Soap-cresol preparations. Phenols, cresols and their derivatives Cresol soap solution scanword

Phenol (carbolic acid) - Phenolum (Acidum carbolicum)

Colorless crystals, very hygroscopic, with a specific odor. It dissolves in water 1: 15, dissolves in alcohol and oils. Under the influence of light, it turns into quinone, which has a pink color. Obtained by distillation of coal, peat, shale, wood processing and synthetically.

Release form. Pure crystalline ( Phenolum purum) and pure liquid ( Phenolum purum liquefactum).

Storage. List B. In tightly closed jars, protected from light.

Applicationand dose. For disinfection of livestock buildings, care items, waste water - 3-5% solutions. It is not recommended to use phenol for disinfection of premises where lactating and slaughter animals are kept. For the treatment of scabies in sheep, 1.5–2% solutions are used. 0.1% - 0.5% solutions are used for preserving biological products.

Resorcinol - Resorcinum

Colorless crystals of a specific odor, irritating taste, turn pink in the light. They dissolve well in water and alcohol (1: 1), slightly - in oils (1: 20).

Release form. Crystalline substance.

Storage.List B. In a well-sealed container.

Act. Antimicrobial, keratoplastic and keratolytic. In terms of antimicrobial action, it is close to phenol, but less toxic. 1–2% solutions act keratoplastic; 20-30% - keratolytic.

Application. Outwardly as an antiseptic and keratoplastic agent in the form of 1-5% alcohol solutions and 1-5% ointments. For the treatment of stomatitis, conjunctivitis - 0.5-1% solutions.

Doses. Enterally administered as an anti-fermentation agent (g per animal): for horses - 10-15; cattle - 10–20; small ruminants and pigs - 5–10; dogs - 0.5-1.5.

Guaiacol - Guajacolum

Colorless crystals or transparent oily liquid with a specific odor, poorly soluble in water (1: 60), well - in alcohol, ether and glycerin (1: 1), darkens in the light.

Release form.Crystalline substance.

Storage. According to the list B. In a well-sealed container, protected from light.

Act. Antimicrobial, severe irritant.

Application. As an anti-fermentation agent, guoyakola carbonate is used enterally.

Doses (g per animal): horses - 5–10; cattle - 5-15; small ruminants and pigs - 1–2; dogs - 0.05-0.2.

Cresol - Cresolum

Oily brown liquid with a characteristic odor, poorly soluble in water, well in alcohol. A phenol derivative obtained by dry distillation of coal.

Release form. Refined and unrefined cresol.

Storage. According to the list B. In a well-sealed container in a cool, dark place.

Sulfur-cresol mixture

One part of technical sulfuric acid and three parts of crude cresol are mixed (adding the acid portionwise to the cooled cresol). The mixture is kept for 3 days in a cold place. At the same time, cresol sulfuric and phenylsulfuric acids are formed in it, which have very strong antimicrobial activity.

Application. For disinfection of premises, soil and other objects contaminated with vegetative forms of microorganisms, use 2-3% solutions; spore - 8-10% solutions.

Soap-cresol mixture

Five parts green soap, three parts crude cresol are mixed with 92 parts water.

The resulting mixture has a pronounced antimicrobial and good detergent effect.

Application. Hot 2–4% solutions are used for disinfection and disinsection of premises, equipment, vehicles that were used to transport animals.

Lysol - Lisolum

Transparent black-brown oily liquid with a phenol smell, mixes well with water, glycerin and alcohol. 1: 1 solution of purified cresol and potassium soap.

Release form. Solution in metal drums.

Storage. In the original container in the warehouse for one year.

Application. For disinfection 3-5% hot emulsions for salmonellosis, Aujeszky's disease, brucellosis, trichomoniasis, swine erysipelas, chickens pulorosis, etc. In obstetric practice (endometritis, retention of placenta) - 0.5-1% solutions.

Doses.As an anti-fermentation agent and to enhance rumination enterally in the form of 0.5% emulsions (g per animal): horses and cattle - 10–25; small ruminants - 2–5; pigs –2–4; dogs - 0.5–2.

