The principle of the call of physics. Wired doorbell: description, selection, connection

Today, in front of the entrance to almost every modern house, a melody is installed which notifies the owners of the arrival of guests. More than a hundred years have passed since its invention, and since then not a single family can do without this necessary accessory. The task of this simple device is to give a loud, well-defined sound signal when a button is pressed.

How does an electric doorbell work and how does it work?

To better understand the device of this simple device, you need to familiarize yourself with its main components. Such a call consists of an element responsible for supplying electricity; buttons; springs; contacts; cups; anchors; hammer and electromagnet. By the way, it is the electric magnet that is considered the most basic element, due to the presence of which a signal is generated.

The principle of operation of this device is extremely simple. A wired doorbell is a device that emits when power is applied. In order to close the supply circuit, you must press the button. It is important that such devices have the ability to place elements in different places. The bell button is located outside, on the front door, and the bell itself is located inside the apartment. The closing and opening of the electrical circuit occurs due to the presence of the same electromagnet.

Main advantages and disadvantages

A standard wired doorbell is a button that opens or closes the buzzer circuit. The indoor unit of such a device is located in the room, and the outdoor unit is located on the front door. To connect these two parts into one, you need a wire, for laying which you need to drill a hole in the wall.

The disadvantages of such devices include the fact that the call button has contacts that are under and need additional protection. Installation of such devices is complicated by the need to use thick wires. Despite the fact that such doorbells do not require frequent maintenance and have a long service life, they are gradually losing popularity, giving way to more modern wireless models.

How to choose an electric bell?

In order for the wired doorbell to serve you as long as possible, when choosing it, you must follow a few simple recommendations. You need to buy such devices in specialized stores. An experienced sales consultant will help you understand the characteristics of a particular model and select the best option.

When choosing a device, you should listen to it. The sound of the doorbell can be standard or in the form of some kind of melody. The volume of the device intended for installation in front of the entrance to a spacious room should be sufficient to be heard from any corner of the house.

Wired bell equipped with an electronic sound driver

The source of sound in such devices is a speaker, which has successfully replaced the traditional electromagnet with a bowl. Most modern models work in this way. In order for the speaker to start emitting programmed melodies, vibrations of various frequencies are applied to it. And in this case, you will have the opportunity to independently choose the sound of the doorbell. It can be a quiet buzz or interpretation of popular music.

The button of such a device does not supply power to the bell, but only starts the circuit in action. For those who are interested in how much a call costs, we will answer that the prices for wired models range from 300 to 1000 rubles. It all depends on the availability of additional features.

Programmable wired doorbell

These devices have a number of undeniable advantages, including:

  • the presence of all kinds of sounds that can replace the usual ringing;
  • no high voltage on the button;
  • the ability to adjust the duration and volume of the call.

To this list, you can add the ability to select a specific melody that will be played when the button is pressed. In the simplest models, with each subsequent pressure, a completely new melody will sound. In more modern devices, you can independently set the desired mode (quiet, normal or security). This is done using a button mounted on the body of the bell.

Self powered device

To date, some models of wired calls can operate on batteries. Such devices can work even in the absence of electricity. The only thing that should not be forgotten is the regular replacement of power elements. As a rule, one set of batteries is enough for six months of normal operation of the bell. Typically, such stand-alone models are mounted directly on the front door.

Wired calls with touch buttons and voice communication

Today in stores you can often see improved models that are activated with a simple touch of a finger. In such calls there is no mechanical system with contacts. For those who want to know how much a call with a sensor costs, it must be said that the price for such models differs little from traditional buttons. This is due to the fact that most of them are built on a single transistor with a minimum of strapping.

How to install a doorbell?

This is much easier to do than it might seem at first glance. Conventional wired models have two power outlets. It is to them that you need to bring two wires in order to connect the button and the wires from

At the initial stage, it is necessary to determine the place where the device itself will be located. To limit the route of laying the wire for the button, it is recommended to install a bell on top or to the side of the front door. To install wired models, you will need electrical tape, wire cutters, pliers, thin and thin. To bring the ringing two-core insulated wire out, you need to drill a hole in the door frame. The wire located outside must be connected to the terminals of the bell button. As for the button itself, it should be securely fixed to the wall.

