What grain is wheat groats made from. Wheat groats - description with photo, composition and calorie content; use of the product in cooking; beneficial properties, harm and contraindications

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Wheat has been known since the Neolithic period. Traditional healers of Ancient Russia used grain decoctions for healing. Bread was baked from wheat, and the porridge itself was called ritual. She took pride of place on the table, in the form of kuti with honey and nuts for Christmas. Today it is impossible to imagine a person who would not know about such a mess. We have been introduced to it since childhood.

The wonderful taste properties of wheat groats and the speed of preparation are very much appreciated by our hostesses. In addition, there are a lot of cooking options - with meat or mushrooms, with milk, fruits, etc. How to choose and cook it, how wheat porridge is good for the body and other useful information you will find in this article.

From the article you will learn:

  • what is wheat groats
  • useful properties and harm of porridge
  • calorie content of cereals
  • the benefits of bran and how to use them
  • how to cook delicious porridge

What cereal is wheat groats made from?

Groats are obtained in the process of processing wheat, mainly durum varieties. The grains are cleaned of the germ and the husk, which goes into the bran. Depending on the method of processing, the shape and size of grains, cereals are divided into types, numbers. Most often on the shelves you can find grain of the Poltavskaya and Artek brands. The Poltavskaya brand is subdivided by numbers: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4. The number corresponds to the diameter of the grain, #1 is the coarsest grind, and #4 is the finest. From spring wheat, pleasant yellow grains are obtained, and from winter wheat - with a grayish tint.

If you meet a cereal called "Bulgur" in the store - feel free to buy it, this variety has a nutty aroma and excellent taste. also one of the varieties of processed wheat, but the benefits of wheat groats are much greater than semolina. Wheat is rich in microelements, vitamins and fiber, while all these valuable substances are stored in cereals for 10-12 months. When choosing raw materials, pay attention to the statute of limitations and appearance. Grains in the bag should be free of debris, and not stray into lumps.

Wheat porridge: useful properties and contraindications

Cooked homemade porridge for breakfast will provide the whole body with energy for the first half of the day. It is quickly absorbed and due to the content of a large amount of protein, it is very nutritious. It can and should be prepared for children. It will help men to build muscle mass, and women to become owners of healthy skin and hair. The benefits of porridge for the body are as follows:

  1. Due to the large amount of fiber, it improves the digestion process.
  2. Helps with.
  3. Gently removes toxins and toxins from the body.
  4. Improves fat metabolism and prevents its deposition.
  5. Has antioxidant properties.
  6. Can lower blood pressure.
  7. Normalizes the rate of blood clotting, which in turn allows wounds to heal faster.
  8. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails, skin.
  9. With the help of calcium in its composition, it strengthens the skeletal system.
  10. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  11. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  12. Reduces blood glucose levels, recommended for diabetics.

And yet, wheat porridge shows its beneficial properties when in remission. It will bring maximum benefit to the restoration of the body. The benefits and harms of wheat porridge depend on the brand of the cereal itself. So, large fibers allow you to cleanse the intestines faster, and smaller grains are absorbed much faster. There is also a small list of contraindications to the use of such a product:

  • With gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, frequent use should be abandoned.
  • Not eating wheat for a while will be for those who have undergone abdominal surgery.
  • Wheat groats will harm people suffering from celiac disease (gluten intolerance).

Harm to the body is the excessive consumption of cereals from wheat kernels, however, as well as the unlimited use of any other food product.

Calorie cereals

Dry cereal contains 310-120 kcal per 100 grams of product. If you cook it with a viscous consistency and on water, you will get only 90 kcal. Loose wheat is slightly more caloric - 135 kcal per 100 grams.

The calorie content of wheat porridge directly depends on the method of its preparation and the ingredients added to it. The more treats you add, the more calories you get. Those who want to get rid of extra pounds should cook the dish on water and without oil.

Wheat bran - benefits, how to take

Bran is gaining more and more popularity - barley, rice, rye, and wheat. They are the leader, thanks to the huge content of nutrients. They are advised to use for people with problems of the digestive tract. They are valued for their high fiber content, which helps cleanse the intestines and stomach walls.

