Guard and guard dog breeds. Guard Service (ks) Guard Dog Service


ZKS is a system, the purpose of which is to educate a dog capable of protecting the owner, guarding his property, and ZKS is aimed at developing the skills of odor identification.

The ZKS course is the development of domestic dog handlers. The foundations of the training system were laid in the 20th century. The ZKS course is more extensive in comparison with another school - OKD. It is interesting that law enforcement agencies train search dogs on the basis of ZKS skills, as well as those dogs that will participate in guarding, guarding or escorting.

The so-called amateur ZKS course arose with an increase in the number of amateur dog breeders who worked with dogs. service breeds and looked after the maintenance and development of their dogs' working qualities. Therefore, the owners were obliged to train their dogs, and the service dog breeding clubs were forced to study the ZKS.

In Soviet times, without passing the OKD and ZKS standards, service dogs were not allowed to pedigree breeding, and the requirements for the working qualities of males were higher than those of bitches. Thus, the ZKS program was adopted by all the service dog breeding clubs of the USSR.

If the dog successfully completed the training, then its owner could no longer worry about his health or property. The skills gained in the course of training in the ZKS are aimed at maximum efficiency, not entertainment.

Of course, over the years, the standards for ZKS have undergone changes. However, even today this training system is considered one of the most successful. It is not for nothing that the canine services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the FSB use dogs trained by the ZKS to search and escort criminals, as well as to detect drugs and explosives.

Overall, ZKS is a training system that is suitable for almost all dogs. The only exceptions are some breeds that are not suitable for protection in their intended purpose, as well as dogs with a weak nervous system, or too soft in character.

If you want your dog to be obedient and courageous, try teaching him the basic skills of this system.

The preparatory methods of the ZKS include:

1. Development of the olfactory search reaction.

The training of dogs according to the ZKS program is also based on the use of the olfactory search reaction, therefore its timely development is the main condition for the high-quality preparation of the dog for the course of this type of training. It is recommended to develop the olfactory search reaction from 2–3 months of age.

2. Development of an active-defensive reaction.

The skill of distrustful attitude towards strangers, bold and active struggle with a person attacking a dog, a strong grip is the basis for training dogs for search, sentry, guard and other special services. The skill is developed on the basis of an active-defensive reaction. You can use the imitation reaction.

The main stages and skills of the ZKS:

Find items with a specific smell;

Delay the fleeing person;

Protect the owner from attack;

Protect things and property;

Refuse food offered by strangers;

Be calm about shots and harsh sounds;

To be able to lead a person under escort.

ZKS tests are carried out on a training ground with a natural surface, the dimensions of which allow placing the necessary equipment.

german shepherd, ZKS, protection, helper

General Provisions.

1. The minimum permissible age is 18 months (at the time of testing);

2. Training and passing the standard for ZKS is allowed only after the dog has passed the standards for general obedience. For the successful training of the dog ZKS, excellent obedience of the dog and its control by the trainer is necessary;

5. In case of successful passing of the tests, the RKF diploma of the established form I, II or III degree and a "special service" token of the appropriate degree;

6. The following skills are tested by ZKS:

1) Selection of someone else's thing.

The dog must choose from four objects that it is looking for by smell (objects can be made of any material except glass, metal, stone; the smell is applied to objects for at least one minute). Previously, the dog is allowed to sniff an object with the desired alien smell in any way. At the command of the trainer, the dog must select the desired object and bring it to the trainer (the case is allowed when the dog does not bring the object, but clearly identifies it). Skill check time - 2 minutes, two starts of the dog are allowed.

The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog points the object incorrectly at the second start, if the object is not marked after 2 minutes at the second start, or if the trainer guides the dog at the object by his actions.

This skill is needed in order, for example, to identify a person by a certain smell. If you want to improve your dog's sense of smell, then this skill is necessary. Subsequently, he will help the dog search the area or sample a person. If the pet willingly sniffs the proposed item, looks for it among others, brings it, then you can start selecting things.

2) Protection of things and refusal of feed.

Left on the commands to "lie down", "guard" the dog on a leash 2-2.5 meters long (the owner goes into a shelter located behind the leash at a distance of 10 meters, and does not leave until the end of the test) should not give the protected item to two assistants trying to pick her up. At the same time, the dog should not react to assistants who are quietly passing by, should not take food thrown by them and should react aggressively to their attempts to pick up the protected item. The dog should not move away from the thing, ruffle it and carry it to another place, keep it in its teeth, show a passive-defensive reaction. The handler is not allowed to control the dog from behind cover.

The skill is considered unfulfilled if one of the assistants picks up the item or, before the start of the skill check, the dog was distracted three times (with moving away from the item) in the direction of the trainer's departure, as well as if it took food into its mouth.

This skill will come in handy if you travel a lot and don't like to check in your luggage in the locker. The dog will be able to stay close to things at any time, not allowing anyone to touch them. This skill is the basis for further training related to security.

3) Protection of the trainer, detention and attitude to the shot.

The helper playing the role of the offender must be equipped with a protective sleeve that covers the entire arm from wrist to shoulder, worn on either arm, and a soft stick (stack) that the helper must hold in his free hand. The dog, at the command of the trainer, must prevent the frontal attack of the helper at a distance of approximately 30-40 meters (the helper performs a running attack with a soft stick raised above his head, with which he makes vigorous waves). In this case, the dog should not be distracted by the shot, which is fired from the starting pistol 15 meters from the conditional line of the dog's movement out of its visibility. The dog, not paying attention to the helper's attack, must make an energetic grip on the sleeve. After that, the assistant makes a fight against the crowding of the dog (while hiding a soft stick behind his back). During the fight, until the expert is instructed, the trainer is prohibited from influencing the dog in any way. The fight lasts 15 seconds. During this time, the dog must show a full, vigorous, continuous grip, active struggle with the helper. At the direction of the expert, the trainer removes the dog from the sleeve in any way (except for rough handling of the animal) in a period of no more than 30 seconds.

