69 why labor is necessary for every person. Composing the role of labor in human life - compositions, abstracts, reports

A man is beautiful and famous for his work. Work is the meaning of life. So it has been and will be at all times. It is not in vain that many proverbs have come down to us from time immemorial, expressing the attitude of a person to work. We evaluate a person by how he works and how he relates to other people. All that is beautiful and all the most necessary things on Earth have been created by labor. Labor is unthinkable without man, and man is unthinkable without labor. Prishvin wrote that "everything beautiful on earth is from the sun, and everything good is from a person." Continuing this thought, we can add that all the essentials are created by human labor.
Labor is a very important factor with which the whole life of every person is closely connected. A person works to ensure a decent standard of living for himself and his family. Everyone's work begins at a very young age, when children go to school. Their job is to gain knowledge. This is necessary in order to get an education and specialty that will help to get settled in later life. After receiving an education, real adult life begins. Boys and girls begin to work in their chosen specialty. Each profession is very important, so it doesn't matter at all who to work with. Each profession benefits people and allows them to solve their various problems.

Labor develops a person, allows one to learn something new, to raise the level of one's development and skills. Many people master not one, but two, three or more professions in their lives. Having different specialties, you can work in completely different enterprises and choose the job that will be the most suitable and will be loved. A salesperson can become a teacher, and a plumber can become a scientist. Everything is in the hands of every person. Everyone chooses his own profession and where to work. We live in a wonderful world. The world around us is the natural world and the world created by human labor. But the most important decoration of the Earth is man. Smart, kind, hardworking. And if all people are like that, then they will be able to preserve and make our planet even more beautiful. We live in order to leave a memory of ourselves. Our memory is our good deeds and deeds, it is our spiritual wealth... And the spiritual wealth of an individual is formed primarily from respect for work, thanks to which everything beautiful on Earth has been created.


70. In the age of cosmic speeds, people stopped being surprised ...

In the age of cosmic speeds, people stopped being surprised - this is the problem that Vladimir Soloukhin ponders.

In a fragment from the book "Grass" V. Soloukhin, talking about the grievous loss of people’s ability to be surprised, cites himself as an example. Neither the lunar soil delivered from a distant planet, nor the probing of Venus, nor the monstrous speeds on earth, surprise him. One thing that still awakens this feeling in the writer's soul is the parachute of a dandelion. The author even quotes the poet's lines: "The dandelion from the sun has already turned into the moon" - and then blows on the airy planet, and it scatters into thousands of fluffs. And in the soul of the narrator something stirred, trembled.

The author is sure that the soul of each of us is still alive only because we can be surprised not by the powerful speeds of planes and cars, but by the sun dandelion, the opening rose and the beautiful fluffy butterfly perched on a branch.

Vyacheslav Degtev has a wonderful story “Dandelion. It is about the role of a teacher, a mentor in the life of cadets-pilots. The squadron commander, after flying with an excellent student who was afraid to fly and to whom he had just opened the sky, jumping off the wing of the plane, suddenly saw a small yellow dandelion between the concrete slabs. The officer bent down, straightened the leaves of the flower and was amazed: “How did you survive? How did they not trample you, you fool? " Something unusually tender spilled into the soul of the ace pilot, the god of air machines. And all this because he has not yet forgotten how to be surprised at beauty.

The feeling of surprise at all living things lived in the soul of the world's first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He, who knew what cosmic speed is, who saw the Earth from orbit, who was convinced how small it is in comparison with infinite space, appreciated and marveled on earth at the beauty of every tree, every flower.

It is this feeling of surprise that we must learn so that our soul shudders and blossoms when we see the "first lily of the valley from under the snow" or a white birch tree under our window.

Our life is a continuous work, because this is exactly what the legend says, which were created many years, no, even centuries ago. These legends speak of the wisdom of people who have always been hardworking. And it was this hard work that often saved their lives.

Hard work - such a concept in our modern time is probably almost gone. After all, now they work not just because they love this business, this process is a process of work, no matter what - physical or mental. Now most people work - because it is necessary, and in a different way to survive

It will be very difficult. But those who are poor also work, and there are no other opportunities, but the one who has a chance to earn a lot of money in an easy way - he works hard, because such a work process brings extraordinary acceptance. Easy ways to make money - can you really call it hard work - but now this is what they began to call such an occupation.

It is not for nothing that they say and say that only in work is a man great. His essence is great, because it is then that it becomes fully visible, without boasting in words. And only in practice can one understand how strong a person is in himself, how

Spiritually as well as physically. Only in such cases, when it comes to work, does the character of a person appear, which truly is.

