Why antidepressants are not only useless but also harmful. Are there antidepressants without side effects? When do you need an antidepressant?

Recently, the number of people suffering from depression has increased significantly. This is largely due to the frantic rhythm. modern life, increased stress level. Added to this are economic and social problems. All this cannot affect the mental and mental health of people.

People feel changes in their psyche when they are reflected in their performance and social relationships. They go to the doctor for advice, and often he diagnoses them with depression.

First of all, it should be noted that one should not be afraid of this diagnosis. The disease does not indicate that the person suffering from it is mentally or mentally disabled. It does not affect the cognitive function of the brain and can be cured in most cases.

However, depression is not easy. bad mood or the sadness that can come from time to time and on healthy people... With depression, a person loses all interest in life, feels overwhelmed and tired all the time, cannot make a single decision.

Depression is dangerous because it can affect the entire body, causing irreversible changes in its individual organs. In addition, with depression, relations with others deteriorate, work becomes impossible, thoughts of suicide appear, which can sometimes be carried out.

Depression is not really the result of a person's weak will, his insufficient efforts to correct the situation. In most cases, it is a biochemical disease caused by metabolic disorders and a decrease in the amount of certain hormones in the brain, primarily serotonin, norepinephrine and endorphin, which act as neurotransmitters.

Therefore, as a rule, it is not always possible to cure depression with non-drug means. It is well known that in a depressed mood a person can be helped by a change of environment, relaxation and auto-training methods, etc. but all these methods require significant effort on the part of the patient, his will, desire and energy. And with depression, they just do not. It turns out vicious circle... And it is often impossible to break it without the help of drugs that change the biochemical processes in the brain.

Classification of antidepressants according to the principle of action on the body

There are several options for classifying antidepressants. One of them is based on what kind of clinical effect drugs have on the nervous system. In total, there are three types of such actions:

  • Sedative
  • Balanced
  • Activating

Sedative antidepressants have a calming effect on the psyche, relieving anxiety and increasing the activity of nervous processes. Activating drugs work well with such manifestations of depression as apathy and lethargy. Balanced preparations have a universal effect. As a rule, the sedative or stimulating effect of drugs begins to be felt from the very beginning of the intake.

Classification of antidepressants according to the principle of biochemical action

This classification is considered traditional. It is based on what chemical substances included in the drug, and how they affect the biochemical processes in the nervous system.

Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)

A large and diverse group of drugs. TCAs have long been used in the treatment of depression and have a solid evidence base. The effectiveness of some drugs of the group allows us to consider them as the standard for antidepressants.

Tricyclic drugs can increase the activity of neurotransmitters - norepinephrine and serotonin, thereby reducing the causes of depression. The name of the group was given by biochemists. It is associated with appearance molecules of substances of this group, consisting of three carbon rings connected together.

TCA - effective drugsbut have a lot side effects... They are observed in about 30% of patients.

The main drugs of the group include:

  • Amitriptyline
  • Imipramine
  • Maprotiline
  • Clomipramine
  • Mianserin


Tricyclic antidepressant. Provides both antidepressant and mild analgesic effects

Ingredients: 10 or 25 mg amitriptyline hydrochloride

Dosage form: pills or tablets

Indications: depression, sleep disturbances, behavioral disturbances, mixed emotional disorders, chronic pain syndrome, migraine, enuresis.

Side effects: agitation, hallucinations, visual disturbances, tachycardia, pressure fluctuations, tachycardia, indigestion

Contraindications: heart attack, individual intolerance, lactation, alcohol and psychotropic drug intoxication, cardiac muscle conduction disorders.

Application: immediately after meals. The initial dose is 25-50 mg at night. Gradually, the daily dose is increased to 200 mg in three doses.

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors)

These are first generation antidepressants.

Monoamine oxidase is an enzyme that destroys various hormones, including neurotransmitters. MAO inhibitors interfere with this process, due to which the number of neurotransmitters in the nervous system increases, which in turn leads to the activation of mental processes.

MAO inhibitors are quite effective and cheap antidepressants, but they have a lot of side effects. These include:

  • Hypotension
  • Hallucinations
  • Insomnia
  • Agitation
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Visual impairment

When taking some drugs, you must also follow a special diet to avoid the ingestion of potentially dangerous enzymes that are metabolized by MAO.

The most modern antidepressants of this class have the ability to inhibit only one of the two types of the enzyme - MAO-A or MAO-B. These antidepressants have fewer side effects and are called selective inhibitors. Not selective inhibitors rarely used at the moment. Their main advantage is their low cost.

The main selective MAO inhibitors:

  • Moclobemide
  • Pirindol (pyrazidol)
  • Bethol
  • Metralindol
  • Harmaline
  • Selegiline
  • Razagiline

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

These drugs belong to the third generation of antidepressants. They are relatively easily tolerated by patients and have fewer contraindications and side effects compared to TCAs and MAO inhibitors. Their overdose is not so dangerous compared to other groups of drugs. The main indication for drug treatment is major depressive disorder.

The principle of operation of the drugs is based on the fact that the neurotransmitter serotonin, which is used to transmit impulses between neurons by contacts, does not return to the cell transmitting the nerve impulse when exposed to SSRI, but is transmitted to another cell. Thus, antidepressants such as SSRIs increase the activity of serotonin in the neural chain, which has a beneficial effect on brain cells affected by depression.

As a rule, drugs in this group are especially effective for severe depression. With depressive disorders, small and middle degree the severity of the effect of drugs is not so noticeable. However, a number of doctors have a different opinion, which is that it is preferable to use proven TCAs in severe forms of depression.

The therapeutic effect of SSRIs does not appear immediately, usually after 2-5 weeks of administration.