In the event that the battery is located in the instrument case, then the other end of the wire must be connected to the two terminals located on the battery. If it is located separately, then the bell wire is pulled from the bell to the button. In this case, each pre-cut end of the cable is connected to the terminal.

When connecting the bell to the transformer, first of all you need to connect it with after which you can do the above manipulations. At the same time, you need to carefully monitor that the bell terminals are connected to transformer ones that provide the appropriate voltage. At the final stage, it is necessary to fix the wires on the terminals located in the bell housing. Before doing this, you should carefully study the manufacturer's instructions. Usually, manufacturers describe the connection algorithm in detail and as accessible as possible.

BELL ELECTRIC, a device for giving bell signals using electric current. Electric bells are divided into two classes: DC bells (galvanic) and AC bells (polarized).

DC bells are used for signaling purposes at short distances and in home telephones, battery-call devices. The basic, most common ringing scheme (Fig. 1) operates as follows. When button K is pressed, the current from the battery passes through the winding of the electromagnet E and the contact of the breaker P. The armature I is attracted and breaks the contact, as a result of which the magnetization stops, and the armature returns to its original position, closing the contact, the electromagnet E is excited again, and the process repeats until the K button will not stop.

For more reliable operation, the contacts are made of silver or platinum. The design of electric bells is quite different, depending on the desired sound intensity and installation location. The most common is an electric bell with a cup d = 70mm, R = 20 Ohm and I = 100 mA. As a current source, two elements of the Leclanchet type, or dry ones, are used. In connection with the spread of alternating current for lighting (50 periods), the power supply of galvanic calls from the lighting network through step-down transformers (120 x 4V) is increasingly coming into use.

Polarized AC electric bells(15-50 lane) are used for signaling over long distances and in all telephone sets of the local battery (MB), the central battery (CB) and the automatic telephone exchange (ATS). The principle of their device is as follows (Fig. 2).

C and C 1 - soft iron cores, K and K 1 - coils, the turns of which are directed oppositely; I am an anchor of soft iron, revolving on centers and having a mallet M; N and S are the ends of a permanent magnet. When passing through the windings of alternating current, the polarity C and C 1, caused by a permanent magnet, will change, weakening at one pole and strengthening at the other. Thus, the anchor will be pulled from one pole to another, striking the cups alternately. The cups are made in various thicknesses, tuning them into thirds, and the mounting holes are made eccentrically to facilitate adjustment. Polarized electric bells are very sensitive, give a loud, clear signal and are stable in operation due to the absence of an interrupter. Their sizes are different, as well as the design. The table shows some data on polarized electric calls.

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Details Category: Electrical Engineering

electric bell

All of you, of course, are familiar with electric bell(fig. below). Its main part is electromagnet . The electric bell works like this: when the electric circuit is closed by the switch, the electromagnet attracts the anchor with the hammer and the movable contact; the hammer strikes the cup of the bell; the movable and fixed contacts open and the electrical circuit breaks; the electromagnet lowers the armature, the movable contact closes again with the fixed contact under the action of the elastic force - the whole process is repeated. The magnetization and demagnetization of the electromagnet occurs quickly, the armature fluctuates all this time, opening and closing the circuit, and the hammer strikes the cup, causing a ringing.

Depending on the design, electric bells can be powered by either flashlight batteries or mains power. You can independently assemble a model of an electric bell from a set of parts of an electric designer using a power source, a switch and electrical wires (Fig. below). Before testing the model, it is necessary to assemble its electrical circuit. Stable operation of the electric bell is achieved by changing the distance between the fixed contact and the elastic plate (moving contact).

electromagnetic relay

An electromagnetic relay is used to turn on and off electrical devices at a considerable distance from them. One kind of electromagnetic relay is shown in the figure below, a .
When the electrical circuit of the electromagnet is closed, the right armature arm (Fig. below, b ) is attracted to the core of the electromagnet, and the left shoulder of the armature deflects the contact plate to the left, closing the electrical circuit of the consumer. When the electromagnet circuit is opened, the armature returns to its original position, and the contact plate opens the consumer's electrical circuit.

