Download asov alexander. Alexander Igorevich Asov: biography

(Moscow: Aleteya, 1999)
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    History and historians (8).
    A little background (11).
    Plato's Atlantis (17).
    Atlantis in the Atlantic (22).
    Atlantis and Crete (25).
    Atlantis is in the West (29).
    Atlantis is in the East (32).
    Hyperborean Atlantis (35).
    To Hyperborea following Odysseus (38).
    To Atlantis on the trail of the Argonauts (57).
    The death of Atlantis and the Dardanian flood (63).
    The Flood ... in the Black Sea? (71).
    The death of Atlantis and the myth of the Flood (75).
    Atlantis and the land of the Hittites (76).
    Russia is the land of the Titans and Atlanteans (81).
    To Atlantis in the boat of Ivan Tsarevich (85).
    Rus-Aryans and Atlanteans (87).
    Where are you, Altyn land? (94).
    Atlanteans, Arians and Amazons are the Pre-Slavs (96).
    The Rus are the heirs of the Atlanteans (99).
    On a yacht - to Atlantis! (103).
    A bit of background (115).
    Wars of the Amazons with the Atlantean Hutts. Queen Mirina (III-II millennium BC) (117).
    Prehistory of the Proto-Slavs-Aryans (beginning of the 2nd millennium BC - 6th century BC) (118).
    The reign of Madia and Zarina (VII century BC) (121).
    The reign of Arianta (beginning of the 6th century BC) (126).
    The reigns of Tamiris and Idanfirs. Wars with Cyrus and Darius (VI century BC) (129).
    Wars with Pericles and Alexander the Great (V-IV centuries BC) (133).
    Great Sarmatia (III-II centuries BC). Board of Saitafarn, Amagi, Gatala (137).
    Vendia and Rus Bodrich (III-I centuries BC). Wars with Berig and Julius Caesar (139).
    Scythia, Sarmatia and Bosporus (1st century BC). Mithridates wars. Earthquake 63 BC The reigns of Tassius and Asander (142).
    Ruskolan and Ostrogothia (1st-3rd centuries AD). The reigns of Zorin, Kiy Ass and Kiy Gotsky (147).
    FROM BUS TO RURIK (156).
    Russia of the IV century: Slovenia, Borussia, Golun, Voronezh, Volyn, Lebedia, Surenzhan, Vendia. Reigns of Bus, Sloven, Bolorev (156).
    Skuf Kievskaya, Antiya and Slavia (5th century). Migration of peoples. Attila. Princes Kiy, Lebedyan, Verena and Serezhenya (159).
    Russia and Europe of the 6th century. Settlement of the Balkans. Avar yoke. Princes of Sventoyar, Mezenmir, Dobrita (167).
    End of the Avar yoke. Slavs and Russians of the early 7th century. Reigns of Samo and Dervan (180).
    Khazaria and Russia of the 7th and 8th centuries. The campaign of Prince Bravlin (183).
    Russia, Khazars and Varangians (IX-X centuries). Princes Burivoy and Gostomysl, as well as Olom, Dir, Askold and Rurik (190).
    Baptism of Slavic peoples (202).
    THE LEGACY OF ANCESTORS. Articles from different years (205).
    The path to magical Russia (207).
    Moscow was founded 1400 years ago! (209).
    Sanctuary of Veles ... in the Kremlin (220).
    Nightingale the robber ... in ancient Moscow? (225).
    Magic boulders of Bolvanovka (229).
    Coat of arms of Moscow ... Ancient egypt? (232).
    Moscow - the Third Arkaim (233).
    Vedic temples of the Slavs (241).
    Kitezh tradition of the Volga region (250).
    Berendei are warriors and keepers of the faith (255).
    Where did the Belarusian asilka go? (263).
    Servants of the Fierce God (267).
    "Veda of the Slavs": a path a century and a half long (272).
    Living tradition of the mari (275).
    Magi ... and the revolution (286).
    Guardians of the Star Book (291).

