The symbol of the ladybug. ladybug

Paskalitsa, Ladybug (scientific name: Coccinella septempunctata) refers to the family of beetles. She also calls Lambican and Cocianli. It reaches a length of 6 mm, feeds insect pests and therefore is considered useful insects, mainly because it eliminates Tsi.

According to experts, for the stretch of their life, one ladybug can eat up to 5,000 tox in the insects! So larvae or eggs of God's cows are sold on a commercial basis and are used in environmental gardening and agriculture.

Ladybird lays a lot of eggs. The larvae, like the insects themselves, can feed on other insects that harm agriculture.

The ladybug itself is not preferred prey, but when it feels a threat, it secretes the liquid with a terrible smell or falls to the ground and seems to be dead until the danger has passed.

Ladybug: Myths and Traditions

This insect is a favorite that loves: it draws attention, as a rule, due to red and black specks.

In the Far East, it is believed that if you take God's cow, and then let go to freedom, it will fly to the true love of a person and bring him a message. The number of spots on the back of God's feeds is believed to symbolize the number of months that will be required to perform the prayer of love.

According to some traditions, the Ladybird is charm, and is one of the few insects that a person with a desire holds on her hands.

In Italy, when God's cow flies into the bedroom, as they say, it brings good luck, and in other places, such as the United States of America, Denmark and Russia, this insect was immortalized in children's books.

The elements of our planet of the Earth binds to the Chinese tradition with stability and confidence in all life areas.

Ground animals along Hairdryer Shui are distinguished by the extraordinary power of the will and spirit, so even a simple little snail will be in your home with a symbol with great potential.

True, select similar talismans should be taken into account by the personal characteristics of the owner, and not only on the basis of the general recommendations of Fenshia.

Tiger in Fenshie

One of the oldest manifestations of courage and strength is a tiger, which is usually a white painting on Fengishui. This beast is one of the four main defenders of the housing. It is not by chance that the most famous picture in China with the image of a tiger on Feng Shui demonstrates the predator guard.

Tigers also show themselves as good luck talismans, if placing figures over the entrance door on New Year's Eve. Then the whole family is provided by his patronage. In addition, some Chinese provinces believe that Tiger in Feng Shui is important for the birth of healthy children and a successful marriage.

Today, the following types of talismans are distinguished:

  • Tiger, which dreamed, belongs to the most balanced symbols, so it is ideal for too emotional and energetic people. A similar mascot is appropriate in a small apartment.
  • The beast, sitting on the handstone of coins, personifies a successful business. It can be placed in the career zone to acquire a new position or in the wealth sector to increase its condition.
  • Predator with an open mouth and naked fangs helps add status. It enhances the energy of the leader and helps protect against evil forces. It is allowed to keep this figure only in the presence of a dragon talisman in the house.
  • Picture of a tiger on a hair dryer Shui can be on a wedding basis and imply only the head of the predator. A similar talisman in China is hanging on the gate. It is also allowed to use paper images as a curtain, and the Tiger of Tiger Fenzui allows you to take as a basis in creating toys and bed linen.

Choosing a tiger figure, you need to be sure that the houses born under the signs of the rooster, rabbit or boar eastern horoscope. Otherwise, the risk of premature death of such family members increases.

Please note that any of the directions of light in the apartment will correspond to a certain animal (you can read in our magazine). White predator has the northeast. According to Hairdryer Shui, the tiger zone for aquatic rat, for example, is not very favorable, but for the dragons is not prohibited.

Spider in Fenshue

Spider on Feng Shui - the constant value of creative energy. A spiral-shaped web in this case personifies the entire process of the universe. In a large-scale sense, a spiner is a creator of a planet forming a web. In addition, according to the ancient legends, spiders are identified with the female start.

Interestingly, Fengshui gives a spider by divine and cosmic meaning due to the structure of this being. Eight legs protrude the sum of the winds of the change and the main directions. Therefore, he is identified with a wheel of life. If you choose a spider as a totem defender, it will always warn about danger and, on the contrary, congratulate with the results of competent solutions.

The approaching happiness in China performs a descending spider. What is the symbol of Feng Shui in this case, this eternal worker? Of course, family good luck and well-being in all spheres. A similar mascot is necessary for individual use if a person wants to look into the depth of himself and learn to control emotions.

The spider symbol will help become far-sighted and only the right deeds. And a small spider talisman from expensive materials can be stored in a wallet to attract money and preserve their accumulated savings.

Among Chinese talismans of few animals are honored and respect their slowness to help a person. Snail - Symbol on Feng Shui, associated with extraordinary tranquility and pacification. This talisman increases financial income and helps to achieve goals, even if not too fast, but confidently.

