What a spiritually rich person should know. How to combine spiritual and material wealth

"True spiritual wealth
has an amazing property:
the more generously a person shares it,
the richer he himself becomes. "
T. Tess

"In this world, the rich
what makes us different
we receive, but what we give. "

Henry Ward Beecher.

“Rich in knowledge is truly rich,
and the rich fool is poor in every way. "

Sage Chanakya.

If you were asked to be spiritually rich or financially rich, which would you choose?

The wisdom is to harmoniously combine both spiritual wealth, So and material... Spiritual values, just like material ones, are equally important, valuable and necessary. Overshoots and excesses in one direction or another lead to imbalance and disharmony in a person's life. Only by uniting, wealth and spirituality bring happiness to a person.

How to combine spiritual and material wealth in order to be truly happy?

To do this, you need to understand a very important thing: everything that surrounds a person in outside world - there is a reflection of his inner state, his values, beliefs and thinking.

Successful people harmoniously combine in themselves as spiritual, So and material wealthharmoniously revealing their inner potential, their mission, they improve in the name of the highest good of their own and other people.

A person who has material wealth, but does not have spiritual wealth, cannot be called rich and happy.

The same can be said about those people who consider themselves highly spiritual, but have no means of subsistence. If a person develops correctly, then he simply cannot be poor. What does it mean, spiritually developed person? First of all, this is a person who is able to think and act wisely and harmoniously, a person with high level self-control, he feels and understands the laws of the world and the Universe, lives with them in unity, realizing himself in unity with God and the Universe, has an expanded consciousness, acting for the good of his own and other people.

A spiritual person loves both himself and other people. He understands that he is similar to the Creator and is endowed with the same Divine qualities and properties. Such a person simply cannot be poor, since the Universe itself will reward him. As the saying goes: "According to your faith it will be given to you." Than better man can show his talents and his uniqueness, the more he will receive material benefits from the Universe (i.e. from the people around him).

It is not the presence of money that makes a person truly rich, but wisdom and knowledge.

If a person is engaged in his personal growth, self-improvement, self-knowledge, has revealed his purpose, has pure thoughts; his creations bring benefit to people, then the Universe will certainly thank him in the form of material wealth and abundance.

This is what one wonderful Indian parable tells about. One young man dreamed of becoming rich. He came to the sage and asked him how one could attain wealth. “Know, young man,” the sage replied, “there are two goddesses in the heart of every person. One is called Sarasvati and the other is Lakshmi. Saraswati is the Goddess of Wisdom and Education, and Lakshmi is the Goddess of Prosperity and Happiness.

You are striving for wealth, however, you must, first of all, strive for the goddess Saraswati, that is, study, reflect and work on yourself. Then the goddess Lakshmi will become very jealous of you for Saraswati. After all, women cannot stand rivals. She will try to get your attention. And the more you pay attention to Saraswati, the more Lakshmi will follow you. Choose education, read books, do what you love, and then Lakshmi will be with you all your life. "

Using this wonderful parable as an example, we see how it is necessary to combine spiritual and material wealth.

The true path is this: striving for self-knowledge, for wisdom and knowledge, improving in your favorite business, gaining spiritual wealth, we invariably receive material benefits.

If a person does not have spiritual wealth, then material wealth will not benefit him, will not make him happy. Only in the harmonious combination of the spiritual and the material will a person find true happiness. And do not be mistaken, believing that some area is more important or more important. Only the "golden mean", balance, harmony - this is the answer to the question, how to combine spiritual and material wealth.

Therefore, first we develop ourselves, fill ourselves with knowledge and wisdom, reveal our talents and, as a result, receive material abundance and prosperity in all spheres of life from a grateful Universe.

What should those who believe that they cannot find their favorite job and their destiny do? I can say one thing: do not convince yourself of this! You can! Only bothers you:

2) Lack of faith

As soon as you drop all doubts, fear, believe in yourself, decide on specific actions, life will begin to change. You must believe in your own ability to achieve whatever you want and need. Your faith should be based on your inner qualities.

So, how to combine spiritual and material wealth?

- Living and acting in the present, "here and now"

- Remembering that inside you there is everything you need to live the life you dream about.

