Ferrets sleep up to 20 hours a day. How long does the ferret sleep

Breeders who decide to have a pet are determined for a long time with a choice: a cat, a dog, a hamster. Each of them has its own troubles, each has its own subtleties, absolutely everyone needs our attention and care.

The ferret loves to sleep very much

The ferret sleeps for a long time

The breeders thought and decided to opt for a ferret. And instantly how many questions: what to feed, how to care for, where to keep, is there time. Yes, a predator requires special care and attention and participation during the game. But the expression: Sleeping like a ferret, did not come from anywhere. The ferret sleeps more than eighteen hours a day. He plays the remaining six. Accordingly, you need to find a scatter of two hours of time for your pet and that's it. This is almost nothing, especially if there are children in the house and the animal has been living with you for a long time, has managed to adapt to all family members.

Ferret care includes:

  • nutrition balanced with vitamins and minerals;
  • mandatory vaccination;
  • games;
  • walking;

If a cat is an independent animal that prefers an isolated lifestyle: feed the main thing and bother less, then he is a whirligig. He is very active and constantly needs attention, company and energy release. No matter how much you play with him, it is always not enough. If you can provide all of this to your animal, then the ferret will create an atmosphere of comfort and enthusiasm in your home.

The sleeping ferret rests intermittently, both awake for two hours and falling asleep for four hours. Moreover, it falls in the literal sense. Sleep overcomes a starved predator anywhere, this requires special care from you. He can fall asleep in the crevice of the sofa, in the washing machine, on the floor, in the corner. Absolutely everywhere. It is best to find a sleeping animal and move it to the cage if you are busy.

Sleep can overwhelm a ferret on the go

The ferret wakes up full of strength and vigorous, playful and cheerful as always. After playing, the forces leave him and his eyes close again under the weight of fatigue. And then the ferret falls asleep. He can sleep on the go. go to the intended goal and not reach. Sometimes he sleeps with half-open eyes. The duration of sleep depends on the time of year; in the fall and winter, ferrets sleep longer than in the spring and summer.

Also, depending on the period of mating, the duration of their sleep changes, as well as their mood. But this does not apply to spayed animals.

A healthy animal sleeps no more than eighteen hours, if the ferret is sick, then he can sleep all day. As we can see, their waking state does not last long, so there is no catastrophic complexity in their content.

Features of the animal

Yes, the ferret is a predator, and a very wayward comrade. Caring for him is more demanding than for other animals. Mandatory vaccination alone takes a lot of time, money and attention of the owners. Despite the fact that he sleeps for days, the ferret is susceptible to distemper, rabies, hepatitis, etc. From the age of three months, you need to constantly monitor the vaccination period and vaccinate the ferret. Ferret nutrition takes a lot of care. An unbalanced diet will lead to illness and problems.

Sleeping ferrets can be handled as much as you like, they will not wake up

Caring for a ferret takes a lot of effort, you should change the bedding in the cage regularly, bathe the animal and comb it out. So much for a sleepyhead. Otherwise, bad smell, and even more in your home will not keep you waiting long.

How do ferrets sleep? Calm, and it is extremely difficult to wake him up. As they fall into a deep, wakeful sleep. Therefore, the expression appeared: sleeps like a ferret. The sleeping ferret no matter how much he sleeps, but the interval between games is strictly observed. Played - slept.

How much he sleeps depends on the time of year, you should not be afraid that he is unwell. Better to conduct a survey if there are significant doubts. In any case, they will have to be completed shortly before vaccination. Since grafting is done to a completely healthy animal and nothing else.

Some breeders make special hammocks for pets, where they put a sleeping body so that nothing happens. Be careful and attentive, it is common to assemble or disassemble a sofa or other furniture without noticing a sleeping ferret.

Ferret in a hammock feels great

How many hours an animal sleeps also depends on sex differences; the male is more active during the rut.

Ferrets do not eat much, in contrast to the length of sleep. Their diet can be balanced or natural. Whether or not they are given vitamin supplements depends on the chosen feeding method. Food should include vitamins and minerals. Needed for life support.

How much feed you need to give depends on the weight of the animal, and also based on the weight, how much you need to give a gram of vitamin supplement with food.

A constantly sleeping animal compensates for its problematic care by the fact that it sleeps for a long time and often and allows the breeder to calmly go about his business.

