Glass of glass water glass is ionmimi. Julia Pushnova, and

So in the Word iron, along with a straight value, appeared figurative meaning.

The transfer of the name occurs if items have any similarity.

For example, the color of ripe wheat and gold - golden wheat, i.e. Light yellow, similar to color on gold.

Often, the actions of people are attributed to non-living subjects.

For example, say : The wind fell asleep, i.e. Safety, froze. The wind is said as an animated creature.

In the artworks, the words with portable meaning are often used as an expressive agent.

IN explanatory dictionary Indicated not only direct, but also the figurative meaning of words.

For example:

Dazzling, - Aya, - OE, - Flax, - Flax, - flax.

1. Very bright, blinding eyes. Dazzling light of the sun.

2. Turn. Unusual, striking. Dazzling beauty.

Exercise 5.

Find words used in a figurative value in the text.

The wonderful sunny February days have come. In the morning, as always, I went out to wander around the estate and watch. In nature, something extraordinary was happening. It seemed that she celebrated some unprecedented holiday of the Lazorian sky, pearl birch, coral branches and sapphire shadows on a lilac snow.

2. Omonimi

The words of the same part of speech, the same sound and writing, but completely different lexical meaningCalled omonyms.

Omonium explained in the intelligent dictionaries and is explained in various dictionary articles and are designated by a sequence number.

For example:

Boron . 1. -A, about Bore, in Boru, MN. Bors, m. Pine forest growing on a dry, elevated place. Glukhary is found in Bor.

Boron . 2. -A, m. Steel drill, used in dental business. The dentist uses in the work of Bor.

Exercise 1.

Are allocated words with homonyms? Why? Write them in the initial form and make a sentence with them.

Glass is glasses - water glass. Kost. kosovokosovo sight. Warm oven - oven. Pies. Breed pigeon - The sky has become pigeon. Those ceiling ceiling Potatoes.

3. Synonyms

In Russian, there are different words that indicate the same thing: the same subject, the same sign, the same action.

For example, two different words - hippopotamus, hypopotam - called the same animal. Adjectives scarlet, red Denote the same sign - red. Verbs run, rush Denote the same action - to move quickly, move.

Words hippopotamus; red - scarlet; run - rush - synonyms.

Synonyms hippopotamus - Hippo differ in that the first one is used more often in colloquial speech; word hippopotamusAs a rule, it is used in scientific works.

Synonyms run - rode differ in that the second of them ( rush) It has an additional shade of meaning: to race means not easy to run, but run at high speed.

Red - Scarlet They differ in that the second of these synonyms denotes the bright red color of the light shade.

Synonyms - These are the words of the same part of speech, which denote the same thing, but may differ from each other with shades of lexical meanings and consumption in speech.

In Russian, many synonyms. There are special Synonyms Dictionaries. In explanatory dictionaries, synonyms are also given in explanation of the values \u200b\u200bof some words.

Exercise 1.

Find the word synonyms in the text. Explain why the author consumes these words in this text.

The picture was depicted girl. She looked at the water of the canal and seemed to contemplated something. All her face, subtle and sad, was immersed in meditation. She did not notice neither passers-by who looked at her with curiosity, nor janitor who lazily glance at the gate.

4. Antonyms

Antonyms - The words of the same part of speech with the opposite lexical meaning.

Exercise 1.

Select Antonyms to one word from each phrase.

A memorial incident, purple twilight, brightly squeak, radiance stars, go a chain, to take a break, evil blizzard, threaten the trouble, a terrible blizzard, spend the night, iron excerpt, tried to help, troubled outlines, seem close to reach the village.

The main ways of education of words in Russian.

1. Words in Russian are most often formed from other words by adding consoles and suffixes to them:

a) with a submissive way - with the help of consoles: darmet from darken

b) suffix - with suffixes: avtozavodskaya from auto plane; Pillary suffix - using the simultaneous addition of the console and suffix: unite from single;

in) Bessfix: transition from move.

2. Words can form:

- addition of the foundations using connective vowels ( icebreaker from ice and prick) Or without them ( Ivangrad);

- Addition of words: sofa bed;

- transition of one part of speech to another: factory dining room and dining room.

Exercise 2.

Determine what the words are formed from what are formed.

Joyful, reddish, pre-sale, yelnik, Atomhod, sunrise, underwater, ribbon, folder, bakery, break.

Common words. Dialects and professional words.

Many words of the Russian language are known to all people. These words are comething.

For example: water, earth, sky, bird, green, blue, go, think, talk.

Our usual speech is primarily built from commonly used words.

But there are words in Russian who use not all people in their speech. For example, a word yaruga (ravine) is consumed in the speech of residents of some places; shamot. (refractory clay) - in speech of metallurgists. it unchecked the words.

Word beet Obviously, it is known to all who speak Russian. Word beetroot Used only in the speech of residents of certain locality. it dialectic word.

Dialect words - These are words used only by residents of some terrain.

Some of the most common words in the artworks are included in the Russian's intelligent dictionaries. literary language. When they are tagged oblast (i.e. Regional). There are special dialect dictionaries, or the Dictionaries of the Great Russian.