Wheat bran is beneficial for people with heart disease and for those who want to lose weight. The tool is the prevention of constipation, lowers cholesterol, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. For purification, raw materials are either steamed or washed down with plenty of clean drinking water. Grain shells swell greatly from moisture, and already in this form they move through the intestines.

Granular bran is considered the most useful. They have undergone a minimum of technical processes and do not contain any additives. Pour them for 20-25 minutes with hot (not boiling water) water, and you can eat. It is useful to add them to cereals. For medicinal purposes, the reception begins with 1 spoon, and gradually increase. The daily maximum dosage is not more than 30 grams.

Any bran will harm people with peptic ulcer, or gastritis. Unlimited use of this product can lead to the removal of all useful substances from the body, as well as the loss of calcium.

How to cook porridge delicious

A lot of dishes can be prepared from wheat groats: soups, casseroles, meatballs, and even casseroles. For example, a Slavic dish wheat grain, prepare as follows:

  • boil 3 cups of water with a pinch of salt;
  • add 1.5 cups of cereals, cook, stirring until thickened;
  • then add 200 g of cottage cheese, half a glass of sour cream, 2 chicken eggs, 3 large spoons of granulated sugar;
  • knead well and transfer to a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form;
  • top with egg yolk and put in the oven.

Very tasty and healthy breakfast wheat boiled in milk. To cook for 1-2 people, take:

  • 50 gr of raw materials;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • butter, sugar, salt;
  • boil the milk first;
  • carefully pour in the wheat;
  • reduce heat, cook for 20 minutes, stirring constantly;
  • During the cooking process, add butter, salt and sugar to taste.

At the end, you can add a little jam, fruits, berries, nuts. And on the water, the dish is prepared according to the same principle. At the same time, it is believed that the cereal washed before cooking will make the finished dish crumbly. Even easier for those who have a multicooker. A glass of wheat is poured with two glasses of water, a little salt (or sugar) is added, and the necessary mode is turned on.

Bon appetit and good health to you!

Of these, and various products of their processing are all part of the daily life of every person. But not everyone knows what kind of cereal they eat, how it is produced and how it should be stored. Let's understand together the many names, shapes and colors of various cereals.

What are cereals

Any cereal is nothing more than a specially processed grain. Depending on the grain from which cereals are processed, they are divided into types:

  • cereals - wheat, oats, rye, corn, millet, rice, sorghum;
  • buckwheat - buckwheat;
  • legumes - peas, beans, soybeans, lentils.

Most important culture

The most important and important cereal crop can safely be called wheat. It is her stock in the country that is considered the main one. Grinding its grains, in a specialized industry, baking flour of various qualities, several types of cereals are obtained. Secondary production receives a wide variety of bakery products, as well as all types of pasta. Millions of people need these products every day. But it all starts with a small seed growing in an ear.

Wheat varieties differ in grain hardness - soft or hard.

There are winter and spring species. The former are sown in the winter and already harvested in the summer, but these varieties are exposed to winter weather and severe frost. In order for the grains not to be eaten by agricultural pests during the cold months, they are well pickled. This does not affect the quality of the crop.

Spring varieties of wheat are sown in early spring and harvested in autumn.

The composition of cereal grains

Any cereal is almost pure carbohydrates - from 70-80%. It depends on the content of the starchy part in the grain. The richest cereals in this substance are rice, wheat and corn. They produce the best baking flour, make bread and various flat cakes. In many countries it is part of the national cuisine.


The production of cereals begins with the harvesting of grain crops - this is the work of heavy equipment. Then conveyor machines begin their part, which remove all impurities.

The next stage is the sorting of all grains (of a certain cereal plant) by size. Then they remove the shell from the grains and grind them.

For some types of bread and bakery products, cereals are supplied not completely peeled or only their shells.

Characteristics of various cereals

Before we begin to characterize individual types of cereals, we will analyze which cereals are produced from which type of cereals.

From oats produce:

  • oatmeal, or "Hercules";
  • oatmeal.

Wheat groats - types (names):

  • semolina;
  • wheat;
  • flakes.

From barley produce:

  • barley;
  • barley grits.

Legumes are also part of cereal plants. Here is an example of the most popular - peas:

  • whole peas;
  • chipped.

Other plants that are rightfully classified as cereals:

  • millet;
  • corn.

