The shelf life of cotton wool. Surgical hygroscopic wool: material production

Gigroscopic Vata.

The substance is peeled cotton wool, devoid of fat, etc. The beams that can be easily saved with water and absorb it, and therefore used in surgical practice as a korpio. Vata is extracted from raw cotton by cleansing it, primarily on special machines, freeing cotton from seeds and husks, sand and dust. Next, the fibers of cotton are released from cotton oil contained in them and other fats - degreased - long and re-boiling (for 10-12 hours.) In 1 / 2-1% (up to 4%) by the Natron orcler. If boiling is performed under a pressure of 2.5-3 atmospheres, then 2 hours. It happens enough for complete degreased cotton paper. Skipped thus wool often be brought color and therefore exposed to white. It is first rolled with water, centrifuged and is left alone for several days, and then immerses the clock on 6 to the chlorine lime solution (6 kg chlorine Continuation of 1 hour. If the whitening is not complete, the procedure is repeated using the initial solution of chlorine lime. The elevated wool treated in this way is thoroughly washed with water and centrifuged. To remove chlorine and eliminate non-constant colorless connections (often it happens that white color Over time, it takes a yellowish tint again) the waters are lowered into soap water, and then washed with water, acidified with sulfuric acid; The acid further aimed and the cotton is vigorously washed with water, pressed, dried and combed in conclusion. Under the influence of sulfuric acid, after washing the wool in soapy water, the soap decomposition occurs; In the wool fibers, finely crushed stearic acid is deposited, due to which the beautiful white wool is obtained, which crispically crispically produce cristed noise. But this is the last quality, strictly speaking, damages the dignity of surgical wool, which, after degreasing, is again soaked with fatty acid. Therefore, for medical purposes, the wool that was not subjected to washing with a consistent treatment with sulfuric acid. And since in its appointment, the G. Wata should be deprived of all kinds of microorganisms that can be kept in water, then the production of wool should use exclusively boiled water. Production of Wool first were engaged in pharmacists; But now, as a result of great demand for such a product, it is produced on special plants or in lecherous workshops who preparing ordinary cotton, but they are no longer taking off (as for frequency wats), but the best long-fastened cotton varieties (see), with mechanical cleansing All short hairs are removed by the air strengthened air, so that in a benign Mr. Vat should not contain the slightest trace of dust and short fibers. After processing on cards (see cards), the bands of the wool are coagulated and pressed, as for ordinary wool. In the study of the city of Wool should pay major attention to the absence of short fibers and the ability to easily be made water. Link advises, in the study of wool on the content of fatty acids, 20 g watts to extract ether. When evaporation of the latter and drying the residue at 80 ° should be obtained not more than 0.03 g.

Purified cotton wool or cotton paper appears under a microscope, like a crude, consisting of white single-cellular, tubular, for the most part Flat hairs, twisted spiral, inside with a wide flat canal filled with air. Width of fibers \u003d 0.015-0.028 mm. Purified Wat Bela, has no smell, does not contain fat and does not have any action on jets. Compressed between the fingers and thrown into the water, it immediately sinks in the latter, as it is easy and fully wetted with water and watery solutions, which is not typical of the ordinary cotton. When burning, no more than 0.3% ash is obtained, and the aqueous extract is 10 g of watts 20 g of water, evaporated to dryness, should not give any residue. Purified cotton wool and the fabric released from it find medical application In surgery, mainly in the treatment of wounds, ulcers, burns, frostbines, fractures, dislocation, etc.; Next, with rheumatism and various skin sufferings. To the tissues made of purified wool include skimmed: threads, cheese (MULL), English Lint, Cambrick, Square and other fabrics used in the form of bandages, compresses, lumps, etc., both wool and tissues, and tissues Used in surgery part in its pure form, i.e. themselves, part of them are impregnated with various drugs, knitting, coating, fragrant, narcotic, predominantly antickered and disinfectants. Finally, the purified wool is used in pharmacy to obtain colloxylin or collodia used in surgery.

A. V. Nel. Δ..

encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-PB.: Brockhauses-Efron. 1890-1907 .

Watch what is "hygroscopic wool" in other dictionaries:

    Purified cotton wool, devoid of fat and friend. Themes, easily absorbed moisture. Vocabulary foreign wordsincluded in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Vata. - Wool, cotton mined from cotton Gossypium Barbadense L., Gossyp. Hirsut. L., Gossyp. Herbac. L. (Sem. Malvaceae), cleaned on the trunk machines of an ordinary device and combed on a special machine. By your quality, cotton shares ... ... Big medical encyclopedia

    Wat, Wat, MN. No, wives (it. Watte). Strong flip fibrous substance, for the most part of cotton, UPOTR. In medicine and serve also a warm lining for clothes and blankets. Gigroscopic wool. Sterilized wool. Coat on the cotton ... ... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    The valo is called cotton, peeled on the trunk machines of an ordinary device and combed on a cotton room. A cotton chaired machine is an ordinary card car (see this word), equipped instead of a coiler with a rune drum. Speed \u200b\u200b(Vatka), ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron - Gigroscopic V., made of grade I fiber cotton and possessing the highest absorption capacity and capillary ... Great Medical Dictionary

    S; g. [Him. Watte] 1. Fluffy fibrous material (usually made of cotton or wool) used in medicine, in technique, in everyday life. Hygroscopic in. Sterile in. Coat on the cotton (insulated, watched). Feet as cotton (weakened from the disease, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    vata. - s; g. (it. Watte) see the DJ. Vatka, cotton 1) fluffy fibrous material (usually made of cotton or wool) used in medicine, in equipment, in everyday life. Gigroscopic VA / TA. Sterile Va / Ta. Coat on the cotton (insulated, linked by cotton ... Dictionary of many expressions

Applied. Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Standards of August 12, 1981 N 3813

State Standard of the Union of SSR GOST 5556-81

"Wool medical hygroscopic. Technical conditions"

Hygroscopic Medical Cotton Wool. Specifications.

