Why is cleaning done after childbirth? Why is cleaning of the uterus required after childbirth, how does it happen, what are the consequences of it? Vacuum cleaning: distinctive features

During childbirth, the female body is subjected to tremendous stress and in some cases complications may arise that require additional medical intervention. Cleaning after childbirth is a medical procedure based on the extraction of blood clots or placenta residues from the mucous layer of the uterus, which helps to prevent complications and maintain women's health.

The generic process takes place in two stages: first, the baby appears, and then the afterbirth comes out - the shell that surrounds the baby for 9 months of intrauterine development. However, in cases where childbirth proceeds in an unnatural way, with complications, curettage is performed. The reasons that explain why it is necessary to carry out this procedure may be:

  1. After the baby was born, the placenta did not come out or came out partially.
  2. The presence of an infection in the vagina.
  3. Insufficient contractile activity of the muscles of the vagina.
  4. Excessively tight attachment of the placenta to the walls of the organ.
  5. Cesarean section.

The remaining pieces of the placenta can provoke inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus, which can lead to a serious disease - endometritis.

Therefore, in no case should you neglect the recommendations of doctors, and if there is a need for an operation, it is better to agree to it!

How is it going

In frequent cases, women in labor are injected with oxytocin to stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus. This drug is administered to speed up the separation and excretion of the placenta. This is a standard procedure that does not negatively affect the body of a woman or a newborn. But sometimes this is not enough, and doctors have no choice but to cleanse.

When a woman after childbirth (especially if they are the first) hears: "It is necessary to cleanse", she is seized with panic. She does not understand why this procedure is needed, and most importantly, how it happens and whether it hurts.

Before being discharged from the hospital, the woman in labor is examined on a gynecological chair. They may also screen after the baby is born. If blood clots are found as a result, then vacuum or manual cleaning after childbirth is prescribed.

Like any surgical intervention, curettage requires preparation. Usually this procedure is prescribed on the eve of the onset of natural menstruation. Before the operation, the patient undergoes a thorough examination and passes a series of tests. On the day when the operation is to be performed, she is advised to give up food and try to consume as little liquid as possible.

Manual cleaning after childbirth is carried out by scraping, the placenta is removed from the mucous tissue, that is, it is performed mechanically, and vacuum cleaning is carried out using a special apparatus, its tube is inserted into the vagina and acts on the principle of a vacuum cleaner. Of course, the curettage procedure is very painful, but modern science has made great strides forward that allows the use of a wide range of pain relievers. Therefore, gynecological curettage takes place under general or local anesthesia.

Before this manipulation, the external organs are lubricated with an iodine solution, the cervix and vagina are disinfected with a solution of ethyl alcohol. Then the cervical canals are enlarged and special instruments are inserted to remove the clots. The total duration of the operation is no more than 20 minutes.

Contraindications and consequences

Cleaning the uterus after childbirth, like other surgical interventions, cannot be performed if any inflammatory processes occur in the woman's body, except for those that became the reasons for this manipulation.

As a rule, there are no serious consequences of curettage in women. But it is worth remembering that the guarantee of a successful result of this gynecological operation is that it should be carried out in an official medical institution, qualified specialists.

Most women experience bloody discharge after curettage, which may resemble menstruation. The duration of bleeding is different for everyone, which is due to the individual characteristics of the organism, the rate of regeneration of the mucous membranes. It is normal if the blood from the vagina is released no more than 10 days in moderation and without an unpleasant odor. As with menstruation, the amount of discharge gradually decreases and disappears completely. May also be felt pulling pains lower abdomen and lower back.

However, if the surgical intervention was performed incompetently, negligently, then the woman may face such consequences as:

  1. Bleeding for more than 10 days. The reason may be: remnants of tissue in the genital organ; if the surgery is performed in the middle menstrual cycle, hormonal disbalance.
  2. Tears of the cervix or damage to its walls, with the formation of through defects - occur with fragile fixation of forceps due to the low elasticity of the organ. A surgical suture may be applied.
  3. Hematometer is a disease caused by blockage of the uterine cavity by blood clots due to closure of the cervical canal. Has the following symptoms: fever, severe pain in the lower abdomen, cessation of natural bleeding after gynecological manipulation.
  4. Endometritis - infectious disease, the cause of which is the vital activity of streptococci and other pathogens due to poorly processed surgical instruments, left tissue particles. It is accompanied by bloody discharge with a pungent odor, pain in the lower abdomen and fever.
  5. Infertility is the worst consequence, which can be caused by negligence or insufficient professional qualifications of medical personnel.

