Instrumental computer systems in medicine presentation. Medical Information Systems

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The classification of medical information systems is based on a hierarchical principle and corresponds to the multilevel structure of healthcare. There are: 1. Basic level medical information systems. The main goal is computer support for the work of doctors of various specialties.

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According to the tasks to be solved, there are: information and reference systems (designed for searching and issuing medical information on request) consultative and diagnostic systems (for diagnosing pathological conditions, including prognosis and making recommendations on treatment methods) instrument-computer systems (for information support and / or automation of the diagnostic and therapeutic process carried out in direct contact with the patient's body) automated workstations (AWP) of specialists (for automating the entire technological process of a doctor of the relevant specialty and providing information support when making diagnostic and tactical medical decisions)

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2. Medical information systems at the level of medical institutions. They are represented by the following main groups: information systems of advisory centers (information support for doctors during consultations) information banks of medical services (contain summary data on the qualitative and quantitative composition of employees of the institution, attached population) personalized registers (containing information on the attached or observed contingent) screening systems (for pre-medical preventive examination of the population) information systems of a medical institution (combining all information flows into a single system and automation of the institution) information systems of research institutes and medical universities

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3. Medical information systems of the territorial level. Presented: IP of the territorial health authority; IS for solving medical and technological problems, providing information support for the activities of medical workers of specialized medical services; computer telecommunication medical networks that ensure the creation of a single information space at the regional level

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4. Federal level Designed for information support of the state level of the healthcare system.

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Medical instrument-computer systems

An important type of specialized medical information systems are medical instrument-computer systems (MPCS). The use of a computer in combination with measuring and control equipment in medical practice has made it possible to create new effective tools to ensure the automated collection of information about the patient's condition, its processing in real time and the management of its condition. MPCS belong to the medical information systems of the basic level. The main difference between systems of this class is the work in conditions of direct contact with the object of study and in real time.

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Typical representatives of MPCS are medical systems for monitoring the condition of patients:

during complex operations; systems for computer analysis of tomography data, ultrasound diagnostics, radiography; systems for automated data analysis of microbiological and virological studies, analysis of human cells and tissues.

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There are three main components in the MPCS: medical, hardware software.

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medical support

includes methods for implementing a selected range of medical tasks that are solved in accordance with the capabilities of the hardware and software parts of the system. Medical support includes sets of methods used, measured physiological parameters and methods for their measurement, determination of methods and permissible limits of the system's impact on the patient.

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includes methods for implementing the technical part of the system, including means for obtaining medical and biological information, means for implementing therapeutic effects and computer equipment.

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Medical diagnostics

The task of diagnostics in the field of medicine can be posed as finding the relationship between symptoms and diagnosis. To implement an effective organizational and technical diagnostic system, it is necessary to use artificial intelligence methods. The expediency of this approach is confirmed by the analysis of the data used in medical diagnostics, which shows that they have a number of features, such as the qualitative nature of the information, the presence of data omissions. The interpretation of medical data obtained as a result of diagnosis and treatment is becoming one of the serious areas of neural networks.

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Monitoring systems

The task of rapid assessment of the patient's condition arises in a number of very important practical areas in medicine and, first of all, during continuous monitoring of the patient in intensive care units, operating rooms and postoperative departments. In this case, it is required, on the basis of a long and continuous analysis of a large amount of data characterizing the state of the physiological systems of the body, to ensure not only the prompt diagnosis of complications during treatment, but also the prediction of the patient's condition, as well as to determine the optimal correction of emerging disorders.

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The parameters most commonly used in monitoring include:

electrocardiogram, blood pressure at various points, respiratory rate, temperature curve, blood gas content, minute volume of blood circulation, gas content in exhaled air. An important feature of monitoring systems is the availability of tools for express analysis and visualization of their results in real time. This allows you to display on the monitor screen also the dynamics of various derivatives of controlled values.

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Treatment management systems

These include automated intensive care systems, as well as prostheses and artificial organs created on the basis of microprocessor technology. In treatment process management systems, the following tasks come to the fore: accurate dosing of quantitative parameters of work, stable retention of their set values ​​in conditions of variability of the physiological characteristics of the patient's body. Automated intensive care systems are understood as systems designed to control the state of the body for therapeutic purposes, as well as to normalize it, restore the natural functions of the organs of a sick person, and maintain them within the normal range.