Instead of GOST 5556-75, GOST 12233-77

This standard applies to medical hygroscopic wool intended for medical purposes.

1. Technical requirements

1.1. Medical hygroscopic wool must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this Standard for the Technological Regulations, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Medical hygroscopic watts, depending on the destination, are divided into types:



1.3. Medical hygroscopic eye and hygienic wool must be made of cotton fiber.

Medical hygroscopic surgical wool should be made of cotton fiber or cotton fiber mixture with viscose staple fiber.

The compounds of the mixture are specified in the required application.

1.4. In physical and mechanical and chemical indicators, medical hygroscopic wool must comply with the requirements specified in Table. one.

Table 1

Name of the indicator

Norm for wati




cotton viscose

1. Mass fraction of dense unreasonable clusters of fibers - nodules,%, no more

2. Mass fraction of short fibers (less than 5 mm) and cotton, dust,%, no more

3. Burning,%, no more

Not allowed

5. ash content,%, no more

6. Mass fraction of fat and wax substances,%, no more

7. Humidity,%, no more

8. Absorbing ability, r, not less

9. Capillary, mm, not less

10. Water exhaust reaction


11. Mass fraction of chloride salts,%, no more

12. Mass fraction of sulfur salts,%, no more

13. Mass fraction of calcium salts,%, no more

15. The degree of whiteness,%, not less:

for non-sterile wool

for sterile wool

16. (excluded, meas. N 1).

Not allowed

1.5. Wat must be well swattered, maintaining the connection between the fibers and is easy to decrease into parallel layers of arbitrary thickness.

1.6. Wat is released sterile and non-sterile.

1.7. The term of preservation of wool sterility is at least 5 years.

2. Rules acceptance

2.1. Watts take parties. The parties consider the products of one species, one packing, decorated by one document certifying its quality.

2.2. Wool quality check appearance, the compliance of packaging and marking the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation is subjected to 100% of products.

2.3. To control the quality of wool on physical and mechanical and chemical parameters from the party, select:

when packing into piles - 10%, but not less than three kips;

when packing, wool in cylindrical piles, drawers or bags - 5%, but at least one packaging unit.

2.4. To control the mass of wool in the carts from the party, 5 kip is taken.

2.5. To control the mass of cotton wool in packs from cylindrical pine packs, a box or bag take 10 bundles.

2.6. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results, at least one indicator on it is repeatedly checking the double number of samples selected from the same instrumentation, bags or boxes.

Results of repeated tests apply to the entire batch.

3. Test methods

3.1. Sampling method

3.1.1. From each selected pile remove the top layer of cotton 5-8 cm thick, then at a depth of 10 cm from the edge of the piles, at least three point samples are taken from different seats. The mass of the point sample should be at least 100 g.

3.1.2. To select samples from packaged packs from each selected cylindrical pile, a box or bag is selected from different places at least 10 packs when packing 250 g, not less than 20 packs - with packing 50 and 100 g and at least 40 packs at packing 25 G.

From the selected packs of watts constitute a point sample mass of at least 100 g.

3.1.3. Each point sample is covered in paper and indicate the type of wool and the party number. Then all point samples are wrapped in a common bundle and affix the address of the manufacturer, the type of wool, the party number and the sampling date.

Of the selected point samples, they make a combined sample mass of at least 1 kg.

3.1.4. To determine the wool moisture from the combined sample, we take a sample mass of at least 200 g. The selected sample is placed in a jar with a tightly closing lid or tightly packaged into a plastic bag, put a label with a type of wool's type and a party number from which the sample is taken.

3.1.5. Before testing, the sample must be supplemented in climatic conditions according to GOST 10681-75 at least 4 hours. In the same conditions, a test is carried out.

3.2. Determination of the content of dense unreasonable clusters of fiber-nodules

3.2.1. From the combined sample, two samples weighing 1 g each, weighted with an error of not more than 0, 01 g

3.2.2. Testing

Each hitch is placed on a plank, covered with black velvet, or on black glass and with a tweezers, count the number of nodules in the cotton, while the nodules do not disappear, and move on the surface of the spreadsheet.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

3.2.3. Processing results

Calculated average arithmetic amount of nodules on two samples belong to 0, 1 g, i.e. They divide on 10. Then the estimated nodule is translated by the nomogram, the average content of the nodules in. 0, 1 g to the corresponding mass in the ward, expressed as a percentage.

3.3. Determination of the content of short fibers (less than 5 mm) - and cotton dust

3.3.1. From the combined sample, three samples weighing 5 g each, weighted with an error of not more than 0, 01 g

3.3.2. Equipment

Glass black, according to GOST 21400-75.

