Providing assistance with food poisoning. First aid rules for poisoning

Each of us has probably faced food poisoning. The consequences of the fact that a person has eaten "something wrong" can take different forms. However, in any case, intoxication for a certain period of time "turns off" us from life with various manifestations that we want to quickly cope with. What can you do to help yourself as effectively as possible? Moreover, competent first aid food poisoning can save the victim from many troubles that he will surely face if he behaves incorrectly when identifying the first signs of intoxication.

Of course, when the poisoned person has lost consciousness, he has convulsions or vomiting and diarrhea does not stop and even increases, then it is very important to hospitalize the patient as soon as possible. The same must be done if you are completely poisoned. small child... It is extremely dangerous to rinse your baby's stomach at home on your own.

It should be noted that of all the types of poisoning, food intoxication is the most common. These are quite acute conditions arising from the use of, for example, food that contains toxins of any origin.

Food intoxication is divided into three types:

  • arising from the ingestion of poisonous insects, animals, fish, plants,
  • caused by one or another chemicalsinto the stomach.

Of these three types, the most common is the second option - PTI, caused by pathogenic microbes and their waste products, toxins. Their causative agents are quite often:

  • proteus,
  • klebsiella,
  • staphylococci,
  • clostridia,
  • citrobacters and others.

Sources of these microbes can be sick or healthy peoplethat are carriers of bacteria, as well as animals. Getting on the product, microbes begin to multiply actively, releasing toxins that often do not change the look and smell of food, especially on early stages her infection.

Symptoms of food poisoning in an adult

Basically, food poisoning in adults manifests itself in this way:

  • spasms, pain in the stomach and along the intestines,
  • constant nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea,
  • gas, a feeling that the intestines are bursting,
  • weakness, dizziness,
  • headache,
  • tachycardia,
  • visual disorder - blurred outlines of objects, double vision, a feeling of fog in the eyes,
  • sometimes there is a subfebrile temperature (up to 38 ° C).

In especially severe cases, there are:

  • loss of consciousness,
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure,
  • convulsions.

In this case, the first aid for food poisoning should be as follows:

  • lay the patient on a flat surface,
  • put his head on one side so that he does not choke on vomit,
  • make sure that he does not hurt himself with convulsions,
  • call in ambulance.

How quickly can food poisoning manifest itself? It all depends on the type of toxins that cause it. If poisonous mushrooms and plants are eaten, then literally in 15 minutes the first signs of intoxication will make themselves felt. When we are dealing with PTI, on average, the most "interesting" begins about a couple of hours after eating spoiled food.

However, these numbers are approximate, because a lot determines:

  • the state of health of the poisoned person,
  • his way of life,
  • what did he eat before,
  • what medications did you take
  • whether alcohol or drugs were present.

In any case, the signs of poisoning will still manifest themselves, and the person and / or those around him must determine whether he is able to cope on his own or if he needs qualified medical assistance. So that it doesn't turn out that they called an ambulance, but I don't want to go to the hospital. Then why bother the doctors if they were not going to be treated? This means that the condition is not so bad as to go to the hospital and the home option of first aid for food poisoning will help.

It is quite another matter when a small child is poisoned. Here, parents should definitely call the doctor, but they themselves should take measures to help their baby cope with intoxication.

First aid for a child with food poisoning

How to determine that your baby has acute food poisoning and you need to urgently call the hospital:

  • high temperature, up to 38 ° C, which does not subside for two hours,
  • increasing pain, abdominal cramps that do not go away after bowel movement and / or vomiting,
  • persistent urge to vomit, diarrhea,
  • no urination for more than 4-5 hours,
  • high salivation,
  • difficulty breathing and swallowing
  • skin have a bluish tint,
  • fainting.

Even if your child is showing signs of a mild food poisoning, it is still worth calling the doctor for advice on what is best to do.

What do we call mild intoxication in a baby?

  • upset stool, urge no more than 3-5 times a day,
  • short-term vomiting,
  • slight and short-term increase in temperature.

What should be done in any case, while you are waiting for a doctor or an ambulance?

