Individual lessons on sound setting perspective plan. Individual plan of logocorrection work

Natalia Andreyanova
Planning the individual work of a speech therapist teacher with children

Individual work for the correction and development of speech is based on the following main directions:

Articulatory gymnastics. The purpose of which is work out clear and consistent movements of the articulatory apparatus.

Respiration development. purpose: work out correct speech breathing.

Sound reproduction.

Finger gymnastics - improving the coordination of the fingers.

Syllabic structure of the word.

Development of phonemic perception (1st year of study) and preparation for literacy (2nd year of study) - clarification and consolidation of the material with which the child did not cope in the frontal lesson.

Consolidation of word formation.

Working on a coherent speech.

Exercises for the development of higher mental functions (attention, memory, thinking) or orientation in space.

Individual plans classes are based on individual educational route.

Individual planning lessons are structured in the form of a table.

Approximate planning an individual lesson.

2nd year of study.

October. Topic "Vegetables", 2nd week.

Directions work October, 2 week


Gymnastics For whistling sounds - working off clarity of articulation movements

Sound pronunciation Labyrinth number 3

Finger gymnastics "Ripe vegetables", 94

Respiration development "Big pumpkin"

Syllabic structure

The words "One - five", 79

Certificate D / I "Luntik" (differential sound

[s] - [s "] Drawing up schemes of words GUS, CHEESE

Word formation No. 4 p. 5 No. 7 p. 7 No. 9 p. 9

Development of coherent speech No. 2 p. 3 No. 14 p. 13

VPF, space. orientation No. 13 p. 12 No. 16 p. 14

* speech therapist marks the quality of each lesson with a conventional sign

Planning builds on the following material:

Articulation and sound production.

1. Akimenko V. M. Correction of sound pronunciation in children: teaching method. manual / V. A. Akimenko. - Ed. 2nd - Rostoa n / D: Phoenix, 2209 .-- 110 p.: Ill.

2. Pozhilenko E. A. Articulation gymnastics: Guidelines for the development of motor skills, breathing and voice in children preschool age... - SPb .: KARO, 2007 .-- 92 p.: Ill.

Sound reproduction.

1. Tkachenko T. A. Speech therapy encyclopedia. - M .: OOO TD "Publishing house World of books", 2008 .-- 248p .: ill. ; 32s. incl. color

2. Konovalenko V. V., Konovalenko S. V. Automation of sounds at children: a set of four albums / V. V. Konovalenko, S. V. Konovalenko - Publishing House GNOM and D, 2006. - 216 p .: ill.

3. Sorokina N.A. "Sound Tracks" to consolidate sounds in children and adults. - M .: V. Sekachev, 2014. (2 albums)

4. Peregudova T.S., Osmanova G.A. We introduce sounds into speech: Card file for automating sounds. - SPb .: KARO, 2010. (for all groups of sounds).

5. Batyaeva S. V. Speech therapy puzzles. - COMPANY "ROSMAN - PRESS", 2012.

6. Komarova LA Automation of sound in game exercises. Album of a preschooler / L. A. Komarova. - M .: Publishing house GNOM and D, 2008. (for all groups of sounds).

7. Fadeeva Yu. A, Pichugina G. A. In the world of words, letters and sounds: Speech games to automate sounds. - M .: TC Sphere, 2015 .-- 64p.

8. Kulikovskaya T. A. Speech therapy tongue twisters and rhymes. Speech material for automating sounds in children: a guide for teachers and parents / T. A. Kulikovskaya. - M. :: Publishing house GNOM, 2012.

9. Trushina L. P, Golomaga E. A., Dmitrieva S. G. Speech therapy puzzles. - Publisher "Speech". (to all sounds).

Syllabic structure of the word.

1. Chetverushkina N. S. Syllabic structure the words: Systemic method for eliminating violations. - M .: OOO "National Book Center", 2011.

Development of speech breathing.

1. Guskova A. A. Development of speech breathing in children 3-7 years old. - M .: TC Sphere, 2011.

2.S.V. Leonova. Game library of speech games. Issue 12. Live pictures. Games for the development of speech exhalation in children 5-7 years old with speech disorders.

Finger gymnastics.

1. Osmanova G. A. New finger games for the development of small motor skills: Card index of finger games. - SPb .: KARO, 2010.

2. Osmanova G.A. palms: We play and develop fine motor skills / GA Osmanova. - SPb .: KARO, 2013.

3. Games for the development of fine motor skills of hands using non-standard equipment. - Auth. - comp. O. A. Zazhigina. - SPb .: LLC PUBLISHING "DETSVO-PRESS", 2013.

4. Fadeeva Yu. A., Pichugina G. A., Zhilina I. I. Games with clothespins: we create and speak. - M .: TC Sphere, 2013.

Lexico-grammatical categories and coherent speech.

1. Ruslanova N.S. Didactic material for the development of lexical and grammatical categories in children 5-7 years old - M .: ARKTI. (for all lexical topics).

Related publications:

Synopsis of an integrated lesson of a speech therapist, teacher-defectologist with children 6-7 years old with visual impairment "Teremok" Synopsis of the integrated lesson of the teacher - speech therapist, teacher - defectologist in the preparatory group for children with visual impairments. Story:.

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The plan of speech correction work is drawn up by a speech therapist for the academic year based on the analysis of the child's speech card.

In the individual plan, the directions of correction work are presented, which make it possible to eliminate the violations of speech activity and gaps in the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the child identified during the speech therapy examination.

Such a plan will make it possible to systematize classes, increase their effectiveness and strengthen correctional focus, as well as implement a personality-oriented approach in teaching and upbringing.

The plan of individual speech correction work for 200_ / 00__ account. Year

Surname, name of the child - Ivanov S. Speech therapy conclusion: FFN, minimal manifestations of dysarthria.

The main directions of speech correction work

Types of activities


Development of articulatory motor skills:

Articulation exercises;

Speech therapy massage;

Self-massage of the tongue, lips


Formation of the correct sound pronunciation:

Development of phonemic processes

Individual, group

Clarification, enrichment of the dictionary by topics: mushrooms;

Baby animals; Food;



Work on the syllabic structure of unfamiliar and difficult to pronounce words


Improving the grammatical structure of speech:

The use of nouns in the genitive plural;

Coordination of numerals with nouns;

The use of non-declining nouns in speech

Individual, group

Improving the psychological base of speech:

expanding the volume of visual and auditory memory;

Development of verbal thinking

The knowledge, abilities and skills acquired by the child in individual speech therapy lessons are consolidated by educators, specialized specialists and parents.

Individual lesson plans with a child

The main task of individual speech therapy classes - formation of the sound side of speech: normalization of articulatory motor skills, setting of missing sounds, correction of pronunciation of distorted sounds and differentiation of mixed sounds. If necessary, in individual lessons, work is carried out on the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, a coherent statement, as well as on the development of the psychological base of speech and fine motor skills.

