NN in the communion of the exercise. Training exercises "Spelling H \\ Nn in the subfixes of adjectives and communities"

Developing tasks in the lessons of the Russian language when studying the topic

"Spelling n and nn in adjectives" (grade 6)

The main condition for the development of active, independent, creative thinking of students is the ability to apply the knowledge gained in new, non-standard situations. As you know, the development of the mental activity of children is closely related both to the knowledge acquired during the training and methods of their assimilation, that is, the degree of mental activity of students in the course of operating knowledge. Such an opportunity is given unusual wording of tasks, the use of new linguistic material, the need to make an independent conclusion, a generalization.

The use of the tasks of increased difficulty is one of the ways to individualize learning.

It is advisable to introduce more difficult (compared to traditional) questions and tasks at all stages of training: when introducing a new material, when fixing and repetition. It is important to consider that not any task can serve for the development of thinking. Many tasks in the Russian language, even designed for independent execution, form only the ability to act according to the sample (reproductive nature of activity), which although it is an important component of thinking, but at the subsequent stages of training turns out to be insufficient.

Thus, in the tasks at each lesson, it is necessary to make at least elements of self-searching, this creates a problem in learning - an important basis for the active mental activity of students. Regular inclusion in the educational process of developing creative tasks also teach children to them and maintain their activity.

Consider the types of such tasks.

Educational linguistic task

purpose performing such tasks is to master the theoretical language material on high level Difficulties in compliance with the difficulty measures (didactic principle of Methods L.V. Zankov), in the development of the ability to follow the practical use of the theory in the analysis of language phenomena, as well as in increasing speech activity based on comparison, analysis and synthesis when describing the object being studied.

This is a special type of exercise in the Russian language, the implementation of which proceeds in two (or more) actions in the conditions of independent cognitive activity of students, including:

1) Analysis of domestic language connections;
2) reasoning-proof;
3) conclusion;
4) phased self-control;
5) Solution check.

An independent decision with a student of the task (and later its independent development) will allow it to acquire strong practical skills in the analysis of language phenomena. At the same time, the teacher gets the opportunity to form sustainable cognitive interest among schoolchildren to educate the culture of educational labor and a sense of responsibility.1 . Complete the sentences. (how many n are written in suffixes)

1) in the adjectives with the basis of n, formed using a suffix N, as a rule, is written

For example: .

2) in adjectives, single-colored with wordsyouth, greens, blush, pig, wind, Written, as they are.

Form from these nouns adjectives, write them down

3) In adjectives with vowels, it is written in suffixes.

For example: .

4) In adjectives from words, oil, skin, tin, is written.

5) in brief adjectives in the form male Written

2. Write the text by inserting and explaining the missed letters

Beasts .. the habits were reflected in the old people .. in fairy tales, proverbs, sayings.

About brave people say that they have eagles .. my wings. The case is trifle, but noisy. This is called mice .. so wait.

Of these definitions, it is possible to make a length of this.

The most genuine creator is the people. They affected the oblast .. "People's wisdom.

3. Task for compliance

1. Find compliance

a) revolutionary (H, NN) Aya song 1) is an exception

b) Machine (H, NN) OE oil 2) is formed from the noun using a suffix -in-

c) the swans (H, NN) of the song 3) is formed from the noun using a suffix -on

d) glass (H, NN) Aya door 4) is formed from the noun with the basis on - with the help of suffix -

1. Find compliance

a) sand (n, nn) \u200b\u200baya storm 1) is an exception

b) Tum (H, NN) oo morning 2) is formed from the noun with the help of suffix -an

c) wind (n, nn) \u200b\u200by day 3) is formed from the noun using suffix -n

d) cranberries (H, NN) of Morse 4) is formed from the noun with the base on-with the help of suffix

1. Find compliance

a) the tree (H, NN) of the floor 1) is formed from the noun with a suffix -n

b) pumpkin (H, NN) A. Poros 2) is formed from a noun with a suffix -

c) kami (n, nn) \u200b\u200bhousing 3) is an exception

d) the linen (H, NN) costume 4) is formed from the noun with the base on-with the help of suffix -

1. Find compliance

a) Kuri (H, NN) OE Egg 1) is formed from the noun using a suffix -on

b) tin (n, nn) \u200b\u200bala spoon 2) is formed from the noun with the basis on-with the help of suffix

c) co (n, nn) \u200b\u200bbog 3) is an exception

d) examination (H, NN) question 4) is formed from the noun with the help of suffix -in-


purpose Such tasks consists in improving the spelling literacy of students and the development of the ability to establish causal relations between individual language phenomena, to find a generalized value.

Pursuing a grouping, the student meets with many words in which it must identify several orphograms, to offer several answer options and at the same time comprehend links between individual language phenomena. At the same time, such a material for the exercise on the grouping is selected so that language phenomena can be considered from different points of view, work out logical-grammatical operations on the classification of language material.

    Distributed on the table columns the following words.

Length..y, state .. th, sand..y, tum..y, leather..y, oldaries..y, art ..., Bashe..y, were .. my, uh..y, oatiy..y, earth .. well, courage .. one, excursious ..y, cranberry..y.

An (-Yan), -in

N + N.