» » » How long does the ferret sleep

Ferrets are increasingly appearing in the apartments of city dwellers, replacing cats or dogs. Animals with cute faces have a funny look. They do not require special care, but they love attention and affection. Anyone who has these animals for the first time may be surprised at how much ferrets sleep. Their sleep is 15-16 hours a day.

Ferrets must be constantly combed, bathed regularly, properly fed and carefully monitored for their vaccination. It is better to use iron cages for keeping animals at home. This will keep them safe. sharp teeth furniture, clothes and shoes that they like to gnaw and tear into small pieces. Animals should always have dry bedding. Ferret owners often mistake their desire to sleep for a disease. If you have any doubts about the health of ferrets, it is better to immediately contact your veterinarian.

How much does a ferret sleep per day

Ferret sleep depends on various factors. Most of all, castrated males and neutered females sleep. Their sleep is 18-20 hours a day. Castration and sterilization are among the causes of drowsiness in animals, but are not the main ones. The main reason for the long sleep of animals is the structural feature of their body.

Ferrets are actively awake. They are overly mobile, constantly running around the apartment. The animals play without stopping for a minute. This speeds up the metabolic processes in their body. During sleep, ferrets replenish the energy they have wasted in a short time. It takes them a long time to recuperate.

Factors that affect sleep

Ferrets sleep least of all during mating season. Among the main physiological factors affecting sleep duration:

  1. The age of the animals. Young ferrets are more mobile than older ones. They spend energy much more than their age counterparts. Sleep decimates the young, like a machine gun fire. Young ferrets are shivering when they wake up. Thus, their irrepressible desire to move is expressed. When they wake up, they immediately begin to gnaw something and run like crazy around the house. Elderly ferrets sleep 15-18 hours. They lead a more relaxed lifestyle, love warmth, silence, comfort and soft places where you can sleep well.
  2. Season and weather. Ferrets sleep the longest in winter. During this period, they may have full hibernation. This is due to the short daylight hours. The darkness makes them sleepy. During this period, animals eat more and play less. The wakefulness period in winter is no more than 4 hours a day. Additional lethargy in ferrets appears as a result of molting. The animals can sleep for several days in a row without waking up even to eat. With the arrival of spring and summer, the mode of life of animals changes. They become more mobile and play a lot.
  3. The mating season. During this time, ferrets completely lose their usual sleep and wake times. Their extraordinary physical activity at night can cause insomnia for all residents of the house. Ferrets will gladly replenish their lost strength during the day, having slept from dawn to dusk. They return to a normal routine of life immediately after the end of the mating season. Pets sleep sometimes resembles a "ragged" mode. It is an alternation of short periods of time for rest and play.

The duration of sleep of animals is influenced by their gender. During the rutting period, males sleep significantly less than females. A lack of vitamins can be a provocateur of drowsiness. They should be given to animals all year round. Sometimes the cause of drowsiness is a disease that weakens the animal's body.

Sleep phases

  • slow;
  • fast or paradoxical.

They have different mechanisms for the resting process. At a slow stage of sleep in animals, the rhythm of the heartbeat slows down. They breathe in and out less often. Their sleeping body is engaged in the release of hormones responsible for the formation of white blood cells and the restoration of muscle tissue.

The fast stage is characterized by complete relaxation of the animals. Their consciousness is turned off and reflex reactions to events happening around them do not work. The best time for training predators - waking up after the rapid stage of sleep. At this time, the animals exhibit a peak in their receptivity to learning. Almost all new skills acquired are stored in memory.

During the period of their wakefulness, the animals receive, due to their increased activity, a huge amount of information. This forces them to direct all nervous energy from external stimuli inward. The result of the process is the disabling of some functions of the predators.

Why ferrets sleep a lot

The main causes of long-term sleep in carnivores are metabolism and hyperactivity. The energy spent during the waking period cannot be replenished with food alone. Its main supply is restored during rest. After 2 hours of excessive activity, the animal sleeps for at least 4 hours. The most active ferrets are the largest sleepyheads.

Processes during sleep

During rest, the body of predators mobilizes all its internal reserves aimed at replenishing the lost energy. It triggers various processes to restore the nervous system.

Table # 1.Processes occurring during sleep.

