Water purification from barium. Trace elements barium, lithium, boron in drinking water

Barium - the chemical element refers to the second group of PSE D.Madeleev, alkaline earth metal. Barium compounds are widely used in the oil, electro, paper industry. It is a silver-white metal with a density of 3.78 g / cube. See in nature Barium in pure form does not occur, the content of the element in the earth's crust does not exceed 0.065%. The most encountered compounds are barium sulphates and barium carbonate.

Barium falls into the water from natural sources, only a small share can be attributed to human activity. A large metal concentration is found in areas where the following minerals lie: Viterite, Barite. The content of barium in water can be from 1 to 20 mg / l, while the permissible concentration of the substance in drinking water According to the rules of the World Health Organization, it should not exceed 0.7 mg / l, in Russia this indicator is at a mark of 0.1 mg / l. For this reason, the question of water purification from barium considered by high level. Specialists of the Nii and Laboratories are engaged in the problem of water purification from barium Federal Agency and the Ministry of Agriculture.

The content of barium in water also depends on the properties of the fluid, namely from the presence of sulfates in it. Speaking scientific language, barium sulfate has low indicator Solubility, so with a large concentration of the substance when water heated to 18 degrees, the barium falls into a precipitate. Despite the fairly easy way to remove barium from the water and the presence of it in nature, the effect of metal on the human body is high. Seating of water C. large content This substance can lead to an increase in blood pressure, manifestation of muscle weakness, pain in abdominal cavity. Therefore, water purification is so important from this element.

Barium hydroxide has a negative effect on air-respiratory tract, an infringeing effect on the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye and the skin. Barium chloride increases vessel permeability, which can lead to hemorrhage and outcam, cause anemia, lymphocytosis, leukopenia. Barium fluoride can cause nervous irritation, influence the muscles. Also above the listed effects are people who use water with a large metal concentration, so water purification from barium - One of the important stages of production of clean drinking water.

Currently there are several technologies for water purification from barium: reverse osmosis, ion exchange, electrodialysis. Released modern filters use reverse osmosis technology, whereas on an industrial scale water purification from barium Conducted by electrodialysis and ion exchange. Today, there is also nanotechnology, which was developed by Vogva specialists (Vologda Humanitarian University of Technology), it allows water purification from barium ions by the method of cleaning groundwater from iron.

The technology of such water treatment is something similar to the method of water heating to 18 degrees at a high concentration of sulfates in water, the formation of a precipitate. Studies conducted by university specialists show that the absorption process, in other words, the process of absorbing the sorbate volume of the sorbent can be used with water purification from barium.

Speaking about the admission of barium in the body, it is necessary to allocate that most of He falls with food. Seafood and marine inhabitants, living near places of accumulation of a large number of barium compounds, are most dangerous. Over time, marine inhabitants (fish, squid, oysters) accumulate in the body some amount of metal, but the content of the substance may increase, it directly depends on the characteristics of the structure of the body and the place of all habitat. Some marine plants can increase the concentration of barium in the body of 1000 times. The use of such products is dangerous to health. Among the most dangerous products containing the barrier within 2-20 mg / liter are tomatoes and soybeans. Therefore, watering and the sale of the above products should be carried out under the watchful control of the auditory authorities (sanitary epidemiological service, certification and standardization laboratory).

Microelements & MDASH are chemical elements that are contained in human tissues, animals and plants in concentrations 1: 100,000 (or 0.001%, or 1 mg per 100 g of mass) and less. Among the trace elements are distinguished essential, i.e. vital, conditionally essential and toxic. Lithium and Bor are related to conditionally essential, and barium to toxic trace elements.

Partially bariumenters the environment as a result of human activity, however, it falls into the water mainly from natural sources. As a rule, the content of barium in the underground waters is small. However, in areas where minerals containing Barium (Barite, Viterita) occur, its concentration in water can be from units to several tens of milligrams per liter. The content of barium in water also depends on the presence of sulfates in it. The fact is that barium sulfate has an extremely low solubility limit easily falls precipitated, therefore, relatively high barium content is possible only in low sulfate waters. Being a fairly large cation, the barium is quite well sorbed by clay particles, iron and manganese hydroxides, which also reduces its mobility in water.

