How to remove scratches from eyeglasses and sunglasses? How to remove scratches from glasses at home How to remove scratches from lenses.

Both sun protection and optical lenses are prone to scratching. Glasses require careful and careful handling, but still no one is immune from minor damages on them. When you see a scratch, don't panic. There are many products that can be used to remove scratches from glasses. If the damage is minor, the situation is usually fixable.

Disregarding glasses often leads to scratches on their surface, which distort the image, cause eye fatigue and deteriorate vision. It is best to store your glasses in a special case that protects the product from external influences. We can highlight the following recommendations for:

  1. If you notice damage, you should contact the optician. Perhaps a specialist will help remove the flaw from the lens.
  2. If scratches are found with an enviable frequency, you need to ask an optician about a special protective coating.
  3. In no case should you remove scratches from uncleaned lenses, which must be thoroughly rinsed before the procedure.

If the anti-reflective coating is damaged, remove it completely. This will greatly improve visibility. When trying to fix the problem, it is important not to damage the lenses further.

In order not to aggravate the situation, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • do not use paper and refuse from products that contain abrasive particles;
  • avoid sudden movements;
  • prepare lenses for polishing by washing them with warm soapy water.

Before starting the procedure, it will be useful to ask what recommendations for the care of the product the manufacturer gives.

If you are going to clean your glasses from scratches, you need to allocate enough time for this procedure, because it requires patience and great care. It doesn't matter which glasses are polished. To remove scratches from sunglasses or eyeglasses, the same methods are used. Only the lens material is important. So, some methods are used for glass, and others for plastic.

Toothpaste, soda and GOI

If you need to get rid of minor damage on the glass, you can use the tools at hand. For example, felt and ordinary toothpaste that does not contain abrasive particles are quite suitable for this purpose. You will also need chalk crushed to powder.

The procedure is carried out step by step:

  1. You need to coat the material with a little toothpaste.
  2. Polishing is carried out in smooth circular motions. You can apply the product to the felt more than once.
  3. You can not take a paste that contains solid particles. They can damage the lens surface even more.

You can use chalk instead of toothpaste. It is slightly moistened with water and polishes the glasses with a cloth. Finally, glass lenses are washed with warm soapy water. If you don't have a non-abrasive paste on hand, you can try using baking soda:

  1. It is necessary to dissolve the soda in such an amount of water to achieve a thick slurry.
  2. When the paste is ready, you will need to take a small amount and apply it to the felt.
  3. Soda is rubbed in a circular motion into the area where it is necessary to remove scratches on the glasses.
  4. The remains of the product should be washed off with warm soapy water.

When you managed to polish the scratches on the glasses, you need to let the lenses dry in the air. Finally, they are gently wiped off with a microfiber cloth.

You can also use GOI paste. Its consistency is different, this makes it possible to successfully use the product for the purpose of grinding glass. The paste demonstrates high efficiency, but it is important to observe the correct sequence of actions when performing polishing. If the lenses are screwed onto the frame, it is best to remove them.

A small amount of GOI is applied to felt or thick cloth, and the glass is placed on top. The damaged side must face the fabric material. The surface is sanded in a circular motion. The more serious the damage, the longer it will take to repair it.

At the end of the procedure, you need to wash the glass and insert it back into the frame. This is a great way to deal with minor damage. To eliminate more serious scratches, you will have to use a sander and car polish paste. The method is shown only when working with glasses without protective coatings, because the surface is completely sanded.

Plastic lenses

If it is possible from glass, then in the case of plastic it will not be so easy to do it. Typically, plastic lenses have an additional protective coating that is damaged by polishing. If the coating is removed, these lenses are vulnerable to new scratches.

Before starting the procedure, you need to clean the plastic well using microfiber. A special abrasive containing hydrofluoric acid is applied to the lens. It removes the top coat and scratches disappear. It is important to understand that this method is shown exclusively for plastic material. If a similar manipulation is done with a glass lens, its surface will be hopelessly damaged. Be sure to wear protective gloves. At the end, the glass is thoroughly washed in cold water.

Due to the fact that this method involves the complete removal of the anti-reflective coating, it is only a temporary help. In the future, it is still better to get new glasses. The method also copes with the elimination of scratches on sunglasses, because their lenses are usually made of plastic. In this case, you will also need to use an abrasive with hydrofluoric acid.