Calorie content of the main cereals in dry and boiled form

The calorie table of boiled cereals will tell you the energy value of these products. The numbers differ from the results of dry grains. This is due to percentage losses during heat treatment - the process is absolutely normal for each product.

Dry cereals contain many useful substances, various vitamins, micro and macro elements. There are even more of them in unrefined grains. But this is only about cereals boiled in water.

Nutritional and energy value of various types of cereals
NameStateProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, gCalorie content, kcal
Milletdry11,5 3,3 69,3 348,0
boiled10,8 2,9 63,0 316,8
Buckwheatdry13,0 3,0 68,0 350,0
boiled12,2 2,6 61,8 314,9
oatsdry11,0 6,0 51,0 310,0
boiled10,3 5,2 46,4 273,6
Ricedry7,0 1,0 71,4 330,0
boiled6,5 0,8 64,9 288,7
Wheatdry7,5 1,3 41,4 198,0
boiled7,0 1,1 37,6 185,6
Mankadry10,3 1,0 67,4 328,0
boiled9,6 0,8 61,3 286,7
Pearl barleydry9,3 1,1 73,7 320,0
boiled8,7 0,9 67,0 306,5
corndry8,3 1,2 75,0 337,0
boiled7,8 1,0 68,2 308,6
Peasdry23,0 1,0 62,0 350,0
boiled21,6 0,8 56,4 314,7

The calorie content of dry and boiled cereals will differ noticeably less if additional products are added during their cooking. The nutritional value numbers will change upwards.

Additional Products

And what can be added to porridge during its preparation in order to increase the nutritional value of the dish? It depends on the specific recipe. Whether your dish will be a dessert, a hot second course or a first course.

And now in more detail

You already know some types of cereals from the table. Now let's get to know them in more detail.

Wheat groats

Types of wheat cereals:

  • semolina - obtained from grain with partial grinding into wheat flour of various grain sizes, it looks white (or yellowish in color) and slightly powdery: it boils quickly, it has few nutrients, but a lot of vegetable carbohydrates;
  • wheat groats are the same semolina, but with grains of a larger diameter, after cooking the grains do not lose their shape and remain slightly elastic, wheat groats are welded from the original mass by 4-5 times.

It should also be noted that there are different types of semolina - from soft varieties of wheat, from durum or from a mixture of soft and hard. In accordance with this, the semolina is assigned a mark on the package - T, M or TM. When buying, pay attention to this.

The most useful semolina is cereals with a "T" sign on the package. This keeps the grains intact when cooked. The porridge looks and tastes good.

Semolina made from soft wheat varieties can be completely boiled, turning into a starchy mass.


Buckwheat is used to produce groats called kernels. These are whole grains of cereals, peeled from the shell. Not steamed.

Groats are rich in vitamins and minerals. Its iron content is especially high. Because of what it is not recommended to use it often for people with high blood clotting. The color of the groats is from light brown to dark brown.

Depending on the degree of purification from the shell, buckwheat grains are divided into three grades according to quality.

Prodel - crushed buckwheat grain.

Smolensk groats - ground (almost powder) grains of buckwheat.

Uncrushed cereals are cooked for about 15-20 minutes, giving a long feeling of satiety.


Types of cereals from oats - oatmeal and oatmeal.

On the shelves of shops you can find oatmeal "Hercules", petal and "Extra". They differ only in the grade of the initial grains. The first two - from oatmeal only the highest grade. But "Extra" products are produced by special steaming, flattening and drying of raw materials of slightly lower quality.

To get oatmeal, dried vegetable grains go through a number of conveyor operations:

  • grinding grain into cereals;
  • soak;
  • steaming;
  • drying.

Oatmeal before use in food is not subjected to additional heat treatment. It is permissible to add it to milk and sour-milk cocktails and drinks. Milk is taken only hot, and with kefir or fermented baked milk, oatmeal is insisted in coolness. And then they add flavoring and aromatic substances according to the original drink recipe.

Types of barley groats

Barley according to the degree of grain processing is divided into separate types:

  • the grain is elongated, well polished, the ends are rounded - it is distinguished by the best taste and speed of cooking (groats are completely boiled soft and reach readiness in one hour);
  • spherical grains - to cook this, it will take 1.5 hours.

The color of both species is from white to yellow. May have a greenish tinge.

