Grammar tasks for the differentiation of sounds with sh. Synopsis of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic: "Differentiation of sounds - in syllables, words and in a sentence

Individual summary speech therapy classes for class 2

Topic: Differentiation of sounds [S] - [W].

purpose: to teach to differentiate the sounds [s] and [w] in syllables, words, sentences.


Correctional educational: consolidation of the correct pronunciation of sounds [s] and [w]; differentiation of sounds [s] and [w] by acoustic and articulatory signs in syllables and words, sentences; their definition when conducting sound-syllabic analysis of words.

Correctional and developmental: the development of fine and articulatory motor skills, the development of phonemic hearing and auditory attention, the improvement of grammatical standing of speech, the enrichment of the vocabulary of students and the stimulation of children to complete speech utterances through various training exercises and educational games.

Correctional and educational: fostering the ability to listen and clearly follow the instructions of the speech therapist; the formation of control over their own speech, the upbringing of positive motivation for educational activities.

Equipment: thematic pictures, cards with assignments, a mirror, a notebook and a pen.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment


II. The main stage

    Articulation gymnastics

    Breathing exercises

    Announcement of the topic of the lesson

    Training exercises

III. Summing up the lesson

IV. Homework


Child activity


I. Organizational moment

Schoolboy Pasha writes

Hat, washer, porridge

Mouse, midge, joke,

Chess, bear.

And now in another poem:

We'll build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests

Let's fly over the forests

And then back to mom.

Greets, identifies the sounds Ш, С.

II. The main stage

Articulation gymnastics

Let's remember what you need to do in order to pronounce these sounds correctly.

We start our exercises for the tongue and lips:



    "Pancake" count to 5 / cooled down,

    "We brush teeth" (from the inside up / down; from the outside), pressed the tongue to the lower teeth,

    "Cup" (count up to 10),

    "Delicious jam" (5 times),

    "Painter" (5 times),


The child is doing articulatory exercises.

Breathing exercises

And what else is needed for the sounds of our speech to sound correctly and be understood by others? Breathe correctly:

1. "Coachman": the speech therapist and the child take turns playing the role of a horse (clatter) and a coachman (with closed lips they say "whoa-oo-oo") - we develop the force of exhalation.

2. “Warm your hands”: blow on your palms, changing the force of exhalation.

The child does breathing exercises.

Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

Today we will distinguish between sounds C and W.

The child gives an affirmative answer.

Analysis of articulation of sounds

Characteristics of sounds

    Let's remember how these sounds are made and characterize them:

Say the sound [s]

"The song of the snake" - ШШШ.

Now let's give a characterization of these sounds: (common - consonants, voiceless, paired; the difference - the C sound - is hard and soft, and the W sound is always hard).

What letters represent these sounds? Let's name and write them: the letter [es] and the letter [sha].

The child listens, makes sounds.

The sound "C" - lips in a smile, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth, a cold stream of air flows in the middle of the tongue. Vocal folds does not work.

The sound "W" - the lips are extended forward, the tongue takes the shape of a cup, to be at the top, in the middle of the tongue is warm air jet air. The vocal folds don't work. Let's show

The child gives the characteristics of the sound [S] - consonant, voiced, solid.

The child gives the characteristic of the sound [Ш] - consonant, deaf, always hard.

The child names and prescribes sounds.

Mirror, notebook, pen

Differentiation of S-W in syllables

1. Game "Old and young parrot": repeat after me like a parrot:

You made a wonderful young parrot!

2. Now we read the syllables by

table from left to right:

3. Try to repeat the phrases after me:

SA-SA-SA - a fox lives under a pine tree.

SHA-SHA-SHA - we are walking slowly.

SU-SU-SU - I'm bringing honey to Sonya.

SHU-SHU-SHU - we are preparing porridge.

CO-CO-CO - the car has a wheel.

SHO-SHO-SHO - very good in summer.

CH-CH-CH - we are not afraid of wasps.

You did a great job!

The child repeats.

The child is reading.

The child repeats.

Table with syllables

Differentiation S-W in words

4. If I say a word with the sound [c], you must move the handles down, and if I say a word with the sound [w], you raise the handles up:


You are very attentive! Clever girl!

5. Let's compare pairs of words in sound and meaning:

Card number 1







6. Now, please, fill in the missing letters and name the extra word:

Card number 2

... Ashka, we ... and, kry ... a, bir ... a, ma ... ina, katu ... ka.

Play this

a series of words from memory (in forward and backward order).

It was a difficult task and you did a good job with it!

7. Complete the word by adding the syllable SA or SHA:

Card number 3

li- ..., ka - .., ko - .., su - .., kry- ..., kol- ..., flask- ..., but- ..., ro- ....

Did an excellent job!

8. Children choose pictures with sounds [S, W] in their names, put them into two groups and determine the place of sound in a word (pictures are shown to the child).

Well done!

9. You need to answer all questions with a complete answer:

Who lifts the barbell? (weightlifter)

Who plays chess? (chess player)

Who plays hockey? (hockey player)

Who drives the trains? (driver)

Who drives the taxi? (taxi driver)

Who plays the piano? (pianist)

Who plays the guitar? (guitar player).

What words did we get (taxi - taxi driver, guitar - guitarist)? - single-root.

10. Rhymes-confusion:

Help put sounds and words back in place and pronounce the rhymes correctly.

The cat catches the "bowl"

Mom washes the mouse.

In full view of the kids

Painters paint the "Rat".