Do not just forget that it is imperative to remove dirt from the glasses. After cleaning the lenses, proceed according to the described algorithm. If the coating is of poor quality, it is likely to deteriorate. Then it will need to be completely removed with a cream.

You can also hide microcracks with clear nail polish. It barely stands out on the surface and boasts durability. A little varnish is applied to the damaged areas. Then the affected areas are wiped with cotton material. When the surface is level, you need to leave the lenses for a few minutes so that the varnish can dry completely. To eliminate single scratches, an ordinary toothpick is perfect, a colorless varnish is applied to it, and the scratched places are neatly filled.

You can use a spray that restores the performance of computer disks. The tool is often used in services. It is great for shallow scratches. You need to apply the liquid to the plastic and wipe it, then wipe the lens with a soft cloth.

other methods

To polish the plastic lenses, wax, which is usually used in the repair and restoration of the car body, will help. The product is rubbed into the scratched areas until the scratches are no longer visible. Remove residual wax with a soft cloth or cotton wool.

A polish for silver and copper is also fine. You can find this substance in a store or buy it online. It is necessary to spray the agent on the lens, rub and remove the residue with a clean dry cloth. The manipulation should be repeated until the problem disappears completely.

You can also find wood polish in a hardware store. The substance is sprayed onto glasses, which are then rubbed with petroleum jelly. You need to rub in until the desired result is obtained.

Those who are not afraid of experiments should try the glass washer. Some particularly inventive drivers use it to restore the look of their glasses. The product has good water-repellent properties and smoothes small irregularities remarkably. Interestingly, after such a treatment, the glass will fog up less.

In order for the glasses to last longer and not get scratched ahead of time, you must follow simple rules of operation and care. You need to wear glasses in a hard case or special pouch. When choosing a model, you should pay attention to those that have a protective coating against damage. If possible, you should purchase an additional pair of films. When needed, the owner of the glasses can glue them himself.

If you see ugly scratches on the lenses, you can try to grind the glasses of your glasses at home, but it is still better to contact an experienced specialist who is qualified in this matter. Such a master can be found in the optics store where the glasses were purchased. Often, opticians agree to remove scratches for free. When purchasing glasses for a child, it is important to explain to him the simple rules for handling a delicate product. Then it will last longer.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to extend the life of your glasses. It is important to remember that they must not be thrown in inappropriate places, and must also be carried in a case and wiped with a special material. If a scratch appears, this is not a reason to abandon the product and rush to get a new one. Most often, the situation is fixable, and the problem can be easily dealt with at home.

Polishing glasses glasses

If you use glasses carelessly, then the glasses are damaged, forming small scratches on them. Lenses with diopters, which have additional coatings, do not need to be polished, but must be replaced with new ones. After all, if you damage the surface of these lenses, it is no longer possible to restore it. But polycarbonate sun lenses can be tidied up.

How to polish glasses of glasses and what materials are needed for this?

In order to polish your glasses, you will need GOI paste, an abrasive paste for polishing cars, fiber, cloth, felt or microfiber, a sander, and also cotton wool and toothpaste.

Before you start polishing, go to the hardware store for GOI paste. It contains chromium oxide. There is also a paste with fine abrasive grains of dark green color on sale.

How to polish glasses - process

  • Apply a small amount of GOI paste to a soft cloth, sand the glasses with circular movements hands and spread the paste all over the lens.
  • If you want to polish the glasses of your glasses and get the perfect result from your work or hide a very deep scratch, then use a sander and polish the entire surface of the lenses. On a typewriter, you need to fix a foam or felt nozzle, apply GOI paste and turn on low speed. It is necessary to take short breaks from work so that the machine does not heat up.
  • You need to finish polishing glasses with vegetable oil... A little oil on the microfiber should be rubbed into the glasses on both sides, using circular motions.

How can I replace specialty materials with those on hand without ruining my lenses?

  • If you do not have GOI paste and abrasive paste, then you can still polish glasses of glasses no worse. To do this, you can use such an improvised material as toothpaste. But do not use whitening paste, otherwise its particles will only worsen the condition of the lenses. For some time, you need to wipe the glass with a paste applied to cotton wool or a cloth.
  • After that, the glasses should be rinsed in warm water and the remaining paste should be removed with a soft cloth. If you don't get the result you want, try this procedure and polish your glasses several times.