  • Provide the baby with a plentiful drink, a single volume of which depends on the age of the baby. If the baby is only 1 month old, one teaspoon as a single dose will be sufficient. Older children should be given more fluid.
  • Try it if he is over two years old; at home, you can induce a gag reflex in your baby by pressing on the root of the tongue with a clean finger or a teaspoon. This action must be repeated until the emetic water becomes clear.
  • After the next episode of vomiting, lay the baby on one side so that there is no sudden aspiration (suction) of stomach contents into the lungs.
  • When the stomach is flushed and there is no urge to vomit, it is necessary to prevent dehydration by often giving the baby a drink.
  • Give a sorbent created especially for babies. Older children, 5-6 years old, it is permissible to give activated carbon, crushed and dissolved in water, at the rate of a tablet per kilogram of weight.

After the main symptoms of poisoning in the baby have been stopped - at home or in the hospital - it is necessary to support his digestive tract with a gentle diet. With this question, contact your doctor who will help you create a menu suitable for your child's age.

First aid for an adult with food poisoning

Rendering in this case is reduced, first of all, to gastric lavage. For this purpose, you can use both ordinary water and special solutions. If not in the first aid kit, prepare glucose saline solution at home. For example, mix a teaspoon of salt and sugar in a glass of water.

If vomiting does not come by itself, you need to induce it by pressing on the root of the tongue with two fingers. After the emetic solution is clear, gastric lavage can be stopped.

Now you need to take care to stop the absorption of toxins through the intestinal wall. Sorbents will help with this. The most popular is activated carbon, it is drunk according to the following calculation: for every 10 kg of body weight, 1 tablet.

If, after taking coal, the patient feels vomiting, let him wait 20-30 minutes for the sorbent to begin its effect. Then you can rip everything out, and when everything calms down, take the coal again. Usually, after the second attempt, there is no urge to vomit, and coal actively collects the remains of toxins in the intestines.

After that, lay the patient down, because the poisoning provokes severe weakness. Put a towel dipped in salt water on his forehead, which will additionally "draw out" toxins and give a pleasant coolness, relieving stress.

After removing all the symptoms of poisoning, you need to drink a lot, because sorbents cause dehydration.

At first, it is better to drink just clean warm water, then, if the patient does not get worse, you can switch to herbal anti-inflammatory infusions, tea with honey. On the first day, it is recommended only to drink and completely refuse to eat, even if the appetite has woken up. Such fasting will help the body quickly recuperate and return a person to shape better than any medication and, moreover, food.

Dos and Don'ts for Food Poisoning

  • Induce a gag reflex in a pregnant woman or when a person has lost consciousness.
  • To flush the stomach for children under two years old.
  • if a person has seizures or heart disease.
  • Put a heating pad on your stomach.
  • Give fixing decoctions or drugs for diarrhea.
  • Induce vomiting if poisoned with oil, acid, or alkali.
  • Do an enema on your own, especially for young children, pregnant women and the elderly.
  • Give soda water, milk to drink.
  • Give acidic solutions for alkali poisoning and vice versa.

Prevention of food poisoning

It is impossible to insure 100% against food poisoning, however, there are a number of rules, the observance of which minimizes the possibility of suffering from this kind of intoxication:

  • favor “safe” foods that look and smell like they should,
  • observe the temperature regime when cooking,
  • do not store cooked food for a long time,
  • follow the storage rules for all products,
  • when reheating previously cooked food, bring it to the highest possible temperature,
  • make sure that raw and cooked dishes do not come into contact with each other,
  • wash your hands often
  • keep your kitchen perfectly clean,
  • keep all products out of the reach of pets and various pests,
  • take care of the purity of the water used.

If food poisoning cannot be avoided, the first thing to take care of is gastric lavage. Then proceed according to the scheme given in this article, and, we hope, recovery will not take long.

The poison is ingested through the mouth, blood and airways... The further result of therapy depends on how quickly and correctly the necessary actions are carried out. Feature - the inevitable process of vomiting. After gastric lavage, we provide first aid in case of poisoning:


With mild and moderate intoxication, we wash the stomach, without medication.


We accept a sorbent (activated carbon). We drink abundantly, adhere to the regime and diet.

Poisonous substances, gas, smoke

We take the patient out into the air. We cause a spasm of vomiting, rinse your mouth and throat with soda (1 tablespoon of soda in a glass of water).


We put the patient on his side, move the lower arm forward, provide an air flow. Rinsing every 30-40 minutes.


We eliminate the remnants of the poison: dilute manganese in water at room temperature and cause vomiting spasm.


