Russian scientists made a new discovery of the transmutation of elements. Biochemical transmutation of elements - a world discovery of Russian scientists

Recently there has been a revolution in chemistry and physics. A method of transmutation of chemical elements using biochemistry has been discovered. Two brilliant Russian practical scientists, chemists - Tamara Sakhno and Viktor Kurashov made this world discovery. The dream of the ancient alchemists came true ...

There is such a thing as transmutation. It is known to many from the history of alchemy. It means the transformation of some chemical elements into others or some isotopes of chemical elements into others.

Transmutation in alchemy is the transformation of one metal into another; usually meant the transformation of base metals into noble ones. The implementation of transmutation was the main goal of alchemy, for the achievement of which the search for the philosopher's stone was conducted. In the metaphysical sense, which also relates to the spiritual sphere, transformation is subject not only to material, but also to personality.

Transmutation in physics is the transformation of atoms of some chemical elements into others as a result of radioactive decay of their nuclei or nuclear reactions; at present, the term is rarely used in physics.

With today's technologies, transmutation is carried out either in a nuclear chain reaction, when during an explosion, the original uranium-235 is converted into other elements, or in nuclear reactors, when, under the influence of neutron bombardment, the same uranium is converted into other elements. Thus, plutonium, curium, francium, californium, americium and so on were artificially obtained - elements that either do not exist in nature or are practically impossible to obtain from natural sources.

However, today a revolution has been made in chemistry and physics. A method of transmutation of chemical elements using biochemistry has been discovered.

With the help of chemicals and bacteria, most of the known valuable and especially valuable isotopes can be obtained from ore containing natural uranium-238, the price of which is $ 50-60 per kilogram. You can get anemones-227, which is less than a gram in the world, - in kilograms and even tons. Only this will ensure a revolution in the world energy sector, since it will increase the efficiency of nuclear power plants by 10 times, which finally ends the hydrocarbon era. You can get kilograms of americium and make a revolution in industrial flaw detection and prospecting for minerals. You can get Polonium and earth satellites will acquire a different quality of power availability.

Victor and Tamara conducted 2000 experiments and, during transmutation, from a penny raw material, they received, among other things, gold and platinum as by-products. (Hello gold holders :).

In addition, the technology allows using bacteria and reagents created by Tamara and Victor to carry out 100% deactivation of nuclear waste. Bacteria transform everything. What previously could only be buried, creating a danger to the environment, can now be deactivated 100%. Moreover, in the process of deactivation during transmutation, valuable elements, including gold and platinum, appear. Both stable isotopes and radioactive ones. By the way, the isotope of radioactive gold-198 is used for the treatment of oncology.

The invention of Viktor Kurashov and Tamara Sakhno was confirmed by the RF Patent in August 2015 ( See Patent RU 2 563 511 C2 on the Rospatent website). The results are signed by professors of chemistry, some of whom have seen curium, francium and anemones for the first time in their lives.

That is, I repeat once again - biochemical transmutation is a discovery of epochal significance. Moreover, and this is the most important thing, these are not laboratory estimates, this is already ready-made technology suitable for immediate industrial scale-up... Everything has already been done.

Another important fact is that everything was done exclusively with private funds. Scientists for 25 years had nothing to do with the Russian state, earning money with applied chemistry related to cleaning up oil pollution. So that there were no questions and the likelihood of classification, even foreign ore was used for research - from Saudi Arabia and from the coast of the Indian Ocean.

Now, what do I have to do with this. I am the implementation administrator of this project.

It is clear that such wealth in the Russian Federation cannot be realized in many ways. Let's discard politics; in this case, they will not remember it at all. But in reality in the Russian Federation from the point of view of even philistine logic - it is impossible. Not because the Kremlin, let's forget the Kremlin and politics. And because it is impossible according to worldly wisdom. Starting from the likelihood of some zealous specialists appearing on the horizon with illegal turnover of radioactive substances (after all, a man was imprisoned for bringing a ton of culinary poppy). Or there are checking, allowing and rechecking. And so on, up to a ban on travel for authors and all sorts of surprises.

Hence, the decision was to go to Geneva to present this case to the world public ( the conference was held on June 21, 2016). To a neutral country, which, moreover, is not a NATO member. This whole operation was organized by me.

This world-class event will be of importance primarily for Russia. Although the implementation may be in Switzerland ...

On June 21, 2016, a press conference was held in Geneva in Switzerland on the epoch-making discovery of the transmutation of chemical elements by the biochemical method.
The Conference was attended by Tamara Sakhno, Viktor Kurashov - the scientists who made this discovery and Vladislav Karabanov, the administrator and leader of this project.

Victor and Tamara carried out experiments on transmutation, from the initial raw materials - uranium, thorium. As a result of experiments with raw materials, a technology was obtained that allows using bacteria and reagents to carry out 100% deactivation of nuclear waste.
The results have been verified by hundreds of analyzes by independent laboratories on the most modern instruments, and confirmed by certificates signed by reputable chemists (some of whom have seen curium, francium and anemones in a spectrogram for the first time in their lives).
The technology affects many areas of human activity, medicine, energy. This will further lead to a qualitative change in human life on planet Earth. Welcome to the New Age.


The invention relates to the field of biotechnology and transmutation of chemical elements. Radioactive raw materials containing radioactive chemical elements or their isotopes are treated with an aqueous suspension of bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus in the presence of elements with variable valence. Ores or radioactive waste from nuclear cycles are used as radioactive raw materials. The method is carried out with obtaining polonium, radon, france, radium, actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium, americium, nickel, manganese, bromine, hafnium, ytterbium, mercury, gold, platinum and their isotopes. The invention makes it possible to obtain valuable radioactive elements, to carry out the inactivation of nuclear waste with the conversion of radioactive isotopes of waste elements into stable isotopes. 2 wp f-crystals, 18 dwg, 5 tbl, 9 ex

The invention relates to the field of transmutation of chemical elements and the conversion of radioactive isotopes, that is, to the artificial production of some chemical elements from other chemical elements. In particular, the method makes it possible to obtain rare and valuable elements: polonium, radon, francium, radium and actinides - anemones, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium, as well as various isotopes of these and other elements.

Known transformations of chemical elements, the formation of new isotopes of elements and new chemical elements during nuclear decays and synthesis of chemical elements, used in traditional nuclear reactors, at nuclear power plants (NPP), in scientific nuclear reactors, for example, when chemical elements are irradiated with neutrons, or protons, or alpha particles.

There is a known method of obtaining a nickel-63 radionuclide in a reactor from a target, which provides for obtaining a nickel target enriched in nickel-62, irradiating the target in a reactor with subsequent enrichment of the irradiated product in nickel-63 when extracting nickel-64 isotope from the product (RU 2313149, 2007). The advantage of the method is to obtain a high quality product, which is intended for use in autonomous sources of electrical energy, in detectors of explosives, etc. The reproducibility of the results is confirmed by the data of analysis of the isotopic composition of elements by mass spectrometry methods.

However, the method is complex and unsafe and requires an industrial safety level.

There is also known a method of transmutation of elements - long-lived radioactive nuclides, including those arising in irradiated nuclear fuel (RU 2415486, 2011). The method consists in irradiation of the transmuted material with a neutron flux, and the irradiation is carried out with neutrons obtained in nuclear fusion reactions in a previously formed plasma of a neutron source, with a certain arrangement of the neutron scattering medium. This method is based on nuclear fusion reactions in a tokomak, is also complex and requires special equipment.

A known method of obtaining radionuclides Th-228 and Ra-224, which is also implemented in the conditions of reactor technology. The technology is quite complex and has security restrictions (RU 2317607, 2008).

Thus, in the production of chemical elements and their isotopes, in the main, nuclear reactions are traditionally used with the use of nuclear reactors and other complex equipment at high energy costs.

Attempts are known to solve the problem of obtaining radioactive isotopes in the process of nuclear transmutation of elements in a safer way, using microorganisms. Known, in particular, is a method for converting isotopes using microorganisms, providing for the cultivation of a microbiological culture of Deinococcus radiodurans on a nutrient medium containing the initial isotopic components necessary for transmutation, as well as deficient in a close chemical analogue of the target element. The composition of the medium contains such initial isotopic components that are radioactive and in the process of transmutation can lead to the formation of the target chemical element in the form of a stable or radioactive isotope, which is assimilated by the microbiological culture, and then remains stable or remains radioactive or decays to the required stable isotope (RU 2002101281 A, 2003). This method does not provide a high yield of the target isotope, and also requires the use of ionizing radiation as a starting and supporting factor for the reaction.

Also known is a method for obtaining stable isotopes due to nuclear transmutation such as low-temperature nuclear fusion of elements in microbiological cultures (RU 2052223, 1996). The method consists in the fact that the cells of microorganisms grown in a nutrient medium deficient in the target isotope (target isotopes) are influenced by factors that contribute to the destruction of interatomic bonds and lead to an increase in the concentration of free atoms or ions of hydrogen isotopes in it. The nutrient medium is prepared on the basis of heavy water and unstable isotopes deficient for the medium are introduced into it, which ultimately decay with the formation of target stable isotopes. Ionizing radiation is used as a factor destroying interatomic bonds. This method is based on the use of ionizing radiation, is not intended for industrial scale-up, and requires high energy and financial costs.

