Complete nervous exhaustion - the causes, the first signs and symptoms of neurasthenia. What is neurasthenia and how does it manifest itself? Signs of neurasthenia in women treatment

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When a person is worried about fatigue, which does not go away, he is in a hurry to “just rest” and does not think about the illness at all. Psychiatrist-psychotherapist, doctor of the highest category Nino Ashmeiba tells what neurasthenia is, what its diagnosis and treatment consists of.

Pure depression has a number of differences:

  • mood noticeably worse for more than two weeks;
  • there are long-term sleep and appetite disturbances;
  • worried about pain not associated with a disease of internal organs (pain in the abdomen, in the pelvic region);
  • mood and well-being fluctuates during the day (worse in the morning).

Treatment of neurasthenia

In each case, the treatment of neurasthenia should begin with the elimination of the traumatic situation and the activity that overloads. If you cannot get away from stress (go to another department, change jobs, part with your partner), then you need to learn how to cope with it through meditation, auto-training or psychotherapy.

I always recommend that patients start by resting, reconsidering their lifestyle and maintaining a healthy regimen, but unfortunately, it is not always possible to solve the problem without therapy. If the symptoms do not go away within a month after the start of the recovery regimen, you need to make an appointment with a psychiatrist.

If the symptoms do not go away within a month after the start of the recovery regimen, you need to make an appointment with a doctor. A psychiatrist or a psychotherapist (not a psychologist) will tell you how to treat neurasthenia.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints and the patient's story about the disease. Additional methods are prescribed to rule out other diseases. For the treatment of neurasthenia, a psychiatrist prescribes modern antidepressants - SSRIs ( selective inhibitors serotonin reuptake) or similar drugs.

In addition to meditations that help a person restore the balance of the body's work, I also recommend sessions of restorative hypnosis to patients. Hypnotic techniques are very effective methods treatment of neurasthenia.

The prognosis for neurasthenia is good - it can be cured of.

Once again, I emphasize that depression can be hidden behind the symptoms of neurasthenia. Although we described their differences above, I urge you: do not diagnose yourself on your own. It also happens that even psychiatrists put neurasthenia where a more serious condition is observed. Such patients come to me. They assume they have a syndrome chronic fatigue, the diagnosis is "neurasthenia", but I see a classic case of repeated depression. If the patient is depressed, he definitely needs the help of a doctor.

Neurasthenia is a mental disorder that is one of the varieties of neurosis.

It is expressed in mental disorders caused by prolonged mental or physical stress. Most often, pathology occurs in people 20-45 years old, and women are more prone to this deviation than men.

Neurasthenia can be the result of prolonged physical overwork, emotional upheavals, frequent conflicts, stress and other factors. Chronic intoxication and somatic disorders can also cause this condition.

What it is?

Astheno-neurotic syndrome, or neurasthenia, is a disorder belonging to the group of neuroses. This ailment is characterized by rapid fatigue, irritability, inability to prolonged physical or mental work. For the first time the pathology was described by the American physician Georg Beard in 1869.

Neurasthenia often develops against the background of a combination of mental trauma with physiological limitations or excessive physical exertion. Lack of sleep, lack of necessary rest and other factors weaken the body, in one of the first the nervous system suffers.

Also, frequent relapses of infectious diseases or endocrine disorders can lead to the development of neurasthenia, not proper nutrition or prolonged / persistent intoxication. It can develop with alcohol abuse, excessive smoking, etc.


Neurasthenia develops, as a rule, under the influence of not one, but several factors at once. The most common are biological causes and, above all, genetics.

So, in patients who have a family history of mental disorders or neurotic deviations, more than others are prone to the development of neurasthenia.

In addition, the emphasis is on the complications of the course of the gestational period suffered by a pregnant woman. infectious diseases, difficult childbirth, trauma to the baby, received during the movement along the birth canal. Another biological factor that predisposes to the development of this deviation is an anomaly in the development and functioning of the nervous system.

Premorbid personality traits form the psychological basis for the development of neurasthenia. They can occur due to psychological trauma suffered by a person in childhood.

Neurasthenia, which has developed due to a long stay in traumatic situations, has an extremely negative effect on human health. A sudden manifestation of pathology is noted if the powerful stress experienced by the patient was caused by events that are relevant and important for him.