Trying to evenly divide the energy of well-being and prosperity in the house, it is necessary to find your place on the figure with snail. Success in achieving business goals, it guarantees in the career zone, and the wealth sector will exist under it protection if necessary to sink the required amount. Surround snail items from the elements of water, and she will answer you benevolence.

In addition, you can buy a living creature and put it in a beautiful and spacious aquarium. For general harmony in life, you can buy pictures, wallpapers and even bed with snails.

For the bedroom, in turn, the sculpture is made of two snipples.

Dragonfly in Feng Shui

Interestingly, even within one oriental tradition of dragonfly perceived ambiguously. In Japan, for example, this is the expression of courage and victory, the image of good luck and courage. At the same time, among the Japanese, the attitude towards dragonfly is growing at the same time as an irresponsible being.

In China, the concentration of grazing and lightness became precisely dragonfly. The symbol of what on a hair dryer shui is a weak insect? To begin with, this is the sign of the occurrence of summer, and therefore the arrival of heat and the sun. Joyful flying dragonflies fit perfectly into the nursery, workshop for creativity and even the bedroom. But the sector of wealth and career, where carelessness and playfulness are not advantages, and without this talisman will be perfectly.

Dragonflies are also a sign indicating the salvation of our souls, the personification of revival and immortality. They perfectly know how to restore the former feelings, so for couples who have been married for many years, this is a great symbol. But for lonely girls, this is an effective mascot, adding beauty and grace.

Use this image to activate the love zone is only with full prepaid for change. Even a small picture with dragonfly makes relationships with light, and also makes changes to the sexual sphere.

Ladybug in Fengshui

An expression of extraordinary good luck is a ladybug on Feng Shui. The value of this tiny creature is very large, because it converts all negative energy and cleans the house. It must be borne in mind that the power of the talisman and its specific focus depend on the number of specks on the back of God's cow.

  • One point characterizes the symbol as an assistant in a new business, including business, and a family, and a profession. Such a talisman is appropriate in the office or office, on the desktop.
  • Ladybug with two spots is needed to harmonize relations with the outside world. She grants inner peace, good dreams, self-confidence, and still destroys fears and misantropy. To become a kind and positive person, you should keep the talisman in the bedroom: on the dressing table, bedside table or near the head of the bed.
  • Trinity spots on the back makes an insect defender from incorrect actions, raw solutions. This talisman is quite appropriate at work, but it is not necessary to keep it on the table, it is better to put on the windowsill.
  • Four spies in God's cows are responsible for the protection of the house from theft and robbery. Keep the figure in the hallway, but away from prying eyes.
  • A string of five points symbolizes the creative mascot. But one spot more means the development of abilities in learning. Such God's cow must be put on the school table, in the office or living room.
  • Ladybug with 7 dots helps to achieve success in personal life. Such a talisman works only on one owner, so it should be stored in his favorite room (even in the bathroom).

Butterfly symbol on Feng Shui is associated with sincere joy and love. This insect perfectly helps lonely people to meet a loved one, but such a talisman is useful in family relationships. With old butterfly partners bring passion and romance, helping to forget about the routine days.

Butterflies on Feng Shui are used to activate the love sector only in a double combination. You can also hang a picture with a whole group of butterflies, but from one image of the benefit to marriage will not add. The perfect location of the butterfly in the bedroom is the ceiling above the bed. The placement of the talisman in the southwest also helps to improve communication with all familiar in general.

What do the butterflies on the hair dryer shui for most Chinese? This is the immortality of the soul and and real rebirth. Therefore, in the appearance of this insect so much divine and supernatural.

Talismans with butterflies in the Chinese tradition is made to divide the color scheme, forms and materials.

  • Many things are interesting to know that symbolizes the butterfly on Feng Shui in the composition of the wind music. In this case, we are talking about family happiness, and if there are insects from the metal - about success in personal life and fire of passion. It is necessary to place such a talisman only on the southwestern side of the house.
  • Silver or gold butterfly on a hair dryer Shui matters more sacred. This symbol performs personal desires in love and family, while the broths of this type make girls very confident.
  • Festive mood and positive changes to life introduces a ceramic colorful butterfly. Is the symbol of what in a hairdryer Shui butterfly wooden? This is the harmony of spouses and the overall well-being.

Please note that the dead butterflies on the needles are a bad hairdryer shui with the energy of death. Such an object in the house or office leads to the deterioration of all the owner's relationship. Also, you should not post sculptures near the windowsill and put on the butterflies on the curtains: love and joy will definitely fly to the street.

But the butterflies on Feng Shui in the workplace is a good option for those who are important to establish friendly communication with colleagues.

Rhinoceros in Feng Shu

According to the fan rhinoceros is a brave animal with excellent protection abilities. Talismans with him always look impressive and naturalistically, but use them to protect the house from accidents, incidents and crimes. Rhinos attract good luck to business, neutralize the negative and make a happy family.