All of the listed chemical elements, their isotopes and by-products are still obtained by complex and unsafe traditional methods by traditional nuclear reactions in small (sometimes in micro) quantities, clearly insufficient to meet the energy, technical, industrial, technical and scientific needs of mankind. The described microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements makes it possible to obtain all of the above chemical elements and their isotopes in almost unlimited quantities, simple in execution, safe for personnel and the population, in an environmentally friendly way that does not require large expenditures of materials, water, heat, electricity and heating, providing this is the energy, industrial, technical and scientific problems of civilization. These elements and isotopes carry enormous energy reserves and are extremely valuable and marketable.

A microbiological method for the transmutation of chemical elements and the conversion of isotopes of chemical elements is proposed, characterized by the fact that radioactive raw materials containing radioactive chemical elements or their isotopes are treated with an aqueous suspension of bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus in the presence of any s, p, d, f-elements with variable valence. The selection of elements with variable valence is carried out according to the principle of creating a high redox potential. That is, the key factor of such a selection, or simply the orientation towards certain elements with variable valence introduced into the reaction medium, is the redox potential, the value of which is optimal in the range of 400-800 mV (for example, in examples 1, 2, 3, 4 Eh \u003d 635 mV, 798 mV, 753 mV and 717 mV, respectively).

Elements with variable valence, both in reduced and oxidized forms, which create a standard redox potential, are involved in the implementation of triggering and controlling mechanisms for the initiation and acceleration of alpha, beta minus and beta plus decays of radioactive isotopes of elements of any group by bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus.

The method leads to the production of polonium, radon, france, radium, actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium, americium and their isotopes, as well as nickel, manganese, bromine, hafnium, ytterbium, mercury, gold, platinum and their isotopes. Ores or radioactive waste from nuclear cycles can be used as radioactive raw materials containing radioactive chemical elements.

According to the claimed method, the following elements were obtained from raw materials containing natural uranium-238 and thorium-232:

1. Protactinium, anemones, radium, polonium and various isotopes of these elements (tables 1, 2, 3, 4; schemes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; figures from 1 to 17).

2. Francium (figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14).

3. Ytterbium, hafnium, gallium, nickel (table 1; figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), gold (table 1; figures 6, 7), mercury (tables 1, 2; schemes 9, 10; figures 4, 5, 11), platinum (table 1; schemes 9, 10; figures 4, 5, 6, 7).

4. The iron content in the medium decreases, nickel appears (there was no nickel in the original ore), and the nickel content increases in dynamics (Table 1), since iron takes on alpha particles carried by bacteria from alpha radioactive elements, turning into nickel. The detachment of a proton from the iron nucleus leads to an increase in the content of manganese in the medium (conversion of iron to manganese) and, accordingly, to a decrease in the content of iron (Table 1).

5. From polonium, which is a product of the decay of actinides in the microbiological process of transmutation of elements, various isotopes of thallium, mercury, gold, platinum, including stable ones, were obtained (tables 1, 2; schemes 10, 11; tables 1, 2; figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11).

6. Rare isotopes were obtained from plutonium-239: uranium-235, thorium-231, protactinium-231, actinium-227 (Scheme 12).

7. From plutonium-241, which is a by-product of uranium combustion in a reactor, rare in nature and industry, and scarce isotopes of americium and neptunium, 241 Am and 237 Np were obtained (Scheme 13).

Thus, the described microbiological method solves the problem of providing energy and rare scarce materials in various fields of industry, science and technology.

Previously, all of the listed elements and their various isotopes were produced artificially in small and micro amounts (in grams, milligrams, micrograms and less) during nuclear reactions and processes, in nuclear reactors, as decay products of uranium and thorium, as well as plutonium, radium ... The isotopes of thorium and uranium were also produced artificially in nuclear reactions. The authors obtained the following elements by this method: polonium, radon, francium, radium and actinides - actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium, plutonium, americium and various isotopes of the listed elements, as well as various isotopes of thorium and uranium - thorium-227, thorium- 228, thorium-230, thorium-234; uranium-231, uranium-232, uranium-233, uranium-234, uranium-235, uranium-236, uranium-239, as well as manganese, nickel, gallium, bromine, hafnium, ytterbium, thallium, mercury, gold, platinum ( see charts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and tables 1, 2, 3, 4).

The inventive method of transmutation of chemical elements allows you to obtain all of the above chemical elements and their isotopes in almost unlimited quantities.

The described method of transmutation of elements also makes it possible to inactivate and neutralize nuclear waste, for example, waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel (uranium) from nuclear power plants, containing uranium, plutonium, their isotopes and fission and decay products (isotopic transition products): isotopes of uranium and plutonium (see diagram 13), radium and polonium, more radioactive isotopes of strontium, iodine, cesium, radon, xenon and other products of alpha and beta decay, and spontaneous fission of uranium and plutonium.

It should be noted that the well-known traditional nuclear reactor methods for the production and separation of polonium, radium, actinium, protactinium, neptunium, americium, their isotopes and valuable isotopes of thorium and uranium are technologically difficult to implement, costly, require complex expensive equipment and are hazardous to human health and the environment. environment, in contrast to the proposed method. Also, the well-known traditional nuclear reactor methods for obtaining and separating polonium, radium, actinium, protactinium, neptunium, americium, their isotopes and valuable isotopes of thorium and uranium do not meet the needs of power engineering and other various fields of science and technology in these chemical elements and their isotopes.

In the claimed method, bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus (for example, the species Thiobacillus aquaesulis or Thiobacillus ferrooxidans) in the presence of elements with variable valence initiate and accelerate natural processes of radioactive decay and isotopic transitions of radioactive elements. In this case, the time of natural nuclear reactions and isotopic transitions is accelerated thousands, millions and billions of times - depending on the natural half-life of the initial isotopes of certain chemical elements.

As a raw material any raw materials and materials containing radioactive elements are used, namely: 1. Natural uranium and thorium in the form of ores: uranium and / or thorium ores, or sands, for example, monazite sands containing thorium, phosphates / phosphorites; any ore containing admixtures of thorium, uranium, plutonium in any quantity and ratio to each other. 2. Plutonium (see Schemes 12, 13), uranium, thorium and other radioactive elements obtained in nuclear reactors, including those that are waste from nuclear cycles. 3. Any other industrial components and wastes containing any actinides, mainly thorium, uranium, or plutonium, as more common, available and cheap on the market, any of these elements in any ratio to each other. 4. Radioactive decay products of plutonium, uranium, thorium: radium, radon, polonium. 5. Polonium, which is a product of the decay of actinides in the microbiological process of transmutation of elements, to obtain various rare isotopes of thallium, mercury, gold, platinum, including their stable isotopes. 6. Radioactive fission products (fragments) of plutonium and uranium - radioactive isotopes of strontium, yttrium, cesium, iodine and other elements; their transmutation is expedient in order to transform them into non-radioactive and non-hazardous elements and isotopes for humans, to improve the environment. 7. All the listed types of raw materials (elements) for microbiological processing are used both separately and together, in any ratio to each other.

Raw materials containing any of the above radioactive elements are treated with an aqueous solution of bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus, for example, the species Thiobacillus aquaesullis or Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, or their mixture in any proportion in relation to each other, or any types of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, in the presence of elements with variable valence, under normal conditions of life of microorganisms.

The method does not require expensive and dangerous for people and the environment nuclear reactors, is carried out under normal conditions, in ordinary containers, at normal ambient temperatures (quite acceptable values \u200b\u200bfrom 4 to 60 degrees Celsius), at normal atmospheric pressure, does not require fresh water consumption.


In our method, microorganisms initiate and accelerate alpha decay (-α), beta-minus (-β), and beta plus (+ β) decay (electron capture). Microorganisms capture in the nuclei of heavy elements (mainly in any f-elements and in heavy s-elements) protons, alpha particles (two protons and two neutrons) and electrons (beta-minus decay), while transferring the captured protons, alpha -particles and electrons to other elements, mainly d- and p-elements, for example, arsenic and iron. Also, microorganisms can transfer protons, alpha particles, electrons and positrons to other elements, for example, to the f-element ytterbium, if present in the medium. Bacterial capture and detachment of protons, alpha particles and electrons occurs in radioactive elements of the f-group and s-group (according to the classification of the periodic table of elements). Bacteria also initiate and accelerate beta-plus (+ β) decay (electron capture) in the nuclei of beta-plus radioactive isotopes of elements of any group, transferring to the nucleus of these elements an electron obtained in the process of beta-minus (-β) decay of other isotopes subjected to beta-minus decay, or captured from the elements of variable valence (not radioactive) present in the environment during their bacterial oxidation.

Bacterial transfer of protons (P), alpha particles (α) and electrons (e -) is carried out to the elements of the d-group (for example, to iron and others), to elements of the p-group (for example, to arsenic and others) and to s-group elements (strontium, cesium, radium and others).

Bacterial capture and detachment of protons, alpha particles and electrons occurs in alpha and beta radioactive isotopes of the elements of the f-group, s-group and p-group, which are naturally (naturally) alpha- or beta-radioactive in themselves, while bacteria initiate and accelerate the processes of alpha and beta decay by millions and billions of times.

Bio-alpha decay (-α)

In the process of alpha decay, with the loss of two protons by the nuclei, the elements of the f- and s-groups turn into lighter elements (moving two cells forward in the table of the periodic table of elements).

After the capture and separation of protons and alpha particles from the f- and s-elements, bacteria transfer these protons and alpha particles to various elements of the d-, p- and s-groups, converting them to other elements - the next in the arrangement in the periodic system of chemical elements (move one or two cells forward according to the table of the periodic table of elements).