After the operation, the following recommendations should be followed;

  • avoid intimacy for a month;
  • do not use vaginal tampons;
  • do not lift weights and avoid excessive physical exertion;
  • do not take blood thinning drugs;
  • refuse to visit the pool, do not steam and do not take hot baths.

How to treat the consequences

It is quite possible to avoid cleaning after childbirth. Doctors may prescribe IVs or injections that stimulate contractile activity organ, in the process of which all blood clots and placenta residues will be released. But if given medication turns out to be ineffective, then you will have to resort to surgical intervention.

In some cases, the consequences of curettage require additional attention and treatment. If opened inside uterine bleeding, it needs to be stopped urgently to avoid the development of anemia. To do this, the doctor prescribes medications that stop the blood and contract the uterus. If the consequence is the development of an infection, the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics. Also, repeated scraping is not excluded. Hormonal disorders are treated by an endocrinologist, by drug treatment

In addition to taking medications,

Namely: beef liver, beets and beetroot juice, pomegranates, avocados, nuts, honey.

Upon completion of the procedure, the patient should adhere to all the recommendations received from the doctor regarding the medication regimen and follow the rules of personal hygiene of the intimate area. And you also need to carefully monitor your well-being, in case of an increase in temperature, the occurrence severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Childbirth takes place in two stages - the birth of the child and the release of the placenta. If the child's place did not come out on its own, there are suspicions that parts of the placenta, fetal membranes remain in the uterus, therefore, scraping or vacuum cleaning is indicated. It's simple but pretty painful procedure, as a result of which it is carried out after preliminary anesthesia immediately after childbirth, during the next day, the first or second postpartum months. Why not do without cleaning, and what complications are possible after it?

When is cleaning necessary after childbirth?

It happens that during childbirth the placenta comes out partially or completely remains in the uterus. In this case, the obstetrician immediately decides on manual curettage of the uterine cavity or performs vacuum aspiration in order to clean the muscular organ. Before discharge from the maternity hospital (3-5 days), young mothers undergo a control ultrasound.

The reasons why parts of the placenta remain in the uterus are the low activity of the walls and the bend of the muscular organ. When an examination shows the presence of blood clots and placental residues, signs inflammatory processcleaning is also carried out. The young mother remains in the hospital for another 1-2 days.

Failure to timely curettage will sooner or later lead to hospitalization. This is fraught with the following consequences:

  • uterine bleeding with a drop in hemoglobin levels, weakness, inability to care for the baby;
  • endometrial inflammation;
  • sepsis - general blood poisoning, which leads to infection of the uterus.

The best time to clean is immediately after childbirth. However, it also happens that it is prescribed 6-8 weeks after natural delivery or caesarean section due to the appearance of spotting or bleeding that has opened.

Cleaning technique

Cleaning the uterus after childbirth, while its pharynx is open, is the optimal period for intervention. In this case, manual cleaning is possible, which involves instrumental scraping under anesthesia. In some cases, vacuum aspiration is performed. After such a procedure, the young mother stays in the hospital for 1-2 days.

If the obstetrician is sure that after childbirth the baby's place is completely out, a heating pad with ice is placed on the stomach. Then every day in the clinic they do intramuscular injections oxytocin. The substance provokes active contractions of the uterus, allows the organ to quickly return to the prenatal state. In this case, the doctor feels the stomach every day and is interested in the volume of postpartum discharge. Control ultrasound before discharge shows whether curettage should be performed.

If, according to the results of the control ultrasound, cleaning after childbirth is necessary, the woman stays in the hospital for a couple of days. The algorithm for the procedure does not differ from abortion:

  • the use of general or local anesthesia;
  • treatment of the external genital organs with antiseptics;
  • mechanical expansion of the cervical canal;
  • accurate removal of clots and parts of the placenta from the uterine cavity using a sterile curette.

