How to remove scratches from glasses. How to remove scratches from glasses at home How to remove scratches from plastic lenses of glasses

Polarized sunglasses are not a cheap purchase, and in the case of some brands, it is actually an investment. However, even if you did not manage to spend a lot of money on this kind of fashion product, or even if it got as a gift, then all the same, scratches on glasses with polarization spoil appearance this accessory together with the mood of its owner or wearer, and just get in the way of the eyes.

But, fortunately, this kind of troubles can often be relatively easily eliminated, moreover, at home and, so to speak, on our own and with the help of improvised means. If you wish, of course.

And also provided that the scratches on the glass or plastic of the glasses are not radically deep.

However, the methods below are effective in any case, because if the tsapain cannot be completely polished, then it will definitely work out to make it much less noticeable. The shape of the glasses, as well as their style (i.e. sunglasses for women or men) does not matter.

Only the material is important, because there are 2 methods - one for plastic lenses and one for glass. And before you get down to business, you should find out exactly what material the lenses of your glasses are made of.

So, how to remove scratches on polarized glasses.

For a successful operation, you will need:

  • toothpaste white necessarily non-abrasive;
  • special cream polish (you can buy it at a car shop), or furniture polish, or petroleum jelly;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • microfiber (preferably 2 pieces or one, but more);
  • cotton pads.
if you have glasses with plastic lenses
  • To remove possible dirt and / or grease stains, gently but thoroughly rinse your glasses under warm running water, applying a drop of dishwashing detergent to each of the lenses. Then we rinse the accessory thoroughly under running water to remove the remaining foam and detergent, let the glasses dry slightly and then wipe them dry with microfiber.
  • Apply a little polish cream to the place with a scratch. If it is not at hand, we use petroleum jelly, regular furniture polish or non-abrasive toothpaste - any of these products fills the scratch well and makes it less noticeable.
  • Take microfiber again and smooth for 10 seconds in a circular motion we rub the polish into the surface of the scratched lens, after which we check the glasses for light. If the scratch is still visible, repeat the procedure again until an acceptable result is obtained.

We polish.
We wipe.

if you have glasses with glass lenses
  • First, we also wash the product in warm running water with a detergent to remove dirt and grease stains from its surfaces, then dry them and wipe them dry with a microfiber.
  • Apply a small amount of non-abrasive toothpaste to a clean, dry cotton pad.
  • For about 20 seconds, rub the paste with a cotton pad into the scratch on the lens in a circular motion.
  • Let the toothpaste dry and then remove its lens surfaces with a clean, dry microfiber.
  • We turn the microfiber on the other, clean side (or take a clean piece), moisten a small area of \u200b\u200bit in warm water and wipe the lens again to completely remove the remaining toothpaste.
  • We check the glasses for light. If the scratch is visible, repeat the procedure.

When wearing glasses, scratches appear on the lenses. They spoil the appearance of the product and impair visibility. If the scratches are light, they can be polished at home. Polishing of spectacle lenses from scratches is done with the help of scrap materials that are in any home. If you know the secrets of lens polishing, you can significantly extend the life of your glasses and save money.

Is it possible to get rid of the damage

With careful use and storage, glasses will last a long time. But there are people who throw their glasses anywhere and don't care for them properly. In this case, the lenses are scratched, and the damage can be both minor and deep.

If the lenses are polymer, then they can be polished in normal home conditions. With very little effort, you can remove both small scratches and fairly deep damage. If the lenses have a specific coating, then in case of damage, the product must be replaced.

Polish spectacle lenses stands with great care so as not to damage them further. Use only proven grinding methods so as not to permanently ruin the glass.

How to remove small scratches on the lenses of your glasses

Glasses with small scratches can be polished in several ways. When buying glasses, they often give a special napkin and a lens cleaner as a gift. If they don't even come with your purchase, you can purchase them yourself, at an affordable price. You can also try a number of improvised tools that will help polish the glass no worse:

It is advisable to use a microfiber cloth for polishing. It is necessary to polish the glass a couple of times a week.

Methods for removing large scratches

It is also possible to grind large scratches at home, but for this you need to prepare a grinder:

  • A felt wheel is placed on the grinder and a little car polish is applied to it. Set the power to medium, then press the felt against the glass and carefully polish.
  • After the scratch has disappeared, a couple of drops of vegetable oil are applied to the cloth and the lens is rubbed.
  • If a special means for polishing, you can use crushed chalk. It is applied to a felt wheel and the surface is sanded. After the end of the procedure, you should wipe the glasses with soapy water.

To remove large scratches, toothpaste is also used, but in this case, rubbing will take an order of magnitude longer. But you should not take a whitening paste for this purpose, as its particles can scratch the surface even more.

