Forgiveness Sunday Evening Service with Non Forgiveness. Liturgica

Last Sunday, before the beginning of the Great Post, is referred to as the Church of the Syropic Week, since it is on this day that ends in food of dairy products. The church reminds us of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise for disobedience and impudents. Also, this day is called for forgiveness Sunday. On the liturgy, the gospel is read with a part of the Nagorno Protection, which speaks of the forgiveness of the offense to the neighbor, without which we cannot get sorry for sins from the Heavenly Father, about the post, and about collecting heavenly treasures. Evangelical reading in forgiveness Sunday: MF., 17 Zac., 6, 14--21 14 For if you forgive people to warm them, it will be forgive and your father is heavenly, 15 and if you do not forgive people to breed them, then your father will not forgive you of your sins. 16 Also, when fast, do not be sad, as a hypocriter, for they take on gloomy faces to seem like people standing up. True I tell you that they are already getting their reward. 17 And you, when you hide, loving your head and your mind your face, 18 to appear not before people, but before the father of yours, which is secret; And your father, seeing a secret, will obviously repay you. 19 Do not collect a treasure on earth, where mole and rza destroy and where the thieves are dug and steal, 20 but collect the treasures in the sky, where neither moth, nor the rza exterminate and where the thieves do not dug and do not steal, 21 for where your treasure is, there will be your heart there. Involver the evangelical poems about the mutual forgiveness of the offense in forgiveness Sunday, the bishop of Feofan The rejupping exclaims: "What a simple and toned way of salvation! They say goodbye to you, under the condition for the forgiveness of interests against you. I myself, it means you are in your hands. Persono yourself and from Nehir feelings for brother go to sincerely peaceful, - and that's it. Forgiven day - what is the great heavenly day of God! "Whatever we are like to? lie, used them, then this day from Christian societies would have done paradise societies, and the land would have merged with heaven ..." In accordance with Evangelical reading, Christians have a pious custom to ask for each other for each other for the forgiveness of sins, led and unknown offensive and take all measures to reconciliation with the warring. After the evening worship service in the temples there is a special sorry, when the priests and parishioners mutually scratch each other forgiveness to enter into a great post with a clean soul, reconciled with all the closest.

Chin forgiveness. Establishment History

The size of forgiveness appeared in the monastery life of Egyptian monks. Before the onset of the Great Post to strengthen the feat of the prayer and prepare for the bright holiday of Easter, the monks diverged one by the desert for all forty days of fasting. Some of them were no longer returned: someone was confused by wild beasts, others died in a lifeless desert. Therefore, consuming to meet only for Easter, the monks asked each other for forgiveness for all free or involuntary insults, as before death. And of course, they sold everyone from the soul. Everyone understood that their meeting on the eve of the Great Post could be the last. In order to exist, the sorry existed - to be consecrated and farewell with everyone and - thanks to this - with God himself. Over time, this tradition passed into the worship of the whole church. In Russia, on the eve of the Great Post, our pious ancestors of the time of centuries performed the rite of the highest humility. Senior and domineering asked for forgiveness from the last and insignificant. And the state trucks asked for forgiveness from their subjects. For this purpose, they circled the troops, asked for forgiveness from the soldiers, visited the monasteries, where they asked for forgiveness from brethren, came to the bishops to and ask for forgiveness.

Chin forgiveness: order

Chin forgiveness, as a rule, takes place in the temples on Sunday evening - this is the service of the evening cheese week. The service begins as an ordinary evening, but everything is different in the temple differently: on the anals of a great black or purple analogies, in the middle of the service and priests change the vestments on the dark. It is specially solemn and joyful: Spring begins a lean, Spring spiritual!

Holy Fathers for Forgiveness:

Everyone who wants to start the feet of the post and prayer, everyone willing to shake the fruits from their repentance, hear the Word of God, hear the covenant of God: Sorry to the near sining of them before you.
Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) Will you fast? The contest of whom you offended, never envy your brother, not to do anyone to hate.
St. John Zlatoust If you, a person, do not forgive everyone who sinned against you, do not bother with fasting and prayer ... God will not accept you.
Rev. Efrem Sirin Although obliged to ask you apologies and does not ask him, and it does not worry about - why and you could consider an apology for yourself not to forgive him made against you, - however, you, despite it, forgive him if you can, calling him to himself, and if it is impossible, in itself, without showing his actions, what you want to revenge. Rev. Isidore Pelusiot Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov): "... what to do if someone does not have enough strength asking for forgiveness from the one who he considers guilty to himself (and not himself). For this, first of all, you need to say the words of the Lord itself:" Impossible for a person - maybe God! ". Decide to ask for forgiveness, and the Lord himself will do Others. Therefore, do not say: this is an unbearable thing to me! This is not true: God will help!". Bishop Dioclast Kallist: "... The Chin of Mutual Forgiveness is very far from being just a rite. It may be, and often happens, a deeply effective event who changes the lives of those who participate in it. I can remember cases when the exchange of forgiveness on the eve of the Great Post served A powerful stimulus suddenly destructing long-standing obstacles and allows you to truly restore relationships between people. This evening forgiveness of Sundays better than any words tell us that no one can go into a single swimming. " Archimandrite John (Peastery): "It is necessary to forgive those who offended us and ask for forgiveness from those whom we are voluntarily or unwitting. There will be all our works in the upcoming post. It will not accept the Lord of our numerous terrestrial bows, if in our heart will continue to live a resentment. On the brother, evil and ill-gratefulness to the neighbor. "

February 22, 2015, for the Forgible Resurrection, the renunal southeast vicariate committed a sorry with herself.