The firefighter wears a "porridge"

Sasha ate a helmet.

Misha is dancing in the "Mashka"

The candy was given to the "mask".

You did it!

The child raises / lowers his arms.

The child explains the meaning of the words.

The child completes the task.

The child completes the task.

The child puts pictures in two piles.

The child answers.

The child restores the correct order of sounds and words.

Quest card

Task card, notebook, pen

Quest card

Object pictures

Differentiation of S-W in sentences

11.Change the phrase according to the sample:

Card number 4

You wear - I wear

You are in a hurry -

Do you sleep -

You draw -

You pour -

You sow -

I wear - you wear

I ask -

I'm in a hurry -

I'm drawing -

I'm pouring -

12. Make up phrases, choosing words from the second column that are suitable for the meaning of the words of the first column:

Card number 5

Cheerful highway

Clear shepherd boy

Dry sun

Interesting cat

Gray journey

You have chosen everything correctly!

13. Come up with sentences with these phrases:

Card number 6

Delicious noodles, fragrant lily of the valley, sledding, washing in the shower.

You have great full sentences!

The child completes the task.

The child completes the task.

The child completes the task.

Mission Cards

III. Lesson summary

What sounds did we distinguish today?

Let's repeat the rule.

What did you like about the lesson?

How do you evaluate your work (if everything worked out - raise your right hand up, if not everything - right hand to chest level, nothing happened - put your right hand down).

Tongue up ... shsh.

Language down ... sss.

The child answers.

The child evaluates himself.

IV. Homework

Write down the sentences by inserting the missing letters:

Kuku ... ka ve ... kukuet. Sa ... but not ... em gru ... u. Pa ... tu ... ok ... ne ... um home. Behold ... tra ... sewed Sa ... e ruba ... ku.

Table with syllables

Card number 1


Card number 2

... Ashka, we ... and, kry ... a, bir ... a, ma ... ina, katu ... ka.

Card number 3

li- ..., ka - .., ko - .., su - .., kry- ..., kol- ..., flask- ..., but- ..., ro- ....

Card number 4

You wear - I wear

You are in a hurry -

Do you sleep -

You draw -

You pour -

You sow -

I wear - you wear

I ask -

I'm in a hurry -

I'm drawing -

I'm pouring -

Card number 5

Cheerful highway

Clear shepherd boy

Dry sun

Interesting cat

Gray journey

Card number 6

Delicious noodles, fragrant lily of the valley, sledding, washing in the shower.

Write down the sentences by inserting the missing letters:

Kuku ... ka ve ... kukuet. Sa ... but not ... em gru ... u. Pa ... tu ... ok ... ne ... um home. Behold ... tra ... sewed Sa ... e ruba ... ku.

Sections: Speech therapy


  • exercise in correct pronunciation and distinguish sounds [S] - [W] in syllables, words, phrases and sentences;
  • to consolidate knowledge about the articulation of sounds, to teach how to characterize sounds;
  • to consolidate the ability to determine the presence and place of sounds [S] - [W] in words, to develop phonemic hearing and perception;
  • develop the skill of sound analysis of words and the ability to divide words into syllables;
  • exercise in the coordination of adjectives with nouns;
  • learn to make sentences with prepositions and sentence schemes with given prepositions;
  • develop general and fine motor skills, attention, memory;
  • continue to form a continuous directed air stream.

Equipment: doll; tables with letters; bus toy; tables with arrows; toys for the sounds [s] and [w]; houses with sounds [s] - [w]; a shop with pictures: an airplane, a bear, a tumbler, an elephant, a hat, a dog, a tower; symbols of sounds, for drawing up a word scheme; split alphabet; a chest with balls; ball; apples with words in which the letters С - Ш are missing; proposal schemes; respiratory gymnastics scheme; images.

Course of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

A child comes in, greets!

Look how many guests we have. They all came to see how you can speak correctly and beautifully. Show them this?

II. Articulatory gymnastics. (Slide 2)

Show how glad you are to our guests, smile. (An exercise " smile”).

An exercise "Swing"

On a swing I swing
Up and down, up and down
I'm climbing higher
And then I go downstairs.
- Tired tongue.
An exercise "Shoulder"
Put the tongue with a spatula,
And hold it a little.
Relax your tongue
And keep it under the account,
One, two, three, four, five -
The tongue can be removed.

He stopped listening to us, we need to punish him.

An exercise "Let's punish the naughty tongue."

It is customary to treat guests to tea, let's show you what cups we have.

An exercise "Cup".

Put the tongue with a spatula,
Raise the edges
It turned out to be a cup
Round cup.
We will bring the cup into the house.
Press its edges to the teeth.

III. Breathing exercises (based on the diagram). (Slide 3)

You tried and expended energy, let's recover our breathing, looking at the hint diagram.

IV. Introduction to the topic. (Slide 4)

Another guest came to us today - a doll.

She said her name was Fafa.

Have you ever heard such a name?

And also, the doll said that it did not know how to pronounce some sounds and asked us to teach her to pronounce these sounds correctly.

Can we help her with this?

But first, we need to understand the name of our guest.

And here's the first task.

The doll hid the letters of its name among these letters. Find them and read her name.

V. Presentation of the topic of the lesson.

What is the name of our guest? (Sasha).

Tell me, what consonant sounds do you hear in the name Sasha?

Today in the lesson we will continue to learn to clearly and correctly pronounce and distinguish by ear the consonant sounds [s] and [w] and teach Sasha to speak.

Now you and I will go on a journey. What transport will we take? Choose transport with sounds [s] or [w].

