Conversation What good and evil. Cool hour "Good and evil

The topic of the class hour "Good and evil"

purpose: To form the most important moral values: good, respect, love;

Contribute to the development of sympathy, empathy;

Develop the ability to analyze their own actions and relate them to universal values.

Railing students in traditions and customs of communication of various generations of people, develop speech, memory, attention and thinking.

Wood formation:


Learn to make a moral choice and give a moral assessment;

Teach to understand who he is in this world, its strengths and weaknesses; understand the significance of friendship and kindness;

Be able to enjoy the culture of friendship;

Comply with the traditions of friendship in the team;

Be a true friend.

2. Communicative:

Ability to communicate;

The ability to work in the team;

Comply with the rules of etiquette.

development communicative abilities, the ability to communicate in the team;

3. Regulatory:

Express your opinion, assumption;

Predict the upcoming work;

The ability to conduct a dialogue.

4. Cognitive:

Development of skills to extract information from illustrations, texts;

Based on the analysis to draw conclusions;

Summarize and classify on features;

Motivation for cognitive activity.

Formation of the presentation of children about what kindness is and what a kind person should be.

The course of the event.

1. Argmoment.

2. Determination of the topic of the event.

Listen to the poem and think what the topic of our class hour?

They are in the world since ancient pores,

Lead their very long-time dispute:

Who revealed or in a dream

Stronger and stronger on earth.

"I am stronger" one, one,

Who serves me, is easy.

I fight, quarrels encouraging,

With me cruelty flourishes,

Bad, harmful

Anger, envy, I love greed.

In response, she is modest:

Maybe but only I can love

Warm, comfort others give

Needless to say.

Yes, on the tricks you are cunning,

I won anyway.

What is the question in this poem? (About good and evil)

Today we will talk about what every person should strive for good, about good deeds.


Good and evil! These are important words. What is good? And what is evil? People think over these issues for a long time.

What associations do you have when you hear the word good? (Spring, smile, sun, mom, joy, etc.)

What words do you associate with the word evil? (Grief, trouble, earthquake, misfortune, etc.)

Good and evil - eternal choice,
The most important choice of man
The fate of his root cause
And the meaning of his earthly century.

There is no doubt that this topic was relevant at all times. She always remains. The problem of choosing between good and evil is old as the world. Kohl exists on our planet good and evil, people can create good and evil deeds.

Listen to the parable of two wolves.

-When long ago, the old sage opened his grandchildren to life truth. In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, egoism, ambitions, lie. Another wolf is welcome: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty.
The grandson, touched to the depths of the soul with the words of his grandfather, thought, and then asked:
- And what kind of wolf is wins?

What do you think I replied the sage? (Responses of children)
The old man smiled and answered:
- always wins the wolf that you feed.

Think, and what wolf feed you and what? (Children's responses). Do you think, is it difficult to be kind, do you need to learn kindness? (Children's responses). Yes, it is not easy to be kind, not only our parents, teachers, but also the old good fairy tales help us. It is in fairy tales that wins well.

The game is "good fabulous hero."

Now we will play with you in the game. I will call a fabulous hero, and you answer, kind he or evil. If good. You are happily chlo in your hands, if evil, close your face with palms. (Ivan-Tsarevich, Koschey Immortal, Goldfish, Thumbelina, Karabas Barabas, Red Hat, Gus-Swans, Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Pinocchio, Lisa Alice and Cat Basilio, Morozko, Malvina, Ivanushka-fool, Emelya, Dr. Aibolit).

What heroes did you choose? Why? (Children's responses).

It is these fabulous heroes that helps help others, sometimes to the detriment of themselves. They strive for good, to the truth, beauty.

The game "Gather Proverbs".(Work in groups)

This idea is reflected in proverbs and of proverbs in meaning, explain their meaning.

1. Given given to good deeds.
2. Good word and the iron gate opens.

3. Some who does not make anyone.

4. In evil to live - walk around the world

5. Do not famously: wanders quietly.

6. Dobrome man and someone else's illness to heart.

(All proverbs collect, each row explains two of them).

