Statement of the descriptive text of Losiha and Losenok. Statement of the descriptive text "Losiha and Losenok" Expressive reading of the text Teacher

And literature


The purpose of the lesson

teach text compression.

Tasks lesson:

to form the ability to adequately perceive the information contained in the listened text; The ability to process perceived information, highlighting the main thing in it; The ability to transfer the processed information in writing;

develop the skills to determine the main thought, the allocation of microthele, conscious mastering by spelling, punctuation, grammatical norms of the language;

educating love and interest in the surrounding nature.

Preliminary exercises (held in the lessons preceding the writing of the presentation)

1. Vocabulary dictation. Read carefully. What orfograms did you work on? Orally give your examples. Write down under the dictation of the neighbor on the desk (work in pairs).

Specify the "Fourth Advanced"

1) yellow-torn, watermark, steam locomotive, bear

2) sol ... tap, h ... rhenium, scaffolding ... to, still ...

3) Les (H, NN), Country (H, NN), Silver (H, NN), CO (H, NN)

4) o ... broadcast, Ra ... they went, in ... remembered, Ra ...


1. Goaling

Teacher. Today we will learn to write a compressed presentation. What do you think, what will it differ from the detailed and selective, which we have already written?

Students. A compressed statement implies the reproduction of the source text is not detailed, not selectively on a given topic, but briefly, generalizable, while maintaining its main style and linguistic features.

Teacher. And why is it important to be able to express compressed?

Students. Because in life most often have to state the essence, substantial, main information.

Teacher. It is the ability to present substantial, the main information we will learn today. You have already noticed that the author of the text with which we will work, Gennady Snegirev (on the board - portrait of a writer). I think that the name of this writer you know. What do you know about him?

(Students are expressed)

2. Expressive reading Text Teacher

In the spring I was in the zoo. Screaming peacocks. Hippopotamus Sturgeon Balca drove into his house. The bear on the hind legs asked pieces. Elephant shovel foot. Camel Linal and, they say, even spat in one girl, just did not see. I have already gathered to leave when I noticed Elk. He stood still on the hill, far from the grille. The trees were black, wet. The leaves on these trees have not yet blocked. Elk among black trees, on long legs was so strange and beautiful. And I wanted to see the moose on the will.

I knew that the moose could only be found in the forest. Another day I went beyond the city.

The train stopped on a small station. Beyond the shooter was a path. She led right into the forest. It was wet in the forest, but the leaves on the trees were already blown. The grass grew on the tubercles. I walked along the path very quietly. It seemed to me that the elk could be close, and I was afraid.

And suddenly in silence I heard: Shadow-shadow-shadow, Pin-Pin-shadow ... Yes, it's not a drop at all; A small bird was sitting on the birch and sang as if the water drops on the ice. The bird saw me and flew away, I did not even have time to see her. I very much regretted that I went down, but she again somewhere far in the forest fell-slipped.

I sat on Penos and began to listen to her. Forest puddles bloated near the hemp. The sun illuminated her, and it was visible, as some spiders with a silver belch digging at the bottom. And only I carefully looked at the spider, as suddenly the beetle-watermark on his thin legs, as ice skating, quickly slid along the water. He caught up with another watercourse, and they rushed from me from me. And the spider rose upstairs, scored on the shaggy abdomen the air and slowly sank to the bottom. There, he had a web bell to Travinka. Spheres rubbing with abdomen air under the bell. The bell swing, but the web held him, and I saw a balloon in it. This is a spider-silver such a house under water, and there they live, so he wears them. No bird will not get to them.

And then I heard, as behind the hemp, on which I sit, someone leisurely hurt, rustle. I quietly looked at the other eye. I see the sleepy mouse with a yellow neck and shakes dry moss from hemp. Grabbed the moss shur and ran away. Moss she mice in Noura Splains. Earth is still raw.

Over the forest, the locomotive roaming, it's time to go home. Yes, and I'm tired of sitting quietly, do not move.

When approached the station, suddenly remembered: after all, I didn't see the moose! Well, let me, but I saw the spider-silver, and the yellow mouse, and the water targeting and heard the shadow sings. Are they not as interesting as elk?

3. Conversation in content

Teacher. What is this text about? Determine the topic and main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.

Students. This text about the tour of the storytellor in the woods in search of moose. This is the subject of text. In nature, a lot of interesting, amazing, extraordinary, you only need to be able to see the idea of \u200b\u200bthe text.