With full culinary readiness after cooking, barley grains are well boiled soft, soft in structure. When cold, they harden and become hard. When reheated, the taste and structural qualities return.

Barley groats - crushed grain of barley, before grinding it is not polished. Because of this, grains are worse digested and absorbed by the body. But part of the natural shell provides a high content of minerals and vitamins. Compared to pearl barley - several times.

When cooked, barley increases in volume by 6 times, and barley - by 5 times.


Rice is the only crop that, growing, feels great in the aquatic environment. So the plant is saturated with moisture in full, easily gets rid of weeds and increases productivity.

To grow rice where there is little rainfall, plots of land are divided into squares and dug in with special channels (I also call them canals). Water is let through ditches, providing a good habitat for the cereal plant. Water is often taken from rivers or lakes with tributaries of rivers.

Industry, depending on the method of processing, produces crushed and polished rice.

Polished rice has a rough surface, the grains are white in color. The content of grains of other shades is acceptable in the batch - gray, brownish.

In the production of polished rice, split grains are obtained, they are sorted and packaged as crushed rice.

There are several other types of rice. One of them is steamed. The grains are steamed under the same production conditions at a high temperature, then dried. It is believed that just such rice groats are great for crumbly pilaf. The grains do not stick together and retain their shape.

There is one secret which allows you to cook friable pilaf from rice, where the cereal does not stick together into porridge! Throw unwashed cereals into the broth with well-braised meat and do not stir the dish until it is fully cooked.

Wild unpolished rice is also on sale, its grains have a dark shade - this is the color of the shell. It has gained popularity in connection with the popularization of a healthy lifestyle and dietary nutrition.


Millet is a short plant with grains of different colors (white, yellow, red or brown). The shells of small round grains are painted in such colors.

The plant does not grow in the wild. To ensure good yields, it is often watered in large quantities.

Groats go through the entire production cycle of cleaning and sorting on special conveyors. As a result, we get a cereal called millet.

Interesting! The dark shells that remain from the exfoliation of millet are used for fattening poultry, especially weakened ones.

Nutritionists consider millet dishes to be heavy food. Indeed, this cereal is worse digested. It is customary to add a little round rice to millet porridge to increase digestibility and reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Boiled millet is added to the filling for pies, vegetarian manti or dumplings.


Corn is a cereal plant that is often fed to livestock, especially small or slightly spoiled cobs.

Industrial canning of fresh corn has become widespread. However, in dried form, it can be found on store shelves.

It is produced in two types - polished and crushed. The shape of grains polished and crushed is different, there is a little floury yellow powder in the bag with grits. The color of the grains is from white to yellow.

When boiled, the grains remain harsh, which is normal for corn.

Crushed goes to the production of sweet corn flakes.

Bean groats - peas

Peas are the most popular of the legumes. We are used to buying whole peas (it is polished under production conditions) or chopped. The color of the peas can be yellow or green.

When boiled, peas give a homogeneous mass, outwardly resembling mashed potatoes.

quality requirements

All cereals, the types and names of which we have examined, are determined qualitatively, by taste, color, percentage of impurities and some other indicators. Although a small amount of impurities is still allowed, it is strictly regulated by a certain regulation.

The appearance of an extraneous taste (bitter) or smell (sour, moldy, wet) indicates spoilage of the entire batch of cereals.

Storage at home

At home, cereals must be stored in paper bags in a dry room, without excess air humidity and air temperature not higher than 18 degrees. It is allowed to take plastic containers with screw-on lids for storage.

In other conditions, the cereal becomes moldy and becomes infected with pests.

The shelf life is 4 months. But when the cereal is stored in barn conditions, subject to all the necessary rules, the shelf life increases to a year. Packaging in such cases - paper bags of 50 kg.

In addition to all these cereals, there are those that are not described here. These are cereal plants, the habitat of which is other countries. To study all the cereals with types and names alphabetically, it will take a little more time.

And European cuisines.

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    ✪ Milk wheat porridge


The nutritional value

grain of wheat
Nutritional value per 100 g of product
Energy value 360 ​​kcal 1505 kJ
Squirrelsup to 14 g
Fats2-2.5 g
Carbohydrates68-71 g
- starch65-68 g
- sugar3 g
- alimentary fiber10 g
Source: Standards. Classification cereal crops


In Russia, two types of wheat groats are produced from wheat - "Poltava" and "Artek". The first is whole, refined grains or grains of coarse crushing (grains are large enough). "Artek" is a finely crushed cereal. For meatballs, casseroles, milky viscous and liquid cereals, Artek is used. Kashi is also cooked from "Poltava" coarsely crushed cereals. Whole grains are used to season soups.