The speech therapist makes plans for individual lessons on the basis of an individual plan of speech correction work. When planning individual lessons, the structure of the speech defect, the age of the child, and his individual personality characteristics are taken into account.

An approximate record of the plan of individual speech therapy lessons

Surname, name of the child - Ivanov S.

Speech therapy conclusion: FFN, minimal manifestations of dysarthria.


Performing articulation exercises for setting whistling sounds: "Fence", "Lonaiochka", "Let's clean the lower teeth."

Self-massage of the tongue, lips:

- "Let's punish the naughty tongue";

- "Bite the upper and lower lips";

Articulation exercise "Comb".

Sound setting [e] (mixed method).

Game "What has changed?" ("Mushrooms" theme)

Performing articulation exercises for setting whistling sounds: "Fence", "Spatula", "Clean the lower teeth", "Pussy is angry."

Speech therapist massage of the tongue, lips.

Sound setting [s] (mixed method).

Classification of picture material (Theme "Mushrooms") on the basis of: edible, inedible

In the column "Results" the speech therapist assesses the child's activity after completing each type of task with conventional symbols ("+", "-") or a short phrase (it does not work, it is difficult).

I offer my own version of planning individual work at the preschool educational institution. The plan was drawn up taking into account the main stages of work on the correction of sound pronunciation. It is an application to the speech card. Filling takes very little time.



I. Preparatory stage

  1. pencil "," Wind ", etc.
  2. "Hedgehog".
  3. "Change your voice", etc.
  4. tongue ".
  5. "Painter".
  1. Automation of delivered sounds in syllables, words, phrases, texts
  2. Differentiation of sounds ____________________________________________
  3. Working on the development of speech
  1. Form grammatical speech skills (inflection andword formation). Form the correct pronunciation of complex syllabic wordsstructures.
  1. To activate and enrich vocabulary.
  2. Develop coherent speech.

The result of the correction work ____________________________________________________________

Individual plan correctional work

from _______________________________________________________

for __ semester 20 ___- 20 ____ academic year

Speech therapy diagnosis _______________________________

I. Preparatory stage

  1. Generate a directed air blast withexercises "Focus", "Football", "Blow on the leaves", "Storm inglass ”,“ Who will drive the ball further ”,“ Kick the ball into the goal ”,“ Movepencil "," Wind ", etc.
  2. Develop fine motor skills of the hands through exercisefinger gymnastics, hand massage with a simulator"Hedgehog".
  3. Develop auditory attention, auditory memory, phonemicperception with the help of exercises "What sounds?", "Where is ringing?","Who called?", "Catch the sound", "Count the sounds", "Find the sound inword "," Where is the sound hidden? "
  4. To form intonational expressiveness of speech through games"High - low", "Loud - quiet", "Walking up the stairs","Change your voice", etc.
  5. Eliminate the lack of development of speech motor skills, conductpreparatory articulation exercises for developmentmobility of the organs of the peripheral speech apparatus ("Generalcomplex of articulatory gymnastics ").
  6. Develop the ability to keep the lips in a smile, exposing the lower andupper front teeth "Smile - Tube".
  7. To develop the movement of the lips forward "Fence - Proboscis".
  8. Develop skill by relaxing the muscles of the tongue, hold itwide, spread-out "Spatula", "We will punish the naughtytongue ".
  9. Develop the ability to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth"The pussy is angry", "Let's clean the lower teeth", "Gorka".
  10. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue, practice lifting the tongue up"Glue the candy", "Mushroom", "Tasty jam", "Cup","Painter".
  11. Stretch the hyoid ligament (bridle) "Fungus", "Accordion".
  12. To develop the rise of the tongue up, the mobility of its front part"Turkey", "Swing", "Horse", "Click with the tip of the tongue", "Whose teeth are cleaner?", "Drummers".
  13. Strengthen the muscles of the tip of the tongue, generate vibration of the tiplanguage "Let's start a motor", "Balalaichka".

II. Setting sounds __________________________________________________________________

Forward planning

individual and subgroup speech therapy classes in a group for children with phonetic and phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

Analysis of the current situation in the system of education and training of preschool children has shown that the number of children with various deviations in speech development is steadily growing. These children constitute the main risk group in schooling. Therefore, carrying out correctional and developmental classes in order to eliminate speech disorders in preschool age is so necessary.

The frequency of individual lessons during the week depends on the individual needs of each child, taking into account the dynamics of correcting speech disorders and is on average 2-3 times a week.

Speech therapy classes with a subgroup of children of 2-6 people for a similar speech disorder are conducted, on average, once a week. Depending on the stage of speech therapy work, the appropriate type of speech therapy lesson is selected.

The planning below contains 5 stages of work to correct sound pronunciation, such as:


The stage of evoking sound;

Sound automation stage;

Stage of differentiation of sounds;

The stage of the formation of communication skills and abilities.

Prospective planning is an activity option that can be used both for individual and subgroup work with children with phonetic and phonetic-phonemic speech disorders.

Each lesson is a certain template and, based on this, can be used repeatedly (for example: if a child has violations of sound pronunciation of more than one sound and work on their correction is not carried out at the same time) Or, for example, another option, when two lessons can be combined into one (if, for example, correctional work conducted simultaneously to eliminate the violation of the sound pronunciation of two sounds).

Stages of long-term planning, the required number of classes is determined individually for each child.

Stage I (preparatory)

This section presents 15 developmental activities containing various games and exercises in the following areas:

 formation of psychological readiness for classes, development of HMF (psychological base of speech);

development of the strength and mobility of the organs of articulation, the formation of an articulatory structure;

 developing a sense of tempo and rhythm;

 acquaintance with the concepts of “speech”, “word”, “sound”;

development of finger motor skills and grapho-motor skills

development of basic motor skills;

 preparation for the analysis of the sound composition of the word.

Stage II. Sound setting (making sound).

This section presents 8 options for correctional and developmental classes, in the following areas:

development of phonemic hearing and perception;

development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation;

calling (setting) sound;

 assimilation of available rhythmic patterns;

 formation of the skill of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis;

development of the HMF (psychological base of speech).

Stage III. Sound automation.This section presents 16 lessons , in the following areas:

 strengthening the skill of correct sound pronunciation;

 normalization of intonation and tempo-rhythmic organization of speech;

forming phonological competence;

 extension of lexical and grammatical competence;

development of coherent speech;

development of finger motor skills and grapho-motor skills;

developing the skill of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis

Stage IV. Differentiation of sounds.The section contains 14 lessons.

At the stage of differentiation of sounds, the main directions of correctional and developmental work are:

 strengthening the correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds;

 normalization of intonation and tempo-rhythmic organization of speech

 expansion of lexical and grammatical competence;

development of coherent speech;

development of basic motor skills and coordination;

development of finger motor skills and grapho-motor skills;

developing the skills of language analysis and synthesis;

development of the HMF (psychological base of speech);

Stage V (final). Formation of communicative competence.