IndicatorProcesses in progress
Nervous systemThe information received during sleep is deposited in the central nervous system. The process of its preservation is based on the formation of new connections between brain neurons. The information spent on the memorization process is replenished by special cellular structures. During this period, some of the brain functions of predators are turned off. You can take it in your hands like a rag and the animal will not feel it.
CellsDuring rest, active cellular metabolism begins in predators.
BrainIn a sleeping ferret, brain activity is significantly reduced. He is engaged in sorting the information received during the period of activity. The unnecessary is erased in memory. The criterion for selecting memorable information is not yet known to scientists.
ImmunityThe resistance of the animal organism to various types of diseases is influenced by the number of leukocytes. They are produced in animals during sleep. If you prevent them from sleeping, then their immunity will weaken ..

Do ferrets sleep in winter

The normal condition for ferrets in winter is deep sleep for several days. The predator's body works at home in the likeness of the wild. With the change of seasons, the biological clock of animals is rearranged. Ferrets are characterized by increased meteorological sensitivity. The state of ferrets is influenced by:

  • change in atmospheric pressure;
  • inclement weather;
  • freezing;
  • the duration of daylight hours.

The duration of sleep in late autumn and winter in ferrets increases by 20-30% compared to summer and spring. The hibernation of ferrets is called blues. The forces of animals during this period are additionally depleted by molting. In winter, it is necessary to strengthen their feeding diet.

Ferret food prices

Ferret food

Animal owners can help animals to cope with hibernation more easily. During this period, the immunity of their pets is greatly weakened. You should not arrange a bed for hibernation near a battery, stove or fireplace. A dry air zone forms near them. It is dangerous to animals. They may experience skin redness, itching and brittle coat. The diet of winter feeding of animals is enriched with vitamins.

Spring and Summer Dream

With the arrival of spring, the ferret returns to hyperactivity. All day long he begins to run around the house, fiddling with his toys and gnawing on the master's things. During this period, he eats less. Ferret ends the molting process. The duration of sleep of animals decreases, but it becomes deeper. In summer, the animals sleep only a few hours more than their owners.

Ferret hammocks

Pet shops sell hammocks for animals. They are used as a sleeping place for ferrets. Hammocks are suspended at a height convenient for the animals. Among their advantages:

  • simplicity of the device;
  • saving living space;
  • the ability to wash, which is important to maintain cleanliness in the house.

Animals love to lie in hammocks, but they cannot fully sleep in them. There are different types of hammocks. In winter, animals use warm hammocks to sleep, resembling a large mitten or felt boots. In summer, animals need a classic mesh hammock.

Video - DIY hammock

The optimal place for ferrets to sleep is a toy-type house. He will replace the ferret with a mink. The rags available to the owners of the animal will be useful for arranging a berth. Foam rubber cannot be used for these purposes. It contains toxic substances. When the foam ruptures, its particles can get into the trachea of ​​the animal and lead to its death.

Step-by-step instructions for making a hammock

Step 1.

The beginning of making a hammock begins with the choice of material. The fabric should be durable and unmarked. The animals have sharp claws and teeth that are able to break it in a short time.

Step 2.

The fabric is being cut. The optimal dimensions of the fabric blank folded in half are 30x45 cm.

Step 3.

Sew the cut fabric and attach strings to it.

Step 4.

We hang the hammock for the ferret in his cage.

Alternative types of hammocks for ferrets

Hammocks made of felt boots are perfect for sleeping animals in winter. It's easy to make them. It is enough to sew strings or straps to felt boots. It is convenient to fasten them to the cage using carabiners, which are on old bags and backpacks. Another alternative is a pillow hammock. She must have square shape with a side length of at least 35 cm. They make such a berth similar to a fabric hammock. The hanging pillow bed is complemented by a hidden pocket. To do this, a piece of fabric is sewn to the pillow. Animals like to hide various things in their pockets.

A hammock tube is made from scraps of fabric. The optimal size for cutting them is 40x60 cm. The flaps are folded like a sandwich. Usually toys are sewn to such a hammock. Hammocks are just made from old bags.

An important requirement for a ferret's sleeping accommodation is variety. Animals love to change places for their sleep. Sometimes they fall asleep, collapsed from fatigue, somewhere on a rug, in an armchair or on the master's sofa. One of the sleeping places is made in the form of a mink.