Creolin - Creolinum

Oily liquid of dark brown color with a pungent odor, soluble in alcohol. Forms a milky emulsion with water. Contains phenol, cresols, carbohydrates, resins. Distinguish between coal, peat and woody.

Release form. Liquid in metal drums or well-sealed glass bottles.

Storage.In warehouses in original containers for 6 months.

Act.Bactericidal, acaricidal and insecticidal. 2–3% of the emulsion kill almost all vegetative forms of microorganisms in 5–20 minutes, and scabies mites, lice, fleas, chewing lice, and lice in 0.5–2 minutes. Irritating to skin and wounds. When administered enterally (0.5%), it acts as an anti-fermentation, stimulates the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract.

Application. For disinfection, disinfestation of various objects, filling disinfection barriers, disinfection mats, disinfection pads - 5% hot emulsions. For the treatment of scabies - kupuchny creolin in the form of a 1% emulsion by the bathing method (exposure 1 minute). For disinfection - in the form of aerosols 50% emulsion with formalin 1: 3.

Doses. As an anti-fermentation agent enterally (g per animal): for horses - 15–20; cattle - 15–25; small ruminants and pigs - 1–4; dogs - 1-2.

Tar - Pix liquida

A thick, oily liquid of black color, with a peculiar smell, easily mixes with water. Obtained by dry distillation of pine (pine) or birch (birch) wood. Birch tar sinks in water, pine tar floats.

Release form.Liquid in wooden barrels or glass bottles. Vishnevsky's ointment in bottles of 100.0 g. Wilkelson's ointment - 40 g each.

Storage. In wooden barrels or glass bottles.

It is a part of Vishnevsky ointment (3.0 tar, 3.0 xeroform and up to 100.0 castor oil), Wilkelson's ointment (15 parts of tar, 15 parts of purified sulfur, 10 parts of calcium carbonate, 30 parts of green soap and naphthalan ointment and 4 parts water).

Application.Vishnevsky ointment - for the treatment of wounds, ulcers, bedsores, eczema. Wilkelson's ointment - for the treatment of scabies, ringworm and other dermatitis of fungal origin. In its pure form, it is used in orthopedics and for disinfection of harness.

Doses. Enterally - as an anti-fermentation agent in the form of a 10% emulsion (g per animal): for horses and cattle - 10–25; small ruminants and pigs - 2–5, dogs - 0.1–1.

Ichthyol - Ichthyolum

Brownish-brown thick oily liquid with a peculiar odor. It is soluble in water, glycerin, partly in alcohol. Obtained from shale deposits. Contains up to 10.5% bound sulfur.

Release form. Pure ichthyol in glass jars, ichthyol ointment - 10 and 20%; ichthyol-zinc-naphthalan paste, suppositories 0.2 g each

Storage. In the original form of release in a cool place.

Application. Outwardly - in the form of ointments (10 and 20%) and alcohol-ichthyol solutions (1:25) for the treatment of wounds, dermatitis, eczema, burns, furunculosis, arthritis, tendovaginitis, bursitis, mastitis, myositis, etc. For the treatment of endometritis, vaginitis - 2-3% solution. A 7% solution in a 40% glucose solution is injected intramuscularly for endometritis and subinvolution of the uterus (10 ml 2-3 injections per week). As a hemostatic agent - intravenously (1–2% solution). Enterally - as an antiseptic and anti-fermenting agent in the form of 0.1–2% solutions.

Doses (g / animal): horses - 10-30; cattle - 10–20; small ruminants - 1–5; dogs - 0.2-1.

Naphthalan oil - Naphthalanum liguidum raffinatum

Thick, fluorescent black liquid. Mixes well with water vegetable oils, fats and glycerin. Easily soluble in benzene, gasoline, chloroform.

Release form. In its pure form, naftalan ointment, naphthalan sulfur ointment with anesthesin.

Storage. In dark glass jars.

Application. Outwardly - for dermatitis, ulcers, eczema, frostbite, bedsores.