This class includes substances such as:

  • Fluoxetine
  • Paroxetine
  • Citalopram
  • Sertraline
  • Fluvoxamine
  • Escitalopram


Antidepressant, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Has an antidepressant effect, relieves feelings of depression

Release form: Tablets 10 mg

Indications: depression of various origins, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa

Contraindications: epilepsy, tendency to seizures, severe renal or liver failure, glaucoma, adenoma, suicidal tendencies, taking MAO inhibitors

Side effects: hyperhidrosis, chills, serotonin intoxication, indigestion

Application: regardless of food intake. The usual regimen is once a day, in the morning, 20 mg. After three weeks, the dose can be doubled.

Fluoxetine analogs: Deprex, Prodep, Prozac

Other types of drugs

There are also other groups of drugs, for example, norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, noradrenergic and specific serotonergic drugs, melatonergic antidepressants. Among such drugs are Bupropion (Zyban), Maprotiline, Reboxetine, Mirtazapine, Trazadone, Agomelatine. All these are good antidepressants, proven in practice.

Bupropion (Zyban)

Antidepressant, selective norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Antagonist of nicotinic receptors, due to which it is widely used in the treatment of nicotine addiction.

Release form: Tablets 150 and 300 mg.

Indications: depression, social phobia, nicotine addiction, seasonal affective disorders.

Contraindications: allergy to components, age up to 18 years, concomitant use with MAO inhibitors, anorexia nervosa, convulsive disorders.

Side effects: an overdose of the drug is extremely dangerous, which can cause epileptic seizures (2% of patients at a dose of 600 mg). Urticaria, anorexia or lack of appetite, tremors, tachycardia are also observed.

Application: the medicine should be taken once a day, in the morning. Typical dose is 150 mg, maximum daily dose is 300 mg.

New generation antidepressants

These are new drugs, which mainly include SSRI antidepressants. Among the drugs synthesized relatively recently, drugs have shown themselves well:

  • Sertraline
  • Fluoxetine
  • Fluvoxamine
  • Mirtazalin
  • Escitalopram

Difference between antidepressants and tranquilizers

Many believe that good remedy tranquilizers are used to fight depression. But in reality, this is not the case, although tranquilizers are often used to treat depression.

What is the difference between these classes of drugs? Antidepressants are drugs that generally have a stimulating effect, normalize mood, and relieve mental problems associated with a lack of certain neurotransmitters. This class of drugs works for a long time and does not affect people with a healthy nervous system.

Tranquilizers, as a rule, are quick-acting remedies. They can be used to combat depression, but mostly as adjuvants. The essence of their effect on the human psyche is not in the correction of his emotional background in the long term, as in drugs for depression, but in the suppression of manifestations of negative emotions. They can be used as a means to reduce fear, anxiety, agitation, panic attacks etc. Thus, they are more anti-anxiety and anti-anxiety drugs than antidepressants. In addition, during the course of treatment, most tranquilizers, especially diazepine drugs, are addictive and addictive.

Can you buy antidepressants without a prescription?

According to the rules for dispensing medicines in force in Russia, obtaining psychotropic drugs in pharmacies requires a doctor's prescription, that is, a prescription. And antidepressants are no exception. Therefore, in theory, strong antidepressants cannot be bought without prescriptions. In practice, of course, pharmacists can sometimes turn a blind eye to the rules in pursuit of profit, but this phenomenon cannot be taken for granted. And if you are given medicine without a prescription in one pharmacy, this does not mean that the situation will be the same in another.

You can buy without a doctor's prescription only drugs for the treatment of mild depressive disorders such as Afobazole, "daytime" tranquilizers and herbal preparations. But in most cases they can hardly be classified as real antidepressants. It would be more correct to classify them as sedatives.


Anti-anxiety, anxiolytic and mild antidepressant drug produced in Russia without side effects. Non-prescription drug.

Method of production: Tablets 5 and 10 mg

Indications: anxiety disorders and states of various origins, sleep disorders, neurocirculatory dystonia, alcohol withdrawal.

Side effects: Side effects while taking the drug are extremely rare. These can be allergic reactions, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, headaches.

Application: it is advisable to take the drug after meals. A single dose is 10 mg, a daily dose is 30 mg. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of tablets, age up to 18 years, pregnancy and lactation

Why self-treatment for depression is dangerous

There are many factors to consider when treating depression. This is the patient's state of health, the physiological parameters of his body, a type of disease, and other drugs he takes. Not every patient will be able to independently analyze all the factors and choose a medicine and its dosage in such a way that it would be useful and would not cause harm. Only specialists - psychotherapists and neuropathologists with extensive practical experience will be able to solve this problem and say which antidepressants are best used for a particular patient. After all, the same medicine used by different people will lead in one case to a complete cure, in another it will not have any effect, in the third it may even aggravate the situation.

Almost all drugs for depression, even the lightest and safest, can cause side effects. And there are no strong drugs without side effects. Prolonged uncontrolled use of drugs or exceeding the dosage is especially dangerous. In this case, intoxication of the body with serotonin (serotonin syndrome) may occur, which can be fatal.

How do I get a prescription for a drug?

If you think you are depressed, it is recommended that you see a psychotherapist or neurologist. Only he can carefully examine your symptoms and prescribe the appropriate drug in your case.

Herbal remedies for depression

The most popular herbal preparations for uplifting today contain extracts of mint, chamomile, valerian, motherwort. But the drugs containing St. John's wort have shown the greatest effectiveness in depression.

The mechanism of the therapeutic action of St. John's wort has not yet been precisely clarified, but scientists believe that the enzyme hypericin contained in it can accelerate the synthesis of norepinephrine from dopamine. St. John's wort also contains other substances that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and other body systems - flavonoids, tannins, essential oils.

