Stress how to avoid it. Prevention of stress - the best methods and ways to avoid the nervous breakdown

Avoid stressing at all in life, of course, it is impossible. It means that our task is not to avoid stress, but to respond to them calmly, adequately and learn to cope with the body's destructive consequences of stress.

Psychologists often repeat: stress is not what happened to us, but how we perceive it. Completely fair remark! For example, you are unfair and hurt by the boss. You can chain and talk to him in response. You can cry, clog into the corner and reach all-consuming pity for yourself, unfairly offended. You can even go further: to generally escape from work, curtain the windows at home, lie face to the wall and say that life is over. Why live on if no one appreciates you, does not like, if the world is around - hostile and cruel?

Fullness! Is it no easier to calmly listen to the swollen boss and say to himself: "Poor Ivan Ivanovich! Ek his sausage in the morning! Probably unhealthy, or at home it happened ... "and then smile and calmly go working on.

Stresses should be learn to miss not through yourself, but by myself. Let them go further, we do not need them!

How to avoid stress in the family?

Experienced psychologists advise:

- If you have any difficulties in dealing with your spouse, do not get closed in yourself, try to understand the situation objectively.

- First of all, try to get to the sources of negative emotions in relation to your marriage partner. What are his words and actions do you get offended most? Why exactly does it hurt you most?

- Analyze your own behavior. If the phrase dominates in your speech: "I want it to be, as I want," then you are headed by an inner child. It must be loved, but must be kept under control. If you most often appeal to the spouse with the words: "You must", then you, on the contrary, try to play the role of a parent, try to impose your will. There is no point in this: it is impossible to remake a person, you can only learn how to get along with him.

- Think: don't you try to transfer your parents' behavior's own seven in marriage, subconsciously achieve, so that everything is in your family, how are they? From such a "transfer" will not work, because you and your spouse are completely different people. Yes, and the times now absolutely others. So, and you will have to live differently, in your own way.

- In no case do not fall into depression, do not tell yourself that your marriage turned out to be an unsuccessful and only output - divorce. How to repeat the famous writer Daria Dontsova to repeat, from each situation there are at least two exits. Look for the second way, divorce you will always have time!

- Try to remember that good that is in the nature of your spouse. Every person has a lot of good features! Rate this good today, now, again!

- Be self-critical: Remember how many times in your family life and you have been wrong. Honestly tell me: "I am also a person who is trusted to make mistakes."

- If the quarrel at the moment, in your opinion, it is impossible to avoid, dampen! But remember: there are ardent quarrels, and there are devastating. If you quarreled, it is worth it to get to the cause and discuss it. It is necessary to turn the quarrel into a conversation about the subject of the quarrel itself, only without the transition to individuals, reproaches and ultimatums, generalizations. Then the problem will decide, and the quarrel itself will benefit, and not harm.

- Decide personal problems yourself! Do not "make sorrows from the hut" - complain about the "bad" spouse in a row: Mom and dad, girlfriends, neighbors, familiar. Otherwise, then it may be that you and the spouse have long been recalled, and everyone surrounding remembers that you have a conflict in your family.

- Learn to love, respecting each other, and respect, loving, - Then your family will become a fortress in which you can always hide from the unfortunate world.

How to deal with stress?

There are situations where you, despite all your efforts to avoid stress, still entered it. Hands shake, legs tremble, the heart is broken, in the head mist ... what to do?

- Go to your breath belly. Breathe slow and deep. As soon as you can go to abdominal breathing and start controlling its rhythm, adrenaline will begin to leave and the body will make sure that everything is bad behind.

- Wide open your mouth and actively rotate the lower jaw. Usually, with nervous voltage, we grab your teeth, and this exercise will help unlock the muscles and remove the stressful state.

- Restore all the body, it will also help get rid of muscle tension.

- Mass the head and neck. It is on the neck that our muscles are located, which under stress harden and interfere with calming down.

- Protectly obscure the uches, these zones are closely connected with our brain, in which stress is now raging.

- SHOW HANDS. Elevated adrenaline reduces blood flow to limbs. As soon as the blood supply comes to normal, the body will begin to calm down.

- Do not sit on the spot: walk the quick step, and even better - eat a coward. There is no place? Make 9-10 active squats. Stress "leaves" in motion, and the movement will "burn it".