Precautions for wearing and storing glasses

If you do not want to frequently polish glasses for the future, remember that glasses require special care and proper storage. Then they will last longer without losing their quality. To do this, the glasses must be stored in a case with a soft inner lining and always wear a lens cloth with the glasses, which will help to quickly bring the transparency of the lenses to perfect condition.

Do not rub your lenses through clothing or other materials at hand, as dust particles on clothing and the structure of the fabric can damage lenses that may not be able to be repaired. So if you want to have good lenses glasses without scratches or abrasions, store and care for your glasses properly. You should not throw glasses anywhere, wear them on your head. These manipulations also harm the glasses.

In the first case, the glasses can get scratches due to friction with the surface, and in the second case, you stretch the arms and later you will not be able to wear the glasses for their intended purpose. They will simply fall off you.

But if a storage situation has already arisen without a cover or not careful attitude, then it is better to polish the glasses of the glasses before the scratches and abrasions have become deep. In this case, it is easy and simple to remove them. It just takes a little time and effort. If your glasses have got a big scratch, then it is better to immediately resort to using a sander.

Or take your glasses to an optician for specialist repair.

Scratch on sunglasses makes you wonder if you can get rid of it or have to change the lens. Usually, such a dilemma does not arise if the product was bought for 150 rubles on AliExpress, but what about those who preferred quality to price and spent several thousand on eye protection?

Scratches and scuffs on glasses are caused by:

  • careless handling;
  • improper storage (without a cover);
  • frequent wiping (for example, when the windows fog up);
  • poor-quality care (neglect of special products and wipes that provide delicate removal of dirt).

Wearing glasses with scratches and scuffs is not worth it, even if it seems that they are invisible: such an accessory will not provide high-quality protection from ultraviolet radiation, will cause optical distortions, which lead to eye fatigue, decreased visual acuity, and headaches.

On the Internet, you can find many ways to polish your lenses to get rid of scratches and abrasions. But how safe is the use of glasses after such procedures.

Is it safe to wear lenses after removing scratches

Opticians unambiguously agree that by getting rid of a scratch on the lens, we turn glasses into an accessory hazardous to the health of the eyes. This is due to the fact that:

  • most sun lenses have one or more coatings, the thickness of which can be only 0.001–0.002 mm; when polishing, it is partially removed, significantly reducing the functionality of the glasses;
  • when "handicraft" removal of scratches occurs, microscopic removal of the material occurs, which changes the geometry of the lenses and leads to distortions of the optical properties of the product, often even greater than with a scratched lens;
  • none of the methods can restore the sun's properties of the glasses.

What if you go to an optical workshop? The fact is that the process of properly removing scratches is very difficult and expensive, and the cost of such repairs would be more expensive than buying a new lens. Therefore, no optical workshop provides such a service.

The only polish you can use to polish your glasses is with a soft cloth using a lens cleaner. However, this method will not get rid of scratches.

According to experts, if the lens is scratched, there is only one way out - buying a new one.

Video: Optical Engineer's Opinion on Lens Polishing

Methods for removing scratches and abrasions

At home, you can remove small ("hairy") scratches and abrasions, but this will provide an exclusively cosmetic effect. Using glasses with lenses that have been subjected to the procedures described below is hazardous to eye health.

But what methods does popular rumor suggest to restore an attractive appearance accessory?

Even supporters of home removal of scratches and scuffs recommend in the process of working with lenses:

  • do not use paper and abrasive substances;
  • use only soft materials (flannel, suede, cotton pads or special napkins);
  • when polishing, make smooth, accurate movements;
  • take into account the advice on lens care given by the manufacturer;
  • do not try to remove scratches on prescription lenses, as this can adversely affect their corrective properties, and on coated lenses (however, almost all sunglasses are coated);
  • do not even try to remove deep scratches - nothing will work.

Home methods of restoring the flat surface of sunglasses are usually divided into 2 categories: for plastic and for glass lenses.

For glass lenses

Sunglasses with glass lenses are not as widespread as sunglasses with plastic lenses, and they are less likely to be scratched.