Setting up a hamster cage

Ferret cage prices

Ferret cage

The cage is ideal place for hanging a hammock, but it alone is not enough for the animal to sleep. In the wild, ferrets sleep in dry and warm burrows, deprived of access to light. The ferret must have at least 1 berth, resembling a burrow. Its absence can lead the animal to nervous exhaustion... Very often, sleeping holes are made for the animals from the sleeves of old clothes.

The diameter of the entrance holes of a dark mink in the form of a pipe for sleeping animals should be at least 15 cm. The optimal dimensions of the length, width and height of the shelter are 30x50x30 cm. Such minks are made of various materials. Among them:

  • plywood;
  • cardboard;
  • the cloth;
  • planks, etc.

Animals like to climb in the burrows made for them from the twigs of deciduous trees. Such wickerwork must not be varnished or painted. Inside the mink is placed soft tissue... You can replace it with dry wood chips or paper. The animals themselves will arrange everything inside the mink to their liking. When animals move freely around the apartment, they sleep on sun loungers.

Video - Ferret bench


Studies of ferrets have shown that interrupted sleep causes them to be physically weak. The weakened body of animals is susceptible to various types of diseases. In the process of sleep, the animals undergo processes of regeneration of brain cells.

Ferrets are cheerful, energetic and funny animals that will not leave anyone indifferent. They are great as pets, as they have a kind disposition and can be very attached to a person. In addition, ferrets are very cute and beautiful animals. However, before deciding to purchase this animal, you need to find out everything about its home maintenance, care and feeding.

Sleeping ferrets sleep has 2 phases:

  1. slow. It is accompanied by a decrease in heart rate and respiration. During this period, hormones are released that are necessary for the restoration of muscle cells and the normal course of the formation of leukocytes.
  2. fast y. This dream is also called paradoxical, it corresponds to the complete relaxation of the animal. During this sleep phase, a healthy sleeping ferret does not respond to loud sounds or touch. If the sleeping animal is not disturbed at this time, after awakening, the so-called "peak of learning" is observed, when the new is imprinted in the brain with a more active growth of neural connections. Therefore, it is better to train the animal after it wakes up on its own and is combed out.

Ferrets sleep duration

These cute little animals love to relax. Thinking about how many hours a ferret sleeps, it should be remembered that in this they are superior even to cats. This process takes them about 18 HOURS a day. The other 6 hours they prefer to play and have fun. Most often, the peak of their activity occurs in the evening, just when all family members return home.

All owners of pet ferrets note that sleep can overwhelm these furry tomboy even on the go. A sleeping ferret can be seen in a crevice between a sofa and a wall, under a table, or on the floor of a room. This interesting fact makes animals even more cute and attractive.

Not reaching the intended goal, the animal can fall asleep with half-open eyes and a tongue falling out.

How much he sleeps depends on the time of year, you should not be afraid that he is unwell. Better to conduct a survey if there are significant doubts. In any case, they will have to be completed shortly before vaccination. Since grafting is done to a completely healthy animal and nothing else.

Some breeders make special hammocks for pets, where they put a sleeping body so that nothing happens. Be careful and attentive, it is common to assemble or disassemble a sofa or other furniture without noticing a sleeping ferret.

How many hours an animal sleeps also depends on sex differences; the male is more active during the rut. Ferrets do not eat much, in contrast to the length of sleep. Their diet can be balanced or natural. Whether or not they are given vitamin supplements depends on the chosen feeding method. Food should include vitamins and minerals. Needed for life support.

The frequency of sleep and alertness in ferrets varies. After several hours of activity, the sleep phase may begin, then activity again, and so on. Do not be afraid of this. Watch your pet and you will notice its individual characteristics in the periods of sleep and wakefulness.

Every owner of a little friend should know how much ferrets sleep. With this information, you can immediately notice changes in the animal's health. A sick ferret sleeps a lot, occasionally waking up to drink water or eat a little. In this case, you must immediately take the pet to veterinary clinic so that the doctor can determine the cause of the overly sleepy state.

Read also:

Why ferrets dream


Age also affects not only the nature of this mammal, but also the duration of its sleep. Young individuals are very playful, they are very active and do not differ for long sleep.