Doses. Enterally as an anti-fermentation agent (in the form of an emulsion 1: 5; 1: 10), g per animal: horses - 15–30; cattle - 50–150; small ruminants - 30-50.

Benzonaphthol - Benzonaphtholum

White fine crystalline powder, odorless and tasteless. Insoluble in water.

Release form. Powder, tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 g.

Storage. In a well-closed container, protected from light.

Act. Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fermenting. IN digestive tract decomposes into beta-naphthol and benzoic acid.

Application. Enterally for inflammation of the stomach, intestines, tympanic scar, flatulence and other pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Doses (g per animal): horses - 5–10; cattle - 5-15; small ruminants - 2–5; pigs - 1-3; dogs –0.5–1.0.

CRESOL (Cresolum), methylphenol, CH 3. C 6 H 4. .IS HE; known in three isomers: ortho-K. [C 6 H 4 (CH 3) (OH) (1.2)]; meta-K. [С 6 Н 4 (СН 3\u003e (ОН) (1.3)]; para-K. [С в Н 4 (СН 3) (ОН) (1.4)]. It is found along with phenol in coal tar, tar of brown coal ( 0.5 - 0.8%) and "in many varieties of wood tar. Para-K. Is formed during putrefaction in the intestine from an amino acid tyrosine(see) (product of hydrolysis of proteins). - Commercial "crude carbolic acid" (Cresolum crudum, F VII) consists of Ch. way from meta-K. (up to 50%) with an admixture of para-K., traces of phenol and ortho-cresol, as well as small amounts of higher phenols, naphthalene and hydrocarbons. - It is obtained by fractional distillation of tar and fractional precipitation with acids of alkaline extraction from "heavy coal oil" (fraction 188-202 °) when phenol is isolated from it. Properties K. Simple K. (Cresolum crudum) - thick light or dark brown liquid, peculiarly burnt odor; dissolves in water incompletely and with difficulty, easily in alcohol, ether, hot solutions of caustic alkalis. In its purest form (Tri-kresolum) -yellowish transparent liquid, soluble in 50 hours of water, easily in alkalis. In relation to litmus-neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The quantitative content of isomers in various commercial drugs fluctuates greatly, - According to their pharmacol. properties K. is very close to phenol; however, its bactericidal effect is 2-3 times stronger than phenol (Gru-ber). The most powerful is meta-K, the weaker is para-K. and finally ortho-K. (Hailer). Mixtures of isomers are stronger, the more meta-K in them. Adding to - t, salts enhances the bactericidal effect. It acts locally on the skin and mucous membranes as irritating and cauterizing effects. When absorbed, it affects the central nervous system, first exciting and then oppressing the respiratory and vasomotor centers. Toxic doses cause increased reflexes, uncoordinated movements, muscle twitching, and finally clonic convulsions, aggravated by irritation. In the kidneys and liver, at the same time, the phenomena of parenchymal degeneration are observed. Absorbed by the skin. It is excreted in the urine, partly in the form of paired compounds with sulfuric and glucuronic acid, partly in oxidized form, and in the form of traces through the lungs. Less toxic than phenol (Schutz). In humans, cresol, when poisoned, causes salivation, vomiting, dilated pupils, a strong drop in tempo, body and collapse, sometimes laryngeal edema occurs. Seizures are more common than with phenol poisoning. The urine is dark, contains protein and casts. Treatment - see Carbolic acid.With laryngeal edema, ice compresses on the neck. K. is used as a disinfectant instead of carbolic acid. Purified K. in a 0.5-1% solution (in surgery, obstetric and gynecological practice, in veterinary medicine) - for disinfection of hands, instruments, in the treatment of wounds, for washing cavities and as an antiparasitic agent; seldom - inside at went. - kish. diseases. Preparations: Aqua cresolica - cresol water: 1 tsp cresol solution, soap with 9 tsp water. It is