    Form from nouns, data in brackets, adjectives with the help of suffixes we learned about, and write down in 2 columns, where, in your opinion, it is necessary for H or NN :


(Foliage) forest deciduous forest

(poplar) fluff poplar fluff

(Lecture) Hall Laming Hall

(silver) spoon silver spoon

(Wind) day windy day

(tree) Wooden dishes

(hurricane) wind hurricane wind

(leather) gloves leather gloves

Tasks by analogy

Such tasks are based on comparison. At the same time, students identify signs of objects and establish similarities and differences between them.

purpose performing this type of tasks - in obtaining strong knowledge of the topic under study, improving the ability to systematize them in development logical thinking, creative and cognitive activity of students.

Continue line by adding 2-3 words .

    Mouse, swan, _____________________________________________________

    Leather, wood, _______________________________________________________

    Sleepy, legal, ______________________________________________________

    Aviation, solemn, _______________________________________________

    Ancient, sheepskin, __________________________________________________

Tasks for the exception of superfluous

purpose The proposed options of tasks is to master students in a large volume of knowledge of linguistic material based on establishing links between its individual elements, phenomena, in the development of phased operational skills of knowledge transfer to other areas and construct evidence monologue statements.

Object option: "Find the fourth more."

The methodology for this type of task is well known. But, unlike the traditional methodology for carrying out this task, in the system of educational training, it has its own characteristics: the disciples are offered such selection of words in which any word from the four proposed can be "superfluous".

Task "Find the fourth extra"

a) rye .. well, hair .. well, green .. one, pumpkin..y;

b) dinner..y, society..y, wind..y, streetless ..

c) beeh..y, ants..y, so..y, swans ..

d) mouse..y, Masha..y, oldaries..y, Mali..y;

e) silver..y, peat .. well, tin..y, paying .. well.

Creative tasks

purpose It consists in the opening of the new face of the studied linguistic phenomenon, in the development of students' analytical abilities, ensuring a versatile impact on student's intelligence with the help of active reading activities.

Game "Guess the cipher".

Specify the number of letters H (1, 2)

Glass .. like, silver..y, sand..y, clay..y.

Geese..y, were .. my, name .., falcons ..

Balo..y, Oco..y, Constitution..y, Yu..y.

Courage..y, wind..y, dinner..y, spent ..






Game "Guess the Word"

1.Timology of this word "red" (excellent);

2.Did made of silver (silver);

3. Made from different threads (nourishing);

4. Esed from the sheep skins (sheepskin);

5.Didden from stone (stone);

6. Made of mica (saliva);

7. Made of glass (glass);

8. This adjective denotes the color (blue);

9. Adjective is used when they talk about a frivolous person or about bad weather (windy)

Specographic designer

Determine H or NN, recording only the letters of N.

1. Glass, Stone, Celial NN NN

2. Cranberry, oil, sandy nn n

3. Dining, windy, leather nn n

4. Tin, vintage, lemon NN NN NN

5. Oatmeal, peat, wooden n n nn

6. Orline, ruddy, painful nn

7. Ordinary, desert, valuable NN NN

Other designer options are possible:

nn nn nn nn nn

n nn nn nn nn n

nn nn nn nn nn nn

n nn nn nn nn n

nn nn nn nn nn

Workshop for grade 7 on the topic

"Writing n and nn in communations"


Comment on writing n and nn . Sauerkraut - sauna for the winter cabbage, cheap carts - brick wagged wagons, boiled potatoes - boiled potatoes, cathedral grass - beveled herbs, cutting watermelon - rugged watermelon, raged rage, asphalted highway,

Primary fixing. You must verbally to form the next verbs of the suffering communion of the past time, to name the studied speech. Cook ,plow ,marine asphalt , cook.

Note: Words with one H is the communions that have passed into adjectives: boiled, baked, fried, boiled, dried, smoked, urinary, salty, fuel, painted, oil, confused.


Exercise 1. Rearrange the phrases in the suggestions with the faugible - brief communion or adjective. Rewrite and emphasize n.or nN..Sample: sol ... the task is to solve the task.

Growing ... Vegetables, finish ... Naya Discussion, Dutcher ... Naya Capture, Timeline ... Naya Help, Great Sygrus ... Another role, announced ... I have announced the results of the competition, drier ... nare linen , Scroll ... At the hooligans of the bench, Zakrosh ... ny on the attic skiing, was spoiled ... The public is touring, they receive ... in the evening telegram, serious and oxable ...

Exercise 2. Spariate, inserting H or NN, distributing them into two columns.

Light_ayaya playground, purchase_a product, wound_a fighter, paint_a blonde, repaint the walls, uncracker_y floor, organized by sponsors, RVA_AY jacket, tranquach_y sleeve, scrap_ay line, broken toy, alarms, stimples, fix undercut Trees.

Sorting_y, dry_, pess_y, injury_e, iron_y, mining_y, silver_y., Calais_y, folded_, cut_, dismissaries_y, mazay, tiny.

The exercise3. Spish. Recognize communion suffixes. Emphasize the suffering communion as members of the sentence.

