Text sermons for every day Spepair. Preface Charles Spephen - Gospel Preacher

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Preface Charles Spephen - Gospel Preacher

And reasonable will shine as the tidwish shine, and who fed many to the truth - like stars, forever forever.

For the foreseen of God, unusual people are born from time to time. Like the stars heaven, they burn, radiating the divine light and spreading the blessing of the Lord.

One of these people was the greatest Christian preacher Charles Gaddon Spephenn (1834-1892). He was born in the English city of Caldon. Shortly after birth in connection with family circumstances, the child was transported to the house to his grandfather, where he spent the first seven years of life. The second period of childhood Charles lived with his parents. His father was a preacher in the Methodist Church. It is known about this time that the boy studied in a rustic school, he read a lot and visited the liturgical collections. Distinguishing good physical development, he was fond of children's games and competitions.

In 1849, Ch. Spezheren left the parent house and entered the teacher to school John Saddhele in Newmarket. From that time, his life has changed radically: a period of spiritual quest has begun. Preaching Ch. Schjene "The Question of Christ" testifies to personal experience Search for communication with God and circulation.

"I remember that period of time when I was looking for God. Religious rituals and any external manifestation of faith seemed to me, thirsty, empty vessels, in which there were no drops of livic moisture ... One name filled my heart: Jesus! Jesus!" - It was subsequently shared by his experiences.

At the age of sixteen, Ch. Spephen began his ministry for the kingdom of God. As a Sunday School teacher, he acted so beneficially for children that he began to invite to preach at the meeting of Sunday Teachers. Later, Spephen moved to a private school in Cambridge. There, its activities in the preaching of the Word of God expanded. In the vicinity of Cambridge, there were twenty-three communities, which did not have preachers and were serviced by self-taught. Seventeen-year-old Spephen joined these enthusiasts. The Lord wonderfully blessed his work. All loved the new minister of the word. The young admittory was taken out of one village to another, and the people followed him by the crowds.

There were no years of such activities as an eighteen-year-old young man who did not have theological education, invited a mentor to one of the communities in Welbich. Spephenge took this proposal, but he did not leave school in Cambridge. The fruits of his sermon in Cambridge were beautiful. Every Sunday, many people who awakened by the Word of God swore and appealed to the Lord. As a result, in eighteen months, the community increased so much that the room could no longer hold everyone wishing to listen to the Word of God. Father Scheden, who has convinced that his son really has the vocation and gift of the preacher, advised him to enter the Baptist seminary to get an education and become pastor. But Spephen did not want to sacrifice the ministry to the Lord and decided to continue studying at the School of Holy Spirit, which was still his teacher. Father, mother and his loved ones considered this act of a young preacher not only as a mistake, but also as a neglect of their advice. But Ch. Spephen remained obedient to the Lord and continued the ministry.

The news of the sperm reached London, and the leadership of one of the oldest church of Christian Baptists in New Bocstrite decided to invite him as a pastor and offered him to read trial sermons. She arrived in London in 1853 and said the sermon who had such a success that in a few weeks the prayer house previously visited by two members of the church was crowded. The voices of those who still insisted on their education, not trusting his youth, Smallkley. Everyone was unanimously decided to put Spiten on this ministry. After a few months, the expanded house of prayer began to be small again. Representatives of the community decided to postpone the meetings to the largest hall of the city - in Emeiderhalle. And what? This huge room on Sundays in the morning and in the evening was also overcrowded to listen to the Word of God. Some experienced, having the formation of pastors with disbelief looked at the arrival of a young preacher who in a short time Drew the attention of such a large audience.

However, soon and this room no longer accompanied the listeners. After long discussions and searches, a large concert hall was found in the southern part of the city, which accommodate up to twelve thousand people. Will this room fill? The first sermon was to take place on October 19, 1856, which was announced publicly. And what? By the beginning of the meeting, the hall was crowded. But, unfortunately, there was no envy and demonstration of ill-wishers. During the preaching suddenly someone's cry was heard: "Fire! Fire!" And although the fire was not visible, panic began, everyone rushed to the exit. From a strong head, the upper gallery collapsed. As a result, many died and injured. This tragedy caused inexpressible suffering to the young preacher. Deeply shocked what happened, he fell ill. Many thought the catastrophe for a long time to cool the dust of visitors. But three weeks after the hall was put in order and he recovered, the sermon was appointed. How blessed was this meeting! The hall was again crowded. Since then, he held a meeting there every morning on Sundays, they were collected from ten to twelve thousands of listeners. In the evenings, he preached in a prayer house for members of his church.

Many had to undergo the servant of God from ill-wishers. He met envy, ridicule, slander not only on the side of irreversible, but, which is sad, and from some believers.

In his preaching ministry, he was not limited to London. He traveled throughout England and Scotland. From everywhere, the famous preacher received invitations, so that it usually preached at least two times a day. Hundreds of thousands of souls turned through these sermons to Christ. The life of Ch. Scheden was entirely given to the cause of God. When he preached, thousands of people listening to his inspired word, felt the treachery of the Holy Spirit.

But Charles Sperpex was not only a great preacher, but also an extremely gifted spiritual writer. The rare gift of spiritual vision did it sermons with bright and figurative; In them, deep spiritual truths were enjoyed in an excellent and affordable form. Charles Scheden can be called the John Zlatoust of the XIX century. Fullness of life in Christ, delicate taste, skill figuratively thinking, the ability to clearly see spiritual truths relatives to these wonderful lights of the Christian church who lived in such different time. Examples, comparisons, adjacent, taken from the life of the world around the world for explanation biblical truthsmay be appreciated not only by writers, poets, painters, composers, but also simple peopleloving nature. Templedy's eye and the sensitive heart of the Great Preacher acutely caught the presence of God in all of nature.