When calm down a little, try to analyze the reasons for stress. If you can at the moment to change the situation that led to the stress, then do it without postponing. If nothing can not be done - come across it and accept what happened.

And what if stresses follow one after another for a long time?

- Move as much as possible! Motor activity helps the heart and easy to cope with their work, nutrients and oxygen are easier to penetrate into various parts of the body, exhaust products are easier output. The enzyme system is better balanced, therefore, the muscles can be relaxed more fully. Increases endurance. In addition, under the influence of physical exertion, a significant part of emotions simply "burns".

- If you feel that you have enough acute tension inside, you can spill it together with tears.

- Try spilling out emotions on paper. You just need to write everything worries you, and then throw this paper.

- Eat more vegetables and fruits, croup and less animal products.

- Coffee must be replaced with tea. Tea tones well, coffee can be too excited too much.

- Welcome more time to water procedures - water is washes off all negative emotions. The contrasting shower is very useful: 1 minute - warm water, 15 seconds - cold and so from 5 to 10 repetitions.

- Purchase! The body is restored, the more fully, the stronger it is relaxed, and best of all it relaxes when we sleep.

- Try to find joyful sides in the life, do not live "on the dark side of the moon"!

- Drink soothing herbs and natural juices!

1 tablespoon of crushed roots Valerian medicinal pour in a thermos 1 glass of boiling water and leave overnight. With elevated excitability, drink infusion in 3 receptions. Beetacular juice, mixed in half with honey, take 100 ml 3-4 times a day for 10 days or long - 200 ml per day for 3-4 weeks.

"Normal" depression

The usual is the one that may arise any day and hour, regardless of the time of year and from the weather outside the window. Where does it come from? What do we do with her and how to get rid of it?

Depression is the disadvantageous psyche, which is manifested by a persistent decline in mood, depression, depression, notionlessness, a pessimistic look for the future, a decrease in self-esteem, a decrease in all types of activity - and mental, and physical. There are many signs of depression, and they are diverse: it is not only a bad, dreary mood, a feeling of sadness, loneliness and incomprehensibility, but also a breakdown of sleep and appetite, difficulties in focusing, a decline in interest in classes that previously brought pleasure, feeling hopelessness, helplessness, Internal stress, negative vision of himself, its future and the surrounding world, the feeling of guilt, underestimation of yourself and their strength, reducing activity, performance, energy, loss of taste for life. Depression can manifest itself a constant, long and stubborn pain, increased irritability and constant fatigue.

The reasons for depression can be various stresses associated with problems in family, professional, personal life, the change of life style and habits, failures and chagrins, dissatisfaction with their position in society, loneliness, loss, disappointment. Depression may be associated with chronic neurological and somatic diseases (Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, hypothyroidism, etc.), which may violate the normal functioning of the brain.

A long transmission of a number of medicinal substances can lead to depression. It may arise under the influence of hormonal rearrangements in the body, for example, climax and menopause in women.

The main drugs for the treatment of depression are antidepressants: sertraline, steam-kesetin, cytitalopram, fluoxetine, duloxetine, etc. Each of the drugs has its own distinctive features associated with both therapeutic effects and methods of its reception and dosing. You can find the appropriate antidepressant you can only doctor.

For the treatment of depression, along with antidepressants, various psychotherapeutic techniques are used, treatment with special white light (phototherapy), herbal.

Experienced phytotherapists advise:

- Drink tea from Basilica and Salfa Medicinal. Brew from? Basil teaspoon and 2 teaspoon sage in a cup of hot water and drink 2 times a day.

- Drink ginger tea: 1 teaspoon of ginger powder on a cup of hot water, 2 times a day.

- Take a tincture or decoction from the berries and seed of the chinese lemongrass. At home, tincture or decoction is prepared at the rate of 1:

10. Take a decoction 1 tablespoon, tincture - 20-40 drops 2 times a day. The effect of drugs occurs after 30-40 minutes and lasts 5-6 hours. It is best to take them in the morning, on an empty stomach, and in the evening, 4 hours after eating. Reception is contraindicated in nervous excitement, insomnia, heartfelt impairment and very high blood pressure.

- Fill 1 tablespoon of Astra Romashkova Flowers 1 cup boiling water, cool, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

- Fill 1 tablespoon of mint leaves with pepper bed 1 glass of boiling water, boil 10 minutes. Drink in 2 glasses in the morning and in the evening.