St. John's wort preparations are mild antidepressants. They will not help with all depression, especially with its severe forms. However, the effectiveness of St. John's wort in mild to moderate depression has been proven to be serious. clinical research, in which it showed itself no worse, and in some parameters even better than the popular tricyclic drugs for depression and SSRIs. In addition, St. John's wort preparations have a relatively small number of side effects. They can be taken by children from the age of 12. Among negative effects of taking St. John's wort preparations, the phenomenon of photosensitization should be noted, which consists in the fact that when the skin is exposed to sunlight during the course of treatment with the drug, rashes and burns may appear on it.

St. John's wort medicines are sold without a prescription. So if you're looking for an over-the-counter anti-depression remedy, then this class of drugs might be your best bet.

Some preparations based on St. John's wort:

  • Negrustin
  • Deprim
  • Gelarium Hypericum
  • Neuroplant


Antidepressant and anti-anxiety agent based on St. John's wort extract

Release form: there are two forms of release - capsules containing 425 mg of St. John's wort extract and a solution for internal administration, poured into bottles of 50 and 100 ml.

Indications: mild to moderate depression, depression of the hypochondriacal type, anxiety, manic-depressive states, syndrome chronic fatigue.

Contraindications: photodermatitis, endogenous depression, pregnancy and lactation, concomitant use of MAO inhibitors, cyclosporine, digoxin and some other drugs.

Side effects: eczema, hives, increased allergic reactions, gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, iron deficiency anemia.

Application: three times a day, taken in a capsule of Negrustin or 1 ml of solution. Children under 16 are prescribed 1-2 capsules a day. The maximum daily dose is 6 capsules or 6 ml of solution.

List of popular drugs alphabetically

Name Active substance A type Special properties
Amitriptyline TCA
Agomelatine melatonergic antidepressant
Ademetionine mild atypical antidepressant hepatoprotector
Adepress Paroxetine
Azafen Pipofezin
Azilekt Razagiline
Aleval Sertraline
Amisole Amitriptyline
Anafranil Clomipramine
Asentra Sertraline
Aurorix Moclobemide
Afobazol anxiolytic and anti-anxiety drug can be used for mild depression, OTC
Bupropion atypical antidepressant used in the treatment of nicotine addiction
Valdoxan Agomelatine
Wellbutrin Bupropion
Gerbion Hypericum hypericin
Heptor Ademetionine
Hypericin atypical antidepressant a drug vegetable origin, over-the-counter
Deprex Fluoxetine
Deprefault sertraline
Deprim hypericin
Doxepin TCA
Zyban Bupropion
Zoloft sertraline
Ixel Milnacipran
Imipramine TCA
Calixta Mirtazapine
Clomipramine TCA
Coaxil Tianeptine
Lenuxin Escitalopram
Lerivon Mianserin
Maprotiline tetracyclic antidepressant, selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
Melipramine Imipramine
Metralindol reversible selective MAO inhibitor type A
Miansan Mianserin
Mianserin TCA
Miaser Mianserin
Milnacipran selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
Miracitol Escitalopram
Mirtazapine noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressant new generation drug
Moclobemide selective MAO inhibitor type A
Negrustin hypericin
Neuroplant hypericin
Newvelong Venflaxin
Paroxetine SSRI
Paxil paroxetine
Pipofezin TCA
Pyrazidol Pirlindol
Pirlindol reversible selective MAO inhibitor type A
Plizil paroxetine
Prodep fluoxetine
Prozac fluoxetine
Reboxetine selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor
Reksetin Paroxetine
Remeron Mirtazapine
Selegiline selective MAO inhibitor type B
Selectra Escitalopram
Serenata Sertraline
Surlift Sertraline
Sertraline SSRI new generation drug
Siozam Citalopram
Stimuloton Sertraline
Tianeptine atypical TCA
Trazadone serotonin reuptake antagonist / inhibitor
Trittico Trazadone
Thorin Sertraline
Fevarin Fluvoxamine
Fluvoxamine SSRI new generation drug
Fluoxetine SSRI
Tsipralex Escitalopram
Tsipramil Citalopram
Zitalon Citalopram
Citalopram SSRI
Acipe Escitalopram
Elicea Escitalopram
Escitalopram SSRI

List of antidepressants produced in Russia and Ukraine:

Azafen MAKIZ Pharma
Adepress Veropharm
Amitriptyline ALSI Pharma, Moscow Endocrine Plant, Alvivls, Veropharm
Afobazol Pharmstandard
Heptor Veropharm
Clomipramine Vector Farm
Melipramine Egis Rus
Miaser Pharma Start
Ixel Sotex
Paroxetine Berezovsky pharmaceutical plant, Alvils
Pyrazidol Pharmstandard, Lugansk KhFZ
Siozam VeroFarm
Stimuloton Egis Rus
Thorin Veropharm
Trittico CS Si Ltd
Fluoxetine Vector Medica, Medisorb, Production of Medicines, Valeant, Ozone, Biocom, Russian Cardiological Research and Production Complex, Vector Pharm
Citalopram ALSI Pharma
Acipe VeroFarm
Escitalopram Berezovsky pharmaceutical plant

