Presentation on the topic "papier-mâché mask". Venetian mask: history and manufacturing technology from papier-mache Do-it-yourself mask from papier-mache presentation

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Justification of the project The theme of our project work is the manufacture of a mask using the papier-mâché technique. We were a little familiar with the papier-mâché technique earlier, we made small and not complicated little things in a circle - plates, vases, beads. At the technology lesson, the teacher introduced us to the papier-mâché technique and offered to make masks in the form of a panel. It seemed to us that this lesson was interesting, because the work can be designed in different ways, to show your imagination and creativity. The finished panel will decorate my room and remind me of technology lessons in 8th grade. So, we need to draw up an algorithm of actions for making panels using the papier-mâché technique and get down to business.

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Goals and objectives of the project The goal is to make a papier-mâché mask, decorated in a panel. Tasks: 1. Learn to work in papier-mâché technique. 2. To develop and show a creative attitude to business in the field of decoration of panels in papier-mâché technique. 3. Cultivate in yourself carefully, thrift when performing practical work.

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Choice of idea Work in the technique of papier-mâché can be presented in the form of various gizmos, each of them will be unique both in manufacturing and design. Since we will be making masks, we need to choose a style. We have several ideas - this is a chess queen mask, a snow queen mask and a scheherazade mask.

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The history of the appearance of papier-mâché As TSB points out: “Papier-mache (French papier mâché), literally chewed paper), an easily shaped mass obtained from fibrous materials (paper, cardboard, etc.), usually with the addition of adhesives, starch, gypsum, etc. Toys, teaching aids, models, theater props, caskets, caskets, vases, often decorated with painting, varnishing, embossing, are made from papier-mâché. A very wide range of products was made from papier-mâché: snuff boxes, caskets, toys, masks, trays, architectural stucco for walls and ceilings, candlesticks, mirror frames, decorative panels for walls, doors, carriages, as well as various products. Papier-mâché was invented in France in the early 16th century and was originally used to make dolls. The huge interest of the public in imported Chinese and Japanese lacquered decorative products was around the 70s of the 17th century the impetus for the development of the production of papier-mâché products in Europe.

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The choice of materials For the manufacture of papier-mâché you will need: glue material for the model paper thicker ordinary paper (to give the product greater rigidity and strength: magazine, writing, craft paper or half-cardboard soaked in water) a piece of cotton fabric or bandage scissors Vaseline brushes.

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Papier-mache technique Before starting work, the model must be covered with a layer of Vaseline. Next, the model is pasted over with paper using the papier-mâché technique. We tear the newspaper into small pieces. The layers should be in the following order: The first layer of papier-mâché consists of plain paper. When the entire mask is covered with paper, you can make the next layer on the glue. To make the mask smooth, rigid and waterproof, it is important to press each piece well, removing air bubbles. The third layer is thicker paper. It should be stuck especially carefully, and smeared with thick glue; Plain paper. Cotton fabric should be finely chopped and soaked in diluted glue. This layer threatens the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, with a solid object, you need to constantly push through all the necessary "features of the relief" so that they do not disappear under the layers of material, and remove unnecessary ones. When gluing pieces of fabric on the bulge, you can get "pockets" - pieces that have nowhere to stick or that form these same folds. They need to be cut with scissors.

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Papier-mâché technique Plain paper. Again thick paper. The top, last layer can be thick white soaked paper or small pieces of white cloth. When the glue sets, with a damp cloth or just your hand, wipe the junctions of the pieces of paper or cloth to smooth out the bumps. After all this, the glued model is dried. It is necessary to dry the mask at room temperature for 3-4 days, without removing it from the model, in order to avoid deformation, the mask can be covered with stretch velvet, crepe satin and, in general, almost any fabric. We take the fabric in the shape of the mask approximately, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, carefully cut it with an allowance, and glue it, wrapping the edges inward. When it sticks, stretch the edges and glue them inward too. The fabric is secured with super glue. It is better to take elastic material, so as not to lay down in folds. From the inside, the mask is also glued with a cloth.