Words associated with the features of the work of a particular specialty, profession, are called professionalism.

Professional words are explained in special reference dictionaries, in encyclopedias. The most common vocational words are given in sensible dictionaries. They put a mark specialist. (What does special mean).

The vocabulary of the language is constantly updated: new values \u200b\u200bappear in known words, new words are formed with the help of prefixes, suffixes, etc. All these words are called the original Russians.

The vocabulary composition of the language is replenished and due to the borrowed words from other languages. Peoples settling different countries, can not live apart. There are trade, cultural, political ties between them. Communicating among themselves, peoples sometimes borrow from each other personal and home exhaust objects, tools, cars, weapons, art objects, scientific concepts, etc. It is also absorbed and calling their words at the same time. In the language appear borrowed words . Someone else's words are sometimes urged that people do not suspect their foreign origin.

353. Find an example examples of homonyms in the explanatory dictionary. Make a common offer with them and emphasize the grammatical foundations.

354. Name Omonimi. What are they denoted? What part of speech are they? In what word letter yo denotes two sounds?

Dog breed boxer (breed of dogs, souche.) - Boxer (a person who is engaged in boxing, sowing.) In the ring.
To get (take the whole area, ch.) Room furniture - to make (forcibly, ch.) Work.
Building (suitable for buildings, ad.) Forest is a string (related to the actions in combat operations, ad.) Commander.

In the word "furniture" letter Yu denotes two sounds.

355. Write the phrase with homonyms so that it is clear that they are denoted. What values \u200b\u200bof the allocated words are you known? Write the words in which letters are missing: 1) at the root: 2) in the end.

356. Why is the thought in these prepositions expressed unclear? Express it more precisely. In the wake-up offer, include the appeal and "polite" word please.

1. Bring onions. (Plant or weapon?)
Please bring onions onions.
Bring, please, onions for firing.

2. The crane does not work. (Water or construction?)
Crane in the kitchen does not work.
The lifting crane at the construction site does not work.

357. Are allocated words with homonyms? Why? Write them in the initial form and make up 2-3 sentences with any of them.

358. Due to what is the comic character of the poem? Find Omonimi in these verses. What are they denoted? Explain the punctuation marks in the dialog.

The comic character of the poem is created at the expense of Omonimov: mink (beast) - mink (housing of animals), chanterelles (animal) - chanterelles (mushrooms).

Each replica is introduced into a dialogue with a dash. After the words of the author stands a colon.

Read the poem.

      Say the "Spring" -
      And now,
      Runs in green more often
      Merry key murder.
      We and the Spring Wow key.
      (Key From the door here it does not see

(A. Barto)

What two different objects denote the words allocated in the poem? Are these words in the same way and write? What part of speech are they?

The words of the same part of speech, the same sound and writing, but completely different on lexical significance are called omonyms.

Omonium explained in the intelligent dictionaries and is explained in various dictionary articles and are designated by a sequence number. For example:

Excerpt 1, -Y, g. The ability to own themselves, show composure. Clear greater extract.

Excerpt 2, -I, kind. MN. -Hell. A small excerpt, quote, extract from text. Excerpt from the Writer's Diary.

353 . Find examples of homonyms in the explanatory dictionary. Make a common proposal with them and emphasize the grammatical foundations.

354 . Name homonyms. What are they denoted? What part of speech are they? In what word letter yu Indicates two sounds?

Dog breed boxer - boxer in the ring.
Make the room furniture - make work.
Building Forest - a crash commander.

355 . Write the phrase with homonyms so that it is clear that they are denoted. What values \u200b\u200bof the allocated words are you known? Write the SGOV, in which letters are missing: 1) in the root; 2) In the end.

  1. The forester snot the grass on the edge .. birch grove .. 4 Brother squinted her eyes and scolded a scratching grimace.
  2. Splan l .. Shade with noise rushed through the field. Boy WB..wali to a jamb door.
  3. The girl braid braid. Brother sharpened Spit. Tourists came out of the boat on the sandy spit.

356 . Why is the thought in these proposals expressed unclear? Express it more precisely. In the prompt offer, include the appeal and "polite" word you are welcome.


On the table lies outfit. (Document or clothing?)
On the table lies the outfit for coal.
On the table is a festive outfit.

1. Bring onions. (Plant or weapon?) 2. The crane does not work. (Water or construction?)

357 . Are allocated words with homonyms? Why? Write them in the initial form and make up 2-3 sentences with any of them.

Glass is glasses - Water. glasses; Kost. kosovo - kosovo sight; Töplu bake - bake pies; breed pigeon - The sky has become pigeon; solution sololi. - sololi. porridge.

358 . Due to what is the comic character of the poem? Find Omonimi in these verses. What are they denoted? Explain the punctuation marks in the dialog.

      Suslik jumped out of mink2
      And asked the Red Mink:
      - Where have you been?
      - Fox.
      - What did you eat there?
      - chanterelles.

(Ya. Kozlovsky)

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