How to learn English for 3 months. Forget about learning strict grammatical rules

Is it possible to learn foreign language yourself for just 3 months? Many probably asked this question and came to the conclusion that it is unrealistic.

In this article, we tried to reveal this aspect as much as possible. Here you will find useful advice And recommendations that, with a clear use and strong desire, will help you learn English in a short time.

How to learn English for 3 months

In order to master English at home in three months, use three simple rules:

  1. Confidence in achieving the goal
  2. Regularity of occupations
  3. Intensity of classes

Confidence in achieving the goal - the necessary condition for the successful study of English for three months

Believe me, human capabilities are endless. The success of any event depends only on your psychological attitude. It is no secret that in any case for brilliant results you need a clear, desired goal.

The goal is a dream with a certain date of its implementation. The dream should be concrete, clear. In our situation, we can imagine yourself in a certain setting, where you are free to speak with native speakers.

Perhaps this will happen on your new high-paying work with partners or colleagues. Or do you want to communicate in English with your children? Or maybe in your plans to go abroad in a tourist trip or for training? In any case, imagine the surrounding environment, clothing, the topic of conversations, their gestures and movements. The larger the image will be, the more effective will be your activity aimed at achieving the goal.

Regularity of classes - the basis of effective training

Now count exactly three months from the beginning of your classes (let it be today) and circle the date in the calendar. Every day, before the start of classes, sit down, close your eyes, relax and imagine your goal. Complement it with new details, details. We produce a positive attitude.

Before the start of the exercises, choose the sphere that you are most interesting and necessary. It may be business Englishtechnical, or language on the household level to communicate with children, relatives at home.

Select the materials that concern only one of the most you are interested in the spheres. Video, audio records, texts, books, articles. Register on English-speaking forums for interests and start your classes.

Training intensity when mastering English

For classes, it is necessary to allocate every day for 40 minutes. At this time, nothing should disturb you and distract. You need to focus on mastering the tongue.

All lesson you need to listen and read only English, as if this is your native language. Even if you do not understand, imagine yourself as a child who have not learned to speak with whom adults are spoken. Innegrated into speech, text, try to treat every new sound, word. Strive to repeat everything, even if you do not know the essence.

Polmir speaks English, as in his native. It is quite realistic to learn it in three months. Even if before that you were unsuccessfully fought with him for ten years at school. The main thing is to clearly imagine the scope of application. Not enough for everything at once.

3. Teachers in English Also demostrict, for how much English can be learned. They are learning foreign language near 15 years.

Other times allowing to learn English is definitely there, but they have not been stated anywhere so that it has reliable and verified information.

The experience of teachers is a very valuable experience of how to quickly learn English. In the direction of textbooks and traditional learning, which allows you to learn English for 15 years, we have so much time.

Children give us an idea of \u200b\u200bhow much time a person is able to learn the language in vivo. But ... Is it possible to extrapolate this experience on adults? Is a person living in a language environment, to learn English for 2 years, if he does not make any effort to learn language? Is it possible to learn English in passive mode?

In Canada, I had a chance to get acquainted with two girls - Vasa (Hupp) and Goethe (Yugoslavka). Both worked in Russian businesses, where all employees, besides them, were Russian. Those. These girls every day for 3 years (Hompdua) and 6 years old (Yugoslav) heard Russian on a familiar subject. But ... they did not speak and did not understand Russian !!! Vasa knew how to speak only "Good morning," and Gethea is not more than a dozen Russian words. So, out of finding in the language environment does not follow automatic language proficiency. To learn English, you need to make efforts. Magic tablets do not exist !!! From this example also it becomes clear that it is necessary to wonder the question is not where English is better to learn, but how to learn it, look for no place, but the fastest way.

I see in Canada a lot of emigrants who live in the country for many years, but work on low-paid works, because They do not know how to speak English normally. Another proof of the fact that from being in the language environment does not automatically follow the ability to speak in the country's language. Then what is needed to get involved in the best of English as quickly as possible? Carefully examine the experience of those people who did not just learn the language, but to do it in the fastest time.