Before cooking, only Poltava groats are usually washed with water. Finely crushed can not be washed, although some housewives wash both. It is believed that this improves the quality of porridge. Usually, when water with cereals boils, foam forms on the surface, which it is desirable to remove. Before you put the cereal in the water, it must be inspected for the presence of litter in order to remove pebbles, residues of cake, bran or other small items.

In accordance with GOST 276-60 "Wheat groats (Poltava, Artek). Specifications" produce 5 types of wheat groats by size:

  • Wheat groats Poltava No. 1 large - wheat grain, freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit shells, polished, elongated with pointed ends.
  • Wheat groats Poltava No. 2 medium - particles of crushed wheat grain, completely freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit shells, polished, oval in shape with pointed ends.
  • Wheat groats Poltava No. 3 medium - particles of crushed wheat grain, completely freed from the germ and partially from the seed and fruit shells, polished, rounded.
  • Wheat groats Poltava No. 4 small - particles of crushed wheat grain, completely freed from the germ and partially from seed and fruit shells, polished, rounded.
  • Wheat groats "Artek" - particles of finely crushed, polished grain of wheat, completely freed from the germ and partially from the fruit and seed coats.

About the benefits of cereals, perhaps, most people know. Along with oatmeal and buckwheat, wheat groats take the lead in their healing properties. What is this product and what characteristics does it have?

What it is?

Wheat groats are wheat grains, which are given a large, medium or small fraction during the grinding process. They have a golden wheaten or brownish color, which depends on the ripening cycle of the grain.

To obtain cereals, durum wheat is necessarily used, and its grains are cleaned from the upper layers.

The shelf life of the product is relatively short - up to 8-10 months, if stored in a glass or ceramic container. If you keep the raw materials in a plastic bag, then the shelf life barely reaches 6 months. The appearance of a moldy smell and a gray coating indicates spoilage of the cereal. Periodically check it for the presence of insects.

This cereal is not something new on the shelves of domestic stores. It was one of the main products of our Slavic ancestors, and also symbolized prosperity and prosperity. Newlyweds were showered with grains of wheat, it was always put on the table at the meal in honor of the birth and baptism of the baby.

The product was also widely popular in the Mediterranean countries, in the Caucasus, and Asia.


Wheat groats are a nutritious, but at the same time dietary product. Due to the positive effect on the intestines and the richness of the vitamin and mineral composition, it is widely used for weight loss. The presence of dietary fiber allows you to improve intestinal motility and, as a result, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and get the maximum benefit from food.

At the same time, while on a diet, a person will not suffer from a lack of vitamins and minerals, since all the elements necessary for life are contained in cereals. It can be safely called not only a product of harmony, but also beauty.

The presence of vitamin B allows us to talk about the beneficial effects of cereals on the condition of the skin, nails and hair. Vitamin E slows down the aging process, has an antioxidant property.

Due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value, as well as its high protein content, wheat-based cereals are recommended for athletes and people engaged in hard physical labor. It will help to quickly restore strength and not overload the intestines during the recovery period after illnesses, injuries, and operations.

Wheat porridge demonstrates an enveloping effect, thanks to which the stomach is protected from negative components. In addition, it prevents the development of fermentation processes in the intestines, allows you to get rid of the feeling of heaviness, heartburn.

Due to the presence of vitamins, wheat porridge strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of beriberi. It should be included in the diet during the off-season, during epidemics of colds and flu. It is good to eat it in the cold season - porridge provides the energy necessary to heat and maintain the vital activity of all body systems.

A large amount of protein and calcium, as well as nucleic acids, helps to strengthen the skeletal system. In this regard, it is recommended for children, as well as categories of people experiencing calcium deficiency - pregnant women, the elderly.

Groats have an antioxidant effect, remove toxins from the body, and normalize the water-alkaline balance. It lowers and stabilizes the level of glucose in the blood, therefore it is recommended for diabetes.