The main way of receipt of barium into the human body is food. However, in areas where the boring concentration in the water is high, drinking water can also contribute to the total consumption of barium.

USEPA data (US protection Agency) indicate the potential danger of increasing blood pressure with long-term water consumption containing barium, as well as in any way, that even one-time use of water with an increased content of bariums can lead to muscle weakness and pain in the abdominal area.

In natural waters and sources of drinking water supply lithiumcontained in low concentrations of 10 -3 & mdash10 -2 mg / l and only in mineral springs, the water is used for therapeutic purposes, it is often contained in higher concentrations. The minerals are served by the minerals of lithium, Lepidolit and others.

Although in small quantities, but lithium the human body is necessary. If there is a lack of lithium, then the person will start developing all sorts chronic diseases, in particular, mental and nervous. Yaponian scientists have proven that the content of lithium in drinking water reduces the risk of suicide. At the same time, the overdose of the element leads to negative consequences seriously changes the metabolism. Related still has not yet determined the daily need for lithium, not known and the fatal dose. But a toxic dose is known for 92-200 mg. Such a large amount from water or food is impossible.

If you get into the body of organic lithium, only the required amount of the element is absorbed, the rest is displayed. Therefore, with natural consumption, the excess of this item will not be.

Source borain the underground waters, there are harrow sedimentary rocks, rocks folded by lime-magnesian-iron silicates and aluminosilicates (so-called skarns), solenous deposits, as well as volcanic rocks and clays containing a boron sorbed from seawater. The sources of boron compounds in nature also serve water fields, rap salted lakes, thermal sources, especially in areas of volcanic activity.

In natural waters, Bor is in the form of boric acid ions.

In mineralized alkaline waters (at pH 7-11), the boron concentration can reach units and even tens of mg / l, which makes such water potentially unsafe for drinking use.

Upon arrival of borates or boric acid Inside with water washed quickly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Boron derivation occurs mainly through the kidneys. In short use, an irritation of the gastrointestinal tract arises inside the boron in elevated concentrations. With prolonged exposure to boron compounds, violation of digestion processes acquires a chronic character (the so-called boric enteritis develops), and boric intoxication arises, which can hit the liver, kidney, central nervous system. In long-term studies on animals, a negative impact of boron was revealed reproductive feature In men's individuals, as well as toxic effects on the embryo during pregnancy with the possibility of defects in newborns.

Ecology of life: Health. Barium refers to toxic trace elements and is not among the vital trace elements. The human body has a pronounced effect on smooth muscles.


The barray refers to toxic trace elements and is not among the essential (vital) or conditionally essential trace elements.The human body has a pronounced effect on smooth muscles.

The daily need of a human body in barium is not established, the average daily intake is within 0.3-1 mg.

The content of barium in the organism of an adult is about 20 mg.

The absorption of soluble barium salts in the gastrointestinal tract is about 10%, sometimes this indicator reaches 30%. In the respiratory tract, resorption reaches 60-80%.The content of blood plasma changes together with changes in calcium concentration.

In minor quantities, the barry is in all organs and tissues, howevermost of all it is in the brain, muscles, spleen and eye lens (It is in all shells and eye environments). About 90% of the total barium contained in the body concentrates in the bones and teeth.

Authorities in which a lot of calcium contains and a lot of barium. During the removal of the nearby-shaped gland in serum, the level of calcium and barium decreases.

Biological role in the human body

Even in insignificant concentrations, the barium has a pronounced effect on smooth muscles (in low concentrations relaxes them, causes a reduction - in large).

This is due, first of all, with the stimulation of large doses of the Barium of the outlet of acetylcholine and thus enhancing muscle contractions, intestinal peristalsis, arterial hypertension, muscle fibrillation, and cardiac conduction disorders.

