Making a tray for whitening inurl vbulletin teeth. Whitening tray (1 jaw)

People are rarely completely satisfied with their appearance. The image of a handsome person consists of many components. A beautiful smile plays one of the main roles in this. Agree that it is difficult to admire a person whose teeth are yellow. A smile is the first thing we pay attention to during a dialogue with a person.

If you are not sure that your smile is beautiful, then you cannot be completely confident in yourself, sometimes it is very noticeable and affects your behavior. What if nature has not rewarded you with white teeth? Simple, thorough oral care is not enough. Let's say thanks to modern dentists who offer many ways to improve tooth color. One of them is teeth whitening trays. Let's talk about them.

There are many ways to change the tone of your teeth. The most popular is home teeth whitening with trays. However, these are not recipes traditional medicineand the use of special methods of dentistry. You will need special mouth guards - silicone plates and a special whitening gel.
Teeth whitening consists of such steps as:

  • Teeth whitening trays are worn on the jaw.
  • By lightly pressing the aligners, they are fixed on the teeth, this will ensure an even distribution of the gel.
  • Excess gel is removed.

After the required time has elapsed, the aligners are removed. The mouth should be rinsed with water or a special mouthwash that fixes the result. This technique can be used at any time of the day. It all depends on the characteristics of the gel and the conditions for its use, you will read them in the instructions. Night gels have a gentle and gentle method, daytime products are more aggressive and contain large doses of whitening ingredients.

Important! You should not make an independent decision on home teeth whitening with trays. You cannot buy products that are sold in pharmacies.

It is important to consult with a qualified dentist before starting the procedure. The doctor should diagnose your oral cavity, find out your daily routine to determine which type of whitening is best for you. The doctor can make aligners based on the impression of your teeth, or can offer ready-made standard plates.

In a dental office, it is possible to whiten teeth by several shades in just half an hour. But this method has many disadvantages. The main one is the strong effect of products that are saturated with whitening components that have an adverse effect on the enamel of the teeth, leading to an increase in its sensitivity. Whitening caps are a more gentle technique that has a number of advantages:

  • If you notice any negative sensations or unpleasant consequences, then you can stop whitening. This will not affect the results of the application.
  • Mouthguards have a low price.
  • The use of a whitening tray does not cause discomfort.
  • The ability to independently choose the time of use.
  • The teeth are whitened from both sides at once.

During home bleaching, many people notice that the sensitivity of the enamel increases significantly. If you notice these symptoms, then contact your dentist, who will find you a remedy for tooth mineralization. Then you have to alternate procedures. Apply a whitening gel one day and a mineralizing agent on the second day. However, this method of whitening has several disadvantages. The first of these is considered a long time of achievement desired effect... Your teeth will become lighter in less than a week after you start the procedure. The second disadvantage is that the result depends on some conditions:

  • Features of the teeth of a particular person.
  • Carefulness of oral cavity care.
  • The patient's diet.

Therefore, dentists strongly recommend not only to carefully monitor dental hygiene, but also to adjust the diet of your daily diet: exclude fruit drinks and juices, strong coffee and tea. Refuse products that paint teeth. All this is due to the fact that after the whitening procedure, the teeth are filled with minerals that actively absorb the pigments of the dyes. It is also recommended to quit smoking, as nicotine adversely affects the results of whitening.

Before starting home whitening, you need to visit the dental office and perform a professional cleaning procedure for the oral cavity. Using professional devices, the doctor will remove all dental plaque and mineralized deposits. Next, the dentist begins to diagnose the teeth for caries and gum disease. It is important to make sure that there are no unsealed cavities. After that, the selection of whitening drugs begins.

If the doctor finds any shortcomings, then it is necessary to eliminate them, fill all cavities, cure inflammation. The presence of caries or periodontal disease will become the main contraindication to the use of bleaching agents.

In addition, you should not whiten your teeth with special mouth guards in such situations:

  • Whitening trays are not prescribed if the patient is allergic to hydrogen peroxide or carbamide. Such an allergy can only be detected empirically: after the first procedure, teeth or gums begin to hurt. If such symptoms appear, then the course is interrupted.
  • Whitening is contraindicated in pregnant women. During pregnancy, the female body undergoes radical changes that affect the teeth. Dental sensitivity increases, they become very fragile. Dentists strongly advise against taking risks in such a situation.
  • Children should not whiten their teeth. At a young age, adolescents have poorly formed hard tissues. They are subtle. In such a situation, the mouth guard can provoke nervous inflammation.