We'll go by bus. But first you need to pump up the tires. (Slide 5)

The pump was quickly picked up
And the tires pumped up tight: shhhh.

We got on the bus. Sit on the chair.

We are sitting on the bus (Slide 6)
And we look at the brook.
Quietly the brook rings
He clearly tells us: ss.

1. Articulation of sounds. (Slide 7)

Clarification correct position language when pronouncing the sounds [s] and [w].

While we are on the bus, let's tell Sasha how to pronounce the sounds.

Say the sound [S]. Where is the tongue? (at the bottom). Down arrow. What is the position of the lips? (a fence in a smile). What air comes out of the mouth? (cold).

What else can you call the sound [S]? (whistling). Sound [S] - consonant, hard, voiceless.

Make the sound [Ш]. where is the tongue? (top) Up arrow. What is the position of the lips? What air comes out of the mouth? The sound [Ш] is a consonant, solid, voiceless.

What else can you call the sound [Ш]? (hissing).

Pronounce sounds according to the pattern, where the arrows indicate the position of the tongue.

2. Differentiation of sounds [S] - [W] by ear and in pronunciation:

The first stop is "Chistogovazkino". (Slide 8)

Repeat after me.

Tongue up - sha-sha-sha, porridge, donut and noodles.

Tongue down - sa-sa-sa, butter, cheese and sausage.

Tongue up - sha-sha-sha, ears, neck and soul.

Tongue down - sa-sa-sa, eyes, back and braid.

Sa - sha - sa

Us - ush - mustache

sho - so - sho

ash - os - ush

Sha - sha - sha - mother washes the baby.

Shu - shu - shu - I'm writing a letter to you.

Sa-sa-sa - a fox runs in the forest.

Co - co - co - Vova's wheel.

3. Differentiation of sounds [S] and [W] in words. Determination of the number of syllables in words. (Slide 9)

You need to find 6 - 10 toys in the chest, the names of which contain the sounds C and S. The toys must be resettled in their houses, but they must be resettled by floors, if there is one syllable in the word, we will settle on the first floor, if two syllables - on the second if three, then the third. (There are two houses on the table, one for the sound [W], the other for [S]).

Name the items you found.

4. Didactic game “Change the word”: (Slide 10)

The next stop is “Change - ka.” Play with mew.

Replace the sound [S] with the sound [W].

Sasha has already learned how to pronounce the sound [S] correctly and pronounces it in all words where there is the sound [W]. Correct Sasha.

5. Selection of signs for objects. Didactic game "What can I say about?" (Slide 11)

We stopped at a store.

Take a look at the shop windows for interesting items on sale here. Which of these items can be said large? (- th, - oh, - th) Airplane, elephant, tower.

What can I say fluffy? (- th, - oh, - th) Kashka, dog, hat, bear.

AND funny? (th, th, th) Tumbler, dog, etc.

6. Dynamic pause. (Slide 12)

One, two, three, four, five
We all know how to count
We know how to relax too.
Put your hands behind your back.
Raise your head higher
And easy - easy to breathe ...
One, two! - higher head,
Three, four - arms are wider.
Once - rise, pull up,
Two - bend, unbend
Three claps in your hands,
Head three nods.
Four - arms wider
Five - wave your hands,
Six - sit quietly at the table.

7. Sound analysis of the word Sasha. (Slide 13)

Stop "Schemkino". Is (Slide 14)

It is necessary to lay out the scheme of the name - Sasha.

How many syllables are in the word Sasha? Name them.

What is the first sound in the syllable "SA"? Second?

What's the second syllable? What sound does the second syllable begin with?

What are the sounds in the second syllable?

8. Comparison of words differing in one sound and a letter.

Stop "Guess"? (Slide 15)

Guess what one word to end the sentence with. Pictures will help you (jester, mouse, mask, porridge, helmet).

9. Reading words with missing letters С-Ш; composing sentences with these words using prepositions.

Stop "Yablochnaya". (Slide 16-17)

Look what beautiful apples! You need to collect all the apples, but apples are not simple words printed on them, in which the letters "S" and "W" are missing.

Pick an apple, insert the missing letters and read the resulting words.

What sounds are missing in words?

Now come up with sentences with these words, using the preposition that is written on a piece of paper and lay out a diagram of each sentence. After completing the task, put the apple in the basket.

Vi. Lesson summary. (Slide 18)

Well done, you helped our guest learn to distinguish sounds [S] - [W]. She was so happy that she ran away and did not have time to say goodbye, asked me to give you a gift and many thanks.

Differentiation S-W

Phased differentiation sounds S-W

Stage 1
2. Game "Add a syllable":
A) [s] or [w]: le .., this .., kwa .., gua .., anana., Globo .., small .., but .., do .., naso .., we .., foku ...
B) [sa] or [sha]: whether .., ka .., co .., Nata .., Sa .., plak .., oh .., blot .., gru ...
C) [sy] or [shi]: kami .., oh .., pencil .., cubs .., bu ..., ve ..., cha ..., okay ..
3. Repeat two-syllable rows:
sha - sa shu - su shi - sy she - se
sa - sha su - shu sy - shi se - she
Repeat syllable rows
sa-sha sha-sa sa-sa-sha sha-sha-sa
so-sho sho-so sa-sha-sha sha-sa-sa
su-shu shu-su sa-sha-sa sha-sa-sha