"Nature is a body of a tremendous value. But the organist is not visible at the instrument, and the world does not know how such majestic music is born. All the seasons are equally beautiful for the one who learned to see the hand of the Creator in all life paths who accepted the gift of grace in their heart and glorify the day of his revival. There is no stone, no insect, nor reptile, nor dry sticks, who would not encourage a person to praise God, if his soul is imbued with the consciousness of his omnipresents, "such words said Surperen in one of his sermons.

The musicality of speech and the sophistication of the shape of the sermons of Spegene was combined with deep penetration into the caches of the human soul. As a true preacher of the Gospel, he led a fierce struggle with sin and mercilessly decumbeded ulcers and vices, poisoning a man's soul. At the same time, he sincerely loved people and urged them to turn to Christ, Savior of sinners, and get salvation and sanctification from him. When you read the works Speense, the soul calls: "Lord! Consecrate and clean me! " And all our creature covers the holy desire to widerly reveal the heart to the Lord.

Charles Sperpex was also a talented teacher, a mentor of preachers. His famous book "Good Tips for the Preachers of the Gospel" is one of the best tutorials on Homiletics. Each lecture is a spiritual work. Characteristic for the method of Spepair is the absence of dry morality, cold Academism, distracted reasoning. Live strap thought fills each line. The author does not speak from the height of his position, but leads a relaxed conversation, an inspired conversation with brothers in faith about the most important and difficult ministry - the preaching of the Gospel. The head of Spephen put the godly life of the preacher. He belongs to the statement that the preacher of grace Christ must first be worthy of her. This is very simple and at the same time important truth. Neither the scholarship nor the formation can replace the divine calling to evangelism. Holy life in God is the indispensable condition for success.

Particularly amazed by the fact that shepherd, possessing an unusual gift of the word and the comprehensive knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, being an extremely well-valid man, with amazing thoroughness and diligence prepared for each sermon. "I confess that I often sit for a whole clock, praying and pondering the topic of sermon, the main items, I make a plan," he frankly shared his experience on the sermon.

The servants of the Church, especially young preachers, should get acquainted with the spiritual heritage of Charles Skjene. Studying it, they will find a lot of useful there. Before going to the department, it advises the spurious, it should be held as much time as possible in a secluded prayer to ask the Lord the topic of future sermons, and then carefully develop it. When performing this basic condition, the sermon will be free from unnecessary general reasoning and stamped speech revolutions, each word will carry a wise thought, every thought will be a logical link in the chain of arguments.

It is known that Charles Speense critically treated the theologians, which were overly carried away by the interpretation of complex prophetic sacrifices. One all-consuming desire was moving to them - salvation of a shower for Christ. "Save at least one soul from death," he said in lectures for students, - more enlightenment, rather than earn a title in theological debates. Who is true and conscientiously reveals the greatness and glory of Jesus Christ, this will begin this for a great merit than who penetrates the secrets of the apocalypse. Blesively ministry of the preacher, fully filled with Christ. "

The man of a big and subtle mind, wide views, pure gospel life, the deep spirituality of Charles Spegor, was free from manifestations of narrow and fanaticism. "By purchasing a famous spiritual experience," he writes, "we cease to give importance to the difference in religion, in the names, ways of manifestation of spiritual life ... We change when we visit the desire to seek Christ, wherever he is. And finding it, serve him. Then, by the grace of God, Werpeterpotion disappears in us. "

In many countries, Ch. Scheden is fairly called the "king of preachers". It is said that there is no verse in the Bible, which he would not reveal in his sermons. His sermons were published in forty volumes. Overactions Spepair make up a large library, to read the years.

These are the powerful force and charm of this preacher.

Preaching Ch. Scheden for young people, the basis of which he took the words of Psalm: "Oh, Lord! .. I am the slave of your and son's slave; You allowed my bonds "(Ps. 115; 7) was a spiritual testament to young people looking for the highest good. "The ministry of God is so blissfully and fine," he testified, "that I would wish to die by doing it." When we accept this ministry, we want our sons and daughters to enter it.

Our constant desire is the desire that our house is afraid of the Lord and served him. "

Only fifty eight years lived Ch. Spephen on this earth. In 1892, the Lord recalled his servant to the eternal abode. He died surrounded by close and friends. Until the last minute with him was his faithful wife and friend. Throughout his life, she promoted a lot of sperm in his blessed preaching ministry.

The funeral of Ch. Scheden was poured into a grand march. Mourning procession stretched a few kilometers. Instead of wreaths on the coffin lid lay his big bible, opened on the forty-fifth chapter of the Book of the Prophet of Ezekiel, from which he preached for the last time. On the gravestone monument were drawn words: "I would face a good kind, the course did, I retained faith; And now the crown of the truth is preparing to me ... "(2 Tim. 4; 7-8).

For a long time, the great herald of Truth, Charles Gaddon, was left of the life, but the word of the truth, which he announced, sounds and today from the pages of beautiful books left to them.

It is not difficult to understand what makes the preaching of Charles Skjene such popular. The mystery of his success lies not only in his talent, but is primarily due to the fact that in him the spirit of Jesus Christ.

Spepheng could say with the Apostle Paul: ".. Goro to me, if not gone!" (1 Cor. 9:16). He preached the gospel because it was called upon to awaken the hearts of people to the truth, to announce the insensited wealth of Christ. And we can thank the Lord for his work (Gal. 1:24).