The proverb that asserts that only in work can a person look majestic and proud is very right, because it speaks the truth. You should listen to the old traditions, which always tell the truth. After all, only a good and persistent worker can be praised, to see that he is trying to feed himself, his family, in a word, to achieve his goal. Such a person, hardworking in his sincerity and truth, deserves praise and praise, and besides, you will not soon meet such a person up close, perhaps.

It is not for nothing that earlier, and in principle even now, many works have described the great exploits of people who have always been hardworking and have always been able to work well and quickly, without forcing or humiliating other people. They were - a standard, a symbol of labor, diligence, and therefore it is not for nothing that many works of great classics are dedicated to just such people, such a people.

Work is one of the meanings of human life. It is not for nothing that they say - "Without labor, you can't get a fish out of the pond." Only in work does a person manifest himself in all greatness and beauty. Labor is an irreplaceable indicator of a person's power. All this confirms a huge number of old-time proverbs that show the eternal relationship of a person and his activities. Often, we have to evaluate a person precisely by how he works and his attitude towards others. Without labor, there could not be so many beautiful things on Earth. Absolutely all necessary things are created by man!

But not all people enjoy doing business. Many consider labor to be a kind of burden placed on their shoulders, which does not bring anything good, taking away precious time. More often than not, such people have not found the right occupation for themselves. After all, an occupation should not only be beneficial, but also be happiness for a person, otherwise it turns into a burden. After all, you may not have a favorite job, but your favorite activity should always be. There is a type of people who, in a hurry for security and big money, do not do what they love. They can do their job conscientiously, many are grateful to them, but this type of people cannot fully reveal their potential, because they do not like the job.

Often in the squares you can see people who paint pictures. It can be someone's portrait or landscape, it doesn't matter at all. The point is that we are always amazed at how talented a person can be. And it is these people who do what they love, forcing everyone around them to admire his work. Such a creator is beautiful in his business, he makes it clear. And such “creators” can be not only artists, but also ordinary workers. When you see the face of a person who is doing his job with zeal and zeal, it becomes immediately clear that he is doing what he loves.

Labor is the zest of a person. I wish there were more ordinary people who found their calling. After all, such people move the Earth forward, creating something new, it is they who leave the memory of themselves. If the majority of people work with fire in their souls, then our generation will leave a significant and positive mark on the earth.

A man is beautiful and famous for his work. Work is the meaning of life. So it has been and will be at all times. It is not in vain that many proverbs have come down to us from time immemorial, expressing the attitude of a person to work. We evaluate a person by how he works and how he relates to other people. All that is beautiful and all the most necessary things on Earth have been created by labor. Labor is unthinkable without man, and man is unthinkable without labor. Prishvin wrote that "everything beautiful on earth is from the sun, and everything good is from a person." Continuing this thought, we can add that all the essentials are created by human labor. By different person may refer to labor. For some, work is a burden that takes time and energy. Maybe these are people who have not chosen a profession to their liking, or those who are financially secure and live at the expense of other people. But for such people, life becomes, on the one hand, a torment, and on the other hand, an empty pastime. The main thing is to feel the joy of work, and then life will be filled with a different meaning, it will become brighter and richer. A person may not have a favorite job, but have a favorite pastime, hobby. It often happens that someone goes to work for the sake of material support for himself and his family. Yes, such a person works conscientiously, and people respect him for this, but he can reveal himself only in his favorite business, to which he gives his whole soul. And then such a thing is argued, because it is done with inspiration and love. Even Aesop believed that "the true treasure for people is the ability to work."
Human beauty is most vividly revealed in labor. Passing the streets of the city, probably each of us at least sometimes paid attention to how beautifully a person works. Often in parks you can see artists painting someone's portrait. You look and marvel at the talent of the creator. Indeed, a person is beautiful in work and what he creates is beautiful. We sometimes involuntarily pay attention to a person who enthusiastically performs seemingly ordinary work. Take a closer look at how some bricklayers work. Quickly, smoothly, smoothly, brick by brick. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in such work. Not work, but play. But any business requires skills, abilities that come with experience. And most importantly, the result depends on the mood in which you are doing the work. After all, at home, if you like something, you do it with desire, pleasure, and if you don’t want to do something, everything, as they say, falls out of your hands.
We live in a wonderful world. The world around us is the natural world and the world created by human labor. But the most important decoration of the Earth is man. Smart, kind, hardworking. And if all people are like that, then they will be able to preserve and make our planet even more beautiful. We live in order to leave a memory of ourselves. Our memory is our good deeds and deeds, this is our spiritual wealth. And the spiritual wealth of an individual is formed primarily from respect for work, thanks to which everything beautiful on Earth has been created.