Electromagnetic relays can operate to open the consumer's electrical circuit (opening relay), close (closing relay) and switch (switching relay).
Electric lighting control circuit using a relay (see figure above, v ) consists of a current source, a relay coil and a switch. The consumer circuit includes a current source, relay contacts and an electric lamp. By passing current from a flashlight battery through the electromagnet coil, you can turn on an electric lamp powered by the mains.
At practical work, you will be able to assemble a model of an electromagnetic relay from a set of designer parts. Before testing the model, it is necessary to assemble the control circuit (current source, relay, switch) and the consumer circuit (incandescent lamp, electric bell, etc.). Closing the electrical control circuit, observe the inclusion of the consumer.

Today, many are interested in modern wireless doorbells - this is a very convenient thing, but certain conditions for your home must be met when buying. Let's see how to choose the right wireless call and what are its main advantages.

The principle of operation of a wireless call is based on the transmission of a signal using radio waves.

The principle of operation of the device

The principle of operation of a conventional doorbell is based on the fact that a wire is drawn from the button located outside, which is connected to the speaker located inside the dwelling, as well as to the mains to power the device. As soon as the guest presses the button, the signal is transmitted through the wire and the bell sounds.

Wireless calls operate on a similar principle with only one difference - the signal is not transmitted via cable, but by receiving radio waves from a button. This is much more convenient, as it allows you to get rid of a bunch of wires, moreover, such devices are powered by a battery or a simple battery, which does not require a network near the location of the call. Some models have a combined power supply principle: a battery is inserted into the button, and the speaker is connected to the network in the usual way. The signal is given when the button is pressed. The speaker is equipped with a receiver that responds to the sent waves and reproduces a sound, notifying the owners of the house that they have come to them.

It is worth considering that the range of the device may be reduced depending on the type of materials used in the construction of the house. Concrete and brick walls, as well as metal doors, partially jam the signal.

Working principle of wired and wireless doorbell

In modern models of doorbells, you can not only choose a very pleasant melody from the basic assortment, but also upload any other one using a flash card and a computer, or transfer it via a mobile phone.

Some wireless calls may have two or more speakers. In this case, you can place the receivers in those corners of the house where the call is often hard to hear, such as in the workshop or in the kitchen. There are also models that include several buttons in the kit. This is a great option for those who have a private house with several entrances from different sides of the site.

Differences between apartment and street models

If you want to choose a similar bell for your door, keep in mind that there are models designed for use in different conditions. So, for example, the usual type of device is suitable for an apartment, but special protection is required for the street, both in terms of external parts and internal filling.

First of all, you need to check the presence of a protective visor for outdoor models. It will protect the button from precipitation, wind, sun and dust. At the same time, please note that the visor should not jam the signal. In addition, additional protection against moisture and dust is required for internal parts and the pressing mechanism. Also keep in mind that not every model will withstand sudden changes in temperature, abnormal heat or severe frosts.

Varieties of doorbell models depending on the conditions of use

To protect against vandals for outdoor products, it is planned to equip the button with a more durable case, a metal button instead of a standard plastic one, as well as additional safety mechanisms. Of course, such calls are somewhat more expensive than ordinary apartment calls.

Advantages and disadvantages

When the main differences between wireless models and standard electric ones have already become clear, you should pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of such products. Of course, many of the nuances depend on the brand and country of origin of a particular device, but you can derive a general list of pros and cons for all such products.