There are many preachers of truth, but among them there are names known to everyone. So Charles Spernhen won respect in England XIX century and is still known. The wisdom expressed in the sermons of Charles Spejene leaves no indifferent and makes it return to his books. His works were taken by 60 volumes. Charles Sperpev collected more than 23 thousand people in the ministries and became known as the "king of preachers". How could he achieve this? Where did you take wisdom and courage to speak directly and openly?

We will try together together to figure out the secret of the vital wisdom and the forces of Charles Scheden and we will be able to summarize everything, based on 3 key issues:

1) Fruit during life

2) fruit after life

3) Personal life / Inner harmony.

The first years of Charles Skjene

Charles Gaddon Spephenza was born on February 1, 1834 in English Essex County. Grew in the family of grandfather, who was pastor in a small village, but was successful in the preaching of the Gospel. Charles from an early age showed its leadership. The cerebral family was still younger children James Archer and two sisters Eliza and Emilia. Charles Spephen has already played a worship in childhood, when he preached from the hill, and the younger children of the family listened to him. He originally loved to read. Already at six years I could clearly and with intonation to pronounce texts when other children were not at least. The favorite books of Charles were the "Book of Martyrs" Fox and Bunyan Books. Reading was the most favorite occupation, although in other sciences he was also successful. Mother took part in the upbringing of children, she read Scripture and prayed sincerely for children and together with children. She left a deep imprint on their personalities with his love and the fact that he laid the right foundation. From the discussions of the Father's friends, Surperen heard many arguments "for" and "against" in the main issues of Christianity.

Prophecy about the life of Charles Skjene

Once a missionary Richard Nill visited the church was invited to the church, who seemed like a boy reading Scripture, his talent and ability, taking a child to his hands proclaimed that Charles Speense would be a preacher for large number There will be even one day to preach people in the largest church of England - Ronalda Hila. Now it seems such a proclamation natural, but only a person leading to God's revelation could sound this to the child. In turn, he was looking forward, the code he could start preaching.

Spephen really showed excellent mental abilities. Regardless of school or teachers. He could calculate the formula for one of the companies that used it later for another 50 years. His favorite spent time was reading books, all other classes are peculiar to the guys, he was not attracted, although he knew a lot about them.

Charles Spithene

Before appealing Scheden, it was a long reflection and search for salvation, understanding and awareness of life. He fully understood his sinfulness, although he never applied bad words and desecration in his life. The awareness of sinfulness constantly pursued him. Bogworm thoughts began to appear, the temptation to reject God and recognize himself with a free man. So Charles suffered for a while for one day he walked into the church and since there was a blizzard that turned into the alley, where he found the Methodist church. The preacher was absent and the department was a thin man, resembling a shoemaker or tailor. His sermon was not long, but was effective. Words were simple, but capacious. The preacher said: "Contact me, and you will be saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am God, and there is no other" (IS.45: 22). The person behind the department did not always even pronounced the words, but at the moment it did not matter. He called for one: "take a look at Jesus." The bottom line is that everyone can take a look and for this there is no need to have an education, to be adults, do something. It is just important to "look" and you should not wait for something. Just look at Christ, not on yourself because there is no something special for confidence, but on Christ. It was Jesus now says that sweat with his blood is dripping with him, he hangs on the cross, he is resurrected, it is he sits the sides of God. Jesus says: "Poor sinner, look at me!". The preaching saw the fifteen-year-old Spepair and pointing to him with his finger, said that the guy had an accident and would be unhappy and in life and death, unless he would notice right now said the word. The words that heard on the day were deeply touched him. He finally saw the road to salvation. Prior to this, it seemed that you need to make a lot of work, and the words "Look" opened the way and made free. Spephen has gained a simple faith with which he sang and shook. As he himself said: "Oh, I began to look and look, so, it seems, I have already won all my eyes." Natives immediately noticed a change in Charles, and he gladly told his testimony. Surperen sincerely and deeply loved Christ and was looking for all my heart how to serve him.

Dedication to Charles Scheden

Charles, with all his heart, was devoted to God that even concluded with him the covenant trusting himself entirely to the Lord. Spephen discovered for himself that baptism should only be in adulthood, by faith. This position contradicted the views of his church and the views of relatives, but the mood of Charles opened his way to the Baptist Church, where Pastor V.V. Cantlow agreed to the shirt. The day of baptism on May 3, 1850 became an unforgettable event for Spepair. It seemed to him that during the baptism of him watched the whole world and paradise and hell. He buried all the fears there in the river and gained confidence and was bold. Spepheno has already trusted to lead a common prayer and on this day many were touched to the tears of the true and sincerity of his words. Spephenge began to lead the Sunday School class, further to contact the whole school and constantly grow, as he had a spectrary talent. He did not stop at this, he visited about 70 people on a certain day distributing treatises and wishing with all his heart to rescue at least one soul. In his speeches, Spephen sought to say how dying with dying to convey the main thing.

Beginning of the sermon Charles Schjene

One day, Sperpezheno offered to help inexperienced preacher in the village. On the way there, Spezhenchens encouraged his companion, which heard that Charles himself would be preached. I was surprised, but it was useless to object. Thus took place the first sermon Charles Spithene for simple peasants and their families. The inspiration was very strong, the locals asked to come to them once again possible. She was glad, because it was the desire of his heart to serve in this way. He was only 16 years old and it surprised people, he was internally mature and wisely with a good sense of humor, how many years he had answered the question: "No longer sixty." Now he began to regularly visit various villages and preach, and at that time he lived in Cambridge. Probably it is impossible to overestimate the work of Scheden and his love for people, he walked eight miles into any weather on the fields with a lantern illuminating the way to herself, singing the hymn and reflecting on the word. Yes, they were noted and ridiculous moments in his early work, but in this he got a lot of experience. Father wished the arrival of his son to the Biblical College, but due to the fact that God could not get to a certain person, as he believed he said, retained him from unnecessary things. After one sermon in Waterbitch Spepair asked to become a pastor there in 1851. The church of 40 people rose to 400, almost ceased drunkenness and other sins, during the pastorism of Scheden. Over Charles, older preachers were mocked, but God and here revealed her wisdom through the charles' retaliatory words and made him pastor in the London Baptist Church on New Park Street.