1. Hair at the Faith Ch ... hairs (n, nn) \u200b\u200bs. 2. Hell. Well hairstyles (H, NN), the face of the faith of faith. 3. Arem. I am a person's face .. with eternally Nakhmur (H, NN) with eyebrows. 4. Uncle's eyebrows most often Nakhmur (H, NN) s. 5. Interesting conversations .. with the guys, hobby (n, nn) \u200b\u200bwith their own business. 6. My sister is always intense (n, nn) \u200b\u200band what (either) new idea. 7. Tuchi Razmi (H, NN) B Wind. 8. The people of the extension (H, NN) of the sun activity. 9. Sea of \u200b\u200bExchange (H, NN) about.

Exercise 4.. Analyze the words. Spish, distributing them by types of orthograms on the site of the brackets. Recognize the selection conditions n. or nN.. Immaculate (N, NN), wisdom (H, NN) A, Narisova (H, NN), spray (H, NN), perhaps (H, NN) A, inflexible (H, NN) A, relatives ( n, nn) \u200b\u200by, reinforce (H, NN) OE, gross (H, NN) A, moving (H, NN) A, flipper (H, NN), sand (H, NN), error (H, NN) Cy (Dear Patuette), Bakery (H, NN) Cy (Patoes), Furnaces (NN, NN) (Pie), Tople (N, NN) OE (Milk ), Eastople (H, NN) AA (furnace), error (H, NN), End (H, NN) a.

Exercise 5.. Spinit, replacing the selected verbs with brief forceful germinals. You will receive a report guys about the preparation for the campaign.

Draw up M..Rhrut with an indication of the cards., Stop places for overnight stay.

Check Feed of tourist sn ..

Receive The consent of the parents to participate in the campaign.

Check All the ability to put a tent and desepass .. hell fire.

The exercise6.. One student at the board, the rest in the notebooks.

The task: Spariate, inserting missed orthograms and graphically explaining your choice.Furnace .. like apples, stoves .. and baked apples, bake .. my apples, neuto..y apples, heat..y potatoes, heat..y with mushrooms potatoes.

Knowledge control. Insert H or NN.
GOST ... Cle, karma ... ha art ... hai, sand ... born, pigeons ... han, hurricane ... ha Entrepreneurs ... having, the tree ... ha (!), Sparrows ... Ji, Kame ... ha aviaitio ... ha, glass ... ha (!), Uti ... ha, empty ... ha Excursion ... having, crimson ... bham, old ... ha The wind ... ha (!), Rummy ... Yi, Yu ... Oh, were ... ha Luckiness ... ha, I am still ... ha, promised ... hanged, the birth of ... ha, the floodplain ... whatever, captivity ... y, yes ... y, no ... ha.

Exercise 100. Insert the communion letters missing in the suffixes. Justify the answer.

Cotton..rong, tremble..tech, etc...ml .. Intruster, Hake .. the wave .. the shoulder .. nasty, stele ..-in, re. Introduction, boron .. nor, ro..y, love..tech, meaning..comer, ready .. Introduction, Cle. ., Pen..roty, movement .. Introduction, Skach .. Into, Touch .. Introduction, unknown, unquisition .. "Waiter .." . "Soluch .. -Mo, notic .. -Mo, salava .. -Mo, cheating .. -Mo, finish .. whatever, smile .." .The, Read .. Shot, shelling .. ", jam ..", seed .. ", lump .., Osyak..teh, lean .." hitch .., curtsy .. " .The, alime .. ", Puppeted ..", I finished .. ", it's worth it, Nastya .." Square .. "Looking ..", hacking .. so, full .. " .n a rifle, arrows .. a sparrow, shot .. a kaban, groan .. from the tank oil, groan .. from the basement barrel, notice .. in the dough, notice .. , Navneh. . None of the closet on the coat hanger.

Exercise 101. Insert the compets and adjective letters missing in the suffixes and endings. Make full morphological analysis Words over the figure 3.

1. Near the stroke .. and 3 baths flounders in the water carpenter Gerasim (Turgenev). 2. In Lomonosov, there were two borons .. and a vocation - poet and scientist (Belinsky). 3. On the wall hung geographical maps, everything is almost inspired .. and skillfully choke .. the hand of Charles Ivanovich (L. Tolstoy). 4. I mercilessly chased the hearth..nn..o horse (Lermontov). 5. From the supower .. I have become even more closer (bunin) from everywhere. 6. Along the road smoked in the delets of the attitude ... 3 oats (Sholokhov). 7. Metelitsa rushed his head and looked around this hesitory. .. I'm 3 pystress .. I'm a crowd (Fadeev). 8. Between the wheels of the cart, half-sized .. and the fire burns (Pushkin). 9. Friend imagined six highs, nearby, near the gallop .. and the chariots (Chekhov). 10. Everything in the morning breathes, the breeze plays in Terek, in the waves a zijl (Lermontov, 3 sand (Lermontov) takes. 11. Listen to Faln .. and Rocca .. and hum (L. Tolstoy). 12. Troshekurov took little about winning the joke .. nn ... they are affairs (Pushkin). 13. Somehow in the hollows are visible to the remains of Ta..ch..Go snow (L. Tolstoy). 14. I noticed a special kind of juniper, stele .. "Happy 3 on the ground long weaves (Arsenyev). 15. She is fresh, like sighted color, horsepower .. in the shade of a dubber (Pushkin). 16. In the boiler, hitch .. although on a bitch stick, fish (Arsenyev) was cooked. 17. In barely broach .. I dawn, we quietly went through the forest (falcons-Mikitov). 18. Goravo at the long heights of tremies .. "Lermontov reflected (Lermontov). 19. From time to time, Masha appeared ahead on the canvas .. and the checkbox (A.N. Tolstoy) appeared. 20. The steppe to many litters dressed wheezing. "Silver (Sholokhov). 21. In dark stone cracks, green, hesitated .. "3 wind, wild shrub (Koptyaeva). 22. Lukyanych Occasioned a narrow .. I'm the door, the window .. NNN. I woofer (L. Tolstoy). 23. In artificially elevated..nn..h stalls stood about thirty horses, wiped .. nn..m and sulfted .. how to glory (L. Tolstoy). 24. In transparency..m, Nastya..nn..m on cedars .. and resin air was black with the bare peaks of the Verkhoyansky Range (Aldanov). 25. Last .. Tuchka Russet..nn..y storm! One thing you are in clear .. and lazuri (Pushkin).