Teacher. What, in your opinion, is the main thing, and what is secondary in this text?

Students. The main thing is that the author heard and saw in the forest, experienced surprise, received new impressions, felt his proximity to nature, his relationship with her. The secondary, probably, the fact that with forest impressions is not connected: Zoo, train, station.

Teacher. How do you imagine a storyteller?

Students. This is a middle-aged person, but very wise, attentive, calm, thoughtful, and most importantly - he knows how to see and hear nature. It feels that this person is a big connoisseur and amateur of all living things. And he is a master of the word, because it is so inspired to tell about birds, mice and residents of the puddles can only a person who owns the writer talent.

Teacher. What are the means of expressive used in the text, emphasize the romantic nature of the narrator, his poetic gift?

Students. The bird sang "also ringing, like water drops on the iceclock" (comparison). "There is some spider with a silver belt" (epithet). "The beetle-watermark on its thin legs, as ice skating, quickly slid along the water" (comparison).

Teacher. Whether the narrator regretted that he did not see Elk? Answer argue.

Students. No, the narrator did not regret the fact that I did not meet Elkia. He saw a lot of interesting things on this day in the forest: a spider with a silver belch, a beetle-water meter, a mouse with a yellow neck, heard the singing of the shadow. All this is also very interesting.

Students. The rhetorical question in the final of the text convinces the reader in the fact that the narrator is very happy with his journey, returns home to the rest, happy, full of new knowledge about nature.

Teacher. Guys, didn't you have a desire to go to the forest, take a closer look at the forest puddle, bark trees, blooming leaves?

Students. (Expressed).

4. Drawing up a plan and determination of keywords

Teacher. Determine the type of text. Which parts can we divide the text? How did you allocate them? What part of the speech you first notice when drawing up a plan? (Verbs, because text-narration). Try to designate parts of the text on the draft in the form of a quote plan.


1. "I wanted to see the moose on the will."

2. "I walked along the path very quiet."

3. "On the birch sat a little bird and sang."

4. "Forest puddles bloom near the hemp."

5. "Someone leisurely hurt, rustle."

6. "Elk I never saw!"

Teacher. Now we will select keywords and phrases to each of the microthele. Remember the role of the verb in the narration.

Quotation plan


"I wanted to see the moose on the will."

On long legs was so strange and beautiful.

"I walked along the path very quiet."

Elk somewhere close, and I was afraid.

"A little bird and sang on the birch."

Shadow-shadow-shadow, Pin Pin-shadow ...; sorry that he moved her; Again somewhere far away in the forest fell-snapped.

"Forest puddles bloom around the hemp."

Some spiders with a silver abdomen savages; beetle water member on thin legs; Upaka-silver house under water.

"Someone leisurely hurt, rustle."

Sleepy mouse with a yellow neck; Runs dry moss.

"Elk I never saw!"

They are as interesting as elk.

5. Text compression (work in groups)

Teacher. As we have already said, the task of our lesson is to compress text. Open a memo 1. Which of the ways to choose, you decide, uniting into groups and discussed compression methods. The class is divided into three groups and compresses each of the two microthel in order.

(Note: With a memo 1, the guys get acquainted in previous lessons, master the terminology, compression is learn on small texts from the textbook, it is stressed by each of the ways to compress. The memo is adapted for grades of grade 5. In grade 6, it is complemented and expanded with the new knowledge of the six hundred students. With such a large text, the guys work for the first time in grade 5, so the teacher helps each of the groups, directs the guys, corrects their work so that at the discussion stage to create a success situation).

Memo 1. Three main ways to compress text

Three main ways to compress text are distinguished:

an exception,



1. Exception:

exception of repeats, details, details;

exception of one or more of synonyms;

elimination of clarifying and explanatory structures;

the exception of one or more offers.

2. Generalization:

replacement homogeneous members generalizing word;

replacing the supply or its part pronoun with a generalizing value.

3. Simplification:

merging several offers in one;

replacing the proposal or its part of the index pronoun;

replacement complex offer simple;

replacing part of the proposal by synonymous expression.

6. Discussion of the results obtained

7. Repeated text reading and writing compressed presentation


In the spring I was in the zoo and saw the moose there. He stood still on the hill, far from the grille. Among the black trees, the elk was so strange and beautiful on the long legs. And I wanted to see this handsome on the will.