After singing the Great Skin and the closure of the royal gates, the clergy prevailed into a great black rhyme.

After a release of the evening, Father Alexy appealed to parishioners: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Today the Maslenitsa is completed, and at the end of it, as you know, is forgiven Resurrection. We are with you in anticipation of the Great Fourteen. In the coming 40 days, we will prepare yourself to meet the Holy Easter. Today, according to tradition, we come to the temple of God to ask each other for forgiveness to free and not in free sins. Why do we do it? In order to reconcile with your neighbors, try to find the inner peace to the great post. This is a special time when we think about your inner state. Always need to remember how to live your life? That invaluable gift that the Lord gave us. Are we improving or floating in the sinful flow that takes us into the abyss?

Days of the Great Post are especially strict, more than days of other posts. But not only in food is a strict. Services are not such festive and solemn, to which we are accustomed to, but no less important. We are clinging in black clothes; We empathize with the events that belong to the time of the Great Post. When reconciled with the neighbors, with the world around us, we make the first step towards improvement.

More recently, in the days of Christmas, we heard the words of chanting "Glory to the High God, and in the Land of the world, in man in favor ...". This is said just about the inner world - between a person and God. The Lord gives us to reconcile, to acquire that unity with God once lost. It depends on us how we will undergo these days. They scare us today, seem to be very long, limit in food, in passions.

There is such a chant in the evening worship "from youth by Moyya, Monszi Bourge Passion ...". Indeed, many passion are struggling people. But the post and is designed to enter our lives, instead of irritability, instead of anger and those passions, to make an inner pacification. Feel the love that the Lord has shown to us, because only limiting themselves, we can fully experience the presence of God. Days of the Great Post quickly fly, they are not so terrible, as we seem. But only if we hope not to your strength, and in the will of God, the fishery of God and then the Lord will strengthen us.

And no wonder the church found so that in the first days of the post - the church day ends with reading the repentant canon Andrei Cretsky. For the first four days we will hear the words of the Great Canon, which will be tuned to the passage of the next days of the Holy Fourteen.

I want to wish you to leave behind - angiveness, irritability and try to forgive everyone. We ourselves, we expect forgiveness, but can we expect him without learning this for themselves? Therefore, try to forget all the insults, try to steal the grace of all apartments and love. Love sacrificial in relation to each other.

What are we fasting for? Someone in order to lose weight, someone because now it becomes fashionable. But we will not see the sake of our flesh, but for the sake of our wonderful soul. By doing this, we will grow with it in those virtues that the Lord commanded us. Not everything around us must be corrected, as the world teaches now, and inside us you need to correct everything.

Ask God for helping and strengthening, both in the holy days of the third, and in all days of life. Forgive me, brethren and everything. "

The sorry was then committed, during which the rector and clergy asked for forgiveness from each other and the people.

The last preparatory week (the last day before) is called Syropus weeks. This afternoon ends in biting milk, cheese and eggs. On this day, the service of Adam and Eve is remembered: the first people were driven out of Paradise, because they turned out, broke the commandment of God. We should remember our sins, because the preparation for the Great Holiday begins with repentance, post and prayer.

Forgiveness Sunday. Worship and "sorry"

Forgiveness Sunday Before the great post - the day of mutual repentance and the pacification of all misunderstandings between us and disagreements, when we speak to each other: " Sorry!"So that pure Heart And joyful soul to start the upcoming feat. In Gospel reading this day, it is indicated that the true post should begin with the mutual forgiveness of the offense and insults:

If you forgive people of sinners, I will forgive your heavenly father; And if you do not forgive people to breed them, then your father will not forgive you of your sins (Matt. 6, 14-15)

This is based on the custom of Orthodox Christians in the last before the post of Sunday a day to speak apart from each other, why and the very day this in the people is called usually forgiveness resurrection. It has long been accepted on this day to ask for forgiveness, to put up and forgive inflicted insults, so that with a clean soul to begin the spiritual fess of the Great Post, before the priest's sins and coming. For what is the post, crankshakes and other labor works that humble their carnal passions and lust? It is only our weapon in a spiritual brave, the path to the internal self-improvement and the compassion of gospel virtues.

The fruit is a spirit: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, goodness, mercy, faith, meekness, abstinence (Cor. 5, 22-23).

But how the fruits cannot grow by themselves, without their feeding root and wood and the fruit of the spiritual - the result of a multi-year jap of abstinence and cutting off the carnal wiseness to clean the heart and soul and make them worthy of the perception of God's grace.

Usually in the Old Believers in the Forgible Sunday evening, the service is made - evening and pavetellic. After that is performed chin mutual forgivenessWhen the parishioners of the land are put on the abbot, asking for forgiveness and blessings to the Great Post. Also, the believers are also bounted with words:

Forgive Christ for the sake of!

"God will forgive me, and you forgive me for the sake of Christ!".