The number of classes is also individual for each child and the main directions of correctional and developmental work at this stage are:

 formation in the child of persistent abilities and skills of the error-free use of speech sounds in all communication situations;

development of coherent speech;

development of the HMF (psychological base of speech);

Planning reflects in itself all the main directions of the correctional and developmental work of a speech therapist teacher, contributes to an increase in the efficiency of its organization and, ultimately, its effectiveness.

Used Books:

Gerasimova V.A., Zhukova O., Kuznetsova V. A unique method of preschooler development. - S.-Pb. 2002

Yoshchenko V.O. Collection of approximate forms of documents and teaching materials for the organization of speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution

Lalaeva R.I., N.V. Serebryakova "Formation of correct colloquial speech among preschoolers" - Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", St. Petersburg., "Union" 2004

L.V. Lopatina Speech therapy work with children of preschool age - St. Petersburg., "Soyuz" 2004

Lopukhina I. Speech therapy / Speech, rhythm, movement. - S.Pb., 1997

Pozhelenko V.A. A magical world of sounds and words. - M., 1999

Tkachenko T.A. We teach to speak correctly. ОНР correction system for children 6 years old - M., "GNOM and D" 2003

Filicheva T.B., Tumanova T.V. Children with FFN. Education and training - M., "Gnom-Press", 1999

Filicheva T.B., Chirkina V.G., Tumanova T.V., Mironova S.A., Lagutina A.V. Correction of speech disorders. Programs of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with speech disorders; Moscow "Education" 2008

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

Preparatory stage

Total number of lessons:

FN (dyslalia)

dysarthria 8-14

1. Formation of psychological readiness for classes.

1. Setting on joint activities with the speech therapist teacher to eliminate speech impediments and regular classes in the office.

1. Formation of the concepts "Speech, Sounds of speech".

2. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

3. Formation of diaphragmatic breathing, prolonged phonation expiration and soft voice attack.

1. Conversation about what “speech” is, how it is formed, what sounds are the sounds of speech and how they are pronounced (demonstration of a poster with a picture oral cavity and etc.).

2.Articulatory gymnastics. Teaching the techniques of performing exercises of the general complex (static and dynamic exercises).

3. Respiratory gymnastics (with tactile control); games: "Fun spinner", "Drive the ball into the hole", "Whistle"; Fixed exhalation with sounds: x-x-x, f-f-f.

4. "Singing" of vowel sounds (with an average voice power) U - U, AU - AU, AIU

5. Finger gymnastics, lacing, mosaic, games with elastic bands, beads, etc.

2. Development of tactile perception.

3. Development of hand-eye coordination.

4. Development of a sense of rhythm (perception and reproduction of the rhythm of claps).

1.Articulatory gymnastics (static and dynamic exercises).

2. Game "Magic bag".

3.Drawing patterns, drawings on a dotted line, shading, etc.

4. Rhythmic claps “Show the card with a number - how many beats did you hear”, “1 11 111 1111”, “Listen to the series of claps”. Selection of a card for a given rhythmic pattern. (based on clarity)

1. Further acquaintance with the concept of "sound".

2. Development of auditory attention and auditory memory. Differentiation by ear is not speech sounds.

3. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

1.Conversation with children / child about what sounds are heard and produced (speech and non-speech), ways of their formation

2. Game “Guess which box sounded right now”, “Find a pair for a sounding box” “Take two similar sounding boxes”; "Guess what sounds."

3. Articulation gymnastics (static and dynamic exercises).

4. Finger gymnastics, games with beads.

1. Communication of knowledge about the methods of forming speech sounds.

2. Development of auditory attention and auditory memory. Distinguishing by ear of speech sounds.

3. Development of articulatory motor skills.

4. Formation of diaphragmatic breathing, prolonged phonation expiration.

5. Development of hand-eye coordination.

1. Conversation about how the sounds of speech are formed; demonstration of a poster with a picture of the oral cavity, placing the palm of the hand on the throat (tactile control during vibration of the vocal folds).

2. The game "Who called?"

3. Articulation gymnastics (general complex (static and dynamic exercises)).

4. Game "Fun spinner", "Exhale air in three pushes".

5. Outline drawings, shading.

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

4. Preparatory stage

2. Development of a sense of tempo, rhythm.

3. Development of coordination of movements.

1. Formation of ideas about the variety of speech sounds in children.

2. Development of articulatory motor skills.

3. Formation of diaphragmatic breathing, prolonged phonation exhalation.

1. Conversation about sounds different in sound and ways of their formation.

2. Articulation gymnastics (general developmental complex (static and dynamic exercises)).

3. "Autumn leaf fall", pronouncing syllables on a prolonged exhalation, breathing exercises with movements.

5; 6. Speech-movement games and exercises.

1. Acquaintance with sound (articulation, acoustic features, method of forming a given sound).

5. Development of attention and visual. memory.

1. Conversation about how this sound is formed; showing articulation in front of a mirror, showing the profile of a given sound, imitating the position of the tongue with a hand; placing the palm of your hand on your throat (tactile sensations of vibration of the vocal folds). Acquaintance with the symbol for this sound.

2.Articulatory gymnastics (learning a set of special exercises aimed at forming the correct articulatory structure of the sound being studied); imitation games.

3. Respiratory gymnastics; the game "Drive the ball into the goal"; "Autumn leaf fall".

5. Games "Find 10 differences", "What's gone?"



1. Development of digital motor skills.

2. Development of a sense of rhythm.

1. Consolidation of knowledge about sound (articulation, acoustic features, method of forming a given sound, a card - a symbol of sound).

2. Formation of the correct articulation structure of the studied sound; development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation; formation of kinesthetic sensations, kinesthetic analysis and representations.

1. The game "Clap your hands if I said correctly"

2. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises aimed at the formation of the correct articulatory structure of the studied sound); imitation games.

3. Games with beads; lacing; game "Cinderella".

4. Rhythmic claps without visual control. "Listen to the series of accented beats, show the card for the number of beats,"

"Slap the rhythm" (without reliance on visualization) - isolated strikes, a series of simple strokes.

2. Preparation for the analysis of the sound composition of the word. Isolation of the 1st stressed vowel sound in a word

4. Formation of intonational expressiveness of speech and logical stress.

2. Pick up the desired card (sound symbol) when you hear the sound.

3.Voice exercises. Pronouncing a sentence with a change in voice strength "Katya bought flowers" (quietly, loudly, in a whisper, calmly; with different intonation (interrogative ( ANDUO ?, A HaveOh ?, ay ABOUT?) narrative, exclamatory intonation. ";

4. Dialogue using different semantic intonation (an affirmative answer to the question posed).

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs


solid stage

Total number of lessons:



1. Formation of the correct articulation structure of the studied sound; development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Development of the skill of distinguishing correctly pronounced sounds by ear.

