The speech turnover neither do i rule. So do I

Pronoun useSO

The pronouns so and neither are used in short sentences when we want to express our agreement with a previously said statement. These sentences are composed of the pronouns So / Neither + auxiliary + subject.

e. g... So do I. Me too, yes.

Neither do I. Neither do I.

Note that the auxiliary verb must match the subject.

Now let's take a closer look at the use of the pronoun so in short sentences. So, so is used to express agreement with an affirmative message. The auxiliary verb we will use after so must match the tense in which the phrase we are going to agree with is used.

e.g. Iam a pupil. - So amI.

Ischoolgirl. - Ialso .

He is a doctor. - So amI.

He is a doctor. - I also. (Fig. 1)

We know that the forms of the verb to be (am / is / are) can be used as auxiliary verbs in Present Simple. Pay attention to the second couple of sentences. In the original sentence, the subject is he (he), so we used the form is, but in the response, the subject is me (I), so we use the form am.

Fig. 1. Illustration for example ()

I go to school. - So doI.

I am going to school. - I also.

Mary swims every day. - So doI.

Maria swims every day. - I also.

We see that the verb in the original phrase is used in Present Simple, and it itself is not auxiliary. So, in order to build a short answer to this remark, we must take the Present Simple tense auxiliary verb that suits us. Since the subject in the answer is I (I), we need the auxiliary verb do, a does not.

He was in the park. - So wasI.

He was in the park. - AND i. / i also. (Fig. 2)

I saw Tom yesterday. - So didI.

I saw Tom yesterday. - I also./AND I.

We know that the forms of the verb to be (was / were) can be used as auxiliary verbs in Past Simple. With the rest of the verbs, we use the auxiliary verb did.

Fig. 2. Illustration for example ()

She willbe at home at 8.00 p.m. - So willI.

She will be home at 20.00. - I also.

He willbe come a good programmer. - So willI.

He will become a good programmer. - AND I.

The verb in the original sentence is in Future Simple, will is an auxiliary verb.

Please note that not only the pronoun I can be used in the short answer. We can use, for example, all other pronouns, both in singular and in plural. h

e.g. Tom likes singing. - So do you / we / they. So does she / he.

Proper names can also be used in the short answer.

e.g. Mary will go to the zoo. So will Ann / Jack and Philip.

Mary will go to the zoo.

Jack and Philip.

Pronoun useNEITHER

Now let's see how short responses with the pronoun NEITHER are formed. Sentences starting with NEITHER are constructed in the same way as with the pronoun SO. And the use of auxiliary verbs after NEITHER is the same as after SO. The only and key difference is that NEITHER is used to confirm agreement with a negative message. Let's consider the use of NEITHER with specific examples.

I am not hungry. - Neitheram I .

I not hungry. - I also no).

The forms of the verb to be (am / is / are) can be used as auxiliary verbs in Present Simple. Note that after neither, the auxiliary verb does not have a negative particle not, since in English language there can be only one negation within one sentence.

He does not want to go to school today and neither doI.

It doesn't want go to school today, and I do not want. (Fig. 4)

In the original sentence, the subject is he (he), so the auxiliary verb does is used, and in the consent, the subject is I (I), so we need the auxiliary verb do.

Fig. 3. Illustration for example ()

I did not call them. - Neither didI.

I did not call them. - I also. (Fig. 5)

Did is the auxiliary tense verb Past Simple.

I was not laughing... - Neither wasI.

I didn't laugh... - I also.

Was is the auxiliary tense verb Past Continuous.

I will not have dinner. - Neither will I.

I I will not have dinner... - I also.

The Future Simple auxiliary verb is will.

Fig. 4. Illustration for example ()

Exceptions to the rule

Please note that in the short answer after NEITHER, as well as after SO, all other pronouns and nouns can be used, both singular and plural. h., as well as proper names.

e.g. I don "t know him. - Neither do you / we / they / my friends / James and Gill. Neither does he / she / my uncle / Peter Smith.

I don "t know him.

There is one exception to the SO and NEITHER Terms of Use. If the original sentence contains the modal verbs can / could, may / might and should, then these words will also be used in brief confirmations.

e.g. Mary can swim. Socan John.

Mary can swim. ANDJohnknows how. (Fig. 6)

She could not lift the box. Neithercould John.

Mary could not lift the box. Johnalso.

Tom should see his doctor. Soshould she.