The uterus is cleaned for no more than 15-30 minutes, the young mother gradually departs from modern anesthesia, without headaches and other side effects... To enhance the contractility of the uterus, injections of oxytocin or similar drugs... Bleeding should not be normal, only lochia. The volume of discharge will gradually decrease, over time they turn pale.

In a public maternity hospital, the cost of cleaning is covered by compulsory medical insurance. In a private hospital, you will have to pay from 7 to 20 thousand rubles for the procedure. (depending on the level of the institution, used anesthesia and drug treatment in the recovery period).

Cleansing the uterus can be replaced by flushing, which begins one day after delivery. The course includes 3-5 procedures. The task is to remove the remaining clots and carry out an antiseptic treatment of the cavity of the muscular organ. The manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia after exposure of the cervix using mirrors. Lavage is carried out in two ways:

  • Aspiration. A silicone tube is connected to the intravenous infusion system, through which a rinsing solution (antiseptic, enzyme, antibiotic, anesthetic) is pumped into the cavity. The extraction of the contents is carried out using an electric aspirator through an expanded channel.
  • By gravity. Instead of a silicone tube, a rubber catheter is used. The contents of the uterine cavity come out by gravity.

The rehabilitation period and ways to accelerate recovery

The recovery period after curettage is about 2 weeks and coincides with rehabilitation period after delivery. The condition of the young mother is monitored by the doctor, his task is not to miss the onset of the inflammatory process.

During recovery, the administration of anti-inflammatory, pain relievers, antispasmodics and other drugs is indicated. The doctor selects the type of medications, their dosage and course of administration individually. The weakened state of the patient after childbirth, the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and general well-being are taken into account. During therapy breast-feeding temporarily stop. Lactation is stimulated with breast massage and pumping. This will help to quickly establish feeding the baby after discharge from the hospital.

For the recovery process to be successful, the young mother should take the following recommendations into account:

  • do not visit the sauna, bath, do not take a bath for 3 months;
  • observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • exclude swimming in open water;
  • do not use tampons, only pads that need to be changed regularly;
  • exclude intimacy and physical exercise within 1.5 months.

If the cleaning is carried out correctly and in a timely manner, you can not be afraid of complications. The main thing is to follow the doctor's recommendations and be sure to undergo a control examination.

Possible complications after curettage

The main criteria for a successful curettage:

  • lack of an inflammatory process. what is confirmed by the results of ultrasound;
  • normal body temperature, which does not rise above subfebrile values \u200b\u200b(37.5);
  • the general satisfactory condition of the young mother, slight dizziness and weakness are possible as the results of the interventions performed;
  • pulling mild pain in the lower abdomen, which gradually goes away;
  • the absence of scarlet spotting, normally lochia may be present - minor discharge that becomes paler over time and completely disappears in 6 weeks.

Complications and the need for additional medical intervention are indicated by:

  • severe uterine bleeding, in which sometimes it is necessary to make a decision about extirpation of the uterus;
  • hematometer - the absence of lochia after cleaning (indicates a poorly performed operation and the accumulation of secretions in the organ cavity);
  • decreased contractility of the uterus;
  • an unpleasant odor of discharge is a sign of tissue infection;
  • high body temperature, fever.

The doctor performs scraping after a cesarean section especially carefully, given that the integrity of the muscular organ is compromised. For this reason, the uterus regenerates more slowly, it contracts worse. She returns to her previous state 2 weeks after giving birth, and the sutures heal a little longer.

Ultrasound on the 3rd day after the operation allows you to assess the condition of the muscular organ. Edema postoperative scar can talk about endometritis, which is treated with medication. Despite the fact that during the caesarean section, doctors thoroughly clean the uterine cavity, sometimes an ultrasound scan shows the presence of clots. If particles of the placenta are found or the proliferation of the endometrium, they are cleaned under anesthesia. The next pregnancy is recommended to be planned after 3 years.

Poor scraping can lead to future health problems. It negatively affects the further fertility, leads to adhesions in the pelvic area. Subsequently, there may be difficulties with conceiving and bearing a baby, hormonal disturbances that lead to fibroids, cysts and other gynecological pathologies.