We find out the dosage of the medicine taken by the victim, we cause vomiting spasms.

Rules for the provision of first aid for food poisoning

Primary signals of food poisoning appear within 1-2 hours after ingestion of low-quality, dangerous, contaminated food. It is important to provide the victim with prehospital medical care in a timely manner in order to avoid deterioration of the condition.

Food intoxication is provoked by bacteria (salmonella, botulism bacillus, staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli) found in food.

Poisoning Signs of intestinal infections
  • dilated / narrowed pupils;
  • drowsiness, tiredness.
  • loss of consciousness;
  • temporary blindness;
  • increased heart rate.
Poisonous substances (household chemical)
  • burns and abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea.
  • temperature (39-40c).
  • decreased appetite;
  • dizziness.
  • a fit of hysteria;
  • panic;
  • hallucinations;
  • dilated pupils.
  • profuse diarrhea;
  • convulsions;
  • hallucinations;
  • suffocation.
Gas, smoke.
  • dizziness and headache;
  • shortness of breath;
  • loss of consciousness.

Vomiting and nausea are accompanied in every form of administration! Method of gastric lavage - help # 1.

Every adult has faced food intoxication. The provocateur causing the condition is the penetration of poor-quality food into the body. Bacterial contamination of food. In addition to intoxication with alcohol, drugs, mushrooms, medications, poisonous substances, gas, smoke, one of the most common types found in everyday life - food poisoning.

Food of animal origin is considered unsafe: sausage, meat, fish, canned food, dairy products, including confectionery cream, ice cream. Crushed pieces of meat - jelly, minced meat, pate, are especially easily infected.

Depending on the dosage of the infected product, the hour period for the onset of the first symptoms depends. Poisoning can occur within 30 minutes after eating or 20-26 hours later.

Distinctive properties intestinal infection are considered:

  1. General painful condition.
  2. Intense nausea (sometimes with high intermittent frequency).
  3. Spasmodic pain in the abdomen.
  4. Diarrhea.
  5. Skin discoloration to pale.
  6. Feeling of dry mouth and thirst.
  7. Loss of strength, lowering of blood pressure.
  8. Decrease or increase in heart rate.
  9. The appearance of chills and an increase in body temperature.
  10. Fainting and convulsions are less common.

Actions taken at the first symptoms of an intestinal infection are aimed at eliminating toxic components from the body and preventing dehydration.

General algorithm of emergency actions in case of poisoning at home

  • urgently block the access of the poisonous substance;
  • rinse the stomach: while standing, drink in one gulp in large sips the maximum amount of warm bottled water, provoke vomiting (pressing your finger on the root of the tongue). Repeat the process until the remaining residues in the stomach cease to come out along with the water;
  • use adsorbents. Prevents the penetration of toxins into the blood. Activated carbon (per 10 kg of weight - 1 tab.). The adsorbent exists in the form of powder, tablets, solutions. Conduct symptomatic therapy (taking medications that correct the body functions disturbed due to the intake of poison);
  • drink the maximum amount of liquid. Drink non-carbonated mineral water to stay hydrated;
  • cleanse the intestines, preferably in a natural way (diarrhea). If your body's function hasn't worked since the toxins hit, take a laxative.

When taking a laxative, adhere to the dosage indicated on the package. Pay attention to the frequency of carry-over, as it leads to dehydration.

After each emptying, drink a glass of warm, still bottled water.

  • stick to a diet, light fasting. The first days, reduce the volume of food intake and refuse spicy, fatty and other irritating food to the stomach, or completely refuse to take food (with the permission of the doctor).

Do not delay the intoxication period and urgently take the necessary actions. In urgent cases, call an ambulance. It is not always known what caused the attack; self-medication does not always effectively cope with the problem.

You need to call an ambulance if:

  1. Child under 3 years old.
  2. Pregnant woman.
  3. Elderly person.
  4. Intoxication is accompanied by intense diarrhea over 9 times a day.
  5. Frequent vomiting spasms.
  6. Depression increases.
  7. Suspicious symptoms can be the cause of another disease.

With serious intestinal infections, such as salmonella, shigella, botulism bacillus, the symptoms typical of ordinary poisoning may not be observed.

If you are intoxicated with food, gas, or other infection, do not panic and follow step by step in providing competent first aid before the arrival of doctors. Food poisoning is a violation of the vital activity of the body, formed due to the penetration of toxic components or poisonous substances into it.