Custom this ancient. So, the Frenchman Generiet, who was in Russia in the military service at the beginning of the XVII century, in his composition "The state of the Russian powers and the Grand Duchy of Moscow" writes:

In Maslenitsa, the Russians attend each other, kiss, say goodbye, lay, if they insulted in a word or case, meeting even on the street, - at least never saw each other, - kiss, saying: "Forgive me, please," the other answers: " God will forgive you, and you forgive me. "

It is known that the "forgiveness" of the great princes and the kings of Moscow included a visit to the Moscow monasteries, sometimes the sovereign went to the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, saying goodbye to Britia and asking for blessings. All this was committed on, and on Sunday the sorry was made in the Assumption Cathedral. The king asked for forgiveness and blessings from the Patriarch, forgiven with his courtiers. It was also taken on this day to give freedom to prisoners.

The whole of the third (time from Monday of the first week post to Friday the sixth week inclusive) and are the expectation of Easter's Day and preparing for him. This is how it says about it in a styer, which comes in the evening in forgiveness Sunday:

P0The ВремZ SvetlW starts, in P0, the BE P0 is pretty, њchi1stim dye and3 Temo. Post1msz ћ Agranate in Snonds, Si1ce and 3 T SSSK_Z, virtues of a pitching d|. In N1khi, in love2, yes, the SPODSZZ WSI2 Vi1Dei Allopery String HRTA BGA, I3 C ™ Yu Paschu, D|0VNW Reviews.

The poetic and full of deep meaning of the church-Slavic text of this styer strengthens the praying, teaches them that the post is a joyful time. In Russian, this prayer can be translated in the following words:

The post time will start light, joyfully, encouraging himself to the fets of spiritual, clean the soul and body. We will postpone not only from snones (abstaining from food), but also from passions, feeding by the virtues of the Spirit. We will be improved with love in virtues to make it aware of all of us to see the passion of Christ and in spiritual joy to meet the Holy Easter.

Shortestheful teaching in forgiveness Sunday

Love and forgiveness of mutual offense are the main commandments in Christianity, without the execution of which no good deeds can be pleasing to God.

So, if you bring the gift to your altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go, first come to your brother, and then come and bring your gift (MF. 5 , 24-25).

St. Father's Post Present Fathers Call spithromeThat we are sacrificed to God, devoting this time to a daughget abstinence and prayer.

While we live on Earth, the soul and our body among themselves are inseparable. If we are Christians - both and the other must devote to the ministry of God. There are commandments for the soul, there are my own for the body. Following the example of the saints of fathers and wishing eternal salvation, we can not neglect or break the slightest of them. In the "Ancient Catema" tells about one young ink, which went around the city in Knowledge and in response to the guarantee of an experienced deserted elder, on the occasion of it in the same place, said that God does not require anything other than the purity of the heart. The elder exclaimed the elder:

I live fifty years in the desert, and did not blame the purity of heartfelt, and you want to push it in Kunedie!

Soon, that negligent and arrogant sin fell into a grave sin, because we cannot defeat our passions and lust, if we will not be removed from the cause that generates them.

"It is great at the beginning of the feat and labor starting to God in silence and silence; And then - the joy is unhappy. How do you think first to wait for the heat and exuded tears, and they do not otherwise reach the desired goal; So wishing to burn fires the Divine must argue with tears and works, with silence and silence "(ISERIKOM).

When we take our field to be poured in the summer, then at first the work, as they say, "scares eyes", but slowly, step by step, with difficulty and bonquers, tear away the malicious thorns, which can drown and destroy all the good fruits. So, with the help of God, overcoming the first difficulties, begin to notice that it becomes even easier. Easily and happily turning back when we see those who are thrown, peeled noble landings. Easily and happily collect us fruits at the end of a long-term painstaking work. And lean time: before the beginning it seems to be tremendous and inconvenient, but gradually, day after day, freeing his soul from sinful thorn, we will noticeably notice some relief in the feat. Special joy - a bright Easter day, which we meet with a sense of accomplishment for the sake of transferred good works and efforts.

Reasonable and moderate post The holy fathers call the basis and approval for all virtues. In the Forgible Sunday, we remember Adamovo Exile from Paradise Sweets, which was a consequence of the impresentation and a violation of the commandment of post, established and for the pristine person. Therefore, as we lost the volatory and cleanliness through the impudent of the banned dock, in an equal way and gain them again, throwing out your bodily needs to strengthen and approve the soul to prayer and the birth.

"Do not deceive, you can't free yourself from the mental Pharaoh, nor see the mountain Easter, if you can't always eat bitter potions and desalination. Gorky potion is the coherence and patience of the post, and the desalination is unprofitable wise. Yes, connect with your breathing your word Psalmopevtsa: Az, fraud<бесы> stuzhai mi, clouded in the aftertece and hummies, my soul, and my prayer in the afraid<души моей> Returns (Ps. 34, 13).

The post is the violence of nature, the rejection of everything that delays the taste, repayment of the bodily liquefaction, the extermination of the evil spirits, the exemption from the bad dreams, the purity of prayers, the shower of the soul, the deposit of the mind, the extermination of heart insensitivity, the door of the dignity, the rehabilitation of the humble, joyful crushing, retention, The cause of silence, guard of obedience, relief sleep, body health, the culprit of impassivity, the resolution of sins, gates of Paradise and heavenly pleasure "(" Pallet ", word 14).