Nobody is safe from complications during manipulations. The risk of their occurrence can be reduced by performing the operation by an experienced doctor using modern equipment. In this case, the endometrium will quickly recover, and a new pregnancy is possible in the next ovulatory cycle. During lactation, it is difficult to miss it, and if the spouses are not planning children, it is better to take care of the means of protection.

Good day!

Curettage of the uterus was done twice, and all this happened just a couple of days after giving birth. I did not know at that time that childbirth is not the end.

When you are preparing to become a mother, you try to glean as much information as possible from all kinds of available sources so as not to be caught off guard. How to carry a baby, where to give birth, what to take with you to the hospital, cesarean or natural childbirth? And now, when tons of literature have been studied, sites and forums have been studied "from" and "to", and the bag is collected in the hospital, the woman finally "can relax", because she thinks that she is completely ready for childbirth and postpartum... The period of waiting for the birth of a child begins. Someone cheerfully walks into the hospital, someone doubts a little about their knowledge, and someone is still taken away in complete panic. And when, finally, everything is over, when the hellish torments are endured, when the long-awaited child is born, the moment of happiness comes. In these seconds, you understand that your main torments are behind you, you stood firm and were rewarded for it according to your deserts - the love of your child. Unfortunately, things don't always go smoothly. Most women face such a problem after childbirth as scraping (cleaning) the uterine cavity.

"Cleaning" in "medical language" means curettage. This procedure may be familiar to those women who have had an abortion. Scraping of the uterine mucosa is an operation in which the functional layer of the endometrium is mechanically removed.

Unfortunately, I belong to the percentage of women who gave birth who did not manage to avoid this process.


I got pregnant for the first time, pretty quickly, literally in the second month of our attempts with my husband. The pregnancy was proceeding normally, the analyzes were in order, with the exception of one period. But there are reasons for this. And so, at 39 weeks, I wake up from the fact that my water broke. My husband and mother picked me up and took me by taxi to the maternity hospital in Pushkino. There were no contractions, they appeared already in the maternity hospital after completing all the necessary documentation and carrying out the mandatory procedures (new mothers will understand). 4 hours after the start of labor, our son was born.

I gave birth myself, though they did me episiotomyto help prevent severe tears and ease labor.

Episiotomy during childbirth surgical incision tissue of the perineum, which is done in order to facilitate the passage of the fetus through the birth canal and to prevent multiple ruptures of the vagina and perineum.

The seam was small, they sewed me up with self-absorbable sutures. He healed well, there was no suppuration. On the third day in the morning, a pediatrician came to our ward and said that everything was fine with the child, you can pack your bags. The mood was excellent, as soon as possible I wanted to leave the maternity hospital and go home. But in the maternity hospital it is established so that before discharge, everyone undergoes a mandatory control ultrasound. Newly made moms crowded in the corridor and took turns entering the office, clumsily fiddling with the diaper in their hands. When it was my turn, I felt a slight excitement, but in principle it is typical for me: I am worried with or without reason. But, as it turned out, I was not worried in vain. The doctor pronounced the verdict: “The uterus was poorly cleansed, there are a lot of clots. The tests are out of order. We won't let you go home. " It was a sentence and only the beginning of the whole nightmare that awaited me.

I was told that I was going to be cleaned. To be honest, I had little idea of \u200b\u200bwhat it was and how it was carried out. But the doctor said she would try hand-cleaning me first. Half an hour later, I was already heading for the office, my heart was pounding. In order to be cleaned, I was "offered" to climb onto a chair. I reminded the doctor that I had a suture after an episiotomy. But she told me not to worry, because she would hold him. And then hell began. When she started to make her way into the uterus with her own hands, slowly expanding her neck, I wanted to run away, fly away, rush away from the office ... I felt everything she was doing. Every cell there ached and begged for mercy. The diaper beneath me became wet, the blood slowly began to come out, and the doctor, meanwhile, several times pulled out several large clots. All this time, I was holding onto the wall with one hand, the doctor's hand with the other. Gritting my teeth, I tried not to scream in pain. The procedure lasted about 10 minutes. After that, I was "wounded again" sent to the ward, I walked away for a long time. Inside, everything ached and ached, the feeling was that inside you they were picking out a very painful wound. Then I was prescribed injections of oxytocin, so that the uterus contracted and thereby cleared of clots faster. In a couple of days I had another ultrasound. I went to him and hoped for the best. But that did not happen. I was again told that the clots remained, and now I need to prepare for a real cleaning under anesthesia.