1. Analysis and synthesis of a number of vowels (ay, ay).

2. The game "4th extra" (three words begin with the sound under study, and one with the other).

3. Game "Live Sounds".

4. Finger gymnastics (static and dynamic exercises); "Friendly family"; "Salting cabbage", "Fingers greet", "Castle", etc.

1 Formation of the correct articulation pattern of the studied sound; development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Isolation of sound from a number of syllables and words.

3. Analysis of the reverse syllable of the AP type. Isolation of the last consonant from words like MAK.

4. Development of digital motor skills.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises aimed at the formation of the correct articulatory structure of the studied sound).

2. "Clap your hands if you hear a sound ..".

2. The game "4th extra" (3 words begin with the sound under study, and one with the other).

3. The game "Live sounds", "Select only those pictures in the names of which the sound ___ is heard at the end of the word."

4.Finger gymnastics (static and dynamic exercises

1. Isolation of the initial consonant and the subsequent vowel from words such as MAC.

2. Development of digital motor skills.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises aimed at the formation of the correct articulatory structure of the studied sound); imitation games.

2. Respiratory gymnastics (special exercises) "Focus"; Blow into the bubble.

3. "Select only those pictures in the name of which the sound under study is heard at the beginning of the word" "Pick up the card-symbol of the vowel sound that you hear in the middle of the word."

4. Finger gymnastics, lacing, mosaic, games with an elastic band, etc.

1. Formation of the correct articulation structure of the studied sound; development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Formation of prolonged phonation expiration.

3. Formation of skills of sound analysis and synthesis. Analysis of the direct syllable of the SU type.

4. Mastering the available rhythmic patterns of words like : ta- that, that- that; ta-ta-ta, ta- that-that.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises aimed at the formation of the correct articulatory structure of the studied sound); imitation games.

3. Game "Live Sounds". Drawing up sound schemes.

4. Pronunciation of a series of syllables (from correctly pronounced sounds) with intonation of a certain syllable given by a speech therapist teacher, selection of a card for a given rhythmic pattern.

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs


solid stage

Total number of lessons:

1. Formation of the correct articulation structure of the studied sound; development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Formation of prolonged phonation expiration.

1. Formation of skills of sound analysis and synthesis. Analysis of words like SPC.

2. Development of auditory attention and memory for a linear series consisting of 4, 5, 6 elements.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises aimed at the formation of the correct articulatory structure of the studied sound); imitation games.

2. Respiratory gymnastics (special exercises).

3. Determination of the position of the studied sound in words. “Divide the pictures into two groups according to the place of the sound in the word”, drawing up sound schemes.

4. Pronunciation of a series of syllables in a certain sequence (correctly pronounced), the speech therapist names objects in a certain sequence, and the child lays them out in a given sequence (from memory).


dysarthria - 8-15

1. Formation of the correct articulation structure of the studied sound; development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Formation of prolonged phonation expiration.

1. Formation of skills of sound - syllabic analysis and synthesis of words such as TEETH.

2. Development of fine motor skills of hands and visual attention.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises aimed at the formation of the correct articulatory structure of the studied sound); imitation games.

2. Respiratory gymnastics (special exercises).

3.Dividing words into parts (syllables), drawing up a sound-syllable scheme, selecting words for a sound or syllable scheme.

4. Collecting beads (on a card with a specific pattern).

Conducting elementary manual massage of the collar and articulation zones, passive articulation exercises for the lips and tongue.


Summoning (staging)


Number of lessons:



1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Making sound.

1. Formation of prolonged phonation expiration.

2. Development of finger motor skills and grapho-motor skills.

3. Respiratory gymnastics "Let's warm the hands", "Pump", "Focus", "Leaf fall".

4. Finger gymnastics, tracing patterns, drawings on the contour, shading, games with puzzles, mosaics, lacing, gymnastics, etc.

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Making sound.

3. Formation of prolonged phonation expiration.

4. Development of the HMF.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises); static / dynamic exercises, performed actively / passively; imitation games.

2. The evocation / production of sound by using techniques (imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed).

3. Respiratory gymnastics "Let's warm the hands", "Butterfly", "Focus", "Leaf fall", "Let's drive the ball into the goal."

4. Games "What's gone?", "Find the artist's mistake", etc.

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Making sound.

3. Formation of prolonged phonation expiration

4. Development of grapho-motor skills

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises); static / dynamic exercises, performed actively / passively; imitation games;

2. Calling / staging sound by applying techniques (imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed)

3. Respiratory gymnastics (special exercises aimed at forming the correct air stream)

4. Trace patterns, drawings on the contour, hatching

1. Development of the strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Formation of prolonged phonation expiration.

3. Making sound

5. Development of digital motor skills.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises aimed at the formation of the correct articulatory structure of the studied sound); static / dynamic exercises, performed actively / passively; imitation games.

2. Respiratory gymnastics (special exercises aimed at forming the correct air stream).

3. The evocation / production of sound by applying techniques (imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed method).

5. Finger gymnastics passive / active, static exercises, dynamic exercises, hand massage.

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Making sound.

3. Development of grapho-motor skills and finger motor skills.

4. Development of the HMF.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises); static / dynamic exercises, performed actively / passively; imitation games.

2. The evocation / production of sound by using techniques (imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed).

3. Trace patterns, contour drawings, shading, games with puzzles, mosaics, lacing, finger gymnastics, etc.

4. Games "find 10 differences" "extra 4", etc.

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Making sound.

4. Assimilation of available rhythmic patterns of words like : ta- that, that- that; ta-ta-ta, ta- that-that.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises); static / dynamic exercises, performed actively / passively; imitation games.

2Calling / staging sound through the use of techniques (imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed).

3. Game "Live sounds"; drawing up sound schemes for words.

4. Pronunciation of a series of syllables (only correctly pronounced sounds are used) with the intonation of a certain syllable given by the speech therapist teacher, selection of a card to a given rhythmic pattern.

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs





Number of lessons:

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Making sound.

1. Formation of skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

2. Development of HMF and digital motor skills.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises); static / dynamic exercises, performed actively / passively; imitation games.

2. Calling / staging sound by applying techniques (imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed).

3. Division of words into parts (syllables) Compilation of sound schemes, selection of words for the sound scheme.

4. Nikitin's cubes (“Collect the cubes so that you get



Dysarthria 5-8

1. Development of strength and mobility of the organs of articulation.

2. Making sound.

1. Formation of skills of sound - syllabic analysis and synthesis.

1. Articulation gymnastics (special exercises); static / dynamic exercises, performed actively / passively; imitation games.

2. The evocation / production of sound by using techniques (imitation (imitation method), with mechanical assistance and mixed).

