Shelf life of medical non-sterile cotton wool. Test methods 3.1

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Official edition


3.20.3. The mass of packs is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the weighing results of 10 packs simultaneously, calculated with an error of up to 0.1 g and rounded to 1 g.


4.1. Marking

4.1.1. Each pack of sterile or non-sterile cotton wool should be marked with colored indelible paint indicating:

the emblems of the Red Cross;

the name of the manufacturer and its trademark; type of cotton wool; weight of cotton wool, g;

sterile or non-sterile; opening method (for sterile cotton wool); year of manufacture; designations of this standard.

4.1.2. A label is placed inside a box, bag or cylindrical bale indicating: the name of the manufacturer and its trademark;

type of cotton wool; number of packs;

batch numbers (for sterile cotton wool); OTC stamp or controller number; year of manufacture.

4.1.3. Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of a handling sign "Keep away from moisture" and a hazard sign in class 9.2 in accordance with GOST 19433 with the following additional designations:

on a box, bag and cylindrical bale:

the name of the manufacturer and its trademark, the type of cotton wool,

sterile or non-sterile,

batch numbers (for sterile cotton wool),

batch numbers (for non-sterile cotton wool),

net weight of a pack, g,

net and gross weight, kg,

year of manufacture;

on a bale of pressed cotton wool:

the name of the manufacturer and its trademark,

type of cotton wool,

batch numbers,

net and gross weight, kg,

year of manufacture,

designations of this standard.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.1.4. When applying the inscription "sterile" or "non-sterile" it should be highlighted in large print or in another color.

4.2. Packaging

4.2.1. Cotton wool should be packed:

sterile and non-sterile - in rolls weighing (25 + 2), (50 + 4), (100 + 5) and (250 + 10) g; non-sterile - in compressed bales weighing (20 + 0.2), (30 + 0.3), (40 + 0.4) and (50 + 0.5) kg. It is allowed, upon agreement with the consumer, to lay cotton wool in the form of a zigzag tape of dense and loose pressing in packs weighing (50 + 4), (100 + 5) and (250 + 10) g.

4.2.2. Rolls of sterile cotton wool should be packed in bundles with two layers of paper: inner and outer.

For the inner layer, use paper grades A and B weighing 1 m 2 30-40 g according to GOST 8273, grade ODPB-28 according to GOST 16711 or glassine according to TU 13-0248643-825.

For the outer layer, parchment grades A and B are used in accordance with GOST 1341.

4.2.3. Rolls of non-sterile cotton wool and bundles laid in a zigzag tape should be packed in one layer of paper or plastic wrap.

For packaging use:

glassine for regulatory and technical documentation; parchment under GOST 1760;

wrapping paper grades A and B weighing 1 m 2 30-40 g according to GOST 8273 and special packaging paper according to regulatory and technical documentation;

polyethylene film 0.06-0.07 mm thick in accordance with GOST 10354.

4.2.4. Rolls of sterile cotton wool are packed in paper in the following way: rolls of cotton wool are wrapped in an inner layer of paper in 1.5 turns, the ends are sealed with an envelope without gluing. The roll is wrapped in a ring-shaped thread of trade number 10 or 20 according to GOST 6309, then together with the outer layer it is tightly wrapped in 1.5 turns so that the end of the free thread remains 3-4 cm.Under agreement with consumers, it is allowed to release rolls of sterile cotton wool without wrapping with thread ...

The roll, packed in paper, is sealed, and the end sides are sealed with an envelope, and then bandaged.

4.2.3; 4.2.4. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.2.5. A roll of non-sterile cotton wool is packed in paper in the following way: a roll of cotton wool is placed on the corner of the paper, after the first turn, the corners of the paper at the ends of the roll are folded inward, and the free corner is sealed.

It is allowed to wrap a roll of cotton wool in 1.5 turns, when laying a zigzag tape - in 1.2 turns with sealing the ends of the paper with an envelope and gluing.

4.2.6. For gluing paper used: potato starch according to GOST 7699; corn starch according to GOST 7697 1;

methylcellulose water-soluble grade MC-100 according to the normative and technical documentation;

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.2.7. When packing packaged non-sterile cotton wool in plastic wrap, the ends of the package are sealed.