Bacterial transfer of alpha particles from f-elements to iron converts the iron to nickel (see Table 1); during bacterial transfer of protons and alpha particles from f-elements to arsenic, arsenic is converted to bromine (see Table 1); during bacterial transfer of protons and alpha particles from f-elements to ytterbium, ytterbium is converted to hafnium (see Table 1).

Bio-beta decay (-β, + β)

Bacteria provoke and many times accelerate both types of beta decay: beta minus decay and beta plus decay.

Beta-minus decay (-β) is the emission of an electron by the nucleus, resulting in the transformation of a neutron into a proton with the transformation of an element into the next one in the periodic table of chemical elements (moving one cell forward according to the table of the periodic table of elements).

Beta-plus decay (+ β) - the capture of an electron by the nucleus, as a result, a proton is converted into a neutron with the transformation of an element into the previous one according to its location in the periodic system of chemical elements (transition one cell back according to the table of the periodic table of elements).

In the process of beta decay provoked and accelerated by bacteria, in some cases, the subsequent emission of the so-called delayed neutron occurs - already spontaneously, in a natural way, according to the physical laws of isotopic decays and transitions, with the production of a lighter isotope of this element. The use of the delayed neutron emission mechanism makes it possible to further expand the list of obtained elements and isotopes, as well as to predict and regulate the bio-transmutation process (to stop it at the right time).

Bacteria initiate and accelerate beta decay - the emission of an electron by the nucleus or the introduction of an electron into the nucleus (electron capture) of beta-radioactive chemical elements. Bacteria initiate and accelerate the beta decay of isotopes of elements, both primarily contained in raw materials, in the medium, and isotopes of elements artificially obtained in a bioprocess, after alpha decay provoked by bacteria. The last fact - beta decay that occurs after bacterial-induced alpha decay is of great practical importance in order to obtain valuable scarce energetically important elements and isotopes.

Bacteria capture and strip electrons also from nuclei lighter in comparison with f-elements, namely from beta-minus radioactive isotopes - products ("fragments") of the fission of uranium and plutonium, for example, from nuclei of strontium-90, yttrium-90 , iodine-129, iodine-130, cesium-133, cesium-137 and some other elements that are converted in the process of this beta decay into stable elements. In this case, a neutron is converted into a proton in the nucleus of a chemical element, and the ordinal number of the element is shifted by one or two (depending on the initial isotope) cells forward according to the table of the periodic table of elements. This process makes it possible to radically and ecologically cleanly dispose of highly radioactive waste from nuclear industries and nuclear power plants, i.e. from the products of combustion of nuclear fuel, which contain radioactive elements - "fragments" of fission of uranium, plutonium and other transuranic elements - actinides, as well as fission products of thorium, if used in the thorium nuclear cycle.

An electron captured by bacteria during beta-minus decay is transferred by bacteria to the nuclei of beta-plus radioactive isotopes of elements (if they are present in the medium). Redox reactions also take place in the process. For example, with bacterial transfer of electrons to iron (III), the latter is converted into iron (II), with bacterial transfer of electrons to arsenic (V), the latter is converted into arsenic (III). The surface charge of bacterial cells is caused by the dissociation of ionogenic groups of the cell wall, which consists of proteins, phospholipids and lipopolysaccharides. At the physiological pH of microbial cells, bacteria carry an excess negative charge on their surface, which is formed as a result of the dissociation of ionogenic, mainly acidic, groups of the cell surface. The negatively charged surface of microbial cells attracts oppositely charged ions from the environment, which, under the influence of electrostatic forces, tend to approach the ionized groups of the cell membrane. As a result, the cell is surrounded by a double electrical layer (adsorption and diffusion). The cell charge constantly fluctuates depending on the processes taking place in the environment. When exposed to alpha particles, the negative charge of cells decreases (in absolute value) and turns into a positive charge, which accelerates the processes of beta decay. Further, when exposed to electrons released during beta decay from radioactive elements, as well as electrons that have passed from elements of variable valence in reduced form into the adsorption layer of microorganisms, the negative charge of microorganisms increases (in absolute value), turns from positive to negative, which accelerates processes of alpha decay, pulling of positively charged protons and alpha particles from atoms of chemical elements. These accelerating processes occur due to electrical interactions of negatively and positively charged groups of the cell surface with alpha and beta particles of radioactive elements, respectively. In the logarithmic stage of growth of microorganisms, the negative charge of cells reaches its maximum value, which leads to the maximum rate of transformation, transformation of elements. The processes of transformation of chemical elements can occur both inside bacterial cells and on the surface of the cell wall in the adsorption layer of the electric double layer.

Thus, microbial cells, labilely changing their charging characteristics, are a regulating and accelerating system of several types of radioactive decay and the transformation of some elements into others.

In order to accelerate the processes of transmutation of chemical elements by microorganisms, when the charge of microorganisms approached the isoelectric point in the reaction solution, surface active substances (Surfactant). Polyampholytes, ionic surfactants, both anionic and cationic surfactants, introduced into the reaction medium, changing the cell charge (charge shift from the isoelectric point to a negative or positive side), contribute to bacterial initiation and intensification of the processes of transmutation of chemical elements (example 9).

Industrial and scientific and technical value of the invention

The microbiological method of transmutation of elements, acceleration of nuclear reactions and isotopic transitions, makes it possible to obtain in unlimited quantities valuable and scarce radioactive elements that are in high demand on the market, in technology, industry and scientific research. These elements and isotopes carry enormous energy reserves and are extremely valuable and marketable. Below is emphasized the low and rare content of these chemical elements and their isotopes in nature, the difficulty of obtaining them in nuclear reactors, as a result of which their world production is negligible, and the market price is very high. The areas of application of the obtained elements and the global demand for them are also described.

Polonium is always present in uranium and thorium minerals, but in such negligible quantities that it is impractical and unprofitable to obtain it from ores using conventional methods. The equilibrium content of polonium in the earth's crust is about 2 · 10 -14% by weight. Trace amounts of polonium are recovered from uranium ore processing waste. Polonium is isolated by extraction, ion exchange, chromatography, and sublimation.

The main industrial method for producing polonium is its artificial synthesis through nuclear reactions, which is expensive and unsafe.

Polonium-210 in alloys with beryllium and boron is used for the manufacture of compact and very powerful neutron sources that practically do not generate γ-radiation (but short-lived due to the short lifetime of 210 Po: T 1/2 \u003d 138.376 days) - alpha particles of polonium-210 give rise to neutrons on the nuclei of beryllium or boron in the (α, n) -reaction. These are sealed metal ampoules, which contain a ceramic pellet made of boron carbide or beryllium carbide coated with polonium-210. Such neutron sources are lightweight and portable, completely safe to operate, and very reliable. For example, the Soviet neutron source VNI-2 was a brass ampoule two centimeters in diameter and four centimeters high, emitting up to 90 million neutrons every second.

Polonium is sometimes used to ionize gases, particularly air. First of all, air ionization is necessary to combat static electricity (in production, when handling particularly sensitive equipment). For example, dust removal brushes are made for precision optics.

An important field of application of polonium is its use in the form of alloys with lead, yttrium or independently for the production of powerful and very compact heat sources for autonomous installations, for example, space or polar ones. One cubic centimeter of polonium-210 emits about 1320 watts of heat. For example, in the Soviet self-propelled vehicles of the Lunokhod space program, a polonium heater was used to heat the instrument compartment.

Polonium-210 can serve as a substance in an alloy with a light isotope of lithium (6 Li), which can significantly reduce the critical mass of a nuclear charge and serve as a kind of nuclear detonator.

Until now, industrial and commercial (market) quantities of polonium have been milligrams and grams of polonium.

At present, radium is used in compact sources of neutrons, for this small amounts are fused with beryllium. Under the influence of alpha radiation, neutrons are knocked out of beryllium: 9 Be + 4 He → 12 C + 1 n.

In medicine, radium is used as a source of radon, including for the preparation of radon baths. Radium is used for short-term irradiation in the treatment of malignant diseases of the skin, nasal mucosa, and urinary tract.

The small use of radium is associated, among other things, with its negligible content in the earth's crust and in ores, and with the high cost and difficulty of obtaining artificially in nuclear reactions.

During the time that has passed since the discovery of radium - more than a century - only 1.5 kg of pure radium have been produced all over the world. One ton of uranium tar from which the Curies obtained radium contained only about 0.0001 grams of radium-226. All natural radium is radiogenic - it comes from the decay of uranium-238, uranium-235, or thorium-232. In equilibrium, the ratio of the content of uranium-238 and radium-226 in the ore is equal to the ratio of their half-lives: (4.468 · 10 9 years) / (1617 years) \u003d 2.789 · 10 6. Thus, for every three million uranium atoms in nature, there is only one radium atom. The microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements makes it possible to obtain radium-226 and other isotopes of radium from uranium and thorium in practically unlimited quantities (kilograms, tons) and to expand the field of application of radium and its isotopes.

At present, francium and its salts have no practical application due to their short half-life. The longest-lived isotope of france, 223 Fr, is known to have a half-life of 22 minutes. Nevertheless, obtaining francium by a microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements and fixing the presence of francium in the processed samples on devices (Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14), in the absence of francium in the feedstock, proves the general course of the processes of transformation of elements. In the future, the use of France for scientific and other purposes is not excluded.