After the young animal has woken up, it can tremble. Such trembling does not mean that the animal is frozen. This trembling expresses his young blood, impatience, desire to engage in active games. Immediately after sleep, they want to rush around the room, play and be sure to gnaw something.

If the ferret is no longer so young, then the duration of his sleep increases significantly, up to 15-18 hours a day. The character also changes, he becomes calm, he likes to lie more in a cozy, comfortable and soft place.

Why does the ferret sleep a lot

These animals have a very fast metabolism and a hyperactive lifestyle. If the ferret is awake, it will certainly move: exploring the territory, running, playing with the owner or relatives, conquering obstacles, etc. All this requires a lot of energy, which the ferret just draws in a dream. Thus, for 2 hours of wakefulness of the pet, there are 4 hours of sleep.

The more active the ferret, the more soundly he sleeps!

What Happens During Sleep

  • Nervous system . The huge amount of impressions that the animal receives during its endless movement during the active period leaves an imprint on its brain. The information received is stored in a central nervous system by forming new connections between neurons in the brain. Building these connections requires energy, the costs of which are replenished by the active work of special cellular structures during sleep, so other brain functions are almost completely turned off. The result is a ferret that sleeps so soundly that when you pick it up, it looks like a rag hanging from your palms.
  • Energy storage at the cellular level... Ferret activity requires a huge expenditure of energy from working muscles, sensory structures, and so on. During sleep in the cells of your pet, the organelles of the cells begin to work actively to store special substances, the exchange of which at the cellular level will provide energy to the cells of your pet.
  • The intellectual component of sleep... When the ferret is resting, brain activity decreases, but not completely. When ferrets sleep, an assessment of the impressions received takes place, as a result of which the brain selects what is important for the ferret and rejects what is unnecessary from his point of view. How this happens, what serves as a criterion - today scientists cannot find an answer to these questions. But by the time the ferret wakes up, some of the connections between neurons formed during the period of activity will be destroyed.
  • Immunity and sleep. During the experiments, an interesting pattern was discovered. If the animals were prevented from sleeping, the number of leukocytes in the blood decreased, and the immune system weakened. What caused this and how it happens is not yet clear, but the fact remains. If you want your pet to be healthy - do not disturb him to get enough sleep.

A caring owner always pays attention to how much the ferret sleeps. Sleep disturbance, hyperactivity can signal dangerous disease- hyperadrenocorticism.

Winter hibernation period for ferrets

If you thought that you love to sleep, then you just haven't had a chance to meet a record holder and a professional in this amateur sport: the norm for a ferret is a daily sleep with a duration of 18 to 20 hours. And this is only during the spring-summer solstice, when the daylight hours are longer, the weather is conducive to movement and games. How much a ferret sleeps per day during the cold season - completely different statistics are responsible for this.

Observing with what frequency and duration the animal plunges into sleep, we can conclude that with the change of the season, the sleep pattern of the animal also changes, the day shifts slightly. In winter, it is influenced by:

  • the duration of daylight hours: the shorter it becomes, the longer the ferret sleeps;
  • change of fur - by winter, ferrets are covered with a thicker and warmer fur coat, which by itself constrains the usual movements, the pace is no longer the same as in summer;
  • weather conditions - since ferrets are too meteosensitive animals, the change in atmospheric pressure, cloudy, rainy weather brings sleep and inactivity, from which the ferret sleeps even longer.

In autumn and winter, ferrets sleep much longer than usual, do not be alarmed if previously an energetic pet began to spend long hours in a warm and soft sleeping place. The animal's sleep becomes deeper, sometimes even with great efforts, the owner will not be able to wake him up.

Do not be alarmed! No, he did not die, but only went into hibernation, the so-called blues, and after a couple of hours he will wake up on his own. The ferret is less mobile, loves to eat and spends more time in dreams.

What happens in the spring

With the arrival of spring, everything falls into place:

  • the owner again gets his pet, accustomed to running around the house all day, playing naughty with funny toys;
  • the animal sleeps again only for a couple of hours longer than the owners;
  • the ferret eats less;
  • ferret takes off her winter coat.

In spring and summer, with increasing daylight hours, everything changes. Rodents become more active and sleep much less, while their sleep becomes less deep than in autumn and winter.