Church in London and Charles Spephen

Before the start of the speech in London, Charles felt lonely. This was promoted by comments, talk about other shepherds, a big city, an uncomfortable room, where he was settled, the lack of friends. But only he began behind the department - immediately became interested in his favorite thing. The main essence of his preaching was the words: "Every gift is good and every gift perfectly descends over, from the father of the lights." His sincerity and God's truth attracted everyone. Nobody remained indifferent. Very soon, he became a pastor in this church with a trial period, but the trial period was removed. Thus, in 19 years, in 1854, he headed the church in the capital of England.

The strength of the prayer Spepair was big. It was through his prayers that many came to salvation, new ministries were opened. Charles left the formalness in circulation to God and asked himself praying for himself.

Soon the church became close to everyone. People stood in the aisles and on the street. People thousands could not enter the hall. Spephenzhe searched other possibilities and assembly of steel is carried out in the Exeter Hall, which was calculated on 4,000 seats and 1000 standing. And all the same, this amount was small. He sincerely loved people, devoted a lot of time visiting patients during the cholera epidemic, buried the dead and supported their relatives. Surperen himself almost fell ill, but used verse from PS. 90: 9-10 "For you said:" The Lord - Hope My "; The Most High elected you by your refuge. Do not happen evil, and ulcers will not get closer to your dwelling. "

Marriage Charles Scheden

Spephegus was not interested in girls for a long time, because it was completely focused on the ministry, preaching and communion preparations with parishioners. But once God's hand reduced him with Suzana Thompson. They were often visiting the same family. A little later, Charles sent her a gift - the book of the Bunyan "Journey of Pilgrima", wishing her successful life travel. During one walk with friends, when opening a crystal palace, they were together. Spephen asked his companion if she prays about his chosen one. The words excited the girl, but she could not answer. Then they walked together and a few months later, when Suzanna strengthened spiritually and adopted baptism, Charles made her an offer. Many discussed the engagement of Spepair. But he himself did not pay attention to it. Charles was very focused on his ministry, which could not even pay due attention to his bride at general meetings. But when they got married, there were no better than their respective friend people. Their marriage was really happy.

The ministry of Charles Scheden

The attitude towards the sperm was different, from admiration for wisdom in his early age, Before humiliating and attacks reporters. Newspaper headlines began to transfer gossip and mockery to Scheden. But he patiently endured everything. Almost every step is criticized. It was seen too young age for sermons, arrogance, other glances for theological issues. Then because of the next attacks, they were banned in the old hall and it was necessary to quickly organize ministry in another. So began to plan a ministry in the hall for 10,000 people. There was a lot of doubt, but decided. The ministry was scheduled for October 19, 1856. As a result, when the prayer of Spegen began an incident. Someone shouted that the fire began, someone that the balcony was collapsed, the people began, people fell from the balcony, part of the crowd rushed into the street, Topcha others on their way. Sperpex was very upset. He recovered 7 days. But soon he continued his work, starting with the fact that the fund assistance was organized. The interest of newspapers events and the constant discussion of the personality of Specien, let not from the best motives, only raised his rating and interest in his personality. Charles had to move to his church building, which was much smaller. God did his ministry glorious. The word that was said from the department was wise. Charles could quote the Scriptures from any Bible book, had a sense of humor and loved people. In his 22 years he had encyclopedic knowledge and read several thousand volumes. He could gently turn to the heart itself and immediately loudly call for the salvation of those present. Always prayed from the heart and people did not know what they were baked with genuine love.

Construction of the New Church of Charles Skjene

About three years old Spephen conducted morning meetings in Sari Gardens Music Hall, and evening in New Park Street, although the hall was crowded. Spephen worked without stopping, and God blessed. After two years spent in London, Spephen began to develop a plan for the construction of a large church building. The construction site was chosen in the busy part of the city, in the south of Thames, the junction of three highways. The building was planned for 3,600 seats and the ability to arrange another 2000 standing guests. The name was chosen "Metropolitan Tabernacle".

Since in India, the opposition began in the colonies of England, then the sirept was given the opportunity to speak in front of humility. The speech took place in the Crystal Palace and it was necessary to talk without any voices amplifiers. So he spoke to 23,654 gathered. At that time it was the biggest collection of people who listened to the word indoors. In the words of Scheden was condemnation towards England and its colonial policy. He said that the people elevates righteousness. Here was a collected donation for those who suffered during the uprising. The performance is so strongly exhausted Schjene, that he continuously slept a day and a half. Gradually saturated with events, the schedule began to affect the health of the minister. A month after one of the journeys, Spephen could not work. Further, recovering him with his father and other ministers laid the Bible in the clay jug in the foundation of the new church on August 15, 1859. The sirep decided that for the construction of the house of God should not be made in the debt of money. Thus began to come finances from different sources, in response to prayers. Spephenzhe spoke outdoor against slavery in the United States, after which he was canceled by an invitation where financial assistance could have been on construction and even forbidden the seal of the sermons of Spepair. But it did not shake his devotion to the truth. The income from sales of his sermons was at home was the help in a financial issue. The first Sunday worship in the metropolitan Tabernacle took place on March 31, 1861.