Actinium is one of the most rare radioactive elements in nature. Its total content in the earth's crust does not exceed 2600 tons, while, for example, the amount of radium is more than 40 million tons. There are 3 actinium isotopes found in nature: 225 Ac, 227 Ac, 228 Ac. Actinium accompanies uranium ores. The production of actinium from uranium ores using the well-known traditional methods is inexpedient due to its low content in them, as well as the great similarity with the rare earth elements present there.

Significant amounts of the 227 Ac isotope are obtained by irradiating radium with neutrons in a reactor. 226 Ra (n, γ) → 227 Ra (-β) → 227 Ac. The yield, as a rule, does not exceed 2.15% of the initial amount of radium. The amount of actinium in this synthesis method is calculated in grams. The 228 Ac isotope is produced by irradiating the 227 Ac isotope with neutrons.

227 Ac mixed with beryllium is a neutron source.

Ac-Be sources are characterized by a low yield of gamma quanta and are used in activation analysis for the determination of Mn, Si, Al in ores.

225 Ac is used to obtain 213 Bi, as well as for use in radioimmunotherapy.

227 Ac can be used in radioisotope energy sources.

228 Ac is used as a radioactive indicator in chemical research due to its high-energy β-radiation.

A mixture of 228 Ac-228 Ra isotopes is used in medicine as an intense source of γ-radiation.

Actinium can serve as a powerful source of energy, which is still not used due to the high cost of anemones and the small amount of anemones obtained by known methods, as well as due to the complexity of its production by known methods. All traditional methods of producing and isolating anemones are costly, unprofitable and hazardous to human health and the environment. The production of actinium by the microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements makes it possible to obtain anemones and its isotopes in a cheap and safe way in unlimited quantities (kilograms, tons, thousands of tons, etc.).


Due to the small content in the earth's crust (the content of the Earth's mass is 0.1 billionth of a percent), the element has a very narrow application to this day - an additive to nuclear fuel. From natural sources - residues from the processing of uranium tar - only protactinium-231 (231 Pa) can be obtained by traditional methods. In addition, 231 Pa can be obtained in the traditional way by irradiating thorium-230 (230 Th) with slow neutrons:

The 233 Pa isotope is also obtained from thorium:

As an additive to nuclear fuel, protactinium is added at the rate of 0.34 grams of protactinium per 1 ton of uranium, which greatly increases the energy value of uranium and the combustion efficiency of uranium (a mixture of uranium and protactinium). Obtaining protactinium by the microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements makes it possible to obtain protactinium in a cheap and safe way in unlimited quantities (kilograms, tons, thousands of tons, etc.). Obtaining protactinium by the microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements solves the issue of the availability of cheap energy, energy raw materials and a product with high efficiency, and meets the needs for protactinium in other fields of science and technology.

Various thorium isotopes (thorium-227, thorium-228, thorium-230, thorium-234 and others), having different half-lives, not contained in natural thorium, obtained by the microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements, are of interest for research purposes, and are also of interest as sources of energy and raw materials for the production of other isotopes and elements.

Uranium and its isotopes

At the moment, 23 artificial radioactive uranium isotopes with mass numbers from 217 to 242 are known. The most important and valuable uranium isotopes are uranium-233 and uranium-235. Uranium-233 (233 U, T 1/2 \u003d 1.59 10 5 years) is obtained by irradiating thorium-232 with neutrons and is capable of fission under the influence of thermal neutrons, which makes it a promising fuel for nuclear reactors:

But this process is extremely complicated, expensive and environmentally hazardous. The content of the valuable isotope uranium-235 (235 U) in natural uranium is small (0.72% of natural uranium), and its traditional separation from other uranium isotopes (for example, laser centrifugation) and separation is associated with great technical, economic and environmental difficulties. since it requires high costs, expensive and complex equipment, and is unsafe for humans and the environment. The isotope uranium-233 (233 U) is not contained in natural uranium, and its traditional production in nuclear reactors is fraught with similar difficulties and dangers.

Uranium is widespread in nature. The uranium content in the earth's crust is 0.0003% (wt.), The concentration in seawater is 3 μg / l. The amount of uranium in a layer of the lithosphere with a thickness of 20 km is estimated at 1.3 · 10 14 tons. World production of uranium in 2009 amounted to 50772 tons, world resources in 2009 amounted to 2438100 tons. Thus, the world reserves of uranium and the world production of natural uranium are quite large. The problem is that the main share of reserves and production (99.27%) falls on the natural isotope of uranium uranium-238 (respectively percentage isotopes in natural uranium), i.e. the least useful and least energetic isotope of uranium. In addition, the traditional separation of uranium isotopes from each other (in this case, uranium-235 from uranium-238) is extremely difficult, expensive and environmentally unsafe. According to the OECD, there are 440 commercial nuclear reactors operating in the world, which consume 67 thousand tons of uranium per year. This means that its production provides only 60% of its consumption (the rest is extracted from old nuclear warheads). The most valuable in this case are uranium isotopes - uranium-233 and uranium-235 (nuclear fuel), for the sake of which spent fuel elements from nuclear power plants and nuclear warheads removed from combat duty are reused after reprocessing. The 238 U nuclei fission upon capturing only fast neutrons with an energy of at least 1 MeV. The 235 U and 233 U nuclei fission during the capture of both slow (thermal) and fast neutrons, and also fission spontaneously, which is especially important and valuable.

The microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements makes it possible to obtain in almost unlimited quantities from natural uranium (from the isotope of uranium-238) rare and valuable isotopes of uranium - uranium-232, uranium-233, uranium-234, uranium-235, uranium-236, and others valuable chemical elements and their isotopes: neptunium-236, neptunium-237, neptunium-238, plutonium-236, plutonium-238, americium-241, protactinium-231, protactinium-234, thorium-227, thorium-228, thorium-230 , anemones-227, radium-226, radium-228, radon-222, polonium-209, polonium-210. The industrial, technical and energy value, as well as the selling market value of these obtained elements is much higher than the initial element - uranium-238.


Neptunium is found on Earth only in trace amounts; it was obtained artificially from uranium through nuclear reactions.

By irradiating neptunium-237 with neutrons, weighed amounts of isotopically pure plutonium-238 are obtained, which is used in small-sized radioisotope energy sources, in RTGs (RTG is a radioisotope thermoelectric generator), in pacemakers, as a heat source in radioisotope energy sources and sources ... The critical mass of neptunium-237 is about 57 kg for pure metal, and thus this isotope can be practically used for the production of nuclear weapons.


Americium-241 is produced by irradiating plutonium with neutrons:

Americium-241 is a valuable rare chemical element and isotope, its traditional production in nuclear reactors is associated with the usual difficulties and high prices for producing actinides, as a result americium has a high market value, is in demand and can be used in various fields of science, industry and technology.

The microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements makes it possible to obtain practically unlimited amounts of neptunium-236, neptunium-237, neptunium-238, plutonium-236, plutonium-238, americium-241 and other isotopes of neptunium, plutonium and americium.

Generally accepted short designations in the following diagrams and tables:

Uranium-238, 238 U - here - 238 is the relative atomic mass, that is, the total number of protons and neutrons.

P is a proton.

N or n is a neutron.

α is an alpha particle, i.e. two protons and two neutrons.

(-α) is an alpha particle emitted from an atom (from an element) in our reactions, while the ordinal number (nuclear charge) decreases by two units and the element turns into a lighter one located through the cell in the periodic table of elements of Mendeleev (shift by two cells back). In this case, the relative atomic mass decreases by four units.

Beta decay is a transformation in which the ordinal number of an element (nuclear charge) changes by one, and the relative atomic mass (the total number of protons and neutrons) remains constant.

(+ β) - emission of a positively charged particle of a positron, or capture of a negatively charged electron by a nucleus: in both cases, the ordinal number (charge of the nucleus) of the element decreases by one.

The phenomena of emission of the so-called "delayed neutron" (more often one or two) after beta decay are observed. At the same time, a new chemical element formed by beta decay, after the emission of a delayed neutron (neutrons), retains its new place and cell in the table of the periodic system of elements, since it retains the nuclear charge (the number of protons), but loses in atomic mass, forming new , lighter, isotopes.

(-n) - "delayed neutron", a neutron emitted from an atom after beta decay, while the atomic mass of the new element decreases by one.

(-2n) - two "delayed neutrons" emitted from the atom after beta decay, the atomic mass of the new element is reduced by two units.

(ă) - "delayed" alpha particle (a type of isotopic decay) emitted from an atom (element) after beta decay. In this case, the ordinal number (nuclear charge) decreases by two units, and the relative atomic mass of the element decreases by 4 units.

The next transmutation of a chemical element takes place (a shift two cells back according to the table of the periodic table of chemical elements).

T 1/2 or T is the half-life of the isotope of the element.

The authors have carried out a series of successful reproducible experiments with various ores and raw materials. Raw materials containing radioactive elements were treated with an aqueous solution of bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus in the presence of elements with variable valence of any s, p, d and f elements that create a standard redox potential (for example, Sr 2+, nitrogen N 5+ / N 3-, sulfur S 6+ / S 2- arsenic As 5+ / As 3+, iron Fe 3+ / Fe 2+, manganese Mn 4+ / Mn 2+, molybdenum Mo 6+ / Mo 2+, cobalt Co 3+ / Co 2+, vanadium V 5+ / V 4+ and others). Various bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus were used, iron-oxidizing and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (thermophilic and others), participating in the redox processes of metals, has always been achieved positive effect... The authors carried out 2536 experiments. The obtained experimental data were statistically processed (see Tables 1, 2, 3, 4) and are reflected in the schemes for the microbiological production of various valuable isotopes of uranium, protactinium, thorium, actinium, radium, polonium, and thorium-232 from uranium-238 (238U) and thorium-232. other elements (see figures 1 to 17, schemes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13). Schemes of reactions and isotopic transitions do not contradict, but confirm the existing theory of radioactive decays.