- Set goals and implement them

- Love yourself and other people

- Show your inner beauty and uniqueness

- Sharing your treasures with the world around you

- Remembering why you came to this Earth

To be unique, unrepeatable, not like anyone else - to be WHO YOU ARE!

What do you think, dear friends? Please share in the comments.

  • rev. Optina elders
  • St.
  • Archbishop
  • A.G. Dolzhenko
  • N.V. Somin
  • prof.
  • A.G. Dolzhenko
  • Wealth - 1) spiritual and material, given to a person; 2) material benefits in general, which a person gets, regardless of whether he obtains them in accordance with God or not; 3) that which is dear to a person in any respect (example: children are our wealth; my years are my wealth).

    The highest wealth is spiritual wealth - it is life in, the ability to connect with God.

    Spiritual wealth in the exact sense of the word is God Himself, the grace of the Holy Spirit that dwells in a person, which is more valuable than anything in the world. It is imperishable, everlasting, inalienable wealth. With him, a person passes into eternal life. Spiritual wealth is depicted in the parables of the Savior in the form of a priceless pearl, having found which a person sells everything that he has, called an inexhaustible heavenly treasure ().

    Earthly, material wealth is the aggregate of material goods given to a person in excess for temporary use. Earthly wealth is incomparable with heavenly, and therefore is called small (). It is also called unrighteous (), for all wealth that remains with us becomes unrighteous, is retained and is not alienated for the needs of the poor.

    Earthly wealth can be understood as God's gift only under certain conditions. Namely, if a rich person distributes it for the benefit of the needy. The rich person initially has no advantage over. " The financial position of a person in itself cannot be considered as evidence of whether he is pleasing or displeasing to God". Moreover, a rich person is not an owner in the exact sense of the word. " According to the teaching of the Church, people receive all earthly goods from God, who has the absolute right to own them. The Savior repeatedly shows the relativity of property rights for a person in parables: it is either a vineyard given for use (), or talents distributed among people (), or an estate given into temporary management ()". The True Owner of everything is the Creator of everything, God. Therefore, the correct disposal of property is possible only through the observance of His commandments.

    The divine commandment requires help to those in need. The Christian norm of attitude towards property should be based on the gospel principle of love for one's neighbor, expressed in the words of the Savior: “ I give you a new commandment, love one another"(). This commandment should serve for Christians and, from the point of view of the Church, for other people as an imperative in the sphere of regulating all types of interpersonal relations, including property relations. " Owning significant property, the one who uses it in accordance with the will of God, to whom belongs all things, and with the law of love, does not sin, for the joy and fullness of life is not in the acquisition and possession, but in the giving and sacrifice» .

    The very process of gifting the needy, the act of helping him is the direct duty of the wealthy person. Possessing an excess of property, a wealthy person does not possess his own, but someone else's. He has the God-given good that God gave him to meet the needs of the poor. Ultimately, he has property of the have-nots, which he must simply return. This is where the paradox of the Christian ethic of serving the poor arises. " You do not give to the poor from yours, but return to him from his own”, The saint teaches. And the giver of wealth is not a benefactor in the exact sense of the word, but even a guilty one. " Therefore, the one who distributes to everyone from the money he has collected should not receive rewards for this, but rather remains guilty of the fact that he had unjustly deprived them of others until that time.”- says the saint.
    teaches that by not helping his neighbor, the rich turns into a robber. Interpreting the Savior's teaching about unrighteous wealth (), the blessed one emphasizes that any wealth that remains with us becomes unrighteous, is retained and is not alienated for the needs of the poor. Moreover, such behavior has serious social consequences, provokes social instability, tension and conflicts. " The sinful attitude towards property, manifested in oblivion or deliberate rejection of this spiritual principle, generates division and alienation between people» .

    Thus, economic inequality, expressed in the division of society into rich and poor, is not a certain static reality justified from above. It is allowed to humanity as a test, as a given, which he must not cultivate and preserve, but change and overcome. Preserved for granted, economic inequality is tantamount to the reign of passion. And it is overcome in the unity of love, it testifies to the fulfillment of duty to one's neighbor.