Fast learning English. Polyglot experience

"Practice - the basis of success"(Evgeny Chernyavsky), which means you need to find a tool that allows you to practice the language, i.e. develop two skills - spoken and skill understanding for rumors. Audio English online simulator has been developed for this.

The simulator gives a complex approach to English and allows one lesson at the same time learn 15 words from the frequency dictionary and grammar. The simulator allows not just to remember the 15 words, but also learn them to correctly pronounce and use (independently build proposals with them). Doing the simulator every day you for 6 months Learn to speak in the amount of 3000 English words, i.e. Collapse 70% of English. How to achieve this result, see the following video:

Reply now to the question is it possible to learn English for a month. In other words, is it possible to learn 3000 words for a month? There is a way (built on associations), which allows you to visually remember 100 words per day. But in order to learn to speak, you need to learn these words in a month, (i.e., to build proposals with them as part of the grammar about which it was discussed above), to correctly pronounce and understand.

At the same time, solve all both tasks (memorization of words and their use) allows the conversational simulator. But within one lesson, it allows you to learn only 15 words. Therefore, if you want to master English for a month, you need to work on the day 6-7 lessons. Theoretically, it would take 12-14 hours a day, and it is impossible to do this, because human brain And memory is not capable of qualitatively absorb the information during this time.

Based on the above mathematical calculation, it becomes clear for what time you can learn English. The most quickly English can be learned in 6 months. The experience of polyglotov also confirms.

Thieves English - Parents told us in childhood. But why, why and how - no one told. This is now we know that without knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bin our world there are tight. Shopping, search necessary information, textbooks, books and training courses, communication and acquaintance - where do not throw, I need English everywhere. Yes, without it you can do, but the possession of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis expanding our horizons. And in online dating, there is a good English at all is a trump card in a sleeve. While other women will painfully understand the dictionaries and translators, you can quickly and easily start a conversation with a foreigner who liked and charm him not only external species, but also erudition.

So, you seriously intend to learn English and want to do it as quickly as possible. Let's say for 3 months. Immediately it is worth noting that it is impossible to thoroughly to master the language for such a short time, even if you are a linguistic genius. But study the foundations, dial the minimum lexicon And you can definitely communicate with simple themes. How to do it?

Immersion in the English-speaking environment

As practice shows, people who find themselves in a foreign country, even with the initial zero level of language proficiency, master it in a couple of months not by the household level. And therefore, the ideal way to master the English would be to move on a couple of months somewhere in Britain or the United States, but this possibility is not all. Therefore, try to create an English-speaking environment at home.

To do this, switch the language of all your devices and computer equipment into English, listen to English songs, see foreign TV shows and transmission. Even if you do not understand anything. The perception of someone else's language by rumor is an important skill, especially if you have to communicate with the interlocutors through a voice chat in Skype or another messenger. You can also write a phrase on sheets for communication or words and spend them in prominent places - this will help visual perception of information. If you have friends who speak English, try to rewrite with them, train the communication. Let even at first they will be completely simple phrases.

Proper tutor

If you do not feel the strength to study the language yourself, then look for a tutor. But not just a teacher, but good. First, he must immediately ask you about your goals, and if you want to pull out a speaking speech, and he will suggest you to teach the sounds and letters of the alphabet, then this is not your option.

Secondly, it is better if the lessons will be held in English. How so? After all, you still do not know him! Yes, but even kids in schools of early learning language communicate with their educator in English. First, they listen more, and then they themselves begin to communicate. So in your case - it is better to immediately in the outer with your head, as they say. But the learning process will go faster.

Think and speak English

How to do it? Very simple. All of us in my head a lot of thoughts, and start with them. First, choose simple and often repeated by the type of phrase "Something I was hungry - I Feel Like Eating", "You need to call mom" - I Have to Call My Mom "and other similar thoughts. Periodically celebrate your thoughts, write them down, look for the translation on the Internet or online translators, and then repeat from time to time. Develop this habit and over time, more and more English words and phrases will spin in your head, and when communicating with foreigners, the subconsciously pull them out of depths and prompts the desired phrase. And do not forget to pronounce these phrases out loud, otherwise you will remain a silent interlocutor.