Usually, cleaning is carried out under general anesthesia in a gynecological chair. Before the operation, the external genital organs are treated with 5% alcohol solution iodine, and the vagina and cervix - 50% ethyl alcohol... Using the inserted dilators of various diameters, the cervical canal is expanded and the remnants of placental tissue are removed using a special blunt curette or obstetric curette with denticles. The operation takes no more than 20 minutes.

It was like a tub cold water... My son was completely healthy, but because of me, we spent a whole week in the hospital.

I prepared for the appointed day X: I did not eat or drink anything. My condition was terrible, I was very afraid of the upcoming cleaning. I was told that at 9 o'clock they would call me. But time passed, and they did not take me away. When I asked the doctor if they would cleanse me, she said that she would clean me herself. Again. By the way, it was already another doctor, more experienced according to the nurses.

I was shaking, I again imagined those hellish pains that would have to endure. Chair again. But for some reason, there were still nurses in the office who prevented me from calming down, I involuntarily cried out when the doctor began to cleanse my uterus. The pain was even worse than the first time. I can’t even say for sure now that it really is, or is it because I was terribly afraid. For about 10 minutes she "poked", taking out the clots, which did not want to come out on their own. The perineum ached terribly, the body ached, and also pinched episiotomy suture ... For some reason, the nurse worked on my already healed suture.

They didn’t give me a second ultrasound, ascribing it to the fact that "this doctor pulled out everything." On the seventh day, they finally let me go, and I waited until the last for the results of repeated tests, and as soon as the doctor gave the go-ahead, I began to call my family and collect my things. And the child and I went home.

Already at home, when I recovered from the shock a little, I discovered that during the second cleaning my seam was torn. It was then that I remembered the moment with the treatment of the seam, it turns out that the doctor saw this, but they did not sew me up. Further, the recovery process, I walked away from depression, and meanwhile, leaving my son with my grandmother, I ran to a paid clinic for procedures. The seam was cut again for me, and then sewn up again, processed, removed. Thanks to the hospital for this.

Here is such a sad experience. It's good that everything ended well.


An ultrasound scan before discharge is a mandatory procedure that must be carried out in every maternity hospital for every new mother. If suddenly your hospital does not provide this, be sure to contact your gynecologist at your place of residence or visit a paid medical center.

After childbirth, the uterus is open wound... Therefore, any blood clot or part of the placenta is a great danger. After all, an inflammatory process may begin, which will lead to not very good consequences.

Cleaning is a necessary procedure if there are all indications for it. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I do not know what curettage under anesthesia is. But since this procedure is similar to the abortion procedure, then I think there is nothing good in it. But I know how to do it manually. And it hurts.

Can cleaning be avoided? All this is individual, and will depend entirely on you and your body. But there are little tips to help your body recover faster.

  • You should not lie on the bed all day waiting for the baby to be brought to you for feeding, walk around. Walk and walk again. Yes, it happens that there is no strength, the body hurts, aching seams, but it really helps.
  • If you are lying, then do it on your stomach.
  • Be sure to attach the baby to your breast, thereby helping your uterus to recover and shrink in size. After all, when feeding, the hormone oxytocin is produced .

It is also very important to ensure that the placenta is "born" after the child and retains its integrity. But this is already the concern of the doctor and midwife.

Of course, the procedure of cleaning (scraping) is very unpleasant and painful, but it is better to do it right away and prevent the onset of complications that will prevent you from enjoying your child.

Let this procedure bypass the side of newly-made and future mothers, and my review will be exclusively informational.

Health to you and your children!

During childbirth in the brain, after an unprecedented release of endorphin, which is even stronger in effect than morphine, which dulls pain, there is a period of withdrawal and, in most cases, deep depression. Only prolonged, repeated contact between mother and youngcan bring her out of this state. (Janusz Leon Vishnevsky. Scenes from life behind the wall).

Thank you for your attention to the review!


