How to feed onions in spring. Top dressing of winter onions in spring

Kira Stoletova

"Onions are good both in battle and in cabbage soup" - what kind of dishes do not make of it! It is also used in cosmetology, in the fight against domestic pests like cockroaches and ants. And his juice helps if there are not enough tears to beg for a fur coat from a spouse. The trouble is that the vegetable is not as unpretentious as it seems: good soil, quality care and nutritious fertilizers for onions are needed for growth. Bulbs will grow small without top dressing.

How to grow a good harvest

Even the most fertile soil, abundant in useful elements, is depleted over time, and good soil is first of all needed for the growth and development of onions (and any other) onions. To solve this problem, you need to fertilize the onion in the garden. The catch is that without knowledge and experience it is easy to inadvertently harm plants: an excess of bait, as well as its improper use, can ruin an innocent vegetable.

However, fertilizer used correctly will allow the onion to grow larger and strengthen its immunity against diseases and pests. Growing includes other requirements besides onion fertilization. It is useful to know what is the best way to fertilize onions, however, if other factors in caring for vegetables are violated, they will not be able to grow.

  1. It is better to arrange a bed on a loose piece of land, preferably in a well-lit area. The sun is an important element in almost all garden crops, including onions. different types... Soil composition is vital. The culture does not like acidic soils: it develops poorly on them and easily gets sick.
  2. Moderate watering is a necessary procedure, especially when the feather is growing, but in June-July it is time to reduce watering, and when the time comes for harvesting, abundant soil moisture is no longer so useful. Waterlogging leads to a delay in ripening and, in the worst case, to root decay. Higher humidity will shorten the storage time of the onion. For the same reason, you cannot plant plants in an area where groundwater lies close to the surface: in such places the soil is too wet.
  3. Like many other crops, onions refuse to grow in the vicinity of weeds. It is required to regularly weed the bed.
  4. You cannot grow a vegetable on the same piece of land every year - there is a good reason why this should not be done. Firstly, the earth is depleted in those substances that are needed for plant growth. The second reason is the diseases that the onion that grew here last season left the followers. It is better to choose places where potatoes or cabbage used to grow, but in no case where carrots or garlic were grown.
  5. Before planting sevok, you need to prepare it. Unlike seedlings and seeds, seedlings are more unpretentious.
  6. Cultivation is possible in different ways and for different purposes: it depends on how to fertilize the onion. For example, fertilizer for onions on a turnip differs from feeding a plant grown for the sake of greenery.

Preparing for landing

Since feeding is so important, how to fertilize onions when planting? You need mineral fertilizers, and you also need to feed the plants with organic substances. You need to make top dressing at least 3 times. In order for the culture to grow better, it is worth preparing the soil long before planting, in the fall. How to do it?

  1. Since vegetables do not like acidic soil, lime must be added in the fall.
  2. Manure is introduced into the ground mixed with peat and a small amount of ash. Another option is optional: complex potassium-phosphorus fertilizer.

In the spring, they continue to prepare the land before planting: they dig the garden bed, loosen it and get rid of weeds. If you did not have time or forgot to prepare the ground in the fall, in the spring they add superphosphate, compost, "feed" the soil with chicken droppings.

Variety of fertilizers

Groundbait is full of various useful minerals, but what kind of fertilizer is needed for onions?

  1. Organic fertilizers saturate the soil, facilitate the assimilation of other types of fertilizers.
  2. Fertilizers abundant in nitrogen are needed for onions to grow their feathers more actively. The lack of this substance leads to the weakening of plants, a delay in development, which ultimately affects the richness of the crop. Nitrogen fertilizers are primarily represented by chicken manure. Urea is also suitable, and you can also feed the earth with saltpeter;
  3. Potassium strengthens the plant, allowing it to withstand the test of drought with flying colors. Ash and some mineral additives contain potassium, summer residents often use potassium salt;
  4. Superphosphate is a complex fertilizer that includes various substances, including phosphate, which is necessary for the growth and development of onions. Superphosphate is an excellent onion fertilizer that boosts the plant's immunity.
  5. Top dressing is most conveniently carried out with purchased complex mixtures. Such fertilizers for the growth of onions are distinguished by a balanced composition. For example, fertilizers "Agricola-2" for onions and garlic or "Reflex" are good.
  6. You can feed future foods with yeast: this is an excellent tool for preparing the soil for planting. Summer residents do not use undiluted yeast: first they are diluted in warm water.

Feeding scheme

It is not enough to know how to fertilize onions, you also need to know how to do it. It is recommended to apply fertilizers in the evening. Dry mineral fertilizers for onions are either sprinkled on the ground shortly before rain, or they are diluted with water and carefully begin to apply the resulting solution under the root. The main thing is not to accidentally water the feather. Complex feeding is applied according to the same principles.