4. Repeat the words in pairs, first slowly in front of the mirror, then faster. Draw the child's attention to the meanings of the words:
Saika - gang Day - jokes Stuki - pieces Rock - scale
Stopper - Corkscrew Spores - Spurs Joint - Bayonet Scar - Scar
Juice - shock Livestock - sheet Style - calm

Stage 2
1. Pronounce the sounds [s] and [w] alternately.
2. Remember and repeat:
sha-sa sho-so shu-su she-se shi-sy
asha-asa osho-oso wushu-usu ashe-asa ishi-isy
3. Repeat a couple of words:
Your - you Our - us Tower - Fable Scary - red
Porridge - helmet Cup - often Arable land - pasta Shirt - sausage Grosh - grew Went - grew Reed - kumis Yashka - clear
Hockey stick - chandelier Pawns - songs Bags - revenge Teddy bear - bowl Cherry - hanging Poems - vise Swift - rice Decide - hew Hinder - write Horse - landing
Minx - salute Miner - sapper Hut - Salvia salad - napkin Porridge - cash register Roof - rat
Noodles - Khorosha sausage - Ushanka strip - sledges

Stage 3
1. Pronounce the sounds [s] and [w] alternately.
2. Remember and repeat:
sha-sa-sha shu-su-shu shi-sy-shi she-se-she-sha-sa su-shu-su sy-shi-sy se-she-se sha-sa-sa shu-su-su shi -si-sy she-se-se
3. Repeat a couple of words:
Hat - slush Bumblebee - dared Curtains - watchman Sleepers - slept Piece - fluff
Sand - vershok Sock - strap Forty - rustle Sleep - little mouse Bag - noisy
I carry - I write Pass - I pass
Dancer - I dance Be able to - make noise
Fed - sewn Rats - mice
Cheese - breadth Rash - thorn
Strength - awl Asked - decided
4. Change the sentence:
I'm in a hurry to school. You .. He (she) .. We .. You .. They ..

Stage 4
1. Pronounce the sounds [s] and [w] alternately.
2. Remember and repeat:
asa-asa-asha usho-usho-usa asha-asa-asha ushu-usho-usa
aso-aso-asho ushi-ush-ushe asu-asu-ashu ushe-ush-ushi
asy-asy-ashi of the us-us-usa ashi-asy-asi of the us-us-usa
3. The game "Say the opposite":
Deuces get bad, and fives ... (good).
The grass is low, and the tree is ... (high).
The brook is narrow, and the river ... (wide).
The mustard is bitter, and the sugar ... (sweet).
It is dark at night, and during the day ... (light).
The gnome is small, and the giant ... (large).
After rain the earth is damp, but in the heat ... (dry). The turtle crawls slowly, and the hare runs ... (quickly).
4. Change the sentence:
I hear a chuckle. You .. He (she). .We you they..

Stage 5
1. Pronounce the sounds [s] and [w] alternately.
2. The game "4th extra". Repeat a series of words, determine which word is superfluous, explain why.
Boots, fur coat, mask, kvass; Dog, cat, horse, fox.
Hat, scarf, sundress, fur coat; Hat, boots, fur coat, shorts.
Cupboard, bowl, spoon, cup; Pine, chamomile, aspen, birch.
Plum, pear, orange, beet; Potatoes, cabbage, pear, garlic.
3. Repeat the words:
Sasha, land, drying, dryer, pole, six, over, wool, prank, haste, rustle, listen, hear,
Sasha, senior, scary, sun, glass, highway, laugh, laugh, mow, laugh, hurry, dry,
amuse, fragrant, fluffy, obedient, silent, little son, coward, old woman, made a noise, shepherd boy, machinist.
4. Change the sentence: I am listening to a rhyme. You, he ... we ... you ... they ..
5. Learn: The pussy has a toy - a teddy bear,
The bear has a toy - a fluffy pussy.

6 stage
1. Repeat pure phrases, clearly articulating all sounds:
Sha-sha-sha - Sasha washes the baby. Su-su-su - I'm carrying a balloon.
Shih shih - babies go to bed. Shu-shu-shu - I'm writing a letter.
So-so-so - Misha rolls the wheel. Su-su-su - the bear was seen in the forest.
Ash-ash-ash - there is a hut under a pine tree.
2. Repeat the phrase three times, gradually accelerating the pace. Control the correct pronunciation of ssh sounds.
Gray-haired grandfather, old grandmother, pine cones, cheerful baby, noisy class, salty waves, rose hips.
Dry drying, fluffy cat, fragrant lily of the valley, funny poems, cherry orchard, delicious noodles, big dog,
tablespoon, sweet chocolate, forest edge, striped bumblebee.
3. Learn:
Fluffy cat dries in the sun
Fur on the back, ponytail and ears.

7 stage
1. Repeat phrases:
A funny joke, delicious drying, a vociferous starling, sweet peas, sweet rose hips, a dangerous journey,
piece of glass, persian cat, obedient kids, old lady's road, highway,
funny little son, smart kid, dried cherries, rustling of reeds.
2. Repeat tongue twisters, gradually accelerating the pace.
Checkers on the table, cones on the pine. Sasha loves drying, and dormouse loves cheesecakes. Little owl, little owl, big head.
Washed mice bowls for the bear. Sasha is small, Sasha washed his ears with soap.
3. Say the sentences slowly and clearly (2-3 times):
Elephant big ears... Lesha caught a large mustachioed catfish. The cat eats porridge from a bowl.
Dasha has delicious cherries. The basket is on the window. The cuckoo kukuet merrily.
Alyosha loves salad, and Sveta loves chocolate. A fluffy cat sits on the window. The pine forest smells of fragrant resin.