Publisher's abstract: The book contains essays on the history and prehistory of the Slavs from the era of Atlantis to the present day, tells about the keepers of the ancient faith, about the most important achievements of pagan and Vedic culture, written monuments, temples, statues of gods, etc. A separate chapter is devoted to the ancient history of Moscow.

Alexander Igorevich Asov is a writer, journalist, historian and philologist. Born in the village of Sokolskoye on the Volga, in the Nizhny Novgorod region in a family of teachers. He graduated from school in the town of Gorokhovets, Vladimir region. He was the director of the local history museum. Then he graduated from Moscow state University and postgraduate studies, philosopher, ecologist and geochronologist, determined and specified the dates of events in ancient history associated with geological and environmental disasters.

For seven years he worked as a literary employee in the magazine "Science and Religion" (from 1991 to 1998), since 2004 again in the staff of the magazine, head. Department of Slavic History.

Member of the Union of Writers of Russia, member of the Union of Journalists of Moscow, Corresponding Member of the International Cyril and Methodius Academy of Slavic Education, Academician of the Russian Orthodox Academy.

Books by A.I. Asov

Author's video

Russia and Vedas

A documentary film about the unity of Vedic culture and the Vedas, the origins of Slavic culture. A.I. Asov, A.G. Khakimov (Chaitanya Chandra). Year 2008.

Swastika. Truth and lie

"The Gods of the Slavs and the Birth of Rus". The Swastika among the Slavs is "Solar" symbolism, or in other words, "Solar" symbolism, which means the rotation of the Solar circle. Also, the word Swastika means "Heavenly Movement", Swa - Heaven, Tick - Movement. Hence the names of the Slavic gods: the bird Mother Sva (patroness of Russia), the god Svarog and finally Svarga - the habitat of the light gods of Slavic myths. Swastika translated from the Sanskrit language (under one of the versions of Sanskrit - Old Russian Slavic language) "Svasti" - Greetings, wishes of good luck. The Slavs have 144 swastikas.

Secrets of the Slavic Civilization. Book of Gods

Veles's book is a collection of magical texts of the ancient Slavs.

Virgin of the Slavic gods

The half-forgotten origins of the Slavic spiritual tradition, legends about the shrines of the Russian land, about the gods and progenitors of the Slavs.

Black Sea artifacts contradict the official story. Will the Slavic Crimea be studied on a par with the ancient Greek? Velesov book - the subject of irreconcilable disputes between historians and linguists. Official science considers Velesov's book a falsification, alternative history - a great monument of Slavic writing and culture.

Alexander Asov - a writer, journalist, historian and philologist - tells what new facts Velesov's book supplements the classic picture of ancient history with. Why does the official science not want to recognize Velesov's book as a monument of ancient Slavic literature and denies the existence of statehood and writing among the Slavs before the 9th century? Did the principality of Surozh exist in Crimea and how does archeology confirm what is written in the Veles book? What artifacts are kept in the museum at the Sudak Fortress today? Who were the mysterious Ruskolans and Taurus? Do researchers find a Slavic trace in Crimea? How long have Slavs inhabited Crimea? Why are archaeological expeditions on the Black Sea coast engaged in excavation and research of ancient Greek history, while they are silent about the Slavic history of Crimea? Why were they silent about the Russians in the Black Sea region during the Soviet era and not even now, after the annexation of Crimea to Russia? What do the Cossacks know about their ancestors from Ruskolani? Who benefits from the topic of forbidden archeology? Who uses science and culture in political games? Will the topic of Black Sea Russia, which is so relevant in the context of the current political situation, be made public and studied?