The absorption of barium from the gastrointestinal tract depends on the solubility of its compound, which, with the exception of the barium sulfate, increases with a decrease in pH. If the barium compounds get into the lungs in the form of dust or aerosol, it penetrates well through the basal membrane. Poor soluble compounds can accumulate in the lungs.

Barium compounds reduce the permeability of potassium channels. The level of extracellular potassium decreases, while intracellular potassium increases. Under the action of barium, the depolarization of cell membranes is noted, then pronounced hypocalemia, membrane potentials are reduced, membrane repolarization does not develop. Barium stimulates insulin secretion, leading to hypoglycemia. The level of adrenaline in the blood increases. The permeability of capillaries increases, which may be accompanied by hemorrhages and edema.

It has been established that when ischemic Disease Hearts, chronic coronary insufficiency, diseases of the digestion organs The content of barium in the tissues is reduced.

Synergists and antagonists barium

Barium in its properties is close to calcium, which is mainly located in the composition bone tissue, so Barium ions can replace calcium in the bones. At the same time, cases of both synergies and antagonism are observed.

Signs of bary deficiency

Reliable data O. clinical manifestationsThere are no barium deficit.

Barium belongs to toxic trace elements, but this item is not considered mutagenic or carcinogenic. Toxic all barium connections ( with the exception of barium sulfate, which is used in radiology).

Barium compounds are used in various sectors of the national economy. Split soluble (barium chloride, barium carbonate, barium nitrate, barium hydroxide) and insoluble (barium sulfate) compound.

Barium's soluble compounds are highly toxic, used as Rativeycides; Barium sulfate is non-toxic and used in radiology.

LD50 bary chloride for rats intravenous administration - 7.9 mg / kg; For mice in intraperitoneal administration - 54 mg / kg, mortal dose for large animals - 15-30 g, for pigs and sheep - 5-15 g, for a person - 0.8-3.5 g (11.4 mg / kg ) When oral administration.LD50 barium carbonate 57 mg / kg.

Barium has a neurotoxic, cardiotoxic and hemotoxic effect.

Symptoms of poisoning by Barium different species Animals are mostly similar:

  • Hypertension;
  • Premature reductions in the ventricles of the heart;
  • Ventricular tachycardia;
  • Ventricular fibrillations and ashistolia;
  • There are expirations of eye, mydriasis, savance, nausea, vomiting;
  • Surability abdominal wall, diarrhea, violation of the act of swallowing;
  • Muscle fibrillations, rapid breathing, pulmonary edema, tonic, clonic convulsions and paralysis;
  • Hypokalemia and hypophosphatemia, metabolic acidosis and hypoglycemia.

The main manifestations of excess barium

Muscular spasms, disorders coordination of movements and brain activity; abundant salivation, nausea, vomiting, colic, diarrhea, dizziness, noise in ears, pallor skin Pokrov, abundant cold sweat; The weakness of the pulse, bradycardia, extrasystolia.

Barium is needed: With ischemic heart disease, chronic coronary insufficiency, diseases of the digestive organs.

In addition, the barium produces a sealing effect on the tissue, and this action is used to treat hypertrophied glands. Homeopaths recommend taking carbon dioxide the elderly people who suffer obesity when symptoms of sclerosis of brain vessels are present, as well as in some cardiovascular diseases ( hypertonic disease, spent, aneurysms), diseases respiratory tract (adenoids, chronic tonsillitis, bronchitis, recurrent angina) and digestive tract (Gastritis, meteorism, diarrhea, constipation).

Food sources of barium: some marine inhabitants Able to accumulate barium from the surrounding water, and in concentrations, in 7-100 (and for some marine plants - up to 1000) times exceeding its content in sea water.

Some plants (Walnut Brazilian, Soybeans and Tomatoes)also able to accumulate barium from the soil. However, in areas where the boring concentration in water is high, drinking water can also contribute to the total consumption of barium.published

Mendeleeva periodic table element barium Charles Shelele, famous Swedish chemist and pharmacist, was opened, in 1774. His discovery, however, could have happened before, if medieval alchemists thought more about science than the means of achieving wealth. It is known that many of them spent their lives in fruitless search for gold from cheaper elements, and died, nothing and having achieved.