Exercise 102. Insert where the communion letters and N are needed in suffixes.

Vyaz..nogo jam, veymba .. a sister of the jacket, the connection .. well, the sweatshirt, the sweatshirt .. on; Georgian .. a wagon, loads .. a grain wagon, unloading .. a wagon, wagon discharge..n; stove .. a potatoes, stove .. in the ashes potatoes, borrow .. bump, bread borrow .. and; Boiling .. well, Skippyachyu .. a milk, nekipyachyu..the milk, freshness .. well, boiling ... Milk milk, milk Skippyach .. But; PHY .. Knife, notice .. of the law, IP .. my sheets, writing ... Portrait, portrait of writing .. and butter; Crash .. of the floors, non-scratch .. of the floors, freshly aboard floors, freshly crops .. of the floors, paint .. the floors, the crash .. of the oil paint floors, the floors of paint .. Saw .. Sugar, saw .. on the wood sawmill forest, cut down .. a log, logo cut .. but; POWER .. SUPPORT, ISSION ... Varo..te Potatoes, welds..y potatoes, hare .. in broth potatoes, potatoes of weld .. and Vare..nik; RVA .. sore pants, porv .. navy, Riby .. in several places pants, pants ... scrap .. a member, layer .. so horseshoe, toy lay .. on; Float..y cheese, melted .. and melted, coins remelted .. Bezh..the rhythm, throwing .. and beshy .. but accusable with my eyes; Put .. a story, stop .. a story, speak Put .. But, all the threads are cope .. Gasheu..t lime, Negashojo .. Some Lime, Rogs .. Sigaret, Cigarette Rogash ... RAS .. Soldier, wasted .. a soldier, easy-to-one soldier, easily wounds .. Soldier's soldier, soldier Isrand .. Belya..thly of the canvas, unbelievable ... Blizzard, beat .. navy, white .. so last year Mazanka, Wall beat .. CE .. the flour, carrier .. a meal, millet .. a meal, flour millet .. on; Tooth .. a carpet, west .. a carpet, toddler .. a manual carpet, a homework .. a carpet, gradot .. a mantle; The people of Zva .. and unintelligent .. nov, calling .. a bugachev, called .. a brother, called .. son in honor of his son.

Exercise 103. Insert where it is necessary, missed letters. Make a complete morphological analysis of words over which the figure is 3.