Organic and mineral fertilizers for onions are applied at 3 stages of plant growth. At different stages, it should be fed with different substances. Do not forget to fertilize the onions in the spring, before planting, and even better - in the fall. Below are the rules for feeding and fertilizing onions:

  1. For the first time, they begin to feed 14 days after planting. The feather should grow up to 9 cm long. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers are applied. Urea in this role is especially good, as it is safe for young vegetation and is quickly absorbed. Urea is also useful for other plants in the garden.
  2. The second time, fertilizer is applied 2-3 weeks after the first. You need to feed it mainly with phosphorus and potassium. You can add some nitrogen. For this stage, summer residents buy "Agricola No. 2". After 7 days, for prevention purposes, it is better to spray. You can make the product yourself: a little copper sulfate in a spoonful of soap and a bucket of water.
  3. The third time they start feeding when the onion forms a head. This time, drugs with a large amount of phosphorus and potassium are used.

What fertilizers are needed for onions is decided individually after a visual assessment of the condition of the plant. If onion appearance leaves much to be desired, the feather grows poorly, which means that there is too little nitrogen in the soil, you need to add. Urea is suitable for this, but often it is impossible to water the beds with such a solution. Onions are no longer green, but yellow? This means that the problem is the lack of potassium, which it is desirable to replace as soon as possible. Greens lose color and die off in vegetables that lack phosphorus.

These signs can talk about diseases and pests, in any case, you should be on your guard. Good growth and abundant harvest pleases only with a balance of nutrients. An excess of them is as harmful as a lack. Nitrogen favors the growth of greenery. If there is too much nitrogen, vegetables will grow good and lush greens, but they will not have the energy to form large bulbs.

You can do without 1 feeding if you can see that the plant feels great, greens grow well on it and the onion itself is green, not pale. The third feeding is also not always needed, it is carried out only when the soil lacks nutrients.

Caring for different species

Onions are the most famous species, their head is used in cooking and folk medicine... However, the vast family also includes other types of useful plants: shallots, leeks, ornamental varieties. Growing onions on a feather is different than on a turnip.

When they say "by the feather", it is assumed that vegetables are grown for greens, and not for the head. Green onions contain many nutrients. In the spring when immunity human body too weak, the vegetable becomes a real salvation. Fertilization of onions for turnips should be balanced, and the amount of nitrogen in the dressings is gradually reduced. In order for only greens to grow, on the contrary, you need more nitrogenous fertilizing.

Ammonium nitrate is fed in the first stage. On subsequent ones, other elements are added in small amounts, for example, good wood ash.

  1. Leek. Leek does not look like its fellows, but this does not mean that he does not need abundant feeding of onions with organic fertilizers, alternating with mineral fertilizers. The first is done 2-3 weeks after planting with ammonium nitrate and potassium salt. When the time comes for hilling, wood ash will be used.
  2. Shallot. For the first time, you need to fertilize shallots when three leaves grow. For this, an infusion of weeds is preliminarily prepared, potassium and carbamine are added to 10 liters of water. Urea is suitable as an alternative to carbamine. The second time, the shallots are presented with potassium and phosphorus.
  3. Decorative bow. It is grown for its beauty. The cultivation and fertilization for a beautiful onion must be right, only then will the plant become truly beautiful. For the "flower" you need a lot of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, so it is abundantly fed with ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium. Some summer residents apply the mentioned dressing and fertilizers for wintering onions in early spring. You cannot make a hole with a decorative onion next to the garden bed where its edible counterparts grow, otherwise they will get to know each other too "closely" and as a result, an unusable hybrid will grow.

Growing at home

Fresh green onions grown on a windowsill are much better than purchased ones, while the set requires no more care than flowers. It is enough to select a set, prepare it for planting, plant it in a container with soil or substrate. On a feather, vegetables grow twenty-one days. For the house, you can even take not even a set, but the most ordinary onion.

There are several ways to grow a "home" garden:

  1. Growing on water. To do this, the roots must be dipped a little into the water and wait. The water should be changed once a day, after the roots have hardened, once a week. Minus: there will be few useful vitamins in such a vegetable. They get rid of the deficiency by using fertilizers for onions with such a planting. You need to buy liquid feed for hydroponics.
  2. Flower pots on the windowsill. If you feel sorry for the pots, it is permissible to take a cut piece plastic bottle, arrange drainage from pebbles in it and pour soil on top. Organic fertilizers should be used, but at the same time it is necessary to measure their dose.


10 Secrets of Harvesting Onions / How to Grow Healthy Large Onions


The success of growing garden crops depends on fertilization, you cannot neglect it, so the seed can turn into a large onion or please with a rich juicy feather.

Correctly and on time feeding is the key to an excellent harvest. It is believed that onions can sprout in any soil. This is so, the onion is an unpretentious and hardy crop, but even it requires additional feeding. At this time, there is a sufficient amount of ready-made fertilizers, and if there is no desire to poison the soil with chemistry, then there is the possibility of feeding with organic substances. Let's find out how to fertilize an onion so it grows large.

How to choose planting material to grow large onions

When buying planting material, that is, onion sets, for further planting in your own summer cottage, of course, you should take into account the qualities and factors that each summer resident personally considers the most important.