Depending on the nature of the intestinal infection, effective measures are taken to provide 1st aid - a complex of therapeutic and prophylactic actions carried out before the intervention of a medical examination by a doctor. Common poisoning, accompanied by nausea, vomiting cramps, diarrhea and painful sensations in the abdomen. We advise the victim to take 3-5 grams. activated carbon at intervals of every 15 minutes for 1 hour, drink enough water, do not eat, and certainly seek medical attention.

There are cases of intentional or accidental intoxication with medications and alcohol.

In this case, the first steps in providing assistance are as follows:

  • prepare a salt and soda solution: 2 liters. water - 20g. salt and 10g. soda. We wash the stomach with liquid. We repeat the process until the vomit is cleared;
  • take an adsorbent: 1 kg. live weight 10 tab. activated carbon;
  • we observe the condition of the victim and wait for the arrival of the ambulance.

Timely and high-quality first aid for poisoning gives a chance for a speedy recovery.

What not to do

Low-quality food, household chemicals, alcoholic beverages, poisonous plants, volatile and other substances, medicines - an incomplete list of causes of intoxication of the digestive system of the body. Failure to comply with the necessary algorithm of actions will lead to a "visit" to the infectious diseases department in the hospital or intensive care unit. The key to successful manipulations with a patient depends on the qualifications of physicians, the availability of medicines, how timely and high-quality assistance will be provided, which is necessary in case of poisoning, and how quickly the patient is admitted to the clinic.

There are a number of mistakes made by people who are far from the principles of first aid. Stick to consistent rules that will help eliminate a number of mistakes that can worsen the victim's health:

  1. Do not ask incompetent acquaintances, neighbors, or friends for an antidote to poisoning. Don't look for information on the Internet either.
  2. If the person is unconscious, do not provoke vomiting spasms. May cause suffocation with vomit.
  3. Children under 6 years of age are at risk, gastric lavage, other manipulations need to be performed in the presence of a doctor or with his permission.
  4. If the victim has been poisoned with gasoline, other petroleum products, in no case provoke vomiting spasms in him. Since the ingress of oil into the respiratory tract leads to the formation of a severe stage of pneumonia, a lethal outcome is possible.
  5. Soda or alkaline solution is prohibited in cases of drunk acid. The situation with the drunk alkali is inversely proportional. This will harm the mucous membrane of the body and provoke a burn due to the chemical reaction of the components.

Competent rendering of the first medical aid important in food poisoning. The result of subsequent treatment and recovery depends on it. The ingress of poison into the bloodstream causes complications and does not contribute to a speedy recovery. Any intoxication is accompanied by a number of events and hospitalization of the poisoned person.

Food poisoning is extremely dangerous for humans. Decay products, toxins, viruses and microbes that enter the body with expired or poorly cooked food attack the gastrointestinal tract, causing indomitable vomiting, upset stools and general malaise. Due to such characteristic symptoms, the body quickly loses the fluid and nutrients necessary for its proper functioning. Therefore, first aid for food poisoning is mandatory, because in the absence of it, even death can occur.

Specificity of food poisoning

In case of food poisoning, intoxication manifestations are classified according to 2 signs:

  1. Bacterial (infectious). They provoke viruses and other protozoa that enter the body through low-quality foods and drinks.
  2. Not bacterial (toxic). Toxic and toxic substances that are not intended for human consumption enter the gastrointestinal tract.

The danger of food poisoning is due to the following factors:

  • The latent (incubation) period is insignificant (no more than 6 hours);
  • The development of the intoxication process is rapid;
  • : all people who have eaten a substandard or unsuitable product will be poisoned;
  • All cooked long-term food items are potentially dangerous to humans;
  • Expired and low-quality products outwardly do not stand out from other food.

Most often, food intoxication is provoked by the following products:

  • Cheeses;
  • Mayonnaise and dishes that contain it;
  • Sweets: pastries, cakes and pies;
  • Sausage.

Methyl alcohol poisoning is extremely dangerous. This substance is a surrogate for ethanol. That is, methanol is a technical alcohol that is added to products household chemicals... It is prohibited for oral administration.

It happens very quickly. Its immediate absorption begins in the stomach. In the process of exposure to gastric juice, alcohol is converted into formic acid and formaldehyde. These substances poison all systems and organs, killing cells and completely blocking their functioning.