The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog, showing cowardice, did not grip the sleeve, if he was frightened by the shot, if he stopped the grip without renewing, if he shows uncontrollability.

The skill of capturing a person, as well as actively dealing with him, is useful for those dog owners who live in disadvantaged areas. In case of danger, the dog will be able to protect the owner.

4) Search of the area.

The skill of searching the area is necessary to perform tasks related to both the search for objects (things) in the area, and with the search for the person himself who has taken refuge in the area. The skill is developed on the basis of olfactory-searching, active-defensive and food reactions, as well as the skill of retrieving.

This skill is not that useful for dog owners, but there is definitely a benefit from it. For example, you can use your pet to find your lost keys or wallet. Also, this skill will help you find people. For example, suppose you lost your child after playing on the playground. The dog will be able to find the baby if it is trained in the skill of searching the area.

7. If a dog does not fulfill at least one of the skills, it is removed from the test without issuing a diploma;

8. In order to receive the appropriate degree diploma, the dog must demonstrate fulfillment of all skills for this degree. That is, if she has completed everything in the first degree, except for one element, completed in the third degree, the dog receives a diploma of the third degree;

9. Throughout the test, the handler's performance is also assessed, which affects the overall assessment;

10. During the whole time of testing, rude treatment of the dog and tactless behavior in relation to the expert accepting the test is not allowed;

11. Familiarization with the test site is permitted;

12. The handler controls the dog in accordance with the commands established by these rules by voice and gesture;

13. The tests begin with a report. The trainer with the dog approaches the judge and stops 2-3 meters away from him, introduces himself and clearly reports his readiness for testing;

14. Overall score the work of the dog is made up of the total amount of points scored in accordance with the final table of points scored, subject to the performance of each skill;

15. The performance of the dog is assessed by the judge for each skill or complex in accordance with the table of penalty points indicated on the score sheet. For incorrect and indistinct actions, penalty points are deducted from the highest mark for a skill (complex);

16. When accepting tests, the behavioral features of each breed are taken into account;

17. In a skill (complex) assessment test, the judge should distinguish between additional actions by the handler that affect the dog's performance and the handler’s actions that did not change the dog’s performance. All actions of the trainer, distorting or supplementing the normative command when demonstrating a skill (complex) and affecting the dog's performance are evaluated as additional effects on the dog and are penalized, each separately under the item "other violations" of this skill in the evaluation sheet;

18. On trials, the trainer is not given a separate score in points, but at the end of the trial the judge gives a qualitative assessment of the trainer's work (ex., Good., Satisfactory);

19. For rough treatment of a dog, the trainer is removed from the test;

20. Dogs that get out of the handler's control during the test are removed.

Description of skills and their implementation.

The sampling time - 2 minutes - is counted from the moment the sampling command was given.


The selection of someone else's thing is made from four objects of the same shape and size, which can be of any material (except glass, metal, stone) that does not have sharp odorous inclusions. The smell is applied to objects for at least one minute. Items are laid out on a 2m x 2m plot in a row at a distance of 20-30 cm from one another. The fifth object for acquaintance with the smell is placed at a distance of 3 m on either side of the sample area.

A trainer with a dog is called to the sampling site. After the report on the readiness for testing, the trainer, at the direction of the judge, approaches the assigned object and lets the dog sniff it. Any method of smelling. Command the dog "Sniff". The smelling time is 1 minute.

After the dog has sniffed the object, the handler, remaining in place, sends the dog to the sample with the command "Seek" or "Sniff" and with a guiding gesture. The dog must, at the first command of the trainer, approach the objects, sniff them and take the object with the desired smell in its mouth, then bring it to the trainer and, at the command "Give", give it to the trainer. Walking around and landing at the foot is optional. Repeated commands in the sampling area are prohibited. If the dog takes the object in its mouth and stops further sampling, a report on the end of the admission is allowed. The thing taken by the dog in the mouth is considered selected. The trainer is allowed to give commands "To me" if the dog left the zone with all four paws.

Two starts are allowed, the time of each is two minutes. If, at the end of the time of the first start, the dog has not chosen the desired object, the trainer calls it to him with the command "To me", gives the second time to sniff the object and sends the dog to the repeated start. Before the second run, the smell is reapplied to the objects. An item that was chosen incorrectly at the first start is replaced with a item with a different smell, and the desired smell remains the same. Errors of the previous run, when evaluating the dog's performance on the second run, are not taken into account.

The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog chooses the wrong thing on the second run.


To protect things, the dog is tied to a strong leash 2-2.5 meters long. Previously, a sector with an angle at the base (tie point) of 130 ° -150 ° should be indicated in the protected area. The radius of the sector is equal to the length of the leash.

At the direction of the judge, the trainer with the command “Lie down” puts the dog down to the length of the taut leash, puts the thing at the dog's elbow on either side, gives the command “Protect”, steps back and hides in a shelter, located at least 10 meters from the base of the leash. The handler should not control the dog from a cover.

At the judge's signal, the assistant calmly walks past the dog twice at a distance of two or three steps from the thing along the sector boundary. Then, in turn, from one side and the other, he attempts to take the thing and, throwing a delicacy into the security sector, calmly leaves along the sector border to the designated place. Throwing food into the dog's mouth is prohibited. At the direction of the judge, the handler leaves the shelter and disarms the dog.

The dog must vigilantly guard and confidently protect the thing, not leaving it and not transferring it to another place, do not change the starting position before starting active action assistant. If the dog crosses the leash line with any part of the body before the helper starts to move, the handler is allowed to re-place the dog for guard once.

A skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog does not react to the helper's actions or backs off, allowing him to take the thing, or eats food.