Of these proverbs, we see that good always brings joy to surrounding people. The first step to kindness is a good word.

What kind words do you know? (children answer chorus)

Game "Board Lream"

Good words are not too lazy

Tell us every day.

You guys do not yaw

Call them more likely.

Good words not too lazy
Repeat me every day.
Only go out for the gate,
All going to work
Cook and seller
Good morning! - I scream.

All going for lunch!
Good day ! -Krich I follow.

All, home hurrying to tea.
Good evening! - So meet.
- even an ice boulder melts
From the word warm(Thank you)
- Severe old stump,
When hear (good afternoon)
- boy, polite and developed,
Says, meeting (Hello)
When we get scolded for pranks,
We say (Excuse me, please)
And in France and in Denmark
For goodbye speak(bye).

Invented by someone just and wisely

At the meeting greet: "Good morning!".

"Good morning Sun and Birds!

Good morning to smiling persons! ".

And everyone becomes good, gullible,

Good morning lasts until the evening.

Situations for evaluation:

Let's look at the situations with which you can meet every day.

1 Groups Let's write off to your classmate, who did not prepare without good reason.

2 The group of your friend committed a vile act for which the innocent one punished. You know about it, but you do not speak anyone.

The 3group of your friend is constantly rude than the eldest, offends the younger. You do not like it, but you do not show it, you do not make a friend comments, because you do not want to quarrel with him. In the end, you don't do anything bad yourself, but you just stand nearby.

Evaluation of actions.

Parable "Butterfly"

Listen to the musical parable "Butterfly".

Who called His "Sage", who - "Troopyman",
He lived in privacy from people
But went to him doubt sharing
Ile for advice every God's day.
He is in a hurry in trouble hurried to console:
Give a gift or word to cheer
At the same time he called himself a sinful
And all the hotels could handle.

And in the neighborhood there was a monk lost,
Who all envied him:
Nobody came to his barley,
I did not ask why yes why.
And I decided to laugh at him:
Caught a bowly monk on the field
And, grinning, he asked the elder,
Live or dead she.

The calculation was simple: Kohl will say that live, -
Then he squeezes her palms
And the dead - so flies, fluttering,
When the palm monk will open.
"All what he is inspired," -
Licking with a heart, anticipated the monk.
And the old man per monk prayed
And with sadness, Mili: "Everything is in your hands!"

What is the meaning of this parable? (Children's responses)

It all depends on our choice with you, what expensive go through life, dear good or evil)

Situation "Doll".

I have a doll in my hands. Today I will solve you to do what has never allowed. Now we will hurt her. Remember how you sometimes offend each other to change when you are angry at each other. After all, offending even the word, we hurt.

Therefore, when we talk a doll that it is bad, we will hurt her, bending the edges of the paper. (Students perform the task until the doll comes to the teacher).

Look at the doll, did she change? Was she so? What changed in it and why? (From offensive words, she squeezed everything). I think we were very injured by a doll.

Can we change something? (Response options: Sorry a doll, say something pleasant). Let's try to say something good, meanwhile we will smooth out those scars that we left. (They say good words to the doll, the teacher gradually straightens it). Now look at the doll, she is already better, but did she have ever been like that before? Not.

Output: The pain remains in the soul for a long time and no compliments can smooth it up, so do not offend others.

Independent work.

Look, ka guys, the amazing sun looked to us in the window. To feel it warm, let's decorate the sun with good wishes for your classmates. Write on my palm good wishes For your friends, your family and attach your palm to the sun. Let the warm sun always heat the rays of the kindness of all of us.

The result of the class hour.

Good creates, builds and creates: peace, calm, love, joy, spiritual and moral beauty, forgiveness, peacefulness, holiness and good relations between people, in a family, with friends, at school, at work and in society.

Evil is opposite to good, it undermines everything good. It destroys, ruins, ruins, creates anxiety, fear, malice, anger, irritation, spiritual and moral ugliness, bad relationship.