    The Apostle James says: Listen, my beloved brethren: did not God choose the poor of the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the Kingdom that He promised to those who love Him?(). True, spiritual wealth is available to any person, the Lord immensely bestows it on everyone, regardless of their social status, innate abilities and business qualities.

    Do not be sad when a man becomes rich, or when the glory of his house increases; for when he dies he will take nothing with him, and his glory will not descend with him into the land. ().

    When wealth is multiplied, do not add heart to it ”()

    Wealth will not help in the day of anger ().

    A good name is better than great wealth, and good fame is better than silver and gold ”().

    Those who wish to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many reckless and harmful lusts ”().

    Don't worry about making wealth; leave such thoughts of yours. You fix your eyes on him, and he is no longer there; because it will make wings for itself and, like an eagle, will fly to the sky ().

    An envious person hastens to riches, and does not think that poverty will overtake him ().

    Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness ().

    How difficult it is for those who hope for riches to enter the Kingdom of God! ().

    Wealth itself is nothing. But in a sense, it is a talent ... A talent that can be either multiplied or buried in the ground. Either acquired for eternity, through squandering in this temporary life, or, conversely, lost in its egoistic preservation ...
    hieromonk Methodius

    I was once struck (it was before perestroika, in the 80s), when my spiritual father - Archpriest Vladimir Rozhkov, seeing a large family with five children at the entrance to the church, said: "Look - a rich man, he has five children." Since then, my attitude to this word has warmed up. Real wealth, of course, is not in what kind of car a person has (especially since in one second it can simply turn into nothing, into junk), but in something more ...
    archpriest Andrei Lorgus

    Even while still outside the Kingdom of God, we are already amazingly rich. God has given us so much: we are gifted mentally and emotionally, our life is so full that it may seem to us that there can be no more, that we have reached fullness, wholeness, the limit of our search. But we must understand and must remember that there is always something more. We can rejoice that no matter how poor we are, we so rich, but at the same time strive for the true treasure of the Kingdom of God, not letting ourselves get carried away by what we already have, so as not to turn away from what is still ahead.
    We must remember that everything we possess is a gift to us. The first commandment of Beatitude speaks of begging, and only if we live this commandment, we can enter the Kingdom of God. This commandment has a double meaning; on the one hand, it is obvious that, whether we like it or not, we have nothing to hold onto; we discover that we are nothing and have nothing: all-end, gaping, hopeless poverty. We exist because God called us into being, brought us into being; we did not participate in anything, it was not an act of our free will. We do not own life in such a way that someone at any moment could not take it away from us, and in this sense, everything that we are and everything that we have is short-lived. We have a body - but it will die; we have a mind - but it is enough for a tiny vessel to burst in the brain for the greatest mind to die out; we have a sensitive, lively heart, but a moment comes when we would like to express all our sympathy, all our understanding to someone who needs it - and we have only a stone in our chest ...
    So, in a sense, we can say that we do not possess anything, because we are not free in anything that we have. And this could lead us not to the feeling that we belong to the Kingdom of God, and to joy about this, but to despair - if we did not remember that, although nothing is ours that could not be taken from us, - however we have all this. We are rich, and everything that we possess is a gift and testimony of God's love and human love, everything is a continuous stream of Divine love; and because of this (and because we have nothing) the love of God is manifested with constancy and fullness. And everything that we rake into our own hands in order to appropriate is thereby torn out of the realm of love. Yes, it becomes ours - but love is lost. And only those who give everything, get the experience of genuine, complete, final, permanent spiritual poverty - and have the love of God, expressed in all His gifts. One of our Russian theologians, father

    Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

    The East Kazakhstan region

    Borodulikha district

    Self-knowledge lesson in grade 6

    on the topic of:

    "Human spiritual wealth"

    Performed: Self-knowledge teacher Fedenko T.V.

    KSU "Zhezkent secondary school"

    2016 year.

    Public lesson self-knowledge in the 6th grade. Teacher: Fedenko T.V.

    Topic: Human spiritual wealth

    Goal: deepen the understanding of the spiritual wealth of a person.