Asthenic syndrome can be the result of exposure to social factors. A significant role in this case is assigned to the family climate, the conditions for the upbringing and development of a person as a person. Also, the patient's social circle, his hobbies and interests, the degree of satisfaction with his achievements and undertakings are of no small importance.


The most a frequent sign neurasthenia is cephalalgia ( headache). It is diffuse in nature and occurs, as a rule, in the afternoon, in the late afternoon. The patient complains of a feeling of pressure in the upper part of the head. This squeezing is called the "neurasthenic helmet".

An equally common complaint of patients with neurasthenia is an attack of dizziness. This state is accompanied by a feeling of rotation in the head, but the surrounding objects are not involved in this process. Often an attack of dizziness manifests itself with strong physical or mental stress.

Symptoms of neurasthenia can manifest in the form of CVD disorders. In this case, the ailments will be expressed:

  • tachycardia;
  • a feeling of increased heartbeat;
  • the occurrence of pressing or stabbing heart pains;
  • hypertension;
  • flushing or pallor of the skin.

These symptoms can appear even with mild excitement, such as during a lively conversation.

Neurasthenia may be accompanied by bouts of heartburn, belching with an unpleasant odor, nausea, and poor appetite. In parallel, other symptoms may appear in the form of a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, stool disorders, flatulence.

Possible manifestation of disorders of the urinary system. Even with insignificant excitement, the patient may be tormented by frequent urge to urinate.

With neurasthenia, the genital area also suffers. So, in men, during an attack, premature ejaculation is observed, as a result of which the duration of sexual intercourse is significantly reduced. This, in turn, can lead to the development of complexes and the emergence of dissatisfaction with oneself.

Neurasthenia is divided into 3 forms.

Hypersthenic neurasthenia

it initial stage, and the mildest form of the disease. Manifested by irritability, increased excitability. The patient experiences a feeling of irritation even at the slightest noise, conversations, any sounds, and even with the ordinary movement of a crowd of people. In this state, a neurasthenic can easily lose his temper, shout at relatives or colleagues, insult.

Along with these symptoms, there is a decrease in performance. This happens due to a decrease in concentration of attention, inability to concentrate, distraction and inability to start a new business, or finish something already started from the point where it was stopped. This is due to overexertion of attention, with which the patient simply cannot cope.

Thus, it turns out “ vicious circle". A person is distracted from the lesson by external factors, and when he feels that he can continue the work he has begun, the situation is repeated again. As a result, there is a significant investment of time, but labor productivity is significantly reduced.

Sleep disorders are present at this stage. The neurasthenic has difficulty falling asleep, often wakes up in the middle of the night, suffers from nightmares associated with worries and worries experienced during the day.

As a result, morning awakening is accompanied by a feeling of weakness, fatigue, "turbidity" in the head. These ailments disappear only in the late afternoon.

In addition, patients often complain of cephalalgia, memory loss, general malaise, weakness throughout the body, discomfort in different parts of the body. At this stage, the so-called "neurasthenic helmet" syndrome occurs.

Irritable weakness

The second stage of neurasthenia is intermediate.

At this time, the so-called irritable weakness... It manifests itself in the form of increased excitability, accompanied by irritability and rapid fatigability, as well as general exhaustion of the body.

Even the smallest little things can lead to an outbreak of anger or increased excitability in the patient, which, however, quickly subsides. For increased excitability, the appearance of tearfulness, which was not previously noticed in the patient, or impatience is characteristic.

The patient begins to react sharply to loud sounds, noise, bright light. He cannot fully control his emotions, so he often “breaks down” on others.

In parallel, there is a violation of active attention. The patient complains of distraction, forgetfulness. Emotional lability is manifested by outbursts of aggression and excitement, alternating with moments of complete depression. With a severe course of neurasthenia, patients develop the so-called depression of exhaustion: they become gloomy, apathetic, lethargic.

This disease is always accompanied by sleep disorders: difficulty falling asleep, nightmares, sleeplessness at night and fatigue, sleepiness at night. Patients often complain of headaches, palpitations, decreased or complete loss of appetite. In addition, patients suffer from bouts of heartburn, belching, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Sexual dysfunction is possible.

The stage of irritable weakness often develops in choleric patients, as well as in people with a balanced and strong type of nervous system. This is due to the fact that recovery during the treatment of neurasthenia at the hypersthenic stage did not occur, and the person is still surrounded by a painful environment.

Hyposthenic neurasthenia

On last stage neurasthenia general weakness and depletion of the body is manifested quite clearly. A person is tormented by fatigue, drowsiness, he becomes lethargic and apathetic. Patients are not able to force themselves to get down to business, they are broken, and very worried about their somatic disorder.

Against the background of depression, there is constant massive asthenia. The person is constantly gloomy, anxious, and loses interest in previous hobbies. In this case, we are not talking about longing or anxiety, and the patient's bad mood is exclusively neurotic in nature. It is literally riddled with asthenia, and is accompanied by mood swings and tearfulness. Quite often, patients get hung up on their internal sensations, they develop hypochondriacal complaints. During treatment, patients get better sleep, and this is where the process of complete recovery from a neurological disease begins.

As the pathology progresses, attacks of malaise and psychoemotional disorders become more frequent and aggravated. As depressions become deeper, they will gradually begin to approach the cyclothymic level. Even old researchers and authors of scientific papers noted that patients may have periodic development of neurasthenia. This is also indicated by the latest data obtained in the course of clinical studies. They confirm that untreated neurasthenic depression can develop over time into cyclothymia.


To make a diagnosis, you need to see a neurologist. The disease is identified through a careful history taking based on clinical manifestations pathology in the patient. During the diagnosis, it is important to exclude the presence of somatic, infectious or chronic diseases in the patient, which may be accompanied by neurasthenia.

Neurasthenia can develop against the background of a tumor lesion of the brain, its inflammatory pathologies or neuroinfection. To exclude this possibility, CT or MRI of the head is performed. For an accurate diagnosis, it is important to assess cerebral blood flow. For this purpose, it is advisable to conduct rheoencephalography.


Lack of timely treatment for neurasthenia can be fraught with the occurrence of protracted depressive psychoses, which are extremely difficult to treat and require long-term treatment. A jump in the level of adrenaline in the body negatively affects the work of all organs and systems. However, with adequate and timely treatment started, this deviation can be stopped relatively quickly.


Only a qualified neurologist should deal with the issue of treatment. He can also refer the patient for additional consultations to other medical specialists.

The approach to therapy for such a complex disease as neurasthenia should be complex. Alas, not all patients take this pathology seriously, deciding that they can get rid of it with the help of "grandmother's" methods. Or, worse, patients feel that the neurasthenia will go away on its own.

However, this pathology is no less dangerous than diseases affecting various internal organs... And the therapeutic approach to it must be responsible. And it can only be provided qualified specialist.

Even if the doctor permits the treatment to be carried out on an outpatient basis, all his prescriptions will have to be followed strictly. Modern medicine recommends treating neurasthenia in several ways:

  1. By normalizing the daily routine. Throughout the course of therapy, the patient must avoid any facts that could lead to a new outbreak of neurasthenia. Walking in the fresh air, healthy, adequate sleep, proper nutrition - all these aspects play a huge role in the treatment of neurasthenia. If therapy is carried out on an outpatient basis, it is important for the patient to carry it out at home, taking a sick leave or vacation for a while.
  2. Through the use of fortifying medications: vitamin and mineral complexes, tonic drinks vegetable origin etc.
  3. Through the use of tranquilizers. As a rule, with neurasthenia, they resort to the appointment of Elenium, Diazepam, Phenotropil, etc.
  4. With physiotherapy. All procedures should promote relaxation, therefore, with neurasthenia, it is advisable to carry out massage sessions, electrosleep, aromatherapy, etc.

In addition to the basic therapeutic techniques described above, the patient needs constant support from loved ones. It is necessary in any case, and regardless of the reasons for the development of neurasthenia.

Neurasthenia in children

An equally common ailment is neurasthenia among children and adolescents. This is due to the fact that the child's body is not yet fully formed, but the immune system - not reinforced. But neurasthenia is a reversible pathological process, which, with timely and correct treatment, will not have any negative impact on development child's body and the formation of the child as a person.

The most common reason the occurrence of neurasthenia in children is the psychological trauma they received at an early age. Lack of proper care or the necessary parental attention also plays an important role in the development of this disease. In boys, neurasthenia often manifests itself during school years, against the background of various twists and turns, quarrels and various psycho-emotional shocks. As for girls, they are exposed to this disease, mainly at an older age.

The development of pathology is often associated with the wrong approach of parents to raising children. The imposition of subjective points of view, high demands, coercion, moral pressure - all these factors have a detrimental effect on the psyche of the child. Also, children are very acutely experiencing the divorce proceedings of their parents, quarrels and tragedies in the family (loss of relatives, etc.).

In some children, the development of neurasthenia occurs against the background of congenital mental characteristics and acquired character traits. Past serious illnesses are also quite capable of causing asthenic syndrome.

The behavior of a woman during pregnancy is of great importance. It is important to avoid stress and anxiety in order to protect the unborn baby from nervous system disorders after birth.

Small children suffering from neurasthenia are unable to deal with any difficulties. The only way out of a difficult situation for them is crying. They are difficult to adapt to kindergarten and school. Moreover, modern school programs are designed in such a way that children are very tired, morally and psychologically overworked. Therefore, the task that is easily transferred healthy child, is poorly solved by a neurasthenic.

Children with neurasthenia are very scattered. They cannot fully concentrate on household chores, so they have to spend a lot of time on them.

It is very difficult for little neurasthenics to make friends, because constant sweating and manifestations of dermatography make a repulsive impression on other children. Also, special work for such children is additional classes, visits to circles, sports sections, etc.

Depending on the type of asthenic syndrome, the child may be choleric agitated, or sluggish, apathetic, slow. In addition to the main symptoms, children with neurasthenia can be haunted by various fears, phobias, and fears. Some patients have had a negative reaction to chemicals or various products nutrition.

Little neurasthenics are very closed in themselves, they avoid communication not only with their peers, but also with adults. Selfishness and emotional incontinence are often traced in their actions.

Neurasthenia must be distinguished from hysteria, in which children also become very capricious, literally intolerable. But many parents attribute the child's bad behavior and moodiness to neurasthenia, without admitting that they themselves are to blame for this. Bad manners and asthenic syndrome are completely different concepts.

Quite often, sympathy and overwork become the cause of disorders in the digestive tract, bad sleep and appetite. With fright, there may be cases of nighttime urination. Along with hysteria, there is the likelihood of a child's biorhythm disruption.


Not a single person is immune from the development of neurasthenia, since stress, overwork, psycho-emotional upheavals occur in everyone's life. However, you can reduce the risk of its occurrence if:

  • radically revise the lifestyle and make the necessary adjustments to it;
  • avoid stress, psycho-emotional disorders, moral trauma;
  • regulate the intensity of the performed physical activity;
  • alternate mental and physical labor;
  • eat well;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • make time for sports.

The planning of the working day requires special attention. It is necessary to be able to leave a certain period of time in reserve, to deal with unforeseen situations, as this will help avoid stress. We must not forget that productive work is possible only after proper sleep and rest. Do not limit yourself to this, no matter how much work you have to do. You will see for yourself that after a good rest, even the largest amount of work will be completed much faster and easier.


Neurasthenia is the most light variety neuroses, therefore has very positive forecasts. Timely treatment and elimination of the negative effects of stress and psycho-emotional stress helps to completely get rid of this disorder.

If you do not respond in time to alarming symptoms, the disease will become chronic. Of course, this is not dangerous for the life of a neurasthenic, however, frequent falling into deep depression will certainly leave a negative mark on the psychological state of the neurasthenic.

Has the morning ceased to be good for you? Are you annoyed by your colleagues, their loud conversations and constant questioning? And even at home, instead of pleasant relaxation, do you feel that even your relatives annoy you? Others think that this is a manifestation of a bad character. In fact, irritability can be a completely independent symptom, characteristic of such a disease as neurasthenia.

Causes of the disease

Neurasthenia is a disease that belongs to the group of neuroses. The reason that leads to its development is stress. This is either an acute emergency stressful situation, or chronic stress of moderate intensity. In most cases, chronic stress is the cause.

Of course, stress is present in the life of every person, but after all, not everyone gets a neurosis. Why is this happening? Of course, character traits are certain prerequisites for the development of the disease. So, people are more susceptible to neurasthenia, susceptible, anxious, suspicious.

Neurasthenia is nothing more than a depletion of the nervous system. That is, the nervous system is so “tired” that it can no longer adequately respond to external stimuli and work fully in such conditions. This is a kind of cry for help, a signal that it is time to pause.

What factors lead to nervous exhaustion:

  1. Chronic lack of sleep;
  2. Wasting diseases;
  3. Lack of proper rest.

Typical symptoms

A characteristic feature neurasthenia is irritability. That is, if such a character trait is not inherent in you, but you begin to notice that everything around is annoying, you need to think about it. And absolutely everything is annoying: loud noises, bright lights, human behavior. Any seemingly insignificant trifle can cause a bright, violent emotion in a person.

In parallel, a person's sleep is disturbed. Usually violations are manifested by the difficulty of falling asleep, frequent waking up. A characteristic feature is the fact that even after sleep, a person feels tired, not awake. Of course, this further aggravates the course of the disease. Even after rest, a person does not feel rested.

A person with neurasthenia loses appetite. Inadequate nutrition further aggravates a person's poor physical well-being, entrenches weakness.

Psychoemotional disorders are gradually added. Emotional lability is characteristic, which is characterized by a change in emotions. There is tearfulness, tears can cause seemingly ordinary, ordinary situations. Often the general background is a depressed, depressive mood. Anxiety and phobias may gradually join.

The state of mind is reflected in the somatic state of health. The person is worried about diffuse headaches of a pressing, constricting nature, as if a tight hat was put on his head. This symptom in the medical literature has acquired the name "neurasthenic caps"

There may also be ringing in the ears, a feeling of a lump in the throat, crawling crawling over the body, numbness, diarrhea, dizziness, increased blood pressure, disorders of the genital area.

There are two forms of the disease:

  • Hypersthenic;
  • Hyposthenic.

These forms are often considered as phases replacing each other. The hypersthenic phase is characterized by the appearance severe irritability... A person is so agitated that he cannot concentrate on performing work duties, he is constantly distracted by something, and memory impairment is noted.

The hyposthenic phase is characterized by such a peculiar concept as irritable weakness. That is, irritability is also observed, a violent reaction to a provoking factor. However, such reactions quickly tire a person. A person lights up like a match, and soon fades away. And after an attack of aggression, a person feels a pronounced weakness.

There is, but at the same time, daytime sleepiness is noted. Tearfulness, depression, bad mood come to the fore. A person feels as if he is exhausted, constantly tired. Many develop hypochondriacal symptoms, the patient begins to focus on his health.

Neurasthenia is precisely the disease that clearly demonstrates the relationship between mental and physical health. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause that led to the development of the disease. Since the influence of a stress factor is often the cause, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist.

Many people, faced with some kind of mental anguish, believe that this is nonsense and everything will pass by itself. And going to a psychotherapist is not at all considered an option. A bad mood is not at all a whim or a manifestation of a bad character, as others may think. When the nervous system is depleted, it simply has nowhere to draw resources and look for energy to function. In the meantime, while a person does not pay attention to his condition, the disease progresses. Nervous exhaustion can reach such a scale that a person will not feel any motivation to do something, have no goals, or feel. Prolonged illness can lead to the development of reactive depression. Therefore, the sooner a person turns to a psychotherapist, the better.

What can a doctor offer you?

  • Psychotherapy;
  • Medical treatment.

Each psychologist uses different approaches and techniques in his work. It is not so important which method the specialist will use, the essence itself is important. The specialist will invite you to work through the traumatic situation, analyze your reaction. Working together with a doctor will allow you to more correctly respond to stressful situations, master relaxation techniques.

Also, the doctor may resort to prescribing medication. In case of severe anxiety, depressed mood, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants, among which SSRI drugs are most in demand (paroxetine, fluoxetine, sertraline, citalopram). The drugs in this group have minimal side effects.

note : The effect of taking antidepressants does not appear immediately, but after two to three weeks of use. Therefore, despite the lack of a pronounced effect from the drug in the first days of admission, in no case should you stop its further use.

In the presence of severe anxiety, anxiolytics are prescribed. There are two groups of anxiolytics:

  1. Benzodiazepine (phenazepam, gidazepam, diazepam);
  2. Non-benzodiazepine (afobazole, buspirone, mebikar).

Benzodiazepine anxiolytics are prescribed in short courses, due to the development of tolerance, as well as drug dependence.

If the drugs of the above groups cannot correct sleep, hypnotics are prescribed (zolpidem, miaser, trazodone). These medicines should be taken as short courses.

If indicated, the patient can take small or medium doses of normotimics (carbamazepine).

Also good action render nootropic drugs (nootropil, noobut), which improve the nutrition of brain cells. In cases with a hyposthenic form of neurasthenia, they can be prescribed, which have a stimulating effect.

What can you do?

As you have already seen, neurasthenia is not such a harmless disease and you cannot do without the help of a doctor. But you can implement certain activities yourself. One of better ways to cope with neurasthenia - to change the situation. A trip to a resort, cottage or to friends in another city, with whom you have wanted to meet for so long. This will help you escape from the unfavorable atmosphere in which you find yourself. A quiet rest will allow you to gain strength and look at everything from the outside. This will help you see the problem from a different angle.

Of course, you need to normalize the daily routine. Try for at least 8-9 hours. It may sound trite, but your diet also plays an important role. Strive for a varied diet, rich in vitamins and minerals. Avoid foods that stimulate your already tired nervous system: caffeinated drinks, alcohol.

Treatment of neurasthenia at home folk methods possible only if light form diseases. Decoctions of motherwort and lemon balm soothe the nervous system. A decoction of St. John's wort has a mild antidepressant effect.

The motherwort broth is not difficult to prepare, three tablespoons of the crushed plant must be poured with a glass of boiling water. Cover the dishes with a lid. When the broth has cooled, you can strain it. It is recommended to take a tablespoon of the drink twice a day.

In addition, a herbal bath has a pleasant relaxing effect. You need to take two tablespoons of thyme, calamus roots, mint, mountain lavender, rosemary and pour two liters of boiling water. After ten hours of infusion, you need to pour half of the resulting broth into the collected warm water in the bathroom. It is recommended to take such a bath for fifteen minutes.

And remember that life is a series of very different events. This means that even after heavy rain, sooner or later the sun comes out.

Grigorova Valeria, medical columnist

(asthenic neurosis) - a pathological condition of the human nervous system resulting from its exhaustion during prolonged mental or physical overload. Most often neurasthenia occurs in people 20-40 years old, in women a little less often than in men. It develops with prolonged physical stress (hard work, insufficient sleep, lack of rest), frequent stressful situations, personal tragedies, and long-term conflicts. The onset of neurasthenia can be promoted by somatic diseases and chronic intoxication. Treatment for neurasthenia depends on its type. The fundamental point is to eliminate the causative factor of neurasthenia.



General information

Treatment of neurasthenia

In the treatment of neurasthenia, great importance belongs to the identification of the etiological factor under the influence of which it arose, and, if possible, to eliminate it. It is necessary to reduce the mental and physical stress on the patient, introduce a strict regime of work and rest. It is important to follow the correct daily routine, go to bed and wake up at the same hours. For patients with neurasthenia, walking before bedtime, fresh air, fortified food, a change of scenery are useful. Rational psychotherapy and autogenic training are recommended for them.

General strengthening treatment is carried out, hopantenic acid, calcium glycerophosphate are prescribed, sometimes in combination with iron preparations. Bromine and caffeine are effective in individually selected dosages. Therapy of cardiovascular disorders is carried out with hawthorn tincture, valerian and motherwort preparations.

With a hypersthenic form of neurasthenia, tranquilizers are indicated: chlordiazepoxide, nitrazepam; for sleep disorders - hypnotics: zopiclone, zolpidem. In the treatment of the hyposthenic form of neurasthenia, small doses of diazepam, pyritinol, eleutherococcus, fonturacetam are used. They recommend coffee, strong tea, preparations with a tonic effect: ginseng, Chinese lemongrass, Manchurian aralia root, pantocrine.

For all forms of neurasthenia, thioridazine may be prescribed. In small doses, it acts as an antidepressant and has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, therefore it is used in the hyposthenic form. In large doses, it manifests itself sedation, which allows its use in the treatment of hypersthenic forms.

Patients with neurasthenia are advised to consult a physiotherapist for the selection of effective physiotherapeutic methods for treating the disease. With neurasthenia, electrosleep, massage, reflexology, aromatherapy and other procedures can be used.

Forecast and prevention of neurasthenia

Neurasthenia has the most optimistic prognosis among all neuroses. However, there is often a transition to a chronic form that is difficult to treat.

The main thing in preventing the development of neurasthenia is compliance correct regime work and rest, the use of relaxing techniques after nervous overstrain, avoidance of physical overload and stressful situations. A change of activity, complete disconnection from work, active rest is important. In some cases, a vacation and a trip to rest helps prevent the development of an incipient neurosis.

Neurasthenia - neurosis, proceeding with disturbances in the emotional life of a person and in his behavior.
Psychologists and psychiatrists attribute this phenomenon to borderline states, i.e. being on the verge of norm and pathology. Therefore, both clinical psychologists and specialists of neuropsychiatric institutions can deal with the therapy of the disease.

Like many other diseases, neurasthenia begins acutely, but it can turn into a chronic form that is more difficult to treat. It is not easy to diagnose neurasthenia, as patients' health complaints are very similar to the symptoms of somatic diseases. At the heart of this state are mental disorders, therefore, a person's consciousness begins to project a personal conflict on the bodily sensations and social contacts of patients.

Reveal neurasthenia in children even more difficult than in adults, as they cannot clearly express their thoughts, feelings and formulate complaints. Only a qualified specialist with a thorough examination can see signs of astheno-neurotic syndrome in the child's behavior.


Medical science classifies neurasthenia as psychological disorder and assigns the code to it - F48.0.

Experts believe that the manifestations of this pathology are associated with the cultural and educational level of patients. They highlight two forms diseases:
1. The prevalence of high fatigue. At the same time, patients experience fatigue when performing short mental or physical exertion, weakening of attention, unpleasant sensations in the body, difficulty with relaxation and concentration in order to fulfill the plan.
2. With disorders of sleep and wakefulness. In such patients, insomnia at night and drowsiness in the daytime, swings in appetite (either the appearance of hunger, or complete indifference to food) are observed, they are characterized by anxiety, suspiciousness and fears of the future day.

In general, the manifestations and causes of neurasthenia are very diverse and are not always detected during diagnosis. Quite healthy people Suddenly, unusual changes in their emotional response and behavior occur, they lose control over them and cannot understand what caused this shift.

Causes of occurrence

The main impetus for the development of this pathology is the intrapersonal conflict between “I must” and “I can”, that is, the emergence of a contradiction between the psychophysiological capabilities of a person and the requirements of society. The body cannot cope with increased stress and therefore begins to react sharply to any external stimuli.

The provoking factors for the development of an asthenic-neurotic reaction are:

  • large flows of information that negatively affect all nerve analyzers, forcing them to work in an enhanced mode;
  • protracted chronic diseases or acute infectionsthat exhaust a person physically and psychologically;
  • professional activity with high responsibility;
  • execution of a large amount of work in a short time;
  • being in extreme conditions (accidents, hostilities, pursuit, etc.);
  • lack of adequate night rest;
  • insoluble problems in personal life.

In schoolchildren and students, the disease can develop against the background of high educational requirements, in adults when building a career or everyday troubles.

Symptoms and Signs

Doctors and psychologists distinguish the hyper- and hyposthenic form of neurasthenia.

1. Hypersthenic ... Patients with such neurasthenia are emotionally unstable, they are easily angry and react sharply to criticism from others. They find loud noises, crying of children, noises of household appliances or street rumbles intolerable. Outwardly, these patients look restless, they have active facial expressions and movements, they cannot sit in one place for a long time, they leave things unfulfilled, therefore they do not have time to implement what was conceived or entrusted to them. They often conflict with relatives and colleagues, cannot fall asleep in the evening and have a hard time getting up in the morning, complain of constant headaches and other somatic disorders.
2. Hyposthenic ... In these cases, patients are very lethargic, they are indifferent to what is happening, they are worried about anxiety, phobias, depression. It is difficult to “stir up” or interest such people, they are “immersed” in their inner world, melancholy and sadness, they can often be found crying or in a frozen motionless position.
They carry out their professional activities with difficulty, very slowly and of poor quality, they constantly complain of poor health, well-being and mood.

In practice, there are other types of neurasthenia. For example, irritable weakness. It often affects choleric people, who react very sharply and excitedly to communication with others and fulfillment job responsibilities... At first, they are involved in every case over-actively, so there is no longer enough strength to complete them. Such people are very irritable, picky and critical of other people and are very loyal to their mistakes and incorrect behavior.

It so happens that a neurosis does not emotionally manifest itself, but proceeds latently (hidden). This can manifest itself in various areas of human life, including intimate. Sexual neurasthenia is dangerous with a "quiet" course, with it people lose sleep, the need for positive emotions and physical contact with a loved one. In fact, this pathology is manifested by a low threshold of arousal, difficulty in achieving orgasm, weak erection and premature ejaculation in men.

Neurasthenia can disguise itself as any chronic diseases, therefore, its physical manifestations are often expressed:

  • in dyspeptic disorders: nausea, loss of appetite, stomach discomfort, changes in stool;
  • in heart pains, increased heart rate, surges in blood pressure;
  • in a feeling of lack of air, compression of the sternum, stitching pains in the ribs;
  • dizziness, loss of balance, fainting.

Among women

The weaker sex is more resistant to the development of neurasthenia than men. But her symptoms are more pronounced in them. This is due to the greater emotionality of women, since the society tolerates the tearfulness or nervousness of women, while in men such manifestations are condemned. Therefore, female neurasthenia is easier to recognize, they can openly express their feelings and thoughts.

Signs of neurasthenia in women can also appear externally: in shaking hands, chin and frequent blinking when excited in a stressful situation. With an erased course, it is possible to suspect a disorder if a woman ceases to take care of herself, communicate with friends and girlfriends, loses interest in everyday life, family and work, abandons her favorite activities (hobbies).

The female type of neurasthenia, due to the mobility of their psyche, is often accompanied by the appearance of pronounced fears and acute susceptibility to external stimuli.

In men

A strong half of humanity is the main carrier of neurasthenia, this is due to the fact that men in society occupy higher positions. The burden of responsibility is often a trigger for the development of astheno-neurotic disorder. But, since society makes higher demands on the physical condition of men and their emotional restraint, they are reluctant to complain about their health and especially about mental disorders, therefore they turn to doctors only at the later stages of the development of the disease. Why to diagnose early signs neuroses in men are quite difficult, they tend to hide both the manifestations and the very fact of a change in the emotional state.

Typical neurasthenic symptoms in men:

  • a significant drop in performance and physical endurance;
  • the appearance of doubts about their sexual strength and a decrease in self-confidence;
  • development of atypical ways of emotional response (outbursts of anger, aggression, excessive irritability);
  • difficulties with concentration of attention, goal-setting, long-term planning of affairs.


The basis for the therapy of neurosis is to identify its cause and eliminate the irritating factor (overexertion, stress, excessive physical exertion, illness, etc.).

In the process of consulting with a specialist, a plan is developed on how to treat neurasthenia. For some patients, effective medications, for others - psychotherapeutic techniques.

Often these methods are combined in the treatment of the disease, adding and general strengthening procedures (normalization of sleep and nutrition, moderate physical exercise in the form of hiking, swimming).

Medications for correcting the manifestations of neurasthenia:

  1. tinctures of valerian, motherwort, peony evading (with hyperstenic form) or lemongrass, ginseng, eleutherococcus (with hyposthenic neurasthenia);
  2. multivitamin complexes and macronutrients (calcium, iron, magnesium);
  3. sleeping pills or tranquilizers (if necessary, strictly according to the doctor's prescription).

Physiotherapy for the treatment of astheno-neurotic disorder:

  • narzan, pearl, coniferous, sea baths;
  • charcot's shower;
  • reflexology and acupuncture;
  • massage;
  • gymnastics;
  • swimming.

Psychotherapeutic sessions for the treatment of neurasthenia:

  • trainings to increase self-confidence;
  • individual consultations with the aim of correcting life priorities, behavioral and emotional reactions;
  • body-oriented therapy to reduce muscle and psychological tension;
    - art therapy and bibliotherapy.

Home treatment

For successful treatment of the disease, patients themselves and their loved ones must take care of:

  1. about the normalization of sleep and rest, it is important to restore a clear rhythm of life, get enough sleep and be able to be distracted from pressing problems;
  2. on the organization of good nutrition, with the inclusion of protein products, vegetables and fruits;
  3. on the elimination of the causes of the disease or their maximum correction;
  4. about identifying activities that are pleasant for patients, helping to relax and distract (with hyperactivity) or, conversely, training attention, patience and accuracy (with lethargy and apathy).

With signs of disorder in childhoodf parents should reconsider their attitude towards the child and contribute to the creation of a favorable and warm emotional atmosphere in the family, exclude the occurrence of conflict situations, devote more time to joint activities and games, all this will help the child in the fight against manifestations of neurosis.

In adults, treating neurasthenia requires careful introspection and identification of the causes of the disorder. Compliance and implementation of the recommendations of a psychologist or psychiatrist for the treatment of the disorder at home will help to speed up recovery or reduce exacerbations of the disease.


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