Fruits of work Charles Scheden

At twenty-six years, Spephen saw the growth of his people listening to his people in London with 80 people up to 6000 or more. He built the largest non-conformist church in the world. All this was joy for Charles, but most of all he appreciated the fact that the church has its own building, and it will become a house for many people who will be spiritually eating here and worries, invite new people to take truth.

The new church numbered the number of seats 3600, as well as the spare 1000 and 1000 for standing. Spephen on the basis of experience has already considered different paths of evacuation in case of emergency situations. The result of Labor Scheden was colossal when he became pastor of this church there was about 313 members, active were less than 100, and now 2000 people.

Preparation of servants Charles Spephen

The next project Scheden was the preparation of new ministers. He found a man who was able to head Pastoral College -Jaordge Rogers, who prayed for his vocation - prepare the brothers to ministry. It all started with the house of Rogers, where students lived and studied. Spephen financed everything, selling his sermons. When the number of students increased, the training classes were transferred to the church building on New Park Street, and they lived with members of the church. The purpose of learning was to develop preaching skills in students.

New edition and other Spepair ministries

Since 1865, a monthly magazine "Sudu End Touruel" ("Sword and Stretch") was published. This is one of the important moments of Scheden. The key thought of the publication was as follows: "The chronicle of the fight against sin and labor for the Lord." Here it was said about the work, conducted in the church and defended the key tricks and orders.

Sperpex firmly defended the position that everyone needs to be baptized in adulthood, not in infancy, by faith, and not bringing it.

The ministry of Pistoshos, who distributed the Bible and carried the Gospel was organized. All his work delivered him joy. This ministry accompanied many stories of salvation and repentance, finding joy and freedom.

6 years after the construction and constant use of the building, the Tabernacle Walls were burned and repairs requiring the order of the month at this time the church conducted meetings in Agrikalchural Hall (Agricultural Hall). Although the hall was absolutely not intended for such events due to acoustics, but Spephen decided to set about 15,000 chairs there. Many doubted it. But people in the ministry came about 20,000.

Spephen also traveled a lot. All that neither did Speense was successful. Only himself, because of the exorbitant load began to suffer from diseases. At 37 years in 1867, at the time he was chained to bed. He had a surge, which led him to nervous exhaustion. Charles recovered and again entered the usual rhythm. But it opened here new disease Rheumatic gout, which accompanied him to death.

And again he returned to cases and took up a new project - construction of the House of Mercy. It included seventeen small houses. The elderly widows lived there were provided to everyone. Nearby is a school for 400 children who could not pay training. Nearby was the director's house. And on the other hand, Miss Hiliard's orphans were built, which made 20,000 pounds on the children's shelter, absolutely not knowing Spithene, and became the answer to the prayers about the project. Even here, he constantly attended children and everyone knew by name, had a penny for them. Ego love did not cost anyone.

Difficult period Family Charles Scheden

Since 1860, the Spegen's family had a difficult period. He himself wrote Speense: "None of the living knows what the burden of work and worries I have to carry. ... I have to watch the orphanage, I have a responsibility for the church with four thousand members, from time to time you have to make marriage and burial, I need to edit Weekly sermon, publish the magazine "Suduord End Touruel", answer an average of five letters every week ... But it is only half of my duties ... "And this is not the whole house of mercy, school and college, literary work And the sermon is about ten times a week. I became open with assistants: Brother James, another secretary, an assistant editor in the newspaper's publication. All this little facilitated the work of Scheden.

Charles abandoned the trip to America because of his views on the fee, which he was offered (1,000 dollars) and was able to be with his wife, which got sick during this period. His spouse suffered an operation, but still, despite the successful outcome, it remained to some extent disabled. Returning home she saw that the spouse had changed a lot to her need, trying to take care of her as much as possible. Up to the fact that the house was hot and cold water, Rare luxury in those days. He himself sigurized and did not participate in the ministries for some time because there was a slightly with an abscess and suffered from gout so that he fell into depression. I could not preach for 7 weeks. To restore Charles headed to Italy, but the wife could not accompany him, which caused them pain. Letters of the spouse wrote each other every day. In the life of the cerebrals in the 1870s, there were a lot of sorrows, but there were also joy. So their sons were baptized and in their 18 years began to preach.

Wife Charles Scharian

Charles wrote: "The reader may be difficult to imagine that the newsletter represents books, but I will say the following: - Such a good manager, how my wife is, has more than 6,000 addresses in his lists, and, nevertheless, she remembers Who someone sent from the first day and today. In her work there is no confusion, everything is done with the accuracy of the hourly mechanism and at the same time - with a great desire to deliver the joy to their recipients and not boring those interested in guidance of unnecessary references. " The recipients were pastors from different denominations. Books applied for free. People donated and the ministry applied. It all started with the economies of home finance and personal prompting Szanne Speense. She distributed 100 copies of Scheden treatises for her money. So she was distracted from his illness and received joy from work that led. Suzanne wrote a few books and received his fee what was happy. She was a sincere and good man, open for God.

Restoration Scheden

After a long illness and five months of lack of gear, it became more careful about their health. In the summer he went for two weeks in Scotland and stayed by a good friend of Christian. And in the winter rested about a month in Menton in the south of France, where it was well restored due to climate and did the vigor of the spirit.

In 1879 there was a 25-year-old anniversary of Spepair ministry in London. To some extent, recovering Charles returned to the ministry and held a celebration on the occasion of an anniversary. It was a joyful time. Even Susanna was able to attend the church for a long time.

One of the friends of Spepair became D.L. Moody, the American evangelist, to whom Charles entrusted to act in the church in the ministry.

Person of Charles Scheden

The most important grounds in Scheden's life, which led him to success were:

1. Before God. Dedication.

2.Molyteva, as an integral part of the ministry.

