Who loves his father more than me. Sunday reading gospel

In the Gospel of Matthew there is an expression: "Who loves his father or mother more than me, not worthy of me; And who loves her son or daughter more than me, not worthy of me; And whoever does not take his cross and follow me, he is not worthy of me. " (MF. X: 37-38). This expression is very deep in meaning, but, unfortunately, many do not understand it. And any misunderstanding generates resistance and leads a person to a false road. How to properly interpret the words of Jesus Christ given in the gospel? After reading or having heard them, some think: "Well, how so? If there is a father and mother, then that, they do not need to love them? Do not help them? Do you need to leave everything and just go beyond God, to serve only God, but about your relatives completely forget? " No, Lord Our Jesus Christ meant Other: who loves her relatives, close more God, he simply cannot be truly happy and cannot sincerely go beyond God.

When you sincerely love God, do not create yourself idols, trying to perform the commandments of God, then God's love permeates your soul, heart - and you automatically love parents, you automatically love your wife or husband, your children. You love Divine love, not blind, do not deify them. You see their mistakes and try to suggest that the native person does not suffer. You do not push blindly to their unreasonable whims, know how to say: "No" when it is necessary. And, of course, we show attention, patience, forgive them, take care of them, want to live in consent. So, loving native high love, you do in God's. This means - you are worthy of the Lord, you go after him. Therefore, to go beyond God - it does not mean that it is necessary to leave everything, all day to be in the church or only pray, but forget about your relatives, throw children. And people sometimes fall into extremes. Therefore, we must weighively approach the words of Jesus Christ, do not distort the doctrine, correctly understand what Jesus meant.

We, thank God, understand Scripture. During the liturgy, after repentance, we ask the Lord to fill us with His grace, filled with high God's gifts - love and forgiveness. And the Lord gives this droplet of love into our hearts, our souls. And through us, the Lord then gives our parents, children, relatives. To receive you need to God's lovethat will help us go beyond God and be worthy of him, you need to ask her from the sources of this love - God: "God, give me endless love for you, helping you to love you with all my heart, and all my soul and all the understanding of your own, and all powerfulness. " Then the Lord fills our heart and soul to Divine love, and the person becomes happy, because in his heart the love of the Creator of the Universe appears in his heart - and then the person has the strength sincerely to go for God.

Also, the Lord speaks of the Cross, who, though he is hard, but sweet. What is the cross? This is the cross of ministry, the cross of the help of God's business on earth. We come to the church, we pray, we ask the Lord to help us in different matters. And to God's church Developed that the truth is distributed throughout Ukraine. So that all people become happy to receive spiritual knowledge - this is the cross - ministry. He, if you think very hard, and on the other hand, what is he heavier? He is sweet. When we pray and ask the Lord to help us, is it hard for us from this? No, we are not hard, and gracious, because God blesses us with the Holy Spirit - and it becomes good. After a sincere prayer comes with the Holy Spirit, our hearts comfort, the souls, inspires us to ministry. When we do a good deed, our bless us are blessed, our children, grandchildren in the future - everyone is blessed.

Responsible Denis Zaigorozhenny:

thanks for important question. Of course, it is not normal to kill anyone - not only relatives, but in general outsiders. The above quotes very often generate embarrassment, and therefore I will try to answer your question is deployed. I would like to dispel all doubts about these difficult to understand the poems of the Bible.

By the way, more than once atheists and various fighters with Christianity reproached the followers of Jesus Christ in man-based, using these Scriptures. Indeed, at first glance, they are very different from the teachings of the Lord about the love of neighbor.

I will quote the specified poems of the Bible, and I will try to immediately draw your attention to their context, and try to deal with what is written:

1) "For the son is disgraced by the father, the daughter is rebelled against the mother, the daughter-in-law - against his mother-in-law; Enemies to man - his home "(Mih.7: 6).

This verse of the Bible is more likely to have a negative meaning, only with the wrong interpretation of subsequent places from the Gospel. But if you look in the context, it can be seen that the not reading command of the Lord makes himself the enemy of her home, but rather the opposite. After reading the excerpt is wider, and you will immediately see this:

"Not merciful on earth, there are no truthful between people; All build came to shed blood; Everyone puts his brother to its network. Hands are addressed to be able to make evil; The boss requires gifts, and the judge judges for a bribe, and Velmazby express evil desires of their souls and pervert business. The best of them is as a turn, and fair - worse than barbed hedges, your day of the shutdowns, your visit comes; Nowadays their confusion. Do not believe a friend, do not rely on a friend; From the lion of your deception of the door of your mouth. For the son is disgraced by the Father, the daughter is rebelled against the mother, the daughter-in-law - against his mother-in-law; Enemies to man - his home. And I will lick on the Lord, to rely on the god of salvation of my: God will hear me " (Mih.7: 2-7).