- Fill 1 teaspoon of Hypericum herbs 1 cup boiling water, let it be broken, strain. Drink in warm evening or before bedtime.

Experienced neurologist doctors warn:

If depression has been delayed or thoughts about suicide began to appear, you need to urgently consult with


Stress is a non-specific response of the body on any demand presented it. For example, we sweat on the sun, the evaporation of the sweat cools us - this is an ordinary reaction. So, behind it immediately follows the body's attempt faster to adapt to this state (sweating), get used to it and survive without special losses and feelings of awkwardness in front of others. This is the desire of the body, embraced by any event, as soon as possible to come back.

For the body it does not matter, it is pleasant or not the situation with which you encounter. Meeting of the New Year, the death of a loved one or vacation, no matter how shocking it may sound, cause the same biochemical shifts in the body. It is only important how you react to an event. People die not only from grief, but also from happiness. Father Pierre Boualersha died of an overwhelming delight when the Son read him the "Seville Tag". The feeling of happiness violates emotional calmness and equilibrium of man. For the body, this is already extreme, which he reacts pain in the heart, pressure jumps, dizziness. Happiness, like any strong emotion, is also stress.

It may be caused to raise the physiological tone, it enhances attentiveness and vigilance, prepares the body to active activities, while it can reduce the ability to think and make it difficult to work the engine and motor apparatus. Getting an emission of adrenaline, a person like stimulates himself to new life victories.

Often, people not only are not trying to avoid stress, but they themselves are thrown to him in search of new impressions and sensations, live on the verge, Khmeley from the drilling of adrenaline in the blood. Addiction to horror movies and militants - nothing more than a traction for safe stress: Passions are boiled, but only on the screen. Stress often turns into need. "Adrenaline addicts", seeking strong emotions again and again, are also found.


In itself, stress is not a disease, but a provocator capable of leading to a huge number of diseases, up to cancer.

According to doctors, 95% of patients do not associate their painful or simply unusual symptoms with an internal conflict that they are worried. Myth that "diseases from nerves" are not hazardous and non-serious, very common. Only a suspicion is driven to a person's doctor that he may have a tumor, a stroke risk, but not the experience that fell on it when moving to a new job or during the sale season.

Scientists lead the following statistics. Now 15-20% of the population of the planet needs the help of psychiatrists and psychotherapists, and in Russia this indicator reaches 20-25%. According to the World Health Organization, over the past 65 years, the number of neuroses has increased 24 times. 13.3% of deaths occur precisely for these reasons, up to 80% of strokes occur against the background of depressions. Mortality from suicide comes out on the first places in the mortality structure, lagging behind only cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Specialists are confident that life events play a significant role in neurosis, forming - depressed and launching - in schizophrenia. In Sweden to a very representative sample of 6935 men aged 47-55 years, subjectively perceived stress was evaluated as a risk factor of cardiovascular diseases. The control was carried out for 12 years, the depth of subjective stress was determined by the sense of tension, irritability, anxiety, sleep disorders. Six gradations of stress were allocated. It developed in 6% of people with a low level of stress and in 10% - with high.

About 40% of directions to cardiologists about reinforced heartbeat and other heart activities are directly related to the stressful situation; Approximately the same percentage of directions to neuropathologists (due to headaches) and gastroenterologists (due to pain in the stomach) are also associated with stress.

The high concentration of the cortisol stress hormone can cause strong inflammation, which aggravates chronic diseases:, psoriasis, anclamp, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Stress often plays a central role in the development and manifestation of sleep disorders. Studies conducted in Europe last year have established a direct connection between insomnia and heart failure in people who cannot fall asleep.

When the adrenal glands allocate the stress hormone, the muscles are strained, which can cause long-term consequences in the form of headaches. Syndrome of irritable intestines, bloating, spasms, diarrhea and constipation are often associated with stress levels. The researchers found that stress can aggravate the clinical manifestations of asthma. People in a state of stress are inclined to accumulate fat in the abdomen due to excessive secretion of cortisol.

Stress contributes to the development of harmful food habits that provoke the development of type 2 diabetes.