Regular consumption of wheat porridge eliminates the symptoms of chronic fatigue, normalizes sleep. Phosphorus in the composition improves cerebral circulation and is especially useful for increased mental stress.

Antioxidants, as well as magnesium and calcium, have a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels - the elasticity of the vascular walls increases, blood clotting improves, the likelihood of cholesterol plaque formation decreases, and the heart rhythm normalizes.

However, these properties appear only on the condition that the person using it is not allergic to gluten. The latter is a protein found in most cereals. The product is not recommended for low acidity of gastric juice and flatulence.

Despite the positive effect of cereals during pregnancy (saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, helps to cope with constipation), it should be consumed with caution in the last trimester. Due to the active effect on the intestines, uterine hypertonicity can be provoked. When breastfeeding, it is also better to refuse the product - it can cause diathesis and intestinal colic in the baby.

The coarser the grinding of wheat groats, the more useful components it contains. Raw materials of a fine fraction, as well as those subjected to pressing under the influence of high temperatures, are significantly inferior to a whole grain product in terms of their benefits.

Chemical composition and calories

The composition of wheat groats contains many proteins - the necessary material for the construction of muscle tissue, maintaining the strength of the skeletal system. In addition to proteins, there are essential amino acids. It is not surprising that athletes and those who seek to build muscle are trying to include this product in their diet.

Carbohydrates, fatty acids and purines are present in grains. The presence of fiber improves intestinal motility. This, in turn, allows the digestive system to better digest incoming food. Passing through the intestines, indigestible dietary fibers collect toxins and toxins through it and bring them out. This helps to speed up the metabolism and makes wheat groats one of the most effective means for losing weight.

Like all cereals, wheat grains are rich in B vitamins (B 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9), and it also contains vitamins A, E, F, ascorbic acid. They are involved in strengthening the immune system, are responsible for cellular metabolism and respiration.

The mineral composition is represented by magnesium, calcium, iodine, iron, zirconium, phosphorus, calcium.

The calorie content of porridge is quite high - 335.5 kcal per 100 g of dry product. That is why it is a nutritious product that guarantees a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Nutritional value and glycemic index

As already mentioned, the nutritional value of a dry product is 335.5 kcal. BJU balance looks like 16/1/70. The bulk is accounted for by complex carbohydrates, which give a feeling of fullness and do not raise blood sugar levels. The glycemic index is 45, and varies slightly depending on the processing method.

In addition, cereals are rich in proteins, but the fats in it are contained in small quantities and are represented by fatty acids necessary for the body.

Nutritious wheat groats are used in various diets. First, it saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. Secondly, it satisfies hunger for a long time.

In addition, the product cleanses the intestines, starts metabolism and helps to accelerate lipid metabolism. Carbohydrates from grains are broken down slowly, which allows you to get energy from them. Most diets involve a combination of cereals with vegetables and dairy products. Due to the high content of proteins and amino acids, it is recommended for vegetarians and people who do not eat meat due to intolerance to the body.


Depending on the type of wheat used and the characteristics of its processing, several types of wheat groats are distinguished. So, from wheat of the Arnautka variety, the groats of the same name are obtained, which has a glassy appearance and is suitable for cooking porridge. This is a whole grain and the most useful cereal. "Artek" is, on the contrary, a finely ground cereal, which is also subjected to grinding, and therefore has the smallest amount of dietary fiber in its composition.

Well-known is bulgur, which is wheat grains freed from bran and steamed. They are usually prepared as a side dish and have a pleasant nutty aftertaste. Bulgur is very popular in the East, in the Mediterranean and in Asia.

If the grains are steamed and then pressed, then flakes are obtained. Since flakes are nothing more than crushed grains, they are brewed faster than other types, but, unfortunately, contain a minimal amount of healing components.

A separate niche is occupied by "Poltava" groats - durum wheat grains, from which the germ has been removed, and partially seed coats of the kernel. Depending on the degree of grinding, Poltavskaya is distinguished by numbers.

  • So, No. 1 is grains of coarse grinding, unpolished, outwardly resembling pearl barley. Commonly used to add to soups.
  • Under No. 2, grains of medium grinding are hidden, which are also polished. They acquire an oval shape and are especially successful for making cereals.
  • "Poltavskaya No. 3" goes through the same processing as the second number, but the grains are round. Also used for cooking cereals, cooking casseroles.
  • Fine grinding and grinding are marked as No. 4 - an option for breading, adding to pastries, cutlets.