Approximate price of drugs

Name Price from
Adepress 595 RUB
Azafen RUB 25
Amitriptyline RUB 25
Anafranil 331 r
Asentra 732 RUB
Afobazol 358 RUB
Valdoxan RUB 925
Heptor 979 r
Deprim 226 r
Zoloft 489 r
Ixel 1623 RUB
Calixta 1102 RUB
Clomipramine 224 r
Lenuxin RUB 613
Lerivon 1060 RUB
Melipramine RUB 380
Miratazapine RUB 619
Paxil 728 RUB
Paroxetine 347 r
Pyrazidol 171 r
Plizil 397 r
Razagiline 5793 RUB
Reksetin 789 r
Remeron 1364 RUB
Selectra 953 r
Serenata 1127 RUB
Surlift 572 r
Siozam 364 RUB
Stimuloton 422 r
Thorin 597 r
Trittico 666 RUB
Fevarin 761 RUB
Fluoxetine RUB 31
Tsipramil 1910 RUB
Tsipralex 1048 RUB
Citalopram 386 r
Acipe 439 r
Elicea 597 r
Escitalopram 307 r

Antidepressants are medications, which, along with other therapeutic methods, are used in the treatment of various types of depression. When we deal with antidepressants, it is quite difficult to assess how effective a particular drug is for a given patient, since these medicines begin to act some time after the start of therapy. In most cases, you need to take the drug for four to six weeks before it starts working. When the antidepressant starts to work, you may notice some side effects, and after a while, you will appear. positive action drug: you will feel a surge of strength and energy and will look more positively at life. If the prescribed antidepressant does not have the desired effect or causes too many side effects, the doctor may change the drug and adjust the treatment plan. Today, doctors most often prescribe as antidepressants selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), selective norepinephrine and dopamine reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs and antibiotics), and tricyclic drugs antidepressants. Your healthcare provider will monitor whether the prescribed treatment regimen is working for you and will recommend alternative treatments based on your condition.

Attention: the information in this article is for informational purposes only. Consult your healthcare professional before using any medication.


Identify signs that your treatment is effective

    Be patient. Be prepared in advance that it will take time to find antidepressants (or a combination of drugs) that will work for you. It is often necessary to change several drugs until you can find the right one. In addition, you need to take the drugs for a long time (from four to six weeks) for them to begin to have a noticeable effect on a person's condition.

    Watch your condition improve. Keep a journal to describe your symptoms daily. If, before starting treatment, you felt that the future was bleak and hopeless, try to pay attention to how your attitude towards the future has changed two weeks after starting a course of antidepressants. If you have a feeling that you are doing everything slowly and have difficulty concentrating on tasks, check to see if these symptoms have changed with the influence of treatment.

    Pay attention to the positive changes. If you start feeling more energetic during the day or less pessimistic about life, this is an indicator that your antidepressants are taking effect. If you notice an improvement in your well-being two to six weeks after starting treatment, this is a very good sign.

    Pay attention to side effects. Antidepressants work to reduce the symptoms of depression, however, like any medication, they have side effects. Therefore, you need to pay attention to both the improvement of your condition and the side effects that may arise from taking the drug. Although new generation antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs N) have far fewer side effects than previous generation drugs, various undesirable symptoms occur quite often during treatment. Side effects include decreased sex drive, dry mouth, nausea, sleep disturbances, anxiety and anxiety, weight gain, drowsiness, and constipation and diarrhea. In most cases, side effects appear before they develop. therapeutic action from taking the drug. Thus, if you notice the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, this may be a signal that the drug is starting to work. However, you need to tell your doctor that you have any side effects.

    Look for signs that antidepressants are not having the desired therapeutic effect. It is extremely important to monitor your condition in order to notice in time that the prescribed treatment is ineffective. There are quite a few signs to help you determine if the prescribed antidepressant is not right for you. Particular attention should be paid to abrupt, unreasonable changes in mood, the appearance of suicidal thoughts, as well as an increase in the general level of energy, accompanied by a depressed emotional state. Below are some of the symptoms that indicate that the prescribed treatment regimen is not right for you.

    Record your mood in the CBT Self-Help Guide app. it mobile app for keeping a diary, where you can keep track of how you perceive events occurring during the day and react to them. You need to write in a diary information about events in your life, associated mood and intensity of emotions. This will help you track symptoms of depression while you are taking antidepressants. If you start using this app before starting treatment, you can use it to assess whether your mood has improved since starting. drug therapy... Unfortunately, this app is currently only available in English.

    Install the MoodKit app (in English). This app will help you track your mood and learn about various activities to improve your mood. This application will be useful for people with mild depression, but it is unlikely to help with moderate to severe forms of the disease. In this case, this application can be used as an additional tool for tracking mood, which you will use in conjunction with other therapeutic methods. You can also use a similar application in Russian "Diary - Mood Tracker".

    Use the free T2 Mood Tracker app (in English). This application will help you track your emotional state at different points in time, and its functionality includes the ability to present information in a graphical form. This will allow you to monitor the manifestations of depression so that you can more reliably communicate this information to your doctor. By carefully and accurately entering information into the app and discussing dynamics with your doctor, you can reliably determine how well your antidepressants are working.

The ideological basis of the work of doctors and psychologists is the principle "Do no harm!"... The ambiguous effect of antidepressants on the human body and possible side effects are known and are always taken into account by the attending physician when prescribing a particular drug to a patient.

The doctor's goal is to eliminate the disease, so an antidepressant is in any case prescribed if there are indications for its use, while the doctor starts from the idea that the benefits of the drug will undoubtedly be greater than the possible damage to the body.

The problem is that it is impossible to know for sure how the human body will react to a particular antidepressant in advance. It sometimes takes several months to find a suitable remedy for a patient and not a single attempt to replace the medication.

However, to date, antidepressant drugs remain the main means of struggle with diseases such as:

  • depression,
  • bipolar disorder,
  • dysthymia,
  • anxiety disorder
  • panic attacks,
  • post-traumatic syndrome,
  • phobias,
  • bulimia and anorexia,
  • severe pains of an unexplained nature and other diseases.