Do you have stress? Consider

Physical symptoms of stress are bouts of headaches, discomfort in the spine, respiratory disorder, dizziness, high blood pressure. Psychological - constant depression, scattered, sleep disorders, frequent irritability, fatigue, worsening memory. The man in a state of stress is inclined to be very wrong, can not focus on something, it is easy to call, nothing gives him the same joy, and he should not joke with him - I will not understand.

Japanese scientists, as representatives of the nation, loving accuracy, invented the instrument - a stress level meter by the presence of amylase, enzyme, which splits polysaccharides to glucose. The stronger we are nervous, the more our organism is required. Accordingly, the higher the content of the amylase in the saliva, the stronger stress.

How to help with stress

Symptoms of chronic stress, depression, neurosis, doctors recommend removing drugs of several groups.

The most "soft" of them are sedatives based on vegetable herbs that help to get rid of emotional tension improve activities. Neuroleptics weaken psychomotor excitation, suppress the feeling of fear, reduce aggressiveness. With the help of tranquilizers, neurosis and neurotic states are treated, antidepressants improve mood and well-being.

Contrary to popular belief, these drugs do not cause personality changes and addiction, unless, of course, comply with the dosage and recommendations of the doctor. The uncontrolled treatment of sedatives can lead to the absence of a therapeutic effect and even deterioration.

In addition to drugs, there are many ways to help a person cope with stress - only psychotherapeutic techniques of about two hundred. One of the most popular - cognitive behavioral therapy, when a person teach to understand the reason for his unhealthy and otherwise respond to external events.

Sometimes it is enough to tell a psychotherapist about my problems, and they will seem not so serious. Fortunately, today the regular visit to the psychologist and the discussion with him becomes an ordinary phenomenon.

By the way, the main means of getting rid of stress 46% of Russians are considered to be viewed by television programs, 43% prefer to listen to music, 19% choose alcohol, 16% - gluttony, 15% treated with antidepressants, 12% get rid of negatives due to sports, 9% see salvation in sex and 2%-in yoga and meditation.

It is worth noting that you should not choose alcohol as a sedative. Alcohol can be an anti-stress tool only temporarily - it increases the mood, softens anxiety, anxiety, tension, makes a person more sociable, contact, but its systematic use leads to dependence. The nervous system is subjected to significant changes under the influence of regular alcohol intake.

It is impossible to avoid stress, it is the most important factor of survival; If you do not have stress, then you died. You can learn how to react to it correctly: it is enough to look at the world, listen to yourself, analyze your lifestyle.

Play, run away? There is a sea of \u200b\u200bsituations in life leading to very unpleasant consequences. How to avoid stress? This question asks for himself every man dozens of times in life. When emotional stress comes - this is one part of the problem, but if you keep the storm of indignation and indignation in yourself - the other, heavier.

In a number of psychological difficulties, stress is in the first place. Such a state of human doctors have been examined for many years. It was revealed that the result to which the hysterical or depressed mood leads, it affects the organisms of women and men in different ways, but more often leads to consequences for health.

general information

A protective psychological response to a strong external irritant of an unfavorable plan Scientists and ordinary people used to call stress. Among the factors affecting the mental state of a person, they consider the main:

  1. Strong feeling of hunger.
  2. Cold.
  3. Mental injuries or physical plan.

From the emotional overvoltage, some people fall into hysterics, others are subsided, go to themselves.

The reasons for the adverse state of the psyche of a person lies not only in external stimuli. Often they have internal nature. A number of states that are accumulated by years, from childhood, lead to the crisis at the most inopportune moment.

Scientists say that a panic and overvoltage of the psyche, whatever reasons for them are accompanied by a person himself answers. Do not blame someone in this problem, you need to carefully look at your reactions.

You can cope with adverse conditions, but at the same time it is desirable to configure and comply with a number of rules. An equally important factor in this business is to notice the approach of the hysteria or nervous overvoltage expressing in a different way.

Do not forget about the measures for the prevention of stress. This is the key to the future of excellent mood and positive state.

How to help yourself?

Everyone can listen to himself and find out what his psyche is capable of. You need to learn how to manage your condition. It is quite difficult. Often it is not necessary without the help of psychologists. Some techniques are desirable to learn for life and always adhere to the rules of behavior in the stressful situation.