3. Drawing up sound-syllabic schemes, selection of words for the sound-syllable scheme.

4. Speech-movement games and exercises.




Number of lessons:



Dysarthria -16

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of a sound in isolation in direct syllables and words.

2. Development of grapho-motor skills and finger motor skills.

1. Assimilation of available rhythmic patterns of words like : ta- that, that- that; ta-ta-ta, ta- that-that.

2. Development of auditory memory for a linear series of words.

1,3,4. Repeated pronunciation of the delivered sound (exaggerated), onomatopoeia, reflected pronunciation of syllable rows

(long, intermittent, quiet, loud, in a whisper, with the intonation of a certain syllable, in a certain sequence), pronouncing words (sound at the beginning of a word).

2. Outline drawings, shading, repetition of the ornament.

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of sound in direct syllables, words and pure phrases containing these syllables.

2. Development of a sense of tempo, rhythm, coordination of movements.

3. Development of attention and visual memory.

1, 3.4. Reflected pronouncing of syllabic rows, words and pure phrases

(sound at the beginning of a word), containing these syllables, independent naming of words from the picture, games "Tell me a word!", "What's gone?", "What has appeared?"

2. Speech-motor games and exercises (pronouncing pure phrases in the rhythm of the march).

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of sound in direct syllables, sound complexes such as the GHA, words (sound in the middle of a word).

2. Development of the skill of syllabic analysis and synthesis.

4. Development of fine motor skills.

1, 3. Reflected pronunciation of various sound complexes, words (sound in the middle of a word), pure phrases; game "Whom or what did the artist draw?"

2. Game "Add a given syllable to the beginning / end of a word and say the whole word" (ball game).

4. Finger gymnastics (static and dynamic exercises),

Game "Hedgehog" (attaching clothespins to the "hedgehog" pattern with pronouncing syllables, words).

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of sound in reverse syllables, in words and phrases containing these syllables.

2. Development of a sense of tempo, rhythm, coordination of movements.

3. Development of visual attention and visual memory for a linear series.

4. Extension of lexical and grammatical competence.

1,3, 4. Reflected pronunciation of syllable series, words (sound at the end of a word) and pure phrases containing these syllables; self-naming of the objects shown in the picture, and naming the objects / pictures from memory in a certain sequence (simultaneous presentation of 3,4,5 pictures) of the game "One-Many" "Say affectionately" (you can use the ball).

2. Speech-motion games and exercises (pronouncing pure phrases, conducting).

5 1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of a sound in syllables with a confluence of consonants, in words.

2. Assimilation of available rhythmic patterns of words.

3. Development of auditory memory for a linear series of words.

4. Development of grapho-motor skills and finger motor skills.

1,2, 3. Reflected pronunciation of syllable rows with intonation highlighting a certain syllable, in a certain sequence, given by a speech therapist); pronouncing words with a confluence of consonants.

4.1 Trace the "Sun" template;

4.2 Cutting this template with scissors.

4.3; 1. game "Sunbeams" (attaching clothespins to the "Sun" pattern, accompanied by the pronunciation of syllables).

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of a sound in syllables with a confluence of consonants, in words of different syllabic composition and in pure phrases,

2. Development of auditory attention and auditory memory in a linear series.

3. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

2. Pronunciation of words of different sound-syllable composition, called the teacher-logopedist in a certain sequence.

3. Games "Who lives where?" "Who works with what?" "What is the item made of?" "Say the opposite", "Greedy" (mine, mine, mine, mine), guessing riddles; (you can use a ball).

2. Development of the phonological side of speech.

3. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

4. Development of grapho-motor skills and finger motor skills

1. Reflected pronunciation of syllable series, words containing these syllables, and pure phrases; self-naming of the items shown in the picture.

2. The game "4th extra" (3 words begin with one sound, and the 4th with another).

3. Games "Who moves how", "Who gives a voice?" "Who knows what?"

4. Outline drawings, laying out various figures with sticks or rubber bands, finger gymnastics (static and dynamic exercises.), "Repeat the pattern" on a sheet of paper.

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of a sound in syllables with a confluence of consonants, in words of different syllable composition and pure phrases containing these syllables.

2. Formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis.

3. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

4. Development of visual-spatial perception.

2. Working with sound schemes.

3. "Listen to the words and tell me which one means transport (fruit, shoes, etc.)" "What sounds does it make?"

4. "Name the picture that is in the upper left

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of a sound in syllables with a confluence of consonants, in words of different syllabic composition, pure phrases, nursery rhymes.

2. Formation of skills of sound-syllabic analysis and synthesis.

3 Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

1. Reflected pronunciation of syllables, words with the studied sound, pure phrases; self-naming words from the picture.

2. Choose a word for a given sound, syllable; pick up pictures with the sound under study in the title; game "Add a syllable / sound and name the resulting word entirely."

3. Games "Say a word", "Tell me what the item / soup / juice will be, etc ... if it is made / prepared from ...".

1. Consolidation of the skill of correct pronunciation of a sound in syllables (direct, reverse, with a confluence of consonants), in words of various syllable composition, pure phrases.

2. Development of the phonological side of speech.

3. Formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis.

4. Extension of lexical and grammatical competence.

1. Reflected pronunciation of syllables, words with the studied sound, pure phrases; self-naming words from the picture,

2. Naming only those pictures with the sound under study in the name;

determination of the position of the sound in these words.

3. Work with sound schemes (selection of words with the studied sound to sound schemes, drawing up sound schemes). Games: "Add sound", "Insert missing sound"; solving puzzles, charades.

4. Games "Tell me a word", "What Buratino dreams of."

2. Formation of lexical and grammatical competence.

4. Development of visual-spatial perception.

1.2. Memorizing and pronouncing tongue twisters, pure twisters and nursery rhymes.

2. Drawing up a proposal for a plot picture and its distribution; working with a deformed phrase; game "Fix me".

3. Reflected repetition of sentences of various compositions with the preservation of the sequence and the number of words in them.

4. "Name the picture to the right of ..., to the left of ...".

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation of the studied sound in phrases and sentences.

2. Formation of skills in language analysis

3. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

1.1. Conjugated and reflected pronunciation of phrases, sentences containing words with the sound under study.

1.2. Learning and pronouncing tongue twisters and pure twisters.

2. Isolation of the word containing the studied sound from the composition of the sentence, determination of the position of this word in the sentence, drawing up the sound-syllable scheme of the given word.

3. The game “finish the sentence”, “correct the sentence”, “listen to the sentence and answer the question to it”, etc.

1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation of the studied sound in verses, texts.