The use of methyl alcohol as alcoholic beverage fraught with serious consequences. When taken, kidney damage occurs instantly, even after a low concentration of methanol. Then the functioning is disrupted nervous system, the work of the stomach and intestines. If you do not provide first aid in time and do not hospitalize the poisoned person, death will occur.

Typical symptoms

In case of food poisoning, the manifestation of the symptomatic picture begins within 2-5 hours after the ingress of toxins into the human alimentary tract. Without the provision of appropriate assistance, intoxication progresses for another 2-3 days, then irreversible consequences begin in the body.

The manifestation of symptoms depends on several factors:

  • The type of toxic effect;
  • The amount of poisonous substance eaten or drunk;
  • States immune system and the presence of concomitant chronic diseases.

However, the first signs of poisoning are always the same:

  • Increased body temperature indicators (above 38 degrees);
  • Nausea with vomiting
  • Decreased appetite or complete refusal to eat;
  • Prostration;
  • in the form of diarrhea, which is accompanied by paroxysmal pain in the abdomen;
  • Increased gas formation;


With large doses of toxic substances that have entered the body, symptoms develop in just 2-3 hours. In this case, the person needs urgent medical attention.

If intoxication is caused by neurotoxic poisons, the symptoms are aggravated:

  • Violation, and then complete loss of visual perception;
  • Aggressiveness, excitability, delirium, hallucinations;
  • , paralysis;
  • Involuntary discharge of saliva, stool, and urine.


In pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, elderly people, intoxication caused by poisoning is very difficult. In the absence of appropriate assistance, it can be fatal.

First aid needed

First aid should be started immediately after signs of body intoxication appear.

Its main task is to eliminate as quickly as possible toxins that have not yet managed to penetrate into the bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. To do this, you need to thoroughly cleanse the stomach and intestines from food debris.

It is important!

Acetic acid poisoning does not involve gastric lavage. Organ cleansing should be done by professionals in a medical facility.

The stomach can be cleansed with potassium permanganate. To prepare the solution, stir several grains of the substance in warm water so that it becomes pale pink. Potassium permanganate can be replaced with baking soda or salt in a ratio of 2 liters per tablespoon. If these substances are not available or the time for rendering assistance is extremely limited, you can use ordinary warm boiled water.


Using cold water for gastric lavage is prohibited! With hypothermia of the organ, the speed of advancement increases toxic substances along the esophagus.

They drink water in small sips, trying to drink the entire prepared solution without interruption. If gagging does not start on its own, they must be induced artificially by pressing on the root of the tongue with fingers or a spoon.

The procedure is carried out until the stomach is completely empty. This can be determined by clean water, which will come out instead of vomit.


If a poisoned person does not have diarrhea, you need to empty his intestines in order to accelerate the elimination of poisons from the body. For these purposes, an enema or drugs with a laxative effect are used.


After complete cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract, you cannot eat for a day!

During this time, you need to drink a lot. The liquid will replenish the lost moisture and remove the remains of toxic substances in the urine. You should give preference to boiled salted or mineral water... Strong tea with added sugar will help replenish strength, and chamomile solution disinfects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

After the stomach and intestines have got rid of toxins, you need to help the body to remove their compounds, which have already penetrated into the tissues. For this, sorbents are used. The drugs have a binding effect, removing poisonous decay products and other harmful substances accumulated in the intestines along with feces.

Among the most popular sorbents is activated carbon, which is taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. For beneficial influence white coal 2-3 tablets are enough for the body.


The presence of diarrhea does not require the use of activated charcoal. With loose stools, coal slows down the removal of pathogenic microflora from the body.

Required information

If first aid for poisoning is provided correctly, you can continue treatment at home.

After complete cleansing, the poisoned person is provided with complete rest. If chills develop, cover him with a warm blanket with a heating pad on his feet. If the body temperature has increased, you can use antipyretic drugs.


It is forbidden to prescribe and take antibiotics and analgesics on your own! When possible complications these medicines significantly distort clinical picture, which will complicate the diagnosis.

After improving the condition for 3-4 days, you need to adhere to a strict diet, refusing to use fried, fatty and other junk food... You need to eat in small portions, chewing food thoroughly.