3. Detention of the assistant, protection of the trainer, attitude to the shot, escorting.


The trainer with the dog goes to the start line and stops. In this case, it is allowed to hold the dog by the collar.

From behind a shelter located at a distance of at least 25 m, an assistant appears in a protective sleeve and armed with a stack. Having made several movements that arouse the dog, he runs away in the direction opposite to the dog. After running 10 steps, he raises the stack, which is a signal for the trainer to start the dog to hold.

After that, the assistant turns around and runs towards the dog, raising the stack above his head. The trainer gives the dog the command "Fas", according to which it must actively (gallop) move towards the assistant in a straight line and immediately counterattack him, making a full mouth grip on the sleeve. The trainer himself remains in place. It is forbidden to give repeated FAS commands after the first grip.

The helper actively steps on the dog, crowding it, and inflicts two blows on the body with a stack during the fight. After the dog has made the first bite, the trainer, at the direction of the judge, goes to the dog and, having approached a distance of no more than 3 meters from the helper, stops his actions with the command "Stop!", And then the dog's actions with the command "Fu" or another a short command to stop the grip. It is allowed to recall the dog with the command "Come to me!" or taking her away from the Side by side team mate.

Then the trainer takes the starting position for escorting at a distance of 5 steps from the helper, giving the dog the command "Near" and / or "Guard", and the helper - "March", escorts him, moving from behind, keeping the initial distance. The assistant, having passed at least 10 steps, turns abruptly and with a raised stack tries to attack the trainer. The dog must immediately stop this attempt by making a grip on the protective sleeve. The helper works in the above manner, but does not hit the dog, and the handler remains in place. During the fight between the helper and the dog, a shot is made from the starting pistol at a distance of at least 10 meters from the dog.

After a fight between the helper and the dog, lasting at least 5 seconds, at the signal of the judge, the trainer runs up to the helper and gives him the command "Stop", and the dog the command "Fu" or another short command to stop the grip, after which it is allowed to recall the dog with a command or retraction her on the command "Next".

Then, fixing the dog with the command "Sit" and / or "Guard", the trainer searches the assistant from the back and takes the stack from him. After the search, the trainer returns to the dog, with the commands "Near" and / or "Guard", he transfers the dog for lateral escort and escorts the assistant, having given him a preliminary command "To the judge, march". Side escorting is allowed on a sagging leash.

Having brought the assistant to the judge, the trainer with the “Stop” command stops him, fixes the dog with the “Sit” command, and passes the stack to the judge, after which he takes the dog away. From this point on, the refereeing ends.

Dogs, which during the “Retention” exercise are uncontrollable or are removed from the sleeve only by mechanical action, do not grip the sleeve, do not show their grip, demonstrate a fear of swinging, refuse to fight the assistant from the “Retention” exercise.

Guard dogs increase the reliability of the protection of various military and industrial facilities, dwellings and the surrounding territory (household plots) and allow to reduce human security (sentries, watchmen). They should bark at strangers approaching the post and detain them when trying to penetrate the protected objects.

Guard dogs are used on a short (deaf) leash, at a checkpoint (non-free guarding) and without a leash (free guarding).

The most suitable dogs for training for guard duty are Caucasian, Central Asian, South Russian and German shepherds, black terriers and Moscow guard dogs. Other dogs with sufficient viciousness are also suitable for guarding apartments, gardens. The dogs selected for guard duty must be large, physically strong and hardy, with good hearing, smell and sight.

Post equipment

For the training and use of guard dogs, posts are equipped. The post of a guard dog is called a section of the area or a closed room adapted for guarding by a dog.

A post for using a dog on a short (deaf) leash is installed directly at the guarded object (at the door to the warehouse, shed, entrance gate, porch, etc.). For this, a specially equipped wooden post is installed, which is installed near the protected object. The dog is placed on a chain that attaches to the harness and to the pole.

When the dog is located at the front door, the chain can be attached to the harness on the dog and to the ring fixed in the door frame or to the bottom of the booth installed at the post. The length of the chain must be such that the dog can freely approach the guarded door, entrance, etc.

The equipment of a standard checkpoint is made in accordance with Fig. 70. Instead of wooden posts, two closely standing trees, pieces of rails, reinforced concrete posts can be used.

Along the entire length and width from 6 to 10 m, the section of the post block is cleared of everything that can impede the movement of the dog. In the middle of the site, slightly stepping aside, set the booth so that the dog, slightly pulling on the chain, can enter it. A wooden board measuring 0.75 × 1 m is placed near the booth.

Ground checkpoints are set up at car garages, exit gates and other facilities, near which vehicles pass during working hours. The pillars to which the cable (wire) is attached should protrude 20-30cm above the ground. The rope (wire) may come into contact with the ground. For better sliding of the ring for which the chain is attached, the ground under the block must be compacted or well-planed and fitted boards are laid for this purpose.

A free guarding post with the use of a dog is equipped with a fence around the protected object or area. The fence must be solid, at least 2 m high and have an entrance gate. The entire protected area is cleared of debris, prickly and cutting objects. The length of the protected area for one dog is 150 m. When using guard dogs inside the premises (shops, warehouses), they should not contain food products or substances that can poison dogs.

The location of all items (loads) must be such that the dog can approach doors and windows.

Assistants play an important role in the training of guard dogs. Assistants should know well the methods of training guard dogs, be brave and resourceful. Assistants need to be changed frequently. Trainers must carefully monitor the actions of assistants and promptly influence the dogs with appropriate commands.

In the process of training guard dogs, the following special skills are developed:malice and distrust of strangers, with active and prolonged barking; guarding the post on a short (deaf) leash; security at the checkpoint; guarding the post of free guarding.