If the voltage occurs, it is desirable to urgently understand its reaction to the situation. It is worth decomposing everything around the shelves to deliver to the essence of the psychological problem. Often it is the case: too confident and successful person constantly controls its actions to fit the image. At some point, the situation comes out of sight and panic comes, and after stress. In this case, the easiest way to take yourself in hand, do not overstrain and cope with the problem yourself.

Another story: Very beautiful girl sees next to his chosen one more beautiful. Panic comes, irregular thoughts come to mind. A little confidence in yourself, and stress leaves. The same rule must be adhered to people with understated self-esteem, and as preventing stress to use psychological plants, slogans, helping not to fall in spirit. As such, psychologists offer to repeat phrases, relative to their identity:

  1. Confident man.
  2. The smartest and resourceful.
  3. The most charming and attractive.
  4. Never fall in spirit.
  5. All perfectly.

In such a manner you can come up with slogans for any unfavorable theme to adjust yourself to the desired way.

Sometimes people do not notice how stress accumulates and leads to negative consequences in responsible moments of life. That this does not happen, it is worth keeping your mental state under control and disassemble all the problems that go out.

For the reasons of stress, scientists belong:

  1. Accumulated fatigue.
  2. Unhealthy Lifestyle.
  3. Disease.
  4. Trouble at work.

In these cases, the elimination of the problem itself leads to the removal of psychological stress. The best prevention of professional stress is an internal understanding that working moments will always remain those. Some situations should end with the cries of the forever dissatisfied chief, and the misses can always be corrected. The main thing is the family, a healthy psychological situation in the house. Based on this, psychologists advise not to bring workers to the house, not talking to her husband or other relatives on the topics of the labor plan.

Overvoltage from the preschool and toddlers older

Stress in children is accompanied by a strong emotional reaction. In this situation, for everyone in response, parents. They must help the child cope with the problem, calm and configure to the right way.

Kids tantrums are often associated with the requirement to buy a new toy or take on the hands. Caprises of children are often not correlated with external factors. Among the causes of conflicts of parents or other households, the troubles associated with the problems of the elders. Children, even the smallest, everyone understands and transfer no less suffering.

With the child you need to establish friendships. Parents should not command, bother over the baby. It is advisable to hold a number of conversations, beat optimistic situations, and in the family to establish the world. In the case when the child asks a new toy, it is worth convincing the baby, talk, belonging to his whims tolerant. You need to learn to negotiate with the child.

Prevention of stresses of children is a trusting relationship in the family between parents in communicating with small households. All errors need to be corrected in a peaceful way.

With a hysterical child, you can contact a psychologist, the specialist will understand the problem if parents are powerless. It is advisable to fulfill all the recommendations and learn to give the baby the right settings.

Stress - like a scuffer on the head

Most situations related to psychological overvoltage comes unexpectedly. You need to learn how to cope with internal stress. It is advisable to follow the following rules:

  1. Take any situation with humor.
  2. Avoid conflicts.
  3. Be able to be emotionally removed from the problem.
  4. Do not panic, keep your emotions under control.
  5. Take up to 10 before making any decision.
  6. Do not rush with conclusions.

There are 2 kindred concepts - stress and prevention. If you try to follow the rules, the voltage will not come. "More positive emotions in life!" - Psychologists advise.

It is necessary to see in any situation pluses.

You can even find them in a hopeless version.

Never behave hysterically in humans. Crys and Rugan will not lead to anything. But psychologists advise not to keep a negative in themselves, otherwise it will accumulate and will lead to a collapse. As soon as the opportunity to retire, coming home, you can smash the old mug or break the newspaper on small pieces, cry out the unnecessary pillow.

Another way to get rid of stress is to get up in front of the mirror and tell yourself how beautiful you are, smart, resourceful. It is worth convincing himself that nothing bad happens, everything is behind, and from the situation is found. Calm behavior in conflict - it is already beautiful. The main thing is to increase your self-esteem.

It is advisable to find a lesson in the shower. Hobbies embroidery, knitting, sports, reading are able to distract from problems. When the head is engaged in useful things, there is no time for internal experiences and stress.

You need to listen to music that relaxes, it helps tune in to the desired way. Better, if it is a classic or works of modern composers in a classic manner.

Another way to get rid of unnecessary thoughts is a shopping trip. It is not necessary to buy something at all, you can admire beautiful things. Better, if such a tour is made with friends, completing a trip to the cafe with pleasant conversations.