  • The first step is to pay attention to taste. Since it is often not possible to check in a store, you need to pay attention to the varieties and their classification - some have a milder taste, others are more juicy, and so on.
  • Seed resistance to growing and care conditions. So, if the bulbs depend on temperature and humidity, then onion growth is low, and the yield is low. It is better not to touch such onions during storage, as this can lead to active growth of feathers.
  • The seed should have a characteristic smell. It is its presence and the absence of the smell of mold, rot and dampness that speaks of the state of the seed.
  • In addition to other parameters, high-quality onions are distinguished by a characteristic rustle, which means that the onions are dried correctly and sufficiently.
  • Each bulb from the selected planting material must have a dense structure and an even surface. The husk should be free from stains, traces of disease, rot, damage and pests.
  • When choosing a planting material, it is necessary to clarify its variety, germination time, crop size and, if any, individual characteristics of care and cultivation.

Among the wide variety of criteria that should be considered when choosing a planting material, you should definitely pay attention to the size of the bulbs. Taking this parameter into account, the bow is conditionally divided into several groups:

  1. Small breeding varieties. This group of bulbs is small, rarely exceeding 10-15 mm. As a rule, such varieties are usually used for planting before winter;
  2. Medium-nesting varieties. The group contains plants with a bulb size ranging from 15-22 mm;
  3. Multi-nested varieties. The group with the largest sizes of the plant bulb is from 22 to 40 mm. Sowing material from the second or third group, with proper storage and proper preparation for planting, gives an excellent yield.

Preparing the garden correctly so that the onion is large

Onions grow in any soil, but it would be best to grow them in fertile and loose soil. Clay soils are also not suitable for growing onions, they are too heavy for him. In this case, the site for planting onions must be sunny. It will be good if you plant onions in the place where they previously grew: potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes or zucchini. The land allocated for the beds, first you need to dig up and add fertilizer, and also remove all weeds. It is advisable to prepare the soil for planting onions in the fall, sprinkle the manure, which is perepil, compost or humus. Of fertilizers, nitrate, potassium chloride, and superphosphate are usually applied.

As a rule, onions grow well in soils with neutral acidity. Well, if the soil is acidic, then it can be diluted, for example, with ash or lime. In order for the soil for the onions to warm up enough, dig up the garden bed again in the spring and only then start planting. The length and width of the beds can be whatever is more convenient for you, the most important thing in this moment is that it is advisable to make the distance between the rows at least 20 centimeters. The sevok is deepened by a maximum of 2-3 centimeters. Sowing too deep will inhibit the growth of the bulb, which can cause the onion to go into the arrow.

Top dressing onions to make them large

Three weeks after planting, fertilize with chicken droppings or mullein is required. But this must be done, observing all proportions so as not to harm the plants. You should take a bucket of water for three square meters and dilute a half-liter can of fertilizer in it. If it is not possible to feed the onion with organic fertilizers, then a urea solution must be used. You usually need to take a couple of spoons of the substance on a bucket of water, and then water the plants at the rate of a bucket for four square meters of the garden.

The next feeding is recommended to be carried out in the second stage of onion vegetation, about a month after the previous one. At this time, onions need little nitrogen, they need phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, it will be advisable to feed the plants with superphosphate (30 g) and the same amount of sulfate, diluted in ten liters of water. Pour onions with this solution.

Another top dressing can be done by the time the bulb is fully formed. The plant needs calcium these days, and lime is a good source. It will not only allow the bulbs to grow large and strong, but also reduce the acidity of the soil. Before feeding and after fertilizing, the garden bed with onions must be watered abundantly. cold water... There is one more rule that will allow the onion heads to grow large - do not pluck the feathers! If this is not done, then even good feeding will not allow you to get large onion heads, they will grow very small and sick.

How to fertilize onions with ammonia

This tool is very useful if the feathers of the onion suddenly turn yellow. This state of affairs primarily indicates a lack of nitrogen in the soil. In order to remedy the situation, you need to dilute 3 tablespoons / tablespoons of ammonia in a ten-liter bucket of water and water the beds with this solution.

An operation such as feeding onions with ammonia is performed exclusively in the evening. As with using mullein, you should try to get as little as possible on the leaves when watering with a solution based on it. Ammonium fertilization not only makes it possible to replenish the lack of nitrogen in the soil. This wonderful remedy is also capable of scaring away such an unpleasant pest as the onion fly. So the effect of its use can be twofold.

How to fertilize onions with yeast

Yeast fertilizer works very well on the bulb itself, therefore, such a remedy is most often used precisely as root dressing. Top dressing works well when the soil is very well warmed up. Dry yeast and pressed briquettes can be used to prepare top dressing.

  • To prepare top dressing from dry granular yeast, stir a pack of yeast in 10 liters of warm water, add 2 glasses of ash (pre-sifted) and 50 grams of sugar.
  • To prepare top dressing from yeast in a briquette, you should mix the ingredients in the same amount as with dry yeast, just stir in 5 liters of warm water.