3.3.3. Testing

Every jacket is divided into separate layers and cleans their hands, clamping between the large and index fingers above the black glass five times in a row.

Short fibers selected on black glass with a length of less than 5 mm and cotton dust are collected, transferred to the cup and weighed with an error of not more than 0, 001.

3.3.4. Processing results

For the final test result, the average arithmetic test results of the three definitions, calculated with the error up to 0, 001% and rounded to 0, 01%.

3.4. Definition of clogging

3.4.1. From the combined sample, two samples of a mass of Pa 5 g each, weighted with an error of not more than 0, 01 g

3.4.2. Equipment

The nomogram to determine the content of dense undesicious. Cuttings of fiber-nodules in a medical hygroscopic cotton wool.

Scales laboratory equal depreciation of the 2nd class according to GOST 24104-88.

Scales laboratory equal return of the 4th grade according to GOST 24104-88.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

3.4.3. Testing

Each hitch is placed on a sheet of paper or cardboard and tweezers select litter, skin with fiber, particles of boxes, leaf, stalk.

Selected weed impurities weighed with an error of not more than 0, 001

3.4.4. Processing results

Vat's clogs (h) in percent calculate the formula

where m is the mass of weed impurities, r;

m 1 - weight of the hitch, G.

For the final test result, the mean arithmetic results of the tests of two parallel definitions, calculated with the error up to 0, 001)% and rounded to 0, 01%.

3.5. Determination of ashness

Solness is determined according to GOST 3818.1-72.

3.6. Determination of the content of fat and wax substances

3.6.1. From the combined sample, three samples of air-dry wool weighing 5-10 g each, the third sample of the control is taken.

3.6.2. Equipment, reagents and materials

Nozzle for extraction (Soxlet) according to GOST 25336-82.

Refrigerator according to GOST 25336-82.

Flask tarred according to GOST 25336-82.

Bath water.

A cup for weighing according to GOST 25336-82.

Exicitor according to GOST 25336-82.

Ethyl ester according to GOST 22300-76.

3.6.3. Testing

Every suitcase wool wocks in low-fat filter paper, placed in a nozzle for extraction so that the top edge of the hitch was not higher than the upper end of the siphon. Then the nozzle is connected to the targeted flask and the ethyl ether is poured into 1, 5-1, 7 volumes greater than necessary for overflowing the ether through the siphon. A hollow with a targeted flask is combined with a refrigerator and extracted in a water bath for six overflows of the ether.

At the end of the extraction of the hits, the watts are removed, and the air from the flask is distilled off. The hits of the cotton and the flask with the remaining fat substances are kept in the exhaust cabinet until the smell of ether is disappeared.

Wool hitch placed in the taris subsidiary. The flask and the subscriber with an open lid are dried in a drying cabinet at 100-110 ° C to constant mass.

The first weighing is made after 3 hours, follow-up after 30 minutes, before weighing the flasks and fuces, covering the lattes with the covers, placed for cooling into the desiccator for 10-15 minutes, then weighed on laboratory scales.

3.6.4. Processing results


where m 2 is the mass of fat and wax substances after drying, r;

m 3 - the mass of the dried hide after extraction,

For the result of the test, the average arithmetic results of the tests of two definitions take. If the discrepancy between test results exceeds 0, 05%, is carried out third definition.

For the final test result, the average arithmetic results of three definitions are taken, calculated with the error up to 0, 001% and rounded to 0, 01%.

3.6.3; 3.6.4. (Modified edition, meas. N 1).

3.7. Definition of humidity

3.7.1. Sampling - on 3.1.4 with the following addition:

From the sample select:

for devices of drying textile, all brands - one suspension weighing at least 200 g;

for drying cabinets - three samples weighing 5 g each.

3.7.2. Equipment

The device is drying textile AST-73 and other brands with a heating temperature of 100-110 ° C.

Drying wardrobe with heating temperature 100-110 ° C.

A cup for weighing according to GOST 25336-82.

Exicitor according to GOST 25336-82.

3.7.3. Testing Determination of moisture in the drying cabinet and drying textiles - according to GOST 3274.4-72. If disagreements occur between the consumer and the manufacturer, the humidity is determined by drying in the drying cabinet.

3.8. Definition of absorbency

3.8.1. From the combined sample, four samples weighing 1 g each, weighted with an error to 0, 01 g.

3.8.2. Equipment

Scales laboratory equal return of the 4th grade according to GOST 24104-88.

Drying wardrobe with heating temperature 100-110 ° C.

Funnels porcelain bureau N 2 according to GOST 9147-80.

Porcelain cup according to GOST 9147-80.

Glasses with a capacity of 300 cm 3.

3.8.3. Testing

Before the test to determine the actual humidity, the first journey is dried to a constant dry mass. At the same time, the second air-dry jamming is uniformly decomposed on the surface of the bottom of the funnel, fixed in the tripod. The lower end of the funnels close the cork. Then, from a height of no more than 5 cm above the edge of the funnel, the mood is poured evenly over the entire surface to the edges by distilled water. After 10 minutes, the cork is taken out, after which after 2 - 3 minutes, the cottage can be carefully flipped with tweezers on the other side to allow non-fiber water to a glass for 10 minutes. Then the cottage is then transferred to a pre-weighed dry cup, the mass of which should not exceed 50 g. In the same way, tests of two other hits.