    - disclosing the significance for a person of striving for constant spiritual self-improvement;

    - development of constant striving for spiritual growth;

    - enrichment of the inner world of students with new knowledge about the spiritual heritage of mankind.

    Resources: Video clips of the performance of Sara Alpysovna Nazarbayeva on the Central Television of the Republic of Kazakhstan , cartoon "Just like that", video fragments from the feature film "Soothsayer Omar Khayyam", audio recording of the song "Song of Kindness" by Tatyana Mukhametshina, electronic presentation, textbooks on self-knowledge, workbooks.

    During the classes:


    2.Positive attitude:

    Teacher: I am glad to see you in the Self-Knowledge lesson. I wish you peace, kindness, love. Look at the screen. I bring to your attention a cartoon called "Just like that". After watching, tell me what it is about and what mood it creates.

    Watching the cartoon "Just like that" (5 minutes) Appendix # 1

    You probably guessed what human qualities we are going to talk about today? (About kindness, cordiality, responsiveness, love). You guys are right. The topic of our lesson is called - (Appendix # 2)

    « Spiritual wealth of a person ”.

    The purpose of the lesson (Appendix # 2): to understand what constitutes a person's spiritual wealth, why one needs to constantly improve oneself. We will learn what the spiritual heritage of humanity is and how we can develop our inner world.

    The founder of the self-knowledge program, Sara Alpysovna Nazarbayeva, paid great attention to the spiritual development of the younger generation in our country.

    Attention to the screen. (A video with SA Nazarbayeva's speech at a scientific conference in Almaty "I will teach you morality" is demonstrated) - (2 minutes). Appendix No. 3

    3. The main stage.

    1) Conversation:

    How do you understand the word "kindness"?
    - What person are they inherent in?
    - Do you have kindness in your class?
    - Can you live in a classroom without kindness? (Student responses)

    2) Telling a parable "Parting words of the master"

    Master's parting words


    Before putting the pencil in the box, the pencil master put it aside. “There are five things you need to know,” he said to the pencil, “before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and then you will become the best pencil you can be. First: you can do many great things, but only if you let Someone hold you in their hand. Second: you will experience painful sharpening from time to time, but it is necessary to become the best pencil. Third: you will be able to correct the mistakes you make. Fourth: your most important part will always be within you. And fifth: on any surface you should always leave your mark. Regardless of your condition, you must keep writing. But most importantly, perhaps it will be that you learn to give and receive with love.

    Pencil understood and promised to remember this. And was placed in a box with a calling in his heart.

    1. How do you understand the expression "calling in the heart"? (A vocation is a destiny for the benefit of all).

    2. How can a person become better? (You need to constantly work on yourself: acquire knowledge, be patient and persistent, study the wise teachings of your ancestors and treat kindly, with love to the people around you).

    - How can you acquire knowledge? (From books, films, communication with elders).

    - How can you show love for people? (Take care of them, helping in everything).

    3. Look at the footage from the film "Soothsayer Omar Khayyam" - a philosopher, poet, mathematician, astronomer, who was born in 1048 in Iran in the City of Nishapur. (3 min) Appendix No. 4

    - By means of what did Omar Khayyam improve himself? (Talking to the teacher, reading books, attending the mosque). It is not for nothing that we study the works of this wise man in modern times, improving our spiritual qualities.

    - So what constitutes the spiritual heritage of mankind? ( The wisdom of ancestors, which has come down to us in the form of legends, legends, fairy tales, books).

    - How does a person's spiritual wealth manifest itself in everyday life? (Do good for those around)

    - Right. Only patiently and persistently studying the works of previous generations, applying their wisdom in real life, a person can achieve spiritual growth. Take a look at the screen, now you will understand the saying of the medieval philosopher Astrogor:

    4. Quote (Appendix # 2): Collect stonesknowledge, strengthen with dropspatience , give dropslove look for dropswisdom catch the dropsjoy , store dropshopes ... Let the rivers and seas of your spiritual well-being gather from these drops.