Advantages of wireless doorbell models:

  • No wires. When installing, you do not need to pull meters of cable, which is especially important when using a bell for the street. You do not need to drill walls, hide wires, spoil the look of the interior. The power supply is mainly autonomous and does not depend on the availability of electricity.
  • Ease of installation. Fixing the device is very easy, which is directly related to the lack of wires.
  • Ease of use. The call is convenient for both visitors and owners of the house.
  • Ability to use complex kits. You can purchase additional accessories, as well as a complex set to place several buttons and speakers in different parts of the house.
  • Possibility of repositioning. If there is such a need, you can easily change the location of any part of the device without any hassle.
  • Attractive design. You can choose a model that is optimal in color and shape, with a body made of almost any material. At the same time, it will not spoil the general appearance of the room or the entrance to the house.

The main and main advantage of a wireless call is the absence of wires

We must not forget about the presence of certain shortcomings, but this does not mean at all that all devices of this kind have such negative characteristics. Usually such features are characteristic of cheap low-quality models.

Disadvantages of wireless doorbell models:

  • Bad fastening. This is especially true for Velcro models. With rough handling, adverse conditions, or simply due to wear or poor-quality sticky coating, the device may fall from a height and receive serious damage, up to a complete breakdown of the case and internal filling.
  • Frequent battery replacement. Some wireless calls are powered entirely by batteries, and the power consumption is quite significant. It is necessary to constantly monitor the presence of a charge in the device and carry out timely replacement, which can result in an extra amount of expenses for the family budget.
  • Jamming. If moisture and dust get in, severe frost, as well as when the contacts are displaced, the button may jam and ring spontaneously or not work at all.
  • No signal. Such a defect is possible in case of deterioration in the quality of perception of the signal from the button, as well as due to failures in the mechanism. Then the button may indicate that the signal has been given, but the sound will not actually be played.
  • Easy to steal. Since the button is not connected to the wires, it will be easy to remove it for the purpose of theft or banal vandalism.

To minimize the number of possible shortcomings, it is necessary to approach the issue of choosing a product with great responsibility.

Additional accessories

In order to make your stay in the house as comfortable as possible, you can additionally equip the doorbell with various kinds of auxiliary devices. They can be included in a set of more expensive and technically advanced models or sold separately. In this case, it is necessary to clarify the compatibility of devices with each other.

Such additional components, first of all, include the following devices:

  • Camera. In other words, video peephole. It can work constantly or be activated when a person approaches the door. There are also models that are fully interconnected with the call and turn on when the call button is pressed. The image is displayed on the screen of the monitor included in the kit, or can be fed to a tablet, computer, smartphone, etc.
  • Motion Sensor. This feature allows you to be alerted to visitors even before the button is pressed. Also, if there is a video eye, it activates the camera and starts recording.
  • intercom. This is an integral system consisting of a call button that sends a signal to the apartment and a receiver. Also available are speakers and a built-in microphone, which allows you to communicate with the owners of the house and visitors to each other. Can be equipped with a camera.

The wireless bell can be optionally equipped with a camera and a motion sensor

It is also worth paying attention to a number of additional features that some wireless calls have. They can be equipped with a backlight, a volume control key or a complete signal mute, a melody selection function and setting different signals for each individual button if there are several outputs. Some models can send home owners a signal about the arrival of guests via SMS. Each additional function increases the final cost of the product.

Call setting

In order to subsequently have no problems with installing one or another model of the doorbell, you should make sure in advance that the principle of its fastening completely suits you. Regarding this issue, the following options are possible:

  • Door. If it is very difficult to screw a screw into the wall or Velcro does not stick to its finish, you can fix the bell on the door leaf itself.
  • Near the entrance. Most often, the button is attached to the platbands or a little further on the wall, to the side of the opening.
  • Gate. This is an option for street models in private homes. Be sure to choose such an arrangement for the device in order to protect it as much as possible from rain, sun and other negative environmental influences.

As for those parts that are installed inside the house, that is, speakers and a screen with a video camera, they can be fixed in almost any place convenient for you. Usually they are located near the door in the corridor, as well as in those rooms in which you often stay, but the sound from the central bell does not reach there. For the private sector, it is relevant to place an additional speaker in the workshop, basement, attic, and also outside the house if you like to spend time outdoors or often take care of the garden.