How sleep affects pet health

A very valuable observation is the deduced pattern between immunity and sleep. If an animal is disturbed to sleep, its production of leukocytes in the blood decreases and its immunity weakens. In this regard, the owner should always remember that the health of the ferret directly depends on the quality of his sleep. You should always pay attention to how much and how ferrets sleep.

Lack of sleep hints at health problems. If in a dream the ferret breathes (albeit slowly), has a wet pink mouth and a warm body, this is a good deep sleep. If the animal cries or groans in a dream, the body is cold, you should urgently contact your veterinarian.

Get rid of all things that could threaten the ferret

Also try to get rid of the plastic and rubber surfaces in the ferret's habitat. These soft materials are especially attractive to ferrets. They just love to taste them on the tooth, while they can bite off small pieces and swallow them.

Such poisoning threatens volvulus, intestinal blockage. Do not leave the door of the washing machine open, the ferret can get into it, and you run the risk of washing the ferret with things, obviously, he is unlikely to survive after that. And there are also rubber parts to which the ferret is not so indifferent.

Ferret in the apartment - houseplants will have to be removed where the ferret cannot get them. Ferrets love to dig in the ground, the root system of the plant can also suffer from this, the ferret can break the pot and scatter dirt everywhere.

The ferret is in the apartment, so do not forget about the precautions, you need to be very careful in the apartment while the ferret climbs wherever he pleases. Before you sit down, stand up, close or open, move something or push in, check to see if your nimble friend is there.

How to arrange a place to sleep

The shops sell great ferret hammocks. They are so convenient to use when keeping animals. Hammocks save space in the cage, they can be hung at a height convenient for the animal. They are easy to clean and wash.

Many ferret management guides extol this human invention for their pets. But if ferrets could speak, then they would speak unambiguously negatively about hammocks. They would ask - have you ever seen a ferret sleeping on branches?

Of course, ferrets sleep in hammocks, but such a dream will not be complete. Due to the impossibility of equipping a natural burrow in the apartment, the best place to sleep that you can offer your pet from his point of view is the house, which he gets into, crawling through the sleeve of an old jacket attached to the entrance to the house.

And do not feel sorry for the various rags that the ferret uses with pleasure to equip the nest. Under no circumstances should you give foam rubber - the pieces into which the ferret will tear it apart can get into the trachea and lead to death, when the foam gets into the stomach it decomposes with the release of toxic substances.

When arranging a place for a pet to sleep, you should not spare time, effort, money. Sleeping ferrets that sleep comfortably are no less touching than when they are active.

The first thing the owner of such a wonderful animal as a ferret is faced with is how much the ferret sleeps. After all, it would seem that an overly active, playful creature should be awake most days, but everything turns out differently. In a few hours active action The ferret spends almost all of the accumulated energy, and to restore its previous supply, the pet needs sleep.

Ferrets are sociable creatures, love and spend a lot of time surrounded by people. How much time per day does the ferret spend playing and sleeping?

The ferret likes to sleep long enough and a lot. For every couple of hours of play, there are four hours of sleep. This is a fairly common situation for an animal, even at a young age. Ferret sleeps soundly, sometimes you can observe a picture of how a ferret running and full of energy falls asleep not in his usual bed, but where he was playing before. The bonds of Morpheus overtake him overnight and in a completely unforeseen place.

In order for a pet's rest to be as useful as possible, it is necessary to take an active part in his life during periods of wakefulness. Ferrets need games. An adult animal loves to sleep much longer than a young one.

How much a ferret sleeps depends on the physiological state of the animal. During the mating season, a ferret can go crazy at night, fly around the room, gnaw a cage, fuss, and fall asleep during the day. In the normal state of equilibrium, the animal prefers the day for activity.

Winter is the time when cold weather sets in and any living creature, and ferrets are no exception, they want to spend more time in a warm bed. Pets also sense changes in the weather, and this changes their mood. Lovers of sleep anyway, ferrets hibernate. Sunny weather gives way to gray, dark days, the night becomes longer, and the animal's body immediately reacts to this.

It is noteworthy that when ferrets hibernate, some animals can sleep even with their eyes open. Another interesting fact: after sleep, the animal can tremble, and this is not because it is cold - this is just a feature of the body. A period of trembling is also observed during arousal.