4.2.8. Packs of sterile and non-sterile cotton wool must correspond to the dimensions indicated in table. 2 and 3.

4.2.9. Packs of sterile and non-sterile cotton wool should be packed in plywood boxes in accordance with GOST 10350 or corrugated cardboard boxes in accordance with GOST 13514, three- or four-layer paper bags of the NM and VM brands in accordance with GOST 2226.

It is allowed, upon agreement with the consumer, to pack packs of sterile and non-sterile cotton wool in bags made of polyethylene film 0.1 mm thick in accordance with GOST 10354.

The specific type of shipping container for packing sterile cotton wool is established by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

GOST 5556-81 p. 11

table 2

Packing type

Pack size, cm

Dense in rolls

Loose in rolls

Table 3

Packing type

Pack size, cm

Zigzag tape tightly

Loose zigzag tape When packing cotton wool in plywood boxes, the packs are stacked in rows with the inner sides of the box lined with one layer of paper in accordance with GOST 1341, GOST 1760, GOST 8273 and GOST 2228 and with special packaging paper in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation.

4.2.8- (Modified edition, Amendment No. 1). When packing cotton wool in paper bags, the open end of the bag is sewn up. When packing packs of cotton wool in cylindrical bales, they are placed in the following way: packs in upright position put in a ring and tied with a cord according to GOST 29231 or twine according to GOST 17308 and other regulatory and technical documentation. Then the resulting ring-shaped row of packs is placed one on top of the other and wrapped on all sides with paper in accordance with GOST 1341, GOST 1760, GOST 2228, GOST 8273 and sheathed with one layer of non-woven container fabric in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation, investment fabric in accordance with GOST 5530 or other types of packing materials , excluding fabrics made from natural fibers.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.2.9A In cylindrical bales, packs of cotton wool are placed:

weighing 50 g each in an amount of 600 pieces;

"100 g each" 300 pcs .;

"250 g each" 120 or 160 pcs.

4.2.10. Packs of the same type are placed in each box, bag or cylindrical bale,

one mass, sterile or non-sterile.

4.2.11. Bales of compressed cotton wool are wrapped with one layer of paper in accordance with GOST 1341, GOST 1760, GOST 2228, GOST 8273 and special packaging paper in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation and sheathed with one layer of nonwoven container fabric in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation, with investment fabric in accordance with GOST 5530 or other types of packaging materials, excluding fabrics made from natural fibers. Then the bales are tied with a rope in accordance with GOST 1868 with a diameter of at least 8 mm or a cord in accordance with GOST 29231, or with a braid made of chemical fibers in accordance with regulatory and technical documentation.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.2.12. In the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, cotton wool is packed in accordance with GOST 15846.

4.3. Transportation

4.3.1. Cotton wool is transported by all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the transportation rules established for each type of transport.

4.4. Storage

4.4.1. Packed cotton wool should be stored in warehouses on pallets or racks in accordance with fire safety regulations in conditions that prevent exposure to atmospheric precipitation and soil moisture.

It is allowed to store cotton wool under awnings with a tarpaulin cover.



Compositions of mixtures for the production of cotton wool,%

Cotton wool hygroscopic

name of raw materials







1st grade cotton fiber

3rd grade cotton fiber

Cotton fiber grade 5

Cotton lint, 1st grade, type I

Cotton waste No. 14, 15, 16

Viscose staple fiber 0.17 tex

Note. It is allowed to insert no more than 10% cotton fiber of the 4th grade into surgical cotton instead of cotton fiber of the 3rd grade.

It is allowed to insert imported viscose fiber into surgical cotton instead of viscose fiber according to GOST 10546 of the same linear density and cut length without deteriorating the quality of the cotton wool according to the indicators specified in this standard.

ATTACHMENT. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated 12.08.81 No. 3813


Number of paragraph, sub-paragraph, application

4.2.2,,, 4.2.11

4.2.3,,, 4.2.11,, 4.2.11



3.3.2, 3.4.2, 3.8.2, 3.11.2,

3.4.2, 3.6.2, 3.7.2, 3.11.2,

3.12.2, 3.13.2, 3.14.2

3.11.2, 3.12.2, 3.13.2

3.10.2, 3.11.2, 3.12.2

TU 13-0248643-825-91

4.2.2, 4.2.3,,,

5. The limitation of the period of validity was lifted by the Decree of the State Standard of the USSR of December 18, 1991 No. 1976

6. EDITION (November 2003) with Amendment No. 1, approved in January 1987 (IUS 5-87)

Editor T.P. Shashina Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Proofreader R.A. Mentova Computer layout S.V. Ryabova

Ed. persons. No. 02354 dated 14.07.2000. Put in the set 05.11.2003. Signed for printing on 09.12.2003. Service l. 1.86. Academic and Publishing House 1.60.