Another day I went beyond the city. I went out on a small station and along the path I went straight into the forest. It was wet in the forest, but the leaves on the trees were already blown. I walked very quietly, I thought that the elk could be close, and I was afraid.

And suddenly I heard unusual singing. It was on the birch of a little bird and sang as ringwall as water drops on the ice. Seeing me, the bird flew away. I very much regretted that he moved her, but she again somewhere far from squeezed.

I sat on Penos and began to listen to her. Forest puddles bloated near the hemp. I noticed how some spiders with a silver belch are kept on the bottom. But the beetle watermark on its thin legs, as ice skating, quickly slid along the water. At this time, the spider rose upstairs, scored on a shaggy abdomen of air and slowly sank to the bottom. There, he was tied to Travinka, a cobweb lodge, in which the pachechats live. So he wears the air.

And then I heard, as someone leisurely hurt, rustle. I see the sleepy mouse with a yellow neck and shakes dry moss from hemp. Moss she mice in Noura Splains.

Already heading home, I suddenly remembered that I didn't see the moose! But I saw the pack-Serebryanka, and the yellow-sulfur mouse, and the water category, heard the shadow sings. Are they not as interesting as elk?

8. Reflection

Teacher. Continue phrase

Today I learned in the lesson ...

Today at the lesson I learned ...

Today I understood at the lesson ...


1. and others. Preparations for GIA in Russian in grade 9: Method and Practice. - M.: "First of September", 2010.

2. Haustova language. Preparation for GIA (writing compressed presentation) .- M.: Exam, 2010.


Gorbonosy, long-legged, giant branched,

Eats grass, shoots shoots,

It is difficult to hurt him in running.

Kohl had a chance

Meet - know what it is. . . .

Elk is a very large, strong and beautiful animal. The height of the body of moose is 235 centimeters, the length is about 3 meters. This giant weighs from 350 to 550 kilograms. Salmon is characterized by big horns.

This is his true pride and distinctive feature. The weight of one horns is 25 kilograms. In the form of a horn resembles a branch or shovel. The horns are present only in males. Feet in animal long and strong. Elk also knows how to swim.

This is primarily a neat and clever animal. He has a wonderful sense of smell and hearing. Elk is well able to disguise in the forest. This is a lonely animal, which is capable of passing more than 30 kilometers in search of food. During migration, moose is combined into groups.

Fingering Elk is poisoned in the morning or in the evening, but it is active almost the clock day. In his diet comes vegetable origin: branches, leaves, aquatic plants.

In a robbery day in more often, the Losih was born grass.

Losich was a huge, more domestic cow. Her gray wool, hard, like a bristle. Lapers were born small, redhead, just like a home calf. The legs are thin - thin - it seems, it is impossible to stand on such and stand: now they will turn around.

Mother and son lay at the stream in thick olhovy thickets.


  • What happened in a dinner day in more often the forest?
  • How does the author describe the sizes of the losi?
  • What is the wool at the idle?
  • Read the description of Loenka?
  • Where did the mother and son lay?
  • How many parts in this text?
  • Make up the plan of our text.

Determine the text of the text.

Read the description of the idle.

Read the leather description.

Why is it given a comparative description of Losiekh and Losenka?

1. Rise of the Lovenka.

2.Ommal loss and small lossock.

3. Color thickets.

C. but sh but

thick, difficult forest.

Lexico - spelling preparation

shrub, plants, thick growing on any place.

Thicket -

Lexico - spelling preparation

Alder -

deciduous tree or shrub of the birch family.


Losich -

mom, she.

Loenok -

son, calf, he.

Spelling preparation

In p _Good summer day in ch_sa forests R_Dell, L_Sihi L_ Synok.

L_Sih was huge, more than d_mashny k_rov. Her gray wool, hard, like a bristle. L_ Synok R_Deamed small, redhead, just like D_ MAY T_LAN. But_ ki is thin-thin - it seems on them and the st_y, it is impossible: now P_R_LOM.

Mother and son L_ZhOhli at the stream in dense olhovy thickets.

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Arctic and Doctor

One day, the doctor had an interesting inhabitant in the house. That's how it happened. Returning somehow from duty, the doctor saw blind ps. With the cliff of the rope on the neck, he was sitting, clogging between the logs, and trembled. Doctor seen him earlier several times. Now he stopped, he considered him in all details, poured his lips, poured, then he took up the rope and dragged the blind to his home.