Before embarking on Special Training, the following general disciplinary skills must be developed in dogs: movement next to the trainer; approach to the trainer; skills for the commands "Stand!", "Sit!", "Fu!" In addition, the dog should react calmly to shots and other strong sound stimuli; do not take food found on the ground and thrown by strangers; must. be accustomed to the muzzle, harness and collar.

Conditioned irritants in the development of guard duty skills are the command "Protect!" and a hand (right) gesture towards the assistant trainer. Auxiliary conditioned stimuli at the command "Fas!" and "Fu!" exclamation "Good!" Unconditioned stimuli are the trainer's assistant, his actions (blows with a tourniquet, a rod).

The development of anger in the dog,
distrust of strangers and their active barking

The development of malice and the development in dogs of distrust of strangers is carried out according to the methodology of training dogs for protective guard service.

The dog is taught to bark as follows. The helper, leaving the shelter, should, at a distance of 50-60 m from the dog, perform actions that excite it (wave his arms, make quick offensive and retreating movements, hit the ground with a rod or tourniquet) and attack the dog only after the dog barks well him. The trainer gives the dog the command "Guard!", And the helper encourages barking by stroking the dog and exclaiming "Good!"

You can also use the imitative method of training (group development of anger). In this case, in the vicinity of a very vicious and well-barking helper, the dogs tie from one to four trained dogs, next to which their trainers are located. The helper by his actions excites the main dog, after which the trained dogs, getting excited under its action, begin to bark and attack the helper. Trainers, using ^ the command "Protect!", Encourage dogs for barking and attack. The exercise lasts 2-3 minutes, then repeats 3-4 more times with different helpers. After the dogs begin to bark well at the assistants, showing an active-defensive reaction, they proceed to individual training of these dogs at posts.

The most serious mistake in developing the barking skill is to quickly attack the dogs, striking them, without first teasing them. As a result of this, the following undesirable connection arises in dogs: angry dogs, without barking, await the attack of the helper; weak and timid - they begin to be afraid of them.

The guard dog should not take food from strangers or scattered on the ground. This skill is developed during the general training period. In the process of special training, the skill of refusing to feed is improved and consolidated. They do it as follows. The helper calmly approaches the dog, gently calls it, offers it a treat from his hand and throws it on the ground. When the dog tries to take food, the helper, unexpectedly for her from behind, where he held a tourniquet or a twig in his other hand, strikes the dog with a light blow, trying to induce an active defensive reaction. The trainer gives the command "Fas!" If the dog actively attacks the helper, he runs away. These exercises are repeated several times. Trying to take feed from the ground. after the assistant leaves, he stops with the command "Fu!"

Protection on a short (deaf) leash

The development of this skill is a complication of the skill of anger and distrust towards strangers. The purpose of training is to teach the dog to guard a certain place where a stationary post is established. The first classes are held in the daytime.

To develop this skill, the trainer ties the dog to a chain in the place where it will be guarding. Having given the command "Protect!", The trainer stands behind the dog. From behind the shelter, from a distance of at least 40 m, an assistant comes out and, stealthily, approaches the dog. If the dog barks at an approaching helper, it is encouraged by exclamation “Good!”, And the helper runs away for cover. If the dog does not bark, the helper makes movements that excite the dog, then inflicts light blows on the dog with a cane, and the trainer gives the commands "Fas!", "Guard!" After the active-defensive reaction is shown, the helper runs away, the dog is encouraged. In subsequent lessons the trainer, having given the command "Protect!", Leaves the dog and hides, observing it.

The complication of classes consists in conducting classes at dusk and at night, at different times of the day, in different weather. The assistant approaches the post with great caution, at various intervals. It is necessary to ensure that the dog barks at all the rustles and noises from the helper. For reinforcement, you should occasionally give the dog the opportunity to grab and pat the helper by the clothes.

If the dog barks well at the helper at a distance of at least 40 m from the post and shows constant alertness, training on a deaf leash is finished.

Security at the checkpoint

Training a dog to guard at a checkpoint has the goal of developing its skills in barking, actively pursuing and detaining people trying to penetrate the protected object.

First of all, the dog is taught to move along the equipped checkpoint and to the sound of friction of the ring (roller) on the cable (wire). To do this, the trainer, having fastened the chain to the ring (roller) and holding it, walks with the dog along the checkpoint, first with a step, and then running, stroking the dog when he is afraid. If the dog is not afraid of friction and runs freely around the entire section of the checkpoint, the trainer, having given the command "Protect!", Leaves the dog for cover.

The assistant, coming out from the opposite side of the post, by his actions causes barking and anger in the dog. Approaching the checkpoint at a distance of 4-5 meters, he walks or runs along the checkpoint, trying to cause the dog to pursue. After that, he tries to cross the section of the checkpoint Under a stretched cable (wire).

If necessary, the trainer gives the commands "Protect!" and "Fas!" If the dog attacks and detains the helper, the handler exclaims "Good!" encourages the dog and, coming out from behind the shelter, takes the helper away.

A second assistant is used to train the dog to be indifferent to the sentry on duty. This assistant at first stands, and then walks along the checkpoint 40-50 m from the dog. If the dog starts barking at him, the first (main) helper sneaks up on the dog and attacks it. The dog gradually stops responding to the second helper.

Then the classes get complicated. They are carried out at dusk, in different weather, when shooting (the trainer and his assistants shoot). Assistants should change more often.
After that, the dog is taught to search and detain people.

The assistant walks past the checkpoint and, when the dog barks at him, runs away and hides at a distance of 60-100 m from the checkpoint. The trainer takes the dog on a long leash and, having given the command "Look!", Directs it to search the area. The helper discovered by the dog is delayed, escorted and surrendered to a third party (instructor).

Free guarding

Dog training for free guarding is carried out after the development of anger and distrust of strangers in it.