The more severe the psychological problem and the more "neglected" it is, the more likely it is that the help of a psychologist alone will not be enough. The problem will turn into a disease, and the client into a patient who already psychiatrist will prescribe a course of taking antidepressants.

Maybe if our society was culturally developed to such an extent that people strive to solve their psychological problems as soon as they arise, and not reaching the "handle", antidepressants would not be needed. After all, most serious mental problems are the result of the growth or accumulation of a huge number of smaller and seemingly frivolous psychological problems, as well as an elementary absence psychological culture personality!

According to statistics 10% people in developed countries buy antidepressants simply to improve their mood. But after all, a low mood is not such a big problem, so as not to cope with it on your own! To solve it, you do not need to run for pills, it is better to try to understand yourself, to help yourself. But people easier drink a "magic pill" rather than look for the cause of low mood, eliminate it and resort to more natural and useful way uplifting mood.

Someone will say: “I don't have time to understand myself and have fun! A lot of work, children, debts, worries and so on! ". Without denying the negative impact of the accelerated pace of life, poor ecology, negative factors of work and other negative phenomena of life in the modern world, I would like to note that work on yourself (mainly consisting in the timely solution of internal problems) is a guarantee of psychological well-being and health, and therefore happiness! And what could be more important than this ?!

Everyone wants to be happy, therefore, strives to bring into his life as many "attributes" of happiness as possible (to get married / get married, take a high position, get rich, make the body perfect, and so on). But doing the form, many forget about content: getting married does not mean to become a happy wife, to get the desired position - to be realized in the profession, to lose weight - to love yourself, and so on. The content of life is composed of thoughts, desires, intentions, actions of a person, his worldview, attitude to the world and to himself. External world a person, by and large, is determined by the internal.

Taking antidepressants is last resort... You need to do everything possible, that is, help yourself by yourself (change thoughts, habits, worldview) and seek help from specialists(psychologists, psychotherapists) in order to reduce the likelihood of an extreme condition ( mental disorder or pathology), when you can't help yourself otherwise than with pills.

Moreover, conducted relatively recently, in 2012, research showed that even the most advanced, new, fourth generation, antidepressants are not as effective as previously thought. What's more, scientists have concluded that the side effects of these drugs may outweigh the potential benefits!

Unfortunately, many modern treatment standards do more harm than good to a person and contradict the principle "Do no harm!"

As Ilf and Petrov wrote in their novel "The Twelve Chairs": "The salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves!" This principle also applies to the treatment of depression, and not only because modern medicine is far from perfect, but because no one can help a person if he does not want help yourself!

How antidepressants work

To understand how antidepressants affect the body, you need to study how the brain works. For a person who is not familiar with the anatomy and physiology of higher nervous activity, this will not be easy. But basic postulates you can understand:

Most often, the "culprit" of depression is precisely insufficient serotonin levels... It is interesting that this, as ancient as the world, the substance scientists have found not only in human body, but also in plants, mushrooms, fruits and in animals.

In particular, studies carried out on laboratory animals have shown that only 5% of serotonin is found in the brain, a little more in the blood, and the bulk in the intestines! This explains why people get pleasure food (especially foods containing a high "dose" of serotonin, such as bananas and chocolate), and some develop addiction to certain foods!

In general, the process of producing serotonin is determined by the work of the central nervous system.

It is important that when there are fewer "happiness-carrying" neurotransmitters in the brain for some reason, there are less than it should be, that is not enough, the work of the nervous system is disrupted. Hence the bad mood, apathy, depression, unfounded fears and other problems.

Antidepressants Are chemical drugs that prevent the breakdown of neurotransmitters in the human brain. In simple terms, antidepressants do the work that the brain should normally do on its own. They do this in order to restore balance and harmony to the body.

Here lies the main problem... If you accustom your brain to the fact that there is an artificial alternative to natural neurotransmitters, you can develop an addiction to antidepressants. Helping antidepressants can be a disservice if taken incorrectly.

Modern antidepressants have been successful in treating the symptoms of depression and related mental disorders. If the medicine is chosen correctly, balance, energy, the ability to enjoy life both during and after taking the medicine returns to the person.

But it often happens that after the drug is discontinued, relapse, that is, the return of all symptoms of the disease and even a deterioration in the patient's well-being.

Antidepressant withdrawal symptoms are similar to withdrawal symptoms in a drug addict. Their totality was called antidepressant withdrawal syndrome.This is drowsiness and aches throughout the body, and headache, and all the same feeling of hopelessness and terrible anxiety.

It is very important that the doctor selects not only the correct antidepressant, but also accurately determines the dose and duration of its use!

Today, doctors try to prescribe only a short and gentle course of treatment with antidepressants (including a one-time dose), and they are canceled gradually within six months after undergoing the main course of treatment, so that the body gradually weaned from outside help and got used to working on its own.

If antidepressants are taken too long, addiction can develop. Antidepressant addiction looks like a narcotic. The body becomes accustomed to antidepressants and becomes unable to maintain homeostasis without them. It is very difficult to get rid of this addiction.

Over-the-counter pharmacies, of course, do not dispense any strong antidepressant, but some mild antidepressants are sold, mainly on a plant basis. It is these drugs that are most often used by people who want to quickly get rid of a heavy mood, anxiety and just excitement, while not seeking medical advice.

OTC antidepressants seem harmless, but even these drugs should be used with caution, they can also be addictive! Always read the instructions carefully before use and do not exceed the permissible dose of the medication!

Self-medication and taking too long antidepressants (including those prescribed by a doctor) can cause irreparable harm to human health.

Side effects

When a person begins to take the right antidepressant for him, he feels much better, anxiety, panic, apathy, insomnia, suicidal thoughts and other symptoms of depression or other mental disorder go away.