3.8.4. Processing results

The absorption capacity of the wool (K) in grams is calculated by the formula


where n is the amount of water absorbed by the air-dry hollow wool, r;

m 4 - the mass of air-dry jamming, r;

W f - actual wool humidity,%.

For the final test result, the average arithmetic test results of three definitions, calculated with the error to 0, 1 g and rounded to 1 g.

3.9. Definition of capillary

3.9.1. From the combined sample, ten sheds of 0, 5 g each for tubes with a diameter of 7 mm are taken. When applying tubes of other diameters to maintain the installed density in the tube, the weight of the wool (K) is calculated by the formula

where D-diameter of the applied tube, mm;

0, 01 is the coefficient of recalculation of the mass of the sample.

3.9.2. Equipment and reagents

A glass tubes are 140 mm long with an inner diameter of 6-8 mm with applied divisions from 0 to 100 mm through each millimeter at a distance of 15 mm from the bottom end.

Millimeter line according to GOST 17435-72.

Glass wand.

Tripod with round holes.

Potassium two-axis-sour in accordance with GOST 4220-75, concentration of 5 g per 1 liter.

3.9.3. Testing

The selected samples are pulled into ribbons and evenly pinch the tube from zero division to 85.

Tubes with wool hollows are fixed in a tripod.

The bath is poured a solution of two-cooled potassium at a temperature of from 16 to 24 ° C and the lower ends of the tubes are fed so that the surface of the solution is on zero division, touching the sample. This moment is taken for the beginning of the test.

The height of the lift of the solution in the tubes is measured by a ruler after 10 minutes. For the height of lifting the solution in each of the ten tubes, the highest wetting point is taken, regardless of the uniform wetting of the sample in the tube.

3.9.4. In the event of disagreements between the consumer and the manufacturer, the capillary of the wool is determined on the tubes with a diameter of 7 mm with a mass of cotton 0, 5 g.

3.9.5. Processing results

The final test result takes the average arithmetic test results of ten definitions, calculated with an error to 0, 5 mm and rounded to 1 mm.

3.10.0. Determination of the reaction of the aqueous exhaust

3.10.1. From the general sample, we take a weight weighing 10 g.

3.10.2. Equipment, reagents and materials

Flasks with a capacity of 250 cm 3.

Electric tile.

A cup of porcelain with a capacity of 250 cm 3 according to GOST 9147-80.

Glass wand.

Paper filter according to GOST 12026-76.

3.10.3. Testing

The selected jacket is placed in a porcelain cup, poured with distilled water (200-250 cm 3) and boiled for 15 minutes. Then squeezed, the liquid is filtered and evaporated to a volume of 100 cm 3 and cooled. The reaction of the aqueous exhaust is determined by the red, blue lactium or indicator versatile paper. The reaction of the aqueous exhaust must be neutral.

3.11. Determination of chloride salts

3.11.1. To determine the content of chloride salts, an aqueous exhaust solution obtained according to clause 3.10 is used.

3.11.2. Equipment and reagents

Drying wardrobe with heating temperature 100-110 ° C.

Scales laboratory equal depreciation of the 2nd class according to GOST 24104-88.

Exicitor according to GOST 25336-82.

Test tubes according to GOST 25336-82.

Pipette according to GOST 20292-74.

Blast with a capacity of 1000 cm 3.

Sodium chloride according to GOST 4233-77.

Water distilled according to GOST 6709-72.

Extraction aqueous 10 cm 3.

Silver nitrogen-sour according to GOST 1277-75, 2% solution.

Nitrogen acid according to GOST 4461-77, 10% solution.

3.11.3. Preparation for the test

To prepare an exemplary solution of chlorine ion in a measuring flask with a capacity of 1000 cm 3 dissolve 0, 659 g of a slightly calcined sodium chloride and bring the volume of the solution with distilled water to the label (solution A). 50 cm 3 of solution A diluted to 1000 cm 3 and a sample solution B is obtained, containing 0, 02 mg of chlorine ion in 1 cm 3 or 0, 002%, chloride salt. 0, 04%.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

3.11.4. Testing

To 10 cm 3 of aqueous exhaust, 0, 5 cm 3 of nitric acid solution, 0, 5 cm 3 of a solution of nitric acid silver and stirred. At the same time, to 10 cm 3 of an exemplary solution B is added, by 0, 5 cm 3 of a solution of nitric acid and nitro-acid silver and stirred. After 5 min, both solutions compare. The resulting solution considers the relevant requirements of this standard if the opalescence does not exceed the opalescence of the exemplary solution.

3.12. Determination of the content of sulfate salts

3.12.1. To determine the content of sulfate salts, an aqueous exhaust solution obtained according to clause 3.10 is used.

3.12.2. Equipment, reagents and solutions

Drying wardrobe with heating temperature 100-110 ° C.

A cup for weighing according to GOST 25336-82.

The flasks are measuring with 1000 cm 3.

Pipettes - according to GOST 20292-74.

Water distilled according to GOST 6709-72.

Barium chloride according to GOST 4108-72, 5% solution.

Potassium sulfur-sour dost 4145-74.

Extraction aqueous 10 cm 3.