Micah, the prophetically describes the state of the deep apostasy of the people, when those who are called to be the best and fair - extremely influx and boroughbies, and the closest to the person are so disreactious, and that the Lord commands not believe them and keep the doors of their mouth (follow the language). With such a dishonor, the prophet does not lower the hands, but exclaims: "I will chase the Lord, to relieve my salvation to God."

The correct understanding of the words of Micah is extremely important for the subsequent interpretation of the words of Christ. God does not command to be enjoyed, but states the fact that, following the clean ways, a person can face confrontation from the close, and the most relatives can do themselves by the enemy.

2) "Do not think that I came to bring peace to Earth; I did not come to bring the world, but the sword, for I came to divide a person with his father, and her daughter with her mother, and her daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law. And enemies to man - his home "(Mf.10: 34-36).

Agree, crocked words? ... especially if you do not pay attention to what is written before and after them. But we take a look wider on the written:

These three verses follow the big passage - the speech of Christ about recent times and what persecutions will have to undergo Christians. (Do not Christians will crack their relatives, but rather, on the contrary).

In verses 21,22 it is written: "Brother's brother's brother betrayed, and his son's father; And the children will rise to parents, and they will kill them; And you are hated by everyone for my name; Pushed to the end will be saved. "

Then Jesus comforts students in that if he is being pursued and humiliated, it is not surprising that his followers will drive: "The student is not higher than the teacher, and the servant is no higher than his master: 25 is pretty for a student so that he is like his teacher, and for the servant to be, as a master of him. If the owner of the house was called Venelzevul, is it wrong with his own? ".

Continuing the thought, Jesus encourages students in words three times "Do not be afraid"(26,28,31 verses), warning of importance to resist the faith in the time of persecution: "So anyone who confesses me before people, he is confessing and I am before my heavenly; And who will renounce me before people, rejected from that and I before the Father My Heaven. "

And only after these words, Christ says that the sword brought to share his relatives, and quotes Michea: "the enemies of a person - his home" (and we remember what importance was inserted in these words Micah).

What sword is we talking about? What kind of sword the Lord brought from heaven, which shares people, and why are they divided? Is it a perfect will?

Scripture clearly answers this question that this sword is the Word of God, which "Vivid and effectively and sharpering every sword of double-edged: it penetrates to the division of the soul and spirit, compositions and brains, and judges the distillation and the intentions of the heart(Heb.4: 12). Also in Ef.6: 17 It is called the spiritual sword.

And the separation comes not by hatred, humiliation or discord! Some are conquered by the word, and others - refuse to do this by putting themselves on the other side of the barricades. The enmity is generated not because of hate from Christians (one of the two key commandments for them is the requirement to love the near), but on the contrary - in relation to them. The reason for this - first, the inconsistency of the Lord, who becomes a stumbling block and temptation, and secondly, the opposition to his word. That is why it is called a sword producing separation.

Understanding the words of Christ, it is much easier to deal with another quote, which actually repeats the above:

3) "Do you think that I came to give the world to the earth? No, I tell you, but separation; For from now on, five in one house will be separated, three against two, and two against the three: the father will be against the son, and the son against the father; Mother against daughter and daughter against mother; mother-in-law against his daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law against his mother-in-law " (Luk.12: 51-53).

It is also interesting to also pay attention to another verse of the Bible:

4) "If anyone comes to me and will not hate his father and mother, and his wife and children, and brothers and sisters, and with their life itself, he can not be my student" (Luk.14: 26).

It looks like that, like Jesus preaches hatred! But it is strange to hear these words, from who objected the Pharisees who neglected care and care for their parents, abolving the traditions of the commandment "Read the Father and your mother ..." (See MF.15: 3-6; MP.7: 9-13).

Isn't Jesus talking about the love of neighbor?
Or did he not say the rich young man who wanted to follow him, read his father and mother? (MR.10: 19)
And having learned that the mother-in-law of Peter is sick, really he said Peter "Erobilia and Rejoice, for the enemy of your sick"? NOT! He did not call her the enemy, but went and healed her!
These examples can continue and continue - Jesus never preached hate to people. The apostles constantly showed compassion and mercy for people, teaching: "Believe the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will save your whole house."

Then how to understand the words of Christ about hate, said in Luk.14: 26?

Everything becomes in its place, if you compare with a similar one, but said somewhat different, thought:

5) "Who loves his father or mother more than me, not worthy of me; And who loves her son or daughter more than me, not worthy of me "(Mf.10: 37).

By comparing these two reversings, we clearly see that Jesus does not speak literally about hate. He uses a speech reception, called "hyperbole", i.e. Plocked exaggeration in order to emphasize the importance of any thought.

