is a small good deed, and for a four-legged child, hope for a happy future, a warm home and caring owners. When you accidentally find a piteously meowing animal curled up in a ball or sitting importantly on the stairs, be sure to treat it with something tasty and pour a bowl of milk. Ask yourself if you are ready to let him into your life forever and take care of him. And remember, for you a four-legged friend is a page of life, and for him you are a whole life.

Black cat in the house: 7 interesting signs + 6 reasons to get this animal + 3 amazing stories.

When you see a black cat at a crossroads, do you run away to the next street so that, God forbid, it does not cross your path? Or vice versa - run after him to stroke this miracle Yudo, look into the magical beauty of his eyes and treat him to a sausage?

Be that as it may, black cats in the house are always a reason for the discussion “Is it worth getting an animal of this color?”. And there has been a dispute since time immemorial and on all continents ...

7 interesting signs and superstitions in different countries of the world when a black cat is in the house

  1. Medieval monks believed that it was in the form of black cats that demons came to them to tempt them. Hmm, strange, why not in the form of blond charmers, barrels of beer and silver cigarette cases?
  2. In Russia, it was believed that during a thunderstorm one should stay away from a black cat, since lightning could most likely hit it.
  3. Did you see a black cat coming from nowhere on the threshold of your house? Rejoice! This portends prosperity and wealth to the family. Just don't forget to feed this good herald some good old Whiskas.
  4. Everyone knows that the cat should enter the house first. But if you first launch a black chicken into a new home, and then a cat of the same color, then this, according to our ancestors, is guaranteed to save the house from thieves and robbers.
  5. In ancient times, it was believed that if you agree to give your black cat or cat to the unclean forces, then in return you will receive an unchangeable coin from them - the one with which you will pay, and it will again appear in your pocket.
  6. English brides are ready to kiss every black cat they meet on their wedding day, especially if the animal sneezes - this portends a long and happy marriage. It happens that they themselves ask the bridesmaids to throw them a black kitten.
  7. The Japanese also believe that a black cat met on the street is a have a good day. So do not rush to another street or wait for someone to pass ahead of you - trust the wise Asians. They went even further in Italy: for about 10 years they have been celebrating the Day of Protection of Black Cats, fighting superstitions.

Black cat in the house: 6 reasons to get this animal from modern esotericists

The current magicians and sorcerers are also advised to forget about their fears and prejudices about black cats in the house, because those:

  • Protect the home from negative magical influences.

    Yes, yes, precisely from those hypocritical neighbor aunts who, without batting an eyelid, will damage or make a lining. By the way, if your black cat in the house cannot stand one of the regular guests, this is a good reason to suspect the visitor of insincerity. Cats, you know, feel thinner than you and me.

    “Once I invited a friend to visit, and my black cat does not let her pass - hisses, rushes, it seems that she is about to scratch her eyes. Moreover, the animal is absolutely phlegmatic temperament. In general, we laughed and forgot.

    The next morning, I found that all my gold jewelry was gone, and my friend's phone was off, the apartment was closed. Well, how can this be called a coincidence? - Alena from Nikolaev asks her friends on the social network.

  • They will give additional strength to the magical rituals that will be carried out with them.

    Psychics claim that the energy field of a black cat helps to enhance the effect of a conspiracy or other rite.

IMPORTANT! At the same time, magicians believe that you cannot hold a black cat by force, for example, put it in a carrier and keep it there while you lay out the Tarot cards.

    A black cat in the house will help to deal with many "sores".

    Better mustachioed help with insomnia, overwork, depression, after surgical interventions- in a word, when you need to restore strength. This is explained by the fact that black color contributes to the accumulation of energy.

    Sometimes amazing things happen:

    When Nina was getting home from work in Kyiv, a thin black kitten ran after her - obviously a homeless child. It was raining outside, the woman took pity on the animal and took it with her.

    “The baby ate, got warm and sat on my lap when I started knitting. And after half an hour I felt bad - it pinched in my chest, I was out of breath. Must be the heart...

    The black kitten jumped on my shoulder. After a while, I felt better, I look - and my blackie is dead ... Probably, he took the hit himself, ”Nina said on one of the Internet forums.

  • In a house where there are black cats, things almost never go missing.
    These animals observe the master's good, contribute to its multiplication.
  • A black cat in the house helps the owners save money and solve material problems.

    The owners of these animals often notice that with the advent of a dark cat, their financial situation improves.
    Irina was given a black cat for her birthday. And the girl claims that from that very moment interesting things began to happen in her life:

    “I began to notice that I stopped spending money on nonsense (the fifth cup of coffee a day, the tenth nail polish, etc.), I began to earn money on my hobby - knitting, and I am slowly saving money for a vacation in Europe. In a word, life has become clearly more reasonable.
    It looks like the money magic of the dark cat has shown itself at 100%.

  • As a rule, in a house where there is a black cat, psychics are no longer needed: she herself will warn the owners of the danger.
    “It is worth paying attention if your pet began to behave nervously - running around the apartment, meowing, hissing, and especially lying on the threshold when you leave the house. Most likely, he warns you of some kind of danger. Better be careful" the mages say.

    I have been a happy owner of a black cat for five whole years now. And we have a complete idyll with her. But one morning, Camilla (that's the name of the animal) suddenly grabbed my arm with her claws for no reason. While "baking" the scratches with iodine, I was late for work and took a taxi.

    As I found out later, my bus had an accident that morning. So don’t believe then in the cat’s intuition, ”says the guy.

And such stories from real life- at least a dime a dozen, and some of them happened to great people.

What does a black cat bring into your house...?

Black cats in the house: 3 amazing stories from the life of the famous and famous

a) For a cat - both to prison and to the next world.

The King of England, Charles the First, was so doted on his black cat that he even assigned special guards to him.
The animal died a natural death, but the most surprising thing is that the day after his death, Karl was thrown into prison, and a little later he was executed.

b) Black day from a black cat.

Napoleon Bonaparte once claimed that he foresaw defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, because the day before he dreamed of a black cat. The emperor never liked cats, and he even perceived black as a symbol of misfortune.

c) We change the route, confuse the tracks ...

The black cat, a gift from the Dalai Lama himself, saved the life of the general secretary twice Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev.

For the first time, the animal was nervous before an attempt on a politician. Brezhnev noticed changes in the behavior of the cat and ordered to change the order of the cars in the cortege, which was supposed to go. 11 bullets were fired into the car, where, according to the attackers' calculations, the general secretary was supposed to go. The driver died on the spot.

The second time, when the cat was worried, Brezhnev stayed at home altogether and let the car go. As a result, she got into a terrible accident in which one person died.
Interestingly, the politician survived his mysterious pet by only a couple of months.

So do not be afraid if a black cat has settled in the house, and even more so - throw stones at them on the street. For those who give them their love, animals are ready to give a lot of positive emotions, and in some cases even protect them from life's hardships.

The main thing is to listen to your pet and your own intuition.

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