The skill is developed as follows. The dog starts up on a site surrounded by a solid fence, at least 2 m high. The assistant carefully approaches the fence from the outside and each time in different places excites the dog with a rustle, causes barking, and then runs away. When the assistant appears, the trainer gives the dog the command "Protect!"; if the dog starts barking at the helper, encourages it by exclaiming "Good!"

To train the dog to actively attack the helper, the latter in a training suit climbs over the fence and enters into a fight with the dog. Initially, the trainer is near the dog and uses the commands "Protect!" and "Fas!" In the future, the dog is left alone for protection.

When a dog is accustomed to guarding a closed room (warehouse, store, apartment), the trainer with the dog is inside it, and the assistant, approaching the front door, makes various rustles (shuffles his feet, knocks on the walls, tries to open the door). The trainer gives the command "Protect!" and encourages the dog for barking, in subsequent sessions the helper tries to get inside the room. The trainer, giving the command "Fas!", Prompts the dog to attack the assistant. Then the skill should be consolidated. In this case, the assistant acts as mentioned above, but the dog is left alone for protection.

A dog used to freely guard apartments and other human dwellings must be well disciplined and not very angry. The skill is developed as follows. Taking the dog on a short leash, the trainer approaches her jc to the front door. The assistant makes rustles before entering the apartment (the door is not locked). The trainer gives the command "Protect!" If the dog starts barking, it is encouraged. An attempt by a dog to attack a helper is prohibited by the command "Fu!", By jerking the leash. If the dog tries to run after the exiting helper, the handler restrains it with a leash.

In the following sessions, the handler is in another room, the dog is off the leash. After the dog barks at the helper, the trainer goes to the dog, encourages it, lets the helper into the room and makes sure that the dog does not bite him.

When the dog has acquired the skill of barking at the incoming assistant, the attack of the dog on him and the arrest of him is practiced. For this, the assistant calmly enters the apartment and stops, without making any sudden movements. After the dog barks at him and calms down, the helper suddenly strikes the dog, and the trainer gives the command "Fas!", Directs it on a leash to the helper and detains him. In the future, the exercises are complicated by the assistant's attempt to attack the trainer or take his thing.

When developing the skill of free guarding, the following main mistakes of the trainer are possible:
Strong painful blows of the helper when attacking a dog. As a result, the dog begins to show a passively defensive reaction;
Putting a dog on guard of a post not on a harness, but in a collar. In this case, excitable dogs, when the assistant approaches, trying to attack him, squeeze the throat with the collar, which causes a loss of barking and a decrease in activity;
Using only 1-2 permanent assistants. As a result, an unwanted connection arises - to bark and attack only these people;
Carrying out sessions with the dog at the post at the same time. As a result, the dog develops a passive-defensive reaction.

Requirements for guard dogs

After completing the training course, the guard dog must:

Keep alertness at the checkpoint for a long time, bark at people who are at least 50 m away from the post, actively and boldly defend the post;
Detain strangers entering the post. Do not take food from the hands of strangers or scattered on the ground.

Security guard service is a domestic method of training dogs, to develop their service and guard qualities. The protective guard service, in short ZKS, received its development from the military directions of training. A well-trained dog responsibly protects the owner, his home and property. Once this was true, now this statement is half true.

The ZKS course includes:

  • Sampling an object, that is, a dog's identification of an object by smell. The dog must be able to distinguish between smells and choose the only correct option from the proposed ones.
  • Protection of the subject. The dog must be able to guard the belongings left by the owner.
  • Detention. The dog must be able to detain the criminal and, preferably, without prejudice to his health.

The first exercise is work with the smell, the other two are exercises related to the protection of a person and his property. Let's look at these exercises in more detail.

Sampling an object by smell

The dog's task is to choose one out of 4-5 objects, the smell of which is identical to the smell that the dog has sniffed and remembered. Either wooden objects or rags are used for sampling. Usually, round sticks are used for sampling, which are obtained by sawing a handle from a shovel. Each trainer has his own sampling sticks with which he comes to group lessons. Sticks to avoid mistakes and confusion should be marked on the end so that each trainer always knows which sticks to use. In addition, there are usually community sticks on site, which are kept in an open, ventilated box. It is believed that they are odorless, since they lie all week from class to class and during this time no one touches them. These sticks are used if there are not enough sticks that the trainers bring with them.

Items are laid out on a 2m x 2m plot in one row at a distance of 20-30 cm from one another. The sixth object for acquaintance with the desired smell is placed at a distance of 3 m on either side of the sample area. Before putting sticks on a sample, trainers rub them with their hands or put a bosom on themselves. Particularly carefully should be rubbed with public sticks, which are initially odorless.

The trainer approaches a separate object and lets the dog sniff it on the command “sniff”. After the dog has sniffed the object, the handler, remaining in place, sends the dog to the sample with the command "Seek" or "Sniff" and with a guiding gesture. The dog should go to the objects, sniff them, select the object with the desired smell, bring it to the trainer and, on the command "Give", give it to the athlete. Walking around and landing the dog at the foot is optional. Repeated commands in the sampling area are prohibited in an exam or competition. 1 point is deducted for each repeated command. In training, repeated commands are naturally used.

If at trials or competitions the dog took the object in its mouth and stopped further sampling, the trainer reports on the end of the admission (the item is selected). In this case, the thing taken by the dog in the mouth is considered selected. In training, the dog is forced to complete the task and bring the thing to the trainer. The trainer is deducted 3 points for performing a sample without a tray. For beckoning the dog 1 point. The dog must choose a thing and bring it to the trainer without additional commands.

Ideally, the dog should sniff things calmly and take only the desired thing into its mouth. There are dogs who, at first, excitedly grab several objects in turn, then bring the correctly selected object. For this manner of sampling, 1 to 3 points are removed.