3.12.3. Preparation for the test

To prepare an exemplary solution of sulfate ion in a dimensional flask with a capacity of 1000 cm 3 dissolve 1, 814 g of potassium sulfate, dried at 100-105 ° C to constant mass, and the volume of the solution is brought by distilled water to the label (Solution A). 10 cm 3 of solution A diluted with distilled water up to 1000 cm 3, and a sample solution B is obtained, containing 0, 01 mg of sulfate ion in 1 cm 3 or 0, 001%, salt sulk acid 0, 02%.

3.12.4. Testing

To 10 cm 3 of an aqueous exhaust, 0, 5 cm 3 of hydrochloric acid solution, 1 cm 3 of the solution of barium chloride and stirred. At the same time, 0, 5 cm 3 of the solution, hydrochloric acid, 1 cm 3 solution of the barium chloride and stirred is added to 10 cm 3 of the exemplary solution. After 10 min both solutions compared. The resulting solution considers the relevant requirements of this standard if the opalescence does not exceed the opalescence of the exemplary solution.

3.13. Determination of calcium salts

3.13.1. To determine the content of calcium salts, an aqueous exhaust solution obtained according to clause 3.10 is used.

3.13.2. Equipment, reagents and solutions

The flasks are measuring with a capacity of 100 and 1000 cm 3.

Scales laboratory equal depreciation of the 2nd class according to GOST 24104-88.

Drying wardrobe with heating temperature 100-110 ° C.

Exicitor according to GOST 25336-82.

Pipettes according to GOST 20292-74.

Test tubes according to GOST 25336-82.

Extraction aqueous 10 cm 3.

Ammonia aqueous according to GOST 3760-79, 10% solution.

Ammonium chloride according to GOST 3773-72, 10% solution.

Ammonium SHAVELEVOKISTY according to GOST 5712-78, 4% solution

Calcium carbonate according to GOST 4530-76.

Salonic acid according to GOST 3118-77, 10% solution.

3.13.3. Preparation for the test

For the preparation of an exemplary solution of calcium-ion, a carbon dioxide with a mass of 0, 749 g, dried at 100-105 ° C to constant mass, mixed in a measuring flask with a capacity of 100 cm 3 with 10 cm 3 of water. Then, a solution of hydrochloric acid is gradually added to the flask to completely dissolve carbon dioxide calcium and after the disappearance of carbon dioxide bubbles, the volume of the solution with distilled water is adjusted to the label (solution A). 10 cm 3 of solution A diluted with distilled water up to 1000 cm 3 and a sample solution B is obtained, containing 0, 03 mg of calcium ion in 1 cm 3 or 0, 003%, calcium salts 0, 06%.

3.13.4. Testing

To 10 cm 3 of an aqueous exhaust, 1 cm 3 of ammonium chloride solution, 1 cm 3 ammonia solution and 1 cm 3 solutions of oxalous ammonium and stirred. At the same time, 1 cm 3 of the ammonium chloride solution, 1 cm 3 of the solution is added to 10 cm 3 sample. Ammonia and 1 cm 3 oh-sour-sour ammonium and stirred. After 10 minutes, both solutions are compared. The test solution is considered to be the relevant requirements of this standard, if the opalescence does not exceed the opalescence of the exemplary solution.

3.14. Determination of the content of restorative substances

3.14.1. To determine the reducing substances, an aqueous exhaust solution obtained according to clause 3.10 is used.

3.14.2. Equipment and reagents

Test tubes with a capacity of 25-30 cm 3 according to GOST 25336-82.

Sulfuric acid according to GOST 4204-77, 10% solution.

Potassium manganese-sour P GOST 20490-75 0, 1% for cotton wool and 0, 2% for cotton valve wool.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

3.14.3. Testing

10 cm 3 of aqueous exhaust is poured into the tube, 5-10 drops of sulfuric acid and 3 drops of manganese-sour potassium are added. The resulting weak staining of the liquid should not disappear for 5 minutes.

3.15. Determining White Wool

3.15.1. The degree of whiteness is determined according to GOST 18054-72 with the following addition: three samples with a mass of 2 g in the form of a formation are selected from a combined sample. The cottage is evenly folded and placed on the device carrier in such a way that the carrier surface is completely covered with cotton.

To determine the degree of white cotton wool it is allowed to apply the device a photometer an objective universal (FOU) and the device speaker-11.

White wool is defined as the arithmetic average of three dimensions, calculated with an error of no more than 0, 1% and rounded to 1%.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

3.16-3.16.3. (Excluded, meas. N 1).

3.17. Definition odor

The definition of smell is produced organoleptically.

3.18. Sterile definition

Wool sterility should be determined in accordance with the current documentation for the control of sterilized wool and dressing materials for sterility approved by the USSR Ministry of Health. Sterility sterility is taken from each series. A series of sterilized wool consider the number of products sterilized by the steam method for one cycle in one sterilizer at an industrial enterprise.

3.19. Determining the mass of piping

3.19.1. Mass of piles are determined by weighing on commodity scales.

3.19.2. Processing results

The weight of the piles are calculated as the average arithmetic weighing results of 5 instrumentation, calculated with an error to 0, 1 kg and rounded to 1 kg.

3.20. Determining the mass of packs

3.20.1. Mass of packs are determined by weighing on the trade scales of the VET brand.

3.20.2. In the event of disagreements between the consumer and the manufacturer, the mass of packs is determined by weighing on the laboratory equal departure scales of the 4th grade according to GOST 24104-88.