It is most convenient to fix the bell next to the front door

In the future, you can change the location of the device. It also remains possible to convert it to a standard electric one by connecting wires and power to it from the mains.

The very principle of installation can be based on installing the device on Velcro, ordinary double-sided tape or on screws. The first option is suitable for lightweight, simple house models. For the street, as well as in order to ensure greater reliability of fixation, it is better to use screws. They can be screwed into special holes in the body of the device elements, and can also be used to install a stand or bell hanger.

What should you pay attention to when choosing

In order to choose the most suitable model and not make a mistake in the quality when buying a call, you should pay attention to the following important points:

  • Device type. Wireless calls can be different, despite the general principle of operation.
  • Appearance and design. These are the color and type of case, shape and decoration.
  • The number of batteries needed and their type. In the future, this will affect the cost of your funds to ensure the operation of the call.
  • Signal reception radius. If the size of your home is significant, you need to choose more powerful models and take into account possible barriers to signal transmission.
  • Melody. Pleasant sound with the ability to replace it or record your own melody is ideal.
  • The quality of the body materials. Plastic can crumble under the influence of external factors, this must also be taken into account.
  • Equipment. Check if the kit includes additional speakers, a video peephole and other useful gadgets. If not, find out if this bell model will be compatible with such devices and if they can be purchased separately.
  • Availability of additional features. Not always some functions are useful for a particular buyer, so it makes no sense to overpay for their presence.
  • Country of origin and company. The reputation of the company and brand is also of considerable importance. So you are less likely to purchase a low-quality product. Beware of fakes.
  • Attachment type. Decide what suits you best: Velcro or screws.
  • Terms and conditions of the guarantee. This is a required item. The longer the warranty period, the higher the chances that the call will serve you for a long time. In addition, it is important that you have the possibility of service in the event of a product breakdown.

When choosing a wireless call, be sure to pay attention to the signal reception range and the quality of the case materials

You can buy wireless calls from both domestic and foreign companies. Italian and German brands are of the highest quality, but their cost is quite high. There are also good Polish samples for a more reasonable price. You can also find quality Chinese products.

Pay attention to the number of batteries required for power supply. Cheap goods are likely to either be excessively energy intensive or fail quickly for technical reasons.

As a rule, not a single apartment or private house is complete without a doorbell that informs the owners of the property about the arrival of guests. Previously, instead of electric bells, special “knock” handles or bells were used, suspended inside the housing on a cord, the end of which was brought out. By the way, such a device is still quite functional for entering a house that is not surrounded by a high fence. And some adherents of the retro style successfully use this option. However, in our time, when private territory is most often protected and fenced, bells are usually installed on the fence gate, so bells and knockers are irrevocably a thing of the past.

For apartments in urban high-rise buildings, electric doorbells have always been traditional. And recently, for the safety and tranquility of residents, intercoms have been installed in addition to or instead of them. True, specialized companies undertake the installation and subsequent maintenance of such equipment. Nevertheless, the question of how to connect a call in an apartment or a private house has not lost its relevance. Moreover, by doing this work on your own, without inviting the master, you can save a certain amount.

Main types of doorbells

Doorbells are presented in a wide variety. They differ from each other by the principle of operation, the method of connection, the number of functions, and, of course, the design. All these parameters directly affect the cost of the device.

So, according to the connection method, calls are divided into three types - these are mechanical, electromechanical and electronic.

  • Mechanical devices, already mentioned above, today are most often used as decorative elements of the facade or hallway. They can make themselves felt when the tongue of the bell is wiggled with a cord, or simply when the door is opened. The door leaf, swinging open, affects the bell, and its ringing lets you know that someone is coming in or out.

  • Electromechanical call- improved mechanical type of bell. The design of this device is extremely simple - it is a button for signaling outside the apartment or house, a resonator mounted in a residential area, and an electrical cable that connects the two parts of the device.