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According to the structural configuration implemented in them, intensive care systems are divided into: program control systems closed control systems Program control systems include systems for the implementation of therapeutic effects. For example, various physiotherapy equipment equipped with computer technology, devices for infusion of drugs, equipment for artificial lung ventilation and inhalation anesthesia, heart-lung machines. Closed intensive care systems combine the tasks of monitoring, assessing the patient's condition and developing control therapeutic effects. Therefore, in practice, closed intensive care systems are created only for very particular, strictly fixed tasks.

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Ways of development of medical information technologies:

1. It is necessary to widely introduce into clinical practice proven means and methods of informational influence that meet such requirements as safety and ease of use, high therapeutic efficacy. 2. Stimulate and encourage the development and creation of new means and methods of influencing the human body. 3. One of the main ways to solve a number of medical, social and economic problems is currently the informatization of the work of medical personnel. These problems include the search for effective tools that can improve the three most important indicators of health care: the quality of treatment, the level of patient safety, and the cost-effectiveness of medical care.

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Donskaya A

This presentation reflects student work for presentation at the scientific and practical conference Mathematics and Informatics in Medicine. The conference presented the work of medical schools and colleges. The work of our students consisted in the study of medical information systems. The purpose of this conference was to increase students' motivation for active creative activity on the application of acquired knowledge in practice, improving the efficiency of the educational process, developing social competencies, forming a sustainable professional interest. This presentation displays information about the medical systems used in healthcare facilities. A brief description of the medical information systems used in healthcare facilities is provided. The presentation says:

  • about the tasks solved by MIS
  • capabilities of the Axi-office information system
  • on the advantages of using MIS in medical activities
  • about the templates that Axi Office allows you to use
  • on the use of smart tags with a built-in directory of medicines and disease codes

At the end of the presentation, conclusions were drawn about the advantages of the Axi-office medical information system



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Slides captions:

The use of information systems in medicine The work was done by students of MK No. 5

The purpose of the work The study of medical information systems with a statistical card of a person who left the hospital (form No. 066 / y-02); in the issuance of prescriptions (form No. 148-1 / y-88); extract from the medical card; transfer and discharge epicrisis. filling out an outpatient ticket when visiting a doctor.

Medical information systems in health care facilities: Work Name of organization Medical information system Sklifosovsky Research Institute, Institute of Surgery named after AV Vishnevsky, GKB1 MIS "Medialog" Polyclinic No. 4 of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, Helmholtz Research Institute, Eye Microsurgery" named after Fedorov MIS "MedWork" Children's Filatov Hospital, Moscow Regional Psychoneurological Hospital MIS "Aksi-clinic, Aksi-office, Aksi-registration" MIS Maternity Hospital No. 4, "Health Center" 1C-Rarus MONIKI, Hospital for War Veterans No. 3, Russian Children's Clinical Hospital MIS "Everest" GP No. 174 , City Clinical Hospital No. 174 , City Clinical Hospital No. 70 , City Clinical Hospital No. 60 , City Clinical Hospital No. 55 , City Clinical Hospital No. 19 MIS "Phobosmed" Masterdent, Medexpress, Be healthy MIS "Infoclinic", "Infodent" City Clinical Hospital No. 12, Medical Unit No. 1 AMO ZIL, Scientific Research Institute of Gerontology MZ RF MIS "E-Cube"

Characteristics of medical information systems: Medical information system Advantages of the medical information system MIS "Medialog" C consists of modules, each module contains a certain functionality that allows a medical institution to automate certain types of its activities MIS "MedWork" The system has a built-in editor of everything that the user sees on screen. You can easily and quickly set up the user environment (remove a button or a whole functionality, change any field, add an inscription to the form,) MIS "Aksi-clinic, Aksi-office, Aksi-reception" Simple and logical interface of software systems. Clear client focus, focus on the effective solution of the required tasks of clients, the modular layout principle 1C-Rarus Increases the quality and speed of patient care; plans the work of departments, reduces the likelihood of staff errors