Many people believe that the presence of fillings is a contraindication to teeth whitening. However, it is not. Teeth that have been healed with fillings are not a contraindication. But it should be borne in mind that the fillings do not bleach and retain their original color. In contrast to bleached teeth, they can stand out strongly, therefore, after the procedure, fillings are most often replaced taking into account the shade of the new teeth.

Cap types

Caps are different types... All the variety of products offered can be divided into two types:

  • Professional products that can be bought at dental clinics;
  • Products available for purchase at any pharmacy or beauty store.

The first type is available for home treatment, but regular visits to the dental office will be required to monitor the progress of whitening and plan procedures. That is why this technique is classified as a professional subgroup. These kits can be purchased online, but it can be dangerous to use them without talking to your dentist. If you choose professional products, you will receive:

  • Professional bleaching materials. Most manufacturers of such funds only cooperate with clinics. Therefore, the funds are intended for professional use. The higher the qualifications of the dentist, the greater the chances of achieving an excellent and safe result.
  • Own mouthguard. The doctor will give you the opportunity to make a mouthguard based on the impression of your teeth. They will be more convenient than universal ones. However, this will not affect the whitening result.
  • Professional advice. This is important when using professional products. The doctor, like no one else, will be able to do everything possible so that whitening gives the most successful result. Professional advice will protect you from various troubles.

If you have made a choice in favor of whitening kits that can be purchased in stores, then there are several nuances. First of all, choose kits from well-known manufacturers that have earned many positive reviews. You should not save in this situation, such savings can cost you a pretty penny if something goes wrong, and you have to deal with dental treatment. Such means have a number of features:

  • The mouthguard is versatile. These mouthguards are suitable for absolutely any person, however, they can cause discomfort.
  • The concentration of whitening agents is more gentle than that of professional products. This is due to the fact that manufacturers try to reduce the likelihood of harm. Achieving a positive result will take a longer time.

Personal and universal mouth guards

Personal aligners are made for each patient individually. They will perfectly envelop the jaw and reduce the costs of using the whitening product, as it will not leak. The caps are made as follows:

  • The doctor makes dental impressions.
  • Then a plaster model is produced.
  • A silicone mouthguard is produced.
  • Excess materials are cut at the edges.
  • The mouthguards are made of a harmless and soft material that can handle aggressive gels.

Universal mouthguards do not have the advantages of personal ones, but they are cheaper. In some sets, the mouthguards can be personalized. They are made of plastic that can be heated. After heating, bite down on the mouthguard and it will take the shape of your jaw. But all the same, such a plate cannot be compared with a personal one. Teeth whitening with the help of mouth guards is a fairly safe and effective method. After all procedures, the enamel will become lighter in several tones. The result depends on the characteristics of the teeth of a particular person, on his oral hygiene and diet. If you follow all the instructions and advice of the dentist, you will be able to consolidate the result for a long time.

As a student of the Faculty of Dentistry, I succumbed to the desire to have a snow-white smile - I did home teeth whitening. And I am very happy !!

In this review, I will try to provide the maximum important information for you about this procedure.

I carried out home teeth whitening with a mouth guard. There are also other types, but I chose this method for myself according to the following criteria:

1. This method has been tested for me. Many of my friends have done this kind of whitening and were very happy with the result.

2. It can be carried out at home at different intervals (every day or every other day, or in general, you can take a short break).

3. The method is more gentle than others.

4. Its cost is relatively lower compared to other professional methods.

5. Duration of the effect (up to one year).

6. During the procedure, you can drink cappuccino))))))

Advice 1: take a good look at the information on whitening on the internet. Read the reviews, find the best method for you. You must be mentally disposed to good result it takes time. Also, the procedure is painful for many patients.
Advice 2: If you have opted for mouthguard whitening, then find a good specialist dentist. Without his consultation anywhere !!! There are a number of contraindications for this procedure (and for whitening in general), and a preliminary consultation will help to find out whether it is suitable given view procedures to you.

How does the whitening process work ???