8 stage
1. Learn:
I sewed a shirt for the bear.
I'll sew him pants.
I need to sew a pocket on them
And put a handkerchief.
Porridge is cooked on the stove
Where is our big spoon?

Sasha and Masha went into the forest for pine sticks. Here is the edge of the forest. There is a tall pine tree at the edge. There are thick fluffy branches on the pine. And high, at the very top, there are big bumps. The bumps fall noisily down to the ground. There are many cones under the pine tree. Sasha and Masha are picking up lumps. They hurry home with a packet of cones.
Why did Sasha and Masha go to the forest? Where is the tall pine tree? what's on the pine tree? What's on the very top? How do the cones fall down? What is there under a pine tree? What are Sasha and Masha doing under the pine tree? Where are the children in a hurry?

9 stage
1. Learn:
Sasha, Sasha, why are you crying
And you hide your eyes in your hands?
If you listen to fairy tales,
You will stop crying right away!
2. An adult reads a story to a child and invites him to first answer the questions, and then retell it.
Fluff and Masha
Sasha has a dog, Fluff. Dasha has a cat Masha. Fluff loves bones, and Masha loves mice. Fluff is sleeping at Sasha's feet, and Masha is on the couch. Dasha sews a pillow for Masha herself. Masha will sleep on a pillow. Questions:
Who is Sasha's? Who is Dasha's? What does Fluff love? What does Masha love? Where does the fluff sleep? Where does Masha sleep? What does Dasha sew for Maschka? Where will Masha sleep?

10 stage
1. An adult reads a story to a child and invites him to first answer the questions, and then retell it.
Elder sister
Sasha has a sister, Natasha. Natasha is six years older than Sasha. She is in the sixth grade. In her free time Natasha sleds Sasha, plays checkers with him, helps him build planes. On Sunday Natasha takes Sasha to the cinema. Sasha loves his older sister Natasha.
What is the name of Sasha's sister? How old is Natasha older than Sasha? What class is Natasha in? How do Natasha and Sasha spend their free time? Where does Natasha take Sasha on Sunday? Whom does Sasha love?

Differentiation of sounds S-W in syllables

A) in direct syllables:
sa - sa - sha
sa - sha - sa
co - sho - co
su - us - shu
co - sho - co
sy - shi - sy
sy - shi - se
su - shi - se
su - shi - so
se - she - se
se - shi - sa
b) in the intervocal position:
asa - asa - asha
aso - aso - asho
asu - asu - asu
asi - asi - ashi
ashi - asy - asy
c) in syllables with a confluence of consonants
usho - usho - usa
sshu - sshu - ush
us - us - us
us - us - us

Differentiation of sounds S-W in words

A) in direct syllables:
gang - saika
shock - juice
sewn - well-fed
jester - court
b) in reverse syllables:
mouse - cape
knife - nose
already - mustache
our - us
beach - dance
c) in the intervocal position:
porridge - checkout
roof - rat
fox - goblin
interfere - massage
ask - crumble
go - ambassador
d) in syllables with a confluence of consonants:
crumb - paint
porridge - helmet
Masha - mask
bear - bowl
bipod - nipple
scale - rock
spur - spore
spur - quarrel
scar - shame

Differentiation of S-Sh sounds in phrases

Fun prank
delicious drying
vociferous starling
sweet pea
fragrant rosehip
dangerous journey
shard of glass
Persian cat
obedient kids
old lady's road
funny little son
smart kid
dried cherries
rustle of reeds

Differentiation of S-W sounds in sentences

In the wilderness, you don't hear the noise of the highway.
Fragrant rose hips were planted along the highway.
Lyosha was hung up in the closet of his grandmother's shawl.
We put an old overcoat and hat in a sack.
Jays and cuckoos made noise at the edge of the forest.
At night in the corner there was a rustle - the mouse would not let us sleep.
After bathing, Sasha was wiped dry with a fluffy towel.
With the onset of spring, a nightingale becomes audible in the forest.
Sasha composed a funny rhyme.
They sewed a mask and a bear costume for Sasha for a masquerade.
Our cat has fluffy hair and a long mustache.

Change according to the pattern. Change each sentence as indicated in the sample. Watch the pronunciation of the sounds C and S.
I hear a chuckle.
He (a) hears a laugh.
We hear a chuckle.
You hear a chuckle.
They hear a chuckle.

I cut wool.
I am listening to a rhyme.
I'm in a hurry to school.
Knock pine cones off.
Dry your jeans in the sun.
Listen to a funny tale.
Eat drying with poppy seeds.

Distribution of proposals. Remember and repeat the sentences correctly. Watch the pronunciation of the sounds Ш and С.
I hear.
I hear noise.
I hear highway noise.
I can hear the highway noise well.
I can hear the noise of the highway well.

I'm drying.
I'm drying champignons.
I am drying delicious champignons.

I'll comb the cat.
I will comb the fluffy cat.
I will comb a fluffy Persian cat.
I will comb the fluffy Persian cat with a comb.

Differentiation of S-Sh sounds in tongue twisters

There is a midge in the porridge. Hurry up, cat. Eat porridge with midges from a bowl.

In the hut only a bumblebee makes a noise; there, curled up, Sasha sleeps.

Mom gave Sasha a curdled milk serum.

Our gray cat was sitting on the roof, and your gray cat was sitting higher.

Hurry, don't hesitate, run for nuts.