We see the path and example here, first of all, from the very Lord of our Isus Christ. He fasted for forty days in the desert, leaving us the image so that no doubt imites him and walked his feet. And the Great God's worships and prophets who were honored with special high revelations and grace - Moses, Elijah, Daniel, also passed a forty-day lean field. Never and never praise the holy fathers of those who work their womb. For the heart of the womb is a receptacle for any uncleanness and bad wishes, and the heart of a humble and devotees - the abode for God's grace, if, of course, at the same time, to save the kind, reasonableness and other virtues, without which all of our affairs can not be savior and beige.

Do not collect a treasure on Earth, where mole and rye will be exterminated and where the thieves are submerged and steal; But collecting a treasure in the sky, where neither mole, nor the rza exterminate and where the thieves do not park and do not steal. For, where your treasure, there will be your heart (Matt. 6, 19-21).

True spiritual our treasure is to be concerned by the eternal Easter joy, which the Lord has taken to those who love him. The post of body assumes also the spiritual post, i.e. To ensure that your internal person, Behind the movements of the heart and soul. A postback and sidelines that feeds in the heart of Memilobia and the condemnation of neighbors, the holy fathers are compared with a poisonous aspid hiding in their Nore. If you say "sorry", and you yourself do not forgive, if only for visibility from the squeezed vanity, we bow to the brother who had an overlooking us, but again, then beyond the anger, then you will never be sure that the devil himself never eats and never Does not sleep, but does not cease from it to be a devil. The heart of an amphibious and angry person is the house and the gibbing of the evil demons. Nothing reveals us from God's grace, like maliciousness and condemnation, hatred and slander. There is a road to the very depths of the underworld and the treasury of eternal flour.

"The rapid and strict proud of the near-melee contingence therefore, there are no passion, which does not have perfect and permanent memory and care of their sins. For if a person exactly, without cobbled pride, saw her evil deeds, then there would be no other, thinking that he would take time for mourning and himself, at least he and one hundred I lived and at least I saw my whole Jordan tears expiring from the eyes of my whole. I watched the taste of true repentance and did not find in it and a trace of crosses or condemnation "(" Saberrian ", Word 10).

As the wasps and flies flush on the sweet, and the Spirit of the custody rushes against each virtue to mix something malicious and turn to reverse the saving undertaking. Lebid abstinence set us holy fathers in order to help us with a lightweight soul. We have tied love and humility, meekness and mercy towards near. Cut spirits, on the contrary, try to overcome the heart of the vanity of the vanity and the permission and learn him to despise the weaker fellow fellow. A proud person is always inclined to tough and sharp disclosures, the same who speaks to his brother on love will talk about the case as if telling about their own gentleness, and no doubt will reach better results. For it is known that a brutal and offensive word can be embarrassed and a good person and move it to anger, whereas the word is kind, said with meekness, really strongly to fix the evil in any person and instruct him to virtue.

Who eats do not humiliate who does not eat; And who does not eat, do not condemn the one who eats: Because God accepted him. Who are you who condemn someone else's slave? Before his Lord stands or falls; And it will be restored, for Silen Lord put it (Rome. 14, 3,4).

Will we post, if you are barefoot, whether many bows and face the way our body, must always remember that it is not "an end in itself", but only a means to achieve a true goal: peace and cleansing of the soul. That even supernatural bodily mobility will not bring us any benefit if we do not have to maintain our first commandment about love for God and neighbor. When we live in a big family, I love all our households, tolerate and humble with their universities, carry the troubles and the crowns that they cause us, always thinking how to support them and console. But such and even greater love should we have not only close to your relatives, as well as to all others. True love is aware of the forgiveness of crosses and insults, then when we have undergone the humiliation from the near, I don't care about my soul, but about your offender, and sincerely want to help him and calm him.

"Sorry" is the word of love and consolation, when, reconciled with his brother, we hope for forgiveness and your own limits. For all our righteousness is like a chicken wife in front of God. And if we can still count on condescension, for the sake of our natural gesting, with the weak passage of bodies of virtues, then the casual hatred in the heart does not have any reasonable justification for itself. And all our works and feats are destroyed, excitement from God's grace forever, for "Does not live the Holy Spirit where there is anger" (Nikon Chernogorets).

In the Prologue from the lives of Saints (February 9) there is one very touching story about the Saint Martyr Nikifor (approx. 257), which suffered during the time of harsh pagan persecution.