Two starts are allowed, the time of each is two minutes on trials, and one minute in competitions. If, at the end of the time of the first start, the dog has not chosen the desired object, the trainer calls it to him with the command "To me", gives the second time to sniff the object and sends the dog to the repeated start. Before the second run, the smell is reapplied to the objects. The thing that was chosen incorrectly at the first start is replaced by a thing with a different smell, and the desired smell remains the same.

Errors of the previous run, when assessing the dog's performance on the second run, are not taken into account, although 4 points are deducted for the repeated run. The exercise is considered unfulfilled if the dog chooses the wrong thing on the second run. It is clear that such a rule is possible only in amateur dog breeding. If the dog is used to realistically identify the things of the offender or the victim, and at the same time the searched item is unknown to anyone, it will simply be impossible to understand whether the dog made the right selection or not.

Guarding things

The meaning of this exercise is that the dog should guard the thing that the owner left, but at the same time it should not react to people passing by. In general, there are two options for checking the skill of guarding things. Guarding things on a leash and free guarding things. In ZKS during trials and competitions, security is checked on a leash. Free guarding of a thing is checked in Mondiering and can also be used as training exercise when training a dog for protective guard duty.

Testing the skill of guarding things in a trained dog on tests is as follows.

The trainer with the command “Lie down” puts the dog on the length of the taut leash, puts the thing at the elbow of the dog on either side, gives the command “Protect”, steps back and hides in a shelter. According to the rules, the shelter is located at least 10 meters from the base of the leash. The dog must guard the thing on its own. The handler should not control the dog from a cover.

An assistant passes the dog twice calmly. The dog should not throw himself at him. It is undesirable even for her to bark at him. Then, the assistant, in turn, from one side and the other, makes attempts to take the thing. After that, the assistant, throwing a delicacy into the security sector, calmly leaves. Throwing food into the dog's mouth is prohibited. The dog should not react to food. Sometimes dogs do not eat food, but are afraid of it, this is naturally undesirable and wrong. A well-trained dog vigilantly guards and confidently protects the thing. She should not move away from the thing. Sometimes dogs begin to wag the thing or move it from place to place, this cannot be done.

Ideally, before the start of work and after the helper has left, the dog lies next to the thing, without changing its original position until the helper starts active actions, and quickly calms down and returns to the thing as soon as the helper stops trying to pick it up. The exercise is considered unfulfilled if the dog does not react to the helper's actions or backs off, allowing him to take the thing, or eats food.

There are two assistants at the competition. One of them is trying to distract the dog on himself and take it away from the thing, giving the partner an opportunity to pick up the thing. A well-trained dog does not fall for this and does not give a chance to take the thing.

Detention of the offender

This large, challenging exercise can be divided into several parts.

  1. Detention of an assistant. (intruder, helper, defendant, etc. is different names the person who portrays the villain who should be bitten by the dog).
  2. Convoy of an assistant, during which he attacks the trainer. The dog is naturally obliged to protect the handler. At this time, a shot is fired from the starting pistol. The dog should not react to it.
  3. Search assistant. The trainer, after being attacked, comes to his senses and decides to search the assistant.
  4. Escorting the assistant and handing him over to the judge. There are two types of escort to ZKS. Rear escort, when the handler and dog are positioned behind the helper at a distance of 5 steps. Lateral escort when the helper walks to the left of the dog. At the same time, the dog is between him and his trainer. The first escort after the arrest is rear, the second escort after the search of the assistant is lateral.

Now let's take a closer look at how this all happens.

The trainer with the dog goes to the start line and stops. In this case, it is allowed to hold the dog by the collar.

From behind a shelter located at a distance of at least 25 m, an assistant appears in a protective sleeve and armed with a stack. Having made several movements that arouse the dog, he runs away in the direction opposite to the dog. After running 10 steps, he raises the stack, which is a signal for the trainer to start the dog to hold. The dog is launched in the back of the escaping helper. As soon as the dog ran in his direction, the assistant turns around and runs towards the dog, raising a stack over his head. Naturally, if the trainer overslept, then the launch is made on the assistant, who is already running towards the dog. For a well-trained dog, these are little things that don't matter. For an insecure dog, even such a slight change in the standard course of events can be important and affect the quality of the work.

The dog at the command "Fas" should actively (gallop) move towards the assistant in a straight line and immediately counterattack him, making a full mouth grip on the sleeve. The trainer himself remains in place. It is forbidden to give repeated FAS commands after the first grip.

The helper actively steps on the dog, crowding it, and inflicts two blows on the body with a stack during the fight. After the dog has made the first bite, the trainer, at the direction of the judge, goes to the dog and, having approached a distance of no more than 3 meters from the helper, stops his actions with the command "Stop!", And then the dog's actions with the command "Fu" or another short command to end the grip. It is allowed to recall the dog with the command "Come to me!" or taking her away from the Side by side team mate.

In the article I will talk about the protective guard service for dogs. Let me explain what ZKS is, its benefits, the skills that are taught to dogs during training. I will describe the benefits and mistakes in training. I will give an example of a course on ZKS.

ZKS is a dog training system specially developed by military border guards. It is aimed at training the dogs of the skills of protection and unquestioning obedience of the owner.

What is ZKS for dogs

ZKS is a training course during which the dog develops certain necessary skills. The method is standardized and applicable to all animals, regardless of breed, age and size.

The main work of the service is aimed at the formation of a certain type of nervous system. Fostering courage, unquestioning obedience to commands, orientation in an emergency.

Security guard service skills

ZKS instills in pets the ability to protect their owner and property from strangers in any situation. At the same time, the animal does not pose a threat to human health, does not cause bodily harm.