Sashka's hat knocked bumps.

Sixteen mice walked
And six carried pennies.
And mice, which are more common,
They rummage around noisily.

Pine cones and checkers on the table.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying.

The pine makes a noise from sleep, from a dream the pine makes a noise.

Differentiation of S-Sh sounds in stories

Retell the texts, clearly articulating the sounds C and S.

A train

Snow everywhere. Masha has a sled. Misha has a sledge. Tolya has a sledge. Gali has a sled. One dad without a sled.
He took Galina's sleds, hooked them to the Tolins, Tolins to the Mashins, and Machines to the Mishins. It turned out to be a train.
Misha shouts:
- Tu-tu!
He is a machinist.
Masha shouts:
- Your tickets!
She is a conductor.
And dad pulls the rope and says:
- Chug-chukh .. Chukh-chukh ...
So he's a locomotive.

Why does the month have no dress

I decided to sew myself a dress for a month. The tailor took off his measurements and sat down to work. At the appointed time, a month came for the dress. And the dress is narrow and short.
“I guess I was wrong,” says the tailor.
And he sat down to work again. At the appointed time, a month came for the dress. Again the dress is small.
“I guess I’m wrong now,” said the tailor.
And again he began to cut and sew.
The third time the month came to the tailor. I saw a tailor: it was walking across the sky all month long - not a month, but a whole moon, and twice as wide as the dress he had just made. What was the tailor to do?
He rushed to run. I looked for him for a month, looked for it, but did not find it. So a month was left without a dress.

Mitka collected so many mushrooms that he could not bring home. He folded them in the forest. At dawn, Mitka went to get mushrooms. The mushrooms were carried away, and he began to cry. His mother said to him: "Why are you crying? Or our cakes were eaten by the cats?" Then Mitka felt funny, he rubbed tears down his face, and he himself laughed.

Retell the text and answer the questions. Watch the pronunciation of the sounds Ш and С.


Dad brought a large pencil. Masha shouts: "To me!" Misha shouts: "To me!" Dad said:
- Hush, we'll share it.
Drawn one end - blue. Drawn the other end - red.
Misha and Masha laugh: "Let's share a pencil!" Misha has a blue end, and Masha has a red end. Misha draws blue pictures, and Masha draws red ones.

1. What did dad bring Masha and Misha as a present?
2. What did the guys quarrel about?
3. What did dad do?
4. What pictures did Masha and Misha draw?

Differentiation of sounds S-SH in verse

The mouse whispered softly:
"Well, son, are you awake?"
"I'm trembling," he said to the mouse, "
I hear terrible noise in the forest. "
"Don't be afraid, my baby,
It's rain, "the mouse whispers.

Lived at the edge of the forest
Hedgehog under an old pine tree.
I went to collect cones
To play with the hedgehog.

Mice whispered in the silence
That mice are smaller than a bump,
What fluffy cat Fly
Better to sleep on a pillow.
The cat wiggles its ears:
"Isn't it time for the mice?"
If someone hears mice,
The hunt begins.
It would be better if silly mice
Wouldn't whisper in silence.

Cat Fluff and the dog Snowball
We went out together on the meadow.
The cat ran after the mouse,
The dog was lying in the sun.

Once upon a fluffy cat
I asked for a little food.
At the railway ticket office
She was given curd cheese.

Our Sasha got a laugh.
She laughed all day.
Everything seemed funny to her then,
I even hurt myself, and that doesn't matter.

Hedgehog with hedgehog Pasha
I went to visit the frog,
And the frog Masha
Dried dryers.
Forest tea
Smokes for guests
On the herb oregano
Masha is not stingy.
The delicious smell is dancing
Soars through the forest
So the frog Masha
Hedgehogs meets.

Sasha is the best shepherd boy.
He takes a horn with him.
Matting bag
With a bowl and spoon.

The cat has a mustache and ears.
She needs ears to listen.
But that's why, we don't know,
Does an animal need a mustache?

Bunny gallops along the edge
Near the hare hut.
He is looking for mushrooms of a wave,
To be salted in a tub.
Only empty at the edge.
He did not find a single wave.
He sat down and scratched his ears with grief
At the hut on the edge.

Tongue up: sha-sha-sha,
Porridge, pies, noodles.
Tongue down: sa - sa - sa,
Sugar, butter, sausage.

One evening old ladies
We drank tea and nibbled on drying.
Cat on pillow
He washes with his paw ... ears.
Goes to bed groaning, old woman,
Places a pillow under his head.
The old lady baked donuts
And put the donuts in a bowl.

Six fluffy kittens
They want to eat sausages.
And funny Natasha
Give them millet porridge.

Speech therapy exercises and games

Differentiation of sounds [w] - [s] in words

1. Repeat words.

1.1. Sheela is strength

step - bend,

wide - cheese,


porridge cash register,

hiss - sniff,

roofs - rats,

went - the ambassador,

sew up,

i asked - I asked,

scale - rock,

scar - shame,

the ear is narrow,

brooches - throws,

minced meat is a farce.

1.2. Scale, wide open, senior, rack, son, weightlifter, parachutist, chess player, machinist, laughing, pole, beveled, Stesha, Ksyusha, highway, dryer, sweet tooth, folder, shepherd boy, too, sewn, fluffy, eared, rush, russula.

1.3. You stand, sow, bite, take down, go down, fall down, laugh, rush, surrender, knock, rush, fear, pay off, fluffed up, crumbled.