Circulation 85 copies. From 12946. Zak. 358.

IPK Standards Publishing House, 107076 Moscow, Kolodezny Lane., 14.http: // e-mail: [email protected]

Typeset and printed in IPK Standards Publishing House


Cotton wool medical hygroscopic


Hygroscopic medical cotton wool. Specifications

ISS 11.120.20 OKP 81 9510

Date of introduction 07/01/82

This standard applies to medical absorbent cotton wool for medical use.


1.1. Medical absorbent cotton wool must be made in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Medical absorbent cotton wool, depending on the purpose, is divided into types:



1.3. Medical hygroscopic eye and hygienic cotton wool should be made from cotton fiber.

Medical absorbent surgical cotton wool should be made from cotton fiber or a mixture of cotton fiber with viscose staple fiber.

Mixing compositions are indicated in the appendix.

1.4. In terms of physical, mechanical and chemical indicators, medical absorbent cotton wool must meet the requirements specified in table. 1.

Table 1

Norm for cotton wool

Indicator name





1. Mass fraction of dense uncombed accumulations of fiber-knots,%, no more

2. Mass fraction of short fibers (less than 5 mm) and cotton dust,%, no more

3. Debris,%, no more

Not allowed

Official edition Reprinting prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1981 © IPK Standards Publishing House, 2003

Continuation of table. 1

Indicator name

Norm for cotton wool





5. Ash content,%, no more

6. Mass fraction of fatty and waxy

substances,%, not more

7. Moisture,%, no more

8. Absorptive capacity, g, not less

9. Capillarity, mm, not less

10. Reaction of the aqueous extract


11. Mass fraction of chloride salts,%, no more

12. Mass fraction of sulfate salts,%, not

13. Mass fraction of calcium salts,%, not

15. Degree of whiteness,%, not less:

for non-sterile cotton wool

for sterile cotton wool

16. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

Not allowed

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.5. The wadding should be well carded, retaining the bond between the fibers, and easily delaminate into parallel layers of arbitrary thickness.

1.6. Cotton wool is produced sterile and non-sterile.

1.7. The period of preservation of the sterility of cotton wool is at least 5 years.


2.1. Cotton wool is taken in batches. A batch is considered to be products of one type, one package, drawn up by one document certifying its quality.

2.2. Quality control of cotton wool appearance, 100% of products are subjected to the compliance of packaging and labeling with the requirements of normative and technical documentation.

2.3. To control the quality of cotton wool by physical, mechanical and chemical indicators, the following is taken from the batch:

when packing in bales - 10%, but not less than three bales;

when packing cotton wool in cylindrical bales, boxes or bags - 5%, but not less than one packing unit.

2.4. To control the mass of cotton wool in bales, five bales are taken from the batch.

2.5. To control the mass of cotton wool in packs, 10 packs are taken from a cylindrical bale, box or bag.

2.6. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results for at least one indicator, a double number of samples taken from the same bales, bags or boxes are re-checked.

Retest results apply to the entire batch.


3.1. Sampling method

3.1.1. The top layer of cotton wool 5-8 cm thick is removed from each selected bale, then on

at a depth of 10 cm from the edge of the bale, at least three point samples are taken from different places. The mass of the spot sample must be at least 100 g.

3.1.2. For sampling from packaged packs from each selected cylindrical bale, box or mark, at least 10 packs are taken from different places when packing 250 g each, at least 20 packs when packing 50 and 100 g each and at least 40 packs when packing 25 g each ...

A point sample weighing at least 100 g is made from the selected cotton wool packs.

3.1.3. Each spot sample is wrapped in paper and the type of cotton wool and batch number are indicated. Then all point samples are wrapped in a common package and the address of the manufacturer, the type of cotton wool, the batch number and the date of sampling are indicated.

From the selected point samples, make up a combined sample with a mass of at least 1 kg.

3.1.4. To determine the moisture content of the cotton wool, a sample with a mass of at least 200 g is taken from the combined sample. The sample is placed in a jar with a tight-fitting lid or tightly packed in a plastic bag, a label is inserted indicating the type of cotton wool and the batch number from which the sample was taken.