But at the same time, such side effects of taking antidepressantsas:

Even an over-the-counter drug as effective, natural, time-tested and experimental as tincture of St. John's worthas a number of side effects, such as:

  • feeling of fullness in the stomach
  • constipation,
  • nausea,
  • flatulence,
  • dizziness,
  • headache,
  • increased fatigue,
  • photosensitivity (increased sensitivity to light).

You can imagine what the consequences will be if you use the antidepressant longer and more than it should be!

For example, it has been established that if, normally, when taking an antidepressant in a person, only a decrease in libido can be observed, then in case of an overdose, damage and death of reproductive cells begins.

In addition to side effects, natural, over-the-counter and prescription antidepressants have a number of contraindications and incompatibility with some other drugs. It is also important to consider these points.

Pill or dummy?

Side effects and the risk factor for dependence on antidepressants have worried scientists ever since the drugs were first introduced in the middle of the last century.

American and British scientists have carried out many experiments and experiments in order to find a solution to the problem "how to treat people from depression without harming their own health?"

Most interesting is the following conclusion: the effectiveness of antidepressant and placebo almost the same!

This information also "surfaced" and was confirmed several years ago when a group of scientists in the United States demanded that the organization that controls the release of licensed drugs provide access to all published and unpublished (!) Studies on the effectiveness of antidepressants.

Analysis of published materials showed that antidepressants were 94% more effective than placebo. When unpublished materials were added to the published ones, this indicator decreased, only in half of the cases ( 50% ) the antidepressant was more effective than placebo.

In the UK today, the difference between a placebo and a real drug is considered so small that in most cases people are given a dummy! Antidepressants are prescribed only in very severe cases.

Placebo from Latin it is translated as "I will please - I will like it". This substance without medicinal properties (most commonly lactose) used as a medicine. The therapeutic effect of such a "dummy" is due to by faith the patient into the effectiveness of the drug.

The conclusion is simple: main component any medicine must have a person's faith in his recovery!

An alternative drug treatment depression and other similar diseases are psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, as well as simple joys and life values: walking in the fresh air, playing sports, good nutrition, healthy sleep, travel, study, hobby, friendship, love, altruism.

Myosin protein molecules walk along the actin filament, dragging a ball of endorphin with them into the inner part of the parietal cortex of the brain (precuneus), which is responsible for happiness.

Have you ever taken antidepressants (including over-the-counter drugs such as Novo-Passit or Negrustin)?

Antidepressants are medicationswhich are aimed at treating and eliminating various types of depression.It is necessary to distinguish between just a bad mood and drug-induced depression. You do not need to swallow pills if you are able to cope with stress on your own. Antidepressants have a number of side effectsthat can aggravate the situation.

Depression can trigger a variety of illnesses

There are visible and invisible causes of depression. Visible ones can be immediately recognized.

This could be:

  1. Loss of loved ones;
  2. Job loss;
  3. Some bright unpleasant event in life.

And there are invisible reasons when neither you nor the doctor can immediately identify a sharp deterioration emotional state... Perhaps something was accumulating inside, or you realized some unpleasant things.

Most often, emotional disorders in people are observed in the spring and autumn periods. This is due to the fact that there is a sharp change in the weather. In one case - for the better, in the other - for the worse. Such changes are reflected in our condition, and in some people too much.

How to get rid of depression?

To prevent the body from experiencing a deficiency of serotonin, try to always make your life brighter than it is now. Say yes to your life!

  1. Participate in all the activities that someone else offers you. If there are none, then most likely you have a bunch of themed evenings and parties in the city.
  2. Get involved in sports, if not professionally, then at least as an amateur. At any time of the year, you can lead an interesting sports life: rollerblading or ice skating, cycling or skiing, swimming in the river or in the pool, working out in the gym.
  3. Find new friends. You can get acquainted both on the Internet and in everyday life. You will see how varied life can be.
  4. Eat right, sometimes indulge in chocolate, eat more fruits, especially bananas and citrus fruits. They can help lift your mood, and antidepressants may not even come in handy;
  5. Travel when you can. If it is not there, then explore the nearby territories, there are also many interesting things.
  6. Find a circle of interests - participation in a get-together, in various business communities, musical events can very well change your life. Try to find them, if it didn't work out - organize it yourself!

Antidepressant names

Now we will analyze what antidepressants are. It should be remembered, as a rule, they are prohibited for sale without a prescription. Therefore, either you go to the doctor and he writes you a prescription, or you use antidepressant drugs that can be bought at the pharmacy, more on that below. Of course, private pharmacies, for their own benefit, can sell antidepressants without a prescription, risking and breaking the law. But you need to understand that such laws were invented for a reason. Taking strong antidepressants puts your health at risk.

Medications for depression:

  • tryptophan;
  • rexetin;
  • noofen;
  • fluoxetine;
  • sonopax;
  • amitriptyline;
  • paxil;
  • grandaxin.

a) "Paxil"; b) Noofen

Side effects of antidepressants

Taking such drugs on your own can cause unpleasant side effects.

This could be:

  • headache;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • insomnia;
  • anxiety;
  • lack of appetite;
  • temperature.

And other disorders. They depend on the type of medication.

Taking antidepressants - reviews

In their reviews, women often complain about side effects, but there are those who really helped.

Many people have already tried antidepressants, some were prescribed by a doctor, others were able to buy them on their own. What to do for you - see for yourself, but we recommend that you first consult with knowledgeable person... Since you can plunge into the state of an even larger vegetable than you were before.

Antidepressants without a prescription

There are antidepressants that you can buy over the counter without a prescription:

  1. afobazole;
  2. new passite;
  3. hawthorn tincture;
  4. valerian tincture;
  5. nigrustin.