2. Development of a sense of tempo, rhythm, coordination of movements.

3. Development of coherent speech skills.

1. Pronunciation of tongue twisters, poems, in the studied sound.

2. Speech-motor games and exercises, logo-rhythmic exercises.

3. Drawing up stories based on plot pictures and a series of plot pictures.

1. Pronunciation of tongue twisters, poems saturated with the sound under study

2. Composing a story based on key words or with a creative end.

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs


AutomationsoundNumber of lessons

1. Consolidation of the correct pronunciation of the studied sound in verses, texts, coherent speech.

2 Developing skills in language analysis

1. Development of coherent speech skills.

2. Development of attention, thinking.

1. Pronunciation of tongue twisters, verses with the studied sound

3. "Remember all the words with sound__ that you heard in the story"; work on drawing up sound-syllable schemes.

4. Game "Find the artist's mistake" (with an explanation).

(dislalia) 10


dysarthria 16

1. Expansion of phonetic and phonological competence

2. Development of coherent speech skills

1. Development of verbal and logical thinking.

1. Memorizing and pronouncing tongue twisters, verses, saturated with the sound being studied.

1.2. Compilation of sound schemes of words used in these games.

2. Writing a descriptive story (using diagrams and symbols)

3. Game "Explain a word", "4th extra" (with an explanation).


Differentiating sounds

Number of lessons:



dysarthria 14

1.Fixing the correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in syllables, words.

1. Development of the skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

2. Development of visual-spatial perception.

3. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

1. Alternating pronunciation of syllables, words (in pairs); pronouncing words containing both sounds, naming pictures, playing "Tell me a word", "4th extra".

2. The game “Divide the pictures into two groups” (the principle of separation is the presence of a particular sound under study in the composition of a word).

3. Game "Add the desired sound to the beginning / end of the word and say the whole word"

4, 5. "Tell me where the picture is (relative to the other / others between, under, etc. ...".

2. Development of phonological competence.

3. Development of the skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

4. Extension of lexical and grammatical competence.

1; 4. Alternating pronunciation of syllables, words (in pairs); naming pictures, Games "Say the opposite" (syllables), "What Buratino dreams of."

2. "Divide the pictures into three / four) groups" (with the pronunciation of words) (the principle of separation is the presence of one or another sound under study in the word; both sounds in the word at the same time, or the absence of the studied sounds in the word).

3. "Add the desired sound / syllable to the beginning / end of the word and name the whole word" "Make a sound-syllable scheme of the resulting word").

"Choose a subject picture for the sound-syllabic scheme."

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in syllables and words.

3. Development of the skill of determining the rhythmic patterns of words.

4. Extension of lexical and grammatical competence.

1.4. Alternating pronunciations of syllabic rows, pronouncing words containing both sounds, naming pictures, playing "the 4th extra" (3 words with one sound, and the 4th with the 2nd studied sound

2. "Add the desired sound / syllable to the beginning / end of a word", working with sound-syllable schemes.

3. Determination of the rhythmic pattern of words: wata- thatthat.

4. "Divide the pictures into two (three / four) groups" (the principle of separation is the presence of one or another sound under study in the composition of the word; both sounds in the word at the same time, or the absence of the studied sounds in the word); the game "Hide and seek (For whom / for what did the gnome hide with?) "

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in syllables, words, pure phrases.

2. Development of skills of sound / syllable analysis and synthesis.

3. Development of visual attention, memory.

4. Extension of lexical and grammatical competence.

1, 4. Alternating pronouncing of syllabic rows, pronouncing words containing both sounds, naming pictures, playing "What, who was Petya happy"; learning pure phrases.

2. "Add the desired sound / syllable to the beginning / end of a word", working with sound schemes.

3. Look at the picture (plot picture), find on it and name only those objects in the name of which there is a sound ... / both sounds. "Call all these words from memory without looking at the picture."

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

5 1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in phrases, sentences and pure phrases.

2. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

3. Development of memory for a linear row of words in a sentence.

1. Conjugated and reflected pronunciation of phrases, sentences, pure phrases containing words with the sounds under study.

2. Drawing up a proposal for a plot picture and its distribution, working with a deformed phrase.

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in phrases and sentences.

2. Expansion of lexical and grammatical competence.

3. Development of memory for a linear series of words in a sentence.

1.1. Conjugated and reflected pronunciation of syllabic series, words, phrases, sentences, pure phrases containing words with the sounds under study

1.2. Learning tongue twisters.

2. The game “finish the sentence”, “correct the sentence”, “listen to the sentence and answer the question to it”, etc.

3. Reflected repetition of sentences of various composition with the preservation of the sequence and the number of words in it.

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in phrases, sentences, pure twisters and tongue twisters.

2. Development of language analysis skills.

3. Extension of lexical and grammatical competence

4. Development of fine motor skills of hands.

1.Conjugated and reflected pronunciation of phrases, sentences, tongue twisters and pure words containing words with the sounds under study

2. Isolation of words containing the studied sounds from the composition of the sentence, determination of the position of these words in the sentence, make up a sound scheme of one of the words.

3. Drawing up sentences for key words.

4. Finger gymnastics, the game "Cinderella".

2. Development of coherent speech skills.

3. Development of verbal and logical thinking.

4. Development of attention and visual memory.

1. Memorizing poetry, and pronouncing tongue twisters saturated with the studied sounds.

2. Drawing up a story based on a plot picture.

3. 4. Game "5th extra" (with an explanation), (there are 5 objects in the picture; the child must remember them, name them, highlight the extra ones and explain why he is extra).

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in verses, texts, coherent speech.

3. Development of verbal and logical thinking.

4. Development of coherent speech

1. Pronunciation of poems and tongue twisters saturated with the studied sounds

2. “Make a word from the first sounds of the following words …….”.

3. Game "Explain a word" (with an explanation).

4. Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures.

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in verses, texts, coherent speech.

2. Development of coherent speech skills.

3. Development of verbal and logical thinking.

4. Development of auditory memory and attention.

2. Coming up with a story based on key words.

3. The game "4th / 5th extra" (with an explanation) (the child, after listening to 4-5 words, must remember them, name them in a certain sequence, highlight the extra and explain why it is superfluous).

Stage of work

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Types of jobs

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in verses, texts, coherent speech.

2. Development of skills in language analysis and synthesis.

3. Development of verbal and logical thinking, attention.

4. Development of coherent speech skills.

5. Development of grapho-motor skills.

1. Pronunciation of verses, phrases and tongue twisters, saturated with the studied sounds.

2; 5.Connect all points with a line and name the object that turned out; make a sound-syllable scheme for this word.

3. Game "Find the artist's mistake" (with an explanation).

4. The creative ending of the story.

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in verses, texts, coherent speech.

2. Development of coherent speech.

3. Development of verbal - logical thinking.

1. Pronunciation of verses, phrases and tongue twisters, saturated with the studied sounds.

2. Working with deformed text.

3. Game "Explain proverb / saying".

4. "Trace and shade"; "Repeat ornament".

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in verses, texts, coherent speech.