There are several stages of preparation for it. The doctor must first carry out professional oral hygiene. Then the doctor removes the impressions of the teeth, according to them, individual aligners are made. (All this can be done in one visit).

FROMcouncil 3: Make sure to ask your doctor beforehand if the mouthguard is soft. If the mouthguard is made of hard plastic, then the procedure will be painful and unpleasant.

So how does the procedure go?

You receive two mouth guards, gel. Before the procedure, the mouthguards must be rinsed and dried. Also, don't forget to prepare your teeth. (clean them thoroughly).

Rate your smile (how many teeth are visible when you smile). For example, doctors recommend whitening 10 front teeth on each jaw (that is, 20 in total), but I have a pretty wide smile and I whiten 12 teeth.

We put the gel into each cell, distribute it well along the walls and front and back. Check carefully which mouthguard matches upper jaw (on it the central teeth are wide), and which is lower. We put on mouthguards and sleep with them all night. Exception - if you have a gel of high 20%, then up to 4 hours. In the morning, remove the mouthguard, rinse your mouth well with water.

Advice 4: during the period of teeth whitening, you can switch to toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Teeth sensitivity usually goes away by the end of the day.
Advice 5: how to save money - you can order the gel on the Internet, and come to the dentist to cleanly make mouthguards. Then the price turns out to be several times less.

Teeth whitening trays are plastic reservoirs that fit over the jaw. They are slim, comfortable and efficient. Thanks to them, you can make your teeth a couple of shades lighter and without harm to health, if you follow the rules of use. Teeth whitening tray

Types of whitening mouth guards

Before using the caps, you need to decide on their type. Consider the following types:


Factories produce models of a standard shape that corresponds to the average jaw without taking into account personal characteristics. These mouthguards are not very expensive, but they cannot always be used.

Each person has his own distinctive features teeth, and since standard mouth guards are made in the same size, it so happens that the gel flows out due to a loose fit. This leads to a burn of the mucous membrane.


This option is also made in factories, but they are characterized by the ability to adapt to certain features of the bite. Thanks to this, their use is safe and comfortable. The structure is made of a special material that can change shape at a certain temperature. Before the first use, the mouthguard is dipped in hot water and fixed on the teeth.

Set of mouthguard and gel


It is more expedient to use whitening models of an individual type from an anatomical point of view, since they are made by a technician in a dental laboratory using a model of a particular person's jaw.

The dentist pre-takes impressions with silicone or alginate mass, which allows you to establish all the features of the shape and location of the teeth. The cost of such caps is high, in addition, you will have to visit the doctor several times. But their use almost eliminates discomfort and the likelihood of getting into soft tissue active substance.

Characteristics of whitening trays

The design of the whitening trays consists of biologically compatible and hypoallergenic modern materials:

  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • gel composites.

The composition of the gel inside the cap

When purchasing thermoplastic or standard mouthpieces, the whitening gel will contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide (it has a more gentle effect on the enamel). There are also components that reduce sensitivity enamels - sodium nitrate and fluorine.

If individual trays are chosen, the doctor selects the composition of the gel, taking into account the degree of darkening of the teeth. In this case, the concentration of the whitening components may be higher. Professional formulations contain up to 45%. For home use, a 10% -30% concentration of whitening components is sufficient.


The mouthguard is a kind of whitening gel conductor, which allows it to be evenly distributed and held on the teeth during the procedure. This whitening method has the following properties:

  • the effect can be seen after some time, on average, the course is 2-3 months;
  • the concentration of the active ingredient is low, therefore, even sensitive enamel will not be harmed;
  • you need to wear these products for a maximum of half an hour a day;
  • when wearing caps, you do not need to sit still, you can go about your business;
  • the cost of such whitening is significantly lower than the procedure performed in clinics.

The effect can be seen over time.


Many people prefer this method of teeth whitening, because it has such advantages as:

  • the ability to use at home;
  • almost 100% visual invisibility, so mouthguards can be used in any situation and by people of different ages;
  • teeth whitening on both sides;
  • individual selection of preparations, depending on the initial shade of the teeth, the state of the enamel and the desired degree of lightening.