  • Golden, silver, as well as black rhinos are not only an important part of the apartment design, but also add the owner of endurance, hardness in character. If gray and white figures are made of ceramics, crystal, porcelain, they are intended to protect against the impact of bad people.
  • Rhino from wood attracts natural energy with positive charges. This mascot helps to experience the consequences of stress and quickly restores the mood of man. This can be both a monophonic simple beast and a decorated animal with a multi-colored pattern.
  • Blue rhino in Feng Shui has the strongest protective forces. He turns negative streams into a positive and reliably protects the apartment from the unborn guests and aggressive intrusions. Even from evil thoughts of secret enemies, intrigue and gossip it helps to protect themselves. Such a talisman perfectly promotes the career owner.

Where to put a dragon on Feng Shui? It is necessary to keep the figurines in the living room or near the entrance door, preferably in the doubles.

Dragon in Hairdryer Shui is a fundamental talisman, providing peace and harmony in the house. In China, this is not an evil creature, strong, volitional, revered image. The dragon consists of cosmic energy Qi and every breath gives people hopes. This mascot is able to disclose the potential of the mind, soul and body from the owner.

As a rule, the dragon on Feng Shui value has a financial and career. This means that he protects the owner from bad partners, competition and brings good luck in new affairs.

There are different types of dragons in Feng Shui:

  • Tien Moon or the Dragon of the sky is most powerful and possesses five legs. As a rule, this is the Golden Dragon in Feng Shui. The sector of its location is East, while the head is directed to the south.
  • Shen Moon or the Dragon of the Rain and the Sea is a divine creature, which determines the weather and ruling by all sides of the world. He is responsible for financial prosperity and has 4 claws (previously had 3).
  • Di Lun or Dragon Earth is the most generous and sowing cosmic breathing wealth. Sometimes it is possible to put on his anger, and then any business will not lead to enrichment. This is a green dragon in Feng Shui, and on the eastern sector, it helps to strengthen family relationships.

Dragon symbol on hair dryer Shui can be depicted in different poses or with some animals. This affects the semantic load of the talisman:

  • Dragon in a pair with Phoenix means well-being in the family and is often stored in the love sector. In the workplace, it protects from intrigue.
  • Curved dragon in the disclosed mouth and pearl in the paw. This golden dragon in Feng Shui personifies harmony and helps to achieve goals.
  • Dragon Turtle with a bunch of coins is a figurine that attracts happiness for children, including wealth and health.
  • Imperial dragon with five fingers. This is a very powerful energy talisman. Such a Golden Dragon Fen Shui is ordered through the store not often, because it is very rare and not suitable for home use. It is necessary to put it at work.

Dragon symbol on hair dryer shui: where to put

Most, of course, is very interested in the question when there is already a dragon on Feng Shui: where to put a similar symbol to powerful energy completely revealed? It is best to keep it on the eastern part: in the office, in the living room, on the left side of the door. Dragon figurine in a hairdryer Shui can be activated by the presence of aquatic elements, for example, a crane in the kitchen or aquarium. If you are thinking where to put a dragon on a hairdryer Shui to improve well-being, choose the central sector so that it feels you by Yang's energy.

Additional activation of the talisman passes at the Dragon Hour on Feng Shui. It is necessary to calculate on the Chinese calendar day of this creature from 7 to 9 am local time to put points in his eyes of black paint. It is important that during the ritual he looked east.

The image of the dragon in Feng Shui can not be put in the bedroom due to the activation of insomnia and the bathroom due to the loss of good luck. More than 5 statues are not necessary to use. The dragon in Feng Shui should also be located not higher than the level of the eye, and in the house should not be born in the year of the dog.

Dragon in the key chain is allowed on the hair dryer, the talisman value does not change. This thing can be worn with you to bring changes to life and attract the strength of heaven or natural. Dragon Feng Shui even through the photo helps lonely girls to attract good luck in love.

Giraffe on Fencheuy

Giraffe on Feng Shui the value of the mascot of wealth. It increases family revenues and retains already accumulated money. Interestingly, not only figures can be used as an active symbol. The fanish giraffe is also effective as a soft toy, drawing or photography.

If you have a giraffe, on Feng Shui, the question is where to put the talisman, it is not too acute. It is allowed to put in the career zone or in the monetary sector, and if the animal is chosen by the totem talisman forces, it is suitable for accommodation in your favorite place at home.

Please note that Giraffe does not appreciate hasty, he likes friendly people who know how to listen to others and their intuition. Such a talisman is suitable for owners of the gift of providence and bold personalities. The giraffe will help his owner to become above all in best qualities And make it a kind, caring, faithful.