After preparing the fertilizer, it is necessary to insist it for at least an hour, and the onion should be watered with the resulting mixture only at the root.

Growing onions on a feather

In addition to getting onions for a turnip, many grow onions for greens. If you need onions only for herbs, they are planted separately and in different terms... This is due to the fact that the formation of turnip and green shoots requires different feeding. So, for onions on a feather, so that the greens are powerful, nitrogen is needed. After the appearance of the first green shoots, they are fed with urea or ammonium nitrate, 30 gr. for 1 sq.m. After another 10 days, you need a phosphorus-potassium supplement, for this you can use wood ash or 30 gr. superphosphate and 10 gr. potassium chloride per 10 liters of water. You can do 1 dressing at a time, 14 days after planting. In this case, all fertilizers are applied in a complex.

Onions are very responsive to fertilization, but excess fertilization will not be beneficial. It is the balanced application of nutrients that will contribute to the formation of large heads and juicy and green feathers. A competent combination of organic and inorganic components will allow you to get a bountiful harvest.

How to grow large onions

After planting in open ground, onions requires careful maintenance. Watering and feeding it plays a key role here, as water and fertilizer are the main sources of nutrients needed for growth. Therefore, if the onion does not grow well, the first thing to do is feed.

Basic rules for watering:

  • Water onions recommended from a watering can with a strainer, carefully so as not to damage the pen.
  • Approximately 3 weeks before harvesting, the onions stop watering - this helps to avoid cracking of the bulbs and to increase the shelf life.
  • It is worth watering the onion abundantly, moistening the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm.
  • The optimal watering time is evening.
  • When a crust forms after watering, the soil is loosened to provide oxygen to the root system.
  • However, the onion also does not tolerate excess moisture, so experts recommend sprinkler irrigation systems for it, which contributes to accurate dosing of water.
  • It is useful to add fertilizers to the water for irrigation, thus combining watering with dressings.

How often and how much to water onions?

The frequency of watering onions depends on the weather conditions and the stage of plant development. So, in June, when the weather is mostly hot and dry, the water consumption is about 10 liter bucket per 1 square meter. In July, the frequency of watering remains the same - once every 8-10 days, but the water consumption decreases. Approximately a month before harvesting, watering is stopped - this reduces the risk of cracking of the bulbs and they are stored longer. Based on the recommendations given in the summer cottage literature, that how often and how much to water onions, we have compiled a table-calendar of watering.

Watering calendar:

How to feed onions for growth?

If the onion does not grow well, in addition to watering, spend feeding... To do this, use a solution of mullein with water in a ratio of 1 to 12. An additional 30 g of ammonium nitrate is added to the bucket of the solution.

Feed onions mineral fertilizers can be used from the moment of emergence:

  • In the first week, add ammonium nitrate, according to the instructions on the package.
  • In the next 3 weeks, ammonium nitrate, any water-soluble complex fertilizer and calcium nitrate are applied.

The composition of mineral dressings is adjusted taking into account the growing season of the variety and the state of the plants:

  • In the first half of the growing season, nitrogen fertilization is required.
  • In the second half of the growing season - phosphorus-potassium (excess nitrogen at this time is dangerous by the likelihood of cervical rot on the bulbs).

Three-time feeding scheme with mineral fertilizers:

Top dressing of onions with folk remedies

In addition to those listed above, there are many other feeding options. For the most part this folk remediesshared by gardeners-gardeners on the dacha forums:

  • Top dressing with ash and mullein infusion. Wood ash is scattered on the surface of the ground around the plants or an ash solution is prepared for irrigation in a dosage: 1 teaspoon of wood ash per 1 liter of water. Feeding onions with ash is recommended to alternate with mullein infusion (diluted in water 1:12). Important: you need to feed at sufficient intervals. ...
  • Watering the onion with yeast. Very often, onions are fed with yeast. Dry or fresh yeast and bread crumb are the main ingredients here. Recipe: 500 gr. Dissolve the bread crumb in a 10-liter bucket of warm water, add 500 gr. fresh green grass and 500 gr. fresh yeast. The solution should be infused for 2 days. Fertilizing with yeast infusion is carried out instead of traditional watering.
  • Watering onions with ammonia will help, if the feathers of the onion turned yellow... Experienced summer residents are sure that this is a sign of a lack of nitrogen. A solution is prepared for feeding: 3 tbsp. l. ammonia per 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is poured over the onion in the evening under the root.

Onions are one of the most favorite crops for gardeners. At any time of the year, he will give dishes a characteristic pungent taste, saturate them with vitamins and microelements. But in order to ensure a good harvest, the summer resident must know how to feed the onions.

Did you know? The most common food product in the world - exactly onions.