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Finishing The mask can be covered with stretch velvet, crepe satin and almost any fabric. We take the fabric in the shape of the mask approximately, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, carefully cut it with an allowance, and glue it, wrapping the edges inward. When it sticks, stretch the edges and glue them inward too. The fabric is secured with super glue. It is better to take elastic material, so as not to lay down in folds. From the inside, the mask is also glued with a cloth, preferably cotton. Further, the mask can be decorated with sequins, lace, braid, feathers

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The cost of the product Number p / p materials quantity Price amount 1. Mask (base) 1 90 rubles. 90=00 rub. 2. Paint 1 50 rubles. 50=00 rub. 3. GluePVA 1 15 rubles. 15=00 rub. 4. Fabric 0.30 (cm) 100 rubles. 30=00 rub. Total: 185=00 rub.

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Ecology Up to 85% of modern human diseases are associated with adverse environmental conditions: the use of low-quality goods or goods containing substances harmful to human health. Working with glue, paper and others will not harm human health. The product should be protected from direct sunlight, cleaned of dust using a special vacuum cleaner attachment for small items.

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Entrepreneurship At some point, almost everyone thinks of their own business. This dream, realized, laid the foundation for a prosperous economy in many countries of the world. The desire to create a new enterprise, new products, new ways of production or trade with one's own hands, at one's own expense and under one's own responsibility, inspires many people. We also have a dream to have our own business, but for this we need to learn how to produce competitive products.

Content of the project Introductory I. Technological part 1. Choice of idea 2. History of papier - mache 3. Choice of materials 4. Technique of execution of papier - mache II. Final part 1. Finishing 2. Ecology 3. Product cost 4. Entrepreneurship 5. Advertising

Justification of the project The theme of my design work is the manufacture of masks in papier-mâché technique. I was a little familiar with the papier-mâché technique earlier, I made small and not complicated little things in a circle - plates, vases, beads. At the technology lesson, the teacher introduced us to the papier-mâché technique and offered to make masks in the form of a panel. It seemed to me that this lesson is interesting, because the work can be designed in different ways, to show your imagination and creativity. The finished panel will decorate my room and remind me of technology lessons in 8th grade. So, I need to draw up an algorithm of actions for making panels in the papier-mâché technique and get down to business.

Goals and objectives of the project The goal is to make a papier-mâché mask, decorated in a panel. Tasks: 1. Learn to work in papier-mâché technique. 2. To develop and show a creative attitude to business in the field of decorating panels in the pape-mâché technique. 3. Cultivate neatness and thrift in oneself when performing practical work.

Choice of idea Work in the technique of papier-mâché can be presented in the form of various gizmos, each of them will be unique both in manufacturing and design. Since I will be making masks, I need to choose a style. I have several ideas - this is a chess queen mask and a snow queen mask.

The history of the appearance of papier-mache As TSB points out: “Papier-mache (French papier mâché), literally chewed paper), an easily shaped mass obtained from fibrous materials (paper, cardboard, etc.), usually with the addition of adhesives, starch, gypsum, etc. Toys, teaching aids, models, theatrical props, caskets, caskets, vases, often decorated with painting, varnishing, embossing are made from papier-mache » From the point of view of today's classification, papier-mache is a structural composite material and it can be considered, for example, as one of the precursors of fibreboard. Like fiberboard, papier-mâché is made up of cellulose fibers and a small amount of glue. Papier-mâché was invented at the beginning of the 16th century in France and was originally used to make dolls. The huge interest of the public in imported Chinese and Japanese lacquered decorative items was around the 70s of the 17th century the impetus for the development of papier-mâché products in Europe. , architectural moldings for walls and ceilings, candlesticks, mirror frames, decorative panels for walls, doors, carriages, as well as a variety of products.

The choice of materials For the manufacture of papier-mâché, you will need: glue, material for the model, plain paper (it should easily soak, but not turn into mush - the newspaper fully meets these requirements), thicker paper to give the product greater rigidity and strength: magazine, writing , Kraft paper (sometimes found in the mail) or half-cardboard soaked in water, a piece of cotton fabric or a bandage, scissors, petroleum jelly, brushes. PVA glue diluted with water is well suited for gluing. If there is no time to run after PVA, you can cook a paste from starch or flour. In the first case, starch at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per liter of water is dissolved in a small amount of cold water, mixed thoroughly, and topped up with boiling water. Or dilute flour in cold water, add boiling water (a glass of flour per liter of water, to this you can add wood glue dissolved in water - 50 grams) and cook, stirring all the time, until it thickens. ATTENTION! You don’t need to cook a lot of paste - a cup is enough.