3.20.3. Mass of packs are calculated as the average arithmetic weighing results at the same time 10 packs calculated with an error to 0, 1 g and rounded to 1 g.

4. Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage

4.1. Marking

4.1.1. Each pack of sterile or non-sterile wool should be labeled with colored incisible paint indicating:

emblems of the Red Cross;

types of wool;

wool masses, g;

sterile or non-sterile;

way of autopsy (for sterile wool);

year of manufacture;

4.1.2. Inside the box, bag or cylindrical pine blasts put a label indicating:

names of the manufacturer and its trademark;

types of wool;

quantities of packs;

series number (for sterile wool);

sW stamp or controller number;

year of manufacture.

4.1.3. Transport markings - according to GOST 14192-77 with the application of the manipulation sign "Afraid of damp" and the sign of danger in class 9.2 according to GOST 19433-81, indicating the following additional designations:

on the drawer, bag and cylindrical pile:

vATO type,

sterile or non-sterile

series number (for sterile wool),

party Numbers (for non-sterile wool)

net masses pack, g,

net mass and gross, kg,

year of manufacture;

at the pile compressed wool:

names of the manufacturer and its trademark,

vATO type,

party rooms,

net mass and gross, kg,

years of manufacture

designations of this Standard.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

4.1.4. When applying the inscription "Sterile" or "non-sterile", it should be highlighted with a large font or other color.

4.2. Packaging

4.2.1. Wat must be painted:

sterile and non-sterile - in rolls weighing in (25 ± 2), (50 ± 4), (100 ± 5) and (250 ± 10) g;

non-sterile - into compressed piles with a mass of software (20 ± 0, 2), (30 ± 0, 3), (40 ± 0, 4) and (50 ± 0, 5) kg.

It is allowed in agreement with the consumer laying of watts in the form of a zigzag tape of a dense and loose press to a pack of mass of software (50 ± 4), (100 ± 5) and (250 ± 10) G.

4.2.2. Rolls of sterile wool must be packed in packs in two layers of paper: internal and outdoor.

For the inner layer, grades A and in a mass of 1 m 2 30-40 g of GOST 8273-75, the ODPB-28 brand according to GOST 16711-84 or Parchment according to GOST 2995-73.

For the outer layer, the parchment of stamps A and B according to GOST-1341-84 is used.

4.2.3. Rolls of non-sterile wool and packs laid in the form of a zigzag tape must be packed in one paper layer or polyethylene film.

For packaging apply:

pergamine on regulatory and technical documentation;

podrigament according to GOST 1760-86;

paper wrapping grades A and in a mass of 1 m 2 30-40 g according to GOST 8273-75 and a special packaging paper for regulatory and technical documentation;

polyethylene film 0, 06-0, 07 mm according to GOST 10354-82.

4.2.4. Sterile wool rolls are packaged in the paper in the following way: wool rolls are cleaned into the inner layer of paper in 1, 5 turns, ends close up with an envelope without stuffing. The roll is wrapped with ring-shaped thread of the trading number 10 or 20 according to GOST 6309-87, then together with the outer layer, the tight is wrapped in 1, 5 turns so that the end of the free thread remains 3-4 cm.

In coordination with consumers, the release of sterile wool rolls is allowed without winding thread.

The roll, packed in paper, is sealed, and the end sides close the envelope, then go bank.

4.2.3; 4.2.4. (Modified edition, change 1).

4.2.5. The non-sterile wool roll is packaged in the paper in the following way: the roll roll is placed on the paper angle, after the first turnover of the corners of the paper on the ends of the roll bend inside, and the free angle is rushed.

Wool roll is allowed to clean in 1, 5 turns, when laying a zigzag tape - in 1, 2 turnover with sealing paper ends with envelope and ripping.

4.2.6. For gluing paper apply:

potato starch according to GOST 7699-78;

corn starch according to GOST 7697-82;

methylcellulose Water-soluble MC-100 brand according to the current regulatory and technical documentation;

dextrin according to GOST 6034-74 for non-sterile wool:

sodium carboxymethylcellulose on regulatory and technical documentation;

polyvinyl acetate dispersion according to GOST 18992-80.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

4.2.7. When packing the packaged non-sterile wool into a polyethylene film, the ends of the package brew.

4.2.8. Sterile and non-sterile wool packs must match the sizes specified in Table. 2 and 3.

4.2.9. The packs of sterile and non-sterile wool must be packed in plywood boxes according to GOST 10350-81 or drawers from corrugated cardboard according to GOST 13514-82, paper three- or four-layer bags of LM and VM brands according to GOST 2226-88.

It is allowed in coordination with the consumer packaging packs of sterile and non-sterile wool in bags of polyethylene film with a thickness of 0, 1 mm according to GOST 10354-82.

The specific type of transport packaging for packaging sterile wool is established by the coordination of the manufacturer and the consumer.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

table 2

(Modified edition, change, N 1).