My deeds, God has in both bowls.
There are kind, but sins are not so little.
Everything is mistaken sometimes in our aspirations.
I live with the heart, which was always welcome!

Remember that even if you already offended someone with a word or a case, it's never too late to say: "Forgive me!". Come on, always in life to go expensive good.

Performance of the song "Expensive Good"(sing karaoke)

Conversation "O good and evil"

purpose: Formation of the fundamentals of morality - the conscious need for certain behavior due to the ideas of good and evil in society.


  1. form ethical forms of behavior in society and when communicating with each other;

  2. develop the ability to analyze their own actions and relate them to universal values;

  3. Improve the level of cohesion, mutual understanding and consistency of action in the team.
Major terms and concepts: Good and evil as basic ethical concepts.

Structure occupation

- Guys, the theme of our classroom today ...... And, however, you yourself can call the topic, but a little later.

^ Reading a poem "What is good?"

Good - that's you!
Good is me!
Good is the whole world!
Good is a family holiday,
Good - this is the Song of the Creek in the spring,
Good is the joy of the sea and laughter,
Good - it is also beautiful as summer!
When mom with a papier is near - good!
And people go, smiling in the subway,
Well. In general, good is something like that
What to explain not in the power sometimes!

  • So, what do you think we will talk about today's class? (children's responses)

  • You correctly guessed that our today's meeting will be devoted to the topic of good and evil. Goodnessand- this is the quality of a person who cannot be considered, touch, but without which it is impossible to live on white light.

  • "The kindness is the sun that warms the soul of a person" ( reading quote on board)
^ Work on the fairy tale "Butterfly and flower".

- Now you will hear a fabulous story that happened in one of the summer days. Her heroes - butterfly and flower

^ Reading the fairy tale "Butterfly and flower".

Bored was a flower to stand in the middle of the flower beds on one leg near the house. But one day a completely unfamiliar butterfly was sat down on a flower. She, probably, flew from a distant country, because such beautiful wings flower had never seen before. The butterfly also admired the beauty of the flower, and while she rested, the flower began to complain a butterfly, as he was often sad and lonely. Butterfly of the ball of good and foul and therefore decided not to fly further, but to settle closer to to fly every day to the flower and tell interesting stories About the places where it happened.

Now the butterfly flew each morning to the flower with the news, and he, open his petals, happily met his girlfriend. But one day, when the butterflies were not near, a boy approached the flower and wanted to rip it.

The flower shook off the fear and asked not to tear it, and instead he offered the boy to catch his beautiful girlfriend. The boy agreed, went home for a sacc. Returning, he hid and wait. Soon the butterfly appeared in the sky. She hurried somewhere and flew past, but the flower, widely open his petals, exclaimed:

"Butterfly, fly more to me, I'm waiting for you for a long time, I need to tell you something."

The butterfly happily flew to the flower and suddenly found himself in a saccine. She wanted to escape, but she did not succeed. She fought wings, I was looking for a click, but it was useless. Suddenly she managed to escape from captivity. She took off and from above saw that the flower was broken from the cuckacle and lies among herbs. The boy left, and a butterfly sat down next to his broken friend and, bitterly cry, said: "Oh, I'm guilty, it's because of me, I broke you, forgive me, flower."

^ Conversation for the content read.

  • Tell me, guys, what were the heroes of a fairy tale - butterfly, flower and boy?
    (Responses of children.)
- Guys, you said that the butterfly is very kind. What does kindness mean, a kind person?
(Responses of children.)

Work on the concepts good and evil .


  • What do you think guys, what on Earth more: good or evil? Maybe we will help us in this?

  • We will put "evil" (Dark chips that mean "envy", "betrayal", "greed", "rudeness", "war", "lie", "cowardice", "indifference").
    To defeat evil, you need to try to turn the scales with good deeds. Let's remember what kind of good deeds you commit, do people around you, and put them on a cup of scales.
(Children talk about their kind things, white chip is put on the weight of the scales. Soon the Bowl of the Weights of "Doba" outlaws the "evil" bowl.)