Two friends lived in the city of Antioch - the priest Saprik and Mirityan Nikifor, who loved each other about the Lord. But the devil had envied their non-estate love and sowed between them. And this enmity so broke out that if they even met on the street, they fled in different directions, blinded by the demonskie malice. And so they both - Saprik and Nikifor, forgetting about the law of Christ, rushed to the eternal death.
But over time, Miryanin Nikifor repented in his malice to the Saprikia Ierine and began to ask him for forgiveness. Three times he sent his friends and neighbors to him, considering himself a sinful and unworthy to get closer to the priest offended by him, and three times Saprik refused reconciliation. Finally, Nikifor decided and fell to the legs of her ex-friend with the words:

- Forgive me, father, gentlemen forgive!
But the Saprik again did not want to reconcile with the humble Nikifor, because Satan mastered his heart.
At that time, there was a terrible persecution of Christians, and Saprikia led to the trial. The ruler demanded from him to bring the victims of idols, but Sapriki answered courageously:

- About the ruler! We are Christians. Our king is the Lord Isus Christ. He is one, True God, Creator of the Earth and the Sea. The gods are your demons. Yes, they will die! Your gods are the creations of human hands!
His long and brutally tormented, but the Saprik and in the suffering spoke to the boss:

- You have power over my body, but not over your soul. Lord My Isus Christ, who created my soul, he had a single power over her.
Seeing Saprikia's inflexibility, he was convicted of death. But when already the executioner led him to the place of execution, Nikifor, heard about it, came running and fell in front of Saprik, with tears appealing:

- Oh, the martyr of Christ! Sorry forgive me! I sinned before you!
But the saprik, blinded by anger, re-renounced reconciliation.
For a long time, his blissful Nikifor, but in vain. And then the power of God and grace retreated from the insane priest, and the saprik suddenly fell in spirit and renounced Lord Isus Christ.

- Oh, my beloved brother, "Nikifor exclaimed," don't do it! " Do not lose the crown of heaven, who you melt many sufferings! Now the heavenly Vladyka is preparing to come to you and reward eternal joy for temporary suffering and death.
But the raised neighbor and for it left by God, the saprik continued to renounce. Then, strengthened by the Holy Spirit, Nikifor appealed to the pagans and said:

- I'm a Christian! I believe in the Lord Isus Christ and will not bring the victims of idols. I will accept the execution instead of Saprikia.
Then, by order of the ruler, the apostate was released, and Nikifor cut off his head. With the courtyard, his pure soul flew over to the Lord and with all the Holy Martyrs appeared the throne of God, he was powered and glory, honor and worship. Amen.

If possible on your part, be in the world with all people (Rome.12, 18).

If we do not dare we are unclean hands to touch the shrine or come to the divine service in unclean clothes, especially in the uncleanness of heartfelt, i.e. In an unrequisite hostility and hatred against his brother - we cannot bring the sacrifice for God to the spiritual, so that instead of the forgiveness of sins, not only more angry and condemnation. Tears and repentance - Bath for the soul. Love and all-saying is the way of reconciliation with God, the beginning and end of the path of salvation and improvement. The inner and external abstinence from sinful passions and lusts are erected by a person in the previous heritage, from which the ancient adams did not leave. But which, by the grace of God, again we openly, if only be vigilantly and diligently follow all those wisdom to the Lord's commandments leading us to eternal salvation.

"The feat of the virtue is rejected, the troubles are injured, bringing a good feat of the post. It is more likely to legally suffrage, legally and crowned. And the whole weapon of the cross, the enemy is cooled, I can be stuttered with the wall of the faith, and Jaco's armor prayer. And helmet alms. Instead of a sword of the post, it is also sipping from the heart any malice. Creating this, the true one will serve the crown, from all the king of Christ, on the day of the vessel. " (Triododi Lachy ).

Forgiveness Sunday in folk traditions

This is how the folk traditions of the "Forgiven" Sunday writer and the ethnograph of the XIX century describe. S.V. Maksimov.

The last day of the carnival is called "forgiven", and the peasants are dedicated to his spending. An hour of 4 in the afternoon on a rural bell tower is heard sad, a good worst to the evening and, having gone to him, who poured the peasants of Istivo shed and try to shock a funny carnival mood: they will be empty little to the crowded streets, eats festive talk and noise, stopping fights, games, Cattle. In a word, a wide, drunk carnival stops cool and a great post comes to replace it. The approach of the post is reflected in the spiritual mood of the peasants, awakening the thought of repentance and complete reconciliation with the neighbors. Pulling the church ringing and the evening will be departed, as relatives and neighbors begin to walk on the outstands, asking for each other for forgiveness. Low, to the earth itself, the peasants are bowed to each other and say: "Sorry, the sake of Christ, what I was sinned before you." - "Forgive me and you", "the same request hears in response.

However, this beautiful, full of Christian humility, the custom became gradually dying. According to the testimony of our correspondents, in some central provinces, it almost does not exist, but in the forest provinces of the North, where the customs are generally stable and strong, "farewell" is observed quite strictly and there is even a special ritual of it. The coming asks for forgiveness, it becomes near the doors on his knees and, referring to the owners, says: "Forgive me with all your family, what I hit you for this year." The owners and all those in the hut are responsible: "God will forgive you and immediately." After that, those who came to say goodbye to the owners, clouding with them, offering them a treat. And after any hour, the hosts themselves are going to say goodbye, and the whole rite, with a treat inclusive, is done first.

So, the movement from the hut in the huts, go to the light, and, passing down the street, and men, and women are considered a debt that there are urine shouting: "Massemen-Maslenitsa, stretch!" Or: "Mocrium Maslenitsa, stretch!"

As for the village youth, she or does not adhere to the custom of saying goodbye, or for a farewell, she takes a perisite character. This is what our Orlovsky Correspondent reports on this score: guys and girls become in a row and one of the guys comes up to the extreme on the right side and tells him: "Forgive me, a cute Ivan (or cute Daria), what I have sinned before you." That (or that) respond: "God will forgive you and I'm right there." After that, three times kiss each other. This is what the fascinating whole range passes and becomes side, the second one comes to say goodbye to the second, etc. With goodbye, of course, it does not work out without jokes.