used as an external one for dressings, disinfection. - Cge about 1 i -n u m (Creolinum anglicum) - a solution of resin (rosin) soap mixed with phenols of heavy coal oil. Contains 12-33% K. (F VII-not less than 30%). Dark brown, oily liquid with an unpleasant, pungent odor. With water it gives a light gray permanent emulsion. For general disinfection, in a 5-10% solution; in 7g-1% solution for washing body cavities and in surgical practice, in veterinary medicine, as well as in scabies. - Creolinum purissimum. Inside (rarely) in capsules (0.06-0.3) three times a day. Outwardly, in a x / g-2% solution. Similar preparations: Creolinum vien-nense abasicum, Cyllin, Sal Creolin, Kremul-sion, Desinfectol, Izal, Sapokresolin, Russian drug-Naphthalysol. - C resi-n e about 1 - equimolecular compound or-to-K. and cineole. Antisepticum. - C real-fa i n (Creolalbin) -creolin protein; powder; astringent for the intestine. -C g e t a-f or m - oxymethylene cresoltanin; brownish white powder. It dissolves in alkalis, does not dissolve in gastric juice. Antiseptic, astringent; applied internally and externally. - E urophenum - iso-butyl-iodine-ortho-K. Amorphous yellow powder, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform and fatty oils. Contains about 28% iodine. In an alkaline environment, iodine is slowly removed. Outwardly, instead of iodoform. Inside-0.05 several times a day in pills for tbc, bronchitis, bowel diseases. - Kresamin (Tricresolamin) - an aqueous solution of tricresol (about 25%) with ethylenediamine. Strong antiseptic. In 2-20% solutions, ointments. For inhalation - for pulmonary tbc.- Kresiva 1-cresol calcium sulfonic acid (6%), dissolved in an aromatic syrup. Expectorant for acute and hron. respiratory diseases. Adults - 3-4 times a day for a tablespoon, children - for a teaspoon ( similar drug Pneumocol). - K gu so 1 - soap-cresol solution with formaldehyde admixture. For disinfection. -L osophanu m-tri-iodometacresol. Instead of iodoform in dermatology. No more on sale. -L y s about 1 u m (factory name Liquor Cresoli sapona-tus, F VII) -soap-cresol solution (with potassium soap). Transparent red-brown oily liquid. Contains 50% cresol. Mixes up in all proportions with water, glycerin, alcohol, gasoline, without forming turbidity. The drug germ, pharmacopoeia contains 25% K. for disinfection of hands and the operating field - in a 1% solution; for instruments - 4%; for disinfection of urine, secretions - 10% - S a-p rolum contains 40% K. in a mixture with hydrocarbons (from oil). Brown liquid. It does not mix with water and floats on top of it. It is used to disinfect waste and secretions, to destroy mosquito larvae, etc. n. - Solveolum - an aqueous solution of cresol with sodium cresotin [(CH 3) (OH) C 6 H 3 .COONa]. For disinfection, in a 1-2% solution. Inside - 0.03-0.2 at tbc for intestinal disinfection - in solutions, capsules, drops. - Tricresol-formalin - a mixture of K. with formalin. To the tooth. practice .-- Traumato-lum-iodine-cresol. Violet. odorless powder (54% iodine). Replacement of iodoform in powders, ointments and pastes (5-10%). Shkavera. Poisoning K. In addition to prof. poisonings K. in court. - honey. practice also encountered accidental and deliberate poisoning with drugs K.; Of these, the first place belongs to lysol (soap-cresol solution), which is quite common in obstetrics and gynecology, which was mistakenly taken orally instead of another medicine, or the poisoning was due to the use of lysol from genitalia (washing). Cases of deliberate introduction of lysol per os or per vaginam for the purpose of fruiting have been described. Lysol is also used for suicide, in order to kill children, and sometimes adults. Some cases of poisoning ended in death. Dosis le-talis in case of poisoning with drugs K. is difficult to determine. Clinic. phenomena, pat.