3. Liability to what is happening and other people.

4.Other to Lord and the responsibility of the burden of burden for serving on themselves.

5. Genderness, despite the periods of depression.

Spephenhen had literary talent and often received evidence with gratitude for his work.

New Treaty and Charles Spephen

In 1859, Darwin was published - "the origin of species". There, God's creation of the world was denied, was mentioned about the accidental creation and the existence of God was rejected. Even among believers, a new interpretation of the Bible appeared, which raised dates, miracles, authorship and reduced everything to the fact that this is a human work. Spephen Ryano defended spiritual truths, not looking at the face. He came out of the Union of Baptists.

Last years Charles Spepair

Once, Charles Spearly, being in Menton fell from the stone staircase and badly hurt. His cane slipped on a marble step and a fairly heavy charles fell. He was absent at home for two months, and returned was warmly met a huge crowd of the people. And soon, he returned to his usual rhythm. His passion was the salvation of the shower.

In 1891, he was a little recovered after the next disease, he was at the annual members of the meeting, where the last time he participated in solving the issues of the Church. According to the report: the number of members of the Church was 5328 people, 127 servants worked, 23 missionary points were maintained, 27 Sunday schools worked where there were 600 teachers and 8,000 students.

In itself, he understood that there was little time, but still decided to visit Stamborn's hometown, although he was forbidden. He really returned very weak. His health has only worsened. Further, moving to Menton with neighbors in October 1891. Here the climate allowed him to recover a little to end its work and worries outdoors.

The completion of Scheden's ministry was speaking with speech in hotel room Friends in New Year's morning. On January 31, 1892, Charles Spearly left this world to be with Christ.

Serving church today

For many, Tabernacle church was the center of their lives. Their world was transformed, gave salvation from sin, joy. They were with great respect to the sperm, which did everything possible for the prosperity of the Church.

In 1898 there was a fire from which the building of the Church was collapsed. Many changed pastors and the church fell into decline. Among them were originally brother and son of Charles Scheden. At some point in the ministry attended a couple of hundreds of people. Only in 1970, the Pastor of the Church became dr. Peter Masters, who followed the views of Spepair and its principles. He resumed the publication of Sudu End Touruel, work with respect to spiritual employees and children. Theology of Spegen was revived, wanting to preach the truth.

Interesting Facts:

- Another child Charles firmly defended the principles of morality. So, having heard that one of the parishhes of the Santa church has gained in the tavern, the young nephery came to the beer hall and implied him there. Thomas Roudz was extremely touched by the fact that the child did it: "What are you here, Elijah? You sit here among the wicked people, but you are a member of the church! You wound the heart of your pastor. I am ashamed of you! I would not hurt my pastor's heart, I'm sure of that. " Having said it, he left ... The parishioner left his bad habits and returned to church

- To write work Commenting and commentaries (notes and comments), he looked at three or four thousand volumes of various books.

- Before the speech in the palace, he decided to check the acoustics in the palace (it was necessary to talk before 20 thousand people without amplifiers). He said: "Here is the Lamb of God, who takes on the sin of the world." After that, the employee is far in the building said it was a call to rescue his soul.

- In fifteen years, the essay was written for 295 pages - "exposing the papacy".

- Spephen wrote about five hundred letters every week. I wrote myself without someone's help, Feather.


- "Who can prevent a person if he moves the sky itself? Who can prevent him from him if God touched him? "

- "Pay attention to how God's Providence directed our life this year, - and you will clearly see His hand in all that other people call a simple accident. God, who gives the world around the world, in his wide heart and mind finds a place also for you ... Anyone who knows the number of hair on our head and keeps us as an eye of his own, did not forget you, he continues to love you eternal love. Until the mountains were shifted and the hills did not move, we, his people, can be sure of their safety. "

- "I was driving and reflected on the road:" How much I would have wanted my life to be spent to light my souls - one after another - the sacred fire of eternal life! I would like to stay, if possible, unnoticed, doing this, and I would like to dissolve in the eternal light of Heaven, when I finish my work. "

Summing up, back to three key issues:

  • Fruit during life - the whole contribution of Spepair can not be indicated in several sentences. He worked in preaching, edition, communicating with people, organizing training for pastors, built churches and housing for those who need, answered letters and much more. He did what was valuable initially, he distributed the truth of God's Word.
  • Fruit after life is all the legacy that is listed above. His affairs are value for eternity and therefore we are still returning to the works of the sincere and wise preacher of the XIX century.
  • Personal life / Inner harmony - All Spegen's ministry. It was his passion and joy. He could not remain sick for a long time, constantly returned to his works, through which became a blessing for thousands, showing love.

What I wanted to convey in this article is so admiration. I read out the history of the life of Charles Spegen. That is why I wanted to specify more facts and stories about him. The only one who occurs in the heart is to read his books.

You understand that as people we sometimes lose time wasted, "we kill time", loose, and another due to illness or for a different reason, it is catastrophically lacking for the implementation of ideas, what will be important and after 10-20 years and in the most Eternity. How it is important to appreciate the life that we have now. Someone, having everything (strength, time, health, money) spends them into an empty, and someone at the price of a dedicated life serves others and has a meaningful and happy life. It is important to love, be useful where we are, to appreciate what is, and God will be able to do what is significant.

For the foreseen of God, unusual people are born from time to time. Like the stars heaven, they burn, radiating the divine light and spreading the blessing of the Lord.