Urgent Care medical staff is necessary if the patient continues to have the following symptoms:

  • Signs of intoxication do not go away for more than three days;
  • Poisoning symptoms do not diminish, but increase;
  • Severe diarrhea lasting more than 3 days;
  • Blood impurities are present in the feces;
  • Abdominal pains do not subside, and dizziness, pain syndrome in the area of \u200b\u200binternal organs join them;
  • Increased body temperature indicators persist for more than two days;
  • Asthma attacks begin.


If food intoxication occurs in elderly people or babies under three years old, PMP is necessary.

Preventive measures

Properly provided, timely assistance will prevent dangerous consequences food poisoning.

However, the symptoms of intoxication are extremely unpleasant, and during treatment, a person cannot lead a normal life. It is not difficult to avoid pathological manifestations of intoxication. To do this, you need to follow simple precautions:

  • Hands should be thoroughly washed with soap before eating and preparing;
  • Before eating fresh vegetables, fruits or herbs, rinse them under running water;
  • Meat, and do not use without prior heat treatment;
  • Always use separate tools for cutting and cutting fish: knife and board;
  • Defrost meat in the microwave or refrigerator;
  • Before buying food, check the expiration dates;
  • Do not use cooked foods that have been stored for more than two days;
  • Regularly monitor the temperature in the refrigerator: it should not be less than 30 degrees.

The rules of prevention are simple and consist in observing hygiene standards. Do not cook a large number of dishes at once and store them for several days. Cook often and enjoy. Then you don't have to face such a nuisance as food poisoning.

When eating poor-quality (infected) animal products (meat, fish, sausages, canned meat and fish, milk and products made from it - cream, ice cream, etc.), food poisoning occurs - food toxicoinfection.

The disease is caused by the microbes in this product and their waste products - toxins.
Meat, fish can become infected during the life of animals, but most often this occurs during the preparation of food and as a result of improper storage of food. Chopped meat (pate, jellied meat, minced meat, etc.) is especially easily infected. The first symptoms of the disease appear 2-4 hours after ingestion of the contaminated product. In some cases, the disease can develop over a long period of time - 20-26 hours.

The disease usually begins suddenly: there is general malaise, nausea, repeated vomiting, cramping abdominal pains, frequent loose stools, sometimes mixed with mucus and streaks of blood. Intoxication is rapidly increasing, manifested by a decrease in blood pressure, increased and weakened pulse, pallor of the skin, thirst, high temperature (38-40 ° C).
If the patient is left without help, cardiovascular failure develops catastrophically quickly, muscle contractions occur, collapse and death occur.

First aid.

First aid is:

  • In immediate gastric lavage with water using a gastric tube or by inducing artificial vomiting - drinking plenty of warm water (1.5-2 liters), followed by irritation of the tongue root. Rinse should be done to "clean water". Drinking plenty of fluids is also necessary with self-vomiting.
  • For the prompt removal of infected products from the intestines, the patient must be given carbolene ("stomach" charcoal) and a laxative (25 g of a saline laxative in half a glass of water or 30 ml of castor oil).
  • It is forbidden to take any food (within 1-2 days), but an abundant drink is prescribed. In the acute period (after gastric lavage), hot tea or coffee is indicated.
  • The patient needs to be warmed by putting heating pads (to the legs, arms).
  • Contributes to recovery by ingesting sulfonamides (sulgin, phthalazol 0.5 g 4-6 times a day) or antibiotics (chloramphenicol 0.5 g 4-6 times a day, chloro-tetracycline hydrochloride (300,000 IU 4 times a day) 2-3 days).
  • The patient's feces and vomit must be disinfected directly in the vessel (mixing with dry bleach). An ambulance should be called to the victim or taken to a medical facility.

All persons who have eaten suspicious foods should be monitored for 1-2 days and hospitalized if they have similar symptoms.

Mushroom poisoning.

Mushroom poisoning can occur when taking poisonous mushrooms (red or gray fly agaric, false mushroom, pale toadstool, false champignon, etc.), as well as edible mushrooms if they are spoiled (moldy, covered with mucus, stored for a long time). The most poisonous is the pale toadstool - fatal poisoning can occur when taking even one mushroom. It should be remembered that boiling does not destroy the poisonous substances found in the mushrooms.