For many patients, the benefits of mouthguards are a decisive factor in the application. But whitening teeth with their help also has disadvantages:

  • it is inconvenient to talk when installing the cap;
  • long-term presence of the whitening gel on the teeth can thin the enamel and provoke high sensitivity;
  • the need for regular and long wearing to achieve visible results.

Before using the aligners, you should read the instructions and consult your dentist. It is also highly recommended to undergo a professional dental cleaning procedure beforehand.

Instructions for use

Strict adherence to the instructions is the key to 80% successful teeth whitening at home. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Carry out oral hygiene - brush your teeth, treat hard-to-reach areas with a special floss, blot the enamel with a paper towel.
  2. Take out the trays and fill their inner surface with whitening gel in accordance with the instructions, which can be found on the package.
  3. Fix the onlays on the jaws so that they fit snugly against the enamel without touching the gums. If the set is thermoplastic, then the trays are pre-softened in hot water.

In case of excessive application of gel, remove it with a dry paper towel. After the procedure rinse your mouth thoroughly in order to eliminate the remains of the funds. You can wear mouthguards up to 8 hours... It all depends on the composition of the gel, the level of concentration active substance.

Filling the mouthpiece with gel

After the aligners are removed, the teeth should be brushed with a fluoride paste and rinsed out with mouthwash.

If you experience unpleasant or painful sensations when using these products, the course should be stopped immediately... When the symptoms disappear after a break, the procedure can be resumed. In any case, you should consult your doctor.

You can apply the brightening gel day and night. It is worth considering that after night wear, dysfunction of the jaw joints may occur. In most cases, manufacturers indicate the wearing and exposure times of the gel.

If you wear mouth guards during the day, you should take them off during meals. It should be noted that you can eat only 2-3 hours after the procedure. Also, the diet should be free from coloring drinks and foods, and from bad habits worth giving up altogether. In the opposite case, whitening with trays will not bring results.

To fill the mouthpiece, 1 drop of brightening gel will be enough. As a standard, they are equipped with marks - letters and arrows, since the teeth of the lower and upper jaw differ in size.

Putting on the mouthguard

Whitening trays are easy to care for. After use, they are cleaned of gel residues and stored in a special ventilated case, which is usually attached when purchasing products. Mouthguards must be protected from mechanical damage and high temperatures.

Contraindications for use

There are the following contraindications for such whitening:

  • Age under 18.
  • Carrying and breastfeeding a baby.
  • Intolerance to substances that are present in the composition of the whitening gel;
  • Oral piercings.
  • Less than a month after tooth extraction.
  • Increased sensitivity of the enamel. When teeth are too susceptible to temperature and chemical irritants, whitening will provoke painful sensations.
  • Darkening of the enamel after depulpation or of a hereditary nature. This is due to the fact that with an inherited dark shade of the teeth, it is quite difficult to eliminate the problem, since when the upper layer of enamel is removed, it will be the same under it. When a tooth darkens after removing a nerve, color recovery is not possible.
  • Acute caries. If it is not treated, it will lead to painful bleaching.
  • The presence of anterior fillings or crowns. When smiling, they are noticeable and will not change their shade after the procedure, which will significantly spoil the impression.

How to make mouth guards for teeth at home

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to make whitening trays at home. Experts categorically assure that it's impossible, since these devices are produced using special equipment.

Thanks to the use of caps, you can successfully lighten tooth enamel several tones. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the teeth of a particular person, his diet and oral hygiene. And be sure to follow the instructions and recommendations of the attending physician, which will consolidate the result for a long time.

A mouthguard is an onlay for the entire dentition made of silicone, polyurethane or bioplastic. It is easy to take off and put back on without injuring the soft tissues of the oral cavity. As a rule, trays are made transparent, less often - colored.

We will tell you about the types of caps, the purpose and care of them in an article on Also here we have provided an overview of prices and designs.

Types of mouth guards

Standard mouthguards are sold in pharmacies or sports stores, are of the average size, and feel in the mouth like foreign body and make speech difficult. They are not intended for treatment, only for short-term wear. They are produced separately for the top and lower jaw or double - both at once.

Individual pads are needed to achieve a tangible healing or protective effect. They are made from an impression or intraoral scans of the jaw. The product consists of interconnected cells for each tooth, so it fits snugly to the teeth and is invisible to others.