Cat according to Fengshoy

Figurine Cat on Feng Shui is associated with the secrets of the universe. This animal brings good luck, protects the house from the misfortune and increases the overall well-being. If we talk about the present beast, the cat is a symbol of a hairdryer shui associated with the restoration of energy flows. This creature is able to neutralize stagnant energy zones and eliminate all obstacles for the movement of qi.

In addition, cats and cats are able to specify their owners, what sector of the house needs urgent revitalization. True, a lot depends on the color of the pet:

  • Red cats help customize a personal life, but badly get along with dark pets.
  • Gray animals protect against negative and useful people working with constant risk.
  • Black cat on Feng Shui adds good luck initially successful people. Those who are deprived of fate are unlikely to gain something, since dark animals just enhance existing energy.

Cat figurine on Feng Shui ideally should have hieroglyphs to attract good luck and wealth, and porcelais or ceramics should be present as materials. A pair cat in Feng Shui has the importance of personal good luck and distinguishes loneliness, so you can safely acquire two figurines at once.

Cash or happy cat

Of particular importance is the cash cat Fen Shui. It is also called Maeki-Neko or Happy cat in China. This is a very popular figure in the East, because it opens a person to new opportunities. Also, this cat Feng Shui drives out the evil spirits at night. This feature is distinguished by the fact that one foot in the animal is raised, and the second holds a sign with a hieroglyph of happiness and wealth. Such a talisman is two species:

  • With the left raised paw cat in a hairdryer Shui has the meaning of an attractive symbol. It not only lures financial flows, but also guests, visitors. The figure can be put in the richness zone, in the office, in the northeast sector.
  • If the animal rises the right paw, he is a guard. This means that already accumulated wealth is being protected. This figure is useful for those who participate in judicial processes or afraid of criminals.

There is also a figurine of Maeki-Naco with a kitten. This cat On Feng Shui has a meaning of respect. The talisman helps mothers and elderly people.

According to Fengsui Leo is a person defender from external threats. Talisman brings peace and stability in the family, and also fights well with envy of other people. This symbol adds a fearlessness.

  • The image of a lion on a hair dryer shui with an indulged mouth means a call to submission. The owner of the Talisman puts priorities in the social staircase.
  • The beast on the pedestal symbolizes the overall superiority of the owner over other people.
  • A crumpled predator refers to man confidence, develops hunting instincts.
  • An animal in the jump reflects the concentration of the leader and its power.

Where is it better to live a lion on a fan? Of course, near the doors or windows. The beasts are charged by the Sun and skip all the energy through themselves, converting streams if necessary.

Feng's cow

The cows have long been associated with the positive energy of the Earth, and in China are associated with wisdom. Cow on Feng Shui Value is very wide: this is the attraction of material benefits, and a common success, and achieving the necessary goals. Also, the talisman loves family well-being, fertility, follows the fate of the offspring.

It is necessary to place the mascot in the office, in the office, especially if a figurine is made of porcelain, copper or crystal. Even the picture with animals is suitable. Typically depict a large female with calves, and gold bars may be present. You can keep a sculpture in the northeast of the house.

If the figure is called "cow, performing desires", it can be activated in the Western sector.

Horse on Fengshui.

Horse on Feng Shui Value is very majestic. This noble animal is attracted to success, as a rule, in business and profession. Horse symbol Fen shui is associated with courage, perseverance, speed and glory.

Usually figurines are divided into several categories:

  • Festive horses Fanurge figurines usually get up on piles. They bring recognition and popularity, so effective for creative personalities and athletes.
  • Running horses Fen Shui or, as they are also called, victorious, these are symbols of success in a career and competition. They are also identified with complete freedom, especially if the herd is depicted.
  • Horse's gift statuette on Feng Shui with jewels needed to attract good luck and wealth. It should be positioned in the apartment. And from the colors it is necessary to give preference to white and gold shades.
  • Painting a horse on Feng Shui, where a rider is present, rarely has a strong influence. If the animal is trembling a fly or monkey, then you can hope for career growth. It is useful to put a gold coin on the saddle of such a figurine.
  • According to Feng Shui, a couple of running horses refers to strengthening relations. Two graceful creatures establish personal life and work. If they are black, then the power of victory is strengthened, if the redheads comes luck. We are talking about the partnership, and about the family with friendship.

Where to place a horse figurines

It is necessary to place horses in the south or in the office on the desktop and walls. Enjoy the symbol with red objects, sun drawings and candles, but not water elements.

On Feng Shui, a couple of running horses will be a good gift for leadership people. But the image should not look at the window or door.

Elephant on Fenshuy

Elephant Feng Shui is the expression of the best human qualities. It is distinguished by the power of will, wisdom and kindness. But its main characteristics are stability and overall well-being. What symbolizes an elephant on Feng Shui? High social status, power and energy. The animal loves his trunk and positive fluids, and also absorbs the negative in sharp corners of the room.