Tom should see a doctor. ANDto heralso.

You may not go out so late. Neithermay yoursister.

You can't go out so late. And your sister is not allowed.

Fig. 5. Illustration for example ()

Whata. m... andp. m.?

As you know, there are two systems of time indication: the French system and the English system. So, in the French system, every day is divided into 24 hours. The time is counted from midnight - 00:00. This system is used in Russia. As for the English system, the time in the day is divided into two parts:

Before noon.

Afternoon. (Fig. 3)

So, the decoding of am and pm is as follows:

am - (from lat.) to noon - from 0 o'clock (midnight) to 12 o'clock in the afternoon;

pm - (from lat.) in the afternoon - time from 12 o'clock to 0 o'clock (midnight).

And here are examples of decoding the time am / pm:

3:00 a.m. - 3:00

12:00 a.m. - 12:00

7:45 p.m. - 19:45

11:15 p.m. - 23:15

Fig. 6. Illustration for example ()

Eating in English

Very often, students have questions such as: what is the difference between lunch and dinner, between dinner and supper? Consider the names of meals in English.

So BREAKFAST is breakfast. BRUNCH - brunch. This is a new word. It is used when it is too late for breakfast and too early for lunch. LUNCH (12.00 - 14.30) - lunch. Next trick food is indicated by the word "tea" (afternoon tea), which is drunk at about 16.00. DINNER (18.00 - 19.00) - dinner. This is usually the last meal of the day, but it can also be SUPPER, a late dinner that is usually light.

Funny stories

I'd like to tell you some funny stories. And here is the first one.

Teacher: “Did your father help you with your homework?”

Pupil: “No! He did it all by himself! ”

Teacher: "Did your dad help you with your homework?"

Disciple: “No! He did everything himself! "

The second story.

The teacher to a pupil: “Conjugate the verb“ to walk ”in Present Simple.”

The pupil: "I walk, you walk ..."

The teacher interrupts him: “Quicker please!”

The pupil: "I run, you run ..."

Teacher to student: "Conjugate the verb" to go "in the present tense."

Disciple: "I am going, you are going ..."

The teacher interrupts the student: "Faster, please!"

Disciple: "I am running, you are running ..."

And the third one.

Father: "What did you do today to help your mother?"

Son: “I dried the dishes.”

Daughter: “And I helped to pick up the pieces.”

Father: "What did you do today to help mom?"

Son: "I was wiping the dishes."

Daughter: "And I helped to collect the fragments." (Fig. 7)

Fig. 7. Illustration for a joke)

Self-test assignments

Now let’s do some exercises to understand the use of so and neither in short answers better.

Now let's do some exercises to better understand the rules for using so and neither in the short answers.

Look at the sentences and fill the gaps with so or neither.

1. I like oranges. - ___ do I. → So

2. I am a student. - ___ am I. → So

3. I didn "t find her. - ___ did I. → Neither

4. I have no time. - ___ do I. → Neither

5. I have a question. - ___ do I. → So

7. She didn "t ask him about it. - ___ did you. → Neither

8. You shouldn "t stay here. - ___ should Alex. → Neither

9. John can speak Italian. - ___ can Tom. → So

10. I don "t like it. - ___ do I. → Neither


  1. Afanasyeva OV Series "New English course for Russian schools." Grade 5. - M: Bustard, 2008.
  2. Fomina I. N., Fomina L. V. English in algorithms. - Dnepropetrovsk, 2007.
  3. Dubrovin MI Illustrated guide to English grammar. - M: "Nachala-Press", 1992.
  4. Pakhotin A. Everything about modal verbs and the subjunctive mood in English. - M: Publisher Karev, 2005.
  1. - Your first guide to the world of the English language ().
  2. ().
  3. English-Tutorial.Ru ().


Express your agreement / disagreement with these offers using SO or NEITHER.

1) I have seen the film. 2) I haven "t seen the film. 3) I" m tired. 4) I am not tired. 5) I was at the theater yesterday. 6) I wasn "t at the theater yesterday. 7) I am reading a book now. 8) I am not reading a book now. 9) I played football last Sunday. 10) I didn" t play football last Sunday. 11) I can swim long distances. 12) I can "t swim long distances. 13) We saw a ship in the distance. 14) I have got an important letter today. 15) Petrov wasn" t late for the performance.

Choose the correct response to the offer.