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Curettage of the uterus (curettage) after childbirth is a gynecological procedure in which the remnants of the amniotic membranes and large blood clots are removed from the uterus mechanically.

When is it necessary to cleanse after childbirth?

After the baby is born, the placenta (afterbirth) should leave the woman's body, namely from the uterus, following him.

Sometimes for some reason, for example, due to tight attachment, the placenta does not come off and remains inside the organ. Also, when the placenta leaves in the uterus, its particles or remnants of other amniotic membranes and tissues may remain.

Normally, all this, together with blood clots formed during postpartum healing of the uterus, should leave in the form of lochia - postpartum discharge.

But if the placenta did not come out, tissue particles remained in the uterus or large blood clotsblocking the passage of lochia, there is a threat of infection. The remains of the placenta and amniotic membranes will begin to decompose, which will become a favorable area for the development of bacteria and lead to inflammation and purulent processes.

To prevent this from happening, a scraping procedure is performed.

By the way, after a cesarean section, the placenta always has to be removed mechanically.

How is the uterus cleansing procedure performed?

Curettage of the uterus is performed on a gynecological chair. In this case, the woman is under general anesthesia.

If the afterbirth has not departed immediately after childbirth, the doctor performs manual curettage: while the cervix is \u200b\u200bstill open enough, it allows you to manually remove excess tissue and blood clots.

If the need for cleaning was discovered later during an ultrasound scan, special instruments are used to scrape off the endometrial mucosa.

Before the procedure, the genitals are treated with iodine solution and alcohol solution. Sterility plays big role in carrying out cleaning, since the inner surface of the uterus at this time is a large wound, prone to infection.

Postoperative period. How to behave and what not to do?

After the scraping procedure, the wife should pay attention to hygiene, treat the genitals with an antiseptic.

At this time, it is forbidden to use tampons and do douching. You can also not take a hot bath, visit the baths - during the recovery you will have to limit yourself to a shower.

Sexual intercourse is also prohibited until the end of the recovery period.

After curettage, antibiotics, antispasmodics, and medications may be prescribed to help the uterus contract. Breastfeeding is usually prohibited while taking medication, so milk will have to be expressed to avoid disrupting lactation.

For two weeks after cleaning, you can not lift weights, expose the body to physical exertion.

Complications after cleaning

If an infection was brought in during curettage, this can lead to endometritis - an inflammatory process.

With bleeding, a hematomera may develop - the accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, which appears due to problems with its outflow. If a woman has problems with blood clotting, then on the contrary, severe bleeding and loss of large volumes of blood are possible.

Normally, there is bleeding after the procedure, but it is small and gradually decreases. If you have no discharge or a lot of bright red blood comes out, see your doctor.

Childbirth is a natural process of childbirth. To maintain the health of the mother and child, it is important that the expectant mother is promptly delivered to maternity ward... After the birth of the child, the woman's body is gradually restored and returns to the previous mode of operation. For some time, there is a release of lochia, the uterus is cleared of the remaining blood clots and the remains of the child's place. This process does not always take place without complications, sometimes it may be necessary to clean the uterus after childbirth.


Why is cleaning done?

If the natural cleansing process is disturbed, then doctors have to intervene. Curettage of the uterus after childbirth is required if:

  • Lochia ceased to stand out due to a spasm of the cervix, and blood accumulates inside. This leads to an increase in body temperature, pain on examination.
  • On the walls of the uterus or in its cavity, there are particles of the child's place. This usually happens if for some reason its integrity has been violated.
  • Blood clots come out badly.

The remnants of the placenta or blood clots can provoke an inflammatory process, as well as lead to blood poisoning and tissue necrosis due to the onset of the decay process. Any particles in the uterus are perceived by the body as foreign, which makes it spend its precious forces, which are exhausted after childbirth, to get rid of them.

Recovery after the birth of a baby is delayed and the risk of infection increases. To avoid all this, manual cleaning of the uterus is carried out.

Is cleaning required?

After the birth of the baby, after a while, the placenta leaves. The doctor must necessarily examine it for integrity. If the baby's place is completely separated and the midwife is sure that there are no remnants left in the uterus, then a hot water bottle with ice is placed on the woman's stomach to speed up the process of uterine contraction.