Table 3. When packing the wool in plywood boxes, packs are placed by rows with a laying of the inner sides of the box with one paper layer according to GOST 1341-84, GOST 1760-86, GOST 8273-75 and GOST 2228-81 and special packaging paper on regulatory technical documentation.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1). When packing the wool in paper bags, the open end bag is sewn. When packing wool packs into cylindrical pins them are placed in the following way: packs in vertical position They are placed in the ring and bind with a cord according to GOST 29231-91 or twine according to GOST 17308-88 and other regulatory and technical documentation. The resulting ring-shaped row of packs are applied one on the other and wrap from all sides by paper according to GOST 1341-84, GOST 1760-86, GOST 2228-81, GOST 8273-75 and is cured with one layer of non-woven fabric on the current regulatory and technical documentation, puff Fabric according to GOST 5530-81 or in other types of packing materials, excluding fabrics made of natural fibers.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1). In cylindrical puchi packs watts laid:

4.2.10. In each box, a bag or a cylindrical kvass put packs of one species, one mass, sterile or non-sterile.

4.2.11. Populates of compressed wool wrap in one layer of paper according to GOST 1341-84, GOST 1760-86, GOST 2228-81, GOST 8273-75 and paper special packaging according to regulatory and technical documentation and are cited by one layer of non-woven packaging under the current regulatory and technical documentation, Packing cloth according to GOST 5530-81 or other species; Packing materials, excluding fabrics from natural fibers. The jigs are then tied up with a rope according to GOST 1868-88 with a diameter of at least 8 mm or a cord according to GOST 29231-91 or a braid from chemical fibers according to the current regulatory and technical documentation.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

4.2.12. In the regions of the Far North and remote areas, cotton wool are packaged according to GOST 15846-79.

4.3. Transportation

4.3.1. Cotton transport all types of transport in indoor vehicles In accordance with the rules of transport established for each type of transport.

4.4. Storage

4.4.1. The packaged wool should be stored in warehouses on pallets or racks in accordance with the rules of fire safety under conditions that prevent the effects of precipitation and soil moisture.

It is allowed to store cotton under sheds with tarp shelter.


Compositions of the mixture for the production of wool,%

name of raw materials

Standard designation

Vata Gigroscopic




cotton viscose

Cotton fiber 1st grade

Cotton fiber 3rd grade

Cotton fiber 5th grade

Lint cotton 1st grade I type

Waste cotton N 14, 15, 16

Viscose fiber staple 0, 17 tex

Note. It is allowed to embed a cotton fiber of the 4th grade not more than 10% in surgical wool instead of the cotton fiber of the 3rd grade.

Imported import viscose fiber in surgical wool instead of the viscose fiber according to GOST 10546-80 similar linear density and cutting length without worsening the quality of wool on the indicators normalized in this standard.

(Modified edition, meas. N 1).

  • Wool medical surgical sterile and non-sterile
  • Wool medical eye, cotton rollers for dentistry
  • Wool medical 100% cotton

    Cotton Medical Wool (from it. Watte) - fluffy mass of fibers, weakly intertwined among themselves in different directions is intended for use in hospital, outpatient and home environment.
    Distinguish hygroscopic hygienic medical, surgical and eye wool.
    Surgical Vata. - White, easily strange, is used as a material absorbing liquid selection (PNI), when bandaging wounds over the bandage layers. When contacting the skin and mucosa of irritating action does not cause. It has a uniform structure, without extraneous inclusions, soft neck. Easily distributed to parallel layers. Vata has a high sorption ability, effectively absorbs and retains the wound separated, well wetted, both wound exudate and solutions of drugs.
    Vata. medical It can serve for insulation of a tied or bandaged part of the body (for example, with warming compresses), as well as a soft lining when overlapping tires and immobilizing dressings (for example, plaster).
    In production medical wool - Raw materials are under pressure under pressure and then treated with sodium hyposulfit. As a result, the fiber acquires whiteness and characteristic properties - the ability to quickly be saved and absorb liquids.
    Medical cotton wool gigroscopic surgical sterile complies with medical requirements and recommended for widespread use in medical practice As dressings: cotton-gauze dressings, cotton balls, turbines.

    Medical surgical wool gigroscopic nonterina
    Packaging: paper and polypropylene 25 g., 50 g., 100 g., 250 g., Kipa- 30 kg.
    Composition: 100% cotton
    Wool medical surgical hygroscopic sterile
    Packaging: Polypropylene 25 g., 50 g., 100 g., 250 g.,
    Composition: 100% cotton
    Medical cotton wool hygroscopic "eye" non-sterile
    Packaging: Paper and Polypropylene 25 g., 50 g., 100 g., 250 g.,
    Composition: 100% cotton

    Medical hygienic wool - manufactured out 100% cotton, without additives and impurities, intended for all sorts of medical manipulations related to the processing of wounds, as well as for removing makeup, daily hygienic care, both for children and adults. Provides maximum absorbing and cleansing effect. Suitable for any skin types and no contraindications.
    - individually packed in 250 g in medical parchment, which corresponds to GOST 5556-81. For ease of transportation, cotton wool is stacked in multilayer paper bags (kraft bags), which corresponds to GOST 5556-81

    Shelf life: is not limited
    Factory packaging: 50 pcs.