Elephant Feng Shui, whose photo is found in the network, should not be strengthened in its actions. However, it can be decorated with beads, rhinestones, chains in the field of trunk and saddle. An elephant painting on Feng Shui can also be framed by amber beads or cypressive clear. Naturally, ornaments from ivory, like such frames, are not desirable.

Elephant Feng Shui can be presented in a house in several forms, poses and materials:

  • Elephant on a hairdryer Shui with a trunk up attracts material benefits. Such a talisman will keep the whole family from waste. An elephant with a raised trunk on Feng Shui gives a person to the moderation, proud in the financial issue.
  • According to Fengusui Elephant female With baby symbolizes motherhood. The talisman helps conceit and improves the relationship of children with parents.
  • Seven elephants on Feng Shui are very honored in the east. The power and power of the talisman attracts a full bowl: love, good luck, wealth. More precisely, 7 elephants express the finished lunar cycle and give seven products at once.
  • If you have an elephant hairdryer shui with a trunk down, it is a symbol of abundance and fertility. There is also a version that such an elephant on a hair dryer Shui has a value associated with long-life.
  • Elephant rhino in Feng Shui means very strong protection. This is not only the protection of the apartment itself from invasions, but also the durability and balance of family members themselves.
  • Where to place a wooden elephant on Feng Shui? Try to compare the material of the talisman with the elements of the sectors. It is useful to keep it in the zone of the East, Southeast and South.
  • Many porcelain lovers are interested in, white elephant - what is the symbol of Feng Shui? It should be remembered that this is the personification of the protection of the house from the negative and the wonderful mascot for the preservation of the family.
  • Three elephants in Hairdryer Shui are associated with the union of the sky, earth and man. Such a talisman brings harmony in all spheres of life.
  • The personification of the maximum financial success is toad on the elephant Fen Shui. Where to put such a strong talisman? The optimal option is the wealth sector freed from other characters.
  • What values \u200b\u200bmean elephants lucked by trunks? This is not only attracting good luck, but also its saving. Such a romantic couple in the bedroom will preserve the loyalty and love of partners.

Where to place an elephant on Feng Shui

When did you have a right elephant on Feng Shui, where to put such an animal? It is best - on the windowsill so that the trunk is heading towards a positive star. You can direct the trunk and in the apartment, but it will mean that luck in the house is already there.

Elephant on Fengshoy is very unprecedented when choosing the parties of light, so you can put it in any part of the apartment. For example, on the northeastern sector, the Talisman attracts patrons to the house. What does an elephant in the south-east mean? This is the support of the head of the family.

Ground animals on a hair dryer Shui often have similar meanings. The specific choice of talisman depends on personal preferences and the overall interior. Whether it is a huge dragon or barely noticeable snail - a symbol on Feng Shui works always effectively with proper care and attention.

In all the traditions of God's cow acts as a symbol of good luck and good news, as well as a symbol of grace, kindness, forgiveness.

It is believed that God's cow acts as a messenger between people and God between the world of living and the dead. That is why different nations have a custom to ask the most intimate questions about life and death, about the weather and harvest, about the marriage of this insect.Finding God's cow was considered a good admission. Probably, therefore children around the world, putting God's cow on his finger sentenced to about such a rhyme:

Poles in Neco
There are your kids
eat candy
all one
And you none.

God's cow was associated with the Great Goddess, and later was the attribute of Our Lady. Hence her names in European languages: "Bird of Our Lady", "God Maria", "Mary's beetle."

Many nations bind to a cow with various myths. The main motive is the theme of the children of the God of the Sun: their seven, like days in the week and how many specks on the back of God's cows. For example, in the Baltic mythology, seven children of the dominant God are mentioned, of which only the youngest, seventh, was able to withstand the test with fire and water and becomes a legitimate son. The idea of \u200b\u200bconstant return, resurrection, wealth is associated with him, it corresponds to the seventh day of the week, called the Day of the Sun.

For the Dutch, God's cow, Sorting on a person, is considered a good admission. Czechs believe that the found Ladybird brings good luck, and the French believe that the talisman with her image will protect children from misfortune, will warn about danger.

Divine animal

Our ancestors believed that the Ladybug lives in heaven and only from time to time he descends from heaven, in order to convey to man will God. It also suggested that the gods feed on the milk of God's cows, in no case could not kill this insect. It is believed that God's cow used to be called "God's Keeps", since the back of this insect resembles a blood droplet.

In the Anglo-Saxon countries from antiquity and to this day, God's cow is called Ladybird, Ladybug or Lady Beetle. The word "Lady" implies Mary Mary, Catholics associate and bind to God's cow.