At the very beginning of the XVII century, one Italian shoemaker, Vincenzo Kassziraolo, who was also interested in Alchemy (then only the lazy and those who had real sources of income) came to mind for the presence of a gold stone found in the nearby mountains. At first he calculated him with coal and Olife, but did not receive gold, but he received an interesting reddish glow, which was not fading and then when the croaling stone was already cooled. The Alchemist's shoemaker shared the discovery with his colleagues, and everyone began to try to highlight gold from such stones, conducting hundreds of experiments with the most different substances. There was a lot of time, but there was no gold, and they gradually forgot about heavy stones.

Almost after 170, Shelele did his discovery - he received Baria's oxide - Bao.

An Englishman Hamphri Davy, also a famous chemist, in 1808 still allocated new elementwhich was named Barium - "heavy", from the Greek "BARYS". Today we know that the barry refers to light metals, but among them he is really the hardest, so the name is fully justified.

Barium is a silver-white alkaline earth metal, soft and slightly viscous. In nature, it does not occur in its pure form, and, if necessary, it is isolated from compounds - carbonates, sulfates, silicates; and minerals, mostly heavy spat, or barite. Barium and in water, as well as in living organisms - some plants and tissues of animals.

Barium in products

In the human body, the barius comes with food and water. In some seafood, it is in dozens (and in marine plants - hundreds) times more than in sea water. In plants - tomatoes, soybeans, etc., barium can be ten times more than in the soils on which they grow; There is a lot of barium and drinking water, but not so often; In the air it is a bit.

Barium in the body

What does the barium mean for us, and what is his role in the human body? Biologists say that it is not studied enough, but does not consider it a vital element - even conditionally. Nevertheless, today the barium is studied, and his role may soon recognize more, but for now, scientists belong to toxic ultramic-elements.

For diseases digestive system, some cardiovascular diseases, the number of barium in the human body decreases. It is also established that even in insignificantly small quantities, it significantly affects the state of smooth muscles - not in vain in poisoning, the Barium is marked muscle spasms and severe muscular weakness.

Although the role of barium is not studied, its daily dose for a person is determined - from 0.3 to 0.9 mg. The relaxing effect of barium is not always harmful: scientists found out that it works "in a pair" with acetylcholine - one of the main neurotransmitters, and contributes to the relaxation of the heart muscle.

Excess barium

In the human body with a body weight, about 70 kg contains approximately 20-22 mg of barium. Barium soluble salts are absorbed in the intestines in small quantities; In the respiratory tract it can be 6-8 times more. Barium is not only in our muscle tissue and blood - on the contrary, it contains more in the bones and teeth than in all other tissues of the body - up to 90%. Barium interacts in the body with calcium - it can even replace it in the bones, as close to it on biochemical properties. However, with constant redundant receipt of barium - for example, when it is much in soils, the calcium exchange is disturbed, and a difficult disease can develop - the level of the sickness, in which the ossification processes slow down, and the musculoskeletal system is wear out very quickly.

Barium is in the brain, spleen, muscles and eye lens.

200 mg is considered toxic dose for a person; As for the deadly dose, here opinions are diverged - the figures from 0.8 to 3.7 g are given, although the first figure is still likely.

Barium does not belong to elements causing cancer or mutation, but all its compounds for a person are toxic - in addition to the substance that is used in medicine when the x-ray is a barium sulfate.

Barium with elevated content in the body affects blood cells, neurons, heart fabrics and other organs.

How does an excess barium appear in the body? Biologists call it "redundant receipt", but do not specify, exactly what happens, although they talk about production and household poisoning.

Barium compounds are used in many industries and production: in electronics, petroleum, glass, paper, textile, ceramic, paint, rubber, metallurgical, polygraphic, etc.

Barium fluoride is used in the processing of wood and the production of insecticides - it means it is also used in agriculture, but it can have a toxic influence on animals and a person, so it is necessary to study it.