1) I "ve never seen her dance. - So have I / Neither did my son. 2) I can" t go to the cinema tonight. - Neither could I / Neither can he. 3) My sister found the book interesting. - Neither did I / So did I. 4) I didn "t enjoy the film very much. - Neither do I / Neither did my friends. 5) I like adventure films. - So does he / Neither do they. 6) I don't go to school on Sunday. - Neither he does / Neither does she. 7) Bobby can't play cricket. - Neither can I / So san I. 8) I helped my mother yesterday. - So did I / So he did.9) Mike could read when he was 6. - Neither could I / So could Peter. 10) He wasn't late yesterday. - So were we / Neither were they.

When analyzing this grammatical topic, I immediately recall the popular ten years ago and sunk into the soul advertising “Everyone loves mamba and Seryozha too!”. Undoubtedly, this phrase can be translated as "Everybody likes Mamba and Seryozha likes Mamba, too". But, as you know, any language tends to save and reduce the length of the message, so it's easier and faster to say “Everybody likes Mamba and so does Seryozha”. The rules for using short confirmations and negations will be discussed in our grammar article.

To give an affirmative answer to an affirmative statement, the following model is used:

So + help verb + subject

In this formula, the help verb corresponds to the tense in which the first statement is found.

For example:

I am sleepy. - So am I. - I want to sleep. - I, too.

He knows everything. - So does she. - He knows everything. - She too.

I'll go to Brazil in September. - So will Dan. - I will go to Brazil in September. - Dan too.

They came early. - So did we. “They arrived early. - We, too.

Neither + help verb + subject

As in the previous model, the auxiliary verb matches the verb tense of the first utterance.

For example:

I am not sleepy. - Neither am I. - I don't want to sleep. - I, too.

He doesn’t know anything. - Neither does she. - He doesn't know anything. - She too.

I will not go to Peru in September. - Neither will Dan. - I will not go to Peru in September. - Dan too.

They didn’t come early. - Neither did we. “They didn't arrive early. - We, too.

To give a negative answer to an affirmative statement, the following construction is used:

But + subject + help verb + n't / not

For example:

I am sleepy. - But I am not. - I want to sleep. - But not me.

He knows everything. - But she doesn’t. - He knows everything. “She’s not.

I'll go to Brazil in September. - But Dan won’t. - I will go to Brazil in September. - Dan isn't.

They came early. - But we didn’t. “They arrived early. - But we are not.

And finally, to give an affirmative answer to a negative statement, the following construction is used:

But + subject + help verb

For example:

I am not sleepy. - But I am. - I dont want to sleep. - And I want.

He doesn’t know anything. - But she does. - He doesn't know anything. - And she knows.

I will not go to Peru in September. - But Dan will. - I will not go to Peru in September. - And Dan will go.

They didn’t come early. - But we did. “They didn't arrive early. - And we have arrived.

Now look at how successfully you have mastered this topic, and choose the correct answer to this statement:

We love English in Svoboda Slova!

Neither do we. / So do we. / But we do. / But we don’t.


Possible reason

What can be done

Why this particular training is suitable

Embarrassed to speak No practice, no language barrier 8-day VICTORY with "immersion" in language environment The training allows you to study a large amount of information in a short time, expand vocabulary, practice using new words, expressions and rules, overcome the language barrier, learn to solve communication problems in English
Low vocabulary

8-day intensive VICTORY training with "immersion" in the language environment, 16-day PROGRESS training The computer program makes it possible to fill the student's passive knowledge, classes in the classroom help to activate the necessary knowledge. The training develops the skill of expressing thoughts with the available means (a small vocabulary), as well as the ability to understand the interlocutor, to clarify what the interlocutor said
At work, you need to conduct business correspondence in English, but it does not work
There is no practice of communication, writing and reading in English 8-day conversational training VICTORY with "immersion" in the language environment, 16-day English training in the evening PROGRESS
Trainings practically do not practice reading and writing skills - only minimally when students read assignments or new words in a folder. With the letter, everything is the same - only in time grammar assignments students write translation from Russian into English. the practice of communication at the training is being developed and is one of the key goals of the training (if not the most key one) - students have the opportunity to practice communication on a variety of topics with different partners (by the number of people in the group). such a change of partners does not make it possible to adapt to any one variant of pronunciation (as in individual lessons), as well as to the topics that are discussed, since there is a constant alternation of topics (both due to the program, and due to the work of the trainer, and due to the fact that different partners have different topics for conversation during free communication)
You need to communicate with at work in English There is no practice of communicating and reading in English
8-day VICTORY conversational training with "immersion" in the language environment, 16-day English training in the evening PROGRESS, 5-day BUSINESS training For low levels, trainings provide an opportunity to significantly reduce the learning rate. The prescribed program does not allow students and teachers to "go astray", dwell for a long time on any, sometimes secondary, topic. This can also cause negativity (see the difficulties), however, to quickly achieve the result, this approach works great (however, you may face the fact that we will get a student who speaks well, but without grammar, that is, individual sessions are needed in order to clean up errors). trainings provide an opportunity to practice new knowledge in situations close to real ones with different participants, which is a good preparation before going to work, where you often need to use English. The 5-day training provides a lot of business vocabulary and useful clichés, as well as helps to develop the communication skills required in today's business environment.