    5.- Physical minutes Appendix # 5

    6.Let's learn new things: (read in the textbook, p. 139.):The spiritual wealth of a person is everything that a person has acquired through the labor of his soul. Labor makes our deeds and actions spiritualized, fills our attitude to people and the world with love. A spiritually rich person is able to understand another person, to take his joys and sorrows to heart. To create happiness for others, to help the disclosure of spiritual beauty in people, in oneself

    7. Game "Sell - buy"... On the pieces of paper you received, write under the word SELL all those qualities that you would like to get rid of, and above the word BUY - those that you would like to acquire.
    - Let's go in a circle and try to "SELL and BUY"
    - Was it difficult to “SELL” and “BUY”?
    - What qualities would you like to get rid of, and which ones to acquire?
    - How to become kinder? (Work on developing positive qualities and eradicate negative)

    8.Creative activity: I suggest that the students divide into groups to complete the assignment presented in the section of the textbook "Playing a scene." The task provides for the opportunity to think about the path of spiritual development of a person as a path to finding the truth.

    Read and complete the dialogue. Justify your answer and act out the scene.

    According to A. Vasilkov

    Man: How to distinguish wise people?

    Sage: For wise people, word and deed are inseparable, just as soul and body are inseparable.

    Man: How to follow in their footsteps, how to learn wisdom from them?

    Sage: Do not follow in the footsteps of the wise, but seek what they were looking for.

    Man: What and how were they looking for?

    Sage: The path to Truth through spiritual enrichment. On this path, the wise learned to think with their heart and feel with their mind.

    Man: Can I really become wise by finding my way to Truth?

    Sage: ...

    9. Summary:

    Read the text of V. Sukhomlinsky, set out in the section of the textbook "Pay attention" (textbook p. 141) Pay attention to the idea of \u200b\u200blove, which is the main "core" of a spiritually rich person: after all, to be a real person is to give strength of your soul to people, to do good for the sake of others. ”One who asserts himself in love for him can be a son or daughter of his people. This is one of the most important manifestations of a person's spiritual maturity.

    11. Homework:Write down the rules that you need to follow in order to improve yourself and become spiritually richer.

    12. "From heart to heart:Singing together "Song of Kindness"

    Appendix No. 6

    1.In this huge world in which you and I live,
    There is not enough warmth, there is not enough human kindness.
    Together we will learn to protect and love each other,
    Let us learn to shine together like stars.

    In the spring the water will rustle
    In winter the winds will sing.
    Come on, Friends, always
    Wish each other well!

    2. Let them not give us grades at school for the generosity of the Soul,
    Once you take it and just do Good,
    And then in the cold it will smell painfully in spring,
    And then there will be more than one smile on Earth!

    3. Hundreds of roads await us, but each will have its own,
    And Friends, of course, will help to reach the goal.
    So that our old dreams come true soon
    Let the lesson of Kindness always be the main lesson!

    “Poor is not the one who has little, but the one who
    wants to have more "

    "He who does not need anything is rich."

    Both of these aphorisms belong to Seneca and contain the commonplace truth that poverty and wealth are relative concepts. I believe that few will object to this truth. In my opinion, the level of our life can be represented as a fraction, with our capabilities in the numerator, and our desires, in the denominator. In the famous toast, from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus", there are the words: "So let's drink to ensure that our desires always coincide with our capabilities." COINCIDED! It seems to me that this coincidence is what we call "SUFFICIENCY".

    If our capabilities (numerator) exceed our desires, we are rich; if our desires (denominator) exceed our capabilities, we are poor. Mathematically, the "wealth ratio" is equal to one, and the "wealth and poverty ratios" are above or below one.

    But all this is a general, theoretical reasoning, relating mainly to material well-being, not taking into account other types of wealth and poverty, which, however, are no less real. First of all, we can remember here about the emotional wealth of a person, that is, about his aesthetic development, the ability to deeply, subtly feel the beauty of nature, poetry, music, high-quality cinema, etc. Emotional wealth is directly related to intellectual wealth, that is, knowledge and the ability to think creatively. This is clear. In order to enjoy works of art, you need to know them, and creative thought is always passionate, saturated with emotions.

    In accordance with the threefold composition of a person (body, soul, spirit), emotional and intellectual wealth, in total, can be called spiritual wealth, which can be opposed to spiritual wealth, which will be discussed below.