Prevention of stress is a healthy dream. It should not be too much, but it is impossible to relax a little. The optimal number of hours to be carried out in the embrace of morpheus, 8-9.

Conclusion on the topic

Scientists have established: the state of psychological stress depends only on the person himself, therefore the prevention of stress is very important. There are hot-tempered people, emotional, flowing into panic on trifles. It is worth learn to remove from minor problems. If you cannot cope with you, you need to contact a specialist and adhere to all the rules for the fight against stressful states.

Constantly raised mood and positive emotions are the first protection against negative. It is worth learning to look for wonderful moments even in the most hopeless situations.

Life is such that it is practically impossible to avoid stress: problems at work, with children, personal troubles, a difficult situation in the country, the eternal lack of money ... In Ukraine, almost 2 million people become patients of psychiatric hospitals.

And since most of his time we spend at work, it is there that we are most nervous and worried. About how to avoid the "workers" of stress or at least minimize them, told the medical psychologist of the Zhytomyr regional narcological dispensary Elena Streletskaya.

What should the wise leader take care of?

Very much depends on the manual. So that the team works fruitfully without unnecessary stals and nervous disruptions, the leader is obliged to check from time to time, how do people feel at their workplace? But it is necessary to do it delicately so that the subordinate could trust and tell the truth, not experiencing about the possible consequences. To do this, you can use the leading questions, for example: "What would you like to change in the workflow?" Or "What are your positive and negative emotions at work? What do you like, what would I like to change in your team?" etc. The opinion of subordinates plays a considerable role in organizing work, in a common business and friendly atmosphere. In addition, the head must control the work in such a way as not to introduce subordinates into stressful state, not to sow panic and a sense of fear. Otherwise, the quality of work will only worsen.

And now advice for employees themselves: how to avoid stressful situations

Do not try to keep all your tasks and responsibilities in my head. They are too much, and we will not remember everything, which means that you can easily release something out of sight, view, forget. As a result, "Non-Congoria" from the authorities and extra unrest. To gain peace of mind and confidence, you need to start a diary, where to record all the orders, the nearest tasks, plans and the necessary information. This will not only facilitate work, but also protects from nervous disruptions.

Do not try to do everything immediately. It is unrealistic and not at all. Perform work tasks as they are valid. First, the most important and urgent, then less urgent and so on. If you try to "arouse an immense", then you can do nothing at all and everything will end with serious nervous overvoltage.

If you are constantly experiencing about unsolved tasks and existing working problems, you need to try to calm down and tell yourself: "Today I will do this work, and my anxiety will definitely pass." Do not dive into the alarming thoughts "with your head", otherwise everything will end with the disease. Do not torment yourself with thoughts about how much you still need to do, think better about what you have already done. Step by step, calmly, without fuss and unnecessary excitement - just as try to cope with your chapter tasks for the day today and ahead of time, do not worry about what will have to do tomorrow-day after tomorrow or in a week.

Usually, some "friction" always arise in the team, missing, misunderstanding with colleagues or leadership, which do not give rest and constantly disturbing. If the situation "hung" and you do not know how to behave and what to do, it is better not to torment the unknown, but to approach the person and calm everything. Correctly and politely. As soon as all the points above "і" and the situation will clear up, it will immediately become easier and calmer. To talk to a person is much easier than holding up and in the thousandth time "chew" incomprehensible situation.

Do not work on wear during the day and night, otherwise you will get chronic fatigue syndrome, which not only sharply reduce the efficiency of work, but will also lead to a serious illness.

If the bosses tries to persuade to take additional obligations and increase the load, and you know exactly that you can not cope, do not be afraid to say no.

Be sure to use technical breaks for recreation. Stand up, go through, make some exercise, breathe deeply and exhale. Look out the window on trees and passersby, in a word, distracted from work. After all, technical breaks are invented precisely for the person to change his thoughts and attention, giving the body a small rest. This maintains performance.

He who does not use a lunch break - the enemy is not only for yourself, but also his work. The body needs to eat and relax. If you can, you can swim in the pool for 40 minutes or take a walk in the park. And if not, at least go to the courtyard, look at the sky, flowerbed and for a while forget about work. If it turns out, you can build up 10-15 minutes. So the tension is removed, the body relaxes and is gaining strength for further work.