The responsiveness of onions to fertilizers

It was found that for growing 300 centners of onions from 1 hectare, a vegetable consumes from the soil:

  • 75 kg of potassium;
  • 81 kg of nitrogen;
  • 48 kg of lime;
  • 39 kg of phosphoric acid.
When applying mineral fertilizers, the crop consumes:
  • 25-30% phosphorus;
  • 45-50% potassium;
  • 100% nitrogen.

This information should be taken into account when feeding onions to a turnip.

You also need to know that phosphorus is evenly consumed throughout the entire ripening period, nitrogen - mainly in the first growing season, and potassium - in the second. The question of how to fertilize onions is also decided based on the type of fertilizer, soil condition, cultivation agricultural technology, etc.

It was studied that phosphorus and potassium fertilizers significantly accelerate the ripening of vegetables, the bulbs become dense and large, and are well stored. At the same time, if fresh manure is applied simultaneously with the entire norm of mineral fertilizers, this will reduce the crop yield. The effectiveness of feeding onions per head also depends on the amount of heat and light.

Calendar for feeding onions, how many times to fertilize onions per head

The summer resident should not only find out what fertilizers are needed for onions, but also not be mistaken with the timing of their introduction. Consider when and how to feed onions after planting:

  • for the first time, attention is focused on the formation of lush greenery on the feather (nitrogen fertilizers);
  • for the second time, the emphasis is slightly shifted to the formation of turnip (potash-phosphorus fertilizers);
  • for the third time, all attention is focused on the formation and maximum growth of the bulb (mineral fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus).

First feeding

At the first feeding, you need to choose how to feed the onions after germination.

Experts advise, two weeks after planting the vegetable, to dilute 40 g of superphosphate, 30 g of nitrate, 20 g of potassium chloride in 10 liters of water. This liquid is applied to the soil under the vegetable.

You can also use the following solution: 2 tbsp. l. spoons of the preparation "Vegeta" and 1 tbsp. l. urea is poured into a bucket of water. The mixture is also poured over the garden. One bucket of nutrient solution is consumed per 5 square meters. m of soil. The best option for feeding organics will be a manure solution. One glass of slurry is taken for 10 liters of water.

Important! If the soil under the onion is fertile, and the feathers are bright green and grow quickly, then this top dressing can be skipped.

Second feeding

At the second stage, they decide how to feed the onion so that it is large.

This feeding is carried out 30 days after planting the crop and 15-16 days after the first fertilization. This time, 60 g of superphosphate, 30 g of sodium chloride, 30 g of nitrate are added to 10 liters of water. This mixture can be replaced with a solution of the Agricol-2 preparation. 1 glass of the substance is poured into a bucket of water. For 2 sq. meter of earth 10 liters of nutrient will be enough. Organic substances are also used for feeding onions in the spring. The best option would be to prepare herbal slurry. To do this, any weeds are placed in water and under a press for three days. A glass of this liquid is enough for a bucket of water.

Third feeding

Top dressing of onions in spring is complete when the bulb grows to 4 cm in diameter. For every 5 sq. m of soil, 30 g of potassium chloride, 60 g of superphosphate, dissolved in a bucket of water, should be added.

This solution can be replaced by the drug "Effekton-O" and superphosphate. Add 1 tbsp to 10 liters of water. l. superphosphate and 2 tbsp. l. substances. Feeding onions with ash will saturate the culture with the necessary organic substances. To do this, pour 250 g of ash with boiling water (10 l) and leave to infuse for 3-4 days.

Important! When applying fertilizers, make sure that they do not fall on the foliage of the vegetable.

How to get a rich harvest of onions, organic feeding

Often summer residents wonder if onions like manure and other organic fertilizers (compost, chicken droppings, etc.)?

Organic compounds improve the structure of the soil under the onion, enrich it with nutrients. As a result, the earth is better saturated with oxygen and air. In addition, the introduction of organic matter contributes to a better assimilation of mineral compositions by the culture. However, when they are introduced according to the scheme described above it should be borne in mind that:

Rules for fertilizing onions with mineral compositions

When using mineral fertilizers for feeding onions, remember:

  • it is strictly forbidden to dilute liquid fertilizers in the dishes that are used for human or animal consumption;
  • you cannot increase the maximum dose recommended by the manufacturer;
  • if the mineral composition gets on the green onion feathers, they must be rinsed with water from a hose;
  • before adding a liquid with a mineral composition, it is advisable to slightly moisten the soil under the plants;
  • if there is a shortage of one of the main elements (phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium), fertilizers must be applied with it, otherwise other components simply will not work;
  • for sandy soils, the amount of dressings should be increased, but the concentration of the solution should be reduced. If clay prevails in the ground, then it is advisable to slightly increase the dose;
  • with the simultaneous introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers, the amount of the former should be reduced by 1/3.

Did you know? When overfeeding with mineral fertilizers, nitrates can accumulate in the plant bulbs.

How to feed onions with mixed fertilizers

Fertilizer for onions when planting can contain both mineral and organic substances.