Winter hibernation period for ferrets

If you thought that you love to sleep, then you just haven't had a chance to meet a record holder and a professional in this amateur sport: the norm for a ferret is a daily sleep with a duration of 18 to 20 hours. And this is only during the spring-summer solstice, when the daylight hours are longer, the weather is conducive to movement and games. How much a ferret sleeps per day during the cold season - completely different statistics are responsible for this.

Observing with what frequency and duration the animal plunges into sleep, we can conclude that with the change of the season, the sleep pattern of the animal also changes, the day shifts slightly. In winter, it is influenced by:

  • the duration of daylight hours: the shorter it becomes, the longer the ferret sleeps;
  • change of fur - by winter, ferrets are covered with a thicker and warmer fur coat, which by itself constrains the usual movements, the pace is no longer the same as in summer;
  • weather conditions - since ferrets are too meteosensitive animals, the change in atmospheric pressure, cloudy, rainy weather brings sleep and inactivity, from which the ferret sleeps even longer.

In autumn and winter, ferrets sleep much longer than usual, do not be alarmed if previously an energetic pet began to spend long hours in a warm and soft sleeping place. The animal's sleep becomes deeper, sometimes even with great efforts, the owner will not be able to wake him up. Do not be alarmed! No, he did not die, but only went into hibernation, the so-called blues, and after a couple of hours he will wake up on his own. The ferret is less mobile, loves to eat and spends more time in dreams.

What to do during the ferret hibernation period?

In the cold season, even a young active ferret transforms, becomes lethargic. To help the animal, it is necessary to constantly observe him, be sure to give an outlet of energy during the period of activity. Keeping your ferret at home is important to help it cope with the winter without sacrificing health.

Tips for caring for ferrets during hibernation - important information for every owner.

  • No matter how hard you try, winter for your pet is a period of rest and sleep. Ferrets begin to look for warm secluded places, curl up in bagels and plunge into a long and sound sleep. At this time, the animal's immunity decreases, and any bursts of stress can disrupt the normal functioning of the body.
  • To prevent the fluffy from spending precious hours looking for a place to sleep, it is important to take care of his crib in advance. Photos of sleeping animals show that ferrets fall asleep by fireplaces and radiators. Dry air is extremely dangerous for them, it can lead to itching and redness of the skin, brittle coat.
  • Vitamins must be present in the diet of a sleeping animal so that winter wool grows better, so that colds do not overwhelm.
  • Walks for domestic furry animals should be short and preferably within the same time frame.

What happens in the spring?

With the arrival of spring, everything falls into place:

  • the owner again gets his pet, accustomed to running around the house all day, playing naughty with funny toys;
  • the animal sleeps again only for a couple of hours longer than the owners;
  • the ferret eats less;
  • ferret takes off her winter coat.

If you follow the little rules and tricks, the animal's winter sleep will pass without stress and loss, and will also bring many benefits. If the owners know how much the ferret usually sleeps, they are no longer afraid of its rhythm of life!

Ferrets are highly social creatures. They sleep a lot, often up to 18 hours a day. Ferrets sleep quite a lot, even young ones. Two hours of play by Four hours of sleep is a typical situation for ferrets. Ferrets sometimes even sleep with their eyes partially open. They sleep very soundly - sometimes it is very difficult to wake up.
But when they are active, they want to interact with humans or other ferrets. The ferret owner should be able to spend several hours a day playing with the animal. When ferrets are young, they usually sleep less, while older ferrets sleep more. Same way how many hours a day do ferrets sleep also depends on the time of year, in spring and summer ferrets usually sleep less than in autumn and winter. The length of time a ferret sleeps depends on its physiological condition. If the male before the rut had a certain habitual daily routine and sleep, then in the rut he can, for example, break out the rods of the cage all night, break his teeth, and sleep like a baby during the day. A castrated male is calmer and usually spends more time sleeping. The same is true for females.

Ferrets can run and play around the apartment for hours and fall asleep anywhere. Try to keep an eye on and know where your ferret is. Animals are sometimes taken into the washing machine's centrifuge. There were cases when the owners, without noticing the cat, ferret, turned on the washing machine along with the animal hiding in the linen. Therefore, always check before turning on. A sofa (bed) can also be a dangerous place to sleep. I decided to unfold, fold the sofa - check where the ferret is. Be careful, and if you decide to turn on the washing machine or lay out the sofa, put the ferret in the cage so that an accident does not happen.

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