-anat. the changes do not differ significantly from those of phenol poisoning (see. Carbolic acid).Not only a local cauterizing effect is found, but also a general one, mainly on the central nervous system. However, it should be noted that in case of poisoning with drugs K., their action can be somewhat modified depending on the content of other components. There are indications that 10-20% lysol solutions already have a noticeable cauterizing effect on mucous membranes and serous membranes; with prolonged external use, persistent dermatitis (Kampfer) may develop, and with general poisoning with lysol, loss of consciousness almost always occurs quickly. At autopsy, burns of the mucous membrane of the lips and adjacent skin were found in the form of dense yellowish-brown patches. On the mucous membrane of the mouth, pharynx, upper esophagus, there are light gray or brownish burns (scabs). In the lower part of the esophagus, in the stomach, the changes are less pronounced and resemble a picture of caustic alkali poisoning: the mucous membrane appears to be swollen, red-brown with gray crusts along the tops of the folds and slippery, as if soapy, which obviously depends on the action of potassium soap, a component of lysol. If lysol penetrates into airways, then pneumonia foci may form. From internal organs the smell of lysol is felt. With regard to other K preparations, it is known that solveol, according to Gruber, does not have a local cauterizing effect, and solutol cauterizes only undiluted. If you suspect poisoning K., parts of the corpse must be sent to chemical. research. -vladimirsky. Opening, to court. cases and with prof. poisoning. When discovering, one has to deal with a mixture of three isomers of ortho-, meta-, and para-cresol, which constitutes the commercial K. and the main component of Acidi carbolici crudi. K., like carbolic acid, are distilled with water vapor from an acidified solution, although they are almost insoluble in water, forming droplets or turbidity in the run. The distillation is made alkaline with soda and extracted with ether. The residue on evaporation of ether (at room temperature) has a more suffocating odor than carbolic acid and does not dissolve in water. A mixture of K. gives a blue-violet color with ferric chloride. Ortho-K. gives a blue color, turning into green, meta-K. gives a fickle blue color, passing with turbidity to greenish-brown. With bromine K. give tribromocresols, which makes it possible for their bromometric quantitative determination (see. Carbolic acid).The opening in urine is similar to the opening of carbolic acid. - For the quantitative determination of K. in lysol, a sample of lysol is dissolved in caustic soda and soap is precipitated by adding a saturated solution of NaCl. The precipitate was filtered off, washed with brine. The filtrate is acidified and K. is determined in it bromometrically (see. Carbolic acid).-To open the vapors of K. in the air, the latter is drawn out with an aspirator Poisons,isolation) through flasks with sodium hydroxide solution. The liquid is drained, acidified, and alkalinized again with sodium carbonate, and K. is extracted with ether. In the residue after evaporation of ether, K. is determined bromometrically (see. Carbolic acid). Lit .:A g p about and 1 d E .., Les formes d "utilization du cresol en desinfection, Rev. d" hyg., v. XLIII, 1921; Beck. A., Uber Intoxikationen mit Kresol und Lysol, Wiirzburg, 1899; Blumentnal F. und Jacoby E., Versuche iiber den Chemismus der Kresolvergiftung, Biochem. Zeitschr., Band VII, 1907; Ellinger A., \u200b\u200bDie Kresole (Hndb. D. Exp. Pharmakologie, hrsg. V. A. Heffter, B. I, B., 1923); Jonescu D., tfber das Schicksal der Kresole im Organismus, ibid., B. I, 1906; Lange B., Ver-gleichende Untersuchungen iiber den Desinfektions-wert von Kresolseifenlosungen u. wasserigen Kresollo-sungen, Zeitschr. f. Hyg., Band XCIV, 1921; Mar-gadant C, Zur Theorie u. Praxis der Desinfek-tion mit Kresolseifenlosungen, V., 1914. See also lit. to Art. Disinfection.