Papier-mache technique Before starting work, the model must be covered with a layer of Vaseline. Next, the model is pasted over with paper using the papier-mâché technique. We tear the newspaper into small pieces. The layers should be in the following order: 1. The first layer of papier - mache consists of plain paper. 2. When the whole mask is covered with paper, you can make the next layer on the glue. To make the mask smooth, rigid and waterproof, it is important to press each piece well, removing air bubbles. 3. The third layer is thicker paper. It should be stuck especially carefully, and smeared with thick glue; 4. Plain paper. 5. Cotton fabric should be finely chopped and soaked in diluted glue. This layer threatens the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, with a solid object, you need to constantly push through all the necessary "relief features" so that they do not disappear under the layers of material, and remove unnecessary ones. When sticking pieces of fabric on the bulge, you can get "pockets" - pieces that have nowhere to stick or that form these very folds. They need to be cut with scissors.

Papier-mâché technique 6. Plain paper. 7. Thick paper again. 8. The top, last layer can be thick white soaked paper or small pieces of white cloth (do not take a bandage; it can be used on the middle layers, but, you know, it will not look on top). When the glue sets, with a damp cloth or just your hand, wipe the junctions of the pieces of paper or cloth to smooth out the bumps. After all this, the glued model is dried. It is necessary to dry the mask at room temperature for 3-4 days, without removing it from the model, in order to avoid deformation, the mask can be covered with stretch - velvet, crepe - satin and, in general, with almost any fabric. We take the fabric in the shape of the mask approximately, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, carefully cut it with an allowance, and glue it, wrapping the edges inward. When it sticks, stretch the edges and glue them inward too. The fabric is fixed with super glue. It is better to take elastic material, so as not to lay down in folds. From the inside, the mask is also glued with a cloth.

Finishing The mask can be covered with stretch - velvet, crepe - satin and in general almost any fabric. We take the fabric in the shape of the mask approximately, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, carefully cut it with an allowance, and glue it, wrapping the edges inward. When it sticks, stretch the edges and glue them inward too. The fabric is fixed with super glue. It is better to take elastic material, so as not to lay down in folds. From the inside, the mask is also glued with a cloth, preferably cotton. - this fabric should cover the ends of the outer fabric. Don't forget the ties! Further, the mask can be decorated with sequins, lace, braid, feathers

Ecology Up to 85% of modern human diseases are associated with adverse environmental conditions: the use of low-quality goods or goods containing substances harmful to human health. Working with glue, paper and others will not harm human health. The product should be protected from direct sunlight, cleaned of dust using a special vacuum cleaner attachment for small items.

Entrepreneurship At some point almost everyone thinks of their own business. This dream, realized, laid the foundation for a prosperous economy in many countries of the world. The desire to create a new enterprise, new products, new ways of production or trade with one's own hands, at one's own expense and under one's own responsibility, inspires many people. I also have a dream to have my own business, but for this you need to learn how to produce competitive products.

List of used literature 1. A book of exciting activities for girls / Maria Chiara; [per. with it. N.V. Krotkova, ill. M. Monesi]. - M.: Rosman, p. : ill. 2. Valyuh, G. Papier-mâché toys / G. Valyuh // Family and school S Noskova, N. I. Making dolls and masks in papier-mâché technique / N. I. Noskova // Elementary school S