Asov Alexander: The data on the Veles book are confirmed by our archaeological science, if we approach this matter with an open mind. What does the Velesov book say, what picture it gives, and what it gives new in relation to the classic picture of our ancient history that we had before its publication, the Veles book, what it gives new, and how to archeologically confirm the Velesov book. Let's just say that Veles's book is a monument of the 9th century. And from the point of view of our science, our statehood itself was formed in the 9th century, and our ancient history until the 9th century, what was the relation to the Slavs, scientists argue, well, what to do? In science, as they say, there are no indisputable truths, but there are political tendencies. Nevertheless, Veles's book is one of its main topics, it consists of sermons that were read in the temples of ancient Surozh. These are sermons, which compiled a book from the ancient chronicles of the state of Ruskolan, and cited modern history, and compared it with the history of our ancestors, ancestors. For our science, historical, archaeological, the very concept of the Sourozh principality, the Slavic principality, in the Crimea, the principality, because Sourozh is the ancient Sudak. Because there, firstly, there were the Slavs, and secondly, there was a Slavic principality, where the sorcerer preached, who published the Veles book, this all contradicts the overwhelming majority of our learned historians and archaeologists.

Nevertheless, when I myself, too, was once news to me, it was quite a long time ago, 10-15 years ago, the Principality of Surozh, Crimea. I just went to the Crimea in this very Surozh, Sudak, and came to the keeper of the fortress, the Sudak fortress, a great archaeologist, the author of many scientific works Gorshkov, who had been engaged in archaeological excavations of the Surzh fortress of the order of, probably, 40 years. He has work on this. You can't imagine how happy he was when I started telling him about Veles's book, about the fact that the principality of Sourozh was here. He began to lead me through all these excavations of his, he began to show all these artifacts that belong to the Slavic, from ceramics to chronicles. He had a tremendous, magnificent work, confirmed by his expedition, he was not allowed to publish this work in Soviet times. I published the whole thing, told it in popular scientific works, you can see my books on this matter and links to this very Gorshkov. Recently I was there too, when Crimea joined Russia, I went there, he was no longer alive. Nevertheless, he left a small museum, specifically where it is shown that one of the themes of this museum is not yet closed. Since it was still Ukraine, and the topic of the Veles book is still there, it is included in higher school and secondary education, and there is the topic of what was Taurus, and the Taurus are, perhaps, the ancient Slavs, it is simply present in the expositions of this very museum. You can look, not in the fortress itself, there is such an amateur, so to speak, a museum under the fortress, they paid attention to this matter. The most beautiful references to the synaxarii, which say that next to the fortress there was an ancient Taurus settlement, and there this fortress, and so on, and so on, and so on. And it was founded by these Alans, Ruskolans, Ruskolans - these are the Russians, who else is it. That is, these controversial issues in our archaeological science, in quotation marks controversial issues, behind this there is a very serious archeology.

If not for the opinions of our heads of those archaeological schools that were there, even in the same Crimea at the same Soviet time. Somehow it so happened that it was necessary to raise the ancient Greek history, suppose, or something else like that. There was a topic of its own, attention was paid to it. And the fact that there were real scientists who worked, dug and spent their lives researching the Slavic history of the Crimea, there is no rumor or spirit about this so far. Why, why, I do not know, and what is the political benefit of our current government, I also do not understand absolutely. But let's figure it out, there is work, there is work, there is archeology. This is one of the questions, probably now it is the most urgent in connection with the annexation of Crimea to Russia. The same is the theme of Ruskolani herself. The theme of Ruskolani in the North Caucasus, the ancient Pyatigorsk principality, is confirmed by archeology. The Cossacks who lived there from time immemorial, they know perfectly well that their ancestors have always lived here, and behind this is archaeological science since the 19th century. There the theme of Black Sea Russia, which has existed since the time of the first historians of Ilovaisky, was only trampled by Novoseltsev in the fifties, and was trampled in the sixties. Then there were still her followers, but it was difficult for them to express their opinion. Nevertheless, behind this is the finest archeology, the finest of our greatest scientists, works and so on, so on, and so on. That is, this topic, let's say, is for some reason forbidden to archeology, who benefits from it, in general, it is clearly unprofitable for our state and our politics, but it is beneficial for those who secretly sponsor and put their people in administrative posts. These are not scientists, they are politicians who use science against our cultural history. That's the only way I understand it.