  1. Look at the pictures.

2.1. First name the words that have the sound [w], and then the words that have the sound [s].

2.2. Name the words in which the sound [w] is at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.

2.3. Name the words in which the sound [s] is at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.

3.4. Combine objects into groups and pick up generalizing concepts for them.

Sample. Bus, trolleybus, car, plane - transport.

  1. Repeat words in forward and backward order.

Sasha - drying - haste.

Funny - fragrant - obedient.

Hurry - listen - make you laugh.

  1. Game "The third extra".

Listen to three words, divide them into syllables and name the excess.

Sasha - pole - land (2-1-2).

Son - haste - old lady (3-2-3).

Clamshell - chess player - russula (4-3-4).

  1. Continue with the pattern.

5.1. Sample. Laughter is funny.

Down - (fluffy),

wool - (woolen),

scale - (scale),

success - (successful),

spirit - (fragrant),

ears - (eared),

luxury - (luxurious).

5.2. Sample. To demolish is worn out.

Beveled - (beveled),

sew - (sewn),

mix - (mixed),

hear - (heard),

dry - (dried),

ask - (asked).

5.3. Sample. Nimble - even faster.

Funny - (even funnier)

successful - (even more successful),

senior - (even older),

luxurious - (even more luxurious),

obedient - (even more obedient),

dry - (even drier).

  1. Name the word by description.

Hot, dry season - (dry).

Dry trees, brushwood - (dry forest).

High school student - (high school student).

6th grade student - (6th grade).

Barbell lifter - (weight lifter).

The athlete doing pole vaulting - (pole vaulter).

Sportsman playing chess - (chess player).

A person making a parachute jump - (parachutist).

Train operator - (driver).

A worker who grazes cattle - (shepherdess).

  1. Game "Whose object?".

Sasha's shorts - (Sasha's shorts).

Ksyusha's bag - (Ksyusha's bag).

Shepherd's Horn - (Shepherd's Horn).

Old woman's coat - (old woman's coat).

  1. Say the words and explain what they mean

Drying - Drying - Drying

You eavesdrop - you listen - you listen.

You add salt - you add salt - you add salt.

You rearrange - you expose - you substitute.

  1. Game "Who needs these items?"

Look at the pictures. Connect the line between the person and the object that he needs.

To check if you connected the pictures correctly, read (listen to) this poem. In it you will find the correct answers to the task.

A weightlifter needs a barbell

Chess to a chess player

Horn to the shepherdess

The hockey stick to the old lady

Nipple for baby

Machine for my little son.

Did you do the same?

  1. Game "What is the difference between words?"

Day is a joke

bowl - bear,

helmet - porridge.

  1. Game "Tricky Words".

11.1. What word will you get if you replace the first sound in this word with the sound [s]? Cannons - (drying),

Pasha - (Sasha),

cats - (bipod),

sew - (sew),

bruise - (knocked down),

Mashenka - (Sasha).

11.2. What word will you get if you add the sound [s] to this word?

Sew - (sew),

sew - (dry),

pawn - (haste),

ears - (sushi),

above - (above),

ears - (drying).

11.3. What word will you get if you pronounce this word without the first syllable?

Silent - (noisy)

dry - (sew),

bear - (joke),

beauty - (weaving),

rhyme - (shock),

temple - (juice),

i stitched - (sewed),










Sasha, dry, drying, hurrying, making fun, sleeping, mowing, hearing, rhyme, too, son, sun, nightingale, dried, glass, funny, hastily, successfully, mockery, grin, fragrant, fluffy, obedient, silent, chance, rustle, six, procession, six, highway, shepherd, road, chuckle, rumor, invasion, travel.


Cheerful shepherd boy. Obedient kid. Fluffy cat. Funny rhymes. Dangerous journey. Lifeboat. Soldier's overcoat. Fluffy hat. Steel helmet. Thick sleepers. A funny joke. Noisy class. Sweet chocolate. Fluffy snow. Big dog. Mown meadow. Noisy highway. Tall tower. Salty waves. Foamy shampoo. Blue shawl. Fox hat. Fragrant lily of the valley. The reeds rustle. Backwoods. Forest edge. Ripe cherry.

Six kittens are hungry. They sewed a fur coat for Shura. If you hurry, you will make people laugh. The clubfoot bear walks through the forest, collects cones, sings a song. In the early morning, the cockerel gave a clear voice. Sasha is eating a dryer. Already the sky was breathing in autumn, less often the sun shone. Long live fragrant soap, and a fluffy towel. Your gray cat is sitting on the roof. Put on your hat and galoshes in the slush. Sonya has a fluffy hat. Sasha's father is a miner. A fat bumblebee hums over a rose hip bush. The soldier brought the spy to the headquarters. A basket of cherries is on the table. The cockerel sat down on a pole. The pine forest smells good with fragrant resin. In the silence, the drone of the plane is heard far away Lesha caught a large mustachioed catfish. Kids enjoy listening to funny rhymes. A fluffy cat sits on the window. Natasha salted the porridge. Sasha successfully entered the sixth grade.