2. Development of coherent speech.

3. Development of memory for a linear series.

4. Development of skills in language analysis and synthesis.

1. Pronunciation of verses, phrases and tongue twisters, saturated with the studied sounds.

2. Retelling a short story.

3, 4. Repeat the 2nd sentence from the story you listened to; name the 2nd word from this sentence and make a sound scheme for it.

1. Consolidation of correct pronunciation and distinction of sounds in verses, texts, coherent speech.

2. Development of coherent speech.

3. Development of verbal and logical thinking.

4. Development of grapho-motor skills.

1. Pronunciation of verses, phrases and tongue twisters, saturated with the studied sounds.

2. Drawing up a descriptive story.

3. Game "Explain a word."

4. Graphic dictation.

Stage V

Formation of communicative competence

Number of lessons

individually for each child

1. Formation of skills and abilities of error-free use of speech sounds in all communication situations.

2. Development of coherent speech.

1, 2. Conversation on a given topic; composing stories based on plot pictures and a series of plot pictures; compilation of descriptive stories, story based on key words, creative ending of the story, retelling of small stories, dramatization of fairy tales.

Game "Explain a word" "4th extra"

(with explanation), etc.

The speech therapist makes a plan of individual work daily for each child, taking into account the structure of the speech defect.

The main directions (tasks) of the speech therapist's work with children:

1. Development of the articulatory apparatus:

General and special articulatory gymnastics, aimed at developing the mobility of the lips, tongue, soft palate;

Speech therapy massage (relaxing, activating, 1st facial muscles, acupressure).

2. Development of physiological respiration with the help of special exercises.

3. Development of general, fine motor skills.

4. Development of the dynamic aspect of speech (tempo, rhythm, intonation).

6. Statement and automation of sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, coherent speech.

The goals and objectives of the comprehensive program coincide with the main objectives of the correctional program.

Use the regu as a means of communication with children and adults.

Speech therapist classes are held in the morning with a subgroup of children, which is completed taking into account age, speech therapy conclusion (diagnosis), character traits, personality development, mental functions, behavior, attention, health status, etc. There can be from 2 to 4 groups Perhaps there will be children with whom you need to deal only individually.

Distribution of subgroup and individual lessons with children (preparatory group for school) for a week.

For example: Based on the results of primary diagnostics, 2 groups were completed:

I subgroup - children of the 2nd year of study;

II subgroup - children of the 1st year of study.

All children are between 6 and 7 years old.

Diagnosis: Severe speech impairment, general speech underdevelopment (III level of speech development).

Recall that a speech therapist spends a week twothematic classes:

Acquaintance with a new lexical topic;

Acquaintance with a new sound and letter.


It is important to remember that with each group one is practiced | and the same theme "Spring", but games, tasks, speech material, 1 methods, technologies and ways of presenting this lexical 1 topic will be different.

For example: with children with increased excitability, fatigue and with an unformed cognitive activity, the speech therapist uses a variety of play moments, unusual presentation of material (surprises, the appearance of fairy-tale characters), provides a change of activities, spends more than one physical minute with children, but two. Children of this subgroup do not sit at the tables, they "travel" throughout the group, performing different tasks. It is possible that the speech therapist will repeat this lexical topic with the children again, but in a different form, creating different situations, using other play techniques.

Preparing for the subgroup lessons, the speech therapist composes a outline plan that will help to select speech and non-speech material, create a situation that will tell the children what they will be doing today.

For example: On the tables are vases with flowers: mother-and-stepmother, snowdrops, violets. On the carpet: trees, green grass, flowers. Children in lightweight clothes look at the mother-and-stepmother flower. There are rooks on the trees, sparrows and jackdaws near the trees. To the question of a speech therapist: What do you think we will talk about today? - children answer: "About flowers."

The situation created by the speech therapist suggested to the children the topic of the lesson. They look at flowers, make up a narrative story, make a bouquet of daffodils, tulips, carnations, roses, pick up vases, etc.

A speech therapist writes forward planning once a quarter. The plan is discussed and approved at a medical and pedagogical meeting:

september-October-November - I period of study; December-January-February - II period of study; March-April-May - III period of study.

If the speech therapist works in June, then the plan is drawn up for only one month.

According to the "Model Regulation on a Preschool Educational Institution" (see. Appendix 2),children from 2 years old with alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, stuttering, as well as children who have babbling speech or pronounced speech underdevelopment are enrolled in the speech group.

This planning is based on the understanding of alalia as a systemic speech disorder, which is a complex complex of dysontogenesis, and includes a number of sections not only of correctional and speech therapy orientation. Work on the correction of systemic speech underdevelopment is not limited to the walls of the speech therapy office. Successful overcoming of a speech defect is possible only under the condition of close interconnection and continuity in the work of the entire medical-psychological-pedagogical team (speech therapist, neuropathologist, psychologist, educators, music director, physical education teacher, exercise therapy doctor, massage therapist and, of course, parents.

Each section is revealed in more detail, taking into account the programs being implemented (complex and correctional), the results of the primary diagnosis of children, speech therapy opinion, age and period of study.

For example: one of the sections of long-term planning.

Section: Development of language analysis, synthesis, representations(phonemic syllabic analysis of a sentence).

Age: 6-7 years old.

Diagnosis: General speech underdevelopment, III level of speech development.


Phonemic perception survey (repeat, show).

Regy material:

pa-ba ba-pa tom - home

ta-da-da-bogka - pogka

ha-ha ha-ha bear - mouse

ta-da-ta da-ta-da bowl - bear

ka-ha-ka ha-ka-ha horns - spoons

Inspection:Language analysis and synthesis. Regy material:

Is there a sound [M] in the words: house, cat, mom, bitch.
Clap if you hear the sound [M] in a word.

What is the first sound in a word: Anya, Olya, duck, Ira?

What is the sound at the end of a word, at the beginning, in the middle: house, poppy, bow?

How many sounds are in a word: cat, porridge, cat?

Make a word from syllables: pa-pa, co-ra, spoon-ka, so-ba-ka.

Make up a word from sounds: [D], [O], [M], [K], [O], [T], [B], [O]. [D], [AND],[A BOAT].

Basic reading and writing skills.


1. Development of auditory attention on the material of nonregional sounds(sounding toys, claps, forest noise, streets, adult action with objects, etc.)

2. Acquaintance with the concept of "vowel sounds".Exercise in singing the sounds [A], [O], [U], [E], [S], [I], use the symbols of vowel sounds (by articulation):

90_______________ _______________ I

3. Analysis and synthesis of sound combinations from 2-3 vowels:

Games: "Journey to the Forest".

Use vowel symbols to compose your own song:

l I will show the symbol of the sound, and you name the sound: - the sound of U.

Let's analyze the pictures. The vowel symbols will help us complete the task correctly.

Symbol: - A.

Pictures: stork, watermelon, bus, orange. Symbol: - W.

Pictures: snail, ear, fishing rod, duck, etc.