At home, the doctor washed him out with warm water with soap and fed. According to the habit, the dog shuddered and pumped while eating. He ate greedily, hurried and pressed. The forehead and ears were covered by the Whismer Scars.

- Well, now go! Said the doctor when the dog was ate, and pushed him from the terrace. The dog was drunk and trembled.

- Um, - said the doctor and sat down in the rocking chair.

The evening came, the sky was darkened, but did not go well. The biggest stars caught fire. The dog lay down on the terrace and tricken. It seems to be a completely adult dog with strong legs, black with back and red podpales on the stomach and on the face. But Huddobu was impossible to hide: the ribs were drank, the blades were sticking. Sometimes the dog opened his dead eyes, worked the ears and, sniffing, took his head. Then she laid a face on his paws and closed his eyes.

And the doctor was confusedly considered him, he died on the rocking chair and invented his name. How to call him? Or is it better to get rid of him, not too late? Why does he have a dog? The doctor thoughtfully raised his eyes: Low above the horizon was overflowing with a blue glitter.

Arctur, - muttered the doctor. He decided to call the PSA with the name of the stars shining on the evening sky.

The dog moved the ears and opened his eyes.

- Arctic! Come here, Arctic! - Already confidently, the doctor called himself and happily.

The dog got up, walked over to the owner and gently pushed his nose in his knees. The doctor laughed and put his hand on his head.

Dogs are different, like people. There are dogs beggars, broke, there are free and gloomy tramps, there are stupid and enthusiastic breshuns. There are humiliating, pouring handlers who are crawling towards anyone who whistles them. There are also devotees of dogs, dogs submissive, capricious, pride, priests, indifferent, dying and empty. Arcturic did not look like any of them. The feeling of him to his owner was unusual and sublime. He loved him passionately and poetically, perhaps, more than life. But he was chastity and rarely allowed himself to open to the end.

The owner was moments bad moodSometimes he was indifferent, often from him annoyingly smelled by cologne - a smell that never occurred in nature. But most often he was kind, and then the Arkurkt rushed from love, his wool became fluffy, and the body of Kolo, as if needles. He wanted to jump and rush, choking with joyful lame. But he restrained. His ears bloomed, the tail was stopped, the body was crushed and silent, only a loud heart and often his heart. Arcturus experienced a huge pleasure when the owner began to push him, tickle, stroking and laugh in the intermittent, stitching laughter. Each sound gave birth to some sparks and vague smells, and the Arcourt seemed that all this was already with him, it was so long that he could not remember where and when. The dog was happy: he again found the house and owner. (485 words)

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According to Yu. Kazakova

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Hours - light

All of the highest animals, the upbringing of the offspring is not only feeding, this is a whole school of adaptation to life: avoiding hazards, food mining, hunting, self-treatment. The instinct does its own. But something needs to be learn. On the example of wolves and bears, it is especially clearly visible. Major - mother attentive. On the defense of your son, rushing risking my own life. She may be affectionate. But on the eyes of observers often come across such scenes like this.

Sometimes two bear came with the mother: last year's (it is also called the little) and small, or profit. Senior is already experienced. The life of him where he looked, where he was pinned, he learned a lot, watching the behavior of the mother. Mother takes into account this experience, charging the younger bear senior, and he is obliged to feel the younger, that is, patronate.

The hunter in Siberia somehow observed the crossing of a bear family across the river. The water was shallow but fast. Mother switched the flow, confident that the Pestoon will help the baby to overcome him. But the Pestun reroxed the water, smoked the spray so that the rainbow was rainbow, and ran to the mother. And the younger was whining on the shore, frightened the flow. It is curious that the mother to help him did not rush. She jumped to the Pestun and dropped him on the loan such a landfall that she rolled down with the slop. And the Pestun understood, for which he was punished. Returned to his brother and fascinated him into the water. Mother calmly watched this picture from the shore.

The acquisition of experience is often the method of samples and errors, fraught with hazards. Breeding, we do not know that the door of the stove is hot, and just having burned, we will know it well.

In nature, this study is continuous. For predators it is very important to learn how to take hunting. But at first, congenital feeling should be awakened. And parents, for example, wolves and foxes bring to the lair even live prey. On it, young wagins and foxes are "trying teeth" - it means sacrifice to the victim, find the most vulnerable place.

