The norms of word compatibility are violated to give serious importance. Lexical norms of speech

For the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning, it is also necessary to take into account the features of the lexical compatibility of words, that is, their ability to combine in speech with each other.

Some words in Russian have limited compatibility. For example, the word torrential is combined only with the word rain, the word brown - with the word eyes, the word bosom - with the word friend, etc.

Ex. 70. Expand the brackets. Make the correct combinations of adjectives and numerals.

One, one (moment, moment); brown, brown (eyes, suit); strong, strong (friendship, impression); heavy, heavy (backpack, punishment); true, real, authentic, natural, real (friend, person, amethyst, document, hunter).

Ex. 71. a) From verbs and nouns, make up and write down phrases. Specify the type of connection.

Play, have, raise, strengthen, inflict, win, endure, render, state, open, contribute, accept, undertake. Role, opinion, attention, damage, contribution, defeat, help, attempt, score, interest, decision, victory, value.

b) Correct the errors related to the violation of lexical compatibility.

To give serious importance, a difficult act, to present a word for a report, a deterioration in the standard of living, to raise one's horizons, to raise a toast, to take a step, to attract attention, to do an act.

More on the topic § 37. Lexical word compatibility:

  1. The structure of the meaning of the verb word in the light of the problems of linguistic consistency and language modeling
  3. 10. Syntagmatic relations in vocabulary. Lexical combination of words. The phrase as a nominative unit. Phraseologisms.

We constantly hear, for example, "take action" or "raise a toast" and do not even think about the fact that it is wrong to say so.

"It doesn't matter"

Violation of the lexical compatibility of words is a very common mistake. We constantly hear, for example, "take action" or "raise a toast" and do not even think about the fact that it is wrong to say so.

As a rule, this error is caused by the fact that we mix combinations that are similar in meaning. For example, combinations of "take action" and "take steps" result in an erroneous "take action". "Play a role" and "make a difference" - "make a difference".

It would seem that what is the problem, because we understand what is being said. However, the language has its own norms and laws that must be observed in order to remain literate people and preserve the “great mighty Russian language” for future generations. So let's remember:

Take action - take steps, take action

play a role play a role play a role

Doesn't matter - doesn't matter, doesn't matter

give support - give support

Raise a toast - make a toast, raise a glass for ...

To win the championship - to win, to win the championship

To be in the field of attention - to be in the field of view, to be in the center of attention

Rapidly creeping up / down - rapidly rising / falling

Pay the fine - pay the fine

Cheap prices - low prices

Increase output - increase output

Improve the level (for example, well-being) - increase the level (well-being)

Economic growth - growth of economic indicators

Gain Respect - Earn Respect

To show care is to show care. published

First of all, the semantics of words. If the lexical meaning of words is incompatible, then their combination is impossible, for example: walk, glass soup, lean against the wind. Although sometimes semantically incompatible words can be combined to create an artistic image: recall the famous "aluminum pickles" V. Tsoi.

At the same time, it also happens that, according to the meaning of the word, they seem to be suitable for expressing one or another meaning, but they do not form phrases: we say bow your head and kneel, but not vice versa; you can say all year round, but not round hour; happens deep night, but not deep day; possible deep autumn, but not deep winter etc.

Violation of lexical compatibility is often explained contamination - incorrect combination of elements of phrases similar in meaning. For example: give importance(from pay attention and attach importance); improve the level(from improve quality and to increase level); produce into soldiers(from promote to officers and demote to soldier).

3. Unfortunately, in an effort to make their speech expressive, many overload it with superfluous, empty words, i.e. suffer from verbosity. Thus, a phenomenon called speech redundancy.

The negative aspects of this phenomenon were very clearly shown by V.G. Kostomarov, who analyzed an excerpt from a popular pamphlet:

"Proper mechanization of our construction is a powerful and effective means and the most important basis for a sharp increase in labor productivity." The phrase seems to be correct, but, the scientist notes, “the author of the brochure did not notice that adjectives ... in his speech only clutter up the sentence ... and distract attention. Indeed, what is the message of correct mechanization? After all, everyone understands that improper mechanization will not work for the future. The assertion of our construction is inaccurate, since mechanization will increase the productivity of labor not only in the given (our) construction, but also in any other construction. Two almost equivalent definitions should not be used: powerful remedy will always be effective. A stereotyped sharp increase does little to clarify the idea, and, finally, it is simply wrong to talk about the most important foundation, because there are no important and unimportant foundations: to be a foundation means to be the main, main, most important. .

Superfluous, redundant, are definitions in phrases like correct existing mistakes, congratulate on the successes achieved, welcome invited guests, discuss the results of the elections.

The phenomena of speech redundancy include the so-called pleonasm, or partial coincidence of the meaning of the words forming the phrase. Expressions such as price list, unexpected surprise, come back, main point, anticipate etc., since they do not correspond to the lexical norm.

It is also considered a gross speech error tautology, i.e. unjustified repetition of words with the same root, words that are close in meaning, or even the same word within one sentence or a small fragment of text. Tautology makes speech clumsy, tongue-tied, dissonant. Here are just two examples of tautologies. One is from an essay by an applicant: « Independence homeland does not depend from the sex of a person (?) living on its territory.”; the other - from "business paper": « Following after point 7 followed paragraph next content, subsequently seized."