Expand vocabulary

Without the stock of words, even with the knowledge of grammar normally, it will not be possible to communicate. Therefore, put a goal in front of you - for example, for 3 months to learn 2 thousand words. Many? But this is just 20-25 words per day and 15 minutes of time. But it is important not just to chase the number of learned words, but to teach them qualitatively.

It is more correct to learn needed words - Those that make up the basis of the language. And how to determine them? Now it is fashionable to assume that there is enough 1000 words to communicate in English. And the Internet is full of frequency dictionaries with the listing of this magic thousand. But if you look there, you can see a bunch of prepositions or several forms of incorrect verbs. This is the wrong approach.

Choose the words you need to communicate are, first of all, nouns and verbs. In any sentence there is an action, so it is more logical to study the widespread verbs, and it is better to study all of their forms at once.

The second important point - do not teach just words. The method of school dictionary does not work. You will remove these meaningless combinations of letters and forget them in a week. Much more effectively memorize words in the context, more precisely, even in a particular situation. It can be a block of two words, phrase is a genuine or a whole sentence. And it still helps to invent images, and what is unusual and fantastic they will be, the better. The pink elephant ran along the asphalt behind the juice in the pharmacy - it is such delusional, but bright images are remembered best.

Practice and once again practice

Very help in learning languages \u200b\u200bthe opportunity to practice. If you are developing English to meet you, do not wait until they grant them perfectly. The main rule for beginners - start.

If you already have foreign interlocutors from dating sites, try to practice all the words, phrases and grammar rules. First you can practice written English, and then go to voice communication. Do not be afraid to seem like funny, just immediately warn the interlocutor, which is just learn and ask for help - the men like to be needed.

And as they say Live and Learn! Good luck to you in learning English !!!

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The manual will be useful to the widest range of readers: as those who have English "on zero" and those who want to refresh their knowledge.
Dialogues on the themes of everyday communication are equipped with a dictionary, grammatical commentary and exercises with keys. The book has a dictionary of basic vocabulary, deployed content and pointer, with which it is easy to find the topic of interest to you.
In the final part of the book contains the keys for self-test, as well as the table forms of incorrect verbs.

English is easier Russian!
First, many English words are familiar to us since childhood - you only need to be able to recognize them and use them according to the rules of word formation and pronunciation. How in English "Revolution"? That's right: "Revolution". The same revolution, only in the end of the word - some kind of hiss: "... Shershchn."

Secondly, in the English sentence, in comparison with the Russian, the hard order of words; If you learn this rigid structure (and this is easy), you can design proposals, substituting new and new words in them. At the beginning of the English offer is always, or almost always, the subject (noustic or pronoun) is, then the legend (verb). In the Russian - and so, and the Edak, and God knows how!

Thirdly, in English there is no such number of consoles, suffixes and endings (that is, the forms of decline in nouns and adjectives, as well as forms of leasing verbs), as in Russian. Remember the torments that you experienced in high school?

Fourth, the grammar of the English language is much striking and more logical than the grammar of the Russian language; If you assimilate this strict (and not very complex) logic, then you can "replicate" a variety of grammatical structures to express all your thoughts and feelings.