It is noticed: every student is best of all goes. Here is one curious example. For several years in a row, experiments with monkeys on the lake islands in the Pskov region were conducted. Monkeys every summer were well hacked on these "resorts". They were also pecked, they were awakened by stalking instincts, the hierarchy was ordinary for them in natural conditions, a leader was approved.

One of the leaders was a strong, healthy chimpanzee battle. He knew everything: whom it is necessary, Utichomit, punish, babies, protects from the aliens. All his ward group by night or bad weather was built on the trees of the nest. Half an hour - and ready to refuge. Built everything, excluding chimpanzee gamut and the omnipotentist leader of the battle. While the relatives with all the amenities, like in Africa, slept on the tree, two of these strong monkeys hid either in boxes or under a tree. They did not know how to build nests. The fact is that the skilled nests were caught in Africa at a three-year-old, and nonsense - gamma and battle - very babies. Nest-planning abilities in each of the monkeys are laid from birth. But the first in the process of imitating adults, these abilities awakened, were developed, and the battle and gamma did not pass. The question arose: is it too late fighting now to learn a simple case? It turns out all his time. It is impossible to sit on the gone train.

The same is also observed in people in training, for example, music, foreign language, swimming, skating. Everything that is easy and fluently in the age of early is very difficult to give a person when "the train has already left." This law is universal for all things. That is why so strictly scarseled by a playful bear ceremony of a hype-free bear mother. (528 words)

According to V. Peskov

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Her childhood was snipely and hungry, but childhood is the happiest time.

Especially good was the first spring, May Days outside the city. The smell of the earth and young grass filled the soul with happiness. She fell on the front paws in front of a dandelion flower and broken barking angry and happy childish voice, inviting flower to participate in the running.

She was fasten, with a pink belly, with thick paws, although she eared and in this good time a little. It seemed that she bitted from happiness, from joy to be alive.

And then there was no light childhood day. The world was filled with October and November, hostility and indifference, ice rain, mixed with snow, mud.

She was a rooted mongrel, small, krivonoga. But she successfully overcame the power of power, because she loved life and was very smart. The labored journal knew where the trouble would steal, she knew that death was not noise, it would not wake up, he did not throw the stones, he did not tolerate his boots, but stretches a piece of bread and approaching, smiling at his back, holding a bag.

Severe life did not harm stray dog, and good who lived in it, no one needed.

She was caught at night when she slept. She was not killed, but sent to the institute. She was getting acquainted with the highest section of the twentieth century. She received the name of the Pestrushka.

The dog understood that injections, dizzying journeys in centrifuges and vibration rates - all this went from Alexey Georgievich, the owner. She waited for him who was found by her owner, languished when he was not, rejoiced his steps, and when he left in the evening, her brown eyesIt seemed moistened with tears.

Alexey Georgievich did not immediately notice that the Pestrushka causes a fighter feeling, and not only ordinary business interest. The krivonoga karanya paid him good for evil, love for the suffering that he brought her. And once he told the finger, that she was the first to see the true cosmic depth in the globe for the entire existence of life on the globe. It seemed to him that the dog would understand him. He peered into her eyes. These good dog eyes, and not the eyes of Niels Bor be the first to see world space, not limited to the earthly horizon. The space in which there is no wind, and one is only the force of gravity, the space in which there are no clouds, swallows, rain. And Alexey Georgeiyevich seemed that the eyes of the Pestrushki will retell him that they saw. It seemed that the dog was instinct felt that a person joined her to the largest thing that was happening on earth for all times of history.

Heads and subordinates Alexey Georgievich, his homework and friends noticed in it strange changes: never he was so compliant, soft, sad.

And here the flight was accomplished. An animal went into the holespace. Alexey Georgievich was convinced that his connection is not rummaged with a flush, he felt it and when the ship was removed from the ground for a hundred thousand kilometers.

He himself went to the site of landing the space container, because he had to be the first to see a bottle. They met the way Alexey Georgievich wanted. She rushed to him, timidly obeying the tip of the lowered tail. The dog licked his hands as a sign of his humility, in the sign of an eternal abandonment of a free wanderer life, as a sign of reconciliation with everything that is and will be. (475 words)

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According to V. Grossman

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