Skills taught during the course of study:

  • identification of things of the owner and strangers (finding the necessary things by smell);
  • human security (teaching the dog to rush at the attacker without a command while guarding the owner);
  • deliberate refusal of food (which an attacker may suggest);
  • protection of the owner's belongings (training to keep strangers away from the owner's belongings);
  • a certain attitude to shots from weapons (does not show cowardice at the sound of a shot);
  • escorting (learning to guard the intruder and stop when trying to escape);
  • delaying the attacker (developing skills to distinguish between situations when it is necessary to attack and when not);
  • execution of the command "FU" (must release the person on time on command).

In the process of passing the training, the sense of smell, endurance, courage, attention, distrust of strangers develops.

The animals are trained by certified instructors at a specialized training ground.


The animal, after completing the ZKS course, knows how to behave in an emergency and quickly orients itself on the spot. Becomes an excellent defender of his owner and his property.

In the process of training, dogs are taught to unquestioningly follow the commands of a person, to protect him and stop intruders.

Defense Guard Service Course

The training system is specially designed for training dogs of service and working breeds.

Only healthy animals are allowed to take the course: mentally and physically. Previously, the animal must undergo a basic training course. The lesson is conducted by experienced instructors at a specially adapted training ground.

At the time of testing, the animal must be at least 18 months old.

Learning errors

Improper training in most cases does not bring the expected results. In the course of incorrect training, you can spoil the character of the dog: make it nervous, cowardly, disobedient.

Training dogs in closed habitats does not give visible results. An animal in a familiar place feels comfortable, rather remembers commands, but when entering another space, the pet may get confused and not show the qualities brought up in it.

A dog should be trained by an experienced specialist who is well versed in the theory of training and has extensive experience in practice.

Errors made by inexperienced dog handlers are divided into two types:

  1. Technical... Improper use of stimuli and irritants (leash, hand, treats).
  2. Methodical... Untimely formation of certain skills (early transition to more complex exercises, with the unformed habits of the dog in the tasks of the previous level).

Some of the reasons trainers make mistakes are:

  • dog training without taking into account individual characteristics, stereotypically, according to the proven method. It manifests itself in the case of evaluating the results of training on delivery, not taking into account the degree of preparation of a particular dog before training;
  • overtraining... A tired dog cannot correctly follow commands and learn.
  • subjective (the trainer misinterprets the dog's behavior). Often associated with the humanization of the dog, when the animal is perceived as thinking and understanding human speech. At the same time, the dog handler begins to rush to get the result and gives the dog inaccurate commands, accompanied by unnecessary gestures and movements. Or contradictions arise, and the teams are reinforced negatively.

For example, the command “to me” should be rewarded for performing with a treat or praise. In a situation where the dog ran away, the dog handler gets angry and demands the command "to me", and then punishes the running animal for disobedience. Instead of reward, the dog receives a punishment (for which the punished does not understand) and next time refuses to follow the command.

There are many reasons. In order to avoid them, it is necessary to contact only reputable dog handlers and trainers.

In the article, I talked about the protective guard service. She explained what ZKS is, its benefits, the skills that are taught to dogs during training. Described the benefits and mistakes of learning. She gave an example of a course on ZKS.

According to scientists, man domesticated a dog about 10-15 thousand years ago. As the very life of people changed, the purpose of these animals also changed. Over time, guard, fighting, hunting and decorative breeds appeared. But one of the main aspirations of the breeders was to develop the best sentry directions.

Features of training

How to raise your four-legged friend correctly, because a guard dog and a guard (guard) dog are different directions in training? For watch breeds, intelligence and calm, self-possessed nervous system... It should be borne in mind that the growth of the individual does not always play the main role, since the watchman's task is to notice the threat in time and warn the owner.

It is for this reason that aggression is an undesirable quality, otherwise the dog will constantly react to any sounds and bark all the time. A good guard dog, on the contrary, should not be seen or heard until the moment when its intervention is necessary. Guard dogs are excellent at recognizing normal everyday noise and sounds that are dangerous.

Gallery: guard dog breeds (25 photos)

Main guard breeds

Almost any dog \u200b\u200bcan be taught to guard a house or territory, even a mongrel. Sometimes mongrels are much smarter and smarter than their noble counterparts and loudly and timely warn the owner of the danger. They are also jokingly called the Siberian Shepherd. But in society there are certain stereotypes and views, therefore, when talking about watchdogs, they usually mean shepherds.

These include:

  • German.
  • Caucasian.
  • Central Asian.
  • Eastern European.
  • South Russian.

And also the watchdog includes such dogs as:

Naturally, this list is incomplete, since many more breeds can be a good watchman. By and large, watchdog qualities are not a question of breed, but of upbringing. It takes a lot of time and effort to grow from a naughty puppy to a smart dog with excellent watchdog skills.

The main qualities of guard dogs in Russia

In Russia, there are domestic ones with excellent watchdog qualities. They are better adapted to our diverse climatic conditions and successfully cope with the tasks assigned.

The most famous watchdogs are:

  • Moscow Watchdog.
  • Central Asian.
  • South Russian.
  • Eastern European.
  • German.

These breeds are distinguished by their impressive appearance, that is, they have the ability not only to signal a threat, but also to greatly scare the violator of the boundaries of the protected area. The thick woolen coat helps to withstand the harsh winters that occur in many Russian regions. These are some of the best guard breeds that have been bred to date. Next, we'll take a closer look at these breeds.


As the name of the breed suggests, it originated in the Caucasus. It is already more than 2 thousand years old, and it is one of the oldest. An adult dog is above average height, reaches 75 cm at the withers, and the weight of an adult varies from 50 to 70 kg, but now there are very large specimens that weigh up to 110 kg. Caucasians belong to one of the largest breeds, have a very long and thick coat, which helps them to easily endure severe frosts. In most cases, the ears of these dogs are cropped to avoid injury in adulthood while on duty.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are distinguished by their courage, perseverance, decisiveness in their behavior, are extremely distrustful of strangers, which makes them an excellent guard breed. And also Caucasians are widely and successfully used in the protective guard service. Initially, these shepherd dogs served to protect the herd and home from predators. There are different versions of the origin of the breed, but the main one is considered to be the one according to which this dog originated from the so-called Tibetan mastiffs, they are also Tibetan mastiffs. Nowadays, Caucasians are on guard duty and are used in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as official.