In a quiet whisper, Sonya told the kids fairy tales. Sweet Sasha loves chocolate. The whole sixth grade laughed at Masha's merry joke. The rustle of aspen leaves is heard in any weather. The master thrust the awl into the sole of the boot with force. The shepherd set up a hut on the edge of the aspen trees. The old woman has salty waves in the tub. There are six Sash and five Misha in our class. The cat is lapping porridge from a bowl. The dog was poured porridge into an old soldier's bowl. Masha made a bear mask. Sasha sewed an eared bear for his little son. We washed the mice bowls for Mishka. Six mice rustle in the hut. Six mice carried six pennies. In the stillness of the swamp, reeds rustle silently. Sonia dreamed nightmareas if an elephant was dancing in the bedroom. Six poles. Sasha is drying drying. How many ears do six frogs have? How many ears do six pillows have? The cat has six kittens, the mouse has six mice, and the frog has six frogs. The crumbs are crumbled, drying is dried, and the stew is stewed. Drop this brooch. You have to be able to keep quiet here. Began to salt - no need to be naughty. Our ambassador went wrong. Our Irishka has sweet toffee. The rat does not sit on the roof. For the sixth day we have been joking. The pug flies, and the pug barks. There is a rock by the sea, a scale at the device. On the head - a helmet, and in a bowl - porridge. The baby has a nipple, and the plowman has a bipod. Sharp awl, but little strength in him.


In the autumn there is silence in the forest. You can only hear how the wind rustles in the tops of the trees and how dry leaves rustle, falling to the ground.

There is an oil can under the tree. The oiler has stripes on the slippery cap. It was bitten by a fluffy squirrel. But apparently someone scared off the squirrel. Therefore, she did not take the oil cans.

In August, squirrels are dried boletus, boletus, white on the branches. Prepare stocks. In winter, the protein will find a fragrant dried mushroom and eat it. And well-fed and warmer, and more fun.


Sasha had a dog, Fluff. Sasha left for school. I left the dog at home. Fluff is naughty. Fluff ripped the napkin off the table. A cup, a spoon, a knife fell to the floor.


We, Owl, are the same with you in everything: you are gray, and I am gray, you have claws, and I have claws, you are a predator, and I am a predator. Why do people meet us differently? They praise you - they praise you, they curse me - they curse me. There is no truth on earth!

And you, Wolf, what are you eating?

Yes, more and more fat lambs, and goats, and calves ...

You see now! And I'm all harmful mice. Therefore, they do not meet us by clothes. but on business. Even though you and I are alike, we are not at all the same!


There was a big winter holiday at school - a Christmas tree. Children have been waiting for a long time New Year, but now the holiday has come. In the middle of the hall there was a large, beautiful Christmas tree. Various toys hung on it: chocolate balls, bears, horses, crackers and many other toys. Children danced around the tree and sang a song:

Hello, our Christmas tree!

Hello Santa Claus!

Show us grandpa

What's in the bag!

Then the children went outside for a walk. Misha came running and said:

Guys, let's play snowballs!

Well, we will, - said Masha.

Very good, - said Natasha.

Children played snowballs, it was a lot of fun. Misha, Katyusha and Masha blinded a snow woman. Then my mother came and took the children home.


Sasha and Sima went to the cinema on Saturday. Children love cartoons. On Saturday they watched a funny movie about a cat and a mouse. How a little eared mouse defeated a big fluffy cat. How could the kid defeat such a giant? Yes, just the little mouse was, though small, funny, but smart, kind. And the giant cat was stupid and evil. He wanted to eat all the mice in the world. And the little mouse saved his friends, did not think about himself. Therefore, I won.

The mother mouse ran, the mouse had a strange dream,

She began to call the cat as a nanny, that he was not a mouse, but an elephant,

Come to us, aunt-cat, that he came to Africa,

Shake our baby. I went to the elephant bed.

The cat began to sing to the mouse: He began to sleep and saw a dream there,

Meow, meow, sleep, my baby, that he is a mouse, not an elephant,

Meow, meow, let's go to bed, And that he is not sleeping in Africa,

Meow, meow, on the bed! And at home he is again.

Silly little mouse "What a strange dream I have!" -

Answers her asleep: In a dream, waking up, he thought

You sing very sweetly. “Am I an elephant? Or a mouse? "


There was a car walking down the street

There was a car without gasoline, but did not dare to fight,

There was a car without a motor,

There was a car without a driver, You can lose feathers.

She walked where she did not know, If you lose feathers -

There was a car ... clockwork. There will be nothing to cock.

Scary dream

A squirrel from a branch to your house - Mouse, mouse that you are not sleeping,

I was dragging a pine cone. What are you crunching with straw?

The squirrel dropped a bump, - I'm afraid to fall asleep, sister,

I hit Mishka straight. I will dream of a mustachioed cat!

Bear groaned, groaned -

A bump jumped up on my nose.

The bunnies were dragging a big carrot, the Frog was a hopping

They bit off a little of the carrot, Eyes on the crown.

Then I wanted to take another bite, hide from the frog,

Then ... there was nothing to drag. Mosquitoes and flies.


Cones on the pine, checkers on the table.

There are six rascals in the hut.

Sasha knocked a bump with his hat.

Mom gave Romache a curdled milk serum.

Our gray cat was sitting on the roof, and your gray cat was sitting higher.

Forty mice walked, carried forty pennies, two plain mice carried two pennies.

I sewed a fur coat - I sewed a skirt.

I sewed a hat - I sewed a sneaker.

Sasha sewed a hat to Sanka.

A rustle is heard in the reeds, There is a crumb midge on the window

It makes a noise in the ears. The cat deftly catches its paw.

In the stillness of the night by the hut, our sail is sewn on conscience,

The rustle of reeds is barely audible, and the storm will not frighten us.

Masha came to her grandmother, grandmother cooked porridge for her.

Sit down, welcome guest, semolina porridge will cool.

But Masha waves her hands:

I don’t want your porridge!

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