GBOU DOD DDT "Sovremennik" of the Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg Association "Folk Artistic Creativity" Presentation of the manufacture of a carnival mask from papier-mâché "My boat". Prepared by Rumyantseva Sofya, 12 years old Consultant teacher of additional education Alekseeva Margarita Alekseevna 1st stage From my mask I came up with the idea to make a boat flying under sails. She covered the mask with black tempera, made waves and anchors on the mask with silver braid, glued black sequins. Stage 2 I drew and cut out a detail resembling a ship from silver corrugated cardboard, glued it to the mask by the corners. Stage 3 I took white paper, wound it on a pencil, these will be masts. I glued them on corrugated cardboard, different in height, decorated the masts with silver braid. Stage 4 The triangular-shaped silver cardboard became sails and flags. The mask turned out to be fun, you can go sailing. Truth is great! Project program THE PROJECT OF CREATING A CARNIVAL MASK APPEARED THANKS TO THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE COMPETITION "BALL - PAPIER", THE DESIRE TO MAKE A MASK WITH YOUR HANDS, TO TEST YOUR CREATIVE ABILITIES. WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE PROJECT IS PROPOSED: ACQUAINTANCE WITH METHODOLOGICAL MATERIAL; MANUFACTURING OF DETAILS FOR THE MASK; SELECTION OF MATERIALS BY COLOR, SIZE. RUMYANTSEVA SOFIA - HAS BEEN STUDYING IN ASSOCIATION FOR 4 YEARS. DURING THIS TIME I LEARNED A LOT, IS ABLE TO WORK IN MASTER CLASSES, HELPS YOUNGER STUDENTS, IMPROVING THEIR SKILLS. IS A MULTIPLE WINNER OF MANY COMPETITIONS, HAS CREATED MY OWN CARNIVAL MASK PROJECT. PRODUCTION DATE - 2013-2014 ACADEMIC YEAR. MATERIALS REQUIRED: PAPIER-MACHE MASK, WHITE PAPER, BLACK ACRYLIC, BRUSH, SCISSORS, CORPORATED CARDBOARD, BAND, PVA GLUE, STATIONERY GLUE, BLACK SEQUINS. Technique of execution PAINTING THE MASK WITH THE BACKGROUND, SELECTION OF THE CORPORATED CARDBOARD OF THE REQUIRED COLOR; CREATING A PATTERN AND ITS CUTTING; GLUING THE CUT-OUT PART TO THE MASK; TWISTING THE PAPER INTO A TUBE AND GLUE ON THE CORPORATED CARDBOARD GLUE THE STRIP TO THE PRODUCT, GLUE THE SEQUINS. IN THE CLASSES, WE WERE PROPOSED TO DO OUR OWN CREATIVE WORK - A MASQUERADE MASK. I VIEWED THE BOOKS THAT WERE IN THE ASSOCIATION, I LOOKED ABOUT MASKS ON THE INTERNET AND I DEVELOPED SOMETHING OWN. COVERED THE MASK WITH BLACK ACRYLIC. I DECORATED THE MASK IN THE FORM OF WAVES AND ANCHORS WITH A SILVER BRAID. I GUT BLACK SEQUINS ON THE MASK. I CHOOSE SILVER FROM THE CORRUGATED CARDBOARD, DRAW AND CUT A DETAILS LIKE A SHIP, GLUED IT BY THE CORNERS TO THE MASK. I TWISTED WHITE PAPER ON THE PENCIL, GLUE THE TIP WITH GLUE, GLUE TUBE FROM PAPER OF DIFFERENT LENGTHS ON THE CORRUGATED CARDBOARD. SILVER BAND DECORATED THE SHIP AND THE MASTS WITH THE HELP OF PVA GLUE, SAILS AND FLAGS ON THE MASTS ALSO FROM SILVER CORPORATED CARDBOARD. In the course of work on this project, the pupils develop: - skills of independent creative activity, - skills for the development of fine motor skills, spatial vision of their work, - the development of the correct selection of colors, the development of aesthetic perception

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You will need: basic materials: a kitchen bowl, old newspapers, adhesive tape, paste or wallpaper paste, gouache paints or the like, brushes; additional materials: glue "Moment", sequins, gel sequins, beads, pieces of textile and fur, leftover yarn, etc.; and most importantly - a little patience and a good mood!

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Newspaper sheets must first be crumpled, then straightened and formed into two dense cylindrical bundles - for the nose and eyebrow line. Then roll up a ball - for the chin. We fix the received parts with adhesive tape at the bottom of the bowl. This is the shape for the future mask.

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Crumple the newspaper sheet, wet it with water, straighten it and spread it over the surface of the mold, carefully repeating its relief.

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Now it's the turn of working with a paste (glue), which should be thick enough. Small pieces of paper, well saturated with glue, are evenly applied to the first sheet of newspaper, slightly overlapping. There should be at least five such layers, applied in two approaches.

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Now the mask needs to be dried well. And while it dries, you can do a sketch of the painting, for example, based on African masks.

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The dried mask must be carefully removed from the mold and evenly cut the edge. Now let's start painting. You need to start with large color spots, and finish with small details. We decorate the product according to your taste with additional materials. If necessary, we make holes for the eyes and cover with varnish. You are ready for the carnival!

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