For this method, do not use bleaching products or formulations containing strong abrasive particles. sequencing:

  1. Apply the product to a soft cloth and gently rub over the damaged areas until the scratches disappear.
  2. Wipe the lenses with a soft, damp cloth.
  3. Buff with a piece of chamois or flannel.

Some sources advise using crushed chalk or toothpaste instead of toothpaste, but the particles of these products themselves can scratch the lens.


Even if we do not take into account that after removing a scratch the protective functions of glasses will deteriorate, the use of soda is very doubtful, because it can scratch the lens, nevertheless, "experienced" recommend:

  1. Dilute the baking soda with water until it becomes a slurry.
  2. Apply the mixture to a soft cloth and buff the damaged area.
  3. Rinse the lens with warm running water.
  4. Wipe clean with a dry soft cloth.

To enhance the effectiveness, some sources recommend mixing soda not with water, but with vinegar, without thinking about how the acid will interact with the coating.

Paste GOI

In a store for motorists, you can buy GOI paste, intended for polishing the body, and use it to restore a scratched lens:

  1. Apply the product to a piece of flannel cloth and polish the lens.
  2. Lubricate it with vegetable oil.
  3. Polish with a dry cotton pad.

One man had sunglasses on his torpedo with plastic glasses, well, from driving on them went small scratches, he polished them with me Goy and the glass became like new.

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Liquid for washing car windows

Another tool that the owner of the car has at hand is a liquid for cleaning car windows:

  1. Spray the product onto the lens.
  2. Rub with a soft cloth.
  3. Remove residues with a dry cloth.


The polish contains a special wax that fills in scratches. Proponents of the method recommend using compounds for glass and even for wood:

  1. Apply the product to the scratch.
  2. Rub in with a soft cloth.
  3. Lubricate the area with petroleum jelly applied to the flannel cloth.
  4. Wipe dry with a clean cotton pad.

You can use a polish to clean jewelry, in which case the use of Vaseline is not required.

For plastic lenses

Plastic lenses are more prone to scratches and most often they are trying to be restored. For such products, supporters of home methods are advised to use the same products as for glass, except for soda, and some others.

Colorless varnish

Popular rumor suggests to "fill" a scratch with a colorless varnish:

  1. Apply the product with a brush or toothpick to the scratch.
  2. Remove excess with a soft cloth.
  3. After drying, polish the lens with a dry cloth.

CD cleaning spray

You can buy the tool in a computer store:

  1. Apply the product to a soft cloth.
  2. Polish the scratched areas carefully.

Removing the cover

If scratches and abrasions appear on the mirror coating, which in any case cannot be restored, the forums offer to remove it completely. To do this, it is recommended to buy a special abrasive in creative stores that destroys glass due to the active ingredients: hydrofluoric acid and hydrogen fluoride. The product is applied as follows:

  1. Wear rubber gloves.
  2. Make sure, by looking at the certificate, that the lenses are really plastic, not glass, and remove them from the frame.
  3. Treat with a product.
  4. After 2 minutes, rinse with running water and wipe dry with a clean soft cloth.
  5. Dispose of all items that have come into contact with the abrasive. Except for lenses.

But is there any use for uncoated sunglasses?

The advantages of home methods are that they do not require much effort and material investment and can really get rid of small scratches. But all these advantages do not matter, because all methods provide only a cosmetic effect, but they do not provide restoration of optical and protective properties.

Are there special means

Since it is dangerous to use a scratched but refurbished eyeglass, there are no special scratch removers. Similar products are produced to restore smoothness to the car body, headlights, windshields, but not glasses. Although some sources still recommend buying a mythical "means for removing scratches from glasses."


To prevent scratches and abrasions, you need to follow the manufacturer's recommendations and handle the glasses with care:

  • wear the accessory either on your face or in a case (you cannot keep the product without a case in your purse or pocket, where the lenses can be scratched on other objects);
  • do not lay down on any surfaces;
  • clean regularly with special wipes, sprays and foams, without using formulations with acetone and abrasives;
  • do not expose to sudden changes in temperature, do not leave on the glove compartment of a car or on a windowsill;
  • exclude contact with air fresheners, hair spray and other chemicals;
  • stick special protective films on the glass.