Soap-cresol preparations as disinfectants were included in medical practice in the second half of the 19th century.

Cresols, or methylphenols, are known in three isomers: o-cresol, m-cresol, and p-cresol.

All of them are contained in coal tar, in a fraction distilled at 170-210 ° C together with phenol (boiling point: phenol 182 ° C, o-cresol 190.8 ° C, t-cresol 202.8 ° C and p-cresol 201.9 ° C). After the separation of crystalline phenol from this fraction, the mother liquor remains, consisting mainly of cresols. Initially, this drug, which is in no way inferior to pure phenol in disinfecting power, was called crude phenol (Phenolum crudum), or simple carbolic acid (Acidum carbolicum crudum). This drug entered the Soviet pharmacopoeia under its own name - Cresolum crudum (GF VII) and Cresolum (GF VIII). Cresols act like phenol, with the only difference that their disinfecting effect is stronger, and their toxicity is less.

Cresol is an oily liquid with a characteristic odor, from yellowish to dark brown. Contains 95-90% cresols; the remaining 10-15% "falls on the admixture of xylemols (dimethylphenols), benzo-phenol and a small amount of water (up to 1%). The content of methacresol, which is the most bactericidal, should be at least 40% in the preparation. The scope of cresol is limited its difficult solubility in water (about 2%) .It was possible to increase its amount in aqueous liquids in combination with soaps.Thus, soap-cresol preparations arose: lysol, creolin, etc.

Medical lysol (Ly solum medicinale. Liquor cresoli saponatus). It is prepared by dissolving cresol in green soap (50 + 50 parts). In a steam-heated boiler, heat the soap to a liquid state, add the cresol and stir until a homogeneous oily liquid is obtained. After cooling, filter and pour into flasks.

Lysol is a transparent oily liquid of reddish-brown color of different shades, alkaline reaction, with the smell of cresols. Relative density 1.035-1.050. Mixes up in all respects with water, as well as with alcohol and glycerin. The content of free caustic potash should not exceed 0.5%. The total amount of cresol must be at least 41.5%. Lysol is used for disinfection of skin and surgical instruments, as well as for douching (0.5-2% solutions).

Naphthalysol (Naphthalysolum). Instead of potassium soap of fatty acids, potassium soap of naphthenic acids is used for the preparation of this drug, which is also capable of converting cresols into an aqueous solution of a colloidal nature. Naphthenic acids are obtained from Caucasian oil when refining kerosene, solar oil and other fractions. An example is cyclopentacarboxylic acid. Reacting with caustic carbonate alkalis, naphthenic acids are capable of producing salts - soaps (mylonft). This property is used in oil refineries and naphthenic acids are isolated by processing kerosene or other petroleum products with technical soda. The resulting aqueous solution of soap is further treated with sulfuric acid. The liberated free naphthenic acids float up and are easily removed. The method for the production of naphthalezol is similar to the method for producing lysol, i.e., cresol is added to the previously obtained potassium soap. The composition of naphthazol contains about 35% of cresols and about 65% of naphthenic soap. Naphthalezole is a yellow-brown oily liquid miscible with water. It is used for the same purposes as lysol. The disinfecting effect is somewhat stronger.

Creolin. Creolin coal (Creolinum). It is prepared according to the following recipe: 17 parts of rosin, 49 parts of oils of the light-medium fraction of coal tar, selected within the range of 170-230 ° C, a sufficient amount of caustic soda, 14 parts of laundry soap, 10.5 parts of crude phenols (based on 100%) and water up to 100 parts by volume.

Rosin is a resin obtained from sap (the residue after distilling off turpentine). It consists of resinous acids of the composition C 20 H 30 0 2 and contains, in particular, abietic and pi-maric acids.

Resin acids, when saponified with alkali, give a viscous ointment product that has a detergent effect. One of the benefits of rosin soaps is its ability to improve pricing. Caustic soda in an amount corresponding to the number of saponification of rosin is dissolved in the calculated amount of water. Rosin is dissolved in a boiler with steam heating, heated to 90-100 ° C, in a part of coal oil and with constant stirring is washed with a solution of sodium hydroxide. Then add in succession soap, the rest of the coal oil and crude phenols. The mixture is boiled until a homogeneous and transparent liquid is obtained, which does not delaminate when cooled to a temperature of 20 ° C.