1. I hear .. it is a rest of the rest, obscurely sh..tes of the night (Turgenev). 2. Following heavily, a dozen one and a half who could still walk (Simonov) came up. 3. Cleosters were poured, there are pillars in the same way, the heads of golden..y (Nekrasov). 4. Pooh..t with m..kina belly, sech..y, mug .. ", IMP ..", Circle .. "I barely, barebank ... 5. Pug .. a curl of the bush is afraid (proverb). 6. Semi-lifts .. and PR .. Beam Wet Bock Stones Bl..theli, like Lakirov..d (Kuprin). 7. Well, brother, tobacco urine .. one, that horse is led away .. I do not go anywhere ... "Sholokhov). 8. Surely stood Brochi..d, with closed. 3 Kniech's shutters (Sholokhov). 9. For us, the ban was dragged .. well .. a cannon with for .. it .. and 3 phytille (Pushkin). 10. Grandma was preparing lunch from the purchase .. Svators .. (M. Gorky). 11. Yellowish ribbon rushing around. The road (Pushkin). 12. Won Kucher and the kitchens ask themselves the ball .., and I ... I like brochs .. "(Chekhov). 13. (Fish) industrial..ik, all the collapse .. "Kokchё" Kutumi, Sushyu .. and Soluby .. Sudak, sits between this grateful .. I'm like h .. Assumption). 14. Georgia .. Machines Skat .. Went from the road .. and cool..Good on the ice (Azhaev). 15. LAT .. Some, RVA .. Soft (semi) shuffle kept on it, as starchy .. and (Serafimovich). 16. Here I saw Mikhail Pushchina, Ran .. and last year (Pushkin). 17. Her [Roads] h .. a long, no longer ride .. the rivers barely appeared in the grass (Fadeev). 18. The whole day was heard by the creaking of NEMAZ .. the wheels (kataad). 19. SCO..E was smooth, asphaltir .. in ... (bulls). 20. Horses went to a swolish fish .. I, chopping on the ice of the horses .. with hooves (Serafimovich). 21. Lönki in the eyes of the bluster .. there was an inexpressible .. a tear (simonov). 22. Obeliened unclean .. the sidewalks and melting snow on huge lumps (Gilyarovsky). 23. Night .. I woke me up the roar of the shallows .. and the wheels (paustovsky). 24. In a few days, the fees were Konch..a, the stings of the samp .. and 3 and stuck .. on (Aksakov). 25. Lyubka lay on the chest, covered by Penters, Stew .. in a blanket, sewing ... 3 of the Sitz .. in ch..i l..chatikov (Chekhov). 26. Some of the prly disclady .. from under the snow of the rut of Zakrosh..no, fault ... road (B. Field). 27. From the shoulders whistled cheese. "Channels pockets (faded). 28. These words did not produce a welfare (L. Tolstoy). 29. If the guy you are Rumyan..y, the brother will be called me .. "(Pushkin). 30. I could not tie the Ataman Uralov for a long time with this, a non-Gaggad .. and Starich .. and the recovery (smooth). 31. Scripture r..snina poured into the collaboration .. with rare clouds of the sky (fad). 32. He fled to us in a jacket, lean. . of orders and medals (Antonov). 33. Loading .. ate clay was submitted to a construction site in trolleys (Azhaev). 34. Everywhere housing .. There are no wires (Antonov). 35. On the table on the ground .. the cups stood tinctures and squabbles of homemade, on the plates of snacks: low-headed cucumbers, Marin..I.Thube fungi and tomatoes, quashes. 36. Sand, Sorv .. "Sunny, hit the detachment, twisted as a besh..y (A.N. Tolstoy). 37. Neskaz..thh..rothery was full of steppe (Sholokhov). 38. Two machine-gun nests were neatly arranged .. There were everywhere. There were grounds .. and the shelves (Simonov). 39. On the pavement was lying down the distribution .. the crash shell .. the eggs (fad). 40. I have been driving sluggish .. so Vobl (Mamin-Sibiryak). 41. And spring this year shone Nevid .. with paints (Sholokhov). 42. In PR. There are a lot of accurate knowledge and poetry (paustovsky). 43. The garden tracks were the Usull .. and smooth large gravel, crissed 3 under their feet, and from the sides obfined .. on large pink sinks (Kurprin). 44. Thick butler, bl ... and round shaft3 face and starch .. a bow of a white tie, reported that Kushan..E, under .. but (L. Tolstoy). 45. Nervous people hot-tempered and unbalanced .. on. 46. \u200b\u200bThe chances of opponents are not yet equivalent. 47. The defendant was justification .. he is a jury. 48. Extreme measures in the afternoon extremely excuse. 49. To solve this problem there were organisms .. there are special Komi..si. 50. The youngest daughter has always been modest, will bring up .. and the organs .. in. 51. Now it is a discipline .. in which, taut, experienced fighters (tykonov).

Exercise 104. Insert the missed n or nn.

Balova..y, disorded..y, rampage..y, bewilder..y, Berezhyu .. like, barking..y, barking ..ik, brufe..y, free .. one, insecured .. Beeshe..y, Velikomyuh..ik, Verbova .. Three, Verch .. my, Weez..Oh (grain), swinging..y, Vich..ik, incomprehensible, worshi. .ik, Vulcanisirovirova..y, outlook..y, smudkokrash..y, dotchah..y, guests..y (courtyard), datirov .. oh, dear..y, disqualctible .. , marriage .. like, lyado..y, wise ..o, lysa..ik, Olsha..ik, awareness .. like, Promotion .. my tribe ..ik, weathered .. like, asking .. , CE..ik, Freshlyukchyu..y, Strae .. Oh, Shoot .. (Sparrow), Filigree..y, Udlin..I, Extension .. my salt .. well, layer .. one, study ..y, sophisticated..y, check .. one, tse..y, all-around..y, cherry..y, barley..y, pink .. oh, confute ..ik, confusion ..o, vare ..ik; smoked .. croygro..oy, torment ..ik, taking into account .., yes .. aik, come .. either, unprecession .. Ice, I ampping .. IF, I am elected .. IT, IT. Cases ..O, work .. aik, set..ik, educating ..ik, foliage .., friends, friends ..ik, mesh..ik, guests .., and oil ..ik, butter .., Wind ..ik, hemp..ik, Mali..ik, Axes..ik, Berez..yak, Bescard ..ik, Storo ..ik, tse..ik, Moshe ..ik.

System of tasks and exercises on the topic "Spelling

- and -n - in the suffixes of communion and adjectives "

Spelling H and NN in the inflammatory adjectives

Exercise 1. Write down, explaining the orfograms.