In Bulgaria, this insect is called "God's KpoSavitsa"; In Germany and Switzerland - "Bick Candle", Magni Beetle, Lady Bird or Horse, Golden Cockerel, Solar Bird, Sunny Cockerel, Sunny Calf, In FPANCE - Loggy of God, Animal of God, Chicken of St. Michael; In Lithuania - "God's Mouse"; In the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine - Sunny; In Argentina - the cow of St. Anthony, and in Tajikistan - a red-breed grandfather.

In modern times, God's cow symbolizes love and sexuality. As some psychological works say, it is a symbol of desire to part with virginity.

Ladybug Talisman

Talisman S. by the image of Godbows brings good luck. And the more black specks on the back, the stronger the talisman was.

One speck - Ladybug will help in any new beginnation;

two spots - a symbol of internal and external harmony;

three people will learn to be reasonable and will be able to receive correct decisions;

four - protection against robbers and gangsters (mascot with such a ladybug is good to take long journey);

five will increase the ability to create creative work;

six - will help in learning;

seven - the divine sign, the Ladybug with the seven spots will bring good luck to his winner in all matters and happiness.

The tattoo with the image of God's cow has no negative interpretation. This is a symbol of love and good luck.

Symbol of good luck - Ladybug

Ladybugs are. Finding God's cow was considered a good admission. Many peoples of God's cow binds to various myths and rites. The Dutch lady's cow, coming on hand or clothing, is considered good. Czechs also believe that the found cow will bring good luck, and the French believe that the amulet with her image guards children from misfortune, warns of danger. The name itself suggests what role this insect played in the life of our ancestors. It was believed that God's cow lives in heaven and only from time to time descends from heaven to convey to the will of God's will.

Many nations believed that her gods themselves eat her milk, so God's cow could not be killed under any pretext.

In English-speaking countries, God's cow is called Ladybird, Ladybug or Lady Beetle. The word "Lady" implies the word "Lady" means Mary, respectively, the ladybug in Catholic countries is considered insects by the Mother of God. Of course, it is impossible to kill it. And in many other European countries, the Ladybug binded to the Mother of God (from here its names in different European languages: Bird of Our Lady, Mary's beetle).

In Bulgaria, it is called "God's KpoSavitsa"; In Germany and Switzerland - "Bick Candle", Beetle Magni, Lady Birds / Horse, Golden Cockerel, Solar Bird, Sunny Cockerel, Sunny Calf, In FPANCE - Loggy of God, Animal God, St. Michael's Chicken; In Lithuania - "God's Mouse"; In the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine - Sunny; In Argentina - the cow of St. Anthony, and in Tajikistan - the Red Breeding Grandfather. Talisman, with the image of God's cows, always brought good luck. And the more black specks on the back of this insect, the stronger the talisman was. One speck - Ladybug will help in any new beginnation; Two spots - a symbol of internal and external harmony; Three people will learn to be reasonable and will be able to receive correct decisions; Four - protection against robbers and gangsters (mascot with such a ladybug is good to take long journey); five will increase the ability to create creative work; Six - will help in learning; Seven - the divine sign, the Ladybug with the seven spots will bring good luck to his winner in all matters and happiness.

We saw this bug a lot of times and heard about him and often wondered: why was he named with a cow, and even God, and why does he have 7 specks? This little bug has very great importance In folklore, not only in Slavic, but also in English, German, Danish, antique. The information is also practically identical in different cultures. In English-speaking sources it is said that the bug has so strong and common symbolism with ancient times, which is impossible to find the moment and the exact place of the occurrence of this symbol. Nevertheless, researchers believe that ladybugs are an ancient symbol of happiness, good luck and good news, a symbol of respect, grace, kindness, forgiveness and a symbol of vorozhba.

IN slavic mythology Ladybird personified the bride of the sun (the beetle of the Holy Virgin Mary (Germany, Switzerland), Lady Beetle (England, Australia), Cowber of St. Anthony (Argentina), Sunshine (Czech Republic, Slovakia), Red Boron Grandfather (Tajikistan)). On the day, Ivan Kupaled the girl dressed in a red wedding bedspread, like wings in God's cow. The girl was forbidden to put on the ground, so that her solar essence burned the land. Why choose a girl? The female image was associated with the cow - the keeper of the hearth and the cormal. It was believed that the girl could predict. She was asked about weddings, yield, scotch, life and death. Ladybugs were considered as mediating between the world of living and the world of the dead. Apparently, this reflects the idea of \u200b\u200bGod's cow as a progenitor. The Ladybird bind to the Great Goddess, and later was the attribute of Our Lady. From here its names in European languages: "Bird of Our Lady", "God Maria", "Mary's beetle."