Studies show that residents of rural areas leukemia occur more often where barium compounds are used to combat pests; Some finishing materials - for example, plaster, can cause diseases from builders who work with them.

Water soluble barium salts are considered dangerous for a person - these are sulphides, carbonates, nitrates, chlorides; Barium sulfates and phosphates are practically safe.

If a person poisoned the bary salts, then the symptoms will be expressed and bright: there is a burning in the mouth and the esophagus, saliva is strongly distinguished, nausea and vomiting appears, colic in the intestines and diarrhea. From side nervous system: Disorders of brain activity and disruption of coordination of movements, noise in ears and dizziness; From the cardiovascular system: the extrasystolia is a common form of arrhythmia, bradycardia and a weak pulse; There is also an abundant sweating - the sweat is cold, and the skin of the whole body is pale.

Chronic poisoning occurs when working in harmful production is not manifested so sharply. When inhalation of dust containing barium compounds, pneumoconiosis occurs in the workers - the disease of the lungs, in which the fibrous process develops. IN connective tissue Scars and thickening appear, and as a result, the progressive shortness of breath is developing, starting with pain in the chest and dry cough. Then there may be signs of light insufficiency, changes in respiratory tract and other complications: pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, etc.

Adjust the excess barium in the body is quite difficult, and it is not always possible to count on a prosperous outcome. To neutralize the action of barium salts, soluble sulfate salts of magnesium and calcium are used - they cause the formation of barium sulfates, which then need to withdraw from the body.

If the poisoning is heavy, then you can not have time to assist - death may occur during the day or even faster. Reception inside 0.2-0.5 g of barium salts cause severe poisoning, and mortal dose, as already noted, can be 0.8 g.

With this poisoning, it is necessary to immediately wash the stomach with a 1% solution of magnesium sulfate or sodium, and to do with them the same enema - a solution of 10%. Insoluble barium salts are removed by vomit - in general, all this, as well as further treatment, is already carried out in the hospital.

It is not clear who will come to the head of the barius inward, but in medicine there are many cases, when the barium connections were made by mistake - it means about the consequences to know after all. As for work in harmful production, increased content Barium in water and soil, here can help spectral hair analysis - it is precisely as a state of hair, which changes occur in the body for many years - while a person does not even know about them, and all these years is being treated incorrectly, aggravating the problem even more.

There is such a survey of Nedlyozy, but not too expensive; In the same method, you can conduct a study of drinking water of the terrain in which you live.

Gataulina Galina
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Federal Supervision Service
In the field of environmental management

Quantitative chemical water analysis

Methods of measurement mass
Barium concentrations in drinking,
Superficial, underground fresh and
Turbidimetric wastewater
Method with chromat potassium

PND 14.1: 2: 3: 4.264-2011

The technique is allowed for state purposes.
Environmental control

Moscow 2011

The methodology is considered and approved by the federal budgetary institution "Federal Center for Analysis and Evaluation of Technological Impact" (FCU "FCAO").

Federal Budgetary Institution "Federal Analysis Center for Technogenic Impact" (FCAO FCA)


Branch of the FBU "Zilti on DFO" - Zashti in the Primorsky Territory


This document establishes the method of measuring the mass concentration of barium in drinking, surface, underground fresh and wastewater by the turbidimetric method with potassium chromate.

Measurement range from 0.1 to 6 mg / dm 3.

If the mass concentration of the barium exceeds the upper limit of the range, the sample dilution is allowed so that the mass concentration corresponds to the regulated range.

If the mass barium concentration in the sample is less than 1 mg / dm 3, the sample must be concentrated by evaporation.

Calcium with content up to 45 mg / dm 3 and strontium up to 0.5 mg / dm 3 definition do not interfere. Iron more than 1 mg / dm 3 and aluminum are pre-separated by urotropin (p.).

2 attributed characteristics of measurement accuracy indicators

Table 1 - Measurement ranges, values \u200b\u200bof accuracy indicators, reproducibility and repeatability

Evaluation of the possibility of using measurement results when implementing measurement methods in a specific laboratory.