    In my opinion, spiritual wealth is immeasurably more important than material wealth, just as a person's soul is more important than his body. If a financially rich person is emotionally limited, poor, how can he use his wealth, what benefit can he derive from it? Palaces, yachts, cars, Swiss watches, fashionable clothes, first-class cognacs and wines, a TV on the whole wall - can such blessings saturate the soul striving for knowledge and creativity? A materially wealthy person can buy all the most significant works of world literature, put them on his shelf, but that's all, if he is poor mentally. At best, he will, from time to time, take books from the shelf, flip through them, and then put them back with a sigh. Well, maybe he'll sometimes look at the pictures in books if he finds them.

    Once, I walked down the street by an impressive, varnished in the sun, a jeep. Such an expensive car left no doubt about the material well-being of its owner. And in this luxurious car there was music that could only be called music at a stretch. The low frequencies of the speakers were buzzing, beating on the ears, and under this terrible roar, the voice of some pop singer squealed something. "Poor thing" - I thought about the owner of the jeep - "What kind of bullshit are you listening to. And I'll come home now and turn on Chopin, Grieg, Wagner. " I would never change places with this rich man, as, incidentally, he did with me. But here, as they say, to each his own.

    Spiritual wealth is very different from mental (emotional + intellectual) wealth. A spiritually rich person is full of himself and little dependent on external sources of filling the mind. A spiritually rich person does not need a computer, TV, books, or music. Any thing, any activity will limit him, violate his inner completeness. I cannot imagine Ramakrishna or Seraphim of Sarov, at a book, TV or computer. I know from myself how you don't want to do anything in the morning (especially empty conversations) when the soul, renewed by a night's sleep, has not yet had time to splash itself. Alas, only in the morning.

    Rajneesh has this thought:
    “The mind needs constant occupation, otherwise the mind cannot exist. But if you feel that being unoccupied with nothing, doing nothing, just being meaningful is significant, then you are a religious person. "
    In my opinion, the phrase of Rajneesh ideally defines not a religious person, but a person who is spiritually rich.

    Personally, I do not belong to people who are spiritually rich, because I am too dependent on external information. I need a computer, tablet, audiobooks, music recordings, etc. When one evening in our apartment the lights went out for a long time, I did not know what to do with myself, and I was bored. All the time I remembered something, pondered something, but with all my being I expected the light to turn on.

    I will pose a question: should a person strive for spiritual wealth in the young and mature years of life, neglecting his emotional and intellectual development? I remember the spontaneous book markets of the 90s of the last century, sellers and buyers of esoteric literature. Some young men, in jeans, sometimes with pigtails, with aloof looks, incomprehensible, mysterious ... No, I don’t think that it is right for young people, naturally, to get carried away with oriental practices, to pacify the mind, go deep into themselves, strive for some self-realization and enlightenment. The correct sequence is needed: first, spiritual development, then spiritual development.

    A young man, in my opinion, should live a full-fledged "earthly" life: set himself worldly goals, arrange a personal life, fall in love, make mistakes, get big, discover the treasures of world culture of the past and present, and be creative. This does not apply to people with monastic inclinations, initially alien to everything earthly, we are talking about ordinary people. And only at a certain age, when the main work of life is over, the time has come for retirement and grandchildren have appeared, one can already start “pacifying the mind” and accumulating spiritual wealth. I think so, although I may be wrong.

    In conclusion, I will add that spiritual wealth, in the process of life, accumulates by itself, even if we do not strive for it. With age, our energy weakens, some passions die off by themselves, life wisdom appears. Seraphim of Sarov said about it this way: "Just as wax, not warmed up and not softened, cannot accept the seal imposed on it, so the soul, not tempted by labor and weakness, cannot accept the seal of God."

    Not everyone can call themselves a spiritually rich person. Sometimes such controversial criteria for determination are mixed up or substituted with obviously incorrect ones. What are the most accurate signs and what it means to be a spiritually rich person the article will tell you.

    What is spiritual wealth?