Composition "Labor in a person's life."

Labor plays an especially important role in human life. He is required at least in order to provide for himself and his loved ones, to live in good conditions etc.

From a young age, each person begins to get used to work. This usually happens for the first time at school. The work of a student consists in his studies and obtaining new knowledge, which is required for education. Serious adulthood begins only after graduation, when people start working. There are various specialties, but each has an important role to play. Therefore, it doesn't matter which profession you choose, as it still matters. Any specialty is useful and focused on solving various human problems.

The importance of professions

The builder works to get new buildings erected, such as residential buildings, educational institutions, hospitals, etc. The miner works to get heat and hot water with the help of mined coal. A hairdresser is needed to get a beautiful haircut with his help and to look neat. All this says only that every profession matters and cannot be replaced.

Stores cannot exist without sellers, children will not gain knowledge without teachers, and there will be no one to treat people if there are no doctors in hospitals. Everyone works for the benefit of their family and other people. This work is necessarily paid, which allows a person to acquire the goods necessary for him. Money for labor allows you to pay utility costs, buy food, things and much more.

Just as the military has different ranks, each profession also has the opportunity to advance and develop. As a rule, managers are those who began to work in the company as an ordinary worker. Thanks to their hard work and efforts, they managed to grow to a leadership position.

The importance of labor

Labor has a beneficial effect on human development. It allows you to learn new things and improve your skills. Some people manage to master several professions in their life, choosing the one that they like best. What you will do in your life is entirely in your hands. It is you who choose your profession.

Essay on the topic "Man of Labor". In this essay I would like to tell about a man who lived and worked in our village for the good of the people.

Essay on the topic "Man of Labor"

Cities grow, multiplying,

But you can't live without rural labor

Not a day, neither to the factory workers, nor to the miners,

Neither the deputies nor the big actors.

All people on earth need food.

Where can I get it without rural labor?

And the people work in the villages, villages.

In the vast expanses of the field.

Many proverbs and sayings have been put together about labor: "Patience and labor will grind everything up", "Water does not flow under a lying stone", "Bitter work, but sweet bread." Not everyone can feel the joy of work. Some people were simply born contemplators, not doers, and labor for them is a burden that takes a lot of energy, time. Others were lucky: the type of activity they have chosen corresponds to their abilities, inclinations, character. For them, work is his whole life, a person lives by his work, strives to make it even better. Labor is a source of joy, pleasure.

In a work collective, it seems to me, a person learns to communicate with other people, gets the opportunity to feel the strength of the team. In labor, a person matures both physically and morally. We know how happy people are who can do a lot with their own hands, and how unhappy and helpless are those who have not learned anything. Many, dreaming of adulthood, are looking for some ideal for themselves to follow, choose a person whom they want to be like. But the true heroes live among us - these are our parents, fellow villagers. Day in and day out, they humbly do their job. I want to tell you about such a hero-man of my time, about the Great agronomist - Anatoly Alekseevich Sukhorukov, who lived in our small village and was the pride of our village and a model to follow. The best quality the soul of a person living in the countryside is love for the land. It would seem that in the age of new technologies, you will not find people who would devote their lives to agriculture, but this man has been growing grain for 33 years and caring for ears, which after processing turned into bread - the main value on our table. Anatoly Alekseevich was born on January 1, 1959 in the village of Onon, Shilkinsky district. Having received an agronomic education at the Nerchinsk Agricultural College, in May 1981 he began working as an agronomist-seed grower at the "Baigulsky" state farm. In 1991 he was transferred to the position of chief agronomist.

This is where his difficult, but still interesting work began, a work to which he will devote his life and all his time. He was engaged in seed production, reproduction of original varieties of grain crops, and varietal renewal. The entire technological process of the seed conveyor was observed, without violating agricultural technology. He was one of the first agronomists to develop crops that were adapted to our climate and gave excellent results. Thanks to the experience and unceasing work of Anatoly Alekseevich, the Baigulsky PK has repeatedly become the leaders in the yield of grain crops and rapeseed in the regional competition. Anatoly Alekseevich was the winner in the regional competition of farmers, was awarded gifts and cash prizes, and in the spring of this year at a meeting in Barnaul he was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. He was awarded the title “Honorary Agronomist of Russia”. I believe that such high results can be achieved by a person of labor who possesses such qualities as discipline and endurance, hard work, love and dedication to his profession. Unfortunately, Anatoly Alekseevich passed away too early, his untimely death orphaned the Baygul land, but human memory will keep the name of this wonderful person for a long time.

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