In other words, he compares the attitude of a person to God and attitude to his relatives and even to itself (usually, the most beloved), and as if he says:
Love your neighbors, but love God even stronger! Much stronger! - With all my heart, soul, fortress and understanding! Let your love for God be so strong that in comparison with her the strongest love of neighbor and himself will look like hatred.

So, in my opinion, Jesus teaches not about hatred, but about the priorities of the relationship - to God, to God and people. As for love, Christ spoke even about love for enemies, not that neighbor.

In man demonnament, he is not supplied!

If we look at the Scripture holistically and do not break any verse from the context, then very many sophisticated scriptures are fully explained. But even if anything at a certain point is not clear - do not lose faith and hope! At the right moment - God will open!

Bless you!

Denis Zaporozhnoye

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From today's evangelical reading of the week of all saints, 1st Pentecost:

" Who loves her father or mother more than me, not worthy of me; And who loves her son or daughter more than me, not worthy of me; and who does not take his cross and follow me, he is not worthy of me"(Matt. 10, 37-38).

On Luke is still told at the same place:
"...if anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, and wives and children, and brothers and sisters, and with his life itself, he can not be my student;
and who does not carry his cross and goes for me, can not be my student
"(Lux. 14, 26-27).

It is clear that "hate" here is not literally hate (" anyone who hate his brother, there is a man fucking"- 1 in. 3, 15), but simply - to love less or not to put in the first place. Of course, any normal person such words about themselves could not utter, being in full and sound reason! They could only pronounce" power Having ", the only son of God, in whom" all the fullness of the Divine body bodily lived. "

But who can be with all the directness to admit that God and his son beloved always in his life in the first place and that he is alone than any love? .. Recognition of this mind and theoretically not always certainly confirmed in our lives practically. And the last major events put the following question: And who loves his earthly fatherland (inextental Ukraine or the Great Russia) more Christ - whether it is worthy of him? And even more so, is it worth the integrity of any state of those victims, what are they already put on now and will be laid? How are the different interests of the neighboring states of the same victims? ..

Questions, of course, hang in the air. None of those who call themselves Christians (Orthodox, in particular), not worthy of Christ, otherwise he would have already been completely not from this world. "Nictena is worthy of confronted lust and passion to come, or approximate, or serve you, the king of glory" (the prayer of the Kheruvim song on the liturgy). Jesus came to save not worthy, but unworthy. Not righteous, but sinners. The question is whether anyone actually wants to become a little more worthy of Christ! That is, what are the intentions of everyone, what is the value orientation of our life. Truly, God now arranged millions of people checking on their own Christianity: in particular, that they mean Christ in fact, here and now, and that - any person carrying the image of God, but not necessarily friend and like-minded person. Let it be another samaryan in modern versionWith which, let's say, it would be below our own dignity!

Lord Our Jesus! If you are satisfied with us who consider themselves your followers, the next "checking on the stitchiness", may it be so. Do you ever always in the first place, is your will, in fact, or different other terrestrial interests?

Who loves her father or mother more than me, not worthy of me; And who loves her son or daughter more than me, not worthy of me; And whoever does not take his cross and follow me, he is not worthy of me.

The saving soul will lose her; And her lost his soul will save her.

Who accepts you accepts me, and who takes me, takes me; Who accepts the Prophet, in the name of the Prophet, will receive a reward of the Prophet; And who accepts the righteous, in the name of the righteous, will receive the award of the righteous.

And who move one of the small few cold water, in the name of the student, I truly tell you, will not lose its awards.

Matthew 10: 37-42

Interpretation of the Gospel of Blessed
Feofilakt Bulgarian

Blessed Feofilakt Bulgarian

MF.10: 37. Who loves her father or mother more than me, not worthy of me; And who loves her son or daughter more than me, not worthy of me;

You see that having to wave parents and children only then you need if they want more Christ to love them. But what is talking about father and children? Hear and more:

Mf.10: 38. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me, he is not worthy of me.

Who, says, will not give up the real life and will not betray himself on a shameful death (for it meant the cross in the ancients), he is not worthy of me. But since they are citing many, like robbers and thieves, then added: "And follows me," that is, lives according to my laws!

Mf.10: 39. The saving soul will lose her; And her lost his soul will save her.
Who cares about the carnal life, he thinks that she saves his soul, but he ruins and her, exposing eternal punishment. Whoever ruins his soul and dies, but not as a robber or suicide, but for the sake of Christ, he saves her.

Mf.10: 40. Who accepts you accepts me, and who takes me, takes me;
Mf.10: 41. Who accepts the Prophet, in the name of the Prophet, will receive a reward of the Prophet;
And who accepts the righteous, in the name of the righteous, will receive the award of the righteous.