The resonator consists of coils having a wire winding. When voltage is applied to them, an alternating electromagnetic magnetic field arises, causing the metal hammer to vibrate. He, in turn, strikes the bowl, also made of metal, due to which the sound is reproduced.

Another option is that a movable core is inserted into the coil, which, under the influence of an electromagnetic field, moves up and down progressively. He alternately hits two plates that make sounds of different tones.

This diagram shows the principle of operation of an electromechanical device - the phase (L) is open on the button contacts, and zero (N) is connected directly to the bell. When the button is pressed, the circuit is closed, as a result of which the device emits an audible signal.

The bell, as shown in the diagram, can be connected to one or two buttons. The second connection option is used in cases where in a private house a signal must be given from two places, for example, from the gate and from the front door. Yes, and in the entrances of high-rise buildings this is often practiced - a button in front of the vestibule for several apartments, and the second - directly at the door. Each of the buttons connected in parallel is able to close the circuit, that is, they are independent of each other.

Electromechanical bells, as a rule, are inexpensive and do not differ in the complexity of the design. However, the monotonous, most often not very pleasant sound and insufficient reliability of the mechanical part can be considered as disadvantages. However, unreliability is relative. Such a defect is more characteristic of mass-produced models now, the vast majority of which are made in China. And at the same time, very often there are electromechanical bells that have already served for a dozen years and are not going to “retire”.

An electromechanical bell is suitable for those homeowners who are not particularly demanding on the sound tone of the signal.

  • An electronic call is a more advanced design. Such devices are assembled on the basis of microcircuits, have a built-in speaker, and the variety of sounds they generate is simply beyond description. In addition, electronics allows you to expand the functionality of the device.

Today, wired and wireless versions of electronic calls are on sale.

Connecting wired bells is practically the same as the diagram shown above for electromechanical types. True, there are models that, for greater safety, are powered by a voltage of 12 volts, or even from autonomous sources (batteries). That is, their connection must be carried out with the preliminary installation of a step-down transformer or the included power supply. On the button in such models, of course, it is not the phase that breaks, but the low-voltage signal.

Wireless calling options are more convenient to use. However, their button-transmitter, as a rule, is self-powered, while it must be in the zone of guaranteed reliable signal transmission to the device.

Some wireless models operate on 220 V and plug into a regular outlet, while the button is equipped with batteries. In other versions, the call itself is also powered autonomously.

A lot of both wired and wireless models have evolved from ordinary bells into a much more sophisticated security system, equipped with special features and sound recording. These functions can be activated by pressing the call button.

There are also models that, along with the above functions, also include remote control devices for opening gates and (and) entrance doors. Agree, quite a convenient option, especially for private homes.

Installation of a call with video surveillance is a much more complicated procedure. Usually, for such purposes, a specialist is invited, who will subsequently deal with the maintenance of the device.

Installing and connecting a call

The complexity of connecting the call depends on the chosen design and on whether it is mounted in an apartment or in a private house.

Wireless call

The easiest way is to install and connect the wireless version of the call, especially the one that works directly from the electric one. The button of the set is fixed on the wall or on the door jamb from the outside, next to the front door. Depending on the base material, fastening is carried out with self-tapping screws or dowels suitable for this purpose.

To do this, the most convenient place for the button is determined. Then it is applied to the surface, through the holes intended for fastening, mark points are placed. Using an electric drill (perforator), holes are drilled into which dowels are hammered. After that, a button is applied and screwed into which the batteries are inserted. If the button is mounted on a wooden surface, then everything turns out even easier - only self-tapping screws.

It remains to turn on the main unit in the outlet, which should be located in the hallway, as close as possible to the call button.