A.I. Asov - about the author

For seven years he worked as a literary employee in the magazine "Science and Religion" (from 1991 to 1998), since 2004 again in the staff of the magazine, head. Department of Slavic History.

Member of the Union of Writers of Russia, member of the Union of Journalists of Moscow, Corresponding Member of the International Cyril and Methodius Academy of Slavic Education, Academician of the Russian Orthodox Academy.

A.I. Asov - books for free:

The book is a collection of ancient Slavic legends about the Creation of the World, about the gods and heroes of the Belogorsk and Berendey sacred traditions. The texts are collected according to Slavic oral traditions, folk books. Many texts are common to most ...

"Yarilina Kniga" is a Ruskolan chronicle telling about the events of the history of Ruskolani, or Russia of Alan, at the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 4th century AD. Dedicated mainly to the Busov Times ...

It was written by the sorcerer Moveslav. The manuscript of Yarilin's book is mentioned ...

Russian Vedas. Songs of the Bird Gamayun. Collection of "Books of Kolyada ...".

The book presents a collection of Russian legends about the Birth of the World, about the gods of the mountains: Svarog, Perun and Veles, as well as about the most revered spirits of the elements and patrons of Russia: Finiste and Lele ...,

The book presents a collection of Russian legends about the Birth of the World, about the gods of the mountains: Svarog, Perun and Veles, as well as about the most revered spirits of the elements and patrons of Russia: Finiste and Lele, Kostroma and Kupala, Morozko and Snegurochka and others.

Velesov's (Vlesova's) book is a unique monument of ancient Slavic writing of the 9th century. AD It was carved on wooden planks by Slavic magicians. The book covers a two-thousand-year history of the migrations of the Slavic-Aryans from Semirechye ...

Asov Alexander Igorevich - Russian journalist and writer, author of works on Slavic folklore, as well as stories, novels, short stories and poems. He is widely known as a translator and commentator of texts on the mythology of the Slavs, which the official science recognized as fake.


The writer was born in 1964, on June 20, in the small village of Sokolskoye, in the Sokolsky district (Ivanovo region). Then Alexander Asov moved with his family to Gorokhovets (Vladimir region), where he graduated from high school.

In 1987 he graduated from Moscow State University, Faculty of Physics, Department of Physics of Land and Sea Waters. In 1978 he joined the Komsomol. Then in 1989 he entered the graduate school of the Institute of Water Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which he graduated in 1992. Some sources erroneously indicate that Asov completed his postgraduate studies at Moscow State University.

Writing career

After that, Alexander Asov begins to engage in journalism and writing. From 1991 to 1998 he was a literary collaborator. Then, until 2005, he was a freelance correspondent. And from 2005 to 2007 - one of the editors of the journal "Science and Religion", dedicated to Slavic topics. In addition, all this time he was a member of the editorial board of the journal.

In 1992, according to Asov himself, he played in the film by A. T. Saraduk "Dazhbog's Grandsons", playing Bus Kresen, a sorcerer. The writer also assures that he himself was the author of the script.

In addition, Asov is a member of the Russian Historical Society, the Union of Journalists of Russia and Moscow.

Back in Gorokhovets, he held the post of director of the school local history museum. He took part in the political movement "My homeland is the USSR".

He published his works in the following newspapers and magazines: "Voice of the Motherland", "NG-religions", "Oracle", "Rodina", "Young Guard", etc. Participated in the programs of TVTs, Ren-TV, "Stolitsa", TV -3.

"Veles's book"

Asov is the author and commentator of many translations of the Velesovaya Kniga, which was recognized by official historians as a forgery, which was also written in the wrong Russian language. Only thanks to the many books of the writer, published in the 90s, the name "Velesov" was assigned to the work, and not the original version of S. Lesnoy "Vlesov".

And by the beginning of 2007, Alexander Igorevich Asov released more than 10 variety of options translation of the "Veles book", among them there is also "Russian Vedas. Songs of the bird Gamayun ”and“ The Book of Veles ”.