The first signs of poisoning are noticeable after a few hours (11 / 2-3 hours). Against the background of rapidly growing weakness, drooling, nausea, repeated excruciating vomiting, severe colicky abdominal pain, headache, and dizziness appear. Soon, diarrhea (often bloody) and symptoms of damage to the nervous system occur: visual disturbances, delirium, hallucinations, motor agitation, convulsions.

With severe poisoning, especially with a pale toadstool, excitement sets in rather quickly (after 6-10 hours); it is replaced by drowsiness, indifference. During this period, cardiac activity sharply weakens, decreases blood pressure, body temperature, jaundice appears. If the patient is not helped, then a collapse develops, quickly leading to death.

First aid for mushroom poisoning often plays a decisive role in saving the patient.

  • It is necessary to immediately begin gastric lavage with water, preferably a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate using a probe or by artificially induced vomiting.
  • It is useful to add adsorbents to the solution: activated carbon, carbolene.
  • Then they give a laxative ( castor oil and a saline laxative), cleansing enemas are given several times.
  • After these procedures, the patient must be warmly covered and overlaid with heating pads, given hot sweet tea and coffee to drink.
  • The patient should be taken to medical institutionwhere he will be provided medical assistancethat all these patients need.


Botulism- spicy infection, in which the central nervous system is damaged by toxins secreted by the anaerobic spore-bearing bacillus. Botulism refers to foodborne diseases, since poisoning occurs when you eat foods contaminated with this bacillus.

Most often, botulism infects foods that are cooked without sufficient hot processing: jerky and smoked meat and fish, sausages, old meat, fish, canned vegetables. The period from ingestion of contaminated food to the appearance of the first signs of the disease is often short - 12-24 hours; but in some cases it can be extended up to several days.

The disease begins with headache, general malaise, dizziness. There is no stool, the stomach is swollen. The body temperature remains normal. The condition worsens, after a day from the onset of the disease, signs of severe damage to the central nervous system appear: double vision, strabismus, prolapse upper eyelid, paralysis of the soft palate - the voice becomes indistinct, the act of swallowing is disturbed. Abdominal distension increases, and urinary retention is observed. The disease progresses rapidly and the patient is within the first 5 days dies of paralysis of the respiratory center and heart failure.

First aid is similar to that for other food poisoning:

  • Gastric lavage with a weak solution of sodium bicarbonate, potassium permanganate with the addition of adsorbents - activated carbon, carbolene,
  • Laxatives, cleansing enemas,
  • Abundant hot drink (tea, milk).
  • It is necessary to know that the main method of treatment is the prompt administration of specific antibotulinic serum to the patient, therefore, the patient with botulism must be immediately taken to the hospital.

The cause of poisoning is the ingress of toxic components into the body, which negatively affect not a person, and in some cases, provoke death. The poison penetrates in different ways - through oral cavity or mucous membranes of the nose and eyes, through the lungs, skin, after snake and insect bites. First aid for poisoning depends on the method of penetration of the poisonous substance into the human body.

Carbon monoxide poisoning

The peculiarity of gas is the absence of color, aroma, as well as its heaviness relative to air. It is able to quickly penetrate obstacles, and many types of respirators do not cope with it.

The danger of defeat is that it has the ability to bind to hemoglobin, harming red blood cells. When exposed to hemoglobin, the latter loses the ability to carry oxygen to human tissues and organs, which leads to oxygen starvation, and then to hypoxia.


  • a person has headaches with nausea and dizziness;
  • patients complain of heaviness in the head, disorientation, hearing noises in the organs of hearing;
  • pulse quickens, muscle weakness appears with drowsiness;
  • consciousness is often confused with a light-headed state, in some cases an increase in anxiety or euphoria is likely;
  • the skin becomes pale, there is severe shortness of breath.

When providing first aid, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Eliminate the cause of the defeat and take the person out to clean air. In such a situation, an active supply of oxygen is required.
  2. Relieve breathing by removing clothing or crushing clothing.
  3. Place the victim in a horizontal position on his side.
  4. When in a state of consciousness, drink sweetened hot tea or give coffee.
  5. If there is no consciousness, bring a cotton wool with ammonia to the nasal cavity.
  6. In the absence of signs of vital activity, carry out resuscitation.

To exclude cases of poisoning, it is necessary not to allow overnight stays in the garage and do not use a gas-type burner in confined spaces for heating. Do not sleep in a vehicle if the engine is running, especially in an enclosed space.