Lesson 1
1. English pronunciation
2. English Alphabet
3. English intonation and emphasis
Lesson 2.
4. Spoken English: greeting, acquaintance, farewell
Text. Greeting, acquaintance, farewell
5. Offer and its building material
6. Offer and its main types (a bit of theory)
7. Proposals are simple and complex
8. How a simple offer is arranged. Building material offers
9. Parts of Speech
10. Offers members
11. Attention! Predicate!
Lesson 3.
12. The narrative offer with the verb of action in the present simple (indefinite) time
13. Building material
14. Taken
15. Supplementary, circumstance
16. Personal pronouns in nominative case
17. Hasing verbs of action in the present indefinite time
18. Personal pronouns in the object
Text. Acquaintance
Lesson 4.
19. Spoken English. Head to keep talk
Text. Weather
20. Narrative proposals with composite nominal faith in present
21. Hindering of the verb BE in the present time
22. A narrative proposal with the verb of the state in the present long-lasting time
23. Communion I (present time; "Ingin" form of verb)
Lesson 5.
24. Spoken English. Introductory structures
Text. Family
25. Question sentences
26. The general question with verbs of action in the present time
27. Affirmative and negative answers to the general question with the verb
28. The overall question with the verbs of the state in the present time
29. Affirmative and negative answers to the general question with the verbs of the state
30. Mattering pronouns
Lesson 6.
Text. House, Apartment, Room
31. Plural Nouvenon name
32. Construction with index pronoun
33. Modal verbs
34. General question with modal verbs
35. Indicable pronouns
36. Holding a noun
37. Offer as a system
Lesson 7.
Text. Behind a tea table
38. Spoken English. Economical ways of expressing doubts, fears, fear, irritation
39. Uncertainly pronoun some and any; Negative pronoun
40. Quantitative pronouns and location designs Little - a Little; FEW - A FEW; pronouns Many and Much, as well as design a lot (of), lots (of) and plenty (of)
41. Pronomies and locomotive designs Little - a Little; FEW - A FEW
42. Pronouns Many and Much, as well as A LOT (OF), LOTS (OF) and PLENTY (OF)
Lesson 8.
Text. Trip in the city
43. Special question
44. Special question with verbs of action
45. Special question with the verb of the status of BE
46. \u200b\u200bSpecial question with modal verbs
47. Special question with a questionnaire
48. Conversion and word order in English offer
49. General scheme of word order in narrative English offer
50. Intelligent offers
Lesson 9.
51. Repetition passed
Lesson 10.
Text. Trip outside the city
52. Spoken English: save words
53. Numeral
Lesson 11.
Text. Buying clothes
54. Spoken English: Waste Got phrase
55. Spoken English: Pronoun One
56. Education of degrees of adjectives
57. Comparative comparable structures with adjectives in a positive, comparative and excellent degree
Lesson 12.
Text. Too expensive!
58. Spoken English: Exclamations
59. Spoken English: Go or Have A Go?
60. Questionally negative offers
61. Artikl
62. Using an indefinite article
63. The use of "zero" article
64. Using a specific article
Lesson 13.
Text. In a restaurant
65. The dividing issue
66. This perfect time
67. Right and incorrect verbs
68. Most Using Wrong Verbs
69. Education of questionative and negative sentences In the present time
70. The general question
71. Special question
Lesson 14.
Text. Call doctor
Text. In a pharmacy
72. Spoken English: Supporting
73. Spoken English: how to say "Let's say ..."
74. Spoken English. Service sphere: who serves whom?
75. Spoken English. Stepped on foot - apologize!
76. Prepositions
77. Prepositions denoting movement in space
78. Prepositions denoting place as part of space
79. Prepositions of Time
80. Other prepositions
Lesson 15.
Text. Weather - 2.
81. Spoken English: Great Word Get
82. Spoken English: Let yourself all!
83. Spoken English: What we say when we're going somewhere
84. Past time
85. Pastst for a long time
86. Question deals in the past time and answers to them
87. General issue with verbs of action
88. Special question with verbs of action
89. Question deals with the verb of the State of BE in the past and past long time
90. The general question and answers to it
91. Special question
92. Verb Have as a substitute for modal verb MUST
93. Offer with formal subject to IT
94. Union designs Either ... Or ... and neither ... Nor ... in simple offer
Lesson 16.
95. Repetition passed
Lesson 17.
Text. Vacation
96. Infinitives and infinitive designs
97. Gender and designs with it
98. Derivatives from uncertain varieties of SOME and ANY, as well as negative pronoun
99. What time is it?
Lesson 18.
Text. After work
100. Installation and preposition
101. Future time
102. Narrative offers in the future
103. Question deals in the future and answers to them
105. Special question
106. Future time in the apparent time and conditions
Text. We go to the cinema
107. Spoken English: Supporting
108. Comparative comparable structures in a simple sentence expressing the importance of similarity, similarities and differences
Lesson 19.
Text. Birthday
109. Past time
110. Questionful offers and answers to them in the past time
Text. Ride on the anniversary
111. Verb BE as a substitute for modal verb MUST
112. Sophisticated addition
Lesson 20.
Text. New job
113. Future - in the past time
114. Rule matching times
Text. Interview
115. Additional reading
Lesson 21.
Text. Letter
116. Passive (Pradual) Pledge in English
117. Education forms of passive pledge
Text. Letter - 2.
118. Written English
Lesson 22.
119. Complete proposal
120. Complete proposal with apparent extaste (optional)
121. A complex proposal with the apparent determination
122. Complexed proposal with apparent circumstances
Lesson 23.
123. Repetition passed
Keys to exercises