I wear glasses with Ormix Crizal Forte lenses, they scratch badly - for this reason, neither special cloths, nor microfiber, nor toilet paper are suitable. I tried a bunch of everything, in the end I came to the following method, which does not require any rubbing at all: 1. My hands with liquid soap. 2. My glasses with liquid soap. 3. I shake the water off my glasses. 4. I blow off the remaining water with a rubber bulb. Lenses with a hydrophobic coating - water is blown off in one or two puffs. It is a pity that I got to this method only after the lenses became covered with a continuous grid of scratches after 3 years of rubbing ...


If you find a scratch on your sunglasses, it is safer for your eyes to replace the lens. When deciding to eliminate a defect, it should be remembered that the described methods will not restore the protective functions of the accessory.

If you have sun optics, then most likely you store them in a special case that can prevent the formation of both minor and deep scratches. But, as a rule, many eyeglass wearers safely neglect this measure of exploitation, thereby impairing the effectiveness of their sun protection accessory... So, what if your optics are already scratched?

Polishing sunglasses

Before trying to figure out how to remove scratches on your sunglasses, try to understand how badly damaged they are. If the flaws are minor, then several simple methods can be used to remove them:

1. Polishing for copper or silver. This composition is applied to problem areas with a small piece of cotton wool. Polishing must be done very carefully, without any pressure on the glass. Otherwise, you may damage the fragile surface.

2. Soda paste. This method should be used in the event that there is no non-abrasive toothpaste in your arsenal, and the question of how to remove scratches on sunglasses has already become quite acute. In this case, you will have to dilute a large amount of soda with water, so that you end up with a kind of gruel. We leave the resulting paste on the glass, and after 15 minutes it can be washed off with water.

3. Toothpaste... It should not contain abrasive particles, otherwise you will simply damage the glass even more. This method can be used if you could not get special tool for glass polishing. The toothpaste is applied to the mirror surface of the glasses and rubbed in a circular motion into the place where the scratches were found. Remove the remaining paste under warm water. Wipe the glasses dry with a special cloth.

4. Furniture polish or car wax. The principle of applying the product is the same as in the above cases.
Before you apply anything to polish your sunglasses, you should consider the question of how to clean your sunglasses at home? Dust and dirt accumulate very quickly in the resulting scratches, and therefore you should carefully clean the dirty glass.

For these purposes, you can use a mild liquid soap or shampoo. In some cases, enterprising eyeglass wearers prefer to use dishwashing detergent. However, we recommend that you opt for regular soap.

How do I clean my sunglasses before polishing?

This procedure should be taken very seriously so as not to wonder again how to remove scratches on sunglasses. One hasty movement can not only lead to the formation of a new batch of scratches, but also damage the protective layer of your accessory. Especially, this concerns expensive optics manufactured by AM GROUP and Ray-Ban.

Here's what the manufacturers of branded sunglasses advise themselves:

1. Wipe the glass only with specialized wipes.

2. The glasses should be cleaned at least once a month.
3. Thoroughly rinse glasses, arches and frames under running water until obvious dirt disappears. It is because of them that many then wonder how to remove scratches on sunglasses.

4. Gently wipe your glasses with a dry cloth and let them dry at room temperature.

5. To consolidate the result, add some liquid soap to a container of warm water and lower your glasses into it for a few seconds.

6. Make sure all dirt is removed. If there is still something left in the soapy water after cleaning, let the detergent drain off, then remove the dirt with a dry cloth.

7. If dirt has eaten into the structure of the glasses and small parts, you will have to acquire the appropriate tools and disassemble the glasses, removing all dirt.

8. After the accessory is assembled, rinse it again under water, wipe it with a special fiber cloth and let the glasses dry.

Make sure that there are no prints on their surface. Otherwise, the question of how to clean the sun-streak-free glasses will be raised much more often than once a month.

Do not use abrasive products or ammonia in the cleaning process. Alcohol and other solvents will only harm you, as they will leave your sun glasses without protective coatings.

How to clean and polish plastic sunglasses?

If everything became extremely clear with ordinary glasses, then with plastic sunglasses everything is much more complicated. The anti-reflective or protective coating is defenseless against both some cleaning agents and scratches. The latter, unfortunately, cannot be removed or masked in any way.