Such damage to the body is associated with a violation of the digestive processes due to the use of low-quality products of a toxic nature. manifests itself in the form:

  1. Toxic infections of food origin due to the intake of products that are affected by pathogenic microorganisms. This is observed when eating stale food or in case of non-compliance with hygiene and sanitation standards.
  2. Toxic damage of a non-infectious type - toxins that enter the body become the source of negative phenomena. In particular, we are talking about chemicals and poisonous mushrooms with plants.


Signs of poisoning are pronounced, they arise quickly enough and actively develop:

  • patients complain of cramps and pain in the abdomen, nausea and urge to vomit;
  • there is diarrhea, deterioration in general health, weakness and lethargy;
  • with severe intoxication, the body temperature rises to 39 ° C or exceeds this level;
  • the pulse becomes more frequent, active salivation is observed;
  • breathing may be difficult, possibly unconscious.

First aid for food poisoning

After food poisoning, you must:

  1. Flush the stomach, removing food residues with toxins from it. The procedure is carried out with a soda solution. For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. soda is diluted in 1.5-2 liters of warm water after boiling. After taking a small amount, induce vomiting, and then repeat the action.
  2. Use sorbent preparations to prevent the absorption of harmful components into the blood. The most commonly used is activated carbon. Dosage 1 table. per 10 kg of body weight. You can use Enterosgel, Lactofiltrum, Smecta.
  3. Give the victim more liquid to compensate for losses with vomiting and diarrhea. The norm is up to 3 liters per day. It is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp. l. salt in 1 liter of water or take Regidron.
  4. Do not eat food during the first days after poisoning, and then follow a strict diet.

In this case, it is not allowed to provoke vomiting if the patient is unconscious or there are assumptions about damage from acids and alkalis. In the latter case, immediate hospitalization is required.

For prevention purposes, hygiene should be observed - wash your hands and avoid violations in storing food or preparing food. When buying products, check the expiration dates, the integrity of the packages, appearance... Eliminate drinking unboiled water and visiting questionable catering establishments.

Chemical poisoning

Chemicals can affect the body when using household chemicals, after taking medications. You can poison yourself with paints, chemical production materials. Poisonous components enter through the breathing channels, digestive system, by contact with skin and mucous membranes.


Symptoms depend on the specific method of exposure:

  1. Shortness of breath and breathing problems occur on contact with chemical vapors. Along with acute respiratory failure, the channels experience the effect of burns, and respiratory activity is likely to stop. The skin turns pale and blue, hallucinations occur, and the victim loses consciousness.
  2. If the poisons enter the esophagus, then the throat, the digestive tract organs hurt, since the mucous membranes are burned. Nausea occurs, and in the vomit there are clots from blood that has clotted. They also appear in loose stools. Dehydration is observed.
  3. On contact with the skin, alkaline acids can burn the surface. Penetrating under the epithelium, they begin to be absorbed into the bloodstream, harming the internal systems. In places of burns, intense pain is felt, an allergy manifests itself in the form of itching, rash, redness. If the impact is strong, then the respiratory function fails and the heart rhythm is disturbed.

First aid for chemical poisoning

With such a defeat, one must quickly render first aid and send the patient to the hospital. If exposed to chemical vapors, then the victim is taken to fresh air. If the damaging factor is unknown, then it is necessary to find it out as quickly as possible.

In case of poisoning with drugs and their ingestion into the digestive system, you should:

  • cleanse the stomach by repeatedly washing with soda solution, followed by vomiting;
  • take sorbents and enveloping agents;
  • transport the victim to a hospital.

Errors in first aid

If you do not follow the principles and pre-medical nature, there is a high probability of disastrous consequences for the victim. In this regard, it is prohibited:

  1. Carry out procedures for washing the stomach if acid or alkali gets inside.
  2. Induce a gag reflex if the person who has been poisoned is not conscious. Otherwise, there is a risk that the respiratory channels will be blocked by vomit.
  3. Stimulate the activation of vomiting in patients with heart problems, in women in pregnancy with seizures.
  4. Use a laxative for acid or alkaline toxins.
  5. Take acid for alkaline intoxication and alkali for acid poisoning.

It is necessary to provide the fastest possible first aid and the participation of physicians in any type of poisoning. Very often, victims themselves are responsible for the accident, not observing safety rules when working with hazardous substances.

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