Some feature is farewell in a family circle. This is how it happens in the Saratov province. The whole family sits down for dinner (the scrambled eggs is definitely served as the last dish), and after dinner, everyone is diligent and then the youngest begins to bow all in turn and, having received forgiveness, departs to the side. Behind him, in the order of seniority, begins to bow the next member of the family (but the younger does not bow down and the farewell does not ask him), and so on. The latter is put on the launch, and the husband asks for forgiveness, the head of the family does not bow anyone.

Although the custom of asking for forgiveness from relatives and neighbors, as soon as it was said, it comes out of use, but the custom is extremely firmly fighting the dead. At least our correspondents unanimously indicate that this kind of fare has been preserved everywhere. The custom to go to the cemetery on the last day of the carnival is maintained mainly by women. In the fourth hour in the afternoon, they are pile, in 10-12 people, go with pancakes to the dead and try not to speak anything along the road. In the cemetery, each finds the native grave, it becomes knees and beats three bows, and with tears in front of the eyes, whispers: "Forgive me (name), forget everything that I heated to you and hurt." Praying, the women put pancakes on the tomb (and sometimes they put vodka) and go home as silently, as they came. At the same time, it is considered a good sign, if neither pancakes or vodka remains on the grave on the grave: it means that the dead man lives on the light thoroughly and that he does not remember evil and is not angry at the opposing treat.

Chin for forgiveness 22.02.2015 06:26

February 22 - Forgiveness Resurrection. After the Divine Liturgy, an evening evening, after which all the parishioners, in turn, approaching the priests, mutually forgiven each other of the scene.

Forgive resurrection. Chin for forgiveness

Everyone willing to start a fee of the post and prayer,
Everyone willing to shake fruit from their repentance,
Hear the word of God, hear the covenant of God:
Sorry to the closest sewing them before you.
Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)

Will you fast? Oveset who you offended
Never envy your brother, don't you feel hate to anyone.
St. John Zlatoust

If you, a person, do not forgive any
sinned against you, then do not bother yourself
Post and prayer ... God will not accept you.
Rev. Efrem Sirin

Forgiveness Sunday - the last day before the great post.

On this day, all Orthodox are asking for a friend of forgiveness - in order to start a good soul, focus on spiritual life with a pure heart to meet Easter - the day of the Resurrection of Christ.

On this day, the last time is the rapid food.

"On this day, according to the custom installed in ancient times, bowing each other from the depths of our hearts, the Orthodox mutual resentment and sinners are forgiving.

It is necessary for us if we want to live with the Lord and being on Earth, and moved into the eternal life. We all wish you an eternal salvation. But this is possible only if there is no offense in our heart; There will be no mutual condemnation, dislike.

Perhaps only when there will be a world in our heart - this is a precious sacred benefit that the Savior will give us Christ.

But for this you need to forgive those who offended us, and ask for forgiveness from those whom we are volunteled or unwittingly offended. Otherwise, there will be all our works in the upcoming post. The Lord will not accept our numerous terrestrial bows, if in our heart they will continue to live a resentment for brother, evil and ill-witness to the near "Archim. John Peastery.

Chin forgiveness is the service of the evening cheese week. The service begins as an ordinary evening, but everything is different in the temple differently: on the anals of a great black or purple analogies, in the middle of the service and priests change the vestments on the dark. It is specially solemn and joyful: Spring begins a lean, Spring spiritual!

The abbot of the temple says the words of the instruction and asks for forgiveness from the clergy and the people with the words: "Bless, fathers of Self and Briat, and forgive Mi, sinful, Elika (everything that) sinned to this day, word, thinking and all of my feelings." After that, he bowed to the ground. Everyone responds to him by earthly bow and say: "God will forgive the latch and hurts, the saint will. Sorry and pray and about us, the sinners. "The priest says" the grace of God will forgive and raises all of us. "

Then the abbot takes a hand-held cross. All clergymen are in order of seniority, and then parishioners, suitable for the abbot, kiss the cross, asking for forgiveness and a whole cross. Then it is customary to put each other, ask for forgiveness and answer for forgiveness: "God will forgive," a good person is not formal, in words, and sincerely, from the heart.

The size of forgiveness appeared in the monastery life of Egyptian monks. Before the onset of the Great Post to strengthen the feat of the prayer and prepare for the bright holiday of Easter, the monks diverged one by the desert for all forty days of fasting. Some of them were no longer returned: someone was confused by wild beasts, others died in a lifeless desert. Therefore, consuming to meet only for Easter, the monks asked each other for forgiveness for all free or involuntary insults, as before death. And of course, they sold everyone from the soul. Everyone understood that their meeting on the eve of the Great Post could be the last. In order to exist, the sorry existed - to be consecrated and farewell with everyone and - thanks to this - with God himself.

Over time, this tradition passed into the worship of the whole church. In pre-revolutionary Russia, for example, there was a custom of the king to ask for forgiveness from his subjects. To this end, the king traveled around the troops (from the XVIII century - the arrangement of the regiments quartered in the capital), asked for forgiveness from the soldier, visited the monasteries, where he asked for forgiveness from their brethren, came to the bishings to and ask for forgiveness.