Creolin is an oily liquid with a pungent smell of coal oil (naphthalene and phenols), black-brown in various shades, transparent in a thin layer and transmitted light. When diluted with water, it forms a stable emulsion of the O / B type with a slightly alkaline reaction, from milky white to grayish white. The content of phenols in the preparation should be in the range of 10-12%. The amount of naphthalene should not exceed 8%, water - 17%. Creolin has a significant antiseptic and insecticidal effect when washing various cavities of wounds, ulcers, disinfecting the skin (0.5-1% solution). In veterinary practice, it is used as an anti-scab agent.

LIZOL, cresol soap, soap-cresol solution, Lysol, Lysolum, Liquor Cre-soli saponatus (F VII). Soon after the introduction by Lister (Lister; 1867) of phenol for the anti-putrefactive treatment of wounds, attention was drawn to cresols, phenol homologues, which turned out to be less toxic than carbolic acid, and more effective bacterial poisons, in particular metacresol. Since an obstacle to the use of cresols was their low solubility in water, various combinations of cresols with soap (lysol and dense greasy dura-lysol), with tar soap (creolin) and with other substances that hold cresol in a colloidal solution in water (solve-ol - a neutral aqueous solution of crude cresol with sodium cresotinic acid, various preparations with sulphonic acid salts). - Lysol-transparent red-brown, oily liquid of alkaline reaction with the smell of cresols, beats. in. 1.035-1.050; soluble in water, glycerin, alcohol and gasoline. The content of cresols is 47.5-50%. including at least 35% m-cresol; the soap content is about 30%. To obtain L., good potassium soap (from drying, for example, linseed oil) is mixed with cresol and heated until a homogeneous solution is obtained. in use by people with various diseases, for the disinfection of feces, etc.; 2-5% - for disinfection of instruments, usually when boiling or immersing instruments for x / g hour in a solution; 0.5-1.5% for hand disinfection; 0.5-1% - for (warm) vaginal douching. Recommended (Burger) 0.1 each for internal use in the form of pills as stimulating apetite. - Negative properties of L.: toxicity, although weaker than that of phenol: a 10% solution has a strong cauterizing effect on mucous membranes and serous membranes; prolonged use of even weaker solutions sometimes leads to persistent dermatitis. The soap in L. makes the tools slippery. In case of poisoning-L. give protein, slimy drinks, lime water with sugar, sodium sulfate and acetic-potassium salt in solution; avoid oils, alcohol and other cresol solvents. Lethal dose L. is not installed. Symptoms of poisoning L. are similar to those from carbolic acid. - Opening at court. research - see Eresol. Naphtha lysol - lysol prepared with naphthenic soaps; the content of crushes is 35%. Surpasses other cresol preparations in the fight against insects (disinfestation) due to the disinfecting effect of the naphthenic soaps themselves (we have "mylonft L"). As a disinfectant it is equivalent to L. For disinfection of walls, floors, things it is used in 1-5% aqueous solution, for disinfection, and especially for disinsecting linen and body, in 0.5-1% solutions. Chem. properties, toxicity and antidotes - as in L., in view of the content of the same amount of cresols. Lit .:Levashev V., Brief information on practical disinfection and disinsection, P., 1916; Kayser G., Die Lysolvergiftung, B., 1903; Saito F., Einige vergleichende Versuche uber die desinf. Wirkungd. Lisols, d. Liq. cresoli saponatus u. einiger neuerer Desinfektionsmittel almlicher Zusam-mensetzung, Desinfektion, B. I, 1908-09. I. Obergard. LIZOFORM(Lysoform), a formalin soap alcohol containing 6% to 15% formaldehyde (HCHO). Under the name Liquor Formaldehydi saponatus L. is adopted in the British Pharmacopoeia (about 8% HCHO). For successful preparation, you need to take soap that is readily soluble in water (usually potassium is taken from oleic acid or oils containing stearin), and formalin, which has not undergone polymerization. The presence of 10-30% alcohol contributes to better preservation of the drug; perfume is lavender or others. essential oils... The role of soap in L. is reduced to facilitating the penetration of the disinfecting principle, formaldehyde, due to the ability of soap to emulsify fats and other water-insoluble substances. As you know, the reducing effect of formalin is much more vigorously manifested in an alkaline environment. L. is used in dilutions of 1: 100 to 5: 100 as a disinfectant; for ordinary vaginal douching, a solution of 1:50 to 1: 100 is used (from dessert to 1 tablespoon per Esmarch's mug of water). The anti-putrefactive effect of L. is much lower than the action of mercuric chloride and even lysol. In forensic medicine, cases of poisoning of L. are known; yet lysoform is less toxic than similar cresol preparations. Lit .:Gourmand H., Dela valeur antiseptique et des applications therapeutiques du Iysoforme, P., 1903; M U 1 1 e g B., Die bactericide Kraft des Lyso-lorms im Vergleiche mit Kresolseife u. Formalin, Zurich, 1923.