Video: Wireless call "Legrand"

A wireless bell will be the best option for installation in a private home. Mounting it, you do not have to lay wires through the entire yard. However, there are certain limitations:

  • It is necessary to select a device designed for such an installation in outdoor conditions. Otherwise, the button, as well as its batteries, can quickly fail under the influence of moisture, temperature changes, etc.
  • Between the call itself and the button there should be a minimum number of barriers built of concrete and metal. These materials are capable of jamming the signal.
  • When purchasing a wireless bell, you need to carefully study its technical characteristics. In the passport, the manufacturer must indicate the range of reliable signal reception. As a rule, it is 80 ÷ 100 meters, and this is quite enough for a private house. However, according to this indicator, the model must be chosen with some margin, by about 15–20%. This is because other factors influencing signal quality cannot be completely ruled out.

wired bell

The main difference between installing a wired bell in an apartment and installing it in a private house is the length of the cable connecting the button and the main unit.

  • If the call is installed in the apartment, then a button is fixed near the door, as in the wireless version. However, in this case, it must be connected to a cable that will have to be brought into the apartment through a hole drilled in the door frame or through the wall. In any case, the wires should not be exposed.

If it is passed from the button to the wooden box, then on the section of the wall between them it is recommended to cut a stab, and after laying the wire, seal it with putty. The main call block can be fixed in any chosen place of the apartment. Usually it is a wall in the hallway. Inside the apartment, the cable can also be hidden in a shtraba. Another, simpler option is to fix a plastic box for it on the wall, a cable channel specially designed for laying wiring. These channels are convenient in that they have a removable part that allows you to monitor the condition of the wire.

  • It is more difficult to install a wired bell in a private house when its button must be fixed on the gate gate. If a conventional electromechanical or electronic bell is selected, then wires will have to be stretched from the gate to the house. They must be enclosed in a special corrugated casing-tube, which will protect the wiring from ultraviolet radiation, moisture, become additional insulation, fire protection. True, when choosing such a corrugation, you should immediately clarify in the store whether it is designed for external use. Some types are designed exclusively for indoor wiring.

If the bell is installed during the reconstruction of the local area, then the wires can be laid in and underground.

Connecting a wired bell

If you decide to connect the bell yourself, then for work you need to prepare some tools, devices and materials:

  • An indicator screwdriver will be required to determine the phase and zero of the electrical network. The principle of its operation is simple - with a metal probe, the screwdrivers touch the stripped end of the electrical wire. If the light on the indicator lights up (a certain signal is displayed), this means that a phase has been found. On the zero contact, the indication does not work. Thus, this device allows you to check the presence of voltage, and deal with the relative position of the wires.
  • You will need a regular screwdriver, and possibly pliers with insulated handles.
  • To connect the wires, a terminal block (or spring terminals) is required.
  • The wires used to connect the bell must have a cross section not exceeding 1.5 mm². A larger cross section is not required, since the power consumption is low. It is recommended to use a wire made of the same material as the cable used in the electrical wiring of the apartment. Most often, the network is equipped with a copper wire, since aluminum has a whole "heap" of shortcomings.

What cable is optimal for wiring in a house or apartment?

This is an extremely important issue that directly affects the durability and reliability of the home electrical network, the degree of safety of living in an apartment. There should not be trips from the positions of "cheaper" or "easier to install." - read in a special publication of our portal.

Connecting a call to the network is carried out in the following order:

The most convenient, and much more accurate, will be to carry out all the switching in the junction box. There should be enough space, as there are usually not a lot of electrical appliances in the hallway.

  • Before starting work, it is necessary to de-energize the apartment or house - turn off the machines on the switchboard. The 220 V electrical network can be life-threatening.
  • Now you need to open the body of the main unit of the call by unscrewing the fasteners. In models from which two pieces of wire come out, disassembly is not necessary. For the call itself, it should already be provided for mounting it to the wall.
  • Then it is necessary to clean the ends of the prepared segments of the connecting. One segment is laid in the shtrabe (cable channel) to the bell. The second one is stretched to the place where the button is installed. Both converge in

  • It is very convenient to work if the wiring in the house is made in compliance with the rules for color marking wires. Blue wire means zero. The phase can be black, red, brown, white and even other shades, but not blue and not green or yellow. The green or green-yellow conductor is the protective earth loop.