Try not to work on weekends and holidays! They are designed to make people to stay with their family, go to the forest, on the rink, go shopping or do household chores. You can do anything, but not to think about work! And the best thing to go for a couple of days from the house to plunge into another Wednesday, get new impressions and shake. That is why many try to divide vacation into several parts and use it throughout the year.

An important rule: leaving work, leave there all thoughts about work. And then, after all, many people come home, they continue to think about working moments and try to complete the unfinished affairs until the night. It is not right. Women leaving the office or the working office should become solely by moms, daughters, girlfriends, dinner, lessons with children, a favorite hobby, completely forgetting about work. The same applies to representatives of strong sex. For after work, no one worries, do not give customers the number of your mobile phone.

It is clear that it is not always necessary to follow these advice, but if you try, then stressful situations will be much smaller.

One of the main questions of modernity - how to avoid stress? Many people often suffer severe nervous tension, but knowledge, like overcome stress, they are not enough. In general, the methods of prevention of stress are quite simple. Almost anyone can easily learn how to use methods for preventing stress. Thus, it is possible to increase sustainability, understand psychology and get rid of any disorders that negatively affect the quality of life.

Power tricks

The easiest way that offers a psychology system to get rid of disorders is attentive consideration of daily nutrition. Surprisingly, healthy, useful and tasty food can really save a person from disorders, increase its resistance to the negative impact of surrounding events and conduct prevention of stressful states. Of course, it is difficult to link the psychoprophylaxis of stress exclusively with food, but the proper nutrition gives the body lightness and good mood, which means that the entire negative is worn much easier.


Including banal lemons, oranges, and more complex and unusual, like limes, and other fruits. They can be used and simply with other fruits, and as a juice, and adding to various dishes.

Green vegetables

All vegetables with green. This is any cabbage, onions, cucumbers, zucchini, pepper, greens and other products. They are rich in vitamins and useful substances, besides, they contain a helpful chlorophyll for the body, which has long been sold as a food additive.

Dark chocolate

Mandatory high-quality cocoa content in the composition. It has been established that several squares of high-quality delicacy not only improve the mood, but also protects the nervous system, eliminates disorders. With the help of chocolate, you can increase the stability of the entire body, the psychological system also benefits from the use of excellent antidepressant.


Ideal for those who not only want to get rid of disorders, but also to extend their lives and improve physical health due to the high content of zinc and iodine.


They should be added to salads, choose whole grain bread and other useful dishes, because it is they charge the body with energy and power.

Green tea without sugar

You can drink several times a day, but you can not forget that green tea in large quantities can cause dehydration, so together with green tea you need to drink a large amount of usually clean water.

Features of communication

Usually, few people know how to protect themselves from stress, so communication with the surrounding people can not only not get rid of various disorders, but also to deprive any chance to avoid stress. That is why you need to know how to protect yourself from stress yourself, so as not to depend on the problems and disorders of all other people. The communications system itself implies the occurrence of disorders due to conflict emerging in society. Measures to get rid of such effects, primarily consist in relation to emerging situations. To know how to avoid stress, you need to learn how to relate to what is happening as possible.

Secrets of communication with the surrounding people

  1. It is necessary to remain benevolent towards all people;
  2. The most important thing in communication is to avoid unpleasant communication, this allows you to prevent the occurrence of disorders and allows not to spend the forces on the fight against them;
  3. In the event of serious conflicts, it is necessary to talk and negotiate, compromise and joint solving problems are the best way out of most serious and complex situations and develop resistance to conflicts;
  4. Measures to preserve a good mood, it is also a communication with inspirational and interesting people, it is not necessary to avoid interesting communication, it, on the contrary, can become an excellent source of new forces and energy;

The health care system can also help get rid of excess stress, no need to refuse to help in the event of increasing negative emotions and constant disorders;

Do not forget about physical health, health checks must be permanent, which will ensure confidence in your own health and help to avoid any problems arising with the body.

Self-analysis and its capabilities

One of the main recommendations describing how to protect itself from stress describes the numerous possibilities of self-analysis. The system of self-analysis allows you to deal with your own mood with simple techniques, which can be used with appliant means and without any help.