3.1.5. Before testing, the samples must be soaked in climatic conditions in accordance with GOST 10681 for at least 4 hours. The test is carried out under the same conditions.

3.2. Determination of the content of dense uncombed clusters of fiber-knots

3.2.1. From the combined sample, take two weighed portions weighing 1 g each, weighed with an error of not more than 0.01 g.

3.2.2. Testing

Each weighed portion is placed on a black velvet-covered board or on black glass, and the number of knots in the cotton is counted with tweezers, while the knots are not pulled apart, but moved on the surface of the board.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.2.3. Processing results

The calculated arithmetic mean number of knots for two weights is referred to 0.1 g, that is, divided by 10. Then, according to the nomogram, the calculated average content of knots in 0.1 g is transferred to their corresponding mass in cotton wool, expressed as a percentage.

3.3. Determination of the content of short fibers (less than 5 mm) and cotton dust

3.3.1. Three portions weighing 5 g each, weighed with an error of not more than 0.01 g, are taken from the combined sample.

3.3.2. Equipment

GOST 24104 2.

GOST 24104 2.

3.3.3. Testing

Each hinge is divided into separate layers and pulled apart by hand, clamping between the thumb and forefinger over black glass five times in a row.

Short fibers with a length of less than 5 mm and cotton dust isolated on black glass are collected, transferred to a glass and weighed with an error of not more than 0.001 g.

3.3.4. Processing results

The arithmetic mean of the test results of three determinations, calculated with an error of up to 0.001% and rounded to 0.01%, is taken as the final test result.

3.4. Determination of contamination

3.4.1. Two weighed portions of 5 g each, weighed with an error of not more than 0.01 g, are taken from the combined sample.

3.4.2. Equipment

Laboratory balance equal arm of the 2nd class in accordance with GOST 24104 2.

Laboratory balance equal arm of the 4th class in accordance with GOST 24104 2.

A glass for weighing in accordance with GOST 25336.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.4.3. Testing

Each weighed portion is placed on a sheet of paper or cardboard and with tweezers the litter, skin with fiber, particles of bolls, leaf, stem are taken.

The selected trash impurities are weighed with an error of not more than 0.001 g.

3.4.4. Processing results

Cotton wool contamination (3) in percent is calculated by the formula

3 \u003d - ■ 100, i.e.

where m is the mass of weeds, g; w, - weight of the sample, g.

The arithmetic mean of the test results of two parallel determinations, calculated with an error of up to 0.001% and rounded to 0.01%, is taken as the final test result.

3.5. Determination of ash content Ash content is determined in accordance with GOST 3818.1.

3.6. Determination of the content of fatty and waxy substances

3.6.1. Three portions of air-dry cotton wool weighing 5-10 g each are taken from the combined sample, the third portion is control.

3.6.2. Equipment, reagents and materials

Extraction nozzle (Soxhlet) in accordance with GOST 25336.

Bath water.

A glass for weighing in accordance with GOST 25336.

3.6.3. Testing

Each sample of cotton wool is wrapped in degreased filter paper, placed in

extraction attachment so that the upper edge of the sample is not higher than the upper end of the siphon. Then the nozzle is connected to a tared flask and ethyl ether is poured in 1.5-1.7 volumes more than needed for pouring ether through a siphon. A weighed portion with a tared flask is connected to a refrigerator and extracted on a water bath for six transfusions of ether.

At the end of the extraction, the weighed portion of the cotton wool is removed, and the ether is distilled off from the flasks. A sample of cotton wool and a flask with the remaining fatty substances are kept in a fume hood until the smell of ether disappears.

A sample of cotton wool is placed in a tared bottle. The flask and bottle with an open lid are dried in an oven at 100-110 ° C until constant weight.

The first weighing is carried out after 3 hours, the next after 30 minutes. Before weighing the flasks and weighing bottles, closing the latter with lids, are placed for cooling in a desiccator for 10-15 minutes, then weighed on a laboratory balance.

3.6.4. Processing results

where t 2 is the mass of fatty and waxy substances after drying, g; t 3 - weight of the dried sample after extraction, g.

The test result is taken as the arithmetic mean of the test results of two determinations. If the discrepancy between the test results exceeds 0.05%, a third determination is made.

The arithmetic mean of the results of three determinations, calculated with an error of up to 0.001% and rounded to 0.01%, is taken as the final test result.