For several days, mothers are also injected with "Oxytocin" to better contract the uterus and return it to its original prenatal state. Every day, during the examination, the doctor feels the abdomen of the woman in labor, is interested in the soreness of the uterus and the speed of its contraction.

Approximately 5 days after childbirth, an ultrasound is done, if the results show that the process of contraction and cleansing is normal, then scraping of the uterus is not required.

Technique of the procedure

If a procedure for cleaning the uterus after childbirth is required, then it practically does not differ from that during an abortion. The operation is done under local or general anesthesia, so pain the woman does not experience. How is the uterus cleaned after childbirth? The algorithm is as follows:

  1. The external genital organs are treated with aseptic solutions, you can use a solution of iodine or ethyl alcohol.
  2. A speculum is inserted into the vagina to expose the cervix.
  3. The doctor fixes the neck by the front lip and expands the cervical canal, if it has already closed.
  4. With the help of a curette, blood clots and remnants of the placenta are removed from the uterine cavity.

The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

In rare cases, during the procedure for separating the placenta from the walls of the uterus, bleeding opens, and only the complete removal of the uterus can save a woman's life.

Recovery after cleaning

Rehabilitation after the operation takes about 2 weeks. But the first days the woman's condition is necessarily monitored by doctors, who record the body temperature so as not to miss the onset of the inflammatory process, monitor the pulse rate, and feel the abdomen for uterine pain. All this allows you to determine her readiness for discharge home.

Recovery means:

  • Taking medications.
  • Compliance with all doctor's recommendations.

As a rule, after cleaning the uterus, antispasmodics are prescribed, for example, "No-shpa" or "Papaverine". The duration and dosage of the medication is determined by the doctor. Considering that after childbirth the woman's body is weakened and additional efforts are required to recover after surgery, it is recommended to take multivitamin preparations.

For the period of admission medicines it is better to stop breastfeeding the baby. To maintain lactation, milk will have to be expressed.

To speed up the recovery process, follow these tips:

  • Avoid swimming in open water after discharge from the hospital.
  • Do not visit the sauna and bathhouse.
  • Carefully monitor the cleanliness of the genitals.
  • Do not douche.
  • Change gaskets frequently.
  • Do not use tampons, they interfere with the flow of blood.
  • For the first two weeks, exclude any physical activity.
  • Exclude sexual intercourse.

With correct and timely cleaning after the end of the recovery period, there are practically no serious consequences for the female body.

Complications and consequences

Even a high-quality cleaning does not exclude the development of complications. They can develop both at an early stage almost immediately after the operation, and at a later stage. The early consequences can be as follows:

  • Bleeding.
  • Damage to the walls of the uterus during cleaning. If it is small, then it heals on its own; with extensive punctures, suturing is required.

Doctors eliminate these unforeseen complications practically on the operating table.

After a few days, other complications may develop:

  • The development of an infectious and inflammatory process.
  • The rise in body temperature.
  • Discharge with an unpleasant odor.

To stop the inflammatory process, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Long-term complications also take place. These include:

  • The adhesion process, which leads to the appearance of difficulties with conception.
  • When adhesions appear inside the uterus, it is difficult for a woman to bear a child.
  • Hormonal imbalance. This complication is fraught with the development of infertility, which is difficult to treat.

The speed of a woman's recovery after surgery will depend on the timely performed procedure and the skill of the doctor. If all recommendations are followed, the risk of complications can be minimized.

How much does the scraping procedure cost?

Many women don't trust government clinics and maternity hospitals and go to give birth in private medical centers... At the same time, one must be prepared that any procedures are carried out efficiently and on time, proper care is provided, but you will have to pay for everything.

If there is a need for curettage of the uterus, it is necessary to lay out a tidy sum, the size of which depends on the clinic.

The table shows how much such an operation can cost in some clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The cost of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the doctor who will perform the operation, and on the accompanying necessary studies.

It should be noted that in the maternity hospital, doctors are obliged to do this procedure free of charge, if such a need arises.

Having a baby is a great happiness for a woman, but it can be overshadowed by health problems. Modern possibilities of medicine make it possible to quickly cope with them and provide the help you need a woman. Do not be afraid of the procedure for curettage of the uterus, it will speed up the recovery process and save you from many complications.

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