  • Full accord, which was reflected in the change in the name of the ancient Slavic monument.
  • Some words borrowed from the Ukrainian and Polish languages \u200b\u200b(Ukrainian and Polonisms) have been eliminated.
  • Instead of letter combinations like "en", so-called yus (letters from such as Glagolitic and Cyrillic) have been introduced.

"Veles's book" in the translation of Asov caused a lot of talk and discontent both among those who believe in the authenticity of the monument (B. Yatsenko), and among scientists who consider it a forgery by O. Tvorogov). Both parties note the author's freedom in interpretation and translation, spelling changes, amendments to the original text, incompetence in the field of Slavic grammar. For example, in a book published in 1995, Asov introduced 2 new letters into the text - "yus large", "yus small", which differ only in size, although, according to grammar rules, their differences are in the way of drawing.

Books about the culture and mythology of the Slavs

Asov Alexander supplemented the "Veles book" with several other texts, among them - "Slavic-Russian Vedas". This book is a kind of reconstruction of such works as "The Book of Kolyada", "Songs of the Bird Gamayun" and several other texts ("Trizny Boyanovs", "Yarilina's Book") by A. I. Sulakadzev, recognized by the official history as a falsifier. Despite the opinion of science, Asov perceived Sulakadzev's books as real works, and not fake.

Reconstruction of biographies of historical figures

Aleksandr Asov is also making attempts to reconstruct the biographies of some historical figures. The books that form the basis of the work belong to the pen of Sulakadze, and also the "Book of Veles" is one of the sources. In addition, the historical figures described by the writer are unknown to traditional historical science. Asov in his works refers to pagan Russia of the times of 3-9 centuries. Among the people he writes about are the Magi and Princes Bogumir, Busa Beloyar, Yagain Gana (whom Asov calls the author of the Veles Book), etc. Also, the writer is often accused of inventing Slavic gods, among which are Vyshen, Kryshen, Chislobog.

"Songs of the bird Gamayun"

This book is a kind of author's stylization, which is based on This type of writing is characterized by the fact that threads are used to create it, and information is encoded using a variety of knots and colors. It is believed that many ancient civilizations used it. Asov suggests that the nodular writing is the legendary features and rezi - its pre-Christian existence is also in doubt today. The book also contains the myths and legends of the Slavs.

"Russian Vedas"

Another book about the history of the Slavs that Asov wrote. "Russian Vedas" is a collection of myths about the birth of the world and slavic gods, among which are Veles, Svarog and Perun. In addition, stories about the patrons of Russia and the spirits of the elements - Lele, Finiste, Kupala, Kostroma, Snegurochka, Morozko, etc. are included. This collection is also considered pseudoscientific by official historians and is often criticized. In addition, the work contains information about the life of the Slavs, their way of life, culture and religion.

"Slavic Gods and the Birth of Rus"

In this book, Asov presents a collection of legends about the ancestors and in addition, the author gives a list of written sources that describe the ancient Slavic culture, which is also called "Vedic". The edition includes illustrations showing samples of pre-Christian art of the Slavs.

"Secrets of the Russian Magi"

Asov Alexander Igorevich in this book talks about the spiritual traditions and the keepers of the secret knowledge of the ancient Slavs - the Magi. The author tells about the life of Russian communities that have managed to preserve sacred writings, which describe ancient traditions and which contain the memory of their ancestors, to this day. The book also describes the miracles associated with these manuscripts, which happen in our time, and about the wise men who still continue to perform their duties.


From all of the above, we can conclude that Asov Alexander is a rather ambiguous and even scandalous figure to some extent. His books are recognized by many as outright forgery and falsification, which has nothing to do with the truth. Nevertheless, the author also has followers who agree with his point of view on the history of the Slavs, their mythology and religion.

An important fact is that in 2012 three native (neo-pagan) communities called the writer's theories unscientific and accused him of harming the Slavic faith. Despite this, Asov's books continue to be published and even enjoy a certain popularity. Thus, the reader must decide for himself whether to believe him in the concept of Alexander Igorevich or to adhere to an official scientific opinion.

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