3.6.2-3.6.4. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.7. Determination of moisture

3.7.1. Sampling - by and. 4 with the following addition:

The sample is taken:

for textile dryers of all brands - one sample weighing at least 200 g;

for drying cabinets - three hinges weighing 5 g each.

3.7.2. Equipment

Textile drying apparatus AST-73 and other brands with heating temperature 100-110 ° С.

Drying cabinet with heating temperature 100-110 ° С.

A glass for weighing in accordance with GOST 25336.

(Modified edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.7.3. Testing Determination of humidity in a drying cabinet and drying textile machines - according to GOST 3274.4. In the event of a disagreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, the moisture content is determined by drying in a drying oven.

3.8. Determination of absorbency

3.8.1. Four weighed portions weighing 1 g each, weighed with an error of up to 0.01 g, are taken from the combined sample.

3.8.2. Equipment

Laboratory balance equal arm of the 4th class in accordance with GOST 24104.

Drying cabinet with heating temperature 100-110 ° С.

Funnels porcelain Buchner No. 2 in accordance with GOST 9147.

Beakers with a capacity of 300 cm 3.

3.8.3. Testing

Before testing to determine the actual moisture content, the first portion is dried to a constant dry mass. At the same time, the second air-dry sample is evenly laid out on the bottom surface of the funnel fixed in the tripod. The lower end of the funnel is closed with a stopper. Then, from a height of no more than 5 cm above the edge of the funnel, the sample is poured evenly over the entire surface to the brim with distilled water. After 10 minutes, the plug is removed, and then after 2-3 minutes

carefully turn the sample of cotton wool over to the other side with tweezers to allow water not bound to the fiber to drain into the glass for 10 minutes. Then a sample of cotton wool is transferred into a previously weighed dry cup, the mass of which should not exceed 50 g. The tests of two other weights are carried out in the same way.

3.8.4. Processing results

The absorbent capacity of cotton wool (K) in grams is calculated by the formula

t 4 (100 - Zh f) ’

where n is the amount of water absorbed by an air-dry sample of cotton wool, g; t 4 - weight of air-dry sample, g;

Lf is the actual moisture content of the cotton wool,%.

The final test result is taken as the arithmetic mean of the test results of three determinations, calculated with an error of 0.1 g and rounded to 1 g.

3.9. Determination of capillarity

3.9.1. Ten portions weighing 0.5 g each are taken from the combined sample for tubes with a diameter of 7 mm. When using tubes of other diameters to maintain the established density in the tube, the weight of the sample of cotton wool (t 5) is calculated by the formula

where d is the diameter of the tube used, mm;

0.01 is the conversion factor for the sample weight.

3.9.2. Equipment and reagents

Glass tubes 140 mm long with an inner diameter of 6-8 mm with marked graduations from 0 to 100 mm every millimeter at a distance of 15 mm from the lower end.

Glass stick.

Tripod with round holes.

Glass stick.

3.10.3. Testing

The selected sample is placed in a porcelain cup, filled with distilled water (200-250 cm 3) and boiled for 15 minutes. Then the sample is squeezed out, the liquid is filtered, evaporated

GOST 6709.

Water extract 10 cm 3.

Volumetric flasks with a capacity of 1000 cm 3.

Drying cabinet with heating temperature 100-110 ° С.

Water extract 10 cm 3.

Medical cotton wool HYGIENIC - made from 100% cotton, without additives and impurities, is intended for all kinds of medical procedures related to the treatment of wounds, as well as for removing makeup, daily hygienic care, both for children and adults. Provides maximum absorption and cleansing effect. Suitable for all skin types and has no contraindications.
- individually packed in 250 g medical parchment, which corresponds to GOST 5556-81. For ease of transportation, cotton wool is placed in multi-layer paper bags (kraft bags), which corresponds to GOST 5556-81

Shelf life: not limited
Factory packaging: 50 pcs.