With a tree .. Hydrochet snapshots .. my voice shouted clown. (Yu.OL.) In the hands of the boy there was a slippery, silent clay .. a vessel of an extraordinary form. (L. Bloss.) How many on Earth is growing with any grass .. how food! (Yu.Af.) Heaps of Sora and cloths lay on the floor, there was a tree in the corner .. the bed of the bed. (KUPER.) From guests .. so stuck Protalyna on the mountain. (AKS) Suddenly the storm flew out, and the air turned into white leading .. and dust. (AKS.) In rivers with sand .. The bottom of the water was glad and the Zelie was visible. (AKS). The bird flew away, and the snow was lined up as glass .. and rain. (Paust.)

Task 2. Open brackets by selecting the correct writing option. Pick up possible synonyms and antonyms for dedicated words.

The day was issuedsummary, unwitting (n, nn) \u200b\u200by. (KUPER) Boots, General made Batalo (H, NN) Sapogen. (L.T.)Majesty (N, NN) Aya Zelle (N, NN) Aya Bohr likeprey (N, NN) Aya Rim, decorated ourserene love. (KUPER.) Spring approximation in the village produced on meunusual (n, nn) \u200b\u200bo impression. (AKS) I love not frosty, red, almost from morning to evening winds (N, NN). (AKS)

Task 3. Distribut proposals for groups 1) with an orphographer in wordswith the basis of H and the suffix -n-2) from then-, -enn- 3) -an-, -yan, -in-

Neither the clouds on the fog .. the whitish sky, nor the slightest wind on the snowy plains. (AKS.) To the legs of a large silver graph .. The pelvis will be supplied with water. (Turg.) The desert played .. The wind on the attribution. (AKS) Despite Spring .. I am fresh, all people were barefoot. (AKS.) On the right bank, an officer in the canasin ... Garcked: "Stop shooting!". (Shol.) Long Autumn .. The sunset did it. (KUPER.) They went to the house through a large Kamen .. the terrace. (KUPR.) In the district, there was a regional food ... Commissioner. (Shol.) Morning .. The frosty fogs are held in the lower reaches. (Yu.Af.) There was a simple atmosphere, and smelled Rzhan..m bread. (Czech.)

And our walks in which I spend them on extraordinary..mo places and ravines are very pleasant. (L. Tolst.) The boy carries a sheepskin..y fur coat. (Yu. AF.) The horizon was slow .. and snow clouds. (AKS.) In the midst of the dense forest on a narrow lawn, earthlings were elevated. (A. Push.)

Task 4. Instead of skips, insert the desired letters. Make a phrase with selected words, using them in a figurative value.

Longs .. my wife's chin became still length .. (Czech.) With the most wounds .. And he felt he felt the hunt for drawing. (Turg.) Crazy Looks aside and sees: from the woodwood .. a dog runs the dog. (Czech.) On the neck I won the Lukich horsepin .. my lips and, whimsy, seated in the farm. (Shol.) To the rough sides of the mare sticks bungyan. (Shol.) Already in front of the evening, I saw Mitka, as with the sandy .. the Kurgan, shining white Lycin, moved the person eight con ... (Shol.) In allshir Fields, filled with moon .. alley, also never came the movement, no sound. (Czech.) Whitekamen..y gates that led from the courtyard in the field, in older ..strong gate with lions, there were two girls. (Czech.) I bought him Sukon's pants..y, shirt, sandals and climbing cards. (Shol.)

Spelling N and NN in communations and ungalled adjectives

Exercise 1. Spinit, opening brackets:

Someone (H, NN), low bushes were widely spread everything before me. (Turg.) Once, in the stude (n, nn), I will have a winter time, I left the forest; There was a strong frost. (Necr.) Birds occasionally flew to look, did not leave anyone (N, NN), guests. (Czech.) Upstairs hung from different sides of black scrap (H, NN) rafters. (Y.I.) on the top of the canopy hill Silver (N, NN), ripe rhodes spread. (TURG.) We broke a few covers of grasuch (N, NN) oh frost red rowan. (AKS.) Running (H, NN), frozen ice (H, NN) icicles fled to the men of trimps. (AKS.) Summer evening reached the cool on Raskal (N, NN) Uu Earth. (AKS.) Rades at night the iron roofs of Daches, as if someone runs on them in Horseshoe (H, NN) scoops. (KUPER.) The courtyard, once decorate (H, NN) by flower beds, faced in some kind of (H, NN), on which Eugenous was embaning (N, NN) aya horse. (A. Push.) In the slag behind the partition, the wound (N, NN), Dubrovsky lay on the bed. (A. Push.) Neither the sword (H, NN), nor Sich (H, NN), nor Vary (H, NN), nor times (H, NN). (Ambassador)

Task 2. Distribute proposals with the ORFogram N and NN in the suffix in groups: 1) in the seasons 2) of ungalled adjectives. Explain the selection of writing.