3 Measures, dishes, reagents and materials

When performing measurements, the following measuring instruments, dishes, materials, reagents and standard samples are used.

3.1 Measurements

Photoelectrocolorimeter or spectrophotometer of any type,

allowing to measure the optical density whenl \u003d 540 nm.

Cuvettes with a length of the absorbing layer 30 mm.

Laboratory scales special or high grade accuracy with a division price of not more than 0.1 mg, the greatest weighing limit of not more than 210 g according to GOST R 53228-2008.

Scales technical laboratory according to GOST R 53228-2008.

3.2 Dishes and materials

Flasks are measured 2-50 (1000) -2 according to GOST 1770-74

Test tubes measuring P-1-10-0.1 xs according to GOST 1770-74.

Pipettes are measured with divisions 0.1 cm 3.4 (5) -2-1 (2); 6 (7) -1-5 (10) according to GOST 29227-91.

Chemical glasses B-1-50 TX software according to GOST 25336-82.

Laboratory funnels in-75-110 xs according to GOST 25336-82.

Filters are solved by TU 6-09-1678-95.

Borosilicate glass bottles or polymeric material with fittings or screw caps with a capacity of 500 - 1000 cm 3 for sampling and storing samples and reagents.


1 It is allowed to use other measuring instruments, auxiliary equipment, dishes and materials with metrological and technical characteristics No worse than the specified.

2 Measurement tools must be reversed on time.

3.3 Reagents and Standard Samples

Ammonium acetic acid according to GOST 3117-78.

Ammonium chromasoma in GOST 3774-76.

Barium 2-water chloride according to GOST 4108-72.

Hydrogen peroxide (30% aqueous solution) according to GOST 10929-76.

Hexamethyleneteremin (Urotropin) on TU 6-09-09-353-74.

Potassium chromasomy according to GOST 4459-75

The acid is acetic icy according to GOST 61-75.

Water distilled according to GOST 6709-72.

State standard samples (GSO) composition of the solution of barium ions with a mass concentration of 1 mg / cm 3. The relative error of certified mass concentration values \u200b\u200bof no more than 1% at p \u003d 0.95.


1 All reagents used for analysis must be qualifications of Ch.D.A. or H.C.

2 It is allowed to use reagents made on other regulatory and technical documentation, including imported, with qualifications not lower than Ch.D.

4 Measurement method

The turbidimetric method for determining the mass concentration of barium ions is based on a small solubility of barium chromate in a neutral environment.

VA 2+ + K 2 CRO 4 ® VACRO 4 + 2K +

The optical density of the solution is measured whenl. \u003d 540 nm in cuvettes with a length of the absorbing layer 30 mm. The intensity of the color is directly proportional to the concentration of barium ions.

5 Safety Requirements, Environmental Protection

When working in the laboratory, it is necessary to comply with the following safety requirements.

5.1 When performing analyzes, it is necessary to comply with the safety requirements when working with chemical reactors according to GOST 12.1.007-76.

5.2 Electrical safety when working with electrical installations is observed according to GOST R 12.1.019-2009.

5.3 The laboratory premises must comply with the requirements of fire safety according to GOST 12.1.004-91 and have fire extinguishing equipment according to GOST 12.4.009-83.

5.4 The performers must be instructed on security measures in accordance with the instructions attached to the instruments. The organization of labor safety training is carried out according to GOST 12.0.004-90.

6 Operator Qualifications Requirements

Measurement performances can produce a chemist analyst who owns photometric analysis techniques, who studied the instruction manual for a spectrophotometer or a photocolorimeter and laid into control standards when performing error control procedures.

7 Terms of measurement

Measurements are carried out under the following conditions:

Ambient temperature (20 ± 5) ° C.

Relative humidity no more than 80% at a temperature of 25 ° C.

Atmospheric pressure (84 - 106) kPa.

Alternating current frequency (50 ± 1) Hz.

The voltage in the network (220 ± 22) in.

8 Preparation for measurement

When preparing for measurements, the following works are carried out: sampling and storage, preparation of the device, preparation of auxiliary and calibration solutions, building a calibration schedule, control of the stability of the calibration characteristic.