What can be cooked?

Traditionally, wheat groats are used to make porridge. They can be viscous or crumbly, as well as liquid. You can cook them in water, milk or meat broth. Salt, spices, butter help to make porridge tastier. If it is prepared as a side dish, then you can add vegetables, cracklings.

Sweet cereals allow you to add fruits and dried fruits, nuts, honey, various pastes (peanut, chocolate). You can mix wheat groats with rice or buckwheat to make Friendship porridge.

As a cereal dressing, it is used in soups. Particularly successful is its combination with pickles (it turns out a soup in the manner of a pickle) and fish (ear). However, you can put cereal in milk soup.

In finely ground cereals, cutlets, meatballs, pieces of chicken and fish can be rolled. It is also used as a dry ingredient in casseroles, pancakes, pancakes and pies.

Recipes of many Mediterranean and Caucasian dishes involve the use of this product. So, for example, in Armenia they cook soup from wheat groats and chicken meat, which is called "haris" or "haris". In Turkey, cereals are put in pilaf, as well as Tabuleh salad.

Under the name "koubes" cutlets of wheat porridge are hidden, inside of which there is a meat filling. This is one of the traditional dishes of Greek cuisine. In Armenia, there is a similar dish, however, beef with pine nuts is placed inside the cutlets.

In Italy, cereals are used for baking bread. In addition to wheat grain, lentils and rice are put there, and the finished dish is called “Bread of the Three Sisters”. And in Morocco, porridge is prepared from wheat groats in water, to which orange blossoms are added.

For cooking, you should choose cereals of the same type and a single fraction, then it will be cooked at the same time, and the dish will turn out delicious. The product of fine grinding is cooked for about 20 minutes, large - up to 50 minutes.

The easiest way to cook cereals is to cook porridge from it in water. For a medium viscosity dish, take 1 cup of cereal and 2 cups of water. Adding 100 g of butter will help to make the taste more tender. Such porridge can be served for breakfast or as a side dish. Groats should be placed in boiling water.

The proportions of liquid and cereals depend on what consistency you plan to get the finished dish. To obtain liquid porridge for 4 parts of water, 1 part of cereal is required. For viscous, the ratio of cereals and water looks like 1: 3. For crumbly - 1: 2 or 1: 2.5.

In most cases, grits should be rinsed before cooking. An exception is a product of fine grinding or flakes. Do not neglect washing if you want to get crumbly porridge. In this case, the cereal should be washed at least 3-4 times to remove the gluten.

Cooking porridge is better in thick-walled dishes. A cast-iron cauldron is optimally suited - the dish will turn out rich and fragrant. Instead of butter, you can use flaxseed or olive oil for dressing. If you don’t have medium or finely ground cereals at hand, and you want to get a more tender and uniform porridge, you can grind the cereal in a coffee grinder.

If crumbly porridge is being prepared, then it is necessary to close the dishes with a lid. You may need a little more water during the cooking process. You need to add hot water, it is not recommended to interfere with porridge during the cooking process.

Grains for salads should not be boiled, it is enough to pour hot water and leave for an hour and a half. After that, thoroughly rinse the raw materials. It is better to place it in a gauze bag and rinse it in cool boiled water, pouring it out of a jug or teapot.

One of the salad options with the addition of cereals is to mix chopped tomatoes, peppers, coarsely grated sour apple. Add greens and lettuce leaves, pickled red onions here. As a dressing, use a mixture of olive or linseed oil with the addition of lemon juice. Natural yogurt or kefir is also suitable.

Garlic, spices, chopped or whole nuts, pumpkin, sesame or flax seeds, squeezed through a press, will help to make the taste of the salad more piquant.

See the next video for the wheat porridge recipe.

The basis of the diet of most people is cereals made from wheat groats. This cereal crop is considered one of the oldest on earth and the most useful. - this is crushed grain, freed from germs and shells. Depending on the method of crushing, such cereals are Poltava and Artek. About what Poltava groats are, what they have and how useful they are, we will tell in our article. Here we present the main recipes for making Poltava porridge.