Material prepared by: Nadezhda Zimina, gardener with 24 years of experience, process engineer

Onion (Allium cepa L) is a culture that is familiar to the whole world. It is the closest relative of many garden flowers such as lilies, hyacinths, tulips, and previously belonged to the lily family. It has been cultivated on all continents of the planet for 4 thousand years. Organic matter has traditionally been used as a fertilizer for onions all this time. But with the advent of fertilizers (agrochemicals), the situation has changed. Mineral fertilizers began to be used more and more often, both in the fields of large agricultural producers and in private farms. They are more convenient to use, lighter and cheaper than natural ones, and every year the range of their application is expanding.

When growing onions, tuka is preferable to organic, which retains a large amount of moisture in its structure. This property can cause rotting of the underground part of the plant. And fertilizers of industrial production, on the contrary, due to their absorbing properties, will absorb excess liquid. It will not stagnate in the deep layers of the soil, but will go directly to the roots of the plant, carrying dissolved nutrients.

And yet, organic matter is quite widely used when feeding onions. This is not only a tribute to the centuries-old tradition, but also a rational attitude to the preservation of the fertility of the land. The fact is that onions actively consume nutrients, significantly reducing the humus content in the upper layers of the soil, and significantly reducing its fertile layer. It can be revived in only one way - using organic fertilizers for the autumn soil refueling.

Onions on greens

Green onions are one of the most valuable sources of vitamins and many other useful macro- and microelements. He contains:

  • Sucrose, inulin, maltose - 10-14%;
  • Proteins - 2-3%;
  • Vitamins - ascorbic acid, potassium, phosphorus, iron.
  • Also in its leaves are present essential oils, iodine, citric and malic acids.

The aerial part of this plant is very popular in the preparation of various dishes. Salads are prepared from onion tops, they are added to assorted and cuts, and pies are stuffed. It is always in demand, so many farmers and private farms grow feather onions almost all year round. With an industrial scale of production, they most often use year-round forcing of greens in greenhouses, and for personal consumption they plant onions before winter in order to have fresh feathers on the table in April. It is also germinated in special containers on the windowsills.

Autumn planting

Onions are planted in winter in the second half of October., before the onset of severe cold weather. It should not have time to germinate, but, at the same time, it needs to fully root itself in order to survive the winter. It is not worth deeply deepening the planting material, there is a great risk that in spring there will be practically no seedlings, all the bulbs will rot, failing to break through to the surface. For planting, large specimens of onion sets are selected, which immediately release bunches of green feathers in the spring. It is better not to take small onions for forcing on greens. Until they grow and increase their mass, there will be no use. The maximum they will give is one or two frail arrows from one plant. With a podzimny planting method, you can grow onions for herbs and from seeds. But a quick harvest in this case should not be expected.

Fertilizers for onions on a feather can be applied both in spring and in autumn, while digging the soil. Before using them, it is necessary to disinfect the garden with copper sulfate, dissolving 1 liter. Art. substances in 10 liters of water. The soil is spilled with the resulting solution the day before the main dressing is applied, spending 2 liters per 1 square meter.

For the autumn dressing of the soil for onions, it is necessary to use a combination of natural and mineral fertilizers. Organic matter cannot be used alone, especially one that has just been obtained from animals. It is unacceptable to use fresh manure or chicken droppings for winter planting of onions - the planting material will all rot. Therefore, for the autumn application, they take a well-rotted, thoroughly decomposed dry mullein and combine it with, which, due to the long transition period of phosphorus to a form accessible to plants, is best applied in autumn. It is necessary to observe the following proportions of application (per 1 sq. M.): Humus - 5 kg, granular superphosphate - 40 g. Before winter it is best to plant zoned varieties that tolerate local conditions well. For the middle lane, the following are recommended: Arzamassky, Chalcedony, Bessonovsky.

In the spring, fertilizers for onions are applied after the seedlings reach a height of 10-15 cm, after removing diseased and weak plants from the garden. It is at this time that plantings most need phosphorus and nitrogen. If superphosphate was introduced into the soil in the fall, then in the spring it is no longer necessary to add it. But the presence is necessary for good growth of the aerial part of the onion, since it is this element that is responsible for the development of green mass. Nitrogen can be obtained from liquid fertilizers based on organic fertilizers. Here are some of the most popular recipes:

  • Extract from. Animal excrement is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 20, and insisted in a warm place for a week. After that, take one part of this suspension, and pour 10 parts of water. The resulting liquid is spilled aisles on the onion beds.
  • Solution. Cattle manure is less vigorous than horse manure, so it is bred in less liquid. For 10 liters of water, take about 1 liter of mullein, and they also insist for a week. Before use, the working solution is diluted again, 1: 5, and applied as a fertilizer for onions, watering the plants using the same technology as when feeding with horse manure.
  • Infusion of. It is prepared and used according to the same principle as an extract from any other organic matter, only it is diluted with a thinner, 1: 25, and they give more time for fermentation. The fact is that poultry droppings contain a huge amount of uric acid, which burns the roots and tubers of plants when this natural dressing is applied directly.