"You see, guys how to defeat evil." So in life: the droplets of good, merging, turn into the streams, the streams in the river, the rivers in the sea of \u200b\u200bgood.

^ Gaming task "Flower of desires".

  • All in our hands. It is only necessary to want, and the world around us can be changed for the better. Remember the fairy tale of V.Katayev "Flower-Sevenceventic", in which the girl Zhenya, thanks to a fabulous flower, was able to fulfill his cepete desires.

  • I suggest you to visit the role of wizards and try to make a desire for people close to you, and all your desires will help to spread together on our board magic flower
Become a good wizard
Well, try!
Here the tricks do not need special.
Take and execute the desire of another
Single pleasure, honestly!

(^ Children voiced desires, a petal for a petal appears on the board.)

The game "fabulous heroes".

And now we play a little. All of you love fairy tales. And one of the main topics of Russian folk fairy tales There was a theme of good and evil. In fairy tales there are good and evil characters. I will call a fabulous hero, and you answer, kind he or evil. If evil, you are so you have, and if you are kindly chlophet. ( Show drawings of fabulous heroes)

  • What kind of people do you like in life? Why? (children's responses)
^ Summing up the classes.


  • Do you think the topic of good and evil is important for all people today? Each of you on the table is a colorful leaflets. If you consider the topic of our conversation important, then attach a green leaf to the tree on the board, if you think that in our days you can live without kindness, attach a yellow piece. (Yellow and green leaves are in advance on the tables in children.)

  • Guys, what can you make the world around us become kinder? (Children's statements.)
^ Reading students poem "Song about kindness."

In this world, the huge, in which I live and you,
There is not enough warmth, there is not enough human kindness.
We will teach each other together and love
We will study each other together, like stars, shining.

Let them not put us at school estimates for the generosity of the soul,
You once take and good just do so,
And then in the cold, the surname will smell in the spring,
And then on Earth will be more than one smile!

Waiting for us hundreds of roads, but everyone will have their own,
And before the goal to get there, of course, friends will help.
So that our long-standing dreams were fulfilled,
Let always be the main lesson of kindness of kindness.

  • Take each other by your hands and mentally wish your neighbor right or left something very good, but only you need to wish sincerely, from a pure heart.
A truly good person, in my opinion, can be called such a person who has an open and kind heart. Let's draw a heart that helps you to make good actions.

You are still children, but there are many glorious things ahead of you. I want to believe that you can, make our planet the earth is beautiful. But before you have to grow real people. And this means that you must be brave, kind, hardworking. After all, doing good is great. Well, if we can find goodness with you in life and go on it for many years.


  1. Internet site.

Class hour

Theme lesson: "Good and evil"

The purpose of the lesson: The formation of moral position in relation to good and evil.

Tasks lesson

in the field of values:

learn to commit virtuous acts consciously, voluntarily, every day, disinterested, with a sense of self-esteem;

in the field of experience :

acquire the experience of communicative activities;

in the field of knowledge:

give the definition of good and evil; assimilate the winding norms and norms of behavior; identify the qualities of a virtuous person;

in the field of skills and skills:

pupils will learn to collectively determine the qualities of a virtuous person, will be able to formulate the rules of wisdom, i.e. Rules, how to become a virtuous person;

it is individually found and call the features of virtuous actions.

Major terms and concepts: good and evil as basic ethical concepts.

During the classes

1.Ganization of students.

Human kindness is amazing

And the smile from the soul is delightful!

You smile to each other

And quietly sit down.

2. Message of the lesson theme.

- Guys, today in the lesson we will talk about the main ethical concepts - good and evil.

You will learn:

- What is good.

- What is evil.

"Why do you need to strive for good and avoid evil."

3. Same moment: Collect the proverb.

Good, evil will disappear and will not die. (Good will not die, and evil will disappear.)

- What do you think, why do you say so?


- Guys, what do you think, what is good? (Causes of children).

One good is a treasure, books, jewels, paintings, toys. Such good can be seen and even touch your hands. Other good can be heard - these are music, sincere poems, gentle words. But there is such a good one that cannot be touched, it cannot be seen, hear, but every person should have it: both you and me, and your parents. This is a good heart, a good soul, good words to help those who got into trouble. "Good man" says about such people.