Central Asian

There is no consensus on how exactly the Central Asian Shepherd Dog appeared. This breed is called, but this is not entirely correct, because this word denotes a certain color. The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is used as a watchdog and as a sentry species. This is one of the ancient breeds, which was formed over 4 thousand years by folk selection. In its representatives the blood of the most ancient dogs of Central Asia flows from fighting to herding dogs. This shepherd dog is closely related to the Tibetan Mastiff, which is one of the largest on earth.

An adult male reaches a minimum height of 70 cm at the withers and a weight of 50 kg. The Central Asian Shepherd Dogs were used to guard livestock, caravans and homes. Difficult living conditions have made this breed strong, hardy and fearless. An adult dog can easily deal with a wolf, guarding its territory or herd. In Turkmenistan, thoroughbred Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are considered a national treasure, like the Akhal-Teke horses, and are prohibited from exporting from the country.

South Russian

South Russian Shepherd is an old dog breed that appeared in the south of Russia. Its origin is the same as in previous cases, controversial due to various versions and opinions. We can only say for sure that the South Russian was very badly damaged as a result of the First and Great Patriotic Wars, since the excellent qualities of a guard and unlimited devotion to their master did not allow the conquerors to retrain the dogs. As a result, representatives of this breed were ruthlessly destroyed.

Sheepdogs have a long, fibrous coat with a length of 10 cm, which helps them cope well with the cold. In height, an adult reaches at least 65 cm, and its weight is from 40 kg.

To date, it has undergone a significant change, since it was crossed with Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, and it was not possible to recreate its original appearance. South Russian Shepherd Dogs are quick-witted, strong, confident, agile and very loyal dogs. They are distrustful of strangers and are always on the lookout..

They choose one of all family members, to whom they implicitly obey and protect him, the rest are treated calmly. They have an innate sense of their own territory, which is why they try to protect it even at a young age. They are wary and moderately embittered towards outsiders, while getting along well with household members and pets.

Eastern European

This breed was bred as a service breed in the 30s of the XX century in the USSR and was intended for service use in army units. The basis for its breeding was the German Shepherd, whose representatives were exported from Germany. The breeders were tasked with creating a breed that would be different from the German Shepherd and would be more massive in size, more hardy. With which they successfully coped.

Adult dogs reach 65 to 75 cm at the withers and 40 to 65 kg in weight. They have a strong build, medium-length black-backed, black-red or black-gray color. The East European Shepherd is not a species that is loyal to outsiders. Dogs of this breed are balanced, self-confident, very loyal to the owner and have a pronounced aggressive-active reaction.

East European Shepherd Dogs perform not only the functions of a guard dog, but are also used as service dogs. For example, as escorts, rescue dogs and guide dogs, can be trained to search for explosives and drugs... They are rightfully recognized as a universal breed and are very popular among dog breeders.


It was originally used as a shepherd's watchdog and a search dog. The German Guard Shepherd Dog was bred through the crossing and selection of several species of herd (herding) dogs in Germany. There are long-haired and smooth-haired varieties. An adult shepherd dog reaches at the withers from 60 to 65 cm and weight from 35 to 45 kg. This breed is service, has a balanced and mobile behavioral type. It is very well adapted to training for various purposes. The German Shepherd shows the highest characteristics in its kind of service if it has one owner.

It should be noted that the strong point of the breed is the following fact: it can easily work with new owners. This situation is common in patrol services. For example, a Rottweiler is very difficult to endure a change of owners, refuses to follow commands, becomes sedentary and lack of initiative. The German Shepherd has shown itself well as a guard and service dog, which perfectly fulfills all tasks assigned to it. Even a beginner dog lover can handle the training of this breed.

Moscow watchdog

The Moscow Watchdog appeared in the middle of the 20th century in Russia. She was bred by crossing the reproductive method of St. Bernard and the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. Moscow Watchdog took from these breeds best qualities... She is large, very strong, with well-developed relief muscles, possessing watchdog and sentry qualities.

An adult grows from 65 to 90 cm and reaches a weight of 55 to 90 kg. Has a long, dense and thick coat, which allows the use of sentry and sentry skills in cold conditions. Dogs of this breed are confident in themselves, balanced, have a disposition to contact with humans, and are distinguished by excellent guard and guard qualities. Separately, it should be noted that the Moscow watchdog has no fear and will never retreat - regardless of whether it is guarding a person or guarding the territory.

Small guard dog

The Miniature Schnauzer is the smallest service and guard dog in the world. All schnauzers differ from each other only in size, in other characteristics they are similar. An adult dog reaches 38 cm at the withers and weighs up to 8 kg.

Has four recognized colors:

  • the black;
  • white;
  • black with silver;
  • pepper and salt.

Despite its funny appearance, this dog has serious qualities. Miniature Schnauzers are fearless, attentive and loyal to their master. Easy to train, as they are intelligent dog breeds. They do not differ in friendliness to strangers, they are always attentive to everything that happens around.

Should be considered, that a miniature schnauzer is a dog, in small body which "lives" big dog... That is, representatives of this breed do not feel like they are full-fledged watchmen and guards, not paying attention to their height. They are distinguished by courage and without hesitation begin to defend their master, even if the enemy is many times larger than them. The Miniature Schnauzer is a very reliable, intelligent, loyal defender and watchman.

We've reviewed some excellent sentry, sentry, etc. It is impossible to say which one is the best, since all breeds have a wide range of excellent individual and general characteristics and qualities. And all, without exception, are excellent watchmen who can be safely entrusted with their protection and home security.

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