Most of them are made on the basis of herbs and do not cause addiction, do not harm the body. If the situation has not gone far, then it is better to do with simple drugs.

Antidepressant treatment - consequences

Antidepressants can cause addiction, hallucinations, and sleep disturbances. Decreased libido is possible. Therefore, strong drugs should only be taken as directed by a doctor. In mild cases, you can get by with a tincture of hawthorn or valerian.

The modern "frantic" rhythm of life, the endless flow of information that a person needs to process every day, as well as many others, mostly negative factors, lead to the fact that the body and psyche can not stand it. Insomnia and stress, impaired performance and communication, often ignored, and most often drowned out by drugs or other potent substances, ultimately lead to such complex diseases as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and various depression. According to forecasts of medical analysts, depression by the 20s of this century will outstrip the leaders of the 20th century in the number of sick people - infectious diseases and diseases of cardio-vascular system... In the fight against depressive disorders, various drugs are used, created both on the basis of natural and synthetic components.

Antidepressants - what are they? What are they and can these medications cure depression or only relieve its symptoms? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such drugs? In this article we will try to answer these and other questions about antidepressants, the effect of their use and the consequences of taking them.

What it is?

As the name suggests, antidepressants (also called thymoleptics) are psychotropic medicines that work against the symptoms of depression. Thanks to such drugs, increased anxiety and excessive emotional stress, lethargy and lethargy, insomnia are significantly reduced and even completely disappear. The drugs belonging to this group are different both in chemical structure and composition, and in the mechanism of action.

How it works?

Let's see, antidepressants - what is it: the destruction of the body or help to the exhausted human psyche. Let's take a look at how these drugs work. Human brain consists of many neurons - nerve cells that constantly carry out information exchange among themselves. To carry out such a transfer of information, special intermediary substances are needed - neurotransmitters that penetrate the synaptic clefts in the space between neurons. Modern researchers identify more than 30 different mediators, but only three of them are "directly" related to the development and course of depression: serotonin, norepinephrine (norepinephrine) and dopamine. According to research data, depression occurs when there is a significant quantitative decrease in neurotransmitters at the sites of neuronal interaction. The action of antidepressants is aimed at increasing the number of necessary mediators and normalizing the biochemical balance of the brain.

A bit of history

Before proceeding to consider modern groups and types of antidepressants, we will briefly tell you about the history of their discovery.

Until the mid-twentieth century, depressions and various neurotic states with similar symptoms were treated with a variety of herbal preparations... Various aphrodisiac formulations have been used to "lift the mood", including caffeine, ginseng, or opiates. They tried to "calm down" nervous excitement with bromine salts or drugs based on medicinal valerian. Also used different kinds gymnastics and physiotherapy procedures, the effectiveness of which was rather insignificant.

In the early 50s of the twentieth century, the drug "Promethazine" was created, originally used for anesthesia in surgical operations... Pharmacologists tried to enhance the inhibitory and suppressive effect of this medication, with the result that by 1951 "Chlorpromazine" was obtained, which became widely used in medical practice for the treatment of depression. Today this drug is known as "Aminazin".

In the late 1960s, a rather unusual side effect of a drug such as Iproniazide was noted by Swiss doctors treating tuberculosis patients. Patients who received it were characterized by increased mood. Gradually they began to use it in psychiatric practice, since it helped very little against tuberculosis. Around the same time, German researcher Ronald Kuhn discovered the drug Imipramine.

The discovery of the first thymoleptics led to the rapid development of pharmacological research in this area and the creation of new medicines aimed at combating the symptoms and causes of depressive disorders.

Modern classification

Depending on the effect of the use of antidepressants on the depressed patient, they are subdivided as follows:


Main action



Removal of psycho-emotional stress without sleeping pills

"Herfonal", "Amitriptyline"

Balanced action

It is possible to take which only by appointment and under the supervision of the attending physician, since when taking large doses, a stimulating effect occurs, but medium doses have a calming effect




Used in the treatment of depressive conditions with symptoms of lethargy and apathy




In addition, there is a classification based on how the action of antidepressants affects the course of biochemical processes in the human body:

  • TCAs are tricyclic thymoanaleptics.
  • MAOIs - monoamine oxidase inhibitors:

Irreversible ("Tranylcypromine", "Fenelzine");

Reversible ("Pyrazidol", "Moclobemide").

  • IIPS - inhibitors of selective uptake of serotonin;
  • IOZSIN - serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors;
  • NaSSA - noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants.

There are also a number of antidepressant drugs that cannot be attributed to any of these groups.

TCA: what is it?

Tricyclic drugs such as Nortriptyline, Imipramine, and Amyltriptyline get their name from their underlying triple carbon ring. These antidepressant drugs increase the amount of neurotransmitters in the brain such as norepinephrine (norepinephrine) and serotonin (the hormone of happiness). This is achieved by reducing the level of their consumption by nerve cells - neurons.

Due to the fact that when taking these drugs, not only the necessary neurotransmitters are blocked, many different side effects occur. Taking tricyclic antidepressants can cause the following side effects:

  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • increased heart rate - pulse;
  • constipation;
  • decreased potency and libido;
  • worry or anxiety.

Such drugs are usually prescribed by doctors first, because they are the most studied and the consequences of their use are well known.

MAOIs - monoamine oxidase inhibitors

The drug "Iproniazid", discovered one of the first, as well as other drugs of this group, such as "Isocarboxazid", "Tranylcypromine", suppress the enzymatic reaction of monoamine oxidase contained in nerve endings. Thanks to this, neurotransmitters responsible for our mood, such as serotonin, tyramine and norepinephrine, are not destroyed, but gradually accumulate in the brain.