It is necessary to polish the entire lens area, not just the defective area.

How to polish plastic glasses

Plastic glasses must be polished with great care so as not to scratch the lenses even more. To eliminate defects, you can use the following techniques:

  • Take a cotton pad, moisten it a little with water and apply a couple of drops of liquid soap. They pass with cotton wool over the entire surface, polishing it in a circular motion.
  • Dry polishing will help to restore the original appearance of plastic lenses. For this they take small piece felt or felt and rub the surface for 10 minutes.
  • Take some baking soda and add vinegar. In the resulting composition, a cotton pad is moistened and the lenses are rubbed. After the procedure, the product is washed well with running water and wiped dry with a microfiber cloth.

If the damage on the lenses is too large, then trying to repair something is pointless. In this case, it's best to buy a new accessory right away.

In order for the glasses to serve for a long time without any complaints, you must store them in a special case and regularly wipe them with a microfiber cloth.

Disadvantages of self cleaning

Self-polishing glasses is undoubtedly beneficial, but there are also disadvantages. If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, then the glass can be damaged even more. In addition, only minor scratches can be sanded out at home. If the damage on the lenses is too large, then it is better to trust the specialists.

Before you start polishing your glasses, you need to determine what they are made of. There is a possibility that the methods presented will not work for certain materials. It is important to follow all the recommendations of the optical manufacturers. Usually attached to glasses detailed instructions to care for them.

Expensive optics usually last longer than cheap products. This is due to the high quality of the materials used.

  1. If a plastic glasses are constantly scratched, then you should think about a special protective coating. But you need to remember that any coating is also scratched over time.
  2. If it was not possible to remove scratches at home, you should take the glasses to a specialist. With the help of special grinding equipment, he will quickly fix the problem.
  3. Before you start polishing your lenses, wash them thoroughly in soapy water to clean the scratches.
  4. Some people try to polish plastic lenses with a plastic polish. This is not recommended, as the thin coating can be damaged.
  5. If on sunglasses the anti-reflective coating has worn off, then its remainder must be wiped off with any greasy cream, and then the glasses must be rinsed with warm water.
  6. Many brand optics stores polish the lenses of glasses purchased from them for free.

For glasses to serve for a long time, they need to be properly looked after. Optics should be stored in a special case. If small scratches appear on the glass, you can try to polish them at home. In case of severe damage, the restoration may have no effect, in which case you need to buy new glasses.

Both optical and sun protection lenses are prone to scratches. Therefore, glasses must be handled with great care and stored correctly. Yet no one is immune from the appearance of small scratches on the lenses. In this case, don't panic. You can get rid of scratches at home. There are various tools available for polishing glass and plastic lenses. However, not all scratches can be removed. Sometimes lenses need to be replaced with new ones.

In order not to completely spoil the glasses, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Smooth, light movements should be made.
  2. Do not use paper or products with abrasive particles for polishing.
  3. It is advisable to rinse the lenses with warm soapy water before polishing.
  4. Before proceeding with removing scratches, you should find out the manufacturer's recommendations for the care of specific glasses.
  5. Don't try to get rid of deep scratches at home. This can lead to grooves and optical distortion. As a result, the eyes with glasses will get tired. Consequently, vision will begin to deteriorate.

It is worthwhile to set aside a certain amount of time for lens polishing, as this procedure requires accuracy and patience.

Lenses in sunglasses and eyeglasses are polished the same way. Methods for removing scratches differ slightly depending on the lens material: glass or plastic.

Glass lenses

Shallow scratches can be removed at home. Handy tools that can be found at almost any housewife will help to do this.


You will need to take a white toothpaste without whitening and abrasive properties. You can also use tooth powder.

Algorithm of actions:

  • apply a little toothpaste to felt or cloth;
  • rub the lenses gently until the scratches disappear;
  • wipe the surface with a soft damp cloth;
  • with flannel or suede to polish the glass from the edges to the center.

This method will help to get rid of only minor defects.

Instead of a paste, you can use crushed chalk.


The effect of baking soda is similar to that of toothpaste.


  • mix soda with water until gruel;
  • polish the lenses with the prepared compound and soft cloth;
  • rinse glasses with warm water and wipe with a dry cloth.

Paste GOI

In specialized stores you can buy GOI No. 80 paste, which is intended for polishing the car body.

How to apply GOI paste:

  • apply the product to a soft cloth such as cloth, flannel or felt
  • gently clean the lenses of your glasses;
  • lubricate them vegetable oil and wipe with a dry cotton pad in a circular motion.