Poltava wheat groats: photo, description, types

Poltava groats are one of the types of processed wheat groats. Outwardly, it may look like whole peeled or coarsely crushed grains, that is, its grains are always quite large. Poltava groats, as a rule, are used for making cereals, and large grains are added to soups. The scope of its application in cooking is not limited.

Depending on the size of the crushed grain, Poltava groats are classified according to numbers from 1 to 4:

  • under number 1, large polished and partially freed from the embryo and fruit membranes are produced;
  • number 2 - grains of medium crushing, completely polished and freed from all shells;
  • number 3 - grain particles of medium size, having, unlike the previous numbers, not pointed, but rounded;
  • number 4 - the smallest of the presented types of Poltava groats.

Poltava groats have a high nutritional value and are characterized by unique beneficial properties.

Nutritional value and calories

Poltava groats are characterized by a high content of proteins (11.5 g per 100 grams) and carbohydrates (67.9 g), as well as a small amount of fat (1.3 g). Its calorie content is 329 kcal per 100 grams of the product.

Poltava groats are rich in vitamins and microelements. It contains vitamins of group B: B1 (0.3 mg), B2 (0.1 mg), which is respectively 20% and 5.6% of the daily requirement. Vitamin E in cereals is in the amount of 1.8 mg or 12% of the daily norm, and vitamin PP - 2.9 mg or 14.5% of the norm.

Phosphorus, magnesium and potassium predominate among microelements in Poltava groats. It also contains a lot of iron, which covers almost a quarter of the daily need for it.

Poltava groats: benefits and harms

Such a rich composition of Poltava groats determines its unique beneficial properties. They are as follows:

  • improves the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • the work of the digestive organs and the level of cholesterol in the blood are normalized;
  • improves brain activity;
  • slow down the aging process in the body;
  • improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails;
  • Poltava groats promote the removal of salts of heavy metals, slags and toxins from the body, cleanse and heal the body.

Dishes from Poltava groats should be included in the diet of all people, but especially the elderly, children and pregnant women. Porridge made from it is a valuable source of energy for the human body. It has been proven that such cereals have natural tonic properties and increase immunity.

Poltava groats: how to cook porridge

To prepare delicious crumbly porridge, it is recommended to rinse Poltava groats before cooking until the water becomes completely transparent. It is prepared in almost the same way as most other cereals, that is, in proportion with water 1: 2.

So, according to our recipe, Poltava groats (1 tbsp.) Are poured with water (2 tbsp.), Salt is added, after which the pan is placed on medium heat. After the water boils, a foam forms on its surface, which is recommended to be removed. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the porridge will stick together. As soon as the water boils, it is recommended to reduce the fire to the very minimum. So Poltava porridge will languish for about 15 minutes. Then you need to add butter to it (2 tablespoons), cover with a lid and let it "rest" for about 10 minutes. After that, porridge can be served with any side dish.

Recipe for Poltava porridge with milk in a slow cooker

Very tasty porridge is obtained in a slow cooker. At the same time, it can be cooked both in water and in milk. The latter option is ideal for breakfast.

Porridge from Poltava cereals in a slow cooker is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. First, the cereal (1 tbsp.) Is washed to clear water. If coarsely crushed grain is used, then a sieve can be used for washing.
  2. The washed cereal is transferred to the multicooker bowl and poured with a liter of milk.
  3. Salt and sugar are added to taste (about 70 g).
  4. On the control panel of the multicooker, the “Milk porridge” mode is set.
  5. After a sound alert, butter (50 g) is added to the multicooker bowl.

After a few more minutes, Poltava porridge can be served at the table.

Recipe for Poltava porridge with carrots and chicken fillet

Another option for cooking Poltava porridge, which does not even require a side dish, since it is cooked on the stove at the same time as meat and carrots.

First, carrots (1 pc.) are fried directly in a saucepan in vegetable oil (3 tablespoons). Then diced chicken fillet (200 g) is added there. Carrots with meat should be brought to half-cookedness, after which washed cereals (1 tbsp.) And water (3 tbsp.), As well as salt and pepper to taste, can be added to the pan. Now you need to wait for the water to boil, reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. When Poltava porridge is almost ready, garlic (1 clove) and a little tomato paste (0.5 teaspoon) are added to it. Now the porridge is ready and you can taste it.

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