Our ancestors believed that the Ladybug lives in heaven and only from time to time he descends from heaven, in order to convey to man will God. It also suggested that the gods feed on the milk of God's cows, so in no case could this insect could be killed. It is believed that God's cow used to be called "God's Keeps", since the back of this insect resembles a blood droplet. In Russia, traditionally appealed to the cow with the question: "God's cowhow, tomorrow will be Viedro al badness?" If she flew, then there will be a good weather, if not - rain. Slavs "wondered" with a cow, questioning: "God's cowhow, whether to live me, to die or fly to heaven?". The British call her "Lady Bird." Such an epithet was used in honor of the Virgin Mary, she was "Lady of all Christians", "Mrs.". The redbakes of God is associated with the color of the Virgin Mary's Cloak. In addition, according to the medieval iconographic tradition, the Mother of God was portrayed in red robes.
Bulgar has a fortune telling: if under the stone, under which the removal of the monetary was laid - a small amulet of threads or wool, which is told on the first day of March, to be healthy and happy during the year, ladybugs will be well, it means that they will be good cows.

In Slavic mythology, there is a plot of the struggle of the thunder with his opponent, the mythical snake, the victory over which leads to the ordering of the world. Among the stories about the persecution of Perun enemy, it is of particular interest to the one that is devoted to the abduction of the wife of the Terrible Divine. Sometimes its name is penny. In these plots, a greater attention is paid to his wife, which for treason was turned into God's cow, laid by punishing fire - lightning. Children are also punished with fire. Their seven, like days in the week; The same and specks on the back of God's cows (in many languages \u200b\u200bthere are such names of God's cows, like "SemiPyatnyh", "Semitic").
Eh, cute finger -
All tempter-snake.
Forgot "half",
and your duty, and children.
There seven on the beings
and thumbs up husband
And here steppe grass
And beloved.
Tortured care -
one of the herd be
and to the seventh sweat
To drag everything on yourself.
Where - at least an hour, yes mine!
but stepped on the heels
With fireman Perun gray.
Charred clothes
Arrive-shown -
You will not be the one before -
Beauty young.
You are a borish girl
From now on there should be
mediate a deck
And your role is complex.
Between heaven and earth
Perunovy herd -
With influence on the weather
Be connected always.
Another legend is known, according to which, God's cow belongs to the heavenly herd of Perun. It carries out the intermediary bond between the sky and the Earth, between the powerful God and people, and is a symbol of this connection. Therefore, it was attributed to the magical strength, the ability to influence the weather. People tried not to kill the ladybugs, so as not to bring God's wrath.
We are separated by a whole abyss (700x466, 100kb)
In the Baltic tradition, for example, there is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe seven children of the thumbnail, of which only the youngest, seventh, withstands the test with fire and water and turns out to be a legitimate son. The idea of \u200b\u200beternal return, resurrection, wealth is associated with him, it corresponds to the seventh day of the week, noted as the day of the Sun.

It was believed that God's cow lives in heaven and only from time to time descends from heaven to convey to the will of God's will. Many nations believed that her gods themselves eat her milk, so God's cow could not be killed under any pretext.
According to another version, it was allegedly it from small people. Kill a cow - big gnah. In Galicia, it was believed that who would make her foot - I would like.

For the Dutch, God's cow, Sorting on a person, is considered a good admission. Czechs believe that the found ladybug found good luck.
Asians believe that if you caught the feedbird, it will fly to the love of your whole life and telesses her / he your name in the ear, after which he / she will immediately rush to your searches.
In the Irish ladybug - the symbol of the sewn.
The French believe that the talisman with her image will protect children from misfortune, will warn about danger.
The mascot depicting the ladybugs brings good luck. And the more black specks on the back, the stronger the talisman was.

One speck - Ladybug will help in any new beginnation;
Two spots - a symbol of internal and external harmony;
Three people will learn to be reasonable and will be able to receive correct decisions;
Four - protection against robbers and gangsters (mascot with such a ladybug is good to take long journey);
five will increase the ability to create creative work;
Six - will help in learning;
Seven - the divine sign, the Ladybug with the seven spots will bring good luck to his winner in all matters and happiness.

The tattoo with the image of God's cow has no negative interpretation. This is a symbol of love and good luck.
Until now, various spells, conspiracies and intensity, where God's cow acts as a creature, able to fly to God and transfer to him the requests of people.
Children's fun, shafts:

Fly to heaven,
Bring milk:
Houses of kids are sitting,
Milk they want!

Flying on the sky
There are your kids
Eat candy
All the guys are distributed
And Vanyushka does not give.

Poles in Neco
There are your kids
Eat candy
Tea is dug
You will be waiting.
Before us, the magic of fertility and symbolism of the upcoming spring. The motive of heavenly children allows researchers - supporters of the "main myth" about the thumbs up above, to bind a cow with a larger lightning (hence the color) of the wife of the thunderstorm.
Poles in Neco
I will give you bread.