One of these people was the greatest Christian preacher Charles Gaddon Speense (1834-1892). At the age of sixteen, Ch. Spephen began his ministry for the kingdom of God. As a Sunday School teacher, he acted so beneficially for children that he began to invite to preach at the meeting of Sunday Teachers. Later, Spephen moved to a private school in Cambridge. There, its activities in the preaching of the Word of God expanded. In the vicinity of Cambridge, there were twenty-three communities, which did not have preachers and were serviced by self-taught. Seventeen-year-old Spephen joined these enthusiasts. The Lord wonderfully blessed his work. All loved the new minister of the word. The young admittory was taken out of one village to another, and the people followed him by the crowds.

For the foreseen of God, unusual people are born from time to time. Like the stars heaven, they burn, radiating the divine light and spreading the blessing of the Lord.

One of these people was the greatest Christian preacher Charles Gaddon Speense (1834-1892) . He was born in the English city of Caldon. Shortly after birth in connection with family circumstances, the child was transported to the house to his grandfather, where he spent the first seven years of life. The second period of childhood Charles lived with his parents. His father was a preacher in the Methodist Church. It is known about this time that the boy studied in a rustic school, he read a lot and visited the liturgical collections. Distinguishing good physical development, he was fond of children's games and competitions.

In 1849, Ch. Spezheren left the parent house and entered the teacher to school John Saddhele in Newmarket. From that time, his life has changed radically: a period of spiritual quest has begun. The preaching of Ch. Schjene "The Question of Christ" testifies to the personal experience of finding communication with God and appeal.

"I remember that period of time when I was looking for God. Religious rituals and any external manifestation of faith seemed to me, thirsty, empty vessels, in which there were no drops of livic moisture ... One name filled my heart: Jesus! Jesus!" - It was subsequently shared by his experiences.

At the age of sixteen, Ch. Spephen began his ministry for the kingdom of God. As a Sunday School teacher, he acted so beneficially for children that he began to invite to preach at the meeting of Sunday Teachers. Later, Spephen moved to a private school in Cambridge. There, its activities in the preaching of the Word of God expanded. In the vicinity of Cambridge, there were twenty-three communities, which did not have preachers and were serviced by self-taught. Seventeen-year-old Spephen joined these enthusiasts. The Lord wonderfully blessed his work. All loved the new minister of the word. The young admittory was taken out of one village to another, and the people followed him by the crowds.

There were no years of such activities as an eighteen-year-old young man who did not have theological education, invited a mentor to one of the communities in Welbich. Spephenge took this proposal, but he did not leave school in Cambridge. The fruits of his sermon in Cambridge were beautiful. Every Sunday, many people who awakened by the Word of God swore and appealed to the Lord. As a result, in eighteen months, the community increased so much that the room could no longer hold everyone wishing to listen to the Word of God. Father Scheden, who has convinced that his son really has the vocation and gift of the preacher, advised him to enter the Baptist seminary to get an education and become pastor. But Spephen did not want to sacrifice the ministry to the Lord and decided to continue studying at the School of Holy Spirit, which was still his teacher. Father, mother and his loved ones considered this act of a young preacher not only as a mistake, but also as a neglect of their advice. But Ch. Spephen remained obedient to the Lord and continued the ministry.

The news of the sperm reached London, and the leadership of one of the oldest church of Christian Baptists in New Bocstrite decided to invite him as a pastor and offered him to read trial sermons. She arrived in London in 1853 and said the sermon who had such a success that in a few weeks the prayer house previously visited by two members of the church was crowded. The voices of those who still insisted on their education, not trusting his youth, Smallkley. Everyone was unanimously decided to put Spiten on this ministry. After a few months, the expanded house of prayer began to be small again. Representatives of the community decided to postpone the meetings to the largest hall of the city - in Emeiderhalle. And what? This huge room on Sundays in the morning and in the evening was also overcrowded to listen to the Word of God. Some experienced, having the formation of pastors with distrust look at the arrival of the young preacher, who in a short time attracted the attention of such a large audience.

However, soon and this room no longer accompanied the listeners. After long discussions and searches, a large concert hall was found in the southern part of the city, which accommodate up to twelve thousand people. Will this room fill? The first sermon was to take place on October 19, 1856, which was announced publicly. And what? By the beginning of the meeting, the hall was crowded. But, unfortunately, there was no envy and demonstration of ill-wishers. During the preaching suddenly someone's cry was heard: "Fire! Fire!" And although the fire was not visible, panic began, everyone rushed to the exit. From a strong head, the upper gallery collapsed. As a result, many died and injured. This tragedy caused inexpressible suffering to the young preacher. Deeply shocked what happened, he fell ill. Many thought the catastrophe for a long time to cool the dust of visitors. But three weeks after the hall was put in order and he recovered, the sermon was appointed. How blessed was this meeting! The hall was again crowded. Since then, he held a meeting there every morning on Sundays, they were collected from ten to twelve thousands of listeners. In the evenings, he preached in a prayer house for members of his church.

Many had to undergo the servant of God from ill-wishers. He met envy, ridicule, slander not only on the side of irreversible, but, which is sad, and from some believers.

In his preaching ministry, he was not limited to London. He traveled throughout England and Scotland. From everywhere, the famous preacher received invitations, so that it usually preached at least two times a day. Hundreds of thousands of souls turned through these sermons to Christ. The life of Ch. Scheden was entirely given to the cause of God. When he preached, thousands of people listening to his inspired word, felt the treachery of the Holy Spirit.

But Charles Sperpex was not only a great preacher, but also an extremely gifted spiritual writer. The rare gift of spiritual vision did it sermons with bright and figurative; In them, deep spiritual truths were enjoyed in an excellent and affordable form. Charles Schjene can be called the John Zlatoust of the XIX century. The fullness of life in Christ, a delicate taste, the ability to figure out the ability to clearly see the spiritual truths of these wonderful lights of the Christian church who lived in such a different time. Examples, comparisons, adjacent, taken from the life of the world's life to explain the biblical truths, can be appreciated not only by writers, poets, painters, composers, but also simple people, loving nature. Templedy's eye and the sensitive heart of the Great Preacher acutely caught the presence of God in all of nature.