"We need to forgive those who offended us and ask for forgiveness from those whom we are voluntarily or involuntarily offended," Archimandrite John (peasant)) - otherwise there will be all our works in the upcoming post. It will not accept the Lord of our numerous terrestrial bows, if in our heart they will continue to live a resentment for brother, evil and ill-gratefulness to the near.

The Lord and our tear prayers and sinking to him about the pardon of us, if they do not touch our consciousness of the Savior's word: "If you are forgiven to people's sinners, I will forgive your Heavenly Father (MF. 6, 14).

Forgiveness Sunday is the day of checking our spiritual maturity, the day of our strict self-test: are we capable of following Christ, fulfilling all his commands?

Many of us from our own life experience know well that it is much easier to forgive than to ask forgiveness from the one who offended anyone. Here the pride of our prevents us from recognizing themselves guilty.

But before asking for forgiveness from each other, we must ask for forgiveness from the Lord for paying him a stalking ungratefulness and for his Calval suffering, and for his godfather, which he suffered for the redemption of our sins. For the fact that we have little love for him.

On this day, the Church is remembered by a terrible tragedy, which has accomplished with humanity at the dawn of his history - the expulsion of him, in the person of all of all the plates of Adam, on behalf of God, the expulsion of Adam from Paradise.

Yudol Crying and sorrow - the land took the exile to make a wolf and thorn to the commandment of God to deseminate the criminal and thorns, so that in the sweat to carry his bread to him, so that in pain, tears and sadness and feed their children in pain, tears and sadness .

I cried Adam on the exile, Sedge "rightly Paradise", cried, remembering who he was, and what possessed, and who lost. And according to Adam, the first all mankind is crying for this day and disappoints about the unfortunate now the ghost of happiness. And the world is all, anterorated and tired, crying from bobbies, from what the soul is naked that aimlessly life is unfortunately. And nothing can fill our life so that it felt quite a person's unconditional completeness of valid, and not ghostly happiness, for she, this fullness, only in God.

But we are exile. Paradise is far and the further humanity lives from the time of fall, the bladder in it becomes the beautiful image of Paradise, the deeper the pain and suffering of mankind and the more the image and the likeness of God in the soul of man is erased. And the world would die for a long time if it were not for the second Adam - Christ, the newly rejected prisoner and giving a man to return to him.

And we all carry on the Tugu and the severity of the life of the exile. But we, those who live the life of the church, know and the heavenly joy of rejected royal gates, and the life-giving licking words: "Christ is Risen!" And in them - the initial proximity of Divine Love to man. But precedes this paradise joy on Earth a great post, and the church constantly teaches that what we lost to sin, find, find, can be returned only with repentance, feat and works of great abstinence.

It will take only a few hours, and we all with amazement we note that there will be something around us and in us; There will be something that will impose on all the seal of special concentration and attention. It will come holy great post. And together with the Church from the call to repentance, we will go to the repentance of repentance themselves, to repentance. "

The great post begins ...

According to the materials of the daily Internet magazine Orthodoxy and the world

Photos from the rank of forgiveness February 22, 2015 in the arrival of the Crossgen Cossack Cathedral

Everyone willing to start a fee of the post and prayer,
Everyone willing to shake fruit from their repentance,
Hear the word of God, hear the covenant of God:
Sorry to the closest sewing them before you.
Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)

Will you fast? Oveset who you offended
Never envy your brother, don't you feel hate to anyone.
St. John Zlatoust

If you, a person, do not forgive any
sinned against you, then do not bother yourself
Post and prayer ... God will not accept you.
Rev. Efrem Sirin

Forgiveness Sunday - the last day before the great post.

On this day, all Orthodox are asking for a friend of forgiveness - in order to start a good soul, focus on spiritual life with a pure heart to meet Easter - the day of the Resurrection of Christ.

On this day, the last time is the rapid food.

"On this day, according to the custom installed in ancient times, bowing to each other from the depths of our hearts, the Orthodox mutual resentment and sinners are forgiving.

It is necessary for us if we want to live with the Lord and being on Earth, and moved into the eternal life. We all wish you an eternal salvation. But this is possible only if there is no offense in our heart; There will be no mutual condemnation, dislike.

Perhaps only when there will be a world in our heart - this is a precious sacred benefit that the Savior will give us Christ.

But for this you need to forgive those who offended us, and ask for forgiveness from those whom we are volunteled or unwittingly offended. Otherwise, there will be all our works in the upcoming post. The Lord of our numerous terrestrial bows will not accept if in our heart they will continue to live a brother, evil and ill-gratefulness to the near "- Archimandrite John Peastery.

Gin for forgiveness, as a rule, takes place in the temples on Sunday evening - This is the service of the evening cheese week. The service begins as an ordinary evening, but everything is different in the temple differently: on the anals of a great black or purple analogies, in the middle of the service and priests change the vestments on the dark. It is specially solemn and joyful: Spring begins a lean, Spring spiritual!