8.1 Sampling Sampling

8.1.1 Sampling is made in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 51592-2000 "Water. General requirements for sampling, "GOST R 51593-2000" Drinking water. Sampling, PND 12.15.1-08 "Methodical instructions for sampling for wastewater analysis".

8.1.2 The bottles for selection and storage of water samples are degreased with a solution of CMC, washed with tap water, nitric acid, diluted with 1: 1, tap water, and then 3-4 times with distilled water.

Water samples are taken into bottles of borosilicate glass or polymeric material, pre-rinsed by the selected water. The volume of the sample selected must be at least 100 cm 3.

8.1.3 If the sample is analyzed during the day, the sample is not preserved. If it is impossible to carry out measurements within the specified time frame, the sample is preserved by adding 1 cm 3 of concentrated nitric acid or hydrochloric acid (sample pH of less than 2) by 100 cm 3 samples. Shelf life 1 month.

Water sample should not be exposed to direct sunlight. For delivery to the laboratory, the vessels with samples are packaged in a container, which ensures the preservation and preventing temperature drops.

8.1.4 When sampling, the accompanying document is made in the form in which: indicate:

the purpose of the analysis, alleged pollutants;

place, selection time;

sample number;

sample volume;

position, surname selecting sample, date.

8.2 Preparation of the device

The preparation of the spectrophotometer and photocolorimeter to work is carried out in accordance with the operating instructions for the operation of the device.

8.3 Preparation of auxiliary solutions

The composition and the number of samples for graduation are shown in the table. The error due to the procedure for the preparation of samples for graduation does not exceed 2.5%.

Table 2 - Composition and number of samples for graduation

Mass concentration of barium ions in calibration solutions, mg / dm 3

The aliquot part of the working calorie solution with a concentration of 0.01 mg / cm 3, placed in a measuring tube 10 cm 3, cm 3

The measuring tubes with a capacity of 10 cm 3 make samples for grads, adjusted to a label with distilled water and add reagents according to p. A distilled water is used as a single sample, which is carried out through the entire test of the analysis.

Analysis of samples for graduation is carried out in order of increasing their concentration. To build a calibration graph, each artificial mixture is necessary to photometry 3 times in order to eliminate random results and averaging data. From the optical density of each calibration solution, the optical density of idle sample is deducted.

When constructing a calibration schedule along the ordinate axis, the values \u200b\u200bof the optical density are laid, and along the abscissa axis - the barium content in mg / dm 3.

8.6 Control of the stability of the calibration characteristics

Control of the stability of the calibration characteristics is carried out at least once a quarter, as well as after repair or calibration of the device, when using a new batch of reagents. The means of control are newly prepared samples for graduation (at least 3 samples from the table).

The calibration characteristic is considered stable when performing for each sample to graduate the following condition:


where X. - the result of the control measurement of the mass concentration of barium ions in the sample for graduation, mg / dm 3;

FROM - certified value of the mass concentration of barium ions in the sample for graduation, mg / dm 3;

- the rms deviation of the intraboratory precision, established when implementing the methodology in the laboratory.

Note. A permissible rms deviation of intraboratory precision when implementing the technique in the laboratory is based on the expression: \u003d 0,84s R., followed by clarification as information accumulates in the process of monitoring the stability of the analysis results.

S. R. Led in the table.

If the condition stability condition is not performed only for a single sample for graduation, it is necessary to re-measure this sample in order to eliminate the result containing a coarse error.

If the calibration characteristic is unstable, find out the causes of the instability of the calibration characteristics and repeat the control of its stability using other samples for graduation provided by the technique. When re-detected instability of the calibration characteristics, a new calibration schedule is built.

9 Measurements

9.1. Concentration

Concentration is carried out if the expected mass barium concentration in the sample is less than 1 mg / dm 3.