Orthodontic mouth guard in dentistry

In orthodontics, mouth guards are used at different stages of the treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies. Distinguish:

  • Aliner - an alternative to dental braces systems, it is a set of rigid mouth guards. The computer program summarizes information about the patient's jaws and face and simulates the trajectory along which the tooth should move. Then, from 5 to 40 caps are printed on a 3D printer with a step of 0.1-0.25 mm. Each subsequent tray presses on the teeth, forcing them to move in the right direction. Not suitable for all anomalies.
  • Trainer - double-jaw mouthguard, which affects not only the teeth, but also the maxillofacial muscles, "training" them to be in the anatomically correct position. As a result, the patients develop the skill of correct swallowing, nasal breathing and pronunciation of most sounds. Children get rid of the habit of sucking their thumb or pacifier. In adults, a trainer can replace braces for mild cases of malocclusion. It is put on for several hours during the day and before bed.
  • Removable retainerorthodontic construction, which is placed after treatment with braces in order to consolidate their effect. It is prescribed at the end of the retention period, worn around the clock, excluding time for food and hygiene procedures, or worn only at night.

An orthodontic guard can replace a bracket system, but not in all cases. The choice of treatment method remains with the doctor and depends on the complexity of the diagnosis.

Dental whitening tray

Universal mouthguards are included in kits for home teeth whitening of many brands: whitening gel is squeezed inside it and put on the teeth for a certain time. It is better if the design is made to order: then the gel is distributed over the tooth surface and does not fall on the gums.

Capa for bruxism

It is worn before bed to help mitigate the effects of teeth grinding. Due to its elasticity, the mouthguard does not allow the jaws to close tightly, taking on a short-term but strong load on itself. This allows you to relax the chewing muscles, reduce the stress on the joints, and prevent the destruction of enamel, fillings and prostheses. In children, it forms the habit of not closing the teeth to the end.

Standard mouth guards for bruxism are sold in pharmacies, but it is better to make them individually. They are one- and two-jaw, daytime, nocturnal and resonant, which additionally shift the head of the temporomandibular joint. In the latter case, they are made only from a cast.

Sports mouth guard

Intraoral protection is part of the equipment of athletes in contact and extreme sports, in some disciplines it is mandatory. Most often, they wear mouthguards for the upper dentition, less often - double ones that protect both jaws. The latter more effectively protect the oral-facial area from injury, but requires the athlete to breathe with clenched teeth.

According to the manufacturing method and materials, mouthguards are distinguished:

  • Standard or template... They are made of rubber or silicone of several universal sizes, the desired one is selected according to the athlete's jaw. Suitable for beginners.
  • Thermoplastic, multi-layered bite-shaped products... After purchase, the product is dipped in hot water to soften, put on and bite to make it take the shape of the jaw. Most often purchased by amateurs.
  • Individual, made to order in dentistry... They consist of several layers, sit well on the teeth, do not distract from exercise and absorb shock. They can be printed with a picture, surname or logo. Products are chosen by professionals who are ready to invest in high-quality equipment.

If the sports mouthguards are worn out, torn or bitten, they must be replaced immediately.

Care of mouth guards

Mouth guards do not require complex maintenance, in general the rules are as follows:

  • Store in a ventilated container.
  • Wash special means, antibacterial or baby soaps, dental rinses. You can use a soft toothbrush.
  • Shoot before eating.
  • Wear night and day options at appropriate times of day.
  • Rinse sports mouthguards before and after sports.

It is necessary to regularly visit the dentist for examination, so that he noticed the defects of the mouth guard or bite in time.

Caps are made by about a third of city clinics. Most of centers holds promotions and sets discounts on products. On average, the cost is distributed as follows:

  • Traps for bruxism, sports, retainers and for whitening - from 4 110 to 16 210 rubles;
  • Trainers - from 3,540 to 72,120 rubles;
  • Aligners - from 200 140 to 540 390 rubles.

The price of aligners depends not only on the policy of the center, but also on the number of caps that will be required in a particular case, as well as on the place of their manufacture.

Literature used for the article:

  1. Study of positive and negative properties of aligners based on the opinion of orthodontists / R.A. Hasanov. - "Bulletin of Medical Internet Conferences", 2018
  2. Braces or aligners? / N.T. Ganjali - "Bulletin of Medical Internet Conferences", 2014
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