Good, in fact, you can create every second. You can sow good every look, every touch. And the heart will grow in this exercise of good. Think of good, send bright thoughts to the world, it seems to me that it is a creation of good, which sometimes we find it difficult to express in some other things.

However, it is clear that the thought can be returned to the opposite, not even realizing it. Therefore, I would like to pay special attention to such an imperfect side as evil.

- How do you understand what evil is? What person can be called evil? (Children's responses) (slide 8)

So with such behavior, our thoughts and words acquire peculiar "hooks" or arrows who hurt a person.

To be easier than good or evil?

Probably lighter evil.

Be kind - it means to give

Heat your other.

Be kind - it means to understand

And loved ones and strangers

And the joy sometimes not know

Taking care of others.

Of course, kindly difficult

And still see:

How many friends have him!

And the evil is always one ...

- Guys, what do you think it is easier to be kind, or evil? Why?

    Same moment: Collect puzzle:

M! D.


N i love

(Help people)

How can you help people? How else can you do good?

Phys. minute

Here we have spread my hands

As if surprised.

And each other to the ground

The belt bowed!

Leaned, straightened,

Leaned, straightened.

Below, below, not be lazy,

Will and smile.

Most people consider themselves good. They sympathize offended, cry when they see someone else's misfortune. They want everyone to live in peace and harmony. Only here to make efforts to establish peace and consent somehow it does not work, and after all, the real kindness is active.

Let's play the game "Do good deed" (slide 10)

- How could we help them?

- homeless dogs and cats;

- yellowed from the heat of flowers;

- his grandmother who carries a bag;

- the elderly, sick people in public transport;

- Tired mom.

    Parable about good and evil. (Slide11)

- Guys, listen to the parable.

Once upon a time the old man opened one life truth to his grandson:

- In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, egoism, ambitions, lie. Another wolf is welcome: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty. The grandson, touched to the depths of the soul with the words of his grandfather, thought, and then asked:

- And what kind of wolf is wins? The old man smiled and answered:

- Always wins the wolf you feed.

Tell me, about what two wolves did the old man say? How do you understand the last phrase?


- What kind of good cases can we do?

- Guys, let's make a good deed now, in the lesson.

Turn to your neighbor, smile to him. Tell your classmate are good, kind words and wish good.

- Exit to the blackboard, write or draw that the kindness means for you.

    The outcome of the lesson.

- What did you know about good and evil?

- How can I make the world kinder?

- Why should I struggle with evil?

- Children, I think, if we take care of the growth of this let even a small whites of good, which is in our heart, - it will definitely turn into the Sun of Good, which will do and the world is our kinder, and each of us is kinder, merciful and generous.

    Task at home.

- Guys, I propose to choose one of the tasks:

1) write down: how many good deeds you have done a week, describe one detail;

2) make up the rules of benevolence;

3) Talk to the house with family members, friends about good and evil. Remember the saints and tell in the next lesson, what kind of good deeds they made.

Aқmola Balza Bіlima Basқarmasynaң "Aukөl Audene Uryupin Auyla, Zhetim Balalar Men Ata-Anasynaң KamchlyғYNSYZ LғAN Balalarғa Arnalғan №1 ұұramdastrylғan Balalar үй" Communaldaқ Mecmotezі.

Communal institution "Combined orphanage for orphans and children left without parental care №1

village Uryupin Akkolsky district »Department of Education of the Akmola region.

Moral and cognitive conversation

"Good and evil. Good and evil works of man. "

Educator: Sidorenko R.V.

Objective: on the example of literary works available to children's perception, explain what sense people are investing in the concepts of "good" and "evil"; To form in children the desire to make good actions.

Guys, today we have an unusual occupation, we will talk about kindness with you. What is good? It's all good, beautiful, good: Spring, sun, smile, mom, teacher.

What is evil? This is something opposite to good: bad, bad, trouble, misfortune.