Cresol pure, tricresol

Cresol and its derivatives.

Phenyl salicylate (salol) - Phenylii salicylas.

Salicylic acid phenyl ester. Contains 60% salicylic acid and about 40% phenol.

White crystalline powder or small colorless crystals of weak aromatic odor and taste.

Almost insoluble in water; soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform.

In the alkaline environment of the intestine, it breaks down into salicylic acid and phenol, which have antimicrobial, anti-fermentation and anti-inflammatory effects. Partially excreted by the kidneys and disinfects the urinary tract. When applied to wounds, it has an antiseptic and deodorant effect

Administered orally in the form of powder, tablets in combination with other drugs for gastroenteritis, cystitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, etc.

Doses inside: horses and cows 15 - 25 g; sheep and pigs 2 - 10 g; dogs 0.1 - 1.0 g; chickens 0.1 - 0.2 g; cats - not recommended.

It is a phenol in which the hydrogen of the benzene nucleus is replaced by a methyl group.

Tricresol is a mixture of ortho-, meta- and paracresols.

Colorless or light yellow oily liquid with a characteristic odor. Let's dissolve in alcohol, ether and water (up to 25%). Obtained from coal tar. Has a phenol odor.

Used as a disinfectant (2 - 2.5% solution), for the preservation of injectable solutions (0.25 - 0.3%) that cannot be sterilized, in obstetric practice in the form of douching (0.25 - 0.5% rr).

It is the initial product for the production of creolin, lysol and other drugs.

The activity of cresol rises sharply in the presence of soap and acids. In this regard, sulfur-cresol and soap-cresol mixtures are widely used in veterinary medicine.

Sulfur-carbolic mixture (1 part strong technical sulfuric acid to 3 parts crude cresol).

Acid is poured into cresol in small portions and kept for 2 - 3 days. Aqueous solutions are prepared from this mixture and used for disinfection in 3 - 5% concentrations to destroy vegetative forms of microorganisms and 8-10% - spore forms. In the resulting mixture, cresyl-sulfuric acids are formed, which have high bactericidal activity. When 5% NaCl is added to the working solutions, the freezing point drops sharply and it is good to use them in winter.

consists of 5 parts of green soap, 3 parts of crude cresol and 92 parts of water.

They are used for disinfection of livestock buildings, care items and means for transporting animals in the form of hot 2 - 4% solutions.

Lysol- Lisolum.

50% solution of purified cresol in potassium (green) soap.

Transparent oily liquid of reddish-brown color with a cresol odor. Mixes well with water, alcohol, glycerin, forming foaming solutions.

In obstetric practice, when separating afterbirth, with endometritis - 0.5-1% solutions.

For the treatment of ringworm of calves, lysol (0.5 part) with chloroform (0.25 part) and fish oil (2 parts) or as a 10% ointment.

Feresol - Pherisolum.

Homogeneous mixture of 60% phenol and 40% tricresol.

A readily mobile oily liquid from light brown to dark brown in color with a phenol odor.

It has a cauterizing and bactericidal effect.

Used to remove papillomas, warts, etc., applying only to the treated area.

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