Forcing in the greenhouse

When growing onions in a greenhouse, the area can be used much more efficiently than for forcing any other crops (except). It is planted not only in the soil on the floor, but also on shelves along the glass walls. The best varieties for year-round cultivation in closed ground, the following are considered: Slime, Multilayer, Shniit.

In a greenhouse with heating, you can start growing green onions already in Octoberwhen the growing season ends and fresh produce skyrockets in price. Bulbs with a multi-ring structure are chosen for forcing the feathers, as they will eventually give more lush bunches of greenery.

In order to quickly "wake up" the bulbs in winter, they must be pre-processed. For this upper part cut, and the root plate is cleared, removing the appeared and dried roots, and adhered soil. After that, the planting material is soaked in water with a couple of drops of a growth stimulator (Epin, or any other).

After that, they are planted in soil and containers, placing the bulbs close to each other. When grown on greens, the underground part dries out rather than expands, giving all the strength, vitamins and nutrients to the ground. It is necessary to water this plant abundantly during forcing, but rarely, so that the soil does not sour, because then the underground part can rot. It should be fed more abundantly than onions, since the time for growing green onions is given shorter. Literally 20-25 days after planting, the first feather cut is made.

Agrochemical solutions are usually used as fertilizers for feather onions.... Since the bulbs are located very tightly in containers, only liquid fertilizers can penetrate to their roots. For example, you can use a phosphorus-potassium mixture by diluting 20 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium sulfate in 10 liters of water. Water the plantings with the resulting solution until completely moistened. In greenhouses without heating, onions begin to grow in March, harvesting before summer, when they will have to give way to tomatoes and peppers, two or three harvests. With this mode of exploitation, the land is quickly depleted, and it must be restored with organic and mineral fertilizing.

The main part of the fertilizer for onions is applied to the feather before planting. In order to get a larger amount of products from the greenhouse area, when growing for sale, it is necessary to apply additional fertilizing, and prepare the soil in advance by introducing dry organic matter and mineral fertilizers into it.

Video: growing green onions in a greenhouse

Growing green onions on the window

For growing green onions for personal consumption at home, you can use a special device. It is simultaneously placed from 14 to 20 onions. Up to 1.5 kg of useful vitamin greens are obtained from this micro-vegetable garden per month. The installation does not take up much space, is compact, and consumes little electricity. Its principle of operation is based on the technology of root air feeding. The compressor blows the air into small bubbles with oxygen, which goes directly to the plant. A water-air environment is created in which the roots of the plant do not rot and grow faster.

You can grow onions at home and in the old, "old-fashioned" way. To do this, the planting material is placed in containers with water, preferably filtered, so that chlorine from the water supply does not get into the greens. To accelerate growth, you can add a biostimulant to the liquid - Epin, or any other.

Growing onions from seeds

This variety can be found in vegetable gardens most often. It is this type of onion that is the most popular in home cooking. It is added to almost all first and second courses, as well as used for marinating meat and preparing various pickles.

Onions are cold-resistant plants that germinate at temperatures of 5-7 ° C. It is undemanding to conditions, frost-resistant, so many of its varieties are grown by sowing in winter. Loves soils with a slightly alkaline and neutral reaction, well seasoned with dry humus.

There are many ways to grow onions. With a full production cycle, it takes two years to obtain finished products, and when planting onion sets, the crop can be eaten in the same year. The first scheme allows you to do without purchased planting material, the second - to get a harvest in a shorter time.

You can grow onions both from purchased and from your own seeds. If the choice fell on selection planting material, then the following varieties are recommended for the middle lane: Terekhovsky, Yantarny, Spassky, Stuttgarten, Strigunovsky.

The seeds of this culture can be planted before winter or spring., in the first case, seedlings will appear earlier. The garden must be prepared in advance by digging it up with manure or compost a couple of weeks before planting. Fertilizers for onions, as well as for green onions, should preferably be applied in advance. When making use of the same "cocktail" of organics and minerals, as under onions on a feather.

The seeds are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm, marking the beginning and end of each row with pegs. The fact is that onions from seeds give very thin sprouts, which you can simply not notice when weeding weeds, and pull out along with it. When sowing, it is advisable to apply mineral fertilizers, which will spur the growth and development of the plant. A mixture consisting of 7 g of ammonium nitrate, 7 g of granular double superphosphate, and 5 g of potassium chloride is evenly distributed over 1 m of the strip. This is the optimal composition of fertilizer for onions, in which the necessary balance of macronutrients is maintained.

Throughout the growing season, onions obtained from seeds must be carefully looked after. Weeds need to declare the most severe war, if necessary, cover the aisles with black non-woven agrotextile, which allows water and air to pass through, but does not allow any vegetation to develop under its surface.

In the fall, standard onion varieties planted with seeds grow to the size of a set. They are pulled out and dried in the shade for about a week. Then they are put away in nets and stored in a cool, well-ventilated place until next spring. In April, when stable warm weather sets in, the bulbs are again planted in the ground and grown to the size of economic suitability.