So do I. Neither do I. Brief confirmations and negations in English grammar

To give an affirmative answer to an affirmative statement, the following model is used: So + help verb + subject In this formula, the help verb corresponds to the tense in which the first statement is found. For example: I am sleepy. - So am I. - I want to sleep. - I, too. He knows everything. - So does she. - He knows everything. - She too. I'll go to Brazil in September. - So will Dan. - I will go to Brazil in September. - Dan too. They came early. - So did we. “They arrived early. - We, too. Neither + help verb + subject As in the previous model, the auxiliary verb matches the verb tense of the first utterance. For example: I am not sleepy. - Neither am I. - I don't want to sleep. - I, too. He doesn’t know anything. - Neither does she. - He doesn't know anything. - She too. I will not go to Peru in September. - Neither will Dan. - I will not go to Peru in September. Dan too. They didn’t come early. - Neither did we. “They didn't arrive early. - We, too. To give a negative answer to an affirmative statement, the following construction is used: But + subject + help verb + n't / not For example: I am sleepy. - But I am not. - I want to sleep. - But not me. He knows everything. - But she doesn’t. - He knows everything. “She’s not. I'll go to Brazil in September. - But Dan won’t. - I will go to Brazil in September. - Dan isn't. They came early. - But we didn’t. “They arrived early. - But we are not. Finally, to give an affirmative answer to a negative statement, the following construction is used: But + subject + help verb For example: I am not sleepy. - But I am. - I dont want to sleep. - And I want. He doesn’t know anything. - But she does. - He doesn't know anything. - And she knows. I will not go to Peru in September. - But Dan will. - I will not go to Peru in September. - And Dan will go. They didn’t come early. - But we did. “They didn't arrive early. - And we have arrived. Now look at how successfully you have mastered this topic and choose the correct answer to this statement: - We love English in Svoboda Slova! - Neither do we. / So do we. / But we do. / But we don’t. Problem Possible cause What can be done Why this particular training is suitable I am ashamed to speak No practice, language barrier 8-day VICTORY English conversation course with "immersion" in the language environment Training allows you to study a large amount of information in a short time, expand vocabulary, practice using new words, expressions and rules, overcome the language barrier, learn how to solve communication problems in English Low vocabulary There is no practice of communication and reading in English 8-day intensive VICTORY training with "immersion" in the language environment, 16-day English training in the evenings PROGRESS Computer the program makes it possible to fill the passive knowledge of the student, classes in the classroom help to activate the necessary knowledge. The training develops the skill of expressing thoughts with the available means (a small vocabulary), as well as the ability to understand the interlocutor, to clarify what the interlocutor said At work, you need to conduct business correspondence in English, but it does not work out There is no practice of communication, writing and reading in English 8-day conversational VICTORY training with "immersion" in the language environment, 16-day English training in the evenings PROGRESS Trainings practically do not practice reading and writing skills - only minimally when students read assignments or new words in a folder. With writing, everything is the same - only during grammar assignments, students write a translation from Russian into English. the practice of communication at the training is being developed and is one of the key goals of the training (if not the most key one) - students have the opportunity to practice communication on a variety of topics with different partners (by the number of people in the group). such a change of partners does not make it possible to adapt to any one variant of pronunciation (as in individual lessons), as well as to the topics that are discussed, since there is a constant alternation of topics (both due to the program, and due to the work of the trainer, and due to the fact that different partners have different topics for conversation during free communication) You need to communicate with at work in English There is no practice of communication and reading in English 8-day conversational training VICTORY with "immersion" in the language environment, 16-day English training in the evenings PROGRESS, 5-day business English training BUSINESS For low levels, trainings provide an opportunity to significantly reduce the speed of learning. The prescribed program does not allow students and teachers to "go astray", dwell for a long time on any, sometimes secondary, topic. This can also cause negativity (see the difficulties), however, to quickly achieve the result, this approach works great (although, you may face the fact that we will get a student who speaks well, but without grammar, that is, individual lessons are needed for to clean up errors). trainings provide an opportunity to practice new knowledge in situations close to real ones with different participants, which is a good preparation before going to work, where you often need to use English. The 5-day training provides a lot of business vocabulary and useful clichés, and also helps to develop the communication skills necessary in a modern business environment. Grammar English Evenings For Adults Morning Weekends