The definition interferes with iron in concentrations of more than 1 mg / dm 3 and aluminum. The presence of preliminary processing of the sample is carried out. To do this, in a heat-resistant cup with a capacity of 50 cm 3, 10 cm 3 of the water under study is added to a solution of ammonia (according to p.) Before the loss of hydroxides, which are then dissolved by several drops of hydrochloric acid (according to p.).

If iron (II) is present in the sample, then several drops of hydrogen peroxide are added (according to p.) For its oxidation.

Then 5-10 cm 3 of hexamethylenetetramine solution (according to p.). The contents are boiled and evaporated to the volume are slightly less than 10 cm 3, filtered into a measuring tube and washed with distilled water with distilled water and adjusted to the label of 10 cm 3. Next, proceed to perform measurements (p.).

When the condition fails (), methods for checking the acceptability of the results of parallel definitions and the establishment of the final result according to section 5 GOST R ISO 5725-6 can be used.

10.3 The discrepancy between the results of the analysis obtained in two laboratories should not exceed the reproducibility limit. When this condition is met, both results of the analysis are acceptable, and their average arithmetic value can be used as a final. The values \u200b\u200bof the reproducibility limit are shown in the table.

When the reproducibility limit is exceeded, methods for assessing the acceptability of the analysis results according to section 5 GOST R ISO 5725-6 can be used.

Table 3 - measurement ranges, values \u200b\u200bof repeatability limits and reproducibility at probability P \u003d 0.95

Permissible measurement results in documents issued by the laboratory, represent as: X ± D L. , P \u003d 0.95, providedD L.< D , где

X. - the result of measurements obtained in accurately compliant with the words methodology;

± D L. - The value of the characteristic of the error of measurement results, established when implementing the technique in the laboratory and provided by the stability control.

12 Monitoring the accuracy of measurement results

12.1 General

Quality control of measurement results when implementing the technique in the laboratory provides:

Operational control of measurement procedures;

Monitoring the stability of measurement results based on monitoring the stability of the average quadratic deviation (approximation) of repeatability, an intermediate (intraboctor) precision and correctness.

The frequency of control by the Contractor of the procedure for performing measurements and algorithms of control procedures (using the additive method using samples for control, etc.), as well as the implemented procedures for monitoring the stability of measurement results are governed in the internal documents of the laboratory.

The resolution of the contradictions between the results of the two laboratories is carried out in accordance with 5.33 GOST R ISO 5725-6-2002.

12.2 Operational control of measurement procedures using the additive method

Operational control of measurement procedures are carried out by comparing the result of a separate control procedure TO To with the standard of control TO.

The result of the control procedureK. to Calculate by the formula:

TO K \u003d | H. ¢ cf. - H. cf - FROM D |, (5)

where H. ¢ cf. - the result of measuring the mass concentration of barium in a sample with a known additive - the arithmetic average of two results of parallel definitions, the discrepancy between which satisfies the condition ();

H. cf - the result of the analysis of the mass concentration of barium in the initial sample is the arithmetic average of two results of parallel definitions, the discrepancy between which satisfies the condition ();

FROM D. - The magnitude of the additive.

Control standards TO Calculate by formula


where d l, x ¢, d l, x - the values \u200b\u200bof the characterization of the error of the results of the analysis set in the laboratories in the implementation of the technique corresponding to the mass concentration of the barium in the sample with a known additive and in the original sample, respectively.


The measurement procedure is recognized as satisfactory when performing the condition:

FROM - Certified value of the sample for control.

Control standards TO Calculate by formula

TO = FROM 'D l '0,01 (9)

where ± d l - Characteristics of the error of the analysis results corresponding to the certified value of the sample for control.

Values \u200b\u200bD L. Led in the table.


Permissible characterization of the error of measurement results when implementing the methodology in the laboratory to establish on the basis of expression: D L \u003d 0.84 × D, followed by clarification as information accumulates in the process of monitoring the stability of measurement results.

Analysis procedure is recognized as satisfactory, when fulfilling the condition:

TO to £. TO(10)

When the condition fails (), the control procedure is repeated. With repeated non-compliance with the condition (), they find out the reasons leading to unsatisfactory results, and take measures to eliminate them.

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