Video: growing onions from seeds

Growing onions for a turnip from a set

IN open ground onions reach maturity in 10-12 weeks. It is grown from seedlings or substandard fractions of the previous harvest. The best predecessors for this crop are considered, as well as, which has the property of repelling onion pests, even a year later, after growing it in the garden.

After harvesting the vegetables, they dig up the ground, and apply fertilizers for onions into it - well rotted, dried manure, about 5-7 kg per square meter, and about 200 g per meter. They form high beds, which should settle slightly and settle so that there are no significant gaps between the clods of earth. Good soil compaction is especially important during winter planting, since moisture accumulates in the cavities, and if it comes in contact with the bulb, it will die from frost, or rot in the spring after the soil thaws.

If the set for growing onions on a turnip is planted in the spring, then the ground must be pickled with potassium permanganate in order to get rid of the pathogenic flora. The bottom of each onion must be cleaned, the top must be cut by the shoulders. It is also advisable to remove all excess scales from the bulb, it can cause it to rot in the ground.

Growing a giant onion

In the last few years, onion varieties that reach economic ripeness in one season have become increasingly popular. At the same time, not onion sets are used as planting material, but seeds, from which a full-fledged "turnip" grows at the end of summer. In the southern regions, it is grown by direct sowing in the garden. But in the middle lane, climatic conditions do not allow this method to be used, therefore, varieties of giant onions are grown through seedlings.

The best zoned varieties for the middle lane are Kasatik, Penguin, Danilovsky, and the star of Western selection, which has taken root well with us - Exhibishen onion. It is an annual variety with a short shelf life of no more than four months. It is one of the largest in weight among all varieties of giant bows, the weight of one head can exceed 1.5 kg.

It is best to grow Exibishen onions from seeds, then it will be tasty, without unnecessary bitterness. It is necessary to feed it in moderation, otherwise the already not too long shelf life will be significantly reduced. When landing for a warning various diseases the ground is sprayed with Fitosporin, diluted in a proportion of 1 liter. Art. 10 liters of water, and the seeds are soaked in a weak solution boric acid at night.

Seedlings begin to be planted in February in boxes on the windowsill. At home, the sprouts of giant onions must be supplemented, otherwise the seedlings will be weak and will begin to lag behind in growth.

The land on the personal plot for the Exhibichen onions is prepared in the same way as for any other - manure plus phosphorus with potassium. Manure can be replaced or. The main care procedure for the first two months is weeding and loosening. If you start the beds, then the yield can be reduced by at least 50%, and instead of a giant onion, an ordinary "turnip" will grow in the garden.


Those who are not familiar with this culture, having seen flat leaves for the first time, mistake them for overgrown garlic tops. But in fact, this is a full-fledged representative of the onion family (formerly liliaceae). Earlier it was believed that it is impossible to grow leeks in our climate. But this belief turned out to be fundamentally wrong, and now this culture does not grow, except that only the lazy one.

In fact, leeks do not require much maintenance. It is grown as a biennial plant in the open field, or used for forcing high-vitamin greens in greenhouses. The best varieties for the middle lane are Karatan, Mercury and Late-ripening Bulgarian.

In the middle lane, leeks are grown through seedlings. The seeds are planted in boxes in mid-February and transferred to a permanent location at the end of April. The first month you will need a shelter, which is removed after the onset of a period of constant positive temperatures.

It is best to apply a combination of natural and mineral fertilizers under the leeks. The optimal composition would be (per 1 square meter) - 1 bucket of manure compost, a teaspoon and 2 tbsp. nitrophosphate.

Decorative bow

At the end of the story about growing onions, I would like to pay attention to its decorative varieties. it perennial will become a real decoration of your garden. It is usually planted in the background of flower beds, and is also used as a dominant in the center of a country-style rabatka.

You can grow decorative onions both from seeds and standardly from tubers. The first method is cheaper, but more difficult, the second is easier, but more expensive, the cost of some varieties reaches thousands of rubles per unit of planting material.

It is imperative to fertilize decorative varieties, otherwise they will not be able to show themselves in all their glory. The flowers that form from the buds of the seed pod will be smaller, and the arrows on which they form will be shorter and thicker.

To achieve optimal results and extend the flowering period, ornamental onions need the same complex of fertilizers as its onion counterpart - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, but in large quantities. Therefore, it is fed with a solution of nitroammafoski (40 g per 10 l), or ammonium nitrate in combination with superphosphate and potassium sulfate (20:10:10 per 10 l of water). If the plant hibernates in the soil, then superphosphate can be applied under it already in March, along the edge of the hole, right into the snow. The fertilizer will "burn" its way to the surface of the earth itself.

When growing onions of decorative varieties, it should be borne in mind that it is impossible to plant it next to onions left for seeds. These two species can be pollinated among themselves, and as a result, you get a completely wild hybrid, not suitable not for food, not for decorative cultivation.

Video: onion cultivation workshop

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