We live with you on the planet Earth. Kohl exists on the planet good and evil, then people can do good and evil deeds. Remember when you met in life good, and when evil?

Do you love to travel? Let's imagine that we went with you on a rocket in space. We landed with you on the planet of good. What did we see here with you? Let's be fantasized. (Children's responses).

And now let's go back to your planet to do good deeds.

Who loves dogs

Or other animals

Serious kittens

And carefree puppies.

Who can love and goat and donkey

That people will not make evil forever.

What kind of person can be called good? A kind person who loves people and is ready to help in a difficult moment. A kind person loves nature, protects her, loves animals and birds, helps them to survive in winter struran.

A kind person tries to be carefully dressed, polite, respectful in communicating with friends and adults.

Remember whether you often use good words? They are also called magical words (children's responses).

Polite words

Having met a bunny, Yuzh neighbor tells him: "..." ( Hello)

And his neighbor Eared replies: "Hedgehog, ..." ( Hello)

To the octopus of Kambala on Monday piled,

And on Tuesday, she said to her: "..." ( Goodbye)

Clumsy dog \u200b\u200bKostik mouse came on the tail.

They would fail, but he said "..." ( Sorry)

The shaking of the worm dropped from Bear

And for treating the fish to her having helped her: "..." ( Thank you)

And he was shouted to the whole dubray, "..." ( Bravo)

The thick cow of Lula ate hay and sneezed.

In order not to sneeze again, we say to her: "..." ( Be healthy)

But not just words, but also things should be kind, because as the proverb says: "Not clothes are painted by a person, and his good deeds." And you must remember that the work has begun must be made to the end.

Think and tell me what kind of good deeds can you do in the group, in nature, on the street?

Do you think it is difficult to be kind? What should I have for this? ( good heart, good soul). Let your soul be kind, like the hero of the poem A. Barto "Vovka - a kind soul."

Good to be at all just

Do not depend goodness from growth.

Does not depend a kindness of color

Kindness is not a gingerbread, not candy.

All of you love fairy tales, they meet good and evil heroes. Now we will play. I call a fairytale hero, and you answer, kind he or not. If you are kind, then you slap into your hands, if angry, then you close your face with palms.

Ivan Tsarevich

Koschei the Immortal

gold fish


Karabas Barabas.

Little Red Riding Hood

Swan geese


And what hero would you like to be like? Why?

Imagine that each of you have a little sun. This is the Sun-kindness. It is necessary for you yourself and close people to you. After all, love and help warmes, like the sun, what do you think, what is more good or evil in the world? Maybe it will help us learn ancient scales? On one bowl we will put evil (envy, greed, rudeness, betrayal, war, lie).

To defeat evil, you need to try to turn the bowl with good. (Children are suitable one by one, they talk about their kind and put their droplets on the scales, prepared in advance to the soft toy). Soon a bowl of weights with good outweighs the evil bowl.

You see, guys, how can you defeat evil. So in life: Drops of good, merging, turn into a stream, the rods in the river, the river in the sea of \u200b\u200bgood. Well, when a person leaves a good footprint behind. One sage said: A person lived not in vain if he built a house, the garden raised and raised the child. Let us and we will also make one good deed. On the blank sheet, each child sticks in advance prepared from colored paper Appliques: house, tree, figures of children, clouds, sun, etc.

How do we call our picture? ("Peace", "How beautiful this world is", "good wakes evil").

What feeling did you experience when did good deeds? (Do good is very nice, joyful).

Our lesson comes to an end. You are still children, but there are many glorious things ahead of you. You will make our planet beautiful, but before you should grow real people. This means that you should be brave, responsive, polite, kind, hardworking. After all, doing good is great!


1. Form the artistic and speech skills of children, develop a coherent, emotional speech.

2. Form in children on specific practical situations, works of children's fiction reports of good, about good deeds.

3. Make the children to understand that "good deed speaks for itself."

4. Rigging a negative attitude towards the amoral qualities of a person: evil, cruelty, envy.

5. To bring up the humane feelings in children, the skills of cultural behavior.

6. Creating children in the ability to determine the condition of a person by pictograms, relate the state of their mood with a certain color

7.Inppost in children respect for their peers, kids, adults, the desire to make pleasant, kind for them.