To transmute chemical elements and obtain new elements and isotopes, sulfide ores of Saudi Arabia containing uranium and thorium were used as raw materials for microbiological processing (table 1, figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7). The ore of Saudi Arabia also contained the elements phosphorus, arsenic, vanadium, mainly in oxidized form (phosphates, arsenates, vanadates), and iron in both oxidized and reduced forms. Therefore, to create a high redox potential in the fermenter, the raw materials were treated with microorganisms Thiobacillus acidophilus strain DSM-700 in an aqueous solution of elements with variable valence, which are in solution in a reduced form: Mn +4, Co +2, Fe +2, N -3, S -2 (in the form of salts), in their total weight 0.01% by weight of the medium.

When growing microorganisms Thiobacillus acidophilus strain DSM-700, standard nutrient media were used (for example, Leten's and Waxman's media for Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, 9K medium and media for other iron- and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria). Elements of variable valence - transelements (elements carrying electrons, for example, Mg, Mn, Co, Mo, Zn, Cu, Fe in the form of salts) were added to standard nutrient media in their total mass 0.01% of the mass of the medium, products of hydrolysis of organic raw materials , for example, hydrolysis of fish, meat, or timber processing waste (2% by weight, from the medium) and raw materials (uranium or thorium containing ores or radioactive waste in an amount of 1.5% by weight, from the medium). In the fermentation medium containing 10% of the raw material (ore), a 10% solution of the culture medium with optional autotrophic microorganisms selected at the exponential growth stage was introduced.

The transmutation process was carried out in ten fermentation shaking flasks. The pH of the solution was adjusted with 10N sulfuric acid, the pH of the solution was maintained in the range of 0.8-1.0 during the process. The temperature of the process is 28-32 degrees Celsius. The redox potential (Eh) in the solution of the transmutation process in the logarithmic stage is 635 mV. Mixing speed 300 rpm. The ratio of solid to liquid was 1:10 (100 grams of ore in one liter of aqueous solution). Every day, every 24 hours, the pH and Eh of the solution, the concentration of chemical elements and isotopes in the solution were measured, and the vital activity of microorganisms was also monitored. The process was carried out for nine days. The methods of analysis of aqueous solutions and ore were used: to determine the content of elements, the X-ray fluorescence method was used, type of devices: CYP-02 "Renom FV"; S2 PICOFOX. The atomic adsorption method was also used. The isotopic composition was determined by mass spectroscopy. The charging characteristics of microbiological cells were determined by electrophoretic mobility using a Parmoquant-2 automatic microscope. According to these devices, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the final products was determined. The results of the conducted and statistically processed experiments depending on the time of the process are shown in Table 1. FIG. 1 shows the spectrogram of the original Saudi Arabian ore without microbiological treatment and without transformation of chemical elements. Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 show spectrograms of analyzes of transmutation of chemical elements during microbiological processing of Saudi Arabian ore, depending on the time of the process after 48 hours (2 days), 72 hours (3 days), 120 hours (5 days), after 120 hours (5 days), after 168 hours (7 days), after 192 hours (8 days), respectively.

Scheme 2. Obtaining protactinium-231 (231 Pa) by a microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) in various ways.

Scheme 6. Obtaining radium-226 (226 Ra) and radium-228 (228 Ra) by a microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) (see 6-1) and from natural thorium-232 (232 Th) (see 6 -2) respectively:

The method of carrying out the process is the same as in example 1. For transmutation of chemical elements and obtaining new elements and isotopes, uranium ore of North-West Africa was used as raw material for microbiological processing, containing uranium, thorium, sulfur and arsenic in reduced form (metal sulfides , arsenides, sulfoarsenides). Therefore, to create a high redox potential, the raw materials were treated with microorganisms Thiobacillus aquaesulis strain DSM-4255 in an aqueous solution of elements with variable valence, which are in solution in an oxidized form: N +5, P +5 (in the form of phosphates), As +5, S +6, Fe +3, Mn +7, in their total mass 0.01% of the mass of the medium. The redox potential (Eh) in the solution of the transmutation process in the logarithmic stage is 798 mV. The temperature of the process is 30-35 degrees Celsius, the pH of the medium is 2-2.5. The process takes twenty days. The results of the conducted and statistically processed experiments, depending on the time of the process, are shown in Table 2. Spectrograms of analyzes of the transmutation of chemical elements during microbiological processing of uranium ore in North-West Africa, depending on the time of the process, after 24 hours (1 day), after 144 hours ( 6 days), after 168 hours (7 days), after 192 hours (8 days), after 480 hours (20 days) are shown in Figures 8, 9, 10, 11, respectively.

Scheme 1. Microbiological production of various valuable isotopes of uranium, protactinium, thorium, actinium, radium, polonium from uranium-238 (238 U):

Scheme 2. Obtaining uranium-233 (233 U) by a microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) in various ways.

Scheme 4. Obtaining thorium-230 (230 Th) by microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U).

Further, the process is either stopped (and 230 Th is released) if thorium-230 is the ultimate goal of the process. Or the process continues until valuable and rare radioactive isotopes of radium (226 Ra), radon, astatine, polonium, bismuth, lead are obtained:

Scheme 5. Obtaining actinium-227 (227 Ac) by a microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) in various ways.

Scheme 7. Obtaining the most valuable and stable isotopes of polonium (210 Po, 209 Po, 208 Po) by microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U).

The method of carrying out the process is the same as in example 1. For the transmutation of chemical elements and the production of new elements and isotopes, Jordanian uranium ore containing the elements uranium, thorium, phosphorus, arsenic, iron, vanadium in the oxidized form was used as a raw material for microbiological processing (phosphates, arsenates, vanadates) and in reduced form. Therefore, to create a high redox potential, the raw materials were processed with microorganisms Thiobacillus halophilus strain DSM-6132 in an aqueous solution of elements with variable valence with a redox capacity: Rb +1, Sr +2, S 0 / S -2, Re +4 / Re +7, As +3 / As +5, Mn +4 / Mn +7, Fe +2 / Fe +3, N -3 / N +5, P +5, S -2 / S +6 in their total weight 0.01% by weight of the medium. The redox potential (Eh) in the solution of the transmutation process in the logarithmic stage is 753 mV. The temperature of the process is 28-32 degrees Celsius, the pH of the medium is 2.0-2.5. The process takes twenty days. The results of the conducted and statistically processed experiments, depending on the time of the process, are shown in Table 3. Spectrograms of analyzes of the transmutation of chemical elements during microbiological processing of Jordanian uranium ore, depending on the time of the process, after 24 hours (1 day), after 120 hours (five days) , after 192 hours (8 days) are shown in Figures 12, 13, 14, respectively.

Scheme 3. Obtaining protactinium-231 (231 Pa) by a microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) in various ways.

Scheme 4. Obtaining thorium-230 (230 Th) by microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U).

Further, the process is either stopped (and 230 Th is released) if thorium-230 is the ultimate goal of the process. Or the process continues until valuable and rare radioactive isotopes of radium (226 Ra), radon, astatine, polonium, bismuth, lead are obtained:

Scheme 5. Obtaining actinium-227 (227 Ac) by a microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U) in various ways.

Figure 6-1. Obtaining radium-226 (226 Ra) by microbiological method from uranium-238:

Scheme 7. Obtaining the most valuable and stable isotopes of polonium (210 Po, 209 Po, 208 Po) by microbiological method from uranium-238 (238 U).

The method of carrying out the process is the same as in example 1. For the transmutation of chemical elements and the production of new elements and isotopes, monazite thorium containing sand of the Indian Ocean coast, containing the elements thorium, phosphorus, arsenic, silicon, aluminum, and also cerium and other lanthanides, mainly in reduced form. Therefore, to create a high redox potential, the raw materials were treated with microorganisms Thiobacillus ferrooxidans strain DSM-14882 in an aqueous solution of elements with variable valence, which are in solution in an oxidized form: N +5, P +5, As +5, S +6, Fe + 3, Mn +7, in their total weight 0.01% by weight of the medium. The redox potential (Eh) in the solution of the transmutation process in the logarithmic stage is 717 mV. The temperature of the process is 28-32 degrees Celsius, the pH of the medium is 1.0-1.5. The process takes ten days. The results of the conducted and statistically processed experiments depending on the time of the process are shown in Table 4. Spectrograms of analyzes of the transmutation of chemical elements during microbiological processing of thorium-containing sand on the coast of the Indian Ocean, depending on the time of the process, after 24 hours (1 day), after 120 hours ( five days), after 240 hours (ten days) are shown in Figures 15, 16, 17, respectively.