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    And once again about what should be the strategy for studying foreign languages, in particular English. The author of the book "Running language for three months: how at any age learn to speak in any language" freely communicates in six languages. This is French, Spanish, English, Brazilian, Esperanto, etc. The name of this man Ben Lewis and he quite reasonably believes that with the right approach, it is safe to master almost any foreign language in three months. Moreover, it is available to everyone!

    The main council, according to the Lewis technique, lies in the refusal of perfectionism. No need to try to hone out to the apparent perfection some phrases and words, while you have a full failure on the rest of the front. You must speak and say how you do. Now it turns out bad, it means over time with constant practice it will get better and better!

    Another point - when studying the language, we involuntarily turn the language into the school subject: we create a program, we pass grammar lessons and teach the words on the topics in the books. And at the same time, we wish to learn how to speak, which we do not achieve.

    Here are some Ben's tips for learning a language:

    1. Speak out loud studied from the very first day.

    Yes, you are a beginner, but you should not be afraid of improper construction of phrases or counting words. The most important thing for you is to get used to the language as a whole and get used to it in particular.

    2. Teach useful phrases.

    It is not necessary to memorize banal and abstract topics, because they do not carry any benefit. It is best to deal with the study of what you will come in handy. For example, phrase like "WHERE I CAN FIND A TOILET?" You will clearly bring more benefitWhat knowledge is that London is the capital of Great Britain.

    3. Forget about the scrupulous study of grammar.

    At the initial stage, your task is to fill the vocabulary, learn the main phrases and methods of their construction. And then you should begin to get acquainted with grammar as needed.

    4. Communicate with English-speaking people over the Internet.

    Today the Internet has become a full-fledged tool that allows you to solve various tasks. One of them is a need to communicate with native speakers. This will help you with videosals like Skype, which make it possible to chat on any topics.

    5. Listen to the radio.

    Despite the seeming obsolence, the radio is still benefit. In our case, it allows you to plunge into language medium without searching for listening materials. Of course, in Ukraine you will not find English radio, but it is quite possible to replace it with Internet radio stations and radio broadcast entries that can be found on Tunein.

    6. Tell us about yourself.

    This is one of the favorite exercises of Ben for beginners. You need to write a short story about yourself, first in your native language. Then this story translates into English along with the native speaker, which allows you to quickly learn a lot of new words and phrases.

    Lewis does not recommend newcomers to attend courses "for all", since the usual program on these courses is very common. According to the author of the book, at the initial stage much more important is personal feedback With a teacher, otherwise you risk staying with mistakes yourself for yourself.

    8. Use free services to explore the online language.

    Ben advises duolingo and italiki sites. The second is beautiful what can connect you with a native speaker for personal communication.

    9. Spend a lot of time to practice.

    Remember the rule - practice everywhere and always. Only practice can help you really master the language. If you can give her a working day, then in a few months you will go to level B2. But, of course, not everyone can afford such a luxury, therefore, practice a couple of hours a day - this will allow you to reach the same level for the year. Even if it seems to you that there is no time, you still can turn his absence to use - listen to recording, watch video, read in public transport, etc.

    10. Do not seek to ideal.

    Often people are trying to learn how to speak rightly correctly, which is rarely obtained. Then they upset and even throw their undertaking. It is best to perceive these difficulties as a temporary phenomenon and not attempt to be perfect.

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