Umbrellas; colored paper; glue; Colored petals; pictograms (joy, anger); Pictogram reflecting the duality of man; proverbs; The story of E. Martyak "The worst"; Story V. Dannikova "Gallock"; An excerpt from the poem V. Soloukhina "Hello".

Preliminary work:

Reading works of fiction; conversations about good deeds and actions; memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings; games; Design of books for kids "Cheerful Costabilities".

Children! Today we have a lot of guests. Let's greet them and say "Hello!"

Children greet and sit on chairs.

- Hello!

Bowing we told each other

Although they were not familiar at all.

Hello? -

What did we say to each other?

Just "Hello",

More after all, we did not say anything.

Why did the sun gain in the world on the droplet? Why did the world gain in the world on a drip of happiness? Why did life become joyful on the droplet?

Children, what do you think, why does this happen?

Responses of children. With this greeting sign, we said: "I noticed you," "I wish you health" (answer options).

You are right, children. We greeted each other, smiled and answered us the same. And we felt warm, kindness emanating from all of us.

Touch to me kindness - and the disease will wash the wave, and the sadness will bypass, the soul of beauty will be illuminated.

But, unfortunately, there is not only good, but also evil. Let's think together with you:

1. What person can be called good? Responses of children.

2. And what - evil? Responses of children.

3. What is the mood of good people? Responses of children.

4. What does it seem good?

Answers children (flower, sun, ray, on mom ...).

5. What does evil look like?

Responses of children (cloud, pit, on dragon, blossom, cloud ...).

- Guys, look at these little men (pictograms are offered: joy and anger).

What do you think some of them are joy? Responses of children.

- How did you guess? Describe the state of joy. Responses of children (glowing, funny eyes; "mouth to ears"),

- And what person has this person (the illness icon is shown)? Responses of children.

- How did you guess?

Responses of children (scraps naughty, lips are compressed).

- Do you like it? Responses of children.

- What needs to be done so that this person is not angry, but has become fun and kind? Responses of children.

- Well done, children! And what color do you picked up for a good man? Responses of children.

- And for an evil person? Responses of children.

- And now I offer you facial expressions and gestures to try to portray a good person, an evil person.

Children show.

- Well done! Still, agree, as unpleasantly depicting an evil person.

Children, and look at this image (double-face pictogram).

What do you think it means? Responses of children.

- Yes, indeed, very often in us, as if two halves live. Ovea half persuades to be obedient, not to be capricious, do not hold, not to be lazy, to go to bed in time, etc. And the second, on the contrary - to climb somewhere, knock someone; A person can be stubborn, be evil, angry, dissatisfied and make bad acts. And if this second half will win over that first, then the person becomes all anger and evil.

Tell me, children, what should each of us should strive for? Responses of children.

Conclusion: Let us listen more often to the first half and give people joy, do good deeds and actions!

Children, in my basket multicolored petals. And I suggest you choose a petal corresponding to the mood of each of you. Children take on the petal.

- Let's all together form one flower.

What flower does it look like? And which girl had this flower, from what fairy tale? Responses of children (Tale V.Katayev "Flowery - Seven Sweets", girl-Zhenya).

- Imagine children as your petal can fulfill one of your desire. Think what will it be?

But before you say desire, let's say magical words:

Fly, fly petal, in the west to the east, north, through the south, to be designed by making a circle. Only touched you land to be in my opinion ...

The tutor gives a small comment on the desires of children and asks to call the desire of the Zhenya, which she brought a huge joy and satisfaction. And asks children to remember the proverb, which indicates what kindness should be.

- "Kindness without reason is empty."

Guys, remember how Zhenya joined the boy from joy. Your desires are also very kind, and they cause joy, raise the mood.

So I suggest to show this "dance of mood" Each child "composes" his movements.

- Well done!

Children sit down in chairs.