For greater efficiency, you can polish your lenses with an electric shaver. To do this, you need to remove the mesh from the shaver. Cut a circle out of the monitor cleaning cloth that fits the razor blade. The cut piece should be secured along the edge of the blade with a silk thread.


Another remedy to help remove scratches from glasses is wood or glass polish. It contains wax, which fights damage.


  • apply a small amount of polish to the lenses;
  • rub in with a soft cloth;
  • wipe the surface dry.

The wax will fill in small scratches and prevent them from spreading.

If you have a silver or copper polish on hand, you can use that too.

CD Cleaning Spray

Disk cleaning spray can be purchased at computer stores.

It can also polish scratched lenses. The residues of the substance are removed with a dry soft cloth. Felt, flannel, suede or broadcloth will do.

Car glass fluid

Drivers may have a glass cleaner on hand. It can also deal with minor lens damage. This will require:

  • spray liquid on damaged areas;
  • polish the surface with a soft cloth;
  • when all abrasions disappear, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the composition with a clean cloth.

This tool will help smooth out even the smallest scratches that are not visible to the eye.

Plastic lenses

Almost all the tools used to recover glass lenses, suitable for polishing plastic.

But there are ways more suitable for sanding plastic.

Colorless varnish

Clear nail polish can easily fill in micro cracks in plastic lenses. Moreover, it is invisible on the surface and is a more durable product.

Instructions for use:

  • apply a little varnish to scratched areas;
  • wipe the places with a cotton cloth;
  • when the surface is leveled, you need to leave the glasses for a few minutes so that the varnish is completely dry.

Single scratches can be treated with a toothpick. To do this, a colorless varnish is applied to it and small damages on the lenses are carefully filled.

Removing a layer

If scratches appear on sunglasses with a mirrored layer, then it will not be possible to restore it at home. In this case, the only solution is to remove this layer from the plastic lenses.

You can purchase a special glass abrasive in art and craft stores. This product contains hydrofluoric acid and hydrogen fluoride, which will damage glass surfaces. Therefore, this abrasive can only be used on plastic.

Before carrying out the procedure, you should make sure that the lenses are really made of plastic. If so, then they will need to be removed from the frame and treated with this tool. After 2 minutes, wipe the surface with a clean soft cloth and rinse with cool water.

Wear rubber gloves with the abrasive, as it contains acids that can damage the skin. All items that have come into contact with the product must be discarded.

Not all scratches can be removed from the lens surface. Therefore, you should treat such an important accessory as glasses very carefully. You need to store them in a special case. Then they will last for many years.


This accessory helps a person to see better, serves as protection from the sun. It is important that the glasses are always clean and free from damage. Fresh scuffs, especially at eye level, make it difficult to see objects clearly. Try to remove scratches on your glasses at home. You will need funds that are at hand.

Is it possible to remove scratches on glasses myself

In order not to spoil your eyesight, you must always keep the accessory in order. If the glasses are scratched, professionals will come to the rescue and change them. It is far from always possible to do this.

You can cope with the problem yourself, using the materials at hand.

If the damage is small, it is easy to level it, polish the glasses so that the defect becomes less noticeable. If the defect is deep, the top layer of the glass can be evenly renewed with a gentle abrasive.

Glasses lens polishing technique at home

For the accessory to serve you for a long time, you need to wipe it from dust and stains every day. All defects are clearly visible on a clean surface.

Glasses lenses are polished using the following technology:

    Make your own thick mass using simple recipes with tooth powder or baking soda. You can take ready-made products - glass etching solution, wax or polish.

  1. Apply the composition to the damaged areas.
  2. Use a microfiber cloth to rub it gently with minimal pressure. Do not use circular motions that can leave marks.
  3. Rinse with water.
  4. Repeat polishing until the defect disappears.
  5. Wipe the glasses with a napkin, fold the accessory into the case.

Helpful hints:

    Polish the lenses in a smooth motion.

  • Do not use newspapers or paper.
  • Check the manufacturer's recommendations for your glasses model.
  • For deep defects, contact the service center.

Glass lens scratch removers

To remove defects, you need to choose a composition based on their depth. Prescription glasses and sunglasses require different approaches in the selection of cleaning agents.

To repair the damage, use tooth powder, metal car polish, or a heavy-duty pickling agent. It should be noted that too soft pastes will not be able to grind glasses. Highly abrasive compounds will wear away the protective film.


Hard particles of this product will quickly clean the glass surface from scratches. To remove bumps:

    Dissolve the tooth powder with warm water - you get a viscous thick mass.

  1. Apply it and spread it evenly.
  2. Slowly rub the composition with a microfiber cloth, try not to press hard.
  3. Rinse the glasses with water to remove residues.
  4. Buff with a cloth.