Sunglasses should be periodically wiped with soapy water and very carefully so as not to damage the surface. If there are already a lot of scratches and you are thinking how to remove scratches on plastic sunglasses, then the only way out of this situation is to remove the existing coating. This method is suitable for those who are willing to give up the protective and anti-glare benefits of sunglasses.

You will need a glass abrasive to remove coatings. Be sure to rinse the glasses before applying it, remove the glasses from them and put on rubber gloves on your hands. After handling the plastic, place it in a container for a while. Then wipe the lenses with a cotton swab and lower them under running cold water.

Never use an abrasive with glass goggles. Even the deepest scratches on the glass can be removed using GOI paste. You can process the damaged surface with this tool by means of a grinder, using its average speed. As a last resort, there is a second option, how to remove scratches on sunglasses - to apply paste # 80, designed for effective body polishing.

With constant use plastic glasses from the sun, various defects can occur on the surface of the product. Scratches on glasses distort the image, impair vision and contribute to increased visual fatigue. It is important to know how to repair lens damage and use this essential, useful and stylish accessory for a long time.

How and with what to polish plastic glasses?

To store your sunglasses, the product comes with a case that protects the lenses from scratches and other imperfections. But many people are dismissive of this rule, as a result of which their glasses are often exposed to external mechanical stress. Failure to follow the recommendations will result in scratches on the product. You need to know how to get rid of them.

If a defect is found, it is recommended to contact an optician. A specialist in the field knows how to deal with the problem and can help remove scratches on plastic or glass lenses. He can also advise on effective protective coatings for glasses. Never try to remove blemishes from dirty accessories. Before removing the defect, glasses must be thoroughly cleaned. For this they make warm soap solution and in it they clean the product with a microfiber cloth.

Plastic lends itself easily mechanical damage.

If, when removing scratches from plastic lenses the anti-reflective coating is damaged, it should be completely removed with a cream. This will help improve visibility while wearing glasses. At home, there are many different methods on how to remove a defect in sunglasses. These are the following ways:

  • car wax;
  • cleaners for CDs;
  • toothpaste;
  • wood polish;
  • means for cleaning glass surfaces;
  • polish for silver and copper, etc.

Car wax

This remedy - good way polishing plastic and glass lenses. In addition to car wax, other types of wax are suitable, however, the one that is designed for processing car bodies is considered the best. These include Turtle Wax. To remove scratches on your sunglasses, apply a small amount of the product to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe lens and make circular motions, rubbing it into the surface. Both microcracks and deep scratches are filled with wax. After finishing polishing, you need to treat the lenses with a napkin, which should be soaked in alcohol. It is necessary to repeat the procedures 1 time in 4-6 days.

CD Tool

The tool will quickly cope with minor damage.

A special spray for computer disks is designed to clean and polish their surfaces. It contains components that have a certain rigidity, helping to eliminate scratches. These ingredients are abrasive, so spray should be used sparingly. It is necessary to apply a few drops on defects and abrasions of glasses and intensively rub the surface of the lenses with a dry cloth for 1-2 minutes. As a result, shallow scratches should disappear.


This remedy is the first aid as it is always at hand. To get rid of glasses, you need to small piece Squeeze out some toothpaste with felt cloth. Then use a circular motion to polish the lens surface. Increase the amount of paste if necessary. It is absolutely impossible to use pastes with hard scratching particles. This can further damage the lens. After manipulation, it is necessary to rinse the glasses with water and wipe with a lint-free soft cloth. If it is not possible to eliminate defects during the first procedure, repeat it.

Wood polish

The Vaseline will make the roughness less noticeable.

This method is more often used for plastic lenses, but for shallow damage it is also used for glass. Wood polish is available at a hardware store. Despite the fact that it is intended for polishing wood products, it efficiently removes minor scratches and abrasions from the surface of sun protection lenses. It is necessary to spray a little on the damaged area and additionally apply a few grams of petroleum jelly, then wipe the glasses with soft tissue... The polish sands out shallow scratches, and strong defects are clogged with Vaseline. It is impossible to completely eliminate scratches using this method, and with a thorough examination, flaws will be visible, however, this method is often used.

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