If there is no color marking (in old buildings this is a common occurrence), then you will have to use the indicator in advance. However, it doesn’t hurt to check in any case - it happens that mistakes were made during the installation of the wiring.

  • The zero wire (blue) is directly connected through the terminal to the wire going to the bell.
  • The phase wire (red in the diagram) is connected through the terminal to the wire laid to the button. The second conductor of this cable from the button is also switched through the terminal with the second wire going to the bell.
  • Both wires of the cable suitable for the button are stripped and clamped in its terminals. After that, the button is assembled - it is closed with a cover-case and fixed with a screw. Her work is finished.
  • The wires going from the junction box to the bell are clamped in its terminals or connected to the wires coming out of its body (best of all - not twisted, but also using terminal connections). In most inexpensive models of calls, the position of the phase and zero at the input is not important. However, some electronic bells with advanced functionality specifically indicate the required conductor arrangement (“L” and “N”) on the terminals. This is important for the correct operation of the electronic circuit. This means that switching is carried out taking into account the location of the phase and zero.

  • In the presented diagram, the green protective earth wire is also shown as a dotted line. It is used infrequently, but it is still necessary if the bell body is made of metal, or if the button will be installed outdoors.

After assembling the bell body, you can turn on the power and test.

Some electricians prefer not to use terminals, but to perform twisting. This is also acceptable if special contact caps are used. But still, with the terminals, installation seems to be more convenient, and you don’t have to worry about their reliability, since a large load from the bell is not expected.

If it is necessary to install two bells, they are connected in parallel to each other. Therefore, when the button is pressed, they should work simultaneously. Installation of twin bells is most often practiced in a large private house with many rooms. Or, for example, with installation in the house itself and in one of the adjoining buildings, where the owners can most often be. So, it can be a garage or a summer kitchen.

If the electrical work is carried out exactly according to the scheme, then upon completion of the installation and pressing the button, the bell will immediately work. If this does not happen, it is necessary to de-energize the junction box again, and then run the circuit with a tester to find and fix the problem.

So that the bell does not become an irritant that spoils the mood, when purchasing it, you should pay attention to some of its characteristics. Otherwise, his shortcomings can become unpleasant surprises.

The design of the button can also be matched to the design of the front door.

  • Ringtone selection. The cost of the device depends on the quantity and quality of melodies. Traditional calls, known for many years, are often not only unpleasant to hear, but also sound frightening. These options are still found in stores today, and their cost is low.

There are quite a lot of models with polyphonic melodies for sale, from which you can choose an option for every taste.

You should not purchase a bell with a typical, often occurring soundtrack, otherwise you may have to run to the door every time guests come to one of the nearest neighbors.

If a call with several melodies is selected, then they can be changed from time to time.

  • The call will be more convenient to use if it has a volume control. Practice shows that there are models tuned "to the taste" of the manufacturer - either wildly roaring, or barely audible.
  • Designer decoration. If the call is selected for an apartment, then the button for it should be modest, not attracting much attention to itself. The main block can be matched to the design of the hallway. Today, bells are presented, the block surfaces of which imitate the texture of wood, suede, stone, leather, etc.
  • If a wireless remote model is purchased for a private house, then before going shopping it is worth measuring the distance from the gate to the house. This is necessary so that the button and the device reliably interact with each other. In the characteristics of the call, the range of its action must be indicated.
  • It is worth buying a call in specialized stores - they are guaranteed to buy a quality product. It is not recommended to buy such a device by hand or in a small hardware store. As a rule, these products are of dubious quality, and the buyer will not receive any guarantee for the product.
  • In addition, you should pay attention to such parameters as the reliability of contacts and the strength of the body of the main unit and buttons. If the button is fixed on the gate, then it is necessary that it be protected from moisture and dust (recommended protection class - IP 44).

* * * * * * *

In conclusion, I would like to warn those homeowners who are very far from electrical work, and have little idea even, say, what zero and phase are. You should not take risks and do the installation yourself, as such a “bold experiment” can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, it is best to invite a professional electrician to perform this work, who will quickly cope with this simple task for him.

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