Poles in Neco
There your children cry,
By shops jump.

Fly to heaven
There are your kids
Eat cobweets
And dogs do not give
Only they get.
fly to heaven
Bring us bread,
drying and buns
Sweet brains.

Fly up deftly.
Bring us from the sky:
Bread replacement
Mushrooms to change
Berries growth,
Radish long tail.

Black head
Flying for the sea!
There is warm
Here is cold.

Ladybug, flying on a cloud.
- dry will be a web,
Cheese will be - I sit.

In Denmark, children are transmitted with God's cow's request to God about good weather.
Norwegians ask her help in finding a second half:
"Golden cow, fly east, fly to the west, fly to the north, fly south, find my love."
Lvivschina bug plant on the back and pushe show something: "Chi to Heaven, Chi to Becked?", Or sing: "Vydunko, fly on the sky, pressing me a gold kampon."
It will be placed by Estonian pans on the back, and she does not fly away. Guys say it: "Alder bird, an alder bird show, where you can do, and where the war comes from." Bug and will show - in that rank flies.

In England, the poem about God's cow served in 1559-1662 as a relatively safe way to prevent Catholics about the approximation of Protestants.
Farmers in England know that the Ladybug is beneficial and therefore, when they fired on their fields for cleaning in favor of the future harvest, chopped -

Lady Bug, Lady Bug, Fly Away Home.
Your House Is On Fire, And Your Children Alone,

Ladybird, Ladybird Fly Away Home,
Your house in on Fire and Your Children Are Gone.

Very interesting is the fact that in Russian folklore there is also a similar verse:
Ladybug, fly away to the sky,
In my house fire, my kids are alone!

Another names that are affectionately called God's cow:
Bulgaria is called "God's KpoSavitsa";
Germans - "Bick Candle", Magni Beetle, Lady Birds / Horse, Golden Cockerel, Heavenly Age, Solar Bird, Sunny Cockerel, Sun Calf;
FPANTSUI - a piece of God, the animal of God, the chicken of St. Michael, a little dove, Saint Nicholas; Lithuanians - "God's Mouse".

Amazing symbol - Ladybug

Do not float for the flow, do not swim against the current - swim there, where you need.

(C) East Wisdom

In all the traditions of God's cow acts as symbol of good luck and good news, as well as a symbol of grace, kindness, forgiveness.
Finding God's cow was considered a good admission.

Probably, therefore children around the world, putting God's cow on his finger sentenced to about such a rhyme:
Poles in Neco
There are your kids
eat candy
all one
And you none.

God's cow was associated with the Great Goddess, and later was the attribute of Our Lady. Hence her names in European languages: "Bird of Our Lady", "God Maria", "Mary's beetle."

Many nations bind to God's cow with various myths. The main motive is the theme of the children of the God of the Sun: their seven, like days in the week and how many specks on the back of God's cows. For example, in the Baltic mythology, seven children of the dominant God are mentioned, of which only the youngest, seventh, was able to withstand the test with fire and water and becomes a legitimate son. The idea of \u200b\u200bconstant return, resurrection, wealth is associated with him, it corresponds to the seventh day of the week, called the Day of the Sun.

For the Dutch, God's cow, Sorting on a person, is considered a good admission. Czechs believe that the found Ladybird brings good luck, and the French believe that the talisman with her image will protect children from misfortune, will warn about danger.

Our ancestors believed that the Ladybug lives in heaven and only from time to time he descends from heaven, in order to convey to man will God. It also suggested that the gods feed on the milk of God's cows, in no case could not kill this insect. It is believed that God's cow used to be called "God's Keeps", since the back of this insect resembles a blood droplet.
In the Anglo-Saxon countries from antiquity and to this day, God's cow is called Ladybird, Ladybug or Lady Beetle. The word "Lady" implies Mary Mary, Catholics associate and bind to God's cow.
In Bulgaria, this insect is called "God's KpoSavitsa"; In Germany and Switzerland - "Bick Candle", Magni Beetle, Lady Bird or Horse, Golden Cockerel, Solar Bird, Sunny Cockerel, Sunny Calf, In FPANCE - Loggy of God, Animal of God, Chicken of St. Michael; In Lithuania - "God's Mouse"; In the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Ukraine - Sunny; In Argentina - the cow of St. Anthony, and in Tajikistan - a red-breed grandfather.

In modern times Ladybug symbolizes love and sexuality. As some psychological works say, it is a symbol of desire to part with virginity.

The mascot depicting the ladybugs brings good luck.

And the more black specks on the back, the stronger the talisman was.

One speck - Ladybug will help in any new beginnation;

two spots - a symbol of internal and external harmony;

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