Read it. Symbols: - the child is named \

sounds: A U I.

The speech therapist suggests calling the first (last) sounds.

4. Highlighting a vowel in a cheeky word(Anya), at the end of a word
(water, play, saw), in the middle of monosyllabic words(poppy, home,!
bow, whale).

Games: "Let's analyze the pictures" (sound A).

"Find mistakes with Dunno."

Pictures: toys, needle, turkey, bow.

The child removes the picture "Bow" and explains why.

5. Selection of words for vowel sounds.

Games: "Say an extra word" (alphabet, orange, beetle, watermelon).

6. Acquaintance with the concept of "consonant sounds".Learn different
part of the concept of "vowel sounds" and "consonants". Vowels
sounds can be sung, they are pronounced with a voice, consonants about
wear abruptly ([M], [P], [K]), sometimes with the participation of a voice
([B], [D] ...) and sometimes quietly, almost in a whisper ([W], [P] ...)

Consonant sounds: [M] - [M "]; [B] - [B"], [D] - [D "]\u003e [H] - [H"], [B] - [B "], [G ] - [G], [P] -. [T] - [G], [F] - [F "], [K] - [K-]. [X] - [X "].

7. Isolation of scared consonants from a word(Start,
end, middle). (For the list, see p. 4.)

____________________ QUESTION 12 _____________________ 92

8. Acquaintance with the concepts of "sound" and "letter", "hard consonant sound" and "soft consonant sound".Use speech therapy tales. For example: "The Tale of Mila and Masha." (In the tale, characteristics are given to girls: Mila is kind, gentle, Masha is stubborn, constantly quarrels ...)

9. Analysis of backward and forward syllables with curved sounds (AM, MA, OM, MO).

10. Complete sound analysis and synthesis of monosyllabic words with
scared sounds
(house, cat, poppy). Working with the schema:

Exercise in the ability to come up with words for schemes, select pictures, draw objects whose names correspond to the scheme.

11. Acquaintance with the letters A, O, U, E, I, Y, M, B, D, N, V, G, P, T, F, K, X.

12. Laying out letters from parts, pallets, threads, mosaics, reading direct and reverse syllables with curved letters (AM, MA, TA, AP, UK).



The material is selected on the basis of an intermediate diagnosis of children, the dynamics of development of each child, programs implemented, taking into account the gradual complication.

1. Acquaintance with the sounds [S] - [S], -, [C], [W], [F],
[Щ], [Ч] and the letters C, 3, C, Ш, Ж, Щ, Ч.

An important point is that the child's acquaintance with sounds is possible only if the sound is clean, without distortion, pronunciation.

2. Scorching full sound analysis of words like: mom,
flour, goat, cat (based on scared sounds).

92________________ "SHPARGALKA" FOR THE LOGO TEACHER DOE_______________________

Phonemic analysis technique:

Highlighting sound on the background of the word;

Determining the place of a sound with a word;

Determining the position of a sound in relation to other] sounds;

Determination of the sequence of sounds in a word;

Determination of the number of sounds in a word.

3. Scorching children to the ability to degrade hard and
soft consonants (when drawing up a word scheme)

designate solid co-

vowels in blue and soft consonants in green... Ugit to come up with words, select pictures for the schemes presented to children.

4. Charming children with the ability to transform words by
replace or add sound.
(Word games: puzzles, cross
swords, charades).

For example: Game: "How to make the word ROSE from the word KOSA" (by replacing one letter in the word):

KOSA - (from-z) - GOAT (to-r) - ROSE

HOUSE - (d-k) - KOM (m-t) - CAT

Words are selected in advance, taking into account the individual developmental characteristics and capabilities of each child.

5. Charming children with the ability to divide words into syllables, enter1
the concepts of "syllable", "syllable as a word".

Introduce the rules for determining how many syllables are in a word:

a) how many vowels are in the word, how many syllables.

MAK - one vowel sound A, one syllable: MAK. MAMA - two vowel sounds A, two syllables MA-MA.

b) by the number of claps when pronouncing a word. (This
use the technique at the initial stage of familiarization with software
the quality of syllables.)

6. Acquaintance with the concept of "proposal", drawing up gra-
fancy sentence scheme without prepositions, and then with simple
my prepositions.

For example: MASHA DRAWS A HOUSE. Offer schema:

______________________ QUESTION 12_______________________ 93

7. Acquaintance with the basic rules of spelling:

Separate spelling of words in a sentence;

Period at the end of a sentence;

The use of a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and in proper names;

Spelling rules for the letter I after the letters Ж, Ш.

8. Continuing acquaintance with the letters, charring the compilation of a word from the passed letters.

9. Charming children by word-by-word reading.


Section: Development of language analysis, synthesis, representations.

1. Acquaintance with the sounds [Y], [L "], [R], [R"]. Acquaintance with the letters Y, L, P, L, I, E, E, Y.

2. Scorching children by sound analysis and synthesis of words from 3-6 sounds (house, vase, wolf, dog) without visualization, selection of words according to schemes, models.

Physical synthesis:

Sounds are pronounced by a speech therapist with a pause and taking into account the sequence of finding sounds in a word ([K], [O], [T] - the word KOT);

A more complex version of pronouncing sounds in a broken sequence ([L], [K], [U] - the word LUK).

3. Strengthening the skills of syllabic analysis of words and analysis of sentences.

4. Formation of the skill of post-word continuous reading of words, sentences, short texts.

5. Acquaintance with two ways of marking the softness of consonants in writing:

a) using a soft sign at the end and in the middle of words (horse,

b) with the help of the vowels I, I, E, E, Yu.


Thus, a speech therapist reveals all sections of long-term planning.

These forward planning options are optional. Speech therapists can use these materials to write their own planning.

* Diagnosis of speech disorders in children and the organization of speech therapy work in preschool conditions educational institution: Sat. methodological recommendations.- SPb .: Childhood-Press, 2000. (Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. Herzen).

At present, while the problem of classification is far from being solved, it is advisable to use a multilevel speech therapy conclusion, says G. A. Volkova *.

For such a speech therapy conclusion, it is necessary to take into account three aspects of the existing classifications and combine them in each specific case.

Medical aspectclassification involves taking into account which of the speech analyzers is impaired (speech-motor or speech-auditory), in which department there is a violation (in the central or peripheral), what is the degree of impairment (functional or organic disorder), the time of onset of the impairment (before the start of speech formation, in during it or after speech has already been formed).

Speech therapy aspectinvolves taking into account which link of the speech system is broken: voice, rhythm, rate of speech, phonetic, phonemic, lexical, grammatical, semantic structure of speech.

Psychological aspectinvolves taking into account the extent to which the communicative function of speech is impaired, what personal deviations are accompanied by this or that speech disorder, what are the tendencies of the spontaneous development of the disorder, what is the prognosis for this or that type of speech disorder.

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