Lightweight restrained .. Those whisper woke me. (TURG) He managed to turn on his side, fleeing .. breath in the same moment tightening his legs to the stomach, saw the face of a woman's car carriage. (Bulg.) Lida just returned from somewhere and, standing around the porch with a whip in his hands, slender, beautiful, illuminated .. by the sun, ordered something to worker. (Czech.) In the hand, Ivan Nikolayevich was buried .. Wedding candle. (Bulg.) Gray, old, Ranv .. The clothes were decorated with green ribbons. (Yu.OL.) Dogs were seeded in my footprint, they found me in Nonoshy. (Shol.) Now I can't remember without laughter without a laughter. I can't scared. And the pale people of my comrades. (Turg.) Paper wine is not forbidden .. " (Ambassador)

Task 3. . Insert the missing letters:

The boots were built .. and a battalion shoemaker. (L.T.) Street was brightly lit ..a. (Yu.OL.) Yam horses were harnessed. (AKS) windows of the house, narrow and cutting .. the arches, were high above the ground, and glass in them is painted .. and the sun in the rainbow. (M.Gor.) Upholstered strawberries..a was rich carpets, Serebryan was in the corner .. the toilet and the ship. (A. Push.) Next to the road scattered .. and logs. (Yu.Af.)

Task 4. Explain the difference in writing single words:

1) The event passed organized. Organized good food.

2) The sea is excited storm. A friend spoke excitedly, hot.

3) All my friends are educated. Committees have already been formed.

4) Persons of Surov's soldiers and concern. We were concerned about preparing for the holiday.

5) Hair is confused by the wind. This story is confusing and mysterious.

Spelling n and nn in communion and adjectives (generalizing tasks)

Exercise 1. Spinit, inserting H or NN. Explain the choice:

A little away, in the wilderness itself, abandoned .. and wild Malin ... I was a gazebo, the prevenue was painted .. "inside. (TURG.) Alekhin himself, washed, harsh ..., in the new Sultuka, walked through the hotel. (Czech.) From the terrace of the glass .. I led the door to the hospital .. I presented the piano, littered .. well by handwritten notes. (TURG.) Sweetly smells dried up sweetly ... with apples, and from the clamps and shlets, weighing .. and on the walls, - horsepower .. and then. (Shol.) Now rustling the Tachacan past the injured plet, run back the solvent .. the roofs, the shutters are ramalevant. (Shol.) On an earthwood wrinkled crust with a fractional rain, it is thrown into a split rain .. "Selfie hoofs. (Shol.) He bit down, turned his head, then, drunk out of the wooden. . ON TALLIF, then for a piece of parchment. This parchment has already false ... records. (Bulg.)

Task 2. Spinit, inserting missed letters and explaining the orfograms.

From ter..as..Y Glass .. I led the door to the hospital .. and in which it was prestitted .. f..prtepruno, littered .. my hands .. acknowledged notes. (Turg.) He, firing and oha, still smiles .. Just the devil ... Mysterious .. Oh sum. (Bulg.) Its pursuant. (Czech.) I am quick about .. Hardly listed .. I have a foot and, through the barely transparent .. I saw a huge r..man. (Turg.) When, on the other day after lunch, I came to Volcaninov, glass .. the door to the garden was open ... (Czech.) As long as there is a small, Be..Frichin .. "Hope on (not) full of such happiness, I still (not) can calm .. Build for myself. (L. Tolst.)

Task 3. Insert the missed letters, explain the choice of H or NN. Determine the style of the text and select its styrene-forming agents. Specify the means of artistic expressiveness.

I watched the window on the rye .. the fields, groves, small stations. The road to Bryansk was a circular and length .. "Through Lviv in Navalne. Passengers popped up at stations, bought strawberries and heat from the women .. and chickens. Then a dream was rejected on the opponents. "Silence I first saw the desert .. Central Russia. I liked her green .. the forests, overgrown roads, the conversations of the peasants.

In a syneprix, the train came at twilight. I was waiting for the belief in the canasin .. my jacket. Our cart sometimes rolled down on the wooden ... Bridge, and under it glistened black marsh water. We stopped near the little wooden .. the house with lit. .. the windows. The cart came across the Kamen .. the column at the gate.

I spent the whole summer among the dense of the Bryansk forests, the meek enemy peasants in such an old eagle .. and an extensive park that no one knew where he ends and goes into the forest. (By k.g.pustovsky "Far years")

Task 4. 1) Determine the style and type of text. Specify the means to create expressive text. 2) Insert the missed punctuation marks. 3) Insert the missed n and nn in the suffixes of communion and adjectives.

From morning to evening I was with a grandmother on the deck under a clear sky between gilded .. and in the autumn of the banks of the Volga. Over the river, the sun was imperceptibly floated around the green ... Mountains of the city and the village of Golden autumn. By evening, the steamer stopped at the pier closely clogged down.

At the very top of the street stood grandfather squat home painted .. the dirty-pink paint with an incomplete .. well, low roof and pumped up. The whole house was nailed to be novelly .. me by people of the military .. one of the Tatars with a little wife who played on a richly decorated .. a guitar is a blue uncle Peter, the tribal .. the back of his stand length .. the Tatar Valley. The whole room of the latter was forced .. and drawers and chosen .. and things. He was sitting in red leather .. my jacket is smeared .. the colors were met .. and embarrassing and melted lead. Uncle Peter brought jam in Greater Glyenyan .. a bank. Grandmother sat on the edge of the oven leaning towards people is lit. .. half a little tin .. way lamp. Adults talked about the fact that there is no great post in Paris when you can only eat quashers .. my cabbage salty .. my mushrooms potatoes with linen .. oh oil. Everyone drank a lot of ate children gave the living..the and the hot but countries gradually flared up. (According to M.Gorkom "Childhood")

This type of work implies a repetition on the topic "Spelling - and -n-in different parts of speech". The occupation can be used in preparation for GIA, when analyzing the tasks A7.