- Guys, today I dreamed wonderful dream. In a dream, a good fairy appeared to me. She said that he could transfer me to any fairy tale with a magic wand, but with one condition: I should help the heroes of fairy tales make it to avoid a bad end. I, like you, I think, I want to be in a fairy tale, but I find it difficult to think of anything. Maybe all together we can handle, and you can tell me.

Game Situation: "Tell me" fairy tales:

1. "Red Hood";

2. "Snow Maiden";

3. "Kolobok";

4. "Ryaba chicken";

5. "About fisherman and fish";

6. "Cuckoo". Responses of children.

- Thank you, children, for your kindness, you helped me a lot.

And now let's help one boy, his name is Vova. Listen to what happened to him: The story of E. Permakov "The worst thing" is read.

E. PermyakThe worst one

Vova grew up a strong and strong boy. Everyone was afraid of him. And how not to be afraid of this! Comrades he beat. Girls from the slingshot shot. Adult faces built. The dog has a gun on the tail. Kotu Murzee's mustache pulled out. Spiny hedgehog under the closet chased. Even with his grandmother bored.

No one was afraid of Vova. There was nothing scary. And by this he was very proud. Before proud, it is short.

It has come such a day when the boys wanted to play with him. Left it - and that's it. He ran to the girls. But girls, even the kindest, turned away from him.

Rounded then Vova to the gun, and he ran into the street. Wova wanted to play Murzees, and the cat on the cabinet was climbing and uncomfortable green eyes look at the boy. Angry.

I decided to smear Vova from under the hedgehog cabinet. Where there! The hedgehog has long been moving into another house.

Wova came up to grandmother. An offended grandmother even eye did not raise his grandson. It sits an old in the corner, stocking knits yes, tears wipes.

It came the worst of the most terrible, which only happens in the world: Vova remained alone. ONE-ODINES!

- What should Vova do to play guys with him, talked grandmother? Responses of children.

- Children, tell me, is it important that everyone learned about your good act? And how do you think, should it be necessary to talk about your good act?

Responses of children.

- And I know that Anya Lapteva knows one story about the boy Vitu. Listen to her.

Anya tells the story "Gallock".

V. DonnikovaGROOVE

Rain stopped. The boys ran into the glade, playing the ball. In the village after the rain, the Earth does not enhance for a long time. The grass is all in splashes, the edges of the groove wet, and the water is glittered in it. Who passes the groove, he will certainly slip, for the branches of the hazel will grab and the groove is scolding.

Vitya throws up the ball, but everything sees. Here is an elderly woman with a bidon - almost fell.

And so that you! - she was angry with the groove: - That's how much milk shed!

But the girl was not kept, fell into clay with his hands. Wiped hands - dress blurred.

Nasty Canvas! - I stuck the girl with my foot and ran away.

Hear Vitya, how to get his favorite groove. "And what is it nasty? He thinks. "From her, the birds drink water. Near her forget-me-not bloom. How many boats swam in it! "

When everyone went away, Vitya went to the grove, scored dry branches ... Made a transition.

Now you could go calmly.

People switched. No one fell. No one was slippery.

And no one knew who made such a convenient transition. Yes, it does not matter!

- For whom Vitya tried. When did the transition through the groove? Responses of children.

- Is it important for Viti so that people find out about his good act? Responses of children.

The conclusion "a good deed praises itself." Hurry to do good!

You will become a glorious person,

Neighure the cherished dream.

After all, you take with you on the road

Your little sister is kindness!

The bell ringing is heard.

- Hear the bell. And I think it's not by chance. We talked about good. But only good wizards appear with bells.

And what do you think, why? Responses of children.

- Children, yes here umbrellas and note. (White umbrellas)

- And what do you think from whom all this? Children's answers: from Ole - Lukee, read a note:

I know that you are very kind and friendly guys, and I allow you to dispose of these umbrellas

AT YOUR DISCRETION. I'm sure you will do everything right!


Children offer to decorate umbrellas with funny pictures and give guests.

As it is very important to good dreams dreamed not only to children, but also adults

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