"Nature is a body of a tremendous value. But the organist is not visible at the instrument, and the world does not know how such majestic music is born. All the seasons are equally beautiful for the one who learned to see the hand of the Creator in all life paths who accepted the gift of grace in their heart and glorify the day of his revival. There is no stone, nor insect, nor reptile, nor dry sticks, who would not encourage a person to praise God, if the soul is imbued with the consciousness of his omnipresents "- Such words said in one of his sermons.

The musicality of speech and the sophistication of the shape of the sermons of Spegene was combined with deep penetration into the caches of the human soul. As a true preacher of the Gospel, he led a fierce struggle with sin and mercilessly decumbeded ulcers and vices, poisoning a man's soul. At the same time, he sincerely loved people and urged them to turn to Christ, Savior of sinners, and get salvation and sanctification from him. When you read the works Speense, the soul calls: "Lord! Consecrate and clean me! " And all our creature covers the holy desire to widerly reveal the heart to the Lord.

Charles Sperpex was also a talented teacher, a mentor of preachers. His famous book "Good Tips for the Preachers of the Gospel" is one of the best tutorials on Homiletics. Each lecture is a spiritual work. Characteristic for the method of Spepair is the absence of dry morality, cold Academism, distracted reasoning. Live strap thought fills each line. The author does not speak from the height of his position, but leads a relaxed conversation, an inspired conversation with brothers in faith about the most important and difficult ministry - the preaching of the Gospel. The head of Spephen put the godly life of the preacher. He belongs to the statement that the preacher of grace Christ must first be worthy of her. This is very simple and at the same time important truth. Neither the scholarship nor the formation can replace the divine calling to evangelism. Holy life in God is the indispensable condition for success.

Particularly amazed by the fact that shepherd, possessing an unusual gift of the word and the comprehensive knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, being an extremely well-valid man, with amazing thoroughness and diligence prepared for each sermon. "I confess that I often sit for a whole hours, praying and pondering the topic of sermons, the main items, make up the plan"- he frankly shared his experience on the sermon.

The servants of the Church, especially young preachers, should get acquainted with the spiritual heritage of Charles Skjene. Studying it, they will find a lot of useful there. Before going to the department- Spephen advised, - it should be done as much time as possible in a secluded prayer to ask the Lord the topic of future sermon from the Lord, and then carefully develop it. When performing this basic condition, the sermon will be free from unnecessary general reasoning and stamped speech revolutions, each word will carry a wise thought, every thought will be a logical link in the chain of arguments.

It is known that Charles Speense critically treated the theologians, which were overly carried away by the interpretation of complex prophetic sacrifices. One all-consuming desire was moving to them - salvation of a shower for Christ. "Save at least one soul from death, "he said in lectures for students, - more enlightenment, rather than earn a title in theological debates. Who is true and conscientiously reveals the greatness and glory of Jesus Christ, this will begin this for a great merit than who penetrates the secrets of the apocalypse. Blissively ministry of the preacher, fully full by Christ ".

The man of a big and subtle mind, wide views, pure gospel life, the deep spirituality of Charles Spegor, was free from manifestations of narrow and fanaticism. " Acquiring a famous spiritual experience, - he writes, - we cease to attach importance to the difference in religion, in the names, ways of manifestation of spiritual life ... We change when we visit the desire to seek Christ, wherever he is. And finding it, serve him. Then, by the grace of God, Werpeterpotion disappears in us. "

In many countries, Ch. Scheden is fairly called the "king of preachers". It is said that there is no verse in the Bible, which he would not reveal in his sermons. His sermons were published in forty volumes. Overactions Spepair make up a large library, to read the years. These are the powerful force and charm of this preacher.

Preaching Ch. Scheden for young people, the basis of which he took the words of Psalm: "Oh, Lord! .. I am the slave of your and son's slave; You allowed my bonds "(Ps. 115; 7) was a spiritual testament to young people looking for the highest good. "The ministry of God is so blissfully and beautiful, - he testified, - what I would want to die by making it. When we accept this ministry, we want our sons and daughters to enter it.Our constant desire is the desire that our house is afraid of the Lord and served him. "

Only fifty eight years lived Ch. Spephen on this earth. In 1892, the Lord recalled his servant to the eternal abode. He died surrounded by close and friends. Until the last minute with him was his faithful wife and friend. Throughout his life, she promoted a lot of sperm in his blessed preaching ministry.

The funeral of Ch. Scheden was poured into a grand march. Mourning procession stretched a few kilometers. Instead of wreaths on the coffin lid lay his big bible, opened on the forty-fifth chapter of the Book of the Prophet of Ezekiel, from which he preached for the last time. On the gravestone monument were drawn words: "I would face a good kind, the course did, I retained faith; And now the crown of the truth is preparing to me ... "(2 Tim. 4; 7-8).

For a long time, the great herald of Truth, Charles Gaddon, was left of the life, but the word of the truth, which he announced, sounds and today from the pages of beautiful books left to them.

It is not difficult to understand what makes the preaching of Charles Skjene such popular. The mystery of his success lies not only in his talent, but is primarily due to the fact that in him the spirit of Jesus Christ.

Spepheng could say with the apostle Pavl: "... Mount to me, if not a misfortune!" (1 Cor. 9:16). He preached the gospel because it was called upon to awaken the hearts of people to the truth, to announce the insensited wealth of Christ. And we can thank the Lord for his work (Gal. 1:24).

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