Medical cotton wool non-sterile price:

Non-sterile medical surgical cotton wool -used for medical and hygienic purposes, made from natural long-fiber raw materials (100% cotton fiber of the highest grade) without adding additives and impurities. Surgical wool has a high degree of combing - which ensures the absence of trash and inclusions, by its structure it is easily distributed into parallel layers ... Possesses high sorption capacity (effectively absorbs and retains moisture). Medical surgical cotton wool has an ideal white color and does not contain foreign odors. Cotton wool bleaching is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 5556-81 (without the use of chlorine and its components). Packaging: Medical surgical hygroscopic non-sterile cotton wool is packed in 25.0, 50.0, 100.00, 250.0 polypropylene sleeves (Snickers type ")

OAZT "Factory of medical products and materials" NIKA "

LLC "Emelyan Savostin Cotton Factory"
PKF "Development" LLC

Non-sterile surgical cotton wool price:

Cotton wool medical surgical sterile

Medical sterile surgical cotton wool -applied where there is no possibility of sterilization, but cotton wool will come into contact with the damaged skin surface or with open wound... Packaged cotton wool, processed, remains sterile for 5 years... This property is provided by two-layer film packaging.

Expiration date: 5 years

OAZT "Factory of medical products and materials" NIKA "

LLC "Emelyan Savostin. Cotton Factory"
PKF "Development" LLC

Cotton wool medical surgical sterile price:

Medical cotton wool "Zig-Zag"

Cotton wool Zig-Zag hygroscopic medical cotton is made of 100% natural, long-staple cotton of the highest quality - "Premium" (which is completely free of cotton wool and any weeds). Unlike ordinary rolled cotton wool, which is rolled into a roller, "Zig-Zag" cotton wool is combed into a single-layer tape and is evenly and conveniently packed in individual packaging.
With this special method of stacking - cotton wool Zig-Zag, the consumer tears off the required amount of cotton wool from the cotton tape, without affecting the remainder in the bag, which allows you to keep the bulk from pollution, dustiness, infection. Perforation is applied to the top of the plastic bag for easy opening.

Zig-zag cotton wool is produced packaged in: 50, 100, 200 and 250 grams.
Composition of Zig-Zag cotton wool: 100% cotton

Shelf-life Unlimited.

OAZT "Factory of medical products and materials" NIKA "
LLC "Emelyan Savostin. Cotton Factory"
LLC "RusVata"

Medical cotton wool "Zig-Zag" price:

Name of production AOZT "Nika" LLC "Emelyan Savostin"
Medical surgical cotton wool "Zig-Zag" 50 g RUB 13.00 RUB 14.65
Medical surgical cotton wool "Zig-Zag" 100 g RUB 22.00 RUB 25.50
Medical surgical cotton wool "Zig-Zag" 200 g RUB 42.00 RUB 45.00
Medical cotton wool "Zig-Zag" 250 g RUB 52.00 RUB 54.00
  • Cotton wool medical surgical sterile and non-sterile
  • Medical eye cotton, cotton swabs for dentistry
  • Medical cotton wool 100% cotton

    Medical cotton wool (from German. Watte) - a fluffy mass of fibers, loosely intertwined in various directions, intended for use in hospital, outpatient and home conditions.
    Distinguish hygroscopic hygienic medical, surgical and eye cotton wool.
    Surgical cotton wool - white, easily exfoliated, used as a material that absorbs liquid discharge (pus), when dressing wounds over the layers of the bandage. In contact with skin and mucous membranes, it does not cause irritation. Has a uniform structure, no foreign inclusions, soft neck. Easily spreads in parallel layers. Cotton wool has a high sorption capacity, quite effectively absorbs and retains wound discharge, is well wetted both by wound exudate and solutions of drugs.
    Cotton wool medical can be used to warm a tied or bandaged part of the body (for example, with warming compresses), as well as a soft lining when applying splints and immobilizing bandages (for example, plaster casts).
    In production medical cotton - the raw material is cooked in alkali under pressure and then processed with sodium hyposulfite. As a result, the fiber acquires whiteness and characteristic properties - the ability to quickly wet and absorb liquids.
    Medical cotton wool hygroscopic surgical sterile meets medical requirements and is recommended for widespread use in medical practice as dressings: cotton-gauze bandages, cotton balls, turunda.

    Medical surgical cotton wool hygroscopic non-sterile
    Packing: paper and polypropylene 25 g, 50 g, 100 g, 250 g, bale - 30 kg.
    Composition: 100% cotton
    Cotton wool medical surgical hygroscopic sterile
    Packing: polypropylene 25 g, 50 g, 100 g, 250 g,
    Composition: 100% cotton
    Medical cotton wool hygroscopic "Ophthalmic" non-sterile
    Packaging: paper and polypropylene 25 g, 50 g, 100 g, 250 g,
    Composition: 100% cotton

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