Metal polish

Such a remedy can be found in men who are engaged in automobiles. To polish glasses at home, you need to buy metal polish and alcohol.

Technology to help remove scratches:

    Apply the polish with a cotton pad, rub in for a long time.

  1. Remove the composition - saturate the cloth with alcohol, wipe.

Glass pickling agent

This technique is for plastic lenses that are coated on the outside. You can find a glass picker at a hardware store. It contains the active ingredient hydrofluoric acid, which helps to remove the outer coat and protect it from scratches.

The solution has a high concentration, so all work must be done quickly, observing safety precautions. Use rubber gloves to protect your hands.

Glass cleaning technology:

    Apply the solution to the surface using cotton swabs, do not rub.

  1. Leave it on for no more than 5 minutes.
  2. Rinse thoroughly with running water or the liquid specified in the instructions for the substance.
  3. Wipe with a microfiber cloth. Use side-to-side movements only.

Methods for polishing glasses with plastic lenses

Accessories sometimes have an anti-reflective coating that can be easily damaged. Before deciding on how to remove scratches from glasses with plastic lenses, decide whether you will protect the film or get rid of it completely. It also depends on the depth of the flaws.

Plastic is easy to clean with toothpaste or furniture polish. First wash the surface, examine the damage in detail. Choose gentle cleaning agents to maintain coverage.

Low abrasion toothpaste

This method can be used to remove shallow scratches at home. Apply a small amount of non-abrasive toothpaste, sanding slowly. For very deep flaws, repeat the treatment several times.

Helpful hints:

    Do not use a highly abrasive toothpaste designed to whiten or remove plaque. It can damage the surface.

  1. Rub the composition with a soft cloth. Coarse tissue sometimes leaves additional damage.
  2. Avoid circular motions when polishing. They form circular scuff marks.
  3. Wash off the composition with soap and water, wipe the lenses dry.

Soda paste

This ingredient is found in every home. Baking soda has a low abrasive index, so it will gently remove shallow scratches from the plastic surface.

Application procedure:

    Add water to the powder to form a thick paste.

  1. Apply to the lens surface.
  2. Soft cloth rub the mixture in light circular motions.
  3. Rinse off with plenty of water.
  4. If defects remain, repeat the process.

Furniture polish

This tool helps to remove shallow scratches on the plastic. Be careful when using furniture polish.

Try not to damage the frame. The reaction of its material with polish is unpredictable.

Application recipe:

    Clean the surface to determine where the damage is.

  1. Apply polish to your lenses.
  2. Rub the composition with a microfiber cloth.
  3. Remove excess with a rag.
  4. Repeat until the scratch disappears.


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When you wear your glasses carefully and don't throw them everywhere, then the problem of lens scratches will not affect you. But people who do not pay special attention to the storage of the accessory have similar problems from time to time. Minor scratches are uncomfortable and may impair vision. If the lenses are in coated glasses, then they will have to be replaced with new ones, but if the glasses are simple, then it will be possible to polish them and return them to their former transparency.

For high-quality polishing of lenses with glasses, you need to purchase car polishing paste, toothpaste and GOI. You should also prepare felt, cloth and cotton wool. You will also need a sander. If there are small scratches on the lenses of your glasses, you will not need a sander. Take a piece of soft felt or thick felt and apply GOI paste to it. If the lenses are attached with screws, then it is better to remove them from the frame. To do this, unscrew the screws holding the glass and remove them. Then place the lens with the scratched side on the felt and polish it in a circular motion until the scratches on the glass disappear. After polishing, wash the glass in warm water and soap to rinse off the remaining paste and insert into the frame. When a large scratch occurs on the lens, it will be quite difficult to remove it without a sander. You need to put a felt wheel on the typewriter and apply car polishing paste on it. Start the machine at medium speed, and pressing the glass against the felt circle, polish it. Polish completely the entire surface, not the scratch itself. Look, when it has almost disappeared, then replace the circle treated with GOI paste and polish the lens further until it is completely transparent. When you have achieved transparency, then you need to further process it with vegetable oil. To do this, apply a few drops to the cloth and rub the glass in a circular motion on both sides. When done, rinse the lens with warm water and soap. If you want to remove scratches from the glass, and you do not have special materials, then you can try to cope with the problem with the help of available tools. You can apply toothpaste. Apply it to cloth or felt and polish to the transparency you need. True, you will have to act like this for a long time, applying the paste several times. Do not use bleach, which contains particulate matter that will further damage the lens. You can use chalk instead of toothpaste. It is applied to a cloth and the lens is polished until it is transparent until the scratches disappear. Then washed with warm water and soap.

These simple ways can prolong the life of your glasses, but still try to treat them more carefully, and you will not have such problems.

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