4. The value and correctness of this or that word, this or that turnover is determined only in connection with other elements of the given text. In other words, speech will correspond to lexical norms only when the principle appropriateness. Relevance is to be understood the requirement of such a selection of language means, in which speech meets the goals and conditions of communication. Traditionally distinguished contextual, stylistic relevance and personal-psychological. Let's dwell on this in more detail.

BUT. Contextual relevance determined by the speech environment. The most characteristic in this sense are 2 types of errors:

- semantic inconsistency of the used word (phrase) with the general meaning of the statement ("Pavel Vlasov devoted his life beating his wife.”; "What kind chic the funeral!"; “Our birch trees are standing in the wedding shroud.)»;

- use anachronisms, i.e. words (expressions) that do not correspond to a given historical era Cruise Chichikov on landowners (?) ends with (?) Plyushkin”; "Lisa was housekeeper in Famusov's house"; "Pechorin - fan Russian landscapes).

B. Stylistic (style) relevance- this is an account of the methods of selecting vocabulary in accordance with the functional style used - scientific, business, colloquial, etc. The problem of stylistic appropriateness can be illustrated by the well-known example of L. Uspensky:

“When two boys at school talk among themselves, only a pedant will find an unacceptable remark:

Did you grab a couple again? Oh you! Either a couple, or a stake ... You cut yourself in the exam, and they put you out of school.

But if you see ... a letter from the director to parents, which says: “Dear comrades! Since your son grabbed a pair again, and in the report card he has either a pair or a stake, he will certainly cut himself off at the exam, and I will have to put him out of school, ”you will decide that the director is at least a strange person.

The words are the same here and there, they all appear in our dictionaries, the content of what is said is the same. Everything is correct, but in one case it is customary to say so, and in the other it is not. Stylistically inappropriate." .

AT. personal-psychological relevance requires to be expressed delicately and tactfully, benevolently and respectfully. Related to this aspect are the so-called taboo words, i.e. lexical units, the use of which is prohibited for one or another non-linguistic reasons. In this case, we can talk about the ethical reasons for tabooing certain words. For example, in a conversation about an elderly person, it is tactless and inappropriate to call him an old man. In such situations, we use the so-called euphemisms, i.e. words and phrases that replace taboo: the word old man can be replaced by the expression elderly man.

5. Often the violation of lexical norms occurs as a result of the so-called "logical failures".

Speech errors of this kind occur:

a) when comparing disparate concepts. For example: « Speech heroes of Sholokhov is different from all others heroes(?)» It would be correct to write that speech some are different from speeches others;

b) when substituting concepts, for example: "Welcoming hosts fed us diverse selection(?) national dishes" Apparently the owners fed guests with a variety of dishes.

6. A. One of the important qualities of correct speech is its purity. In the last two decades, due to cardinal changes in the political and social life of the country, as well as in the scientific and technical sphere of human activity, a powerful stream of words of foreign origin has poured into our language. In this regard, when discussing the purity of speech, one cannot ignore borrowing problem.

In our opinion, this relationship should by no means be unambiguous. The fact is that borrowings can be divided into 4 groups that occupy an unequal position in the lexical system of the Russian language: 1) words that are the only names of designated concepts that have not been recognized as foreign for a long time (school, bed, bath, locksmith); 2) words that are the only names of the designated concepts, but are perceived as foreign (bureau, office, headquarters, session, monitor); 3) names that have native Russian counterparts with their own special shades of meaning (dancing - dancing , problem - question , fantasy - imagination, dispute - dispute); four) barbarisms- foreign words that have Russian counterparts that coincide with them in meaning (goalkeeper - goalkeeper, presentation - performance, exclusive - exceptional, sound producer - sound engineer, summit - meeting at the top). It seems that the “right to exist” as an organic part of the dictionary of the Russian language, of course, have borrowings belonging to the first three groups. But barbarisms are often included in speech unnecessarily. It is alarming that there have been too many of them lately. However, the Russian language, as a living and powerful organism, he himself is able to absorb and subordinate to his system the best and really necessary from borrowings recent years, and the rest, one-day, superficial - to be thrown away as unnecessary ballast. We, its speakers, are obliged to carefully treat the existing lexical norms, selectively and reasonably approach new phenomena and processes occurring in the language.

B. Another aspect of the problem of speech purity is role in speech of various kinds stamps, patterns, stereotypes. On the one hand, they are necessary and are in our memory as ready-made etiquette formulas for expressing greetings, gratitude, consent and other intentions. The stamp is quite appropriate in official business speech: in the language of documents, expressions are also generally accepted and natural, such as “due to the need for an urgent departure…”; “fight against negative phenomena…”; "for your information …"; "Please accept our sincere apologies..." etc.

However, unfortunately, even such styles and genres that require expressiveness and individuality of the author's handwriting are “stamped”. In journalism, we often meet erased, faceless turns: "convincing victory", "sharp criticism", "hot support", "bloody coup"... In literary works and school essays we read that the author will certainly "convincingly shows", "talentedly reveals" such a character "vividly portrays" such and such a hero, such and such a social phenomenon; the most frequent stereotypical definitions "bright, exciting"(image), "juicy"(language). A number of similar patterns could be continued. Such a manner of presenting thoughts cannot be considered normative: similar expressions, similar, according to D.E. Rosenthal, for "erased nickels", should have strictly limited use.

In addition, an absolute taboo for an educated person should be swearing, profanity. AT modern conditions When the notorious freedom of speech has reigned, there is not only no official ban on the use of such words and expressions, but, much worse, often there is not even the necessary self-control. That is why, undoubtedly, persons who have authority in society should not remain indifferent to the facts of outright lack of culture.

Quite characteristic on this occasion is the statement of the former chairman of the Russian television company O. Poptsov in the Vesti program on June 15, 1995, when the election campaign related to the election of deputies to the 6th State Duma was taking place. From the TV screen, profanity sounded, which the deputies used in the fight against competitors. O. Poptsov, who forbade the appearance on the screen of some fragments from television debates, commented on his bans as follows: “Swearing is, of course, elements of vocabulary, but not elements of election campaigning. We have abolished political censorship, but moral censorship, nevertheless, no doubt, will be. Censorship will deal with elements of violence, rudeness, hooliganism and outright stupidity.”

In this regard, it is necessary to mention the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which contains special articles that provide for punishment for insult, i.e. humiliation of the honor and dignity of another person, expressed in an indecent form, as well as for slander, undermining the reputation of a person (Articles 129 and 130).

What has been said above is closely connected with the question of the purity of speech, the need to comply with the lexical norms of the Russian language. literary language.

Let's sum up result. The main quality indicators of speech, built in accordance with existing lexical norms, is:

1) its subject and conceptual accuracy;

2) correctness in terms of word compatibility;

3) conciseness (lack of redundancy);

4) relevance;

5) consistency;

Training work

on the topic "Lexical norms of speech"

Russian language

MBOU "Yarenskaya secondary school"

Selivanova G.G.


Semantic accuracy of speech

Words should be used only in their proper meaning. A gross lexical error is the use of a word in an unusual meaning for it: He fell back and hurt his knee. Should be used: Hefell prone and hurt his knee.

TEST 1. their uncharacteristic meaning.

1. Civil intervention began.

2. The intervention contributed to the aggravation of the conflict.

3. Liberal writers were very cold-blooded about the plight of the people.

4. I was completely indifferent to my brother's political principles.

5. My friend especially respects poetry.

6. The owner closely monitors the cleanliness of the office.

7. The artist painted a reproduction and left the room.

8. After a stormy meeting of the household, the Housing Office began repairing the house.

9. Tolstoy, as a deep psychiatrist, introduces the image of Malasha into the novel.

10. The shot did not hit the dog, but Timokhin, who was passing along the road.

TEST 2.Mark the sentences with the words used intheir uncharacteristic meaning.

1. Comrades congratulated the hero of the day and presented him with flowers.

2. Comrades congratulated the hero of the day and presented him with flowers.

3. Bazarov has no accomplices.

4. Bazarov has no like-minded people.

5. Laughter, the main weapon of the writer, is the pathos of his work.

6. The pathos of A.S. Pushkin's creativity is "cherishing the soul of humanity."

7. The illustrations imitate the main episodes of the stories well.

8. The satirical works of the poet attract with their novelty and youthfulness.

9. Ilya Ilyich is confident in the normality of his life, and nothing can take him out of this balance.

10. The duelist and bully Dolokhov was made a soldier for his indiscipline.


Test 1 - 1,3,5,6.7,8,9,10


test 2- 1,3,5,7,8,9,10

Speech deficiency

Speech deficiency (missing the right word) often leads to alogism: Pavel grew up in the eyes of people after the story of the "swamp penny". Should be used: The authority of Pavel grew in the eyes of the people after the hysteria with the "swamp penny".

TEST 1. Mark sentences with alogisms.

1. Nagulnov's speech is different from other characters.

2. Katerina's speech differs from Kabanikh's speech.

3. The shovel rested on something hard. When two rusty cast-iron pots were turned to the surface with a crowbar, they were filled to the brim with coins.

4. The shovel rested on something hard. When two rusty cast-iron pots were turned to the surface with a crowbar, they saw that they were filled to the brim with coins.

5. Deforge was not at a loss, put a pistol in his ear and fired. The bear fell.

6. Deforge was not at a loss: he put a pistol in the bear's ear and fired; the animal fell.

7. I know that in the near future I will fly to the moon as freely as on a bus.

8. I know that in the near future I will fly to the moon as freely as I now ride a bus.

TEST 2. Mark sentences with alogisms

1. The report indicates that twenty students of the fourth . courses are self-guided.

2. You take on a lot! This self-activity of yours will not lead to good!

3. Patients who do not come to the reception are handed over to the archive.

4. Great writers hang in the literature cabinet.

5. It is required to discuss a special topic, including personnel and safety.

6. Since the beginning of the season, this football player has already scored in the third match.

7. The witness was so confused in his testimony that he even asked to be released through the side door, so as not to go back through the hall.

8. An application was received from citizen Olesik, asking to be released from the night watchman.


Test 1 - 1,3,5,7


test 2- : 1,3,4,5, 6,7,8

Speech redundancy

Do not use superfluous words - pleonasms(month of August, period of time, feathered birds, debut for the first time, work colleagues), repetitions of single-root words - tautologies(tell a story, ask a question).

TEST 1. Mark the sentences with pleonasms.

1. The scientist shared his thoughts on the new research method with colleagues at work.

2. Specific feature Artistic speech is that it has a lot of figurative words and expressions.

3. Large yields are a consequence of improved agricultural practices in the cultivation of crops.

4. To do this job, I have to cherish every minute.

5. The twins were so similar that even the parents had difficulty distinguishing them from one another.

6. We must set the agenda for the upcoming meeting of shareholders.

7. His work is devoid of flashiness and at first glance is inconspicuous.

8. The adverbial turnover is separated by punctuation marks.

9. The note refers to the unsatisfactory organization of leisure and free time.

10. In the fourth quarter of this year, cars stood idle for 20 days without work.

TEST 2. Mark the sentences with pleonasms.

1. No production lines have been put into operation in our factory yet.

2. The longer the break interval between sports competitions, the less productively the athletes perform.

3. Recently, reproductions of paintings by famous artists have been reproduced.

4. To do this job, I have to save every minute of my time.

5. More than one hundred delegates attended the conference.

6. I was pleasantly surprised by the success of this athlete.

7. The teacher's speech should be understandable.

8. The performance of the artists was accompanied by a long and prolonged applause.


Test 1 - 1,2,3,5,7,8.9,10


test 2- 1,2,3.4,5.6,8

TEST 3. Mark the sentences with a tautology.

1. We are getting closer to the cave.

2. The boats were getting closer.

3. Machines facilitate labor-intensive work of workers.

4. Growing tea is a very labor intensive process.

5. The plaintiff proves his claim with unsubstantiated evidence.

6. Among the papers of Captain Tatarinov, indisputable evidence of my innocence was found.

7. The poet poetically describes our beautiful midday region.

8. I get my bread with hard honest labor.

9. The appearance of this manifesto was an important event in the life of society.

10. The farm workers did a great job on the construction of the complex.

ANSWER: 2,3,5,7,9,10

TEST 4. Mark the sentences withtautology.

1. Students successfully completed their homework assigned last week.

2. Students successfully completed the assignment last week homework.

3. I want to list the character traits characteristic of Chatsky.

4. In the images depicted by the writer, the features of the young generation of Russia are clearly reflected.

5. It was not without difficulty that these complex and difficult problems were solved.

6. The disadvantages of the manual include an insufficient amount of illustrative material.

7. Different approaches to this problem should be distinguished.

8. In conclusion, the narrator told the audience a funny story.

9. It is necessary to note the problems that arose during the study.

10. Over and above the plan, in January a lot of above-plan products were handed over to trading enterprises.

ANSWER : 1,3,4,5,6,7,10

Lexical compatibility

Lexical compatibility should not be violated. Violation of lexical compatibility is a common speech error: have piano, play the Omen. Should be used: matter, play the role.

TEST 1. Mark the sentences withviolation of lexical compatibility.

1. The role of a book in a person's life is great: he must replenish his horizons.

2. The role of a book in a person's life is great: he must expand his horizons.

3. He wanted to say something, but his tongue was dumbfounded.

4. Am I capable of doing the things that the characters in the book do?

5. Everything in life was given to Onegin superficially, easily.

6. The task set by us has been achieved.

7. A series of new models of passenger cars will be released by the factory.

8. This thesis was less substantiated than the previous one.

9. The air is clean. The sun shines brighter. Breathe fresh.

10. Now, as noted by the sportswriter, the gap in the score has smoothed out.

ANSWER: 1,3,4,5,6,9,10

TEST 2. Mark the sentenceswith lexical mismatch.

1. Recently, the level of presentation of speakers has deteriorated.

2. Pensioners believe that their standard of living is going down.

3. This football team has won more than one great victory.

4. A lecture at the Faculty of Physics was given by a well-known scientist who worked in the field of electronics for many years.

5. This important issue paid serious attention.

6. At the meeting of shareholders, the speakers made a number of comments, the elimination of which will help in the work.

7. A new turbine was installed and put into operation at the HPP.

8. The products of this company are in great demand.

9. Priority attention should be given to staff development.

10. He spent most of his free time in reading room.

ANSWER: 1,4,6,7,8,9,10

Confusion of paronyms

Should not be mixed paronyms(similar in sound, but different in meaning words): spectacular appearance and effective activity, the main task and the capital letter.

TEST 1. Mark the sentenceswith a mixture of paronyms.

1. Myopia, increasing throughout life - progressive myopia.

2. These ideas seemed progressive for the time.

3. Petrov was a very practical person.

5. A new attempt was again unsuccessful.

6. I, in my opinion, am a very unlucky person.

7. I wandered through the forest for two hours.

8. Wandering aimlessly through the streets, he experienced intolerable longing.

9. This root issue needs to be addressed immediately.

10. He became distracted, uttered incomprehensible phrases.

ANSWER: 1,3,5,7,8,9,10

TEST 2. Mark the sentenceswith a mixture of paronyms.

1. We cannot discuss Natasha Rostova for this.

2. Tonight we discussed the plan for the future lesson.

3. The sun rose and brightly illuminated the garden.

4. Several couples were riding on the ice illuminated by Jupiters.

5. The list goes on.

6. I express gratitude to my supervisor.

7. It is necessary to provide business travelers with a hostel.

8. Comfort has been created in all wards, which has a fruitful effect on the general mood of patients.

9. He had his appendix removed last year.

10. Yesterday there was a meeting of two friendly teams.

ANSWER: 1,3,5,7,8,9,10


Checkviolations lexical rules.

1. Tikhon became the inert culprit of Katerina's death.

2. I first met my future wife at a student party.

3. During the interval between lessons, the teacher entered the classroom.

4. We must prioritize literacy.

5. The standard of living of the employees of the department has increased.

6. In the near future, the cost of manufactured goods should be reduced.

7. This year, the work on breeding new varieties of elite wheat is successfully proceeding.

8. From the very beginning of the meeting, his opponent began to think for a long time and as a result got into time trouble.

9. I would like to thank the publishing house for the publication and release of this book.

10. There are many defects in this speech text.

ANSWER: 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10

Test 8. Lexical norms. Mark the sentences in which speech errors are made - tautology or pleonasm.

1. My mother has a birthday in February.

2. Such people like to make promises to win people over to their side.

3. We feel behind these words hidden subtext.

4. A new price list has been posted at the barbershop.

5. The article outlines the main provisions of the new concept.

6. The hare must have realized that he, completely white, can safely lie on the white snow.

7. A small detail interferes with the solution of this issue.

8. Her facial features are clearly defined.

9. A young man at full gallop jumped into the carriage of a speeding train.

10. The purpose of a person is in the high; to be human means to strive for perfection.

11. In support of his words, the lawyer gave many arguments and evidence.

12. Petrov's report testifies to his erudition and erudition in this field of knowledge.

13. Bazarov was a man of remarkable intelligence and an ardent heart.

14. The first premiere of the performance took place in the new drama theater yesterday.

15. The professor studied unusual exotic plants for many years.

16. Large amber beads complemented her outfit.

17. At night, the recreation park is guarded by security guards.

18. The park is famous for ancient ancient oaks and maples.

19. An old black silk scarf wrapped around the gentleman's neck.

20. It's nice to talk to a nice person.

21. To understand the national mentality of the Russian people, one must seriously study the history of Russia.

ANSWERS: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12,14,15,17,18,21

Used sources

IN AND. Kapinos, L.I. Puchkova Educational and training materials for preparing for the exam, M .: Intellect-Center, 2004

Alcohol analogue of apostrophe asymmetry scam Spoil, spoiled bartender block bombard bureaucracy. Valo. Turn on your willow religion, turn on the water supply. Gas pipeline gastronomy genesis crouton croutons (and croutons) And the scruff of the groan to the rush to the rush to the cowing of the treasures of the beautiful creamy creamy creamy (and the culinary I), the salmon marketing of the derivatives (and melk) is a miserous (and the granular) mesorous. to encourage the wholesale convict in part Parterre pizzeria (and pizzeria) to anticipate to reward the arrived dowry prizes in the acquisition of aliases pullover Shellfish (and shell) report to rust (and rust) Beetroot orphans, orphans condolences sosa to the concentration of the policeman Customs, customs dancer cake, tou flask cakes aggravating (and exacerbating) Facsimile the phenomenon of fetish fórzat Needles intercession of Christian owners Cement chain Scoop Chauffeur, chauffeurs Sorrel Expert, expert

Find the errors that appeared due to the incorrect formation of words. Correct the sentences 1) Snakes belong to the class of reptiles. 2) When icy, be careful on the roads so as not to slip and fall right on the roadway. 3) It was an unprecedented event. 4) The child should get used to cleaning his own room.

1. Which of the following words means "a sense of moral responsibility for one's behavior towards a certain person, society"? a) conscience b) duty c) shame d) nobility 2. Which of the following words has the meaning of “directed to the benefit of others, philanthropic”? a) decent b) humane c) devoted d) kind 3. Which of the following words means “a system of views on nature and society”? a) worldview b) science c) outlook d) opinion

4. What is the lexical meaning of the word "theater" in the sentence Attitude to the past can be of two kinds: as to some kind of spectacle, theater, performance, scenery and as a document? a) a kind of art, an artistic reflection of life through a stage performance b) an institution, an organization involved in the arrangement of performances c) a building in which performances take place d) a collection of dramatic works of a writer 5. What is the meaning of the word "strict" in the sentence Yes, inspiration is a strict working state, but does it have its own poetic coloring, its own, I would say, poetic subtext? a) very demanding, exacting b) not allowing any indulgence, severe c) not allowing any deviations, performed accurately and strictly d) not allowing deviations from the accepted norms of behavior and morality

Find cases of violation of lexical norms. Correct the mistakes 1) Thirty-two trees were planted in the park. 2) L. N. Tolstoy was a bright hair dryer of his age. 3) The speaker spoke very concisely. 4) Numerous ancestors of A. S. Pushkin now live in Russia, France, England and even in America. 5) He thought in an original way and always spoke platitudes. 6) There were many funny incidents at the holiday. 7) This gallant service, served on a starched tablecloth, made an unforgettable impression on me. 8) Indians are the indigenous aborigines of America. 9) Please write your autobiography.

a) Make up and write phrases from verbs and nouns. Specify the type of connection. Play, have, raise, strengthen, inflict, win, endure, render, state, open, contribute, accept, undertake. (Role, opinion, attention, damage, contribution, defeat, help, attempt, score, interest, decision, victory, value). b) Correct the errors related to the violation of lexical compatibility. To give serious importance, a difficult act, to present a word for a report, a deterioration in the standard of living, to raise one's horizons, to raise a toast, to take a step, to attract attention, to do an act.

PARONYMS Paronyms are words that are similar in sound and spelling, but have different meanings. Wed : single (general, united) - single (single, separate); fact (event, phenomenon, case) - factor (moment, essential circumstance in some process, phenomenon).

Explain the difference in the meanings of phrases A dangerous person- a fearful person; main character- the title character; to master what has been read - to master what has been read; condemn actions - discuss actions; provide an opportunity - provide an opportunity; tactful steps - tactical steps; technical execution - technical execution; business affairs - business affairs.

Explain the differences between paronyms, make sentences with each of them. Fact - factor, seconded - business trip, dress - put on, subscriber - subscription, selective - qualifying, weekday - everyday, voluntary - volunteer; democratic - democratic, long - long, intolerable - intolerant, ignorant yes - ignorant, spiritual - sincere, company - campaign, stay - arrive.

Correct the mistakes made as a result of mixing paronyms. 1) The teacher was forced to explain again new material. 2) The scientist stood at the sources of rocket science. 3) Mrs. Prostakova beat the peasants for the slightest duty. 4) The artist won the appreciation of the audience. 5) Travel documents. I had to wait a long time for registration 6) His look is not imploring, not serious, not outrageous. 7) The people endured a dual oppression.

Correct errors caused by incorrect use of a phraseological unit (ignorance of its meaning, omission or insertion of a word, mixing of two phraseological units, distortion of the grammatical form of a phraseological combination, inattention to its stylistic coloring, etc.). 1) White crow - this is sometimes called a conscientious person, not indifferent to what is happening around. 2) At the opening of a new television center, its director stated with satisfaction that the regiment of journalists had arrived. 3) In an important matter, you can’t rush, otherwise you can chop firewood. 4) The visitor left unsalted drunk. 5) Information about the sudden change in the stock price put all the banks completely off guard. 6) He always considered his neighbor a notorious enemy. 7) If an audit starts at our enterprise, we can get stuck in a bind. 8) I think he did you a disservice. 9) During the negotiation process, the parties decided to back down. 10) Everything was covered with white threads. 11) He knew all the ins and outs of his life.

1. In which sentence should INFORMATIONAL be used instead of the word INFORMATIONAL? a) Modern Information Technology developed rapidly in recent decades. b) The chronicle message is an example of the INFORMATION genre. c) There are a lot of very INFORMATION episodes in this documentary. d) Each school graduate must master the methods of INFORMATION text processing. 2. In which sentence, instead of the word HOSTILE, do you need to use HOSTILE? a) Scouts under the cover of night went to the ENEMY rear. b) Artillerymen knocked out an ENEMY tank with a well-aimed shot. c) According to his ENEMY look, everyone immediately understood that he did not come with peaceful intentions. d) Until late in the evening, bonfires burned in the ENEMY camp. 3. In which sentence, instead of the word WEAR, do you need to use the word WEAR? a) Coniferous forest CLOSED all the mountains. b) Darya Alexandrovna was thinking about how to dress the children warmer tomorrow. c) After a downpour, you won’t be able to cross the street in shoes, you will have to WEAR boots. d) The dancers were dressed in national costumes.

1. The combination of simple and complex forms of comparative and superlative degrees in one construction does not correspond to the norms of the literary language and is a gross mistake. Expressions are more interesting, worse, somewhat more detailed, the strictest, etc. 2. When declining compound cardinal numbers, all the words of which they consist change. In compound ordinal numbers, only the last word is declined. When specifying the date after the ordinal number, the name of the month is placed in genitive case: by the first of September, before the twelfth of December. Remember: combinations of compound numbers ending in two, three, four (i.e. 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34 ... 102, 103, 104, etc.), with nouns that are used only in plural (day, scissors, tongs, etc.), in literary speech are impossible. If necessary, appropriate designations should use synonymous substitutions for nouns or use a compound numeral not in the nominative or accusative cases. For example: it took P twenty-two days, bought thirty-three pieces of scissors, within twenty-two days, etc.

Remember: collective numerals are used only - with masculine and common nouns that name males: two friends, three orphans; -with nouns that have forms only plural: two scissors, three days; - with nouns children, guys, people, person (in the meaning of "man"): two children, three unfamiliar faces; - with personal pronouns we, you, they: there are two of us; - with substantiated numerals and adjectives denoting persons: three latecomers entered, two were running. Collective numbers do not combine with nouns denoting females, as well as with nouns male- the names of adult animals.

1. Which sentence violates grammatical norms? a) In the upper grades, a deeper study of literature is necessary. b) In winter, the way through the mountains was much more dangerous. c) The road will be repaired as soon as possible. d) In daylight, the drawing seemed even clearer and brighter. 2. Which sentence violates grammatical norms? a) Anna is smarter than her friends in the game. b) The taste of the cooked dish is bitter due to an excess of pepper. c) In Russia there is no lake deeper than Baikal. d) The palette in the paintings of a novice artist should be recognized as richer than on the canvases of his teacher.

Eliminate ambiguity in the use of pronouns! 1. It was not without difficulty that Chichikov managed to convince Manilov that it was to his advantage. 2. On this day, Petrov took Jack for a walk with all his medals. 3. There was a terrible mess in Plyushkin's office, it was even impossible to think that a living creature could live in it. 4. The director asked the secretary not to let visitors into his lunch break 5. The mother told her son to pour himself some tea. 6. The hostess invited the tenants to go to her room.

The use of gerunds and participles Remember: when used in speech, the temporal forms of participles and participles must be related to the meaning of the whole sentence. Wrong option: Politicians who had great influence yesterday are almost forgotten today (the participle having is used in the present tense, while the meaning of the participial turnover corresponds to the action that took place in the past).

Correct the mistakes. 1) I remember the performance of the front-line concert brigade, consisting of artists from the Murmansk Drama Theater. 2) Experts noted the undoubted achievements in this previously lagging sport. 3) Funds sent from the center arrive at the banks of our city with a big delay. 4) So we returned without buying anything. 5) The silence was broken at times by clods of snow falling from the height of the pines. 6) In a chess competition, a young athlete, meeting with a grandmaster, won a brilliant victory. 7) Certain types of factory products, which were very popular in the past, are currently not in demand.

VIOLATION OF SYNTACTICAL NORMS Norms of management: characterization of whom, for whom: characterization of the student, characterization per student bank, trust appeal to whom / what: appeal to public opinion

REMEMBER to worry about whom to worry about whom identical to what to wear what to pay attention to similar to what to wear whom to pay attention to what to review what is superior to what review what advantage to what to warn against what to prevent what confidence in what to pay for what warn about what to slow down what belief in what to pay for what

Correct errors caused by mismanagement. 1. He was repeatedly convinced that in a dispute with classmates he was often wrong. 2. A review of the book has been published in the journal. 3. According to the order of the head, an exhibition of ancient books will be organized in the library. 4. At the end of the negotiations, the representatives of the delegations signed a joint statement. 5. The facts, which the author of the letter stated, were fully confirmed during the verification. 6. Students pay attention to notes during lectures. 7. It was his characteristic handwriting. 8. Upon completion of the experiment, scientists will publish an analytical report.

Which sentence contains an error caused by a violation of the rules of management? a) We must wish the students new success in their studies. b) Some enterprises hinder the implementation of general plans. c) City tours are of interest not only to tourists, but also to indigenous people. d) And then it turned out that these claims were not substantiated on anything. a) Self-confidence was his hallmark. b) The poet sings of his homeland, fatherland. c) It is necessary not only to talk about the problems of homeless children, but also to do something to improve their lives. d) Young hockey players were disappointed with the results of the first meeting. Find a variant of the correct use of case forms. a) The girl was very careful with books. b) My classmate recently shared his impressions of a trip to Moscow. c) In the poem “To whom it is good to live in Russia,” Nekrasov describes in detail the situation of the peasants. d) When entering the bus, you must pay the fare.

Coordination of the predicate with the subject 1. With a subject, which includes the words set, series, part, majority, minority (such as the majority of students, a number of enterprises), the predicate can stand both in the singular (with inanimate) and in the plural (with animate ) number. For example: There were a number of tables in the auditorium. Most of the students passed the test. 2. With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination (such as ten years, forty people), the predicate can have both singular and plural forms. In such cases, the predicate agrees with the subject according to the rule from paragraph 1. Compare: Twenty people came to the exam. - It's been five years. 3. With a subject with a cardinal number ending in one, the predicate is put in the singular form. For example: Twenty-one students of our institute are included in the city's volleyball team. 4. With a subject that has in its composition the numeral two, three or four or the numeral ending in two, three, four (twenty-two, forty-three, sixty-four, etc.), the predicate, as a rule, is put in the form of a plural numbers. For example: There are three textbooks on the table; Thirty-two students worked in the construction team during the summer. The singular form of the predicate is acceptable in cases where the message fixes one or another fact, result, or when the message is given an impersonal character. For example: Twenty-two suits sold; Three or four students will be transferred to another class. 5. With a subject expressed by a borrowed indeclinable noun or an abbreviation, the predicate agrees in accordance with its gender (or the gender of the leading word in the abbreviation). For example: The highway passed through a deserted area; The US has a great military potential. 6. With the subject expressed by the relative pronoun who (in the function of the allied word in the subordinate clause), the predicate is usually put in the singular form. For example: Everyone who did not lose his head was against (Sergeev. Tsensky); Those who did not have time to the door rushed in a joyful panic to the windows (Makarenko).

Add the endings, agreeing the predicate with the subject 1. A series of events dedicated to the 120th anniversary of I. A. Bunin, passed. . tons in Yelets, Voronezh, Orel. 2. Entry to the group of students sent for field practice. . t forty-one people. 3. Hosted several of our high school students. . participation in the city olympiad. 4. Those who were came to me. . around the last few years. 5. The vast majority of listeners showed up. . deep knowledge in exams. 6. A number of specialists have been sent. . to the factories of the Urals, part of the engineers to the commander. . tsya to Siberia. 7. In the memory of all who knew closely. . Platonov, he remained a great lover of life.

What sentences are wrong? Fix them. 1. Most of the poet's works are devoted to the theme of love. 2. Some students have already passed their specialty exams. 3. Twenty people stood aside. 4. A number of tables were in the middle of a large room. 5. Those who have not studied themselves will never achieve a deep understanding of people. 6. Many darkish clouds spread vaguely across the sky. 7. Ten students graduated from schools with commendable diplomas in the Russian language.

Which sentence has a grammatical error? a) against the rules traffic, taxi drivers make overtaking on the tram tracks. b) Moscow State University recruits students for both full-time and evening departments. c) Those who smoke a lot often suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract. d) A small business manufactures horizontal and vertical blinds. a) In preparation for the exams, I studied a lot of specialized literature. b) Currently, Russian citizens receive a passport at the age of 14. c) The colon is placed not only in a complex sentence, but also in a simple one. d) Everyone who was at the performance was very pleased.

The use of homogeneous members of a sentence A number of homogeneous members cannot include specific and generic concepts, therefore it is impossible to say: I bought fruits, oranges and cookies in the store; With homogeneous members, only identical prepositions can be omitted: they carried a tray with plates, spoons, forks; Do not combine as a homogeneous noun and infinitive (I love football and swimming).

Find a sentence with a grammatical error. a) My father knew well the habits of not only animals, but also the voices of birds. b) Pushkin describes the Pugachev uprising and speaks critically about it. c) The dash is placed not only before the generalizing word, but also between the subject and the predicate. d) Either thoughts, or memories, or dreams wandered in Olenin's head. a) I respect and admire my parents. b) At the exhibition of children's art, you can see the work of both very young artists and those who are 13-15 years old. c) The term "female prose" can be used in relation to the work of such writers as V. Tokareva, T. Tolstaya, L. Ulitskaya. d) Artists admire nature and spiritualize it. a) Regular customers have discounts on goods and the opportunity to participate in an express lottery. b) Athletes achieve good shape not only by hard training, but also by a special diet. c) In the modern zoo you can see animals, fish, birds, pythons. d) In the paintings of portrait painters, we see the faces of famous poets, writers,

Errors in the use of participial phrases The participial phrase should be used before or after the word being defined; You cannot use a real participle in the construction "son raised by his father". That's right: “a son raised by a father.” Participles are not used with a particle would (a speech that would cause objections).

Mistakes in the use of adverbial phrases. 1) The participle denotes an additional action to the main one that the subject performs. Therefore, the action expressed by the predicate and the action expressed by the participle must refer to the same subject. It’s impossible to say “Returning home, I was caught by rain”, since in this sentence the subject is the word rain, it performs the main action (found), the gerund returning cannot indicate an additional action to the main one, since it refers to the subject I am missing in the sentence . To correct the error, it is necessary to replace the adverbial turnover with subordinate clause and introduce an absent subject into it: when I was returning home, I was caught in the rain. 2) The adverbial turnover cannot be used in an impersonal sentence, since it does not and cannot have a subject. You can’t say: “Approaching the forest, I became cold.” It is appropriate to use a subordinate clause here: "When I approached the forest, I became cold."

Build errors complex sentences 1. Incorrect or inaccurate use of unions and allied words. Wrong option: New methods of organizing production will become widespread only if the results of the economic activity of the enterprise are sufficiently high. 2. Incorrect word order in a sentence with a definitive clause. Between the allied word "which" and the noun to which it refers, there should not be another noun in the same number. Incorrect: Yesterday a journalist interviewed a representative of the delegation who came to the meeting specifically. 3. Mixing direct speech and indirect. Incorrect: The student said that I had not yet prepared for the answer. 4. The subordinate clause and the participial turnover cannot be homogeneous Wrong option: The speaker, who reported these data and turned out to be a passionate patriot of river transport, made an interesting comparison.

In which sentence is someone else's speech incorrectly framed? a) Napoleon once remarked that "I can lose this battle, but I cannot lose a minute". b) “Madame, do you need to wrap up or will you fly like that? - asked the seller of a woman who had been choosing a broom in the store for more than two hours. c) According to Maupassant, "love is as strong as death, but as fragile as glass." d) Talent! he said. - Definitely a talent. You will positively succeed!” a) “Hey, lad,” she said sadly. - How is it going? b) The old man walked and, stumbling over the grass, repeated: “What a fragrance, citizens! What an intoxicating aroma! c) According to Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “Only the heart is vigilant: you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes.” d) He wanted to ask the coachman where they had gone. a) In a letter to A.S. Suvorin, A.P. Chekhov wrote about his play "The Seagull", that she ". . . written contrary to all the rules of dramatic art. b) As P. I. Tchaikovsky stated, “inspiration is born only from labor and during labor”. c) According to L. N. Tolstoy, "art is the highest manifestation of power in man." d) Art, according to F. M. Dostoevsky, “is the same need for a person as eating and drinking”.

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