The abbot of the temple says the words of the instruction and asks for forgiveness from the clergy and the people with the words: "Bless, the fathers of Self and Briat, and forgive Mi, sinful, Elika (everything that) was sinned to this day, in a word, thoroughness and all of my feelings." After that, he bowed to the ground. Everyone responds to him with earthly bow and say: "God will forgive you and hurts, the saint will. Sorry and pray and about us, sinners. " The priest says "thank you, God will forgive and raises all of us."

Then the abbot takes a hand-held cross. All clergymen are in order of seniority, and then parishioners, suitable for the abbot, kiss the cross, asking for forgiveness and a whole cross. Then it is customary to put each other, to ask for forgiveness and answer for forgiveness: "God will forgive", the forgive man is not formally, in words, but sincerely, from the heart.

At the end of the service, in many temples, Easter chants ("Resurrection Day", ending with the words "forgive the whole resurrection"), recalling that the post is the path to Easter, which is already close.

The size of forgiveness appeared in the monastery life of Egyptian monks. Before the onset of the Great Post to strengthen the feat of the prayer and prepare for the bright holiday of Easter, the monks diverged one by the desert for all forty days of fasting. Some of them were no longer returned: someone was confused by wild beasts, others died in a lifeless desert. Therefore, consuming to meet only for Easter, the monks asked each other for forgiveness for all free or involuntary insults, as before death. And of course, they sold everyone from the soul. Everyone understood that their meeting on the eve of the Great Post could be the last. In addition to chin for forgiveness - To be renfected and farewell with everyone and - thanks to this - with God himself.

Over time, this tradition passed into the worship of the whole church. In pre-revolutionary Russia, for example, there was a custom of the king to ask for forgiveness from his subjects. To this end, the king traveled around the troops (from the XVIII century - the arrangement of the regiments quartered in the capital), asked for forgiveness from the soldier, visited the monasteries, where he asked for forgiveness from their brethren, came to the bishings to and ask for forgiveness.

"You need to forgive those who offended us and ask for forgiveness from those whom we are voluntarily or unwittered, - reminded in the sermon Archimandrite John (peasantkin) - otherwise there will be all our works in the upcoming post. It will not accept the Lord of our numerous terrestrial bows, if in our heart they will continue to live a resentment for brother, evil and ill-gratefulness to the near.

The Lord will not hear and our tear prayers and sinking to him about the pardon of us, if they do not touch our consciousness of the Savior's word: "If you forgive people to warm them, will forgive your heavenly father" (Matt. 6, 14).

And at present, this tradition has been published beyond temples.

Forgiveness Sunday - This is the day of checking our spiritual maturity, the day of our strict self-test: are we able to follow Christ, fulfilling all his commands?

Many of us from our own life experience know well that it is much easier to forgive than to ask forgiveness from the one who offended anyone. Here the pride of our prevents us from recognizing themselves guilty.

In the era of the Internet and mobile phones The farewell ceremony began to acquire new strange forms - for example, requests for forgiveness in the form of mailing to a large list of subscribers. I want to ask - if this conversation was the last, would we actually limit to the impersonal SMS? It is clear that so much easier - to ask for forgiveness at once and immediately for everything, and in the same waysale for everyone to forgive everyone. It is much more difficult to forgive concrete person concrete misconduct. It is difficult, but it is necessary if there is a desire to live on, and not to perture the tenth-time old insult.

But before asking for forgiveness from each other, we must ask for forgiveness from the Lord for paying him a stalking ungratefulness and for his Calval suffering, and for his godfather, which he suffered for the redemption of our sins. For the fact that we have little love for him.

On this day, the Church is remembered by a terrible tragedy, which has accomplished with humanity at the dawn of his history - the expulsion of him, in the person of all of all the plates of Adam, on behalf of God, the expulsion of Adam from Paradise.

Yudol Crying and sorrow - the land took the exile to make a wolf and thorn to the commandment of God to deseminate the criminal and thorns, so that in the sweat to carry his bread to him, so that in pain, tears and sadness and feed their children in pain, tears and sadness .

She cried Adam on his exile, Sedge "Right Paradise", cried, remembering who he was, and what possessed, and whom he lost. And according to Adam, the first all mankind is crying for this day and disappoints about the unfortunate now the ghost of happiness. And the world is all, anterorated and tired, crying from bobbies, from what the soul is naked that aimlessly life is unfortunately. And nothing can fill our life so that it felt quite a person's unconditional completeness of valid, and not ghostly happiness, for she, this fullness, only in God.

But we are exile. Paradise is far and the further humanity lives from the time of fall, the bladder in it becomes the beautiful image of Paradise, the deeper the pain and suffering of mankind and the more the image and the likeness of God in the soul of man is erased. And the world would die for a long time if it were not for the second Adam - Christ, the newly rejected prisoner and giving a man to return to him.

And we all carry on the Tugu and the severity of the life of the exile. But we, those who live the lives of the Church, know the heavenly joy of rejected the royal gates, and the life-governing uniform words: "Christ is risen!" And in them - the initial proximity of Divine Love to man. But precedes this paradise joy on Earth a great post, and the church constantly teaches that what we lost to sin, find, find, can be returned only with repentance, feat and works of great abstinence.

It will take only a few hours, and we all with amazement we note that there will be something around us and in us; There will be something that will impose on all the seal of special concentration and attention. It will come holy great post. And together with the church from the call to repentance, we will go to the repentance of the repentance of repentance.

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