In general, there is a huge number of techniques, psychological training, tests, lectures, lessons and other material aimed at the knowledge of the knowledge of oneself, the formation of a person, setting goals, and so on. The most effective of them are that the simplest, no matter how paradoxically sounded.

Paper diary

The easiest way to understand yourself is to conduct a paper diary. It can be a simple notebook or a beautiful diary, any notepad or an album, most importantly, to make it convenient to make a record at any time.

The diary will help to speak out, get rid of the extra negative, to once again think about concrete situations, realize the pros and cons of this or that matter.

In the diary, you can fix stories about the events that have already passed and talk about the upcoming, plan, record ideas, complaining and wondering. The diary is a kind of psychologist, whose role can be taken over and talked, and then, after some time, a fresh look to evaluate the former experiences.

the Internet

The Internet with an unlimited number of their capabilities can also suggest how to understand yourself. Of course, it is not about the entire World Wide Web, but only about Internet diaries and blogs and thematic communities. The first is good in that it is possible to use it on the principle of a paper diary, leading personal entries, and you can publish open posts, find like-minded people or interesting people, communicate with them and speak. The blog can over time to turn into a significant Internet playground for interests.

In thematic communities, such as psychological, usually a large number of people or disassembled in the subject, or in some similar situation, so that communication with them, the story about problems and issues can help get some answers.

Shopping techniques

Another way is very similar to this, but the records need to be held in the evening, after the day, to leave all its events before going to bed and get rid of unnecessary reflection and evaluations of events. Such pages in the evening can be filled from the points of the day or plans for the near future.

Video: "My happy morning. Morning Pages - Personal Experience »

Setting goals and plans

To help get rid of stress can and setting goals, reflections on pleasant plans for the future. The reason for stress is the lack of interests and plans, so the ability to put accurate goals and go to their implementation is to get rid of the most different possible consequences of the appearance of nervous voltage and even its warning.

During the periods, when there is a bad mood and there is a danger of the appearance of this stress, it is possible to refer to some simple ways to search for inspiration and setting new goals in life.

Cinema and books

Reading is an interesting and necessary lesson who helps develop personality in various directions. But oddly enough, watching movies can also be not only interesting, but also useful. The peculiarity is only that this process is needed in a special key. To find motivations and ideas for their own purposes, you just need to carefully watch the characters, for the situations of their development and resolution.

No wonder they say that in books we can live hundreds of lives and still learning the experience gained by characters.

In this case, this statement can be attributed to the films. Here are just stupid comedies or banal love or detective novels will not fit - they are absolutely nothing to learn, there is nothing to learn. It is much better to choose serious literature and deep movies, motivational and thematic works about the sphere of interest to a specific point, and study from the beginning to the end.

Persian inspiration

The source of inspiration and ideas can be a real-existing person, a kind of teacher affecting the process of "learning" only by its existence. It can be like someone familiar, but already achieved certain results and a very great man, the star of his case, which I want to be equal.

A similar idol in no way should be imitate. The same clothes and hairstyle, an attempt to adjust their own habits for those known will not bring anything well. And it certainly will not help achieve some positive results, not at all. It will only be distracting from a real task, take care of energy and strength that it would be possible in the case. It is much better to be like a chosen person - actions, the number of ideas, energetic, attitude to life. Not in vain, after all, many great people share their stories with society so they can motivate hundreds and thousands of other people on the struggle for their own dream, at the desire to go all the way to her to the end.

Psychological tests

You can find the desired direction with the help of psychological tests. Not those publish in magazines for girls, but in more serious and thoughtful, which are aimed at real help.

If there are no interests or at least an approximate reference point in life, then you can find tests that detect the mindset, a tendency to creativity or to some specific type of activity. Tests can also help with the definition of a personality type, but it relates more to the first problem - the inability to determine itself. Fully relying on the text conclusion is hardly worth it, but to send thoughts into a suitable channel such questionnaires are completely capable. Perhaps, on the twentieth question of the fifteenth test, an interesting thought will come to the head, turn into an idea, and it will want to implement it at the same moment.


- The process is extremely difficult, and its warning is an even more difficult task. But it is she who in practice turns out to be much more efficient because it helps to save strength. They could be thrown on to get rid of the effects of stress development, and find new goals in life. It is so much better to think about how to protect yourself from possible negative situations and keep calm and positive attitude.

Video: Natalia Grace, "setting goals and their achievement"

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