    LLC "RUSSUATA", Russia

    Wool medical non-sterile price:

    Surgical Surgical Surgery Wool Surgical - Using medical and hygienic purposes, produced from natural long-fiber raw materials (100% of the highest sample cotton) without adding additives and impurities. Surgical has a high degree of read - which ensures the absence of weed impurities and inclusions, in its structure it is easily distributed on parallel layers. . It has a high sorption capacity (effectively absorbs and holds moisture). Wool medical surgical has an ideal white color and does not contain foreign odors. Wool whitening is made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 5556-81 (without the use of chlorine and its components). Packing: Wool Medical surgical hygroscopic non-sterile 15.0, 50,0,00,00,00, 250.0 in polypropylene sleeve (type "Snickers ")

    Oaste "Factory medical devices and materials "Nika"

    LLC "Emelyan Savostin Wactive Factory"
    LLC PKF "Development"

    Wat surgical non-sterile price:

    Wool medical surgical sterile

    Wool medical sterile surgical - is expressed where there is no possibility of sterilization, but the wool will touch the damaged skin surface or with open wing. Packed wool, past processing, remains sterile for 5 years. This property provides two-layer film packaging.

    Shelf life: 5 years

    OAST "Factory of medical devices and materials" Nika "

    LLC "Emelyan Savostin. VATA FACTORY"
    LLC PKF "Development"

    Wool medical surgical sterile price:

    Wat medical "Zig-Zag"

    Wool Zig-Zag Cotton Medical Gigroscopic made of 100% natural, long-fiber cotton of the highest quality - "premium" (in which there are completely lack of cotton down and any weed impurities). Unlike the usual rolled cotton wool that is twisted into the video, the wool "Zig-Zag" is battered into a single-layer tape and evenly and conveniently furnished in an individual packaging.
    With such a special laying method - Vata Zig-Zag, the consumer takes off the desired amount of wool from cotton tape, without affecting the residue in the package that allows you to maintain the bulk of pollution, dusting, infection. Perforation for the convenience of opening is applied to the plastic bag.

    Vata Zig-Zaga packaged by: 50, 100, 200 and 250 grams is produced.
    Composition Wool Zig-knife: 100% cotton

    Shelf-life Unlimited.

    OAST "Factory of medical devices and materials" Nika "
    LLC "Emelyan Savostin. VATA FACTORY"

    Wat medical "Zig Zag" price:

    Name of product AOZT "NIKA" LLC "Emelyan Savostin"
    Wool medical surgical "Zig-Zag" 50 g 13,00 rub. 14,65 rubles.
    Wat medical surgical "Zig-Zag" 100 g 22,00 rub. 25.50 rubles.
    Wat medical surgical "Zig-Zag" 200 g 42,00 rub. 45,00 rub.
    Wool medical surgical "Zig-Zag" 250 g 52,00 rub. 54.00 rub.

    Wool medical hygienic is made of 100% cotton, without additives and impurities, intended for all sorts of medical manipulations related to the processing of wounds, as well as for removing makeup, daily hygienic care, both for children and adults. Provides maximum absorbing and cleansing effect. Suitable for any skin types and has no contraindications.

    Hygienic medical cotton is individually packaged at 25g., 50g., 100g., 250g. In medical parchment, which corresponds to GOST 5556-81. For ease of transportation, the wool is placed in multilayer paper bags (kraft bags) or polyethylene bags, which corresponds to GOST 5556-81.

    Surgical Surgical Surgery Wool Surgical

    It is used in medical and hygienic purposes, produced from natural long-fiber raw materials (100% of the highest sample cotton) without adding additives and impurities.

    Wat surgical has a high degree of read, which ensures the absence of weed impurities and inclusions, in its structure it is easily distributed to parallel layers. It has a high sorption capacity (effectively absorbs and holds moisture).

    Wool medical surgical has an ideal white color and does not contain foreign odors. Wool whitening is performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 5556-81 (without the use of chlorine and its components).

    Wool medical surgical sterile

    It is used where there is no possibility of sterilization, but the wool will contact the damaged skin surface or with an open wound. Packed wool, past processing, remains sterile for 5 years. This property provides two-layer film packaging.

    Wat "Zig-Zag" medical surgical

    Wool Zig-Zag Cotton Medical Gigroscopic Made of 100% natural, long-fiber cotton of the highest quality - "premium" (in which there are completely lack of cotton down and any weed impurities). Unlike the usual roll wool, which is twisted into the roller, WATT "Zig-Zag" has a single-layer tape and evenly and conveniently furnished in an individual packaging.

    With such a special method of laying watts Zig-Zag, the consumer takes off the right amount from cotton tape, without affecting the residue in the package, which makes it possible to maintain the bulk of pollution, dust, infection. Perforation for the convenience of opening is applied to the plastic bag.

    Vata Zig-knocked packaged at 50, 100, 200 and 250 grams is produced.

    Composition of wool Zig-knife: 100% cotton.

    Shelf-life Unlimited.

    Wool boiled - 100% cotton

    Cotton surgical or hygienic cotton wool is mainly used in medicine, but also applies to other industries (textile industry).

    Cotton's cotton wool in the pile is placed by layers of 100% hygroscopic medical bleached cotton wool, presses under a powerful press for air output, then packed into the primary packaging - paper (according to GOST), and secondary packaging - polyethylene or polypropylene packaging, which corresponds to GOST 5556-81 . Top of the bale wool binds to a polypropylene harness, for reliable fixing, the side inserts are sewn.

    Wat medical packed in 20, 30 kips, 50 kg is widely used in medical practice with other medical dressings. Wat medical hygroscopic surgical non-sterile compliance with medical requirements and is recommended for widespread use in medical practice as dressings: cottage-gauze dressings, cotton balls and is used in medical practice for various purposes (often for compressing).

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