    The concept of "spiritual wealth" cannot be interpreted unambiguously. There are controversial criteria by which this term is most often defined. Moreover, they are controversial separately, in aggregate with their help, a fairly clear idea of \u200b\u200bspiritual wealth is formed.

    1. The criterion of humanity. What does it mean to be spiritually rich from the point of view of other people? Often these qualities include such qualities as humanity, understanding, empathy, and the ability to listen. Can a person be considered spiritually rich if they do not have these qualities? Most likely the answer is no. But the concept of spiritual wealth is not limited to these signs either.
    2. Education criterion. Its essence is that the more educated a person is, the richer he is. Yes and no, because there are many examples when a person has several formations, he is smart, but his inner world is completely poor and empty. At the same time, stories are known of individuals who had no education, but their inner world was like a blooming garden, from which they shared flowers with others. Such an example may be a simple woman from a small village did not have the opportunity to get an education, but Arina Rodionovna was so rich in her knowledge of folklore and history that, perhaps, her spiritual wealth became a spark that ignited the flame of creativity in the poet's soul.
    3. Criterion of the history of the clan and homeland. Its essence is that one cannot be called a spiritually rich person who does not carry the baggage of knowledge about the historical past of his family and homeland.
    4. The criterion of faith. The word "spiritual" comes from the word "spirit". Christianity defines a spiritually rich person as a believer who lives according to the commandments and laws of God.

    Signs of Spiritual Wealth in People

    What it means to be a spiritually rich person is difficult to say in one sentence. For each, the main feature is something different. But here is a list of features, without which it is impossible to imagine such a person.

    • humanity;
    • empathy;
    • sensitivity;
    • flexible, lively mind;
    • love for the homeland and knowledge of its historical past;
    • life according to the laws of morality;
    • knowledge in various fields.

    Where Spiritual Poverty Leads

    In contrast to the spiritual wealth of a person, there is a disease of our society - spiritual poverty.

    The understanding of what it means to be a spiritually rich whole person cannot be revealed without negative qualities that should not be present in life:

    • ignorance;
    • callousness;
    • a life for one's own pleasure and outside the moral laws of society;
    • ignorance and non-perception of the spiritual and historical heritage of their people.

    This is not the whole list, but the presence of several traits can already define a person as spiritually poor.

    What does the spiritual impoverishment of the people lead to? Often this phenomenon pushes to a significant decline in society, and sometimes to its death. A person is so arranged that if he does not develop, does not enrich his inner world, then he degrades. The principle "do not go up - slide down" is very fair here.

    How to deal with spiritual poverty? One of the scientists said that spiritual wealth is the only kind of wealth that cannot be deprived of a person. If you fill yours with light, knowledge, goodness and wisdom, then it will stay with you for life.

    There are many ways of spiritual enrichment. The most effective of these is reading worthy books. This is a classic, although many contemporary authors also write good works. Read books, respect your history, be a person with a capital letter - and then poverty of spirit will not touch you.

    What it means to be a spiritually rich person

    Now we can clearly outline the image of a person with a rich inner world. A spiritually rich person, what is he like? Most likely, a good interlocutor, knows how not only to speak, to be listened to, but also to listen so that one would like to talk to him. He lives according to the moral laws of society, is honest and sincere with his environment, he knows, and will never pass by someone else's misfortune. Such a person is smart, and not necessarily because of the education he received. Self-education, constant food for the mind and dynamic development make it so. A spiritually rich person is obliged to know the history of his people, the elements of its folklore, to be versatile educated.

    Instead of a conclusion

    Nowadays, it may seem that material wealth is valued above spiritual wealth. To some extent this is so, but another question, by whom? Only a spiritually impoverished person will not appreciate the inner world of his interlocutor. Material wealth will never replace the breadth of the soul, wisdom, moral purity. Empathy, love, respect are not bought. Only a spiritually rich person is capable of manifesting such feelings. Material things are perishable, tomorrow they may no longer exist. But spiritual wealth will remain with a person for his entire life, and will illuminate the path not only for him, but also for those who are with him. Ask yourself what it means to be a spiritually rich person, set yourself a goal and go to it. Believe me, your efforts will be justified.

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