Most often, MAOI antidepressants are prescribed when or in the case when the drugs of the tricyclic group did not fit and did not have the desired effect. The advantage of drugs in this group is that they do not have a suppressive effect, but, on the contrary, stimulate mental processes.

Just like tricyclic drugs, MAOIs do not have an immediate effect on a person's condition - the effect of antidepressants occurs several weeks after the start of their intake.

Due to the fact that they have many side effects (and, moreover, they easily interact with medicines for coughs and colds and are able to provoke a life-threatening increase blood pressure), and also because of a rather strict diet, when taking them, such drugs are prescribed quite rarely, when other methods of treatment have not helped.

Inhibitors of selective serotonin uptake

The groups of TCAs and MAOIs we have considered are mostly long-established and well-studied drugs. But the "old" generations of antidepressants are gradually being replaced by more modern medicines, the action of which blocks not all mediators, but only one and only - serotonin, preventing its reabsorption by neurons. Due to this, its concentration increases and it turns out healing effect... The IIPS includes such modern drugslike "Fluoxetine", "Sertraline", "Zoloft", "Paroxetine" and others. The drugs in this group have fewer side effects, and they do not so much affect the human body.

Serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

These are fairly new drugs, which are already classified as the third generation of antidepressants. They began to be produced in the mid-90s of the twentieth century.

Such drugs as "Cimbalta", "Effexor" block the reuptake of not only serotonin, but also norepinephrine, but such drugs as "Wellbutrin" and "Zyban" prevent the return of norepinephrine and dopamine.

The side effects of drugs in this group are significantly less than those of others, and they are rather weak. After taking antidepressants based on inhibitors such as Duloxetine and Bupropion, weight gain and minor dysfunctions in the sexual sphere may be observed.

Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic antidepressants - HACCA

Another of the modern groups of antidepressant drugs is HACCA, which slow down or completely stop the seizure of norepinephrine by the synapses of nerve cells, thereby increasing its concentration. Such medicines as "Remeron", "Lerivon", "Serzon" block serotonin receptors.

Mild unpleasant side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth, increased appetite and associated weight gain are observed with drugs in this group. Cancellation of antidepressants of this group proceeds without any serious problems.

In addition to the main groups of antidepressants presented above, there are a number of drugs that cannot be attributed to any of them. They differ in both chemical composition and mechanism of action. These are, for example, drugs such as "Bupropion", "Hypericin", "Tianeptine", "Nefazodone" and many others.

Alternative methods

Today, foreign experts are increasingly using drugs to treat depressive conditions that affect not neurotransmitters and neurotransmitters, but the state of such organs. endocrine systemlike the adrenal glands, hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Some of these drugs, for example, "Aminoglutethimide" and "Ketoconazole", block the synthesis of the hormone cortisol by the adrenal glands, but they have many side effects and have a negative effect on the endocrine system.

The second group is customary to include antagonists of antalarmine receptors, which combine positive traitspossessed by tranquilizers and antidepressants.

In addition to drug treatment of depressive conditions, methods such as intermittent normobaric hypoxia and plasmapheresis, light therapy, and many others are increasingly used to reduce manifestations and alleviate symptoms.

Pros and cons

Most of those who have taken antidepressants agree that these are very effective drugs, especially when taken at the same time as a specialist therapy. It should be remembered that these drugs, as well as their dosage, can only be prescribed by a doctor, under whose supervision they must be taken. Do not expect an instant improvement in the condition. As a rule, a feeling of hopelessness and loss of interest in life, as well as lethargy, apathy and sadness disappear 3-4 weeks after the start of a systematic intake.

One of the biggest drawbacks of these drugs is the withdrawal syndrome of antidepressants, which manifests itself with a sharp and uncontrolled cessation of their intake.

How to apply correctly?

1. If you have a diagnosed heart, kidney or liver disease, be sure to tell your doctor.

2. Antidepressants work individually, so the specialist will select the drug that is right for you.

3. In some cases, one medication is not enough, the doctor may prescribe the simultaneous intake of several (tranquilizers and antidepressants, antipsychotics and any anticonvulsants). Based on the diagnosis and monitoring your somatic condition, the specialist will select drugs that can complement each other and will not have a negative effect on the human body.

4. Do not stop taking antidepressant drugs suddenly and without consulting a specialist, as this can aggravate the course of depression and cause various unpleasant physiological reactions.

5. Many people ask about drinking together. All instructions for medicines indicate that this is categorically unacceptable, as it can lead to serious damage to the nervous system, up to and including death.

Withdrawal or addiction?

If you have been taking antidepressants long time, and then for any reason abruptly stopped, unpleasant sensations may occur, such as emotionally unstable behavior, increased fatigue, muscle pain, dizziness. All of these symptoms are known as antidepressant withdrawal symptoms.

That is why doctors recommend gradually reducing the dose of drugs taken and doing this under the supervision of specialists. Only professionals will help to relieve discomfort by choosing the necessary normotonics and plant-based preparations. If the drug was taken uncontrollably, and then it was abruptly stopped, such withdrawal of antidepressants can lead to sleep disturbances, increased anxiety, and problems with the cardiovascular system. In addition, the following symptoms may occur:

  • unreasonable fears;
  • flu-like symptoms;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • cramps and pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • loss of coordination and dizziness;
  • nightmares;
  • tremor of the limbs.

Instead of a conclusion

From all of the above, we can conclude how strong and quite dangerous drugs such as antidepressants are, that these are modern drugs that can cope with depression. However, before you start taking them, be sure to consult with a specialist - a psychiatrist or neuropsychiatrist, who can find out what form of the disease you have and what medications will help you cope with it.

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