This is an expression of agreement, which means that you did the same as your interlocutor. Or someone did. Translated as " and me too" . And (someone….) Too.

For example, in sentences:

Katya: - I love ice cream. I like ice cream

Lena: - I also (love.) So do I

What is underlined? Grammatical feature. I like is a verb like in the simple present tense. "Love", "love" "love"

I like, you like, he likes ... etc. (if not clear - see the topic - click)

So - this is the present simple tense, in which the auxiliary verb is DO (DOES)

Do - for pronouns I, you, we, they

Does - for pronouns he, she, it.

The construction of the answer like "me too", "he too" "And Katya too" and so on. :

But to define this auxiliary verb - need to determine the time : present, past, future and its varieties.

Let's take a look at the examples: It is necessary to say "and .... also" with words in brackets

1. Jack always works out in the morning. (Kate) So does Kate.- Jack always trains in the morning. And so does Kate. - Present Simple tense (I work out - he works out.), Auxiliary verb - do in the form does (she does - Kate does) as the word "Kate" can be replaced with she - she.

2. Pete can play rugby very well. (We) So can we.- Pete is good at playing rugby. And so do we. - Can is a modal verb and can be an auxiliary verb.

3. Bob and kate were in the City yesterday. (Polly) So was Polly... - Bob and Kate were in town yesterday. And Polly too. ( weird why the word city is capitalized.)(were - the past tense of the verb to be - we were, they were. For the pronouns I, he, she, it has the form was. Polly - she means we put was

3. Albert has done his homework. (I) So have I.- Albert did his homework. And me too. -the present perfect tense (have \ has + V3), a special declension of the verb have. - I have \ he has(more)

4. They got excellent marks. (Ted) So did Ted. -They got excellent grades. And Ted too. - got - the past tense of the irregular verb get. Time is past simple. Auxiliary - did(does not change).

5. Caroline plays flute badly. (You). So do you. - Carolina plays poorly on the flute. And you too. - plays - real simple tense. (I play-she plays). Auxiliary do (see item 1).

6. Alice has received a letter from him lately. (Betty) So has Betty.- Alice recently received a letter from him. And Betty too. - Present perfect for everyone. Auxiliary have in 3 liters. units h. changes to has.(see item 3) For pronouns he \ she \ it.

Table So ...

If you have any questions - ask them in the comments, I will be happy to help you figure it out. I answer quickly. The next topic in this series will be: "Neither do I construct meaning" Me too "in negative sentences.

In contact with


Pronoun so used in a statement.

Maryhasacar.SodoesJohn - Mary has a car. And John

Maryswimseveryday.SodoesJohn - Mary swims daily. Like John

Mary and John swim everyday. Sodo Nancy andBob - Mary and John swim daily. Like Nancy and John


Pronoun neither used in denial. Since neither is itself negative, the next verb is positive.

Mary doesn't have a car. NeitherdoesJohn - Mary doesn't have a car. John does not


In the mini-confirmation, instead of do, the modal verbs can / could, may / might, and shall / should are used if they appear in the previous sentences.

Mary can swim. SocanJohn - Mary can swim. And John can

Mary couldn’t lift the box. Neither could John - Mary could not lift the box. Like John

English Joke

The kindly lady accosted the little boy on the beach, who stood with downcast head, and grinding his toes into the sand and looking very miserable and lonely indeed.

"Haven’t you anybody to play with?" she inquired sympathetically.

The boy shook his head forlornly, as he explained:

"I have one friend-but I hate him!"

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