Figure 6-2. Obtaining radium-228 (228 Ra) by a microbiological method from natural thorium-232:

Scheme 8. Obtaining various isotopes of thorium, actinium, radium, polonium by the microbiological method from natural thorium-232 (232 Th):

The method of carrying out the process is the same as in example 1. To transmute chemical elements and obtain new elements and isotopes, polonium-209 was used as a raw material for microbiological processing, obtained in our process from actinides, which is converted (decayed) further into isotopes of mercury, gold and platinum (Scheme 10). The raw materials were processed by microorganisms Thiobacillus aquaesulis strain DSM-4255 in an aqueous solution of elements with variable valence with a redox capacity: Rb +1, Sr +2, S 0 / S -2, Re +4 / Re +7, As +3 / As +5, Mn +4 / Mn +7, Fe +2 / Fe +3, N -3 / N +5, P +5, S -2 / S +6 in their total mass 0.01% of the mass of the medium ... The redox potential (Eh) in the solution of the transmutation process in the logarithmic stage is 698 mV. The temperature of the process is 28-32 degrees Celsius, the pH of the medium is 2.0-2.5. The process takes twenty days.

Based on the obtained experimental and statistically processed data, the authors deduced the following scheme:

Scheme 10. Obtaining stable isotopes of mercury and gold (197 Au) by microbiological method with initiation and acceleration of reactions from polonium-209 (209 Po):


The method of carrying out the process is the same as in example 1. For transmutation of chemical elements and obtaining new elements and isotopes, polonium-208, obtained in our process from actinides, which is converted (decayed) further into isotopes of mercury, gold, was used as a raw material for microbiological processing and platinum (Scheme 11). The raw material was processed with microorganisms Thiobacillus ferrooxidans strain DSM-14882 in an aqueous solution of elements with variable valence with a redox capacity: Rb +1, Sr +2, S 0 / S -2, Re +4 / Re +7, As +3 / As +5, Mn +4 / Mn +7, Fe +2 / Fe +3, N -3 / N +5, P +5, S -2 / S +6 in their total mass 0.01% of the mass of the medium ... In a solution of the transmutation process in the logarithmic stage, Eh \u003d 753 mV. Microorganisms were used. The temperature of the process was 28-32 degrees Celsius, the pH of the medium was 1.0-1.5. The process takes twenty days. Based on the obtained experimental and statistically processed data, the authors deduced the following scheme:

Scheme 11. Obtaining stable isotopes of mercury, thallium, platinum (195 Pt) and gold (197 Au) by a microbiological method with the initiation and acceleration of reactions from polonium-208:

The method of carrying out the process is the same as in example 1. For transmutation of chemical elements and obtaining new elements and isotopes, plutonium samples were used as raw materials for microbiological processing in order to convert plutonium-239 into uranium-235, protactinium-231 and actinium-227 ( Scheme 12) .The raw material was processed by microorganisms Thiobacillus thioparus strain DSM-505 in an aqueous solution of elements with variable valence with a redox capacity: Rb +1, Sr +2, S 0 / S -2, Re +4 / Re +7, As +3 / As +5, Mn +4 / Mn +7, Fe +2 / Fe +3, N -3 / N +5, P +5, S -2 / S +6 in their total mass 0.01 % of the mass of the medium. Redox potential (Eh) in solution of the transmutation process in logarithmic

stages of the transmutation process Eh \u003d 759 mV. The temperature of the process is 28-32 degrees Celsius, the pH of the medium is 2.0-2.5. The process takes twenty days. Based on the obtained experimental and statistically processed data, the authors deduced the following scheme:

Scheme 12. Obtaining uranium-235, thorium-231, protactinium-231 and actinium-227 by a microbiological method with accelerating decay reactions from plutonium-239 (weapons-grade plutonium can be used, or plutonium is a by-product of nuclear combustion of TVELOV NPP, subject to disposal):

You can stop the process at any stage, with the receipt of 235 U, or 231 Th, or 231 Pa, or 227 Ac, or mixtures thereof in various ratios. Or you can continue the process of converting elements and isotopes from actinium-227 to 210 Po, 209 Po, 208 Po, with the receipt of intermediate elements, according to Scheme 7-1.

The method of carrying out the process is the same as in example 1. For transmutation of chemical elements and obtaining new elements and isotopes, samples of plutonium were used as raw materials for microbiological processing in order to convert plutonium-241 into americium-241 and neptunium-237 (Scheme 13). 241 Pu - a by-product of nuclear reactions during the combustion of fuel elements of a nuclear power plant, subject to disposal, is taken as a nuclear waste and a by-product of the industrial combustion of uranium. The raw materials were processed by microorganisms Thiobacillus tepidarius strain DSM-3134 in an aqueous solution of elements with variable valence with a redox ability: Rb +1, Sr +2, S 0 / S -2, Re +4 / Re +7, As +3 / As +5, Mn +4 / Mn +7, Fe +2 / Fe +3, N -3 / N +5, P +5, S -2 / S +6 in their total mass 0.01% of the mass of the medium ... Eh \u003d 736 mv. The temperature of the process is 28-32 degrees Celsius, the pH of the medium is 2.0-2.5.

Scheme 13. Obtaining americium-241 (241 Am) and neptunium-237 (237 Np) by microbiological method from plutonium-241 with initiation and acceleration of decay reactions:

The process can be stopped or slowed down at the stage of obtaining americium-241 with the selection of the latter. Example 9.

This example shows the intensification of the process of transmutation of chemical elements when it slows down under limiting factors. The method of carrying out the process and raw materials are the same as in example 2. Control option: Uranium ore from North-West Africa was also used as a raw material, but the difference from example 2 was more content ores in solution: the ratio of the solid phase (ore) to the liquid phase was 1: 3 (100 grams of ore in 300 ml of an aqueous solution). The raw material was processed by microorganisms Thiobacillus aquaesulis strain DSM-4255 in an aqueous solution of elements with variable valence in solution in oxidized form: N +5, P +5 (in the form of phosphates), As +5, S +6, Fe +3, Mn +7, in their total mass 0.01% of the mass of the medium, as in example 2. Eh \u003d 410 mV. The temperature of the process is 30-35 degrees Celsius, the pH of the medium is 2.0-2.5. The process takes twenty days. The bacteria charge is close to zero. Electrophoretic mobility (EPM) of microbial cells is equal to 0.01 V -1 × cm 2 × s -1. The initial content of uranium-238 in the medium was 280 g / l. On the fifth day of the process, the content of uranium-238 dropped to 200.52 mg / l, but protactinium-231, actinium-227 and polonium isotopes were not detected in the medium, while the isotopes of thorium-234, protactinium-234, protactinium-233, uranium -234 (primary products of uranium-238 transmutation). The processes of transmutation of uranium-238 and the formation of new elements and isotopes were slowed down in time compared to example 2, in which the ratio of the solid phase (ore) to the liquid phase was 1:10 (100 grams of ore in 1000 ml of an aqueous solution). The deceleration of the process is associated with an increased concentration of metal ions in the solution with a small amount of water per ore. Experimental version: In the same solution, limited in water, in which the ratio of the solid phase (ore) to the liquid phase was 1: 3 (100 grams of ore in 300 ml of an aqueous solution), additionally introduced 0.001 g / l of polyampholyte - polyacrylic acid caprolactam ( ratio of acrylic acid to caprolactam 9: 1). Electrophoretic mobility (EPM) of microbial cells is 0.89 V -1 × cm 2 × s -1, the charge of microorganisms has shifted from the isoelectric point, in negative side... Eh \u003d 792 mV On the fifth day, the content of uranium-238 in the solution became equal to 149.40 mg / l, isotopes appeared - products of further decay: uranium-232, uranium-233, protactinium-231, actinium-227, radium-226, polonium -210, 209 and 208 are all in great numbers. The process has accelerated. Based on the experimental data, a general diagram of various directions and decay chains of uranium-238 was obtained when various valuable isotopes of uranium, protactinium, thorium, actinium, radium, polonium and other elements are obtained from it by a microbiological method (Figure 18).

The electron transition energy (keV), by which the chemical elements were determined by the X-ray fluorescence method (Figures 1 to 17), are shown in Table 5.

1. Microbiological method of transmutation of chemical elements and conversion of isotopes of chemical elements, characterized by the fact that radioactive raw materials containing radioactive chemical elements or their isotopes are treated with an aqueous suspension of bacteria of the genus Thiobacillus in the presence of elements with variable valence.

2. The method according to claim 1, characterized in that the method is carried out with obtaining polonium, radon, france, radium, actinium, thorium, protactinium, uranium, neptunium, americium, nickel, manganese, bromine, hafnium, ytterbium, mercury, gold, platinum and their isotopes.

3. A method according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that ores or radioactive waste from nuclear cycles are used as the radioactive raw material containing radioactive chemical elements.

Transmutation of Elements - Myth or Reality? A very old and good friend A. Yu. Rychkov asked to make the maximum repost of his announcement on Facebook. Which I am happy to do with small cuts. So:

This is formally called an invention, although, nevertheless, in this case, we are not talking about an invention, but about a discovery. And here the word epoch may well be used, it is about the opening of a New Epoch.

There is such a thing as transmutation. It is known to many from the history of alchemy. It means the transformation of some chemical elements into others or some isotopes of chemical elements into others.

Transmutation in alchemy is the transformation of one metal into another; usually meant the transformation of base metals into noble ones. The implementation of transmutation was the main goal of alchemy, for the achievement of which the search for the philosopher's stone was conducted. In the metaphysical sense, which also relates to the spiritual sphere, transformation is subject not only to material, but also to personality.

Transmutation in physics is the transformation of atoms of some chemical elements into others as a result of radioactive decay of their nuclei or nuclear reactions; at present, the term is rarely used in physics.