An information system (IS) is a system built on the basis of computer technology, designed to store, search, process and transmit significant amounts of information, which has a certain practical scope. In particular, information systems are used in medicine. improves the quality of patient care provides convenient and quick access to large volumes of medical information reduces organizational and time costs when preparing reports reduces the number of errors in the preparation of medical documents greatly facilitates and simplifies the work of medical staff Medical information system:

AKSi Office Templates

The Aksi-office information system allows the use of smart tags with a built-in drug directory and disease codes. Active ingredients Name and disease codes

Action of smart tags To use smart tags, you must enter a word that will be recognized as an active substance or as the name of a disease and press the spacebar. Microsoft Word will underline it with a purple dashed line and when you hover over the text, the “Smart Tag Actions” button will appear

print save MIS AKSi-office

Slide 2: MPCS are intended for information support and automation of the diagnostic and treatment process, carried out in direct contact with the patient's body

Slide 3: MPCS consists of a medical device, a computing device and software that provides the calculation of the following functions:

1) management of the operation of a medical device; 2) registration and storage of the received data; 3) presentation of the results of the analysis in the form of a conclusion or in the form of control actions on the body.

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Computer systems of functional diagnostics are designed to analyze such electrophysiological parameters as electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyogram (EMG), rheogram (RG), evoked potentials (EP) of the brain, etc.

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Patient electronic unit Interface unit for communication with a computer via USB port Electrodes, sensors, cables and other accessories CD with software and methodological software for OS Windows"98, 2000 Computer (type Pentium III, Athlon, Celeron) or similar NoteBook, printer

Slide 6: Study of visual EP for a flash of light

Photostimulation is carried out using original "glasses" based on pulsed LEDs.

Slide 7

Topographic mapping of the main indicators of cerebral blood flow (carotid, vertebral and middle cerebral artery pools is monitored) both in the process of removal and processing. Several indicators can be simultaneously selected from the list, characterizing pulse blood filling, elastic-tonic properties of arteries and vein tone. Three-dimensional models of the head reflect the spatial distribution of the analyzed characteristics. This representation facilitates the doctor's perception of the peculiarities of regional blood flow and the presence of interhemispheric asymmetry.

Slide 8: Heart rate assessment program

Mathematical analysis of the heart rate with the presentation of cardiointervalogram, histogram, spectrogram, scattergram, tables of calculated statistical and spectral indicators. Possibility to compare scattergrams in two fragments of a recording by superimposing them (in different colors) on each other. Setting the visualization parameters of the scattergram (by points and/or lines, a sign of smoothing by a sliding window of a custom size, color, size, range boundaries).

Slide 9

The software allows analysis of the obtained data at various time intervals, in the necessary combinations using various methods of computer processing and visualization. Synchronous registration of EEG, REG, SMA and other signals with the possibility of compressed presentation of trends in physiological parameters on a single time scale allows expanding diagnostic capabilities in the study of various diseases and disorders.


Slide 10

Monitoring of patients is intended to monitor the state of physiological parameters of patients, express analysis and alert medical staff about critical and precritical conditions of patients according to the values ​​of controlled parameters, accumulation and storage of information in order to identify unfavorable dynamics of vital indicators of the condition of patients.


Slide 11: Patient Monitor


Slide 13: Biochemical analyzer

Purpose: determination of chemicals in liquid media of the body, namely in serum and blood plasma, urine, cerebrospinal fluid and other liquid media with similar rheological properties. Scope: laboratories of medical and preventive, specialized and scientific research institutions of medical and biological profile.


Slide 14

Vertical standing position. This orientation, along with core support and the T-Walker gait trainer (included), allows you to perform flexion/extension exercises with variable load depending on the angle of inclination.


Slide 15: Biofeedback in restorative and sports medicine


Slide 16: Control systems for vital body functions and bioprosthetics are designed to maintain or restore the natural functions of organs and physiological systems of a sick person within the normal range

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A presentation on the topic "Medical information systems at the level of a structural unit of a medical institution" (Grade 11) can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Informatics. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 4 slide(s).

Presentation slides

slide 1

Medical information systems at the level of a structural unit of a medical institution. Food service information systems. Examples of some food service information systems. Food service automation subsystem "Interin PROMIS"

Completed by: student of group 254 Lomova K.V. Checked by: Dynkina G.B.

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
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