Remote occupation consists of two parts:

1st part - theoretical material in the form of tables and schemes, presentation is presented;

2nd part - exercises on the subject of classes.

Students get a task through an electronic diary, they can also take work through an electronic diary (magazine), can be sent to the teacher email or pass in printed form.



Remote occupation in Russian, Preparation for GIA

SUBJECT: "Spelling H and NN in different parts of speech. A 7 "

Task number 1 (theory)

Get acquainted with the presentation on the topic "Spelling N and NN in different parts of speech" (repetition)

Task number 2 (theory)

Disassemble tables, helping to master the algorithm for determining the writing H and NN in different parts of speech

Task number 3 (practical)

Insert missing letters in exercises using presentation and tables in the work.

Exercise 1.

Insert n or nn (words with dedicated letters - sample execution)

Aviation NN. parade, active storm ... .ik, crimson .... The forest, unwitting ....y day, white sand ... .ik, fast ....., Great journey ...ik, funny name ... .ik, wind ..... , wind ..... The man, eternal country ...ik, enthusiastly .... History, guests .... The headset, thick risi ...ik, a tree .... The house, beasts .... Peer, spark ..... IR, leather .... The wallet, hemp .... Oh oil, Kostya ... glue, foliage .... Pokrov, Masha .... Equipment, young friends ... .ik, causing .... Eagles .... The eye, excellent ... .ik, sir ... .y beach, letter .... Answer, wound ....yle ... IR, Rummy ....y kid, SWIT .... Salo, Silver .... Old Merve ... .ik, glass .. a glass, dry hemp ... .ik, warm premie ... .ik, peat .... Own swamp, cozy guests ....z, excursiousness ....

Exercise 2.

Again "Roman"! If it were not for the intriguing name, then it would not be worth reading. We will have to insert H or NN.

"Sleep after lunch is harmful"

Once a street ..... Osie .... In the afternoon ... .ik art .... School, Yu ..... And rumay .... Journey ...ik. I was driving to watch the parade of the Fatherland .... Aviacyto .... He is in the faces .... The pace was twisted the pedals of the bike. Quickly flashed the crust .... The forest. Windmake ....aya Mill, Song .... And Kama .... Things, rivers with a tree .... The baths and premix .... Highlights, watering ....

Overcoming the length .... The way, Yu .... The journey ...ik gave himself a dinner .... The break. On the empty .... The bank not far from peat ... .ka, next to the thick row .... And sat down on the straw .... And the mattress is small .... And Lostal from Bereshchi .... Pancakes from bli .... So flour and sovet .... Thinking with straight ... Pulled the glass ....y cup. Clay ....y jug with pumpkin .... Juice, tin .... I am a bowl, older .... I am a silver ....uble spoon and bone .... From the skin .... The cover took karma .... The knife cut the branches and cooked on the fire ...

Afterbid, faced and fell asleep. Gloss to him Tum .... Weight ....y day. He is in an unusual .... "Guests ..... Art ..... Flowers and a picture .... Galleries, beautiful ko .... "Statues of riders. Fountains with ice .... Water and gardens with Limo .... Threes, well-groomed by invisible windows .... He walks like a name ... .ik, and it rejoices. But enthusiastly .... The mood of the post .... But the sleepy is replaced .... Since in all guests .... He is unity .... Feeling the bal ..... And the municipality .... And he tried to open the window to visit ..... Hurra .... The wind burst into the room, blown down with a letter .... The table of the letter appeals .... History, rolled into the mouse .... I mink Merve ...ik and ...

Here yu .... The journey ....ik woke up, I realized that all this was an interview ....y sleep, and sleeping .... The fear had its foundations, as a little more - and he, like the wind .... A man would miss Celebration .... Opening a parade. Still more .... He twisted bicycle pedals and, well done, managed on time!


N and nn in adjectives, the exclusive adjectives, the suffering gestances of the past time; Combathers that moved into the discharge of adjectives


Adjectives formed from nouns

1) -in-, -an-, -
cranes n y
clay n yy
leather n y

sl.: Tin NN
Glass of NN

2) brief form:
as much as in full
syl Na - strong

1) -on-, -n
excursion NN
straw nn y

spl.: Wind, but
sleepur NN

2) the basis on H + Suf. N.
kamen b - Kamen + n

3) brief form:
as much as in full
tum NN Aya - Tum NN A

Otgal adjectives

1) From the verbs of nonsense. View
knitted (knit)
2) no console
knia ny
3) no dependent word
knitted scarf
4) No - -Own-, - ,-
knia ny


Paded Time Practitioners

1) brief form

b N.
pokrating N.

1) full form
(from verbs of owls. Views)
correspondent NN (Tie)
2) there is a prefix
painting NN
3) there is a dependent word
(from verbs of non-zavov. View)
knage nn knitted scarf
4) is - -Okov-, -Ev- ,-
marine ovna
asphalt Irova

Communions that moved into the discharge of adjectives


1) full form

razmi nn girl

2) brief form
girl scattering nn a

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