With today's technologies, transmutation is carried out either in a nuclear chain reaction, when during an explosion, the original uranium-235 is converted into other elements, or in nuclear reactors, when, under the influence of neutron bombardment, the same uranium is converted into other elements. Thus, plutonium, curium, francium, californium, americium and so on were artificially obtained - elements that either do not exist in nature or are practically impossible to obtain from natural sources.

They are irreplaceable in energy, industry, medicine, and space technology. For example, the same Polonium-210 is primarily the stuffing of isotope batteries for spacecraft. Grams of polonium can produce energy in kilowatts over time. The lunar rovers operated on such batteries. Russian reactors produce about 9 grams of Polonium per year.

Isotopes of americium are used for measuring technology and flaw detection. The isotope molybdenum-99 is used in medicine for diagnostic procedures. All these elements and isotopes produced in reactors cost tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars PER GRAM. Some elements and their isotopes are known, their properties are known, however, they cannot be obtained in any real amount. For example, actinium-227 increases the energy output of fuel rods for nuclear power plants by 10 times. However, this advantage cannot be used, since the volumes obtained in the world, for example, actinium-227, are measured in hundredths of a gram.

Transmutation itself with hot reactors is very expensive and environmentally unsafe. Therefore, there is a shortage of especially valuable elements in the world.
... However, today a revolution has been made in chemistry and physics. A method for transmutation of chemical elements using biochemistry has been discovered. Two brilliant Russian practical scientists, chemists, dynasty - Tamara Sakhno and Viktor Kurashov made this discovery. Moreover, these are our like-minded people.

With the help of chemicals and bacteria, most of the known valuable and especially valuable isotopes can be obtained from ores containing natural uranium-238 or thorium-232. You can get anemones-227, which is less than a gram in the world, - in kilograms and even tons. Only this will ensure a revolution in the world energy sector, since it will increase the efficiency of nuclear power plants by 10 times, which finally ends the hydrocarbon era. You can get kilograms of americium and make a revolution in industrial flaw detection and prospecting for minerals. You can get Polonium and earth satellites will acquire a different quality of power availability.

Victor and Tamara conducted 2000 experiments and during transmutation, from the initial raw materials - uranium, thorium, including gold and platinum, were obtained as by-products. (Hello to the holders of gold).

In addition, the technology allows using bacteria and reagents created by Tamara and Victor to carry out 100% deactivation of nuclear waste. Bacteria transform everything. What previously could only be buried, creating a hazard to the environment, can now be 100% deactivated. Moreover, in the process of deactivation during transmutation, valuable elements, including gold and platinum, appear. Both stable isotopes and radioactive ones. By the way, the isotope of radioactive gold-198 is used for the treatment of oncology. (By the way, for medicine, isotopes can be produced and supplied immediately).

The invention of Viktor Kurashov and Tamara Sakhno received a RF Patent in August 2015 (See Patent RU 2 563 511 C2 on the Rospatent website). The results have been verified by hundreds of analyzes by independent laboratories on the most modern instruments, and confirmed by certificates signed by reputable chemical scientists (some of whom have seen curium, francium and anemones in the spectrogram for the first time in their lives).

That is, I repeat once again - biochemical transmutation is a discovery of epoch-making significance. Moreover, and this is the most important thing, these are not laboratory estimates, this is a ready-made technology suitable for immediate industrial scale-up. Everything has already been done. I emphasize that this is an INDUSTRIAL technology.

Another important fact is that everything was done exclusively with private funds. Scientists for 25 years had nothing to do with the state, earning money with applied chemistry related to cleaning up oil pollution. To avoid any questions and the likelihood of classification, even foreign ore was used for research - from Saudi Arabia, from the shores of the Indian Ocean and the uranium ore of West Africa.

Now, what do I have to do with this. I am the implementation administrator of this project.

It is clear that such wealth in the Russian Federation cannot be realized in many ways. Let's discard politics; in this case, they will not remember it at all. But in reality in the Russian Federation from the point of view of even philistine logic - it is impossible. Not because the Kremlin, let's forget the Kremlin and politics. And because it is impossible according to worldly wisdom. Starting from the likelihood of some zealous specialists appearing on the horizon with illegal turnover of radioactive substances (after all, a man was imprisoned for bringing a ton of culinary poppy). Or there are checking, allowing and rechecking. And so on, up to a ban on travel for authors and all sorts of surprises.

Hence, the decision was to go to Geneva to present this case to the world public. To a neutral country, which, moreover, is not a member of NATO. This whole operation was organized by me.

3:40 Alchemy secret is revealed! Transmutation of chemical elements 2016

Today we are with the authors of the discovery in Geneva. We have scheduled a press conference for June 21, of course, at noon (thanks to like-minded people in Geneva). It will pass between Rue Ferne and Rue Ariana, next to the Ariana Museum and Ariana Park. There is also something else related to Arian, which I will not mention. There is a lot of work now, traveling, meetings, so once again I apologize for the disruption of broadcasts. But on June 13, I really hope that it will be on the air.

I have often talked about the Miracle in the programs. Now I am reporting to you about it. For this event of global significance will be of importance, first of all, for Russia.

Although the implementation may be in Switzerland. If any of the readers of ARI has a desire to participate in this business as investors, the doors are still open (write to the editorial mail).

Some prophecies. Israel has the tomb of the leader of the religion known as Bahaism, Bahá'u'lláh. The religion appeared in the 19th century in Iran, and has about 2 million adherents in the world. In the book of the followers of Bahá'í, dedicated to their religion and the prophecies of Bahá'u'lláh, it is said:

Elsewhere Bahá'u'lláh wrote that the transmutation of the elements would become a reality, and that this achievement would be one of the signs of the onset of the maturity of the human race.

Here it is, the maturity of mankind has come. I think a trip to Switzerland is the right decision. Everything will be under the shadow of light forces. There will be no disasters.

Vladislav Karabanov

1:33:58 Press conference on TRANSMUTATION (Switzerland). Press Conference of transmutation (Switzerland)

Here is a link to the website of the Swiss Press Club with information about the press conference - You can forward it, and forward information about the press conference. Call anyone who has the opportunity to Russian TV channels, news services. Call in advance, inform about the epoch-making opening and press conference. This is my request and the request of the authors of the discovery. We need maximum publicity. But in any case, do not lean into politics with this mailing. This will only harm the case.

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Arthur Conan Doyle has the story "The Discovery of Raffles Howe." Her hero invents a way of converting chemical elements from one to another, respectively - and the production of gold. But the scientist is in no hurry to make his discovery public. In this case, Howe argues, gold will immediately depreciate, and something else will take its place.

The scientist prefers to trade his gold in secret, and uses the proceeds for charity and helping those in need. The opposite task is set by the engineer Garin at Alexei Tolstoy. He rushes to the inexhaustible reserves of the Earth's gold in order to wreak havoc on the global economy and seize power.

Gold is the eternal dream of alchemists, and not only them. They laugh at alchemy - pseudoscience, they say, and nothing else. In fact, no one has yet learned how to "bake" gold in their kitchen. But if we still admit that people once possessed the secrets of the transmutation of elements?

Emperor Diocletian's wrath

In the early Christian era, not many doubted that the priests of Ancient Egypt knew the secret of obtaining gold. And thanks to the activities of the Alexandrian Academy in the II-IV centuries, this conviction only strengthened. It got to the point that the Roman emperor Diocletian issued a special decree in 296. It instructed to burn all Egyptian manuscripts about the artificial production of gold.

Diocletian was undoubtedly preoccupied with the troubles that such knowledge was fraught with for trade and the economic welfare of the state. The enlightened emperor was hardly so ignorant that he issued such a decree without good reason. What grounds these were - now it is impossible to establish. Many treasures of human thought perished in the flames of wars and conflagrations, let us recall the libraries of Alexandria and Carthage, plundered and destroyed. What hidden knowledge was stored there?

Legend of the Star City

In early February 1517, the Esperanza caravel under the command of Captain Raphael Rodriguez was wrecked near the island of Jamaica, 300 miles southeast of Cuba, which was ruled at the time by the governor of the Spanish king Charles V Diego Velazquez. In the half-broken skiff, almost without food and fresh water, there were 13 people, led by Rodriguez himself. For 10 days, the fragile boat was carried along the waves of the Yucatan Strait, until it washed up on the Mexican coast.

Of the 13 sailors, only seven survived ... They were captured by the Maya Indians under the leadership of Hala-Kayar and taken to the city of Champoton. The ruler of the city of Moch-Kouo ordered to immediately sacrifice five captives to the gods ... Two survived, Rafael Rodriguez and Martos Sanchez - their turn had not yet come. The Spaniards were locked in a house, but they managed to dismantle the wall and escape into the forest.

After a month of hungry wanderings, the sailors joined the expedition of Francisco Hernandez de Cordoba, who arrived in Mexico on three ships in March 1517. Their story became known to the world. It was believed that Captain Rafael Rodriguez and six sailors of his unfortunate crew were the first Europeans to set foot on Mayan land.

But according to the legend that will be discussed, this was not the case. In 1514, with the blessing of the Holy See, Alvaro Aguileri, Bishop of Toledo, turned to His Majesty, whom no one in Rome wanted to see because of his excessive cruelty even for an inquisitor. Aguileri invited the king to equip an expedition to Mexico in order to bring the lost peoples the light of Christianity and place them under the protection of the Spanish crown. The project was accepted, but kept in strict secrecy - so it was easier in case of failure to hide the shame of defeat, and if successful, to dazzle with the brilliance of the triumph that took place.

Aguileri set about preparing the expedition. More difficulties arose than he expected, and it was not until mid-July 1516 that an armed detachment of 100 men landed in Mexico from the 30-gun ship Spain. After careful study of the area and interrogation of the Indians, the detachment moved into the interior of the country.

Aguileri led his people not to the mighty empire of the Aztecs, where Montezuma ruled, but to the south, to a city hidden behind forests and mountains, called the Star in the language of the Indians (is it not the mythical Eldorado?). The innumerable riches of the Star City, about which the Indians told, was what called the bishop on his way.

Two months later, the Aguileri detachment, thinned by a third due to insidious ambushes, attacks of predators, unknown diseases and bites poisonous snakes and insects reached the goal. Having penetrated the city by deception, the Spaniards in a few hours suppressed all resistance of the inhabitants, who had nothing to oppose firearms foreigners. The city, full of gold and temptations, lay at the feet of Aguileri, and in magnificent temples, instead of broken idols, Catholic crosses were raised.

It would seem that it's time to send the king a report of victory and chests of gold ... However, it was not. Aguileri had other plans. Seeing a lot of gold around, the bishop set himself the goal of getting to its source. To his extreme amazement, no gold deposits were found for miles around ... So, gold was brought to the Star City from afar? But where and how, in such huge quantities, in the complete absence of communication lines and vehicles?

Information about the fate of Aguileri's expedition in Spain did not wait, and soon they forgot about it, for the loud exploits of Cortez overshadowed the first attempt at a civilizing mission in the country of idolaters. Aguileri, obsessed only with gold, did not pay attention either to the numerous deposits of copper, or to the strange rites of the priests associated with the melting of metals. He died without solving the riddle.

To what has been said it is necessary to add the following. In 1978, in Bulgaria, near the city of Varna, during archaeological excavations of burial grounds of the 6th-5th centuries BC, the richest treasures of golden objects were discovered - a total of more than 400 kilograms!

Meanwhile, there were no gold deposits in the Balkans and there are no, but there is copper in abundance. Gold was brought here from afar too? Maybe. But gold treasures are found in Nigeria and Mesopotamia, where there is no precious metal either, but there is a lot of copper. So, did not copper once serve as a raw material for obtaining gold?

Medieval transformations

But what about medieval European alchemists? What were their successes in this field? One of the tireless enthusiasts of the "gold rush" was the famous Dutch alchemist van Helmont. True, he personally did not manage to invent the philosopher's stone. But he repeatedly received samples of this mysterious substance from other alchemists, with which he undertook transmutation.

So, he wrote that in 1618 he turned eight ounces of mercury with a quarter grain of this stone into pure gold. The possibility of deception on the part of the alchemist who delivered the sample, according to van Helmont, was excluded, since he was not present during the transmutation.

There were also cases of public demonstration of such transformations. Sometimes after the death of famous alchemists, gold bars were found. Leonardo da Vinci recommended in his notes: "Carefully examining the branches of gold, you will see at their ends that they slowly and gradually grow, turning into gold what they come into contact with."

Is this possible in principle? And if possible, how?

How is this possible?

Carrier chemical properties of any element is its electronic shell, but its structure is "encoded" in the nucleus of the atom. With the help of chemical reactions, you can add or subtract electrons, but as long as the nucleus is unchanged, the element will still remain the same. Consequently, any transmutation of elements is a nuclear reaction. Are they possible under ordinary conditions, without gigantic temperatures, attainable only in an atomic explosion?

A number of leading scientists believe: yes, this is possible with the help of catalysts. In chemistry, these are substances that accelerate the course of a reaction many times over. But that is chemistry, and are nuclear catalysts possible? In theory, yes. If it was possible to "unfold" the nucleus of an atom, to bring it closer to another, then it would become possible to obtain gold from lighter copper. Theoretically, this is irrefutable, but in practice, modern science is still very far from such results.

So could ancient scientists have had such knowledge? It is difficult to answer unequivocally. But it must be borne in mind that transformations in nature are its universal property and they can be accelerated many times by choosing the appropriate catalysts. In addition, we often rediscover what has long been discovered, albeit not in a rational way, but by an intuitive train of thought.


And I would like to end this article with funny curiosities related to our topic. So, in 1854, a certain Theophilus Tiffero came to the French Academy of Sciences and presented ... two bars of artificial gold, which he was allegedly taught to make in Mexico. This incident caused extreme irritation in D.I. Mendeleev, who perceived it as an attempt on the very foundations of chemistry.

And at the end of the 19th century in America, the scam of Jonathan Emmens made a lot of noise, who suggested ... to turn Mexican silver dollars into gold ones. A corresponding joint-stock company was created, which soon burst safely. It is curious that the swindler was so convincing that he attracted the attention of such prominent scientists of the time as Archibald Geiky and William Crookes.

However, let's leave the charlatans on their extremely dubious Olympus. As for alchemy, as the medieval scholastic, monk and heretic Marcus Delmonte argued, “the inner meaning of this science is all-conjugation, that is, the relationship of the whole with its constituent parts. Correctly understood alchemy deals with a conscious force governing mutations and transmutations within matter, energy, and even within life itself ... "


Message from Vladislav Karabanov.

I believe that Russia will soon become free and this and other technologies will be implemented in it.

Have you seen how the Russian media reacted to the epoch-making discovery of Russian scientists (the transmutation of elements), which they reported yesterday to a confidential conference in Geneva?

These are the titles:

"Teleportation is going to be introduced in Russia by 2035"

"The government will discuss the introduction of teleportation by 2035 - Kommersant"

"The ASI clarified the news about the introduction of teleportation by 2035"

"Physicist: the ASI program is about quantum, not" ordinary "teleportation"

It seems like a symmetrical answer.

Oh, you independent Russian private traders discovered transmutation, and we, the Russian state (Agency for Strategic Initiatives), will create teleportation.

True, at the end of the article it is indicated that this is just a forecast - a plan that will already be implemented by those who will live and work in 20 years.

The purpose of this massive release is to shade the greatest discovery of Russian scientists, to fill up information about it with this garbage.

Most people now only read headlines. They read the headline that there would be some kind of fantastic teleportation and that the state Russian agency would do it all and pride for Russia blossomed in their souls. And then they are told about Russian scientists, some kind of transmutation. Well, what is more fantastic here.

For people far from science, what is transmutation. that teleportation is the same thing.

The Russian state treats Russians very badly!
Kagal national diasporas, communists and left liberals - Marxists simply hate Russians!
They are ready to sponsor anyone. Isimbayeva is allocated money. who lives in Monaco. They give money to Kyrgyzstan., Uzbekistan. Contain Abkhazia and Assad. Debts are marching to all Chungachangs.
We are ready to support anyone, at Russian expense !! And Russians have always been crushed and crushed.

With the help of chemicals and bacteria, most of the known valuable and especially valuable isotopes can be obtained from ore containing natural uranium-238, the price of which is $ 50-60 per kilogram. You can get anemones-227, which is less than a gram in the world, - in kilograms and even tons. Only this will ensure a revolution in the world energy sector, since it will increase the efficiency of nuclear power plants by 10 times, which finally ends the hydrocarbon era. You can get kilograms of americium and make a revolution in industrial flaw detection and prospecting for minerals. You can get Polonium and earth satellites will acquire a different quality of power availability.

Victor and Tamara conducted 2000 experiments and during transmutation, from a penny raw material, they received, among other things, gold and platinum as by-products. (Hello to the holders of gold).

In addition, the technology allows using bacteria and reagents created by Tamara and Victor to carry out 100% deactivation of nuclear waste. Bacteria transform everything. What previously could only be buried, creating a danger to the environment, can now be deactivated 100%. Moreover, in the process of deactivation during transmutation, valuable elements, including gold and platinum, appear. Both stable isotopes and radioactive ones. By the way, the isotope of radioactive gold-198 is used for the treatment of oncology.

The invention of Viktor Kurashov and Tamara Sakhno was confirmed by the RF Patent in August 2015. The results are signed by professors of chemistry, some of whom have seen curium, francium and anemones for the first time in their lives.

That is, I repeat once again - biochemical transmutation is a discovery of epoch-making significance. Moreover, and this is the most important thing, these are not laboratory estimates, this is a ready-made technology suitable for immediate industrial scale-up. Everything has already been done.

Another important fact is that everything was done exclusively with private funds. Scientists for 25 years had nothing to do with the state, earning money with applied chemistry related to cleaning up oil pollution. To avoid any questions and the likelihood of classification, even foreign ore was used for research - from Saudi Arabia and from the shores of the Indian Ocean.

Now, what do I have to do with this. I am the implementation administrator of this project.

It is clear that such wealth in the Russian Federation cannot be realized in many ways. Let's discard politics; in this case, they will not remember it at all. But in reality in the Russian Federation from the point of view of even philistine logic - it is impossible. Not because the Kremlin, let's forget the Kremlin and politics. And because it is impossible according to worldly wisdom. Starting from the likelihood of some zealous specialists appearing on the horizon with illegal turnover of radioactive substances (after all, a man was imprisoned for bringing a ton of culinary poppy). Or there are verifiers, permits and recheckers. And so on, right up to a travel ban for authors and all sorts of surprises.

Hence, the decision was to go to Geneva to present this case to the world public. To a neutral country, which, moreover, is not a member of NATO. This whole operation was organized by me.

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