Moves us so that we take those who are with Christ, for who honor his students, he honor him, but through him and his father. It should take the righteous and prophets in the name of the righteous and the prophet, that is, because they are righteous and prophets, and not because of any reply or intercession among the kings. But if anyone wears only the kind of prophet, in fact it turns out not to be, you and his acceptance, like a prophet, and God will repay you as if you really took the righteous. For this means the words "will enforce the award of the righteous." You can understand them and otherwise: the one who will accept the righteous will be righteous; And he will receive the same award as the righteous.

Mf.10: 42. And who moves one of the small few of the Chub of Cold Water, in the name of the student, truly telling you, will not lose their awards.

34 Do not think that I came to bring peace to Earth; Not the world came to bring, but the sword;

35 For I came to divide a person with his father, and her daughter with her mother, and her daughter-in-law with her mother-in-law.

36 and enemies to man - his home.

37 Who loves his father or mother more than me, not worthy of me; And who loves her son or daughter more than me, not worthy of me;

38 And who does not take their cross and follow me, he is not worthy of me.

39 The saving soul will lose her; And her lost his soul will save her.

40 who takes you accepts me; And who takes me, accepts me;

41 who takes the Prophet in the name of the Prophet will receive a reward of the Prophet; And who accepts the righteous, in the name of the righteous, will receive the award of the righteous.

42 And who moves one of the small few of the Chub of Cold Water, in the name of the student, truly telling you, will not lose their awards.

In these verses, the Great Head of the Church gives the first order to those whom he is going to send to preach the Gospel. In this passage, Christ explains three important truths.

First, he calls us to remember that his gospel does not bring peace and consent to him: "... I didn't come to the world, but the sword." In his first coming, Jesus Christ did not set itself a goal to establish a thousand-year kingdom, in which there will be no disagreement. He brought the gospel, which led to discords and separations. Do not be surprised when you see that it is so happening. Christ himself suggests that the Gospel shares families and leads to the alienation between the nearest relatives. This is happening very often due to the corruption of the human heart. As long as one be believed, and the other remain in disbelief, while one try to get rid of his sins, and the other will not pay any attention to them, until then, the preaching of the Gospel will share people. And this is not the gospel in this, but the human heart.

But this is very often forgotten. Many people talk about peace, unity and harmony in the Church of Christ as the most important thing. They say that for this, we must sacrifice everything! Thinking so people need to remember the words of our Lord. Of course, unity and peace are great blessings, we must strive for them, pray for them. But if it comes to truth, the situation is changing. Imagine that the Church of Christ to the Millennial Kingdom will immensely enjoy unity and the world - utopia.

Secondly, our Lord tells us that true Christians should come to terms with the fact that in the world they are expected to be difficult. We say or listen, learn or learn, we must bear the "cross". We must be prepared for the sake of Christ to donate even life, to accept the loss of the location of people and with the need, must reject themselves, since otherwise we will never reach the heavens. As long as the world, the devil and our flesh remain the same, all this we will have to do.

It is useful to remember this and teach this others. Excessive hopes apply faith most harm. People mistakenly think that the ministry of Christ will make their lives more comfortable, and when this does not happen, they are completely disappointed in faith. Blessed is the one who understands that, although Christianity promises the crown at the end of the way, the path to the crown itself should go with a cross on the shoulders.

Finally, our Lord consults us by even a little serving those who serve him, we will get a reward from God. The one who will do for a believer at least a little, for example, "moves one of the small few of the chicken water, in the name of the student ... will not lose their awards."

Great promise! It means that the Lord always looks at those who serve him and trying to benefit people. Often the making their work seems imperceptible. The efforts of preachers, missionaries and teachers may seem very insignificant compared to the actions of the kings and parliaments, armies or government officials, but they have for God great importance. He sees who opposes his slaves, and who helps them. He is watching who treats them is kindly like Lydia to Paul, and who will bring them obstacles to the way as Diotref John (Dien. 16:15; 3 in. 9). All their experiences in the labor on the harvest are recorded in the great book of memory, God will remember them on the last day. The main winery forgot about Joseph, when he returned to his duties, but the Lord Jesus never forgets his. In the morning of the Sunday, he will tell many who do not expect anything: "Alcal I, and you gave me; Easted, and you drove me; He was a wanderer, and you accepted me "(MTF 25:35).

Ask yourself now, as you feel about the ministry of Christ and the case of Christ in this world. Will you consolidate him or prevent him? Do you accept the prophet and righteous? Do you help "one of the small items"? Do you prevent his workers or encourage them? These are very serious questions. Wisely and the one who always gives the "Cold Water Bow" when it seems the opportunity. But even better the one who works in the Lord vineyard. Let us strive to leave behind the world is the best than he was when we were born! To seek this - it means "to have the mind of Christ," it means to realize the value of the lessons that this wonderful chapter contains.

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