The territory of ancient India on the map. History of ancient India location of India on the map

When I was going to India, having heard about tropical diseases, I took a bunch of pills with me on the road, the names of which I don’t even remember. I was also strongly advised to take several vaccinations against all types of dengue fever, which I never did ... At the end of my story, I will tell you how it all ended.

Location of India

Geographically, India is located on one of the largest peninsulas of Eurasia - Hindustan. In the north, India is protected from cold Arctic winds by the Tibetan Plateau, in the south it is washed by warm waters Indian Ocean. Borders India with Pakistan- in the northwest, China, Nepal and Bhutan - in the northeast. Bangladesh and Myanmar are located east of India. In addition to three dozen states, India includes a network of islands and two disputed territories.

Language and population

Population of India exceeded 1 billion and ranks “in terms of accuracy” second in the world, after China. According to the list of nationalities, India is among the leaders. There are so many of them that “the devil will break his leg.” All that I remember from the names of these nations is the frequent ending “tsy” in the names. As for languages, there are several thousand of them. But you are in no hurry to get upset about this. More or less tolerably Hindus (Indians) speak English: India was not long ago (by historical standards) a colony of Great Britain.

For tourists - here

There are places in India that I advise every person who comes here to visit:

As for tropical diseases: I was not able to catch any of them. Either it was out of season, or I just washed my hands with soap...

Natural conditions The geographical conditions of India are extremely complex and diverse. India is a huge peninsula, almost a continent, cut off from the entire surrounding world by two oceans and the world's largest mountain range, the Himalayas. The central part, the so-called Deccan, is the most ancient part of the peninsula, which may originally have been an island. This plateau, reaching 2,5 thousand meters in height, includes mountain and steppe areas, jungles and savannas, poorly adapted for human life, especially in places where severe droughts often occur. The most convenient areas for human settlement are the areas of northwestern India, the large alluvial plains of the Indus and Ganges. The abundance of water, fertile soil and mild climate contributed to the creation of vast states here in ancient times. The sea coasts of India are either too high and steep, or, conversely, too low. Only in the south are there lagoons suitable for constructing harbors. The most favorable part of southern India for settlements is southwestern Malabar.

India's population is extremely diverse and varied. According to the official report of 1911, 220 separate languages ​​were registered in India. The indigenous people of India are the Dravidians (Melano-Indians), who form an extensive and complex group of short and dark-skinned tribes, inhabiting mainly the middle and southern part of India. But the most ancient ethnic layer of India are the tribes speaking Munda languages. These tribes live in the central provinces of India, the Himalayas and Chota Nagpur.

Periods of history Ancient India: Harappan civilization in the Indus River valley (III thousand XVII century BC) "Vedic period" or Aryan-Vedic civilization (arrival and settlement of Aryan tribes in the valleys of the Indus and Ganges rivers XIII-VI centuries BC. ) Buddhist period, Maurya dynasty (V-III centuries BC) "Classical era", Gupta dynasty (II century BC IV century) Harappan civilization (III millennium XVII century BC) e) (centers in the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro ("Hill of the Dead"), in which more than 100 thousand people lived. The first of the Indian civilization discovered was the city of Harappa (hence the term "Harappan civilization" or "Harappan culture")

The oldest monuments that suggest the existence of cultural states in India were discovered in northwestern India, in the Indus basin in Harappa (Punjab) and in Mohenjo-Daro (Sindh province). The streets were straight, ran parallel and intersected at right angles. At intersections, the corners of buildings were rounded so as not to interfere with street traffic. The entire Mohenjo-Daro is built of brick. Clay was used as a material for bricks, which, unlike the Sumerians and Egyptians, they did not mix with straw. A mud solution was used as a binding material, and in special cases, gypsum solution. The appearance of the two-story houses of the Mohenjodar residents was rather inconspicuous: high blank walls without windows and only tiny openings under the roof itself. Bust of a priest (18 cm) from Mohenjo-Daro

But in every house there was an entrance hall, a living room, a courtyard, stairs, benches, and in almost all dwellings there were toilets with showers. Carefully designed sewage system. Many household items and works of art were found in the ruins, in particular various types of pottery made without a pottery wheel. Along with painted ceramics, terracotta figurines of people and animals, rings made of blue glass paste, dice and checkers were found here. Of particular interest are stone tools made of horn and stone and a very small number of metal objects. Seals made of hard stone, soft soapstone, ivory and clay were found in large quantities. These seals are covered with religious images of sacred animals (especially the bull), and the Mohenjo-Daro Excavations are also covered with inscriptions.

Great bath of the 3rd millennium BC. e. from Mohenjo Dar The Indus Valley contains ruins of Bronze Age cities (2500–1500 BC) with strict street layouts, water systems, palaces and public buildings.

The main occupation of the people of the Indus Valley was agriculture. The importance of agriculture is evidenced by the findings of a huge number of grain grinders. Agricultural products were stored in special barns. Excavations indicate the cultivation of two varieties of wheat, barley, millet, peas, sesame, sesame, cotton, melon, and the development of horticulture. They raised cows, sheep, goats, zebu, pigs, and also kept chickens. There were dogs, domestic cats, and donkeys in the settlements. Fishing played a significant role. Tools and weapons were made from copper and bronze: knives, axes, mirrors, razors, daggers, swords, arrow and spear tips, maces. The Harappans were well versed in smelting, forging and casting metals. In addition, gold, silver, and lead were used. Various jewelry was made from gold, and vessels were made from silver. In addition to metals, stone was still widely used in the economy.

Indo-Aryan period XIII-VI centuries. BC e with the arrival of the Aryan nomads, who became farmers and cattle breeders. Veda- main source information about their lives, they were written in Sanskrit (the ancient literary language of India). Castes numbering more than two thousand play an important role in life. Castes were formed on the basis of four varnas: brahmans (priests); kshatriyas (warriors); Vaishyas (farmers, artisans, traders); Shudras (slaves and prisoners of war). The first religion of India is Vedism - the religion of the Vedas. It is characterized by polytheism and the endowment of human qualities to animals and objects (anthropomorphism).

Religion Brahmanism is formed in the 1st millennium BC. e. This is a more harmonious teaching about the world, many gods are reduced to a trinity. Gradually, Brahmanism turns into Hinduism, which is the most widespread religion in India, accounting for more than 80% of believers. Hinduism exists in the form of directions: - Vaishnavism; - Shaivism; - Krishnaism. Hinduism includes many cults through the concept of avatars (incarnations) of Vishnu. That is, Vishna descends into the world, reincarnating in various images (taking the forms of Rama, Krishna and Buddha). "Bhagavat Gita" is the sacred scripture of Hinduism. The basis of Hinduism is the doctrine of the eternal transmigration of souls (samsara), which occurs in accordance with the law of retribution (karma) for everything done in life.

Basic practices and beliefs Drachma - moral duty Samsara - the cycle of birth and death Karma - the belief that actions affect the quality of rebirth Yoga - a set of physical and spiritual (meditative) exercises Sacred books of Hinduism Mahabharata Ramayana

The god Brahma is (one of the gods of the Aryans) the creator and ruler of the world. He gave people laws Responsible for the eternal kaleidoscope of natural forms. God Shiva is a formidable carrier of cosmic energy, which both creates and destroys. Shiva can destroy, and can save.

God Vishnu - the keeper saves people from various disasters, for example, from the flood. Vishnu repeatedly took on earthly incarnations, avatars, each time in order to save the Universe from disaster.

Mother goddess of the 3rd millennium BC. e. from Mohenjo-Daro Terracotta Goddess of the Ganges River 5th c. North India Terracotta

Khajuraho in Central India is home to a huge temple complex. It was built in 950 -1050. and includes over 80 structures. The temples (only 24 of them have survived) were erected at the behest of the powerful rulers of the Chandella dynasty.

The mystical analogue of the body - sacrifice and mountain - is a Hindu temple, such as the Shiva Kadarya Mahadeva Temple in Khajuraho.

The largest and most famous building is the Kandarya Mahadeva Temple, dedicated to Shiva, one of the three supreme gods. It was built in the 11th century. The 31st-high Shiva temple represents the sacred Mount Meru, surrounded by column-spires (84 in total). The sanctuary houses a special image of the god - Shiva Linga, made of marble.

The conquest of India by Alexander the Great In 327 BC. e. Alexander the Great, at the head of an army of one hundred thousand, moved east with the goal of conquering all Asian countries known to the Greeks. His army moved from Nicaea, passed through Sogdiana and Bactria, then, walking along Kabul, penetrated into northwestern India, reaching the Indus and the Pyatirechye region. The Gandhara tribe, which had previously been under the rule of the Persian kings and had fallen to some extent under the influence of Hellenistic culture, joined Alexander. Especially stubborn resistance was offered to Alexander Por, the king of the state of Puru. Porus marched against Alexander with a large army consisting of 30 thousand infantry, 4 thousand horsemen, 300 chariots and 200 elephants. However, Alexander won a great victory over him and completely defeated his troops, who lost about 12 thousand people killed. Having won a number of brilliant victories, Alexander the Great and his army reached the Hyphasis River, but due to the army’s refusal to continue the campaign, he was forced to return. Part of the Macedonian army, led by Nearchus, was sent back by sea, and Alexander himself, with small remnants of the other half of the army, returned through the waterless desert of Gedrosia and soon died (in 323).

Chandragunta (321-297 BC) Chandragupta, founder of the new Maurya dynasty. According to some sources, Chandragupta was a young kshatriya, according to others, he was the illegitimate son of the last king of the Nanda dynasty and even came from the Shudra family. In 318, Chandragupta captured all of northern India up to Narbada and formed a new large and powerful state in India. Having overthrown the last representative of the Nanda dynasty, Chandragupta continued the activities of his warlike predecessors. After the death of Alexander the Great, one of Alexander's generals, Seleucus, having strengthened himself in Syria, made an attempt to reconquer northern India in 305 BC. e. However, by starting a war with Chandragupta, Seleucus failed. He was forced not only to retreat, but even to cede to Chandragupta in exchange for 500 war elephants a number of regions of his state: Aria, Arachosia, the eastern part of Gedrosia and the country of the Parapamisadas.

Mauryan Empire (IV-III centuries BC) Power of the Mauryans. IV-III centuries BC e. the creation of an all-Indian Mauryan power (317 -180 BC), with its capital in Pataliputra (it was described by Megasthenes, who arrived at Chandragupta’s court). The struggle for influence between the nobility from the state of Magadha, the Nanda dynasty, and Chandrogupta (Sandracott), who led the anti-Macedonian movement during the period of conquest of Alexander the Great. The Mauryan power reached its peak in the middle. III century BC e. under the grandson of Chandrogupta Ashok. Ashok united many territories (from Kabul to the Deccan in the South / the southern regions of Hindustan were not included /), from the mouth of the Indus to the mouth of the Ganges. The conquest of the provinces did not destroy the previous dynasties in them. The power of the king was limited by the royal council, consisting of the king's relatives and representatives of the most noble families. The Mauryas patronized Buddhism, a then non-traditional religion. Brahmin priests were traditional.

Ashoka (272-232 BC) Ashoka, son and successor of Bindusara. From his father and grandfather he inherited a large and powerful state. Even during Bindusara's lifetime, Ashoka served as the king's viceroy in northwestern and then western India, thus receiving good preparation for managing the entire state. Ashoka ascended the throne as a very young man in 272. Almost no information has been preserved about the first years of his reign. It is only known that in 261 Ashoka began a war with the kingdom of Kalinga, which he conquered after a stubborn struggle. With this, he completed the unification of almost all of India within one state, begun by Chandragupta.

Buddhism appeared in India in the 6th century BC. e. Its creator is Sidzhartha Gautama, who at the age of 40 reached the state of enlightenment (nirvana) and received the name Buddha (enlightened one). In the 3rd century. BC e. Buddhism reached its greatest spread, displacing Brahmanism, but at the beginning of the 2nd millennium AD. e. he merges into Hinduism. Today Buddhism is widespread in China, Japan and other countries. The basis of Buddhism is the doctrine of the "four noble truths". The path to salvation lies through the renunciation of worldly temptations, through self-improvement. The highest state of nirvana is the borderline state between life and death, meaning complete detachment from outside world, absence of any desires, complete contentment, inner enlightenment.

Buddhist temples In India, Stupas are the most common burial structures. It is believed that sacred relics of Buddha are kept in Stupas. Around the Stupas there is often a fence dotted with reliefs that describe the life of the Buddha.

Ajanta Cave Monastery The creation of this monastery dates back to the 3rd-6th centuries. Consists of 29 caves carved into the rocks and connected by a wide path. The ceilings of the caves are supported by carved and painted columns. This cave gained fame thanks to its paintings on the themes of Buddhist legends.

The first centuries of the new era - the predominance of the Kushan state. Numerous finds of Kushan coins indicate the breadth of economic ties during the Kushan period. IV-V centuries n. e. - In northern India, the territories were again united by the rulers of Magadha (the Gupta dynasty). The heyday of the Gupta state - Chandrogupt II (380 -415 AD). But internal strife and the invasion of the Hephthalites Huns in the con. V - beginning VI centuries led to the collapse of the state. Socio-economic relations in the Classic period. The Indians learned how to melt steel, which was also known to the Greeks. An iron column with the inscription of King Chandra (probably Chandrogupta II) is known - for one and a half thousand years, practically no rust has appeared on it. Fortresses were no longer built of wood, but of stone. In this era, coinage reaches the art. with images of rulers and inscriptions in various languages

To determine where Ancient India is located on a modern map, it is worth first defining what exactly is considered such. The vast majority of modern scientists tend to recognize the first Indian civilization Harappan culture, which arose in the north-west of the Indian subcontinent in the Indus River valley. The most ancient traces date back to 3300 BC.

Geography of India

When answering the question of where India is located, it is worth starting with its place on the continent of Eurasia. The country is located in the southern part of Asia, and most of its territory is located on the Hindustan Peninsula, which is washed by the Bay of Bengal in the southwest and the Arabian Sea in the southeast.

The geological history of India, which began more than seventy-five million years ago, contributed to the formation of a rather distinctive region in geological, geographical and biological terms, which is today called the Indian subcontinent.

The separation of the subcontinent is facilitated not only by the waters washing it on both sides, but also by the mountain ranges of the Himalayas, which are the highest mountains on the planet. It is in the Himalayas that the “peak of the planet” is located - Mount Chomolungma, also known as Everest. The hill plays the role of a natural border between India and China.

Ancient history of India

The region where India is located became one of the centers of the emergence of the most ancient civilizations of the East. In terms of age, he is second only to the Sumerians and Egyptians. The culture arose in the north-west of the subcontinent, but by the 6th century, many independent principalities emerged in the entire north of India, which went down in history under the name Mahajanapadas.

By the 3rd century BC, the Mauryan Empire appeared on the territory of India, which quickly subjugated almost all of South Asia: from Afghanistan to modern Banladesh. The empire did not last long, but it was replaced by other, successive governments. This is how the Greco-Indian, Indo-Scythian, Parthian-Indian and Kushan kingdoms existed.

Each of these states not only introduced elements of their culture into Indian culture, but also contributed to the spread of elements of Indian culture to neighboring regions. Traces of the cultural influence of this ancient civilization can be found in Iranian culture, in Roman and, of course, in Greek.

Foreign conquest

In the 10th century AD, the peninsula where India is located was invaded by passionate Islamic conquerors, who quickly conquered most of the peninsula and established the hegemony of Islam over a vast territory.

The first Islamic dynasty in the region was the Delhi Sultanate, which existed from 1206 to 1526. The Sultanate was replaced by the Mughal Empire, which managed to maintain the dominant position of Islam for another two centuries, however, it too fell into decline, and was replaced by the Hindu Maratha Empire, created in 1624.

However, already in the 16th century, European merchants began to penetrate into the region where India is located, extremely interested in trading with a huge rich country. Portugal, France and the Netherlands have made their own attempts. However, the greatest success was achieved by Great Britain, which by the middle of the 19th century subjugated most of the country, starting its conquest with small fragmented principalities.

However, the Portuguese colonists also managed to achieve some success. They subjugated the territory in India where Goa is located. Portuguese administration existed on the site of the modern state until December 18, 1961, when Indian troops suppressed the resistance of the Portuguese and occupied the territory of the former Portuguese colony. However, Portugal recognized Goa's accession to India only in 1974.

Another Portuguese possession in South Asia was the coast where Kerala is located in India. Today it is a state with one of the highest population densities in the entire country. And it is located on the Malabar coast.

East India Company

To conquer India, Britain chose an already proven technology - it attracted private capital and technology that could effectively capture new markets and bribe local rulers.

The British East India Company was created for this purpose. The name of this large corporation indicates that the monopoly was engaged in trade in eastern India, that is, on the Hindustan Peninsula.

In this case, it is necessary to clarify where the West Indies are located in order to avoid the traditional confusion.

Historically, the West Indies are the islands located off the coast South America in the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. First of all, we usually talk about Cuba and Antigua.

Towards decolonization

Despite the fact that the liberation of India from foreign oppression and the beginning of decolonization was a positive event, it turned out that it could also have extremely negative consequences.

In 1946, a series of military mutinies demonstrated to the British authorities their inability to control the huge overseas territories in India, and the parliamentary elections that followed them once again demonstrated the need to start moving towards the independence of a huge country.

The first active participants in violent resistance to the British military were Muslims, who proclaimed the day of direct action in 1946. As a result of this action, a series of bloody clashes between Hindus and Muslims swept across the country. The need to partition India along religious and ethnic lines became obvious not only to the local population, but also to Her Majesty's Government.

Partition of India

On August 15, 1947, Great Britain announced the creation of the Dominion of Pakistan, and the very next day it became known that the Indian Union had declared independence. This decision led to extremely bloody events and clashes, the victims of which were about a million people, and another eighteen million were forced to leave their homes and move to other regions.

The decision to divide British possessions before India declared sovereignty was taken so that the creation of Pakistan would not look like its separation from sovereign India. Thus, both countries had equal rights and should not have claims against each other. However, this solution to the issue did not help to avoid territorial disputes in the future.

As a result of such large migration flows, a huge number of problems have arisen. The city of Delhi, where between one and two million people settled, experienced the greatest burden. A large number of people were unable to find permanent housing and were forced to settle in refugee camps.

However, the government of the new country soon began an active program to build permanent houses in place of the tents.

Economy of India

The part of the world where India and China are located is of great importance for the modern international economy. Both countries are among the three largest economic powers in terms of GDP, second only to the United States. However, the size of the economy should not be misleading, as over the past decades, India has accumulated numerous problems that have not yet been resolved.

The level of social inequality and poverty in the country is extremely high, and traditional customs take precedence over secular laws in many regions.

Most economists agree that despite the authorities’ significant efforts to modernize, the state’s economy still has an agrarian-industrial character and does not reach the post-industrial level.

Social structure

The caste system of society still continues to have a significant impact on all areas of social and economic relations. People are born, raised and die inside it. Each of these stages is marked by rituals characteristic of a particular caste. Even the names of the child are given in accordance with his social status.

Until recently, any Indian, when applying for a job, was required to indicate in the appropriate column not only his religion, but also the caste to which he belongs. Marriages between people belonging to different strata were not registered, and if young people still dared to link their destinies, then there could be no question of recognition of such marriages by society.

In addition, one of the most cruel customs practiced until recently in the country was the ritual self-immolation of widows.

However, some economists, who are not very progressive in their views, believe that such a system, which developed many centuries ago, contributes to the better functioning of the traditional economy. However, in this case, the question remains open about why traditional economics is needed in the 21st century.

The ancient city of Lothal, which arose 2400 years ago. BC.

In the southern Indian state of Karnataka, on the banks of a river with the unpronounceable name Tungabhadra, among mighty granite boulders, there are the ruins of the capital of the once powerful Vijayanagar Empire. The remains of Vijayanagara belong to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, where they are listed as "Hampi Monuments". It seems that nature itself has given people a scoop and a sandbox to realize their desires and ambitions. Outcrops of gray coarse granite in the heart of the Deccan plateau, the presence of waterways and fertile soil have attracted people here since the 1st century AD.

It was once home to almost half a million people and was one of the largest cities in India.

Various crafts, literature, music and architecture have achieved the greatest development here. Countless travelers from all over the world have tried in vain to describe the wonders of Vijayanagara.

A reasonable question arises: “How did the craftsmen cut and process durable and dense granite?” Many pseudoscientists claim that ancient peoples cut these huge boulders with lasers or incredible space technologies.

“A thousand columns” stretch along the road. Their purpose is not known for certain. It remains to be assumed that there used to be covered shopping arcades for the city market here.

This is a real masterpiece of stone carvers - a granite chariot. Now you can see that there are elephants in harness. However, before there were horses in their place

Culture of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro


Hercules on the seals of the city

Dishes from Mohenjo-Daro

Harappan culture

On the streets of Mohenjo-daro

decoration from Mohenjo-daro


Desk lamp

In all likelihood, the Harappans traded with the Sumerians. The Sumerian writings mentioned cities with which they traded. Among them was a city called Meluke; scientists identify it with the proto-Indian city of Mohenjo - Daro. Large quantities of remains of cotton fabrics, a variety of earthenware beads, and shells were found on Harappan territory - all of this was of foreign origin.

Excavation at Mohenjo-daro

Seals from Mohenjo-daro

Pottery and textile tools were found among the ruins. Pottery workshops were located throughout the city. Almost everything was made there, from pipes and bricks to thin-walled vessels, elegant figurines and jewelry. Residents also used objects made of copper, tin, and bronze - these were tools, jewelry and weapons. True, the weapon was made very crudely; there was probably no military action in this territory. The Harappan people were never able to master iron smelting.

Harappan pottery

Harappan game

Pre-Harappan culture

Harappan figurines

Harappan pottery

Terracotta figurines from Harappa


Harappan letter

One or two rooms for ablutions (in a modern way, two bathrooms), ventilation ducts. No air conditioners have been found yet.

An incredibly developed separate sewage system with septic tanks and even... public toilets. Water supply. Rainwater was drained from the roofs through specially shaped pottery pipes so that splashes would not fall on passers-by. The walls were plastered, but all this, the decoration, the paint and the upper floors, had disappeared.

The quality of the masonry is unusually high, includes many techniques (no arched vault), and stone slabs for chic. Here is a room on the second floor

The houses had 2-3 floors, at least 8x9 m, at least one courtyard and wells. This is not a tower, this is a well (cistern?) from the second floor.

Hieroglyphs from Harappa

The decline of civilization was apparently due to natural causes. Climate change or earthquakes could change the flow of rivers or dry them up, and the soils become depleted. The farmers were no longer able to feed the cities, and the inhabitants abandoned them. The huge social and economic complex disintegrated into small groups. Writing and other cultural achievements were lost. There is nothing to suggest that the decline occurred overnight. Instead of empty cities in the north and south, new settlements appeared at this time, people moved east, to the Ganges valley.

The floors of rich houses are also brick, the swimming pools are coated with bitumen. Some floors are covered with an unknown glassy composition, and under some there are channels for air heating

City plan

Ceramics. Mohenjo-Daro. 4500 Sun.

Clay seal from Harappa but not yet deciphered.

The Indus Valley Civilization was a largely urban culture, trading with the Sumerians from southern Mesopotamia. By far the most exquisite and rare artifact found to date is a small, square shape seal with animal engraving. Despite the efforts of philologists from all parts of the world, and despite the use of computers, the content of the text remains undeciphered. Although historians agree that civilization declined sharply, there is disagreement over possible reasons its completion. Conquerors from Central and Western Asia are believed by some historians to be the reason for the disappearance of the Indus Valley Civilization, but this opinion is open to debate and debate. More plausible explanations are repeated floods caused by tectonic movements of the earth, soil salinization, and desertification.

Bulls harnessed to a cart. Children's toy found in Harappan civilization excavations

Necklace made of spiral copper wire. Traces of silk remain inside. These are the earliest traces of the use of wild fibers silkworm in South Asia. Harappa 3B: around 2450 - 220 BC

Harappan figurines

A female burial site disturbed by ancient robbers. A baby is buried under the mother's feet. Harappa is one of the two capitals of the ancient civilization in the Indus River basin.

Maps of India | India Travel Guide/Travel to India: General Information

1. Geographical (graphic maps) of India

for fans of traditional maps: 1.1. A large tourist map of India showing all major cities and marked with asterisks the most important tourist attractions of interest to travelers. This map will help you understand where are the places you want to go and create an idea of ​​the geography of India

1.2. A detailed geographical map of India indicating, in addition to cities, also meridians, rivers, mountain systems, etc. This map is quite detailed and very large, to view the map click on the preview and it will open in a new window.

2. Interactive travel map of India and Asia

On the Indonet there is interactive map India (and Asia, too), which marks all the places indicated in this guide, as well as stories and other materials written by travelers, with direct links to them from the map. That is, the map itself indicates how many materials there are, by scrolling up the map to a city or attraction, you will see the number of posts about this place.

3. Interactive map of India

Unlike graphic and scanned maps, the interactive map of India from allows, thanks to navigation, to take a look at the whole of India and even find a village, see Indian national highways and local access roads, as well as plans of major Indian cities with street names and hotels. Different flags on this map of India indicate the places for which there is information in the guidebook, the names of the places are naturally in Russian.View See the map of India "India in Russian" on a larger map links to maps of India

Ancient cities of India - India, culture, cities, description

The ancient cities of India are unique and inimitable in their beauty. After all, Indian civilization is one of the oldest in the world. The oldest cities in India known to us are Varanasi, founded, according to the legends of the Indians, by Shiva himself on the banks of the Ganges fifty centuries ago.

City of Kashi-Varnasi The next city is Madurai. It was built around the Meenakshi temple and the temple is right in the center of it. This temple is in the photo:

Another ancient city is Ujjain, here every twelve years the so-called festival of pitchers - Kumbh Mela is held. Another couple of sights of the city are a Shaivist temple and an observatory.

View of Ujjain city from the river

Also, the oldest city in India is Patna - a place of pilgrimage for many Indian believers. Patna is a continuously inhabited city, like many other ancient cities of India.

Modern Patna

The city of Pushkar is the smallest city in India, but no less ancient. It is famous for its camel fair.

Excavations of ancient cities of India, locations.

The sites of the oldest cities in India are mainly the valleys of the Indus and Ganges rivers. Most ancient city India was excavated by archaeologists in the Mohenjo-Daro region. More than five thousand years ago the city was inhabited. The city had straight streets running from west to east and from north to south. The city had a sewerage system, and residents also had wells. The buildings were made of brick. Residents also had pets. Many tools, as well as jewelry and figurines, were found in the city. Now this territory is uninhabited - Mohenjo-Daro is translated as “hill of death.”

Excavations at the "Hill of Death"

Detailed map of India in Russian. Where is India located on the world map.

India is located in southern Asia, for the most part on the Hindustan Peninsula, smaller - in the continental part. India also includes numerous islands located in the east - in the Bay of Bengal, in the south - in the Indian Ocean, in the west - in the Arabian Sea. India shares borders with Pakistan in the west, with Bhutan, Nepal and China in the northeast, and with Bangladesh and Myanmar in the east. The disputed territories of the Indian states of Jammu and Kashmir share borders with Afghanistan. The country has maritime borders with the Maldives in the southwest, with Indonesia in the southeast, and with the islands of Sri Lanka in the south.

In terms of territory, the country is in seventh place in the world. The total area is 3.3 million square kilometers, which includes 90.44% land and 9.56% water. India ranks second in population in the world - 1.2 billion people live in the state. About 70% of Indians live in rural areas.

The majority of the population of India professes the religion of Hinduism - about 80%, Muslims make up 14% of the total population, Christians - 2.4%, Sikhs - about 2%, Jains and Buddhists - less than 1%. There are also other religions in the country - Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Baha'i.

The official languages ​​of India are English and Hindi. In different states, Tamil, Kannara, Telugu, Bengali, Urdu and others are used as state and other languages. The population of India speaks more than 1,600 languages ​​and dialects.

In India, administrative divisions include Delhi district, six union territories and 28 states. All union territories and states are divided into districts, which are divided into tuluks. The largest cities: Mumbai - about 10 million people, New Delhi - about 7 million people, Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) - about 4.5 million people. The major cities are Hyderabad, Madras, Bangapore, each with a population of about 4 million people.

Detailed physical map of India in Russian with main cities.

See where India is on the world map:

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Sights of India. Photo and description on Tourister.Ru.

India: helpful information

Ancient sights of India

The outstanding monuments of Ancient India are the cave temples of Ajanta and Ellora, located 60 km from each other in the state of Maharashtra. The first temples at Ajanta were carved over several centuries, starting from the 2nd century BC. The cave village of Ellora was created later, but is just as impressive in its scale: the complex includes 34 caves, and its central structure is the colossal Kailasanatha Temple. Cave temple complexes, many sculptures, and the remains of ancient paintings were also found on Elephanta Island in the Mumbai waters of the Arabian Sea.

Among the main treasures of India protected by UNESCO is the Abandoned City of Hampi. It was in these places that some of the events described in the Ramayana unfolded. The Virupaksha Temple located in Hampi is still active.

In Amritsar, in the center of the artificial lake of the same name, stands the Sikh Golden Temple Harmandir Sahib, which can be reached over a narrow marble bridge.

For many travelers, imbued with the ideas of Buddhism, ancient temples scattered throughout the country become the strongholds of their travel.

Alternatively, experience Indian culture and centuries-old traditions in the Old Town of Gokarna, which consists almost entirely of wooden houses, or in Little Tibet, the largest Buddhist community in India.

Panoramic view of the Taj Mahal from

Sights of Indian cities

In the capital Delhi, the most interesting are temples of different religions, the Red Fort and city parks. Here is the Lotus Temple, central to the Bahai religion, as well as the National Museum, which has the largest collection of artifacts in India. More attractions of Delhi can be viewed in the thematic section.

The most popular Indian resort state of Goa should not be perceived only as a place for a beach holiday. If you wish, you can create a completely varied excursion program, visiting Indian attractions: temples, churches and mosques, museums, historical quarters. For example, the Basilica of Jesus in Old Goa, the elegant architectural ensemble of Largo da Igreja in Panaji, the main temple of Goa - Sri Mangeshi. The resorts are close to the beautiful Dudhsagar waterfall - the second largest in India. The best place for walking and buying souvenirs - 18th June Street in Panaji.

Mumbai is the capital of the Indian film industry, where the Bollywood pavilions are located. The attention of tourists is attracted by the huge triumphal arch - the Gateway of India, and the Flora Fountain in the ancient Roman style. Guided tours include visiting the planetarium of the Nehru Scientific and Cultural Center, located in a prominent modern building. The largest exhibition in the city is presented at the Prince of Wales Museum. The best place to relax with children is the huge water park and amusement park Esselworld.

India's most recognizable architectural landmarks in Jaipur, the "Pink City", are located in the old quarter, where most of the stone houses have a distinctive pink or terracotta hue. The city is home to the grand Maharaja's Palace, the Albert Hall Museum, originally designed as a city assembly hall, and the huge Jantar Mantar observatory. In the suburbs of Jaipur stands the legendary Amber Fort, which now houses a museum and an observation deck.

Famous sights of Kolkata (Kolkata) are the Kali Temple, India's largest zoo - Alipore, the ancient Indian Museum, where, among other exhibits, ancient fossils and meteorites are kept, the Victoria Memorial and St. Paul's Cathedral.

Video about the sights of India

On a modern map, it’s worth first defining what exactly is considered such. The vast majority of modern scientists are inclined to recognize the Harappan culture, which arose in the north-west of the Indian subcontinent in the Indus River valley, as the first Indian civilization. The most ancient traces date back to 3300 BC.

Geography of India

When answering the question of where India is located, it is worth starting with its place on the continent of Eurasia. The country is located in the southern part of Asia, and most of its territory is located on the Hindustan Peninsula, which is washed by the Bay of Bengal in the southwest and the Arabian Sea in the southeast.

The geological history of India, which began more than seventy-five million years ago, contributed to the formation of a rather distinctive region in geological, geographical and biological terms, which is today called the Indian subcontinent.

The separation of the subcontinent is facilitated not only by the waters washing it on both sides, but also by the mountain ranges of the Himalayas, which are the highest mountains on the planet. It is in the Himalayas that the “peak of the planet” is located - Mount Chomolungma, also known as Everest. The hill plays the role of a natural border between India and China.

Ancient history of India

The region where India is located became one of the centers of the emergence of the most ancient civilizations of the East. In terms of age, he is second only to the Sumerians and Egyptians. The culture arose in the north-west of the subcontinent, but by the 6th century, many independent principalities emerged in the entire north of India, which went down in history under the name Mahajanapadas.

By the 3rd century BC, the Mauryan Empire appeared on the territory of India, which quickly subjugated almost all of South Asia: from Afghanistan to modern Banladesh. The empire did not last long, but it was replaced by other, successive governments. This is how the Greco-Indian, Indo-Scythian, Parthian-Indian and Kushan kingdoms existed.

Each of these states not only introduced elements of their culture into Indian culture, but also contributed to the spread of elements of Indian culture to neighboring regions. Traces of the cultural influence of this ancient civilization can be found in Iranian culture, in Roman and, of course, in Greek.

Foreign conquest

In the 10th century AD, the peninsula where India is located was invaded by passionate Islamic conquerors, who quickly conquered most of the peninsula and established the hegemony of Islam over a vast territory.

The first Islamic dynasty in the region was the Delhi Sultanate, which existed from 1206 to 1526. The Sultanate was replaced by the Mughal Empire, which managed to maintain the dominant position of Islam for another two centuries, however, it too fell into decline, and was replaced by the Hindu Maratha Empire, created in 1624.

However, already in the 16th century, European merchants began to penetrate into the region where India is located, extremely interested in trade with a huge rich country. Portugal, France and the Netherlands have made their own attempts. However, the greatest success was achieved by Great Britain, which by the middle of the 19th century subjugated most of the country, starting its conquest with small fragmented principalities.

However, the Portuguese colonists also managed to achieve some success. They subjugated the territory in India where Goa is located. Portuguese administration existed on the site of the modern state until December 18, 1961, when Indian troops suppressed the resistance of the Portuguese and occupied the territory of the former Portuguese colony. However, Portugal recognized Goa's accession to India only in 1974.

Another Portuguese possession in South Asia was the coast where Kerala is located in India. Today it is a state with one of the highest population densities in the entire country. And it is located on the Malabar coast.

East India Company

To conquer India, Britain chose an already proven technology - it attracted private capital and technology that could effectively capture new markets and bribe local rulers.

The British East India Company was created for this purpose. The name of this large corporation indicates that the monopoly was engaged in trade in eastern India, that is, on the Hindustan Peninsula.

In this case, it is necessary to clarify where the West Indies are located in order to avoid the traditional confusion.

Historically, the West Indies are called the islands located off the coast of South America in the Caribbean Sea and in the Gulf of Mexico. First of all, we usually talk about Cuba and Antigua.

Towards decolonization

Despite the fact that the liberation of India from foreign oppression and the beginning of decolonization was a positive event, it turned out that it could also have extremely negative consequences.

In 1946, a series of military mutinies demonstrated to the British authorities their inability to control the huge overseas territories in India, and the parliamentary elections that followed them once again demonstrated the need to start moving towards the independence of a huge country.

The first active participants in violent resistance to the British military were Muslims, who proclaimed the day of direct action in 1946. As a result of this action, a series of bloody clashes between Hindus and Muslims swept across the country. The need to partition India along religious and ethnic lines became obvious not only to the local population, but also to Her Majesty's Government.

Partition of India

On August 15, 1947, Great Britain announced the creation of the Dominion of Pakistan, and the very next day it became known that the Indian Union had declared independence. This decision led to extremely bloody events and clashes, the victims of which were about a million people, and another eighteen million were forced to leave their homes and move to other regions.

The decision to divide British possessions before India declared sovereignty was taken so that the creation of Pakistan would not look like its separation from sovereign India. Thus, both countries had equal rights and should not have claims against each other. However, this solution to the issue did not help to avoid territorial disputes in the future.

As a result of such large migration flows, a huge number of problems have arisen. The city of Delhi, where between one and two million people settled, experienced the greatest burden. A large number of people could not find a permanent home and were forced to settle in refugee camps.

However, the government of the new country soon began an active program to build permanent houses in place of the tents.

Economy of India

The part of the world where India and China are located is of great importance for the modern international economy. Both countries are among the three largest economic powers in terms of GDP, second only to the United States. However, the size of the economy should not be misleading, as over the past decades, India has accumulated numerous problems that have not yet been resolved.

Ancient Indians were farmers. The oldest cities in India have been discovered. These are Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, which arose five thousand years ago. The ancient Indians did not know iron. Tools and jewelry were made of copper and bronze. The cities conducted brisk trade.

People use different sources to study the history of ancient India. One of them is literary monuments and historical chronicles. In India, these were the sacred books of the Aryans, the Vedas, as well as materials from the epic tales of the Mahabharata and Ramayana. In addition, historical monuments of architecture and architecture have survived to our times. Let's look at some of them:

Buddhist stupa The word stupa means burial mound. It is the most important monumental structure of Buddhist art. A stupa is a Buddhist memorial and funerary monument, which also served as a storage place for Buddhist relics. In the central part of India, in Sanchi, the Great Stupa (32 centuries BC) has been preserved.

Taj Mahal The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum-mosque located in Agra. It was built by order of the descendant of Tamerlane, the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife who died in childbirth (later Shah Jahan himself was buried here). 1. Buddhist stupa. The word stupa means burial mound. It is the most important monumental structure of Buddhist art. A stupa is a Buddhist memorial and funerary monument, which also served as a storage place for Buddhist relics.

Red Fort. The Red Fort, a fortified structure in the Indian city of Agra, was the residence of the rulers. Located above the Yamuna River just 2.5 km from the Taj Mahal. Part of the Red Fort area is today used for military purposes and is not accessible to visitors.

Vrindavan. Vrindavan is an ancient city in India. In ancient times, this place was the site of a forest in which, according to Hindu literature, Krishna held his lila (games) during his earthly incarnation more than 5,000 years ago. Vrindavan is also called the "city of 5000 temples"
The presentation was prepared by Pavlov Semyon Student 4 “A” class Lyceum 144, St. Petersburg. To create the presentation, Internet resources were used: Large illustrated encyclopedia.t.11. Compiled by Ya.Gershkovich.M.2010

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