The longest operation is 96 hours. Medical Records: Interesting Facts

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These operations affect human imagination with their complexity. Newsweek magazine presents the rating of the greatest surgical wonders in the history of the latest medicine.

1. Removal of half of the brain. On June 11 of this year, the 6th Letheus of Jesse Halle from Texas removed all right share brain. The operation was carried out by Neurosurgeon Ben Carson from the Children's Medical Center of John Hopkins in Baltimore. The rarest in medicine, an operation called hemisferctomy was the only salvation for the girl suffering from the Encephalitis of Rasmussen. In such cases, the remaining half of the brain partially assumes the functions of the remote (doctors have not yet figured out, which is why it happens). Jesse, perhaps, remained for the whole life paralyzed on leftBut her personality and memory were not injured. In the center of John Hopkins spend 12 such operations per year.

2. Operation lasting in 4 days. From February 4 to February 8, 1951, 96 hours in a row, the doctors of the Chicago hospital removed 58-year-old Gertrude Lewandowski giant ovarian cyst. This is the longest operation in the history of world medicine. Before the start of the operation Gertrude weighed 277 kg, and after it - 138! Surgeons removed the cyst as carefully and slowly to avoid a sharp drop of blood pressure in the patient.

3. Operation in the womb of the mother. The surgeons of the Australian Medical Center Monash operated on a 22-week child in the womb of 22-year-old Kylie Bowlen. Occurred rare anomaly - Amniotic threads pulled the ankle of a child that overlapped blood access to the knees. In such cases, surgeons dare to operate not earlier than the 28th week of development of the fetus, but this time the threat was aroused that the kid would lose both legs. By the time of the operation, the right leg was already infected and inoperable (it was operated on after the child was 4 years old), but the left was able to save. At the time of operation, the growth of the fetus was only 17 cm.

4. Operation on yourself. Remember, like Vysotsky: "While you are here in a bath with a cafeter, you wash out, shave, in the cold of my scalpel he cuts out appendix"? In 1921, the surgeon Evan O "Neil Kane deleted the appendix himself with the help of one local anesthesia. Just in case, three doctors were standing in the adjacent room. The operation was so successful that in 1932 Kane had even more complex manipulation on himself By removal pahnova grozhi. During her, he even had time to joke.

5. Facial transplantation. In January 2007, the 31-year-old Pascal Koller was operated on about the rare and rather creepy disease of neurofibromatosis (Reclinghausen's disease), which monstrously disappeted his face. The gigantic tumor did not give food normally, and turned the unfortunate Pascal in the rejection. Professor Laurent Lantieri with colleagues held a complete transplant of a face from a dead donor. The operation lasted 16 hours and ended successfully. The kel is not similar to its anonymous donor, because his facial bones remained intact. It is assumed that the famous "Elephant Man" Joseph Merrick 100 years ago suffered from this disease.

6. Double birth. Six months after pregnancy, American Keri McCartney discovered that her child grows deadly tumor on the cock. The Surgeons of the Children's Hospital in Houston made Keri Anesthesia, removed the uterus from her body, opened it, raised 80% of the fetus body, leaving inside only his head and shoulders, after which they quickly removed the tumor. Then the fruit was returned to the uterus, closing an amniotic bag in the hope of preserving as many octopotic waters. The child "was born again" after 10 weeks completely healthy.

Most amazing and unusual operations in world surgical practice

May 6, 1953 Surgeon John Gibbons - a native of Philadelphia - for the first time in the world, conducted an operation on open heart With the use of an artificial circulation apparatus, as well known as "Heart-lung apparatus". The operation was successful - the patient whose life was maintained by the device, survived. This operation was the first of the five planned operation using the Heart-Lightweight apparatus. But with all the surgeon's professionalism, there is always a danger of complications. Unfortunately, four of five patients after surgery died from various complications. This forced Gibbons to abandon the idea of \u200b\u200ban operation with artificial blood circulation operated.

Fortunately, those who saw the potential of this system were found, and, modifying the "Heart-Lung" apparatus, continued operations with his participation. The number of people saved with it is difficult to assess, but you can say exactly - there are many of them.

Operation of John Gibbons - Milestone in the history of world surgical practice. Therefore, we decided to remember other most amazing, shocking and just strange examples. surgical operation in history:

The longest operation in history

In 1951, a 58-year-old woman was transmitted in the Chicago Hospital of Hospital to remove the giant ovarian cyst, which lasted 96 hours. The story knows the war that managed to start and end during this time. Four days of the hospital surgeon removed the deadly cyst - slowly and carefully, doing everything to not damage internal organs Patients and do not cause a sharp drop in pressure. Also, this operation can be considered the most extreme liposuction in history - a patient, weighing 277 kg, after removal of cysts, 138 kg began to weigh. Surprisingly the same thing that despite the imperfection of medical equipment of that time, the patient remained alive.

Operation on yourself Love

In the photo Leonid Rogozov. Photo:

Evan Klein, a certified surgeon, in 1921 he had an operation on himself - he made himself an incision on abdominal cavity, cut out appendix and sewed himself back, not even once without losing consciousness. Of course, it was not a forced measure, but quite a scientific experiment, and a whole brigade of doctors, ready to push the poor Evan at any threat to his life, was completely duty. But the benefit of their help was not needed - the surgeon coped himself. On the other hand, the story knows the case when the same operation had to be held by the Soviet surgeon Rogozov Leonid Ivanovich, and in the conditions of permafrost.

And Evan Klein liked that he liked himself so much that in a couple of years he conducted an operation to remove the groin hernia. According to the memories of contemporaries, Evan during the operation managed to even joke.

FROM new cookie - New blood

When Demi Lee Brennan said that the virus is slowly, but rightly devours her liver, turning, once a healthy body in miserable, rotting right in the body, rags, she thought that this is the end. But the doctors quickly reassured her - the transplant transplant operations were already ordinary things at that time. The operation was carried out successfully, and Demi Lee woke up from anesthesia already with a new, healthy liver.

Nothing special. Private wonders of surgery. But the result of the operation surprised everyone - after a while, the girls' tests showed that the Rus-factor was replaced with a negative on a positive (which was at the liver donor). Donor liver has shown himself with a real rebellion and instead of progressing under the changeable world "rushed" his new hostess under him. Surprisingly the same thing that Demi Lee was healthy and did not feel these changes. People often die from such jokes with blood.

Subtleties of Chinese medicine

In one Chinese town (something like our district center), there was one little schoolgirl named Ming Li. And once (this happened in 2010) she didn't really ask her day since the morning. Sometimes we begin to complain that we had a "lousy" morning - for example, when it did not work out to cook delicious coffee or we were late for a bus or hit the vile spring rain. Ming Li Morning began differently - she moved by a tractor, who practically touched her left hand.

The hand and shoulder makeup were so damaged that it was impossible to sew the limb. So the Chinese surgeons made impossible - they amputated the damaged part of the hand and sewed it to the girl's leg so that the hand is gradually regenerated. The Chinese doctors managed to cure the damaged joint and after the healing of the shoulder (after three months) they sewed back. Years have passed and the mini lies feel great, like her hand.

Winner of the Miss Miracle Competition

Not only Chinese surgeons like to imagine all sorts of rubbish in the patient's body. For example, when the ex-queen of the beauty of Idaho's beauty Jamie Hilton came to himself after anesthesia, he did not find half the skull. The loss, however, I found it quickly, but Jamie's joy was not added - the half of the skull was implanted in the stomach to preserve it sterile and "alive" for the subsequent return to the rightmost place. After an accident at fishing, Jame received a terrible hematoma brain together with extensive hemorrhage. It made the removal of the cranial bone necessary - it was necessary to let the brain inflammation of the brain.

After re-operation, Skull Jame finally gained her old form and she finally discharged from the hospital. If you reread the previous paragraph, you will understand that more than a month this amazing beautiful girl He lived with an open brain (or rather 42 days), which is actually not the most useful practice for survival. After this incident, the Honored Title Miss Miracle was added to the title "Miss Idaho".

Serious medicine is a shot of facts unique in its kind. This integral part of the human life is filled with interesting, important events of some of which are paradoxical, others are ridiculous, the third has become an impetus to many discoveries and the development of this science.

Most of the following operations were impossible to be made at the place of residence of patients, and the procedure was made in a timely manner - this is the guarantee of human life. Therefore, our life is simply necessary for the organization for transportation of patients, medical air transport and medical support by plane, and one of the bright representatives of this niche is, on the website of which you can read more in details with the price list and air transportation conditions. And now about some medical facts in more detail.

The first child who has been transplanting a large number of organs has become a resident of Coburg. At this time she turned almost six months. Transplanted liver, intestines, stomach, pancreas due to a rare disease - megazista syndrome. This is a microcolate with a crash in the intestinal peristalsis.

There is a disease that only happens in the cannibals of a tribal in New Guinea called Kuru. They fall as a result of the use of human brain. Paying such "pleasure" is a fatal outcome.

The emergence of the child after the death of the mother. This happened as a result clinical death Mother in US state. 5.07.1983 G. The Light saw a girl who grew up in the womb with the help of artificially maintaining life for almost 3 months.

The longest pregnancy - 25 years was recorded in a woman aged 54 years. In 1961, she had an operation, delivering a child weighing 1 kg of 300 gr in the oases. Fights began in 1936.

From the category of the most severe people in people, the following is allocated:
- Leather. In adults, its weight reaches a value of 2 kg of 700 gr. It is the greatest allocation authority.
- Liver. The weight of the greatest such organ was recorded at a time of half a kilogram (the averaged weight of the heart 0, 325 kg).

The largest temperature was at Willie Jones from Atlanta. In 1980, he had a temperature of up to 46.7 ° C, while taking a heart attack. After 24 days, he was discharged from the hospital. The state after such a case was noted on "3".

The smallest temperature minus 16 0s was observed in 1951 in Dorothy Stevens Chicago, Vicky Davis. When she turned 2 years old and 1 month in Iowa, Michael Trocla in 2 years from Wisconsin. The reason for this in all cases was the hypothermia.

Maximum temperature transferred by man without clothes plus 204.4 0s. In clothing, the number was plus 240. Note that the meat is prepared at a temperature of 168 0.

The largest number of stones in bile bubble (831 pieces) pulled out doctors in 2002 in Romania, becoming a record event for this part of medicine.

Lungs painfulness In the stomach ended with extracting from the stomach of women 2533 items. Among them are almost 1000 - pins. What caused? The patient suffered from the habit of swallowing objects, and to age 42 he managed to "accumulate" such a treasure.

More than all pills had to eat Kilnera from Zimbabwe - almost 600 thousand in just 21 years of life.

Samuel Daeivdson from the UK for his life was made by almost 79 thousand injections with insulin. This is the largest number of procedures for this species recorded at the moment.

The longest cystic removal operation was held in a patient of 96 hours. Its mass was 280 kg, and became 140 kg.

A record of a heart stop at 4 o'clock occurred at Fisherman in Norway. Falling into the water in the winter, it had a decrease in body temperature to 24 0s. He was saved by connecting artificial blood circulation to the instrument.

The greatest overload occurred with the racers David Pearl in the summer of 1977 as a result of the accident, a car stopped, rushing at a speed of 173 km / h on a segment of 66 centimeters. The result of this: 29 fractures, three dislocation, six-time stop of the heart.

Every day events occur, on the basis of which history is written. It remains to hope that they will only be positive.

For a centuries-old history of medicine, a lot of incredible cases were recorded. Some of these interesting facts can be found in our article.
Medical theme B. last years It is becoming increasingly popular in the modern film industry. Spectators are watching the series with great interest, where doctors are the main operating heroes.

But, watching difficult (and so spectacular!) The work of fictional characters, few people guess that in reality there are no less striking, officially registered medical records.

Patient Gertrud Levandowski from Chicago, Illinois, USA, transferred surgical intervention Successfully, but in the future heavily lost weight: from 280 to 140 kg.

In London, Winifred Campbell from London in 1906 was inserted a silver tube. A woman breathed with the help of this adaptation up to his death aged 86 years in 1992.

№ 3. The largest number of transversis of donor blood

50-year-old Sick Hemophilia Warren Jirich in December 1970 in the hospital Michael Riza in Chicago (USA) operated an open heart. In the course of its patient, it took 2400 units of blood, which is equivalent to 1,080 l.

№ 4. The greatest number of artificial joints

For 10 years (from 1979 to 1989), a resident of the USA, Okiquar, who suffered rheumatoid arthritis8 large joints of 10 were replaced by artificial.

Operational intervention was undergoing both hip joint, knee, shoulder, as well as right elbow and left ankle.

№ 5. The largest number of transactions

The record holder in the number of transferred to remove operations benign formations Charles Jensen is recognized from South Dakota, USA. In the period from 1954 to 1994, he was conducted 970 operations.

Number 6. The largest number of injections

For her life Samuel Davidson from Glasgow (United Kingdom), suffering diabetes, I received 78,900 insulin injections since that time, as in 1923 he was 11 years old.

№ 7. The most incredible case of survival

In 1995, a resident of China Peng Shulin got into a car accident. The man was cut half a truck, as a result of which its growth was only 66 cm. The victim moved several operations, during which the skin was transferred to the rest of the body.

Thanks to medical efforts, a man not only survived, but began to walk with the help of specially developed prostheses with bionic legs.

42-year-old Builder Martin Jones from the city of Rotherm, South Yorkshire, England, lost sight after an accident. The man remained blind for 12 years.

He was able to see again thanks to the operation conducted in the Sussek Ophthalmology clinic in Brighton in England, during which part of his tooth was implanted in the eye.

During such a procedure, which was held only 50 times in the UK, a tooth segment is used to maintain a new leather made from Jones leather. After the restoration, Mr. Jones was able to see his wife Jill, on which he married four years ago.

In June 1996, a group of surgeons under the leadership of Stephen Pollard from Saint-James University Hospital (Leeds, United Kingdom) carried out a liver transplant 47-year-old Linde Pearson without transfusion.

As a rule, under operations such a category usually takes up to 3 liters of blood, but according to religious reasons, the patient refused to accept someone else's blood.

Surgeons performed slowly, making small cuts to minimize blood loss. Pearson prepared for operation by daily injections of erythropoietin hormone, which, stimulating the production of red blood cellsallowed her to safely transfer surgical intervention.

Operation "Smile", which took place in the framework of the "World Travel of Hope-99" shares, lasted from February 5 to April 14, 1999.

During this time, a group of volunteer doctors visited 18 countries and cured 5,139 patients. Cosmetic operations were carried out to eliminate the hare lips and wolf pastries.

In addition, doctors removed facial tumors, treated burns and facial damage. "Smile" was founded in Norfolk